HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2019-06-21Friday June 21st, 2019 Umpqua Dairy Attention: Gllbert Gordon, Deputy Fire Marshall Proiect Address: 750 :t0s St, springfield, OR 97478 City tot: 811-18.{X12880-SIR Description: The following has been sent over as a submittal Enclosed ltems: Drawing C2.0 - Utility Plan west Drawing C2.1- Utility Plan East Drawing C4.2 - Water Details Submittal. a). C900 pipe product data - Blue Brute (2 pages) b). Tracer Wire - Regency. (1 page) c.) C152 and Cl10 Mechanical Joint - Tyler Union. (2 page) d.) MechanicalJoint Restraint - Romagrip (4 pages) e). Bolt Kit. (1 page) g). Rubber Gasket. (1 page) h). Resilient Wedge Gate Valve (3 PaBes) i). Double Check Detector Assembly - Wilkins (5 pages) l). FDC Assembly - Dixon (5 pages) r.rrlnqlleld l'lre Marsna s \''rr'-" *,.-'. rrlb-i,i.d iofcrmetioo, thcsc pleos eppcer corr. 'e ,ilr'i. -i"irt. ..i"ittito" f"t ri.. aod Li{c Safetv of tLc ',;ll!::I; u-Fc;;'.dopted bv ordioaoce bv the citv of sprisr'r -;,X;,,i-;;,;"Jnoi"d ",.i'p'ion' "'e ritachcd end on fle 'r: l;E;r";il;;;;i;il ri' r"r-'t.^t ' "irice Aoprovel o{ rubmi::a' rLr:rr' ts not an rppro'el ot omustons or oversi3['u ol the co& l' '& W--r*-rta% A\ JM €agle ?;:,';'i:1,ii,i:,':::) .".\z BLUE BRUTE'" \ 33 11 00 2.01 I Pages t D o.D. 0 O.D. : Oursicl€ Olarn6t6r 0a : 86llOut6ido Oiam6t6r E : Drtanca b6tw..n Aas€mbly Mark to I l- T t.D. E As6embly Ma.k Product Standard Pipe Compound: Gasket: lnteg.al Bell Joint: Certifcations: ANS|/AWWA C900 ASTM D1784 Cells Class '12454 ASTM F477 ASTM D3139 ANSI/NSF Standard 61 UL Standard 1285 Pipe Length: 20 feet laying length AWWA C605 JM Eagle- lnstallation Guide PIPE SIZE (tN) AVEBAGE O,O (tN) NOM. I.D (lr{) MIN. T. 0N) MIN, E (tN) APPBox. D' {tNl APPROX. I,VEIGHT {LBS/FT) PRESSURE CLASS 165 p6i (DR 25) 4 4.80 4.39 0.192 5.25 5.57 1.9 6.90 6.31 o.276 6.40 8.00 3.9 8 9.05 8.24 0.362 7.05 10.50 6.7 10 1 1.10 1 0.16 0.444 L20 12 88 10.1 12 13.20 12.08 0.528 15.31 14.4 PRESSURE oLASS 2ss psi (OR 18)' 4 4.80 4.23 0.267 5.25 5.87 2.6 6 6.90 6.09 0.383 6.40 8.43 5.3 I 9.05 7.98 0.503 7.05 11.06 9.2 10 1 1.10 9.79 0.617 8.20 '13.57 13.9 12 13.20 11.65 0.733 8.80 16.13 19.7 PRESSURE CLASS 305 psi (DR 14)' 4 4.80 4.07 0.343 6.90 5.86 6.40 8.87 6.7 I 9.05 7.68 0.646 7.05 11.63 11.6 '10 1 1.10 9.42 0.7s3 L20 12 13.20 11.20 0.943 8.80 16.97 25.1 lnstallation HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec. 10 Ln 2 Vendor: 74630 SUBMITTAL AND DATA SHEET Consull Jl\,1 Eagle " for CSA and othor lisling availability prior to shipmeni. l{otc:'FM Approvals Pressure Class 150 psi tor DR 18 and 200 psi for DR 14. 8.80 0.493 14.27 17 .6 HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec. 10: Ln 13 Vendor: 71800 33 'l 1 00 2.01 CIOD NON.PRESSURE FITTING SPECIF]CATIONS GPK CIOD NOI{-PRESSURE FITTINGS Shallbe manulacturad lrom pvc C-900/C-905 94)e that has a mrnrmum cell classrficallon of ,l2454 as defined rn ASTM O 1784 Tho pu.por! ol GPK inlino linings is to convey munrGpal sanilary and industrial wasles. sto.m wat9r runoff and many other relatod applkatrons They a,e designod to be us6d in g€vity iow and low prsasu€ applicatons not to erceed 108 psi 30 Fabri€lrd Fltingr ar€ produced in sees 4' Itrough 24'diarnelor A fabncated fling rs consk srod any fittng msdo lrom pipe o. a combrnatpn ol prp€ and molded componeflts. 40 Chamlcd Raii3tenca. GPK littrnos aesrsl attack lrom cgrlarn alcohols alkales sall soluttons, acids and othe. lypes ol chemrcals. Reler to chemrcal rcsrsiance chsrl for suitabilty 50 8.ting. GPK filtings shall bo marked with applicablo srz€, "PVC'. company nerno o. logo. ard DR14. OR18 or DR25 NoaPrs6suro. The fittings andror packagng siall ncbd€ th6 manutaclurels dat€ and shrfi code. 60 Tclting. A lest alter inslallahon of eilher low p.esslJre air (Unr-&6) or a water inliltralion-exfilt.atlon tast is rocommended. 7 0 Bl6klilllng and Tdttplng. Backfillng should follow closery after assembly of prpe and fittings 7.1 Bacmlhg r,vilh 9rop6r material is 'mportant to achhve desir€d d€nsity in haunching afoa rvtndr ehables prpo, fftng and sdl to work togethoa lo rleet desi0ned load .oquiren€ots. This elin natg6 ercess dgllection and shgar b.eaks dus to h6avy loads Approvcd malri.l Bhall bc u.ed propedy, comp.cted contineouily .bovc end .round lhe pipg and fittrogs as ,rell as bstween the litr.lg ald lrench wall A cr.rshpn ol approved matg.ial rp to a minimlm of 12' ov€f tho fittings and bet'rvoon rle trench walls shall be applied in accordance with the engineer3' spocilicatons l amprne. r hrs snal be done oy nano lamprng ol me embeomehl ftalenal Detween me trench wall of the seruce lirle fiiing and nser @nnection Tamping can also be done by mechanical lampers or by using waler to consofidate ths embedmenl male.ial. Extrtmt unatabL ground condltlon3 may requrrs wrder lrGndles to onable you to compacl a laro€r arca a,ound the o|ae and filrnos lo lhe dehsrty consislenl ol lh6 orornal orolrnd surlace condirons. 80 SUMMARY: Sorvic. Lln6. Normally. servlca linos from lhg prop€rly line lo the @lloclion sewff shoqld b€ a minimuh depth of 3 feet at the prcpedy line and shouH b€ laid 'n shabht atignm€nt and unitorm srL,!,e ul rl(Jt l€r5 lrlalr l/4'},l, I(,Ut r(',l {',rolln"dr pi}i, dd l/E Ps! fq.rl fur O_ pipE. Wl|t,lc L{rligLriul sewors are deepe. lhan 7 leel a verlical standp'pe of slack is pormitted bul nol recomm6ndad. conslJll the projoct englnosr [or proper r1sl,alla]o.1 det6rl9. Ooep sarer (hrmney and rise6 necsssrlate sxremo ca,e dunng backlillrng. Whor6 su.fac6 loading is anticipatod lhe final backtill must be compactod to a densily compatiblg with thos6 surfaco loads lo b€ encountor€d 8 1 Blcktilung around plpa sdvlco hor'b on dopa. Ertra atl€ntion should b€ givoh oh slop€s lo prevent the newty baclfilled lrench fio.n becoming a 'Freoch Orain' Before backflling complolely thgls 16 a lendoncy lor ground and sutface walff lo tolb, lhc drootbn of lhc loogcr .oil. This iow 'n6y \r6sh out aoil from under or oround plpo ond branch lne fitlrngs. reduclng or elrminatng the $pport needed. To avod lhis problom the backlillino should be cf groater compaclion. Tamping should bs dono in 4'layers and contnued in thrg manner all the way up to gro{.rnd or surlace hne of lhe uencrl Concrela collars or olher concrcle pouaod around tho fittmg to Stabtlize unwanled movemenl is rccofimended lo prevent waler from undercutftng the und€rsido of tho pipo and finings Due lo various ground co.ditoos and diffe.ent situalioos, instalation leciniquos vary wid€ly W. w.ranry oLir p.oducls to be free of m.nulrcture/r defects. We wil rlol .epl.cc th. producls lhat a.e rnstallad or used nco,Iectly. Ttre dEsign ot f!