HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fire 2019-09-01tt1co.www.tyco-fire,comworldwide Contacts LFPrM Antilreeze Agency Listed Solution for Fire Sprinkler Systems General Description LFPiM antifreeze is a pre-mixed freeze protection solution designed and listed for use in wet fire sprinkler systems. The solution is designed Ior systems subject to freezing temperatures that can cause damage to equipment or impede the proper function of the system. The solution has been devel- oped to meet the requirements of UL 2901 for compliance to the 2019 editions of NFPA 13, 13R, 13D, and the 2017 edilion of NFPA 25. LFPrM antitreeze remains in a liquid state at temperatures as low as -10"F C23,3'C). Upon operation of the sprinklers during a tlre event, the solu- tion immediately discharges from lhe sprinklers and is followed by water rrom the water supply. Use ot the solution in sprinkler systems eliminates the deliv- ery delay times associated with dry pipe systems. Allowable Temperature Range Minimum Use Temperature: -10"F (-23,3'C) Maximum Use Temperature: 1s0"F (6s'c) Fire Perlormance LFPTM antifreeze has been tested for exposure to fire and fire fighting etfectiveness. Sale Handling Procedures LFPrM antifreeze has been formulated to reduce risks to humans and the envi- ronment. Gloves and eye protection are recommended when handling LFPrM antifreeze. For addilional product infor- mation and Safety Data Sheet, see www.tyco-fire.com. Tllpical Properties Technical Data Appearance Liquid, colorless Freeze Point -13'F C25"C) Note: Freeze point is the tempetaturc at w h i c h c rysta I I izati on b eg i ns. Density at 77"F (25'Cl 9.4 lb/gal (t129 kg/m3) pH 7-a Conductivity'1000-1400 ps/cm Refractive lndex SeeTabls C Specilic Gravity So€ Table C Viscosity See Table D Pour Point -16.6"F C27'C) Cornpatibility The following materials ar€ compatible with LFPIU antitreeze: . Steel piping . Brass materials . Stainless sleel piping . Black steel . copper. Bronze . Cast iron . CPVC. PEX. EPDM. Natural rubber. Nitrile rubber (BUNA-N) . Styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) . Fusion bonded epoxy coated ductile iron gE@ For use with other materials, contact Technical Seruices. Transitioning from dissimilar piping materials requires a dielectric union. Approvals UL Certified (Listed) FBCr System Compatible ,votej FBC- System Compatible indicates that this oroduct has boen tested, and is monitordd on an ongo,rg basis, to assu/e its chemical comoatibilitv with FlowcuadGol., BlazeMaste4 a'nd Cozan@ pipe and fittinos. FBC'", Flowcuad Gold@, BtazeMa{te4 and Coaan@ arc licensed tradema*s ol The Lubrizol Corpotation or its alliliates. !-o* .,-* ,,rg Fer P= ,". Page I of 6 TFPI6AO eqi k sr OCTOBER 2OIA REV A TFPIGAO Page 2 ot 6 Tubing Size Approximate Gallons of Fluid/100 ft SteelSchedulo 40 Pipe Polybutylene Tube cPvc Pipe 1/2 in 2 1.5 3/4 in 2.5 3.5 2.5 1in 4.5 5 4.5 1 l/4 an 8 5.5 8 6.5 1 1/2 in 11 6.5 10.5 s.5 2in 17.5 8.5 16.5 16.0 2 1/2 in 25 24.O 3in 38.s 66.5 NOTES ' Valuos ar6 approximale TABLE B LFPIM ANTIFREEZE PIPE FILL Concentration ot LFPrM Antifreeze ok Specilic Gravity at 77"F l25"Cl Rerractive lndex at77"F l25"Cl 100 't-t22 - 1 129 13960 - 1.3995 TABLE C ACCEPTABLE PROPERTY RANGES OF LFPTA ANTIFREEZE FOR MIN'MUM USE TEMPERATURE -1O"F (23,3"C) Tempgralure 'F rc) Viscosity, Centipoise -10 (-23,3)86.7 36 (2.21 12.4 7O (21 .1)6.0 120 08,9)2.6 2.3 TABLE D LFPIN ANT'FREEZE vrscosrrvAcBoss TEMPERATURE RANGES lnitial Fluid Volume sal (L) Temperature Change 2O'F l-7"C)40'F (4'C)60'F (16'C)80'F (27"C)100'F 138"C) Approximate Fluid Expansion/Contraction sal(L) 25 (95)0.2 (0,8)0.4 0,5)0.6 (2.s)0.8 {3,0)1.0 (3,8) s0 089)0.4 (1,s)0.8 (3.0)1.1 \4,2)1.s (s,7)1.9 (7,2) 751284)0.6 (2.3)1.1 l4,2)1.7 16,4)2.318,7)2.9 01,0) 100 (379)0.8 (3,0)r.5 (5,7)2.3 \8.7)3.1 (11,7)3.9 04,8) 1s0 (568)1.1 14,2)3.4112,9)4.6l.17.41 5.8 (22,0) 200 \757)1.s (s,7)3.0 01,4)4.6 024)6.2123,5)z8 (2S,5) 250 (946)'t.9 17,2)3.8 04,4)s.7 (21,6)7.7 (29,1)9.7 {36,7) 300 (1136)2.318,7)6.9 (26,1)9.2 (34,E)11.6 (44,0) NOTES lnl.rpolalon and sxt/apolation can be.alculaled tor values outsrde lemperatures and wlumes ljsled inTable A. For.xanpl.s on calculatino ffuid erpa.sion and conlraclion, s$lh6 s€clionsttled Erpansion Exampl.and Contaclon Exahpl6, r6spoctively. TABLE A LF PIr. ANTI F R EEZE EXPAN SI O N 2.s 18,7) 4.6117,4) Copper Pipe Type L 4 in. 150 (6s.6) Design Criteria LFPIM antifreeze is a solution spe- cifically tested and listed by UL for use within the strict parameters and requirements in this Technical Data Sheet. All fire protection systems shall contorm to state, local, and NFPA requirements if employing the use of LFPrM antirreeze. Layout and Design Flow rates, pipe sizing, sprinkler spacing, hanging methods, and system design must be in accordance with NFPA 13. 