€ syst€ms lhat our p.oduct as usod in is a lacto. Ihat c€nnol be ove.looked. 1s06 l 20 1.0 HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec. '10. Ln 6 Vendor:830'10 31 20 00 2.o2 B REgsrq \rreIe Cable Tracer Wire Specifications Sheet Description & Features : Tracer Wire is a solid copper conductor insulated with a linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE), or high density polythylene (HDPE). Both are classified as high molecular weight polyethylene (HMWPE) that provides excellent abrasion, crush, chemical, oil and moisture resistance. Application : Suitable for direct burial to facilitate the detection and tracing of underground utility systems. rr+ construction : Conducto.: Solid or stranded copper per spec ASTM &1, 83, or 84. lnsulation: Yellow, Blue, an other colors, subject to minimum run), high molecular weight polyethylene lnstallation: Trac€r wire should be installed adjacent to (on lop or beside) the pipe being traced and car be covered by soil when the utility trencfi is bscklilled. Tracer wire is designed for direc* contact with soil. This specific€tion desc{ibes a single conduclor tracer wire. lt is intended to carry a radio signal to aid in the location of buried utility lines. The wire may be identilied by surface printing, indicaling manufacturer, conduclor size. Custom Legends available. lil Conductor Standard Lengths Product Wgt. AWG Strands o.D.Put.Up ( Lbs./Mft ) 14 Solid 0.030 0.124 500 ft 17.4 14 Solid 0.045 0.'154 500 ft 20.0 12 Solid 0.030 0.141 500 fr 24.5 Ctz)Solid 0.045 0.1't1 500 ft 30.0 Solid 0.030 o.162 500 ft 39.3 Solid 0.045 0.192 500 ft 43.010 I AII products manufactured in Sikeston, MO Nominals (in ) lnsulation 10 Ittt HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec 25: Ln 57: Sec 25: Ln 58:Sec 25: Ln 59: Sec.25: Ln 60r Sec.25: Ln 61:Sec.25: Ln 70 Vendofl 84890 r3r'L. TYLER UNION' Ou.llty Xr.t.rrsrlr ?roductr ooMEsTtc f, SUBMITTAL: C153 MECHANICAT JOINT PRODUCT - i.-L I .tl I 23U - ANS|/AWWA Crs3/A21.53 Mechanical roint Compact Ouctrle lron FmlnBs R.vir€d a/2018 NON.OOMESTIC AO LTS +2" - 64" {2" not 'nclud.d in ANil/AwWA Clrl st.nd.rdl AiISUAWWA C153/A21.53, NFPAl3/24. 3".16" UL and 3"'ld FM tsted & approved (File . Tyler Union) Cast of ASTM A536 qualified ductile iron. Oate code i5 cait on and required Ior traceability. 'Flang€d fittinSs rated .t 250 p5i. Mechanical joints 2" - 24" .ated at 350 psi and 30" - 48' at 25O p5i. 'Note: With rubber annular ring tlante gallel. 2- - 24" Fla.Sed ,ittin8s can be rated at l50 pii. Note: \ ryes over 12" are not pressure Gted. Contact Tyler Union tor ratint in your applicalion. diameter! MeeB all requiremenls in€luding Annex G, Tyle. Union's Underwriterr Laborato.y listing Mk15439. Per ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4 and ANSI/AWWA C15l/A21.53. Per ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4, wrth double cement lininS available upon request. tu5ion bonded eooxy oe, ANSUAWWA C1l5/A21.15. Addilpnal Goatins5 av.ilable upon reouest. Available upon requ€5t. Hith strength low alloy weathering ste€l pe. ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11 .nd ASTM A242 lnstall p€r AWWA C60O/C651 usint prp€ conforhin8 to ANSI/AWWA C15t/A21.51 or AWWA C9{n/905. I i-S -T (rJo DlMatBlON5 I'r It\lCHEl I Hub C Di.. 6tatlo D 0,.I Di.. 6t tD ( 0'.(t 0i.- GI.ANO I t t5&.A Oia. Or PD. 2 2,tt 2 50 ! 50 3 60 2 5l a.75 6.19 689 0.58 052 0 !6 0.!O 3la 5/Ar! o.33r.96 '.to aa aJ4 t$ 6.19 ?-52 7.60 0.ll 0.62 t r.r ,tr.or{E7rc,s,r/ ua! rrrt ,i.3, O.a.l 1/6 Xlo a:o se a.u tao tJo u.o6 rr.u oJ! ola or! oja TL virrlv2 q ,lI 9.05 2.$ LO 17 lO 27 9.19 tl 75 13.3r r!.3' 0.a5 1.@ 0.r5 0.3E 1lE ro u.10 zso u.2, r:.!4 [20 u.o 1:r.ll 1,3.6] o.m 1,o oJ? o.0 I ala,I I Iu 13.:o 2 to r. 32 la /u r!.!o 16 29 17at 17.8t 0.73 r.o 0.4' 0.a2 7ll 3/ar4 53T-- zo.rs a79 125 oJs 0.47 1la !41+U2 l0la 15ao 3to 16lD 155a l5{a la75 ll l2 16 t8 210)a3! tE I :!a cao 19 50 15C t50 rE 50 20@ l7:a 2t a3 2?v 2! '520.14 l9 5rt !:o 2270 228tt 7t.14 2550 27.Or 2r.A 102 1/U 0.64 0.r' lla al4'+u2 !a20 :r.@ 24 :to 25.EO ,:@ ,50 .190 26 !p t! 29 27 0a 25.!ra 33 4a J2 17 no rl.3t 354! 39 12 3t-:o 39 l: t0:l!6 2@ 0_61 t6 t0 ai.oo r.as 20 1-o 0.7a !-r/3 D6 21r 3E.30 a50 !9.,9 !976 3a.a7 4375 5.@ 50.52 53.12 53.12 r 49 2.00 1.25 0.82 l-3l8 L1/!!q!4 ?8a2 4/t,5O ,t.50 45 79 49 96 44.67 l:5750 60.0 60.fi r,45 ZO 135 0.9052.26 50.97aa 50to a.lo t4 AvdLhbg'!q'!!al 54 Alrninon: 15Ol W l/i5t-. Annino., AL 36201. (Eml226-7@1 cqqE: r@l tl C.n no ^E . (u.ond, CA 92!79 . (!66) !17-!.71 II|!1 ll9toc4 492. Tdet, r.rri 75I)6. i8m) 527-847E QJts!! rl0r Av€ 5 5ultelm. Gr.nd! ft.tr..lr 75o5o Itr.r: 701 bnyon Avr.. €lm€r, New.l.rseyO33l8 |..t lElor: 12@ wcrr tt.wn. llc* I.nur, lt toall to.dd: lS5?O N. tornb.rd !t . Pstr.nd, OR 97203 g!hG! lEoo Greenbr'€r D€a. ioad .Am6lon, Ar 35207 gtrt: ll^rcAtrDs: $lltBAt: lll3turt lllltl6: offtfcTH)r{ : ll${l I tGf,tz: ASfitArr co^nr6: CtlllXI Utlll6r E OIY COATI'.6: aart f mtici: rl3txt6: fiSlAUlnoi: T. I ,"- [l HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec. 30: Ln 82 Vendori 84890 FL. TYLER UNION' Quallty Wrtarworls Product3 28u - ANSUAWWA C1l0/A21.10 Class 125 Flange Joint Full Body Oucllle tron Frttangs Rlrh"d 4/2018c lnll3; +sIAtIo ros: MAt:llAl.: ttlln rI ranxG DOMESTIC NON.DOMESTIC i/teets all req!irefienl5 ircludint Annex G, Tyler Union's Underwriteri Laboratory listing MHl6439 r Primer per ANSI/AWWA C104/421.4, Standard prmer ir Tnemec Pota Pox Nl40-1211 acl yler Union fo. addrtiooal coatinB oplion5. Per ANSI/AWWA Cl04/421.4. w'th double cement linrng .vailable upon request. Fulion bonded epoxy pe, ANSI/AWWA C116/A21.15. Additronal coating5 available upon .equest. Avail:hlF rrp6n req"e( ANS| Cla5s 125 pe. ASME 816.1 and ANSI/AWWA C1l1/A21.11. Eolr holes shallstraddle thecenter line M)TE: CLii 125 ASME 816,1ara not comp.tiblc wlth Class 250 flantcs ttO?E: Cl...l5O AIME 316.! ftttlnr. .r..v.ll.bl. upon r.eu..!. HiSh strengih low alloy wearhering steel per ANSI/AWWA Cl11/A21.11 and ASTM 4242 l..tall p€. AwwA C600/C651 urin8 p,p€ conformirlg to ANSI/AWWA Cl51/A21.51 80rTs Siz€ lnches Dizmpt.r Dl Pipe Flange o.D B.C. Diameter tlange Thickneis T Bolt Hoh frameter Sire QtY z 2.57 5.00 4.75 0.62 0.750 518 \ 2-U4 4 3 3.96 7.50 6.00 0.75 0750 518t2-,/4 4 4 4.80 9.00 7.50 o.94 0 750 5/8x3 8 6.90 11.00 9.50 1.00 0.87s 3llxU/2 8 I 9.05 13.50 11.75 1.12 0.87s 314\3.L/2 E 10 11.10 16.00 14.25 1.19 1.m0 7l8x 4 !2 t2 13.20 19.m 17.m 1.25 1.m0 7lax 4 12 t4 15.30 21.00 18.75 1.38 1.125 tr+1/2 12 16 77.40 23.50 2L.25 7.44 1.125 1,x4-]./2 1.6 18 19.50 25.m 22.75 1.56 1.250 1-118xS 16 20 21.60 27.50 25.@ 1.59 1.250 1-1l8r5 20 a 25.80 32.00 29.sO 1.8a 1.375 7-ll4 ,. ,U2 20 30 32.@ 38.75 36.00 2.72 1.375 r-U4xr7/2 2A :l5 38.30 45.m 42.7'2.38 1.625 \-1/2 \7 32 12 44.* 53.00 49.50 1.625 1-112r7-L/2 36 /A 50.80 59.50 56.m 2.75 1.625 1-1/2x8 44 54 Ava,lable on Reauest 60 Av:ileble on Raqu6t 64 Av.rlable on R.qo6t @ Amltton: lSOl w 17' 5r. . Annlnon. At 35201 . (Up) 115'7501 @!9!!: roor rrcr" noav. .corund.ca!r07t.(t661 !2t,647r Ii!!t lr9l0cR 492. Tyler, rer.! ,5 706 . l80O) 52 7-8478 gJ!:ii l2ol A( S Suile rm . 6..nde 'i.n'!. Ix 7!O5O EOg:701 x..yon Ave. Eh€r. il€r ,?ll.y0lllE !!!l!gg!i rrco we't d.Er'. (rw L.nor, [ 6(}.rr i94E!4 15610 N. (ont d 5i. . Po.n:'Dd. oi 97201 ffi.di la@ 6.enbn6 oc.' ioad .Am6lon. A 35207 Df ft"rc?ro{: ,{sr{r I lrsrr,, coantac: ctittr{r Ltrl,lG: TPOIY COAI116irtr arttlxG( FLAT'GES: fASf tiSr rtlSTALlAnOal: SUBMITTAL: C110 FLANGE JOINT CTASS 125 PRODUCT '. '-i'l'\\ i ' 1r'' r:( i' ll ,r.' lr1.r (rl ri:lri 2" - Gr" (Contact rr.r Union for 5rl" c2l, flln6c {ittin6 rnfor.n.tion} ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10, NFPA 13/24. ASM€ 815.1, 3" - l2" UL ljrted and FM approved Ca5t of ASTM A536 qualified du(tile iron. Date code i5 cast on and required lor traceability. 'tlanted fittingl '2" - 48" rared at 250 pli. 54" - 54" rared at 150psi. 'Note: With rubber annular ring tlang€ galkel,2' - 24" llan$ed litti^gs can be rated at 3y) pri. Defledion is "not" recommended for flanSejoint due to the rigidity of the joint. FLANGE DETAITS IN INCHES t_ 2.62 HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec 25: Ln 62 Sec. 25: Ln 63 Vendor: 82790 Apnl4, 2016 ROMAC INDUSTRIES, tNc. 1-800-426-9341 MAOE IN U.S.A RomaGrip" for PVC Pipe Ohrd: Ducd6 (noArlar) koh, n|oadng or oxc6odiig ASru A S35, Grads 65-4$1 2. G..k!t: SBR, compound€d for water and s€w€r 6€rvic6 ln acco.dsnc. wilh ASTM O 2000 MBA 71 0. OOr6r compounds availabl€ lo. p.Uol6um, cllemica!. d hagh l€lnp.ralura 6€Mce. R..trllnlng Bol!.: 7/8 -€ roll thredd, Ductil€ (nodular) iron, m6€lin9 or exce6ding ASTM A 536. Raalrrlnlng Lug.: Du.lil6 (noduler) iron, msellng or exc€€ding ASTM A 536. Haat lreatod using a propriotary proc€s6. Torquc Otl Boltr t+oft..nd lulr: HSLA slo€lT-h.ad bot. Natiooal coalso roll€d thr6ad and h6avy h.r nd. Sts€lrn€€ts AWWA Clrl compqilion sp€dications. Stainl€ss sl66land R€lu6 aveil.bb upon requ€st. Coadnga: Shop coat appli€d lo ca3l parts for conosi,on prot€clion in lransil, Romabond polyaslor svailauo upon rcqucsl, U..r C900 Claas 235 6nd Class 3O5 4'-12, C90514!24", IPS 3q12' Cla66 1 m and gr€atar and Sdr. 40 I 80. Fo. thin wall pipe such as IPS PVC (163s than Glais 160) C9(}9 End ClasB 165 C9O0 (s€€ hsiallallon Not fon uaa on polyattyLna or ducdla lron plpa. ROMAGRIP lor PVC (pvc-Romactp onry ) NOU. PIPE stzE RANGE BANOED OUANflTYSHOP COAT ROMABOND 3'3.50 3' RG.PVC.O 9#5 I 4.50-4.80 4' RG.PVC.D 11#5 6 6' RG-PVC.D 141 r 8.63-9.05 8' RG-PVC"O 1A*5 10'10.75-11.10 22*3 12"12.75-13.20 12' RG.PVC.D 28#3 14',15.30 'I4' RG.PVC.D 47# 17.40 16" RG-PVC-O 53# 1 19.50 I8' RG.PVC.D 68# 2r.60 20'RG.PVC.D 72# 24 25.80 24'RG.PVC-D 95# 7-A aDEo G(J '6o CL aD (! a,(, = C@I.d fl. p9. and *dy rf ROMAGRIP for PVC Accessory Pack (Bomacrip, Gasket, Bons and Nuis) ACCESSORY PACKNOM. PIPE stzE RANGE CATALOG NUUBER T- BOLTS OUAl,lTrY: SIZE WEIGHT (..J EEEI{FED ffi no ABot{o STD B&}I no Agot{o R.BLUEISE CRATE OUANTIIY 3.50 11#54 >4.50-4.80 4' RG.PVCAP.D 80 I ))o.os-o.so 6" RG-PVCAP-D 6: 3/r' x 4'20t 48 I r 8.63-9.05 8" RG.PVCAP.O 6: 3/." x 4"24*30 10.7s-11.10 1O' BG.PVCAP.D 30# 2 12.75-13.20 ,I2' BG-PVCAP.D 37t 14'RG-PVCAP.D 58# 16'RG.PVCAP.D 68# 19.50 18'RG'PVCAP-D 80# a7#20'RG.PVCAP-D 24 25.80 24'RG.PVCAP-D 16: 3/r" x 5"112* TT EI ffirffi NOTE: 4,,- t2" spocial Fomac gaskot works on both tPS and C-gOO ODs. 1 R-BLUE Bolts and Nuls, see pags 9_3lor more informalion @@ d$rFl fr 8" Romacrlp lor PVC l C Accossory packs ar6 availabl6 with slalnless sl6€llasteners. Call lor pdc6 and avallabilily. CATALOG NUMEEB WEIGHT (ea.) 6.63-6.90 1O'RG.PVC.D 2 153 3' RG.PVCAP.D 10tol." x 4'h" 12.r1." \ 41lr' E: r/." x 4" 8:'/Lta_l1;;i; t'nl1rw;C 12 1ll' x 4\ h" I 1 T8- 21.60 T4-l_ rilo16T- 1?,40 4:5h"x3" l !|?l!? .rt:sgl1ganv submittar Veodor: 82790 ROMAC INDUSTRIES,INC. ROMAGRIP TM MECHAN ICAL JOINT RESTRAINING GLAND FOR STEEL AND DUCTILE IRON SIZE POLWINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) PIPE 3 THROUGH 12 INCH SUBMITTAL INFORMATION MATdERTALS(- Gaskets USE Restraining Bolt Restraining Lugs Coatings The Romac Romacrip restraining gland is used for the restraint of mechanicaljoint valves, fittings, and fire hydrants in water transmission and fire protection lines. The RomaGrip replaces cos y concrete thrust blocks, corrodible steel tie rods and clamps. Ductile (nodular) iron, meeting or exceeding ASTM A 536, Grade 65-45-12. A Romac Dl / IPS combination gasket may be used on either Dl or lps size pipe. Gasket compounded for water and sewer in accordance with ASTM D 2000.4 standard MJ gasket may be used with this fitting on Cg00 pVC pipe. An MJ X IPS transition gasket is used for IPS size pipe. 7/8 -9 roll thread, Ductile (nodular) iron, meeting or exceeding ASTM A 536. Ductile (nodular) iron, meeting or exceeding ASTM A 536. Heat treated using a proprietary process. Shop coat applied to the casting for corrosion protection in transit. Fusion bonded Romabond Polyester coated glands and Xylan coated restraining bolts and lugs optional. PERFORMANCE PIPE MATERIAL stzE WORKING PRESSURE RECOiIiIENDED TOROUE FOR T€OLTS RECOI{ ENDED TORQUE FOR RESTRAINING BOLTS PVC - D.l. SIZE (C900 Class '165)4" - 12"RATING OF PIPE 45 - 60 FT-LBS 30 - 40 FT-LBS PVC - D.l. SIZE (C900 Class 235 & 30s)4"-12 RATING OF PIPE 75 . 