13R, and 13D. Fire sprin- kler systems utilizing LFPr antifreeze shall meet the system size limitations as tollows: NFPA 13D No limitations on sprinkler syslem volume. Antifreeze shall only be used in above-ground piping, NFPA 13R - Occupancies with Dwelling Units Only No limitations on sprinkler system volume in buildings only containing dwellings. Antifreeze shail only be used in above-ground piping. NFPA l3R - Mixed Use Occupancies Where buildings contain mixed use occupancies that are ted by a single sprinkler system, the system size shall be limited to 40 gal 051 L). Where a sprinkler system feeds solely dwelling units, the system size has no limita- tions. Antifreeze shall only be used in above-ground piping. Where a system feeds non-dwelling units, it shall be limited to 40 gal (151 L). ll future build- ing renovations result in occupancy classification changes, a fire sprin- kler system evaluation must be per- formed to determine if any changes are required Ior the use of antifreeze. NFPA 13 Buildings with occupancy classifi- cations of Light Hazard and Ordi- nary Hazard Group 1 and 2 are limited to a sprinkler system volume oI 40 gal (151 L). Storage applica- tions using non-ESFR sprinklers are limited to a sprinkler system volume of 40 gal (151 L). @ LFPIM antifreeze is not listed lor use in prctecting extra hazard occupancies, tlammable liquids, ot use w,th ESFR sprinklers- Hydraulic CalculationsFor systems greater than 40 gal (15'l L), pipe sizing shall be determined using the TYCO Sprink- Calc Hydraulic Program and/or the Darcy-Weisbach and Hazen Williams methods. Because of the densily ot LFPTM antilreeze, the k-factor must be adjusted and the friction loss must be considered in the system design. The flowing pressures are to be based upon a k-factor calculated using the follow- ing equation: r-Txo= t.s+Kwl i KA = sprinkler klactot discharying the antifreeze solution Kw = spinkler K-factot discharging waler ^l A = density ol the antifreeze solution at the tefipeature used for testing in tb/tf Minimum Design Pressure The minimum design pressure of the sprinkler system must be the minimum required pressure for the sprinklers used. Fluid Sampling Valve Conneclion The riser must be installed in an area not subject to freezing with a minimum temperature of 40'F (4"C). A fluid sam- pling valve connection must be located at the top of each system riser. The sampling valves should be located for ease of access to the valve by contractors. The sampling connection will facilitate implementing the service requirements outlined in the Care and Maintenance section. TFPi6A0 Page 3 o, 6 Fluid Contraclion and Expansion Fluids expand and contract when exposed to changes in temperatures, resulting in changes in fluid density. Thermal expansion shall be taken into account when designing or retrofitting a sprinkler system that will use LFPIM antifreeze by use ot an expansion tank. Table A shows the thermal expansion or contraction of the solution at differ- ent temperalures in sprinkler system volumes, using the equation for sizing the expansion chamber due to thermal expansion in NFPA 13. These values and the NFPA 13, l3R, and 13D Standards lor the lnstallation of Sprinkler Systams can be used by the installer to determine the proper expansion or contraction arrangement of a sprinkler system containing LFPIM antifreeze. Expansion ExampleA sprinkler syslem conlain ing 50 gal (189 L) of LFPrM antifreeze is subjected to an environmental tem- perature of 0"F (-18"C) in the winter months and an increase of system tem- perature to 100"F (38'C) in the summer months, or a temperature change ot 100"F (38"C). This results in fluid expansaon oi approximately 2 gal (8 L). Contraction Example A sprinkler syslem containing 300 gal (1136 L) of LFPrM antilreeze is subjected to an environmental temperature of 70"F (21"C) with a later decrease in system tempera- ture to -10'F (-23"C), or a temperature change of 80'F (27'C). This results in a fluid contraction of approximately 9.2 qal (3s L). Expansion