90 FT.LBS IORQUE OFF HEADS PVC -'CLASS PIPE'(lPS Size Less than ASTM D224 Class 160)3',- 12.RATING OF PIPE 45 - 60 FT.LBS 30 . 40 FI-LBS PVC - "CLASS PIPE" (lPS Size ASTM D224 Class 160 & 200)3.RATING OF PIPE 45 - 60 FT-LBS TORQUE OFF HEADS PVC - "CLASS PIPE' (lPS Size AST[, D224 Class 160 & 200)4. - 12"RATING OF PIPE 75 - 90 FT.LBS TORQUE OFF HEADS PVC - SCHED. 40 & 80 ASTM DI785 3 RATING OF PIPE 45 . 60 FT-LBS TORQUE OFF HEADS PVC . SCHED. 40 & 80 ASTM D1786 4', - 12"RATING OF PIPE 75 - 90 FT.LBS TORQUE OFF HEADS PVC - D.t. S|ZE (C909)4"-6'75 - 90 FT-LBS 30 - 40 FT.LBS PVC - D.t. S|ZE (C909)235 PSt 75 - 90 FT-LBS TORQUE OFF HEADS PVC - D.t. S|ZE (C909)10' ' 12"150 PSt 75 - 90 FT-LBS TORQUE OFF HEADS DUCTILE IRON NOT COiiPATABLE wlTH RG+VC STEEL ASBESTOS CEMENT FIBERGLASS HDPE -PRESSURE S ARE DESIGNED WTH A 2:1 SAFTEY FACTOR / ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION 5 DEGREES 3.12" FM approved for A\ ^/VA C900 pipe class 15O and 200, 4"-12" Document Number 05-8-0020 g/15 This intormation is based on the b€st data available at the dale printed above, please check with Rornac Engineering Departmed for any updates or changes. Ph00e (425) 951 6200 . Toll Free 800 426 9341 . Fax (425) 951 6201 . www.romac.com FM Approval PIPE HD Fowler Gompany Submittal Sec. 30: Ln 78 Vendor: 82790 Ap l4, 2015 ROMAC INDUSTRIES. lNc. 1-800-426-9341 www.roma6.com Glrnd: Ductjl€ (nodular) iron, meeting or .xceoding ASTM A 5A6, Grade 6$4512. Gaaklt : 3-24" siz€s: A standerd MJ gasket is us6d wtth lhis frfling, So€ ANS|/ AWWA CI11/A2l.11 lor ga6kel sp6ca. For 3O-:E siz6s, SBF in acaordanco with ASTM D200O, other compo{rnds avaalable tor perobum, ci€micat or high temp€ra- ncdrllnlng goll: Ouctle (nodular) iron, mseting or exce€ding ASTtd A Sg+S4.(924" slz66:7/8 -9 rollthr6ad) (3G.48 6izes: 1 1/4 - 7 rottthraad) Ro3kelnlhg Lug.: Ductilo (nodular) iron, m66liflg or €xceoding ASTM A 5A&94. H€at ireated using a proprietary procass. Co!tln$: Shop coat apdied lo lh€ casting for coftosion prot6ction in ransit. Romabond poly6s!6. availaHo upon r6qu6st U..: Duclils iron pip€ 3" - 48', casl iron pipe 3,, - 48, (6am€ OD,s as duclil€ iron), IPS si:e steel 3" - 12" with transition gaskot and a minimum thickn6ss MADE IN U,S,A RomaGrip'. Pipe Restraint E= @e@ Torque Ofl Bolts per ASTM ASS std. w6ighi class dpe. l{ol for u.6 oh polyclhylcne plpG, PVC plp. or drtn 6id nEchanbal rolnr fl nlng!. Radaal Pads Acc€ssory packs ar€ available with slainless stesltastenors. Calllor pric6 and availability. ROMAGRIP for Ductile lron PiPe (Bomacrip oNLY) CATALOG NUMBEF APPSOX. WEIGHT (es.) EANDEO OUANTITYsHoP coAt ROllABOl,lD 3'RG-D 6#5 4'RG.D 5 6- RG.D t1#5 8' RG-D 16# 1O' RG-D 21*3 12" RG-D 28#3 14' BG-D 41* 16'BG.D 49# 18'RG.D 56# 20'RG-D 64* 24' BG-D 8'1# 30" RG-IMPORT 250# 36' RG.IMPORT 3255 42" RG.IMPORT 479# 48" RG-IMPORT 59,1# aoEo .Ea, (,oEL(t, (E ol .E = +ROMAGRIP for Ductile lron Pipe Accessory Pack (Romacrip, casket, Botts and Nuts) ACC. PACKNOir. PIPE slzE CATALOG NUMBEH APPROX WElGtfT(ea.)'sxop cori,lw/srDB& l SHOP COAT W/RBLUE1 B& BOMABOND Yll / STD B&T{ FOMABOiID w/8.BLUE! B&t{ CRATEow 3'3" RGAP.D 4: 5/8' x 3"8# 4" RGAP.D 4: 314" t 31 12"11#96 6 > 6" BGAP.D 6:3/4" x 4"17#72 8' RGAP.D 6: 3/4" x 4"22*48 10" RGAP-D 8: 3/4" x 4"31#30 12' RGAP.D 8i 3/4" x 4"37# 14" RGAP.D 101 314" x 41 12"53# 16'RGAP.D 12'. 3/4" x 41 12"62# 13' FIGAP.D 12: 314" x 41 12"68# 20" RGAP.D 14:3/4" x 4112"7A# 24' RGAP-D 16:3/4" x 5"98# i 30' RGAPNMPORT 20: 1" x 6"295# ,36i RGAP.IMPORT 24: 1" x 6"380# 42'HGAP.IMPORT 2E: 11 14" \ 81 12"595# 48" RGAPNMPORT 321 11 14" t 81 12"730# 1 B-BLUE Elolts and Nuls, s6€ pag6 9-3 ror mor6 information. A Solna nilial axal movement moy occut in tug stlh €stadls as l,ra iugs ssal. Uovement E cliecdy rclated to the ez9 ol the piping system/ | \ en.l tho 9yslem prossuto. In gane',l ta,ms molAment ol awroxmately 0-25" can be 6rp6ct6d in r.staints adat I 6'. Fot tqgei sao6,l-!) novomont ol dppto^inalely 0-4' mey be saan- ll this ts ctilical to you applbalion please cont,ct Romac Engloaenng lot additional t,iofieuon C.ltaGl th8 dp€ and a!p, T. BOLTS OUANIITY SIZE 4 B' 14" 15" I 42"l-"5" 54 10'---47---lr- -T6--T6-----20'-#---T5'----@----zB- _ --i--------)3'l____4-| ----d--__-l----E- t NO . PIPE slzE HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec. 30: Ln 78 Vendor: 82790 { marennls Gland Gaskets Restraining Bolt Restraining Lugs Lug Locators Coatlngs PERFORMANCENominal Number ofPipe Restraining ROMAC INDUSTRIES,INC. ROMAGRIP MECHANICAL JOINT RESTRAINING GLAND 3 THROUGH 12INCH SUBMITTAL INFORMATION USE The Romac Romacrip restraining gland is used for the restraint of mechanicaljoint ductile iron pipe, valves, finings, and fire hydrants in water transmission and fire protection lines. lt may also be used on IPS sizes steel pipe (minimum thickness STD weight class pipe) with MJ by IPS transition gasket. The RomaGrip replaces costly concrete thrust blocks, corrodible steel tie rods and clamps. Nol for use on plain end mechanicaljoint fittings. The Romacrip may be used on cast iron pipe as long as it has the same OD as ductile iron pipe. Note: Some initial axial movement may occur in lug style restraints as the lugs seat. Movement is directly related to the size of the piping system and the system pressure. ln general terms movement of approximately 0.25 can be expected in restGints under 16". For largar sizes, movement of approximately 0.40 may be seen. lf this is critical to your application please contacl Romac Engineering for additional information. Ductile (nodular) iron, meeting or exceeding ASTM A 536-84, Grade 6545-12. A standard MJ gasket is used with this fitting- Meets ANSUAVV\ /A C111IM1.11for gasket specs. 7/8 -9 roll thread, Ductile (nodular) iron, meeting or exceeding ASTM A 536.84. Ductile (nodular) iron, meeting or exceeding ASTM A 536-84. Heat treated using a proprietary process. Polyurethane. a thermo-set plastic. Shop coat applied to the casting for corrosion protection in transit. Fusion bonded Romabond Polyester coated glands and Xylan coated restraining bolts and lugs optional. Approx. Weight Working Test MaximumPressure Pressure Joint 3 2 2 3 4 6 8 6 350 700 5. 7 .5 350 700 5.11 350 700 5.16.5 350 700 5"23 350 700 5"29.5 350 700 5. FM approved for cast iron and ductile iron pipe at 175 psi working pressure (4: I test)- UL listed for cast iron and ductile iron pipe. 8i/15 10 12 FM Approved UL Llsted Document Number 0$8-0017 This information is based on th Department for any updates or e best data available at the date printed above, please check with Romac Engineering changes. Phone (425) 951 6200 . Toll Fres 800 426 9341 . Fax (425) 951 6201 . www.romac.com Figure NBSZ PIPING PRODUGTS eatures For 150# & 300# ANSI Flanges Ler8ths for Joining Two Flanges' Material: Carbon Steel Finish: Zinc Plated Sizes: 1/2" to 24" (150#), 1/2'to 12'(30ff) Standards . Bolts: o l\4aterial - ASTM A307A Grade A o Dimensions -ASME 818.2.1 o Thread - Class 2A. Nuts: o Material- SAE J995 Grade 2 o Dimensions -ASME 818.2.2 o Thread - Class 28 Bolt Properties . Tensile: 60 KSI Minimum. Elongation: 18% Minimum. Hardness: 69 - 100 Rb 'Based on 1/16" ai6ed tace end l/8'966k€t Figure Number Matrix FNW CARBON STEEL FLANGE NUT & BOLT SET ASTM A3O7 GRADE A / SAE J995 GRADE 2 FNW NBS FINISH Zinc = Z stzE coDEln=D 6=U314=F 8=X '1 =G 10=101-1t4=H 12=i2 1-1t2= l fi=M2=K 16 = 162-112=1 18 = 18 30ffi=3 Not : 30(H rizes are up tol/ only. 20=20 24=24 3=M 4=P 5=S Pack Quantities & Bolt Sizes (inches) Size Bolt Qty Nut Qty Bolt Length 1t2 4 4 112-13 2 314 4 4 1t2-13 2 1 4 4 1t2-13 2-1t4 1-114 4 4 112-13 2-1t4 1-1t2 4 4 1t2-13 2-1t2 2 4 4 5/8-1'1 2-3t4 2-1t2 4 4 5/8-11 3 3 4 4 5/8-'1 1 3 4 I 8 5/8-11 3 5 I 8 3/4-'10 3-114 6 I 8 3/4-10 3-1t4 8 8 8 3t4-10 3-1t2 10 12 12 7/8-9 4 12 12 12 7 t8-9 4 14 12 12 1-8 4-1t2 16 16 16 1-8 4-112 18 16 to 1-118-7 5 20 20 20 1-1t8-7 c-|/t 24 20 20 1-1t4-7 6 OOC: FNWNBSZ14 Ve(. /t12014 @2014. FNW All righb reserYed. The Ft[,v logo 6 a r-ad€mart ol Ferguson EnterFis6, lnc., PL Sorrcing, PO Box 2778, Nflpo.t N s, VA 23609 wrvrY.fiM.co.r The contenb of t 6 publicatirn afe presented br info.maton purpGes only, and while efiort has b€€n made to e0sure thdt acdrrey, bey aro not to be .onsfuod as waranlies or ouaranitec, eroressed or imDlied. reqardinq he Droducts or servicsE desqibed herein or tlei us€ q 4plicditty. All sales ao oovemed by our t€ms and condfifis, wh]dt are avdl*ie on requesl We re*ne 6e dght to modify or improve he designs or specjficatons of ou ptoducls d any tme sithout nolic€, Always vc,ify tld ydj have $e m6t rece, [odud sp€.ificaiqls or oher doqJm€fltato.l prior to he mstdlation of 6ese goducls. -t I - i, i ft - ,l r I , :'l t t I .a- -. , t I srre Diameter FNW-Figure R GASKETS 150# RED RUBBER ULL FAC RING GASKETS Features Red rubber gaskets are maflufactured from Styrene-Butadiene or SBR lor short. This synthetic material was developed as an altemalive to nalural rubbers. The red rubber gaskets are recommended for service in cold and hot water, air, steam,and some weak acids. lt should nol be used with strong acids, oils, greese, and chlorates. ll offers little resistance lo ozone and to the maiority ol hydrocarbons. Standards . MeetsASME 816.21 for 150# gaskets. 0imensions:ASME 816.5 Service Limits Max, Temperature: 170'F (77"C) Min. T€mp€rature: .20'F (.29'C) Max, Pressurer 200 PSIG (13.8 Bar) Max Pressure x Temperature (PxT) - 20,000 ("F x PSlc) Typical Physical Properties Bopedies ad liriol| pfrrelels shorr| on t s dda slE€l re 9ticC. Falr6 to s6hcl FDpff soding poducls couU lesult in p.op€dy drnaoe adlor sarb6 pe.sond injury. Figure Number Matrix Property Value Durometer Hardness 75 Shore A r5 Tensile 400 PSI Elongation 15070 Finish Smoolh Compression Sel for 22 Hrs @ 158'F (70'C) (ASTM 03958)35% HeatAging for 94 Hrs @ 158"F {70'C) (ASTtul 0573) Chang€ in Hardness Change in Tensile Chanoe in Elonoa{on +5 Shore A -15% -35% TYPE Ring Gasket " RG Full Face Gasket = FFG TF]ICKNESS '1l8' ' NOTE: Not d corfgu€tois d rnodd nunrbels may bo avdlde. Conl&l your supdior lo. sFcifi. ralho and slzo comtindiiis. Size 1/16'6=U '16=16 8=X 18=18 =,t.1 3=M 10=10 20=20 4= P 12= 12 21=21 5=S 14=14 30=30 6 112= D 2=K 2-112= L=F =H 314 1 114 1n 1 1 248 Visit us at www.fnw.com FNw R 1s0 E5C HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec. 25: Ln 64r Sec. 25: Ln 65 Vendor: 75810 KENNEDY VALVE KS.RW RESTLIENT WEOGE VALVES KENNEDY VALVE .l\\\ry DY VALI'E KENNEDY VALVE AVI|WA C515 Resilient Wedge Gate Valves Meet or Exceed the Requirements of AWWA Standard C515 uL-262tFtt-1120t1130 ULC-Underwriters' of Canada Available in eilh6r non-rising stom or outsid€ screw & yoke. Flgure No. Availabl. End Connoctlons & sl.. Rango 2',-A' z', - 12' 4', - '12' 4" - 12' 4', - 12' 4" - l2' 2'-3' 2 112' . 10 21t2' - 10' 2112' - 10' 2112' - 10' Flgurs No. wlth (STD) 7561SS 7571SS 7572SS 7597SS 7O6EA 7S50SS 790l ss 7576SS 7902SS 7057SS 7067 7O92ABF 7O93ABF 7592ABF 7593ABF Post Plato 7701SS (3' . 12') 707rss (3' . 12') 7702SS (3', . 12',) 7s97PSS (3" - 8) N/A 7950PSS 7901PSS (Consuh K.V.) 7902PSS 7057PSS (3' only) I Pu6h-on for PVC (SDR) Fls. End (OS & Y) M.J. for Tapping Push-on lor O.l. & c900 PVC M.J. Cutting-in Push-on D.l. X Flg. Thr6ad6d (NRS) Threaded (OS&Y) FLG & GRV OS&Y GRV & GRV OS&Y FLG & GRV NRS GRV & GRV NRS 7592PABF 7593PABF Accrsro aa lndicator Posts Handwhgels "T' Handles Extgnsion Stems Slem Guld€6 2'Sq. Oporating Nuts Chain Whe€ls Floorsland6 (non-rislng stem NOTE: 2'OS&Y Flang€d and Thrsaded vErsions are UL Llsl6d NOTE: All RSGV'S 18' and largEr will be furnioh6d with 6ith6r spur 96arin9 (vertical) or or bevel gearing (horizontal) NOTE: 2" to 3" slzes fullwall ductlle iron (per AWWA C509 dlmenslonB)Cenified to NSF/ANSI61.G NSF/Ai{S| 372 Sizes 2'- 12' Size Range Wat€r Working Pressure psi Seat T€st p8i Hydrostatic Shell Test psl 250 Wat6r Works 250 & 400 500 U LFM 21/2',-12'200 Fire Proteclion M,J.exce m/11/13 Kennedy Valve/KS-RW 515 5-l Vi! it Dur ry.b6itr .t rvww.lsnrrcdyrrtr:.