Tank A listed expansion tank must be installed in a system using LFPrM antifreeze to account for variations in system volume and pressure through- out the year. The vessel sizing should be based on the anticipated operating condi- lions the system will experience and the corresponding expansion values in Table A. TFP16A0 Page 4 of 6 Installation @E@ LFPIM antifreeze is pre-mixed at the tactory per NFPA 13, 13R, 13D. Do not dilute LFPIM antifreeze with water. Diluting with watet or other constitu- ents in the field can adversely impact the properties and perlormance of the solution. The functional life of the solu- tion may be impacted by the end use environmental conditions. lt is recom- mended to only use antifteeze in closed systems as oxygen can contribute to an increased rate of corrosion. New Systems Use the following guidelines when pre- paring a new sprinkler system for LFPIM antifreeze installation: l. Make certain the system has been outfitted with air vent valve(s) and fluid sampling valve connections per the plans provided by the sys- tem designer. The upper sampling valve(s) should be easily accessi- ble by contractors. The drain valves should be located and oriented in a way that allows a variety of connec- tions with ease. 2. The system should be air-tight to prevent leakage. 3. Use water to conduct a complete flush of branch lines and mains to prevent potential risks of contami- nants, Perform a pressure test to 200 psi (13,8 ba0, per NFPA 13, 13R, 13D, to ensure no leakage is present. Loss can be determined by drop in gauge pressure or vi- sual leakage. The water shall be completely removed from the sys- tem prior to introducing LFPrM anti- freeze to the system. 4, Prior to filling the system with LFPrM antifreeze, use an appropriate re- fractometer and/or hydrometer to test the solution to demonstrate compliance to property ranges in Table C. A detailed description of an appropriate hydrometer or re- fractometer can be lound in the sections titled Using a Hydrometer and Using a Refractometer, respec- tively. ll the solution is discolored or the container has dirt present, con- tact Customer Services. @I@ Storing or carrying the antifreeze solu- tion in any container other than the original may introduce contaminants and reduce the functional life of the solution. 5. Fill the system with LFPrM anti- freeze. The use of a pump with a backflow preventer and pressure capabilities to get the system to the supply pressure is recommended. For LFPrM antifreeze to work cor- rectly, purge as much air as pos- sible from the system. Acceler- ated corrosion may occur where air pockets exist in the system. 6. After filling the system with LFP'" antifreeze, test the system to veri- fy the solution has not been diluted. Take samples of the solution from a high and low point in the system. The test results from the samples shall be the same before and after installation for the installation to be successful, Perform a pressure test to 200 psi (13,8 ba0, per NFPA 13, 138. 13D, to ensure no leakage is present. Loss should be deter- mined by drop in gauge pressure or visual leakage. Existing Systems Use the following guidelines when pre- paring an existing sprinkler system for LFPrM antif reeze installation: 1. lnspect all sprinkler drops for me- chanical damage, corrosion, and leakage within the system. ll any damage is apparent, replace the sprinkler per NFPA 25. 2. The system should be air-tight to prevent leakage. Air vents are rec- ommended to reduce the oxygen in the system. 3. Use water to conduct a complete flush of branch lines and mains to prevent potential risks of contami- nants. Perlorm a pressure test to 200 psi (13,8 bar), per NFPA 13, 13R, 13D. to ensure no leakage is present. Loss should be deter- mined by drop in gauge pressure or visual leakage. The water shall be completely removed lrom the sys- tem prior to introducing LFPIM anti- freeze to the system. 4. Prior to fillang the system with LFPrM antitreeze, use an appropri- ate rerractometer and/or hydrom- eter to test the LFPrM antifreeze to demonstrate compliance to prop- erty ranges in Table C. A detailed description of an appropriate hy- drometer or refractometer can be found in the sections titled Using a Hydrometer and Using a Refrac- tometer, respectively. lf the solu- tion is discolored or the container has dirt present, contact Customer Services, r@ Storing or carrying the antifreeze solu- tion in any container other than the original may introduce contaminants and reduce the functional life ol the solution. 