<on 250 & 400 500 U?,!? #:Sgmpany submittar Vendor:75810 RECOMMENDED SPECIFICATIONS FOR C-515 RESILIENT WEDGE GATE VALVES KENNEDY VALVE +RESILIENT SEATED GATE VALVE 4"24' c.515 T 2 Valves shall conform to the latest vorsion of AWWA Standard C-515 covering Resilient Seated gate Valves for Wster Supply Service. The valves shall have a ductile iron body and bonnet. The wedge shall be totally encap- sulated with rubbor. 3. The sealing rubber shall be permanently bonded to the wedge to meet ASTM tests for rubber metal bond ATSM D249. 5. The valves shall be either non-rising or rising stem, opening by turning left to .ight, ahd provided wilh 2' squar€ operating nut or a handwheelwith the "Op€n'and an arrow cast in the metal to indicale the direction to open. 6. Stems for NRS assemblies shall be cast bronze with integral collars ih full compliance with AWWA. OS&Y (rising stems) shall be of bronze. All stems shall operate with bronze stem nut6, jndependent of stem (in NRS valves). NRS stems shall have (2) O-Rings locatod above thrust collar and (1) O-Ring b6low. All stom O-Rihgs shall be replaceable with valve fully opened and subjected to full pressure. The NRS stems shallalso have (2) low torque thrust bearings located above and below stom collar to reduce faiction during opsration. Waterway shall be smooth, unobslructed and free of all pockets, cavities and depres- sions in the seat area. Valves shall accept a full size tapping cutter. 8. The body, bonnet and stuffing plste shall be coated with fusion bonded epoxy, both inte- rjor and exterior on body and bonnet. Epoxy shall be applied ih accordance with AWWA C550 and b6 NSF 61 certified -(2 - 12' cenif ed to NSF 61,G). PIV plates sha be painted black- 9. Each valve shall have a maker's name, pressure rating, and year in which jt was manu- factured cast in the body. Prior to shipment from tho factory, oach valve shall be tested by hydrostatic pressure equal to requirements of AWWA. 10. Valves shall have all brass components casl and assembled in the USA and shall be manulactured by Kennedy Valve Company or equal. ? 'Cedified to NSF/ANSI 61 Annex G (low lead compliance <= .25% Pb) 8-2 Kennedy Valve/RSGV Submittal Shee 4. Valves shall be supplied with O-Ring seals at alljoints. No flat gaskets shall be allowed. HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec. 25: Ln 64: Sec. 25: Ln 65 Vendor:75810 KS-RW (C515) MATERIAL S PECIF I CATIONS KENNEDY VALVE -f Material Speclficatlons DUCTILE IRON Specilication ASTI{ 4536 Grrdo 70-506 Physical P@pedies Minimum tensile sl16ngth Minimum transverse strength Minimum dgflection (1 2' centers) STANDARD CAST BRONZE . AST 8763 C99500 (St.m Nut) Physical Prcpedies Minimum tensile strength Minimum yield strength Minimum olongation (in 2 inches) Chamical Analyai1 Copper LEad (maximum) Aluminum lron Nick6l (maximum) 2inc Silicon Manganeso (maximum) CAST BRONZE . ASTM Bstil C66700 (NRS St!m) Physical tuopefiies Minimum lensile slrength Minimum yield strength Minimum elongation (in 2 inches) Chemical Analysis Copper Load (maximum) Aluminum lron Nick6l (maximum) Zlnc Tin (maximum) (EPDM) Ethylcn. Propylon. Dlrn. Monom.r Hardness (Shore A) Tensil€ (PSl) Elonoation (%) Compr6ssion set, ASTM D395 Melhod B 70,000 psi 50,000 lbs svo 70,000 psi 40,000 psi 12% Remainder .25 3.0 - 5-0 3.5 - 5.5 0.5 . 2-0 0.5 - 2.0 0.5 E0,000 psi 32,000 psi 15V" 57.0 - 60.0 .50 - 1.50 1.0 - 3.0 1.0 - 3.0 1.0 30.0 - 34.0 80+ 5 1,500 min 150 min 20"/" max 8-{ Kennedy Valve/RSGv Submlttal Sheets !s,ti< E , i !EF E8 x t(. I :EE; r;ii lli I I H Baa 8E 5r-4I e b I a i s.l i68 5I !n E I u a !I a e II f T a { 2II fi I N s 3 EEg otX!idzezaEAA zF , 3 gt c8tsh.E -oEE! s.iarlz ETEEitF HEe HEg 9.8xr!l EEe o 3J z& EIE :3&ti F> 8tr-82<l < EEEoE! 5 Fl'9EtsEHE ^c Ef;e or .9 g A e E:Ect :E a aEEt, oaE <30, EEH 3 E 2I -N_ E EPD\ 2 Nts e r:fr :88 HET F a F -N_ *9 *E E ;?,t l+?lr I: A 4+l \l/ !! I 6' !I H 3EI'F oE Es EAtlo6 EE cH9F ci t ora EE BE EsoE z2, UE ,ilaa 2Ed< Etaz8 EE Ai HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec.30: Ln 83 Vendor: 90850 ZURI{ WILKINS Model S€iOASTDA Double Check Detector Assembly Appllcation Dosqned lor inslallation on walor lin6s in ,ire protection sysbms lo prolecl againsl bofi backsiphonage and back, pressure ol polluted water inlo tle polable water supply Model 350ASTDA shall provrde protecl,on where a poienhal heal:h hazard does rpt exist lncory,orates metered by-pass to detoct leaks and unauthonzed waler use. Stend*ds Complianco lHori.ontal & V€rtlcat). ASSE.9 Lrsled l04a . AWWA Cornplianl C510 lwrth gates onty) and C550. uL18 Classr,aod. C-UL!] ClassifBd. FM(i Approved . CSAe Ceaified 864.5 . Approved by lhe Folndalion for Cross Connoaion Co.ttrot .ncl I lydraol'c ncaca.ch al lhc U6rv.rs,tl. ol Couthcrn Calilornia . Meets lhs requirsmenls ol NSF/ANSI 6't' '(O 25", MAX WEIGHTEO AVERAGE LEAD COI.ITENT) 8y-P.53 Bacmow Assombly 3 4'l,4,rd!l }-O}.LD Materials Maln valve body Access cove6 Interoals Fasleners & springs Elastomers Foatrrr"s Szes. 2ll2". 3', 4'. 6'. 8'. 10" Maimum working water pressure 175 PSI iratrmum u,orung water ieorpe,.ture 14O-F Hydrostatrc l€st prc$sure 350 PSI End conoections (Grooved lor steelprpe) AWWA C6Oo(Flanged) ANSIB.IO t Class 125 Orn6n.ion! A Weights (do not includs pkg.l w h remole readmg m€ler w(h allon rneler i: G with groov€d end OS&Y gate valves:l FG - with flanged rnlet gale connectix and grooved outlel gale conneclron,Pl ' wirh P^<r lnrli.atnr GatF Vetvr( L-r BG ' wilh g,ooved end bulle ly valves wrth rntegral supervrsory sw{chesi BF with llanged end butertly valves ,/rith inlegral supeMsory swilchesi -5O9 - w,th AIYWA C@9 gat€ valve. I I BV - wflh By-passon.ighr hand sire Acc€siories i i Repair kl {rirbber only):l Thermalexpan$on tank {Model XT) I I OS & Y Gats valvE tampor switch (OSY{o) (srlow! wnr oFTro{At FI-ANGEo Et{o guTT€aF[y valv€s) Optirns irooEt- 350ASrOA GfL a+ + tl 304L Slainless steel 304L Slainless steel Starnloss sleel 3O0 Ser.es NORYL'" Slainless Steel 30O Series EPDM {FDA approved) Buna Nitrile {FOA approved) NO'lYL'r I E il r I I .l fl I a t D t\rooEt- 350AS rDA t0-.1r r- MOOEI 35OASIDA slzE oIMENSION (app.oxmal6) eruOS& l ,I I l BUIIEFFLY B LESS GATE € os&Y E WiIH SUTTEFFLYD E osaY OL6ED -----) Zl,n [*r.lri.r, LlC I rllrtn i r4l uo'lsno.ca vyat, tsiso iroor€s. ua u s a y3rrfti Pn. a55tt5:l.\ r/b. rar 6o5-zJt-5/56 hca^ad. I zlrn llttr.!€. uftr.d 3544 Nashoa Cnvo, MBsissauga. Omaro rlv rL? ph 90&405-427?, Fa! 905'.to5.t?9? rlniaani.rE Page I ol 2 I 33 11 00 2.08 B 4 pages a .lxI 'l a _t ril HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec.30: Ln 83 Vendor: 90850 Flow Characterislics 0c 15 00 e o E moa 9,0 a!.0 0 ilooEl 350ASTDA 2 tI2', 3" A 4. (STAI{OARD & TETRIC) Ftrlw PAIES I.r)126 252 379 ?000 FLOUV RATE (GP ) 505 8m 252.1 l0,r 6 9 rgBo t354 0o 200 400 c00 FLOW RAIES (G ) rr+ f,oDEL 3soAsrDA6" E" t ro' (sTaNDARDAND mETRrc)' FLOW RAIES (Vs) 63.1 12A.2 16S.3 13a 6- o- a9 1O4 d) 9ttH) .uE 0 1000 ,yDjcal ,ngtaletio, Local codos shall govern rnslallatron requ,roments. Uoless olherwlse sp€cilied, lhe assemoly shall be mounled al a mini mum o{ 12" (305mml and a maxrmum o130" (762mm) above adequale drains wlh sr.,ticienl side c;earance lor leslrng and maintenance. The anstallalion shafl be made so that no pad of the unit can be $rbmerged. 300!:1000 Cap.city tl(u Sll'edule 40 Pipc {GPM} 5 Vsec 7.5 ruse.l Olrsec l5 fvsec 21/2 75 112 1:9 i 'i,.; { 0 I I ' I I . .6:: ii trffi t: -; I +SpGcifi.ladons' The Doubre Chec* Delector Backllow Prevenlrofl Assembly shall be cenitied to NSF/ANSI61. ASSE,!) Listed l(N8, and sup- phed wlth lull port gate valves. fhe nrarn body and access cover shall bo 3O4L Slarnless Sieel, the ssat ring and chock vatve shall b€ NoMt. lha slem shall b€ slarnless steel (ASIM A 276) and the 6eat disc alaelo.ners shall be EPDM. The lrrst and s€cond check valves shall be rccesSrble lor marnlenance w{hout removing the device lrom the line. The Double Check Deloc lor Backflora/ Prevonlion Assent ly shall bo a ZUFIN WILKINS Model 350ASTDA ^-i-EL-- - I - r ='3 ---- IIIIII IIIIIIZ'I - Zqn lrdudicr, tI'C I WXtbt r /4/ uo.nrn€rc3 wat frso -toolss. ua u s A 93rt5 Pn a55.6lr+siiti, re tsrl5-2j!-5ifDt h ca^ad{ I arr [u,3Ei.. Lrfiit d 35.l. Nasnua O'vs, Ulssiisauga, Oolat'o L4V I 12 Ph 90t 405.8272, Fax 905"e05. I ?9? !li-l.rl.-Page 2 012 0 224 6', 'if l' 4 l. f I_ I IIP J[,",-yI"r com pa ny Su bm ittat Vendor 77460 Material ftesourcgs, lnc. SIffTIIO]I ADJU$IABII PPt SUPPORT$ 0_lt+I $tandon Moilel$80 flango $uprurt Product $pssifacation $hset \ FABRICATION . Ail welds: Plates: ALL MODELS TESTED TO OVER 10,000 POUN-DS - COM.RESS\YE STRENGTH MATERIAL . Flange plate: ASTM 436 Collar/ base cups: ASTM A53 D.O.M. tubing Thread stud: ASTM A36, rolled thread, grade ASTM A307 Base plater ASTM 436 sheet steel Optional Material- 100% 3041or 3161Stainless steel '100% MIG welding, electrode E70XX Laser cut, programmed dimensions, radiused comers FINISH -Ir+ All supports have conosion resislant, electro-galvanized finish. Hot dip galvanizing available - specify al time of order. DIMENSIONS - (note: call manufacturer for 30. through 48' support information) FLANGE SIZE HOLE RADIUS FLG PLATE THRD STUD BASE PLATE EXTENSION PIPE REO. MINIMUM D1ST TO FLOOR 2',.250', .250" 1'x 6" 1'x6" 4'x 6'x.25' 4" x 6" x.25' 2" Sch.40 2" Sch. 40 4', 3.00"250' 250', 1 1 x 6" 6"x 4"x6'x.25' 4"x6'x.25" 2" Sch. 40 2" Sch. 40 7" 6 8 4.75', 5,87' .250' .250" 1 1 6', 6', 4" x 6* x.25' 4"x6'x.25" 2" Sch. 40 2: Sch. 40 10'7.125" 8.50' .250', .250', ,,' 1" 4"x6"x.25' 4"x6"x.25' 2" Sch.40 2" Sch. 40 14" 16" 375' 375', 1.5' x 6" 1 5 6" 8',x 8',x 8', 6'.5" 3" Sch- 40 3" Sch. 40 9.5" 9.5" '18" 20" 11.375" 12.50', .375',2" z',6" 8'x8"x.5' 8"x8"x,5" 4" Sch.40 4" Sch.40 10" 10' 24"14.75'375',8"xE"x.5"4" Sch.40 10" To insu6 proper Support performance end stabilily; Afler linal heighl adjuslment is attaihsd, apply tack welds to both support cup6 and exlensioo pipe. use E70XX electrode for welds. Ihe base plat6 should be anchored to lhe lloor with rcmovable anchor bolt5, lf re-adjuEtment is required al a later date, aemove anch$ bolts and rolato entire lower unit using collar nut. R6-anchor baEa plate. tmlEntlt Rt$0uRGt$, lilG. 28llll Iayhr tlay BHO.2 G P0 [ox 247 forsstErwe,lhr$n0flfrwww.standon.net NOTE:250 D ling pattem suppods available INSTALLATION - o EIITTf,n$t flmmL For product availability and ordering information on the6e and othet products ollered by Material Resources lnc, please call: (503) s33-s256 or (877) 693-0727 FAX (s03) s33-5s01 -\escription The solid brass* ball drip is a "ball" type check valve. When properly installed, the internal ball rests in the lower most area of the valve body allowing for proper drainage of moisture accumulation. Upon system pressurization, the internal ball is "pushed" into the small end of the ball drip body closing the opening. When system pressure is removed, the ball returns to its original position. One of the most common uses is on the dry side of the Fire Department Connection valve. This use helps keep moisture from accumulating inside the Fire Depa(ment Connection. Designed for horizontal installation only. lnstallation Proper installation of the brass ball drip can be accom- plished with standard piping installation tools. Make sure the threads are clean and free from burs and debris. Apply a thread sealant suitable for the materials being joined such as PipeFit, PipeFitAS or PTFE tape. When using a paste type sealant, make sure to brush the sealant deep into the root of the threads. Thread the ball drip into female threads hand tight. Finish tightening with a pipe wrench up to one full turn. Do not over tighten. Over tightening may dam- age threads and ball drip. Finish piping to allow for proper drainage. Valve opens by force of gravity only. Do not use with more than 1 ft. column of water (water pressure) on the ball check. Use only in the horizontal position, Specifications Type: Straight Pattern Material: Body: Brass" Ball: Brass' Standard Finishes: Rough Brass' Adjustment Range: %" x%" MNP'I " x %" MNPT %" x%" MNPI *Contains lead. Not for use in water sys- tems intended for human consumplion. Fire Protection Products, lnc , 6241 Yanow Dr., Suite A, Carlsbad, CA 92011-1541 For questions: 1 800 U4-1822. 