5. Fill the system with LFPrM anti- freeze. For LFPrM antitreeze to work correctly, purge as much air as possible from the system. Acceler- ated corrosion may occur where air pockets exist in the system. 6, After lilling the system with LFPrM antifreeze, test the system again to verity the solution has not been di- luted with remaining liquids in the system. Take samples ol the solu- tion from a high and low point in the system. The test results lrom the samples shall be the same before and after installation for the instal- lation to be successful. System Tag A system tag must be present on an antifreeze system main valve identity- ing the lollowing: . Type and manulacturer oI the anti- freeze solution used . Volume of antifreeze used . Percent concentration by volume of antilreeze used ll using LFPrM anlilreeze, the percent concentration by volume would be 100% since it is a pre-mixed solu- tion. A tag for inspection, testing, and maintenance can also be hung at the system riser to record annual testing data. Tag design is available on www.tyco-fire.com. Storage Store the product in original con- tainer and at a temperature between 40'F (4,4'C) minimum and 90'F (32,2"C) maximum. Do not mix the product with other liquids. Eye and hand protection are recommended when handling the antifreeze solution. Care and Maintenance The sprinkler system owner is respon- sible for the inspection, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and devices in compliance with this document, as well as with the applicable NFPA standards, in addition to the standards ol any authority having jurisdiction. Contact the installing con- tractor or product manufacturer with any questions. It is recommended that automalic sprinkler antifreeze systems be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified inspection, testing. and main- tenance service. Fluid Test At least once a yeaL an inspection, testing, and maintenance service shall take a measurement of the specific gravity or retractive index of the fluid in the LFPrM antifreeze system. The Iluid must be replaced il either prop- erty deviates from that originally sup- plied within the allowed tolerance, as specified in Table C. A detailed description of an appropri- ate hydrometer or refractometer can be found in the sections titled Using a Hydrometer and Using a Refractometer, respectively. A recommended hydrom- eter, refractometer and accessories are available ,or purchase, as listed in the Ordering Procedure section. It is required to have test equipment calibrated annually to reduce the risk of incorrect test results. Two test methods are acceptable per NFPA 25, and either may be used to verify that the anti- freeze is within the specilication limits. Using a Hydrometerl. Ensure that your hydrometer mea- sures specific gravity. The range of specilic gravily measurements should cover the acceptable spe- cific gravity range listed in Table C and the hydrometer should have in- crements ol at most 0.002. 2. Ensure the main supply valve is closed prior to taking a sample to test. lf the valve is open, supply wa- ter will be pulled into the system when the first sample is removed from the system. Test separate samples from the top of each sys- tem and at the bottom of each sYS- tem, or otherwise required by appli- cable NFPA standards. lf the most remote portion ol the system or the interlace with the wet pipe system is not near the top or the bottom of the system, additional samples must be checked. 3. Discharge a 1/2 gal (2 L) of fluid from the fluid sampling valve con- nection. Collect and seal the sam- ple in a clean and dry 3/4 gal (3 L) or larger container. Allow the sam- ple to warm until it reaches the min- imum temperature in Table C. 4. Once the solution reaches the mini- mum temperature, fill the 500 ml calibrated cylinder with the solu- tion and gently insert the hydrom- eter into the cylinder to allow it to float. Fluid may be added to the cylinder until the hydrometer is floating. Note the speciric gravity as shown on the hydrometer. Check the temperature using an appropri- ate thermometer. 5. Verify the specilic gravity falls with- in ihe acceptable range listed in Ta- ble C. lf the test results for all the samples are within the acceptable ranges, the inspection is complete. 