1 800 344-3775 fax . www.fppi.clm@200&2009 Fi.e Prolecl,on Producls. lnc (FPPI)FPPI Brass Ba!! Drip Valve e r t b % a !IIt 9u E EIq g I lr I 5 5 x d 9{.l I I oFII uJ B Foloo-l i >t x tt ET 6 I!r!!la Oo(U(Jo o- o ttoo(,E o Eri !E !!;l Eli! EiEi t ir d T dJ9. IEg a 8.JlJ-o =o-6t =-tJ $ 6EO =d.Fzoo btrtoII 9 q 'iJ3 ! s 'ii d l0 =u,lt =t! = L.tr$-,r !E J3 k I-t3-5rAa.-l !d!si p3 +> I-= it6 =t ei t iLi d =ul z J o- Ei,gr giifiEiE,uig$FrggrggigE$ Uatrt ksr t0t .t-.t uE!! EJ =Fde-6 E= ,' ca4 tsa pI crS9 ? e,, ?ill Et=rEEEEI IIttIItlu n .? "? tl ll Eilnrir EfiIil-lU n IT .t 0r .r-.t I I II I I I I I I + I I I I I I i .h.$-.t .0-.t ,3t/.-,1.0-,4 .&-, atu(, o- J CD =t!a U) ootL u!{11[D UNrrBo Bnass WoRKS, INC. 714 S. Main St., Randleman, NC 27317 Tel: 800-334-3035 Fax: 800-498-4696 www.ubw.com t9c) 9()()1 G icgl!l.r.d MATERIAL LIST N(). Dudile lron BroI/e Stainlcss Stt'cl Buna-N Buna-N Model 90 Wafer Check Valve '@*ul Listed. FM Approved* *As antitsler htmmer check valv lor lire pump senice only! 250 WOG @ l80o Max 1007o Pressure Tested Approved hy New York City Board oJ Standards & Appeals under Calendar No. 157-84-SA. The 4" siTe is provided with %" pipe plug in drain port as standard contigurotiott- Can be instilled verticalh or horizontall! l 4 (i tos! 4" Size 6" & 8" Size+ ,r-=-t I Sizc u C Ship wt. (lbs) Qty. Pcr Ctrr > 4.25 .1.0-1 6.86 t.fi)15.0 6'1.75 6.0(r r(.50 .l. i0 19.0 I i('i.75 I1.00 (,.(X )29.0 DESC RI PT lON Bodv Seat Ring Asscrrrbly Screw Sear Ring O-Ring Facr'O-Ring Pipc Plug HD Fowler Company Submittal - FPWC1 85700 *Contains Lead. Not lnlended for Use in Potahle Waler Sy:slems* }I.,\I'ERIAL Stoel(.l" onl)') 1 -/ \*_ ! ,.; H ? t) {" 7.9r3 a I - r f a 7z TI a BUILDING CONNECTI EXPOSED INLET z Gr n r){ s tnl 13 9 t HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec. 25: Ln 74 Vendor: 65800 T,IPT stzE NUMBER ot 2.5" F NHT lNI FIS CTAPPER MEASUREMENTS lln.h..) AVAILABI"[ LFlTFRIN{i CENT} NCATIONS flNlsH = o = (,2) e6 ': .g 3 B c D Swing Radius r) <Jli 1.i !E ae I = Ja I ig tf, E e I ,9 91"51r 4 9 I1 8y 51,4 20t,18 4.r 51.t6 12 4" 81.121,51,24/,156 4" 11r1,5T,s,t,,20r, I -to 4" _ 6.0 4 25v, 10 z5 12 6" 12't,5 5 331,155 5" 23',t,10 5" 117,5 25 29 Key s. nandard o = optionr Es(utcheoB av.ilabl€ 5eparately. ADD AL NFORMATION . El*harr'' in ake .o lcctio$ bodi6 nrc ,akdfol 175 Fi(12.1 bat). . hA 2'/:" NHT i d br.' I tckdlouol250g'D /916 t?n) . Mod.l t 56 !u?pl'./ uith plq (i.)t ) a"d &aiu. THREADS Unlcs otloone notzd all Lou threadt arc NHT. Su inda 1-13fot aoailabb o?tianal thrcrd'. OTHER PRODUCTS Sr. page 1 |-t Jnr arailnbte rhaih' cnd ?t st II ELKHART BRASS MFG. CO., lNC. . 800.346.0250 . 1 .574.295.8330 . FAX: 574.293-9914 . www.elkhanbrass.com I 2 3 6 4 g,h t8 5".2 3 6 4 5 HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec. 25: Ln 74 Vendor: 65800 2-way 10 ' 90' 70'I Fig. I D r-c 11 . Single dapper Fig.4 c 30 30' I D SWNG 45' Fig.2 c B 45 D 18 . &way standpipe x Fi!.5 C 60'60' B 5i, 29 . 90" 3-way SWNG RADIUS 60' B Fig.3 C -_l 12 , 2-way standpip€ I Fig 6 C 60' B 0 I,) uIEfItt UJe)I II ELKHART BRASS MFG. CO., lNC. . 800.346.0250 . 1 .574.295.8330 . FAX:574.293.9914 . www.elkhartbrass.com II BUILDING CONNECTIONS EXPOSED INLET lazo FlJ UIzzoI (,z aI3o r 3,10 ut c,fI tt ulc,3IIt tf IIJ G,fI l ll, UJE)III 156. Fumished wilh escutcieon, plugs and chains HD Fowler Company Submittal Sec. 25: Ln 74 Vendor: 65800 Conneclions Double Clapper Siamese Gonnections Foaturcs: double drop dapperwith (2) pin lug swivelinlets provides required 500 GPM minimum to supdement the fire protection as an auxiliary inlet cohnection to tho water supply (250 GPM minimum per inlet) exposed Fire Depanment Connections (FDC) provide an economical method of satisfying local tire codas maximum operating pressure: 175 PSI at 70'F (21'C) finish: + polishod or -C polished chrome plated U/L listed and FM approved back outlet Ou0et Female NPT Price AuloSprinkhr StandPipe 2'l'' NYFD 2%' NST(NH) ocs6025F ocs6025F-sP Dimensions @@orrrt c I 8 4 4 Size 4" \2Yi' x2%" 6" \2%" x 2Y;' 4"x3"x3" 6"x3"x3" 9% 10:l .t 0,' 1e/." I 12% 12% 12% B Ou!et Female NPT r+ bottom outtet Autosprinkler Sl,andPipe Autosprinlder 90DC56025F 900cs6025F-sP 90DCS6030NYFD Price l\ 6" 2'li'NST(NH) polished c ----?+ 3' NYFD SizeABC 4"\21A"x2W 11Y," g/: 7% 6"x2Y,"x2W 11% 1U/:' 7% 12%" 10%" 7%' 6" x 3" x 3" 12Y," 10%' 7% special threads. branding and flnishes are availablo, consult Dixonn for informalion replacement swivels can be ordered on page 581 B l2 ) lnlets emale Branding Cast 8/ess Pari # 2%" NST(NH)AuloSpinkler AuloSpnnkler AutoSprinkler StandPipe No Branding ocs1025F DCS1025F-P DCS1025F.C DCS1025F-SP DC51025F.NB 3'NST(NH) 3',NST{NH) AuloSprinkler AutoSpnnHer DC51030F DCS{030NYFO (2) lnlets Female Branding Cast Erass Part # 2%', NST(NH)Autosprinlder AuioSprinlder Autosprinkler StandPipe No Branding goDcslo2sF - 90DCSt025F-P 90DC51025F-C 9oDCSttOz5F-SP 90DCS4)25FNB 3'NST(NH) 3" NYFD AutosprinHer Adosp{inlder SlandPipe 90DC54030F 900cs4030[YFD 90DCSIO3ONYFDSP Dixon Fire 2016 8fl .712.6179' dixonvalve.com 33 T 6" lit -F, I Dimensions flPrL?Y/r"t "tmpanv s ubm ittar Vendori 65800 Caps & Piugs Brass Plugs Pin Lugr+brass " finish: .P , -C polished chrome plated NH Powhatan Part # 17-127-00008 17-127-00026 17-12740027 17-127-00225 17-127-00224 17-127-00233 17-127-00246 1 7-127-002 52 17-127-0U41 2% 3', 4" 4%" 6' * customer to specify thread ' CustomerThread . material: casl6rass. finish: -P polished, -C polished chrome plated Thread NPSH 2y;' cT 1 Lbs. o.73 1.40 2.00 4.20 1.46 FPl5OF FPl SOFP FP2SOFC FP3OOF Part # '300F-P FP6OOF 4 Powhatan 17-1 17-1 17-12 149 plug with pin ll,g 17 -127 plug wih mcker lug 17-127 .46 .40 50 4.90 4.90 G *: 7 Lug Thread NH (NST) RFPI SOF RFP,so*C RFP25OF RFP:2iOF.C Powhatan Part # 1 7 -127-0001 6 17-127-00018 17-127-00218 17-127-00195 Lbs 0 0 1 1 76 88 88 17-127-00147 1.46FP25OF Dixon Frre 2012 US: 877.712.6179 Canadar 800.786.9697 87 frW't-''"r'ffirgt 1v,. --,- LbS. 0.73 0.73 1 1 1 Part # FPl50 FP250 FP3OO FP4N FP25O (