6. lI the test results from any of the samples lall outside ol the accept- able ranges, drain out the system, and pump in new LFPrM antifreeze. Take samples and test again. lf the samples continue to fall outside of the acceptable specifications, then the system shall be emptied and vacuumed clean ol any remaining fluid. Recharge the system per the Existing System lnstallation sec- tion. lf the samples fall within the acceptable range, top olf the sys- tem lo replace the liquid removed for the samples. Using a Refractometer 1. Ensure that your refractometer is temperalure compensating and that it measures refractive index. The range of refractive index mea- surements should cover the ac- ceptable relractive index range list- ed in Table C and the refractometer should have increments of at most 0.0001. 2. Ensure the main supply valve is closed prior to taking a sample to test. lf the valve is open, supply wa- ter will be pulled into the syslem when the tirst sample is removed from the system. Test separate samples from the top of each sys- tem and at the bottom of each sys- tem, or otherwise required by appli- cable NFPA standards. ll the most remote portion of the system or the interface with the wet pipe system is not near the top or the bottom of the system, additional samples must be checked. 3. Discharge a 1/2 gal (2 L) of fluid from the fluid sampling valve con- nection. Collect and seal the sam- ple in a clean and dry 3/4 gal (3 L) or larger container, 4. To measure the refractive index, use a digital refractometer that is temperature compensating. Fill the well in the refractometer with solu- tion and shut the cover. Note the refractive index as shown on the refractometer. 5. Verify the refractive index lalls with- in the acceptable range listed in Ta- ble C. lf the test results for all the samples are within the acceptable ranges, the inspection is complete. 6. lf the lesl results from any of the samples fall outside of the accept- able ranges, drain out the system, and pump in new LFPrM antifreeze. Take samples and test again. lf the samples continue to fall outside o, the acceptable specifications, then the system shall be emptied and vacuumed clean of any remaining fluid. Recharge the system per the Existing System lnstallation sec- tion. lf the samples fall within the acceptable range, top ofl the sys- tem to replace the liquid removed for the samples. @ Contaminants or other foreign materials within asprinkler system may adversely impact the properties and pertormance of LFPIM antilreeze. Refer to the lnstal lation section for instructions on flush- ing and recharging the system if the solution falls outside of the acceptable range since the last inspection. @ Use of LFPTM antifreeze shall be in con- formance with all state and local health and environmental regulations for the location where it is installed. lf a small amount of antifreeze solution is spilled, absorbent towels are recommended to clean up spill, Towels used to clean up spill can be disposed of in the garbage. Use caution following a spill as the floor may remain slippery in the arca of the spill. Consult with a local waste water treatment plant or council for informa- tion on procedures to lollow for the dis- posal of large amounts of waste water Disposal Any disposal of LFPIM antifreeze shall be in conformance with all federal, stale, and local waste regulations. Refer to the LFPTM antifreeze Safety Data Sheet for more details. TFP16A0 Page 5 of 6 Limited Warranty For warranty terms and conditions, visit www.tyco-fire.com, Ordering Procedure Testing lnstruments Recommended instruments for testing LFPrM antilreeze for installa- tion or maintenance can be purchased through FISHER SCIENTIFIC, using the following part numbers: Hydrometer...... Graduated Gylinder Thermometer..... Refractometer.... 13202421 . . 115822 13241641 1256r346 ,a00 Ponnbrook Parkway, Lansdale, PA 'l9446 l Telephone +1-215-362-0700 r ruu'ci ro cbno' *(h'ur no{4 Johnson UI.,I Controls TFPI630 Page 6 of 6 Contact your local distributor for avail- ability. When placing an order, indicate the full product name and Part Number (P/N). LFPrM Antifreeze Specify: LFPrM Antifreeze, (specify net contents), P/N (specify): Palet ol5 gal(19 L)paiLs, 36perpa||el........................54028 Pallet of 30 gal 1114 L) drums, 5perpal|et.........................5402S Note: Minimum order quantity is 1 pallet, 36 pails or 5 drums.