HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2019-09-10SPRINGFIELD ,b OREGON web Address: www.springfi eld-or.9ov City of Springfield Development and Public works 225 Fifth Street Springfield. OR 97477 541-7 26-37 53 Email address: Dermitcenter@sprinqfield-or.qov Project: Restoration of Commercia! Bldg TYPE OF WORK Catcaory of Construction: Commercial Type of work: Replacement Submitted ,ob value: $169,000.00 Dcscription of worki Restoration of commercial building damaged by snow JOB SITE I'IFORt,IATION worksite Address 157 S 47TH ST Sprinqfield, OR 97474 Owner: Address: HOWSCHMIO LLC 3180 RIVERPLACE DR EUGENE, OR 97401 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORiiIATIO Business Name ANG Engineering Group - Primary License Engineer License Number 67110PE Phone 541-345-7720 PENDING INSPECTIONS lnspection 1999 Final Building 8999 Final Fire 1260 Framing 1020 Zoning/Setbacks 1110 Footing 1120 Foundation 1450 Insulation 1530 Exterior Shearwall Inspectlon Group Struct Com Fire Struct Com Struct Com Struct Com Struct Com Struct Com Struct Com tnspcqtion Status Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS permtts Grptre if work is not started wtthtn l8o Days of lssuancc or if work is suspended for 18o Days or long€r depending on the lssulng aCency's PolicY' a|| provtstons of laws and ordlnances goveming this tyPe of work wlll be colnplled wlth whcthe] sPeclfied hereln or not' Granting of a permtt does not presume to giva authodty to viol.te or cancelthe P.ovlslons otany othcr state or local law rogulating constructlon or thc P€rform.nce of consttucdon. aTTEiTIOt{: Oregon taw requlres you to follow rules aaropte.d by the oregon udllty tlotitlcauon c€nter. Thos€ rules are set torth in oaR 952-oo1-oo10 dtro{gh oaR 952-oO1-OO9O. You m.y obtaln coPies ot th€ rules by calllng the c.nt€r at (5o3) 232-1947. all percons o, cnducs p€dorming work under this pe.mlt are requlred to bc llcens€d unless €x€mpt€d by otts 701'olo (structural/llcchanlcal), oRs 479.540 (Elect lcal), and oRs 693'olo-o20 (Plumblng)' ftrnted on: 9/10/19 Page 1 of 2 ci\mvReport5/rcpo'tt/poductio'vo1 STANDARD Building Permit Commercial Structural Permit Number: 811-19-oo1a41-STR IVR Number: 811044202902 Permit lssued: September 10, 2019 Parccl 1702324202t00 Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project. Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermats.oregon'gov Call or text the word "schedule" to 1-888-299-2821 use M number: 811044202902 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting Inspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store Permit Number: al l-19-OOlA41-STR Page 2 ot 2 Fae Descrlptaon Technology Fee Plan Review - Minor, City Structural building permit fee Structural plan review fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Bldg (l2ok of applicable fees) Quantity Fee Amount $118.68 $141.00 $ 1,3 53.04 $879.48 $ 162.36 $2,654.56Total Fees: C: \my Reports/re portt/productDn/0 r STANDARD 1 PERMIT FEES -t,9 e Ee o o .q o F.\ oF cl <) c o E E ()- o F J t! o (! Eo o = ID E o- @o@qq9Nr.Oro tt @@@ c? lJ- -s F ,9 o E uJ<ooqq o 9 = 3 ,q t -9o- o o oo N ,oOdi i.op; o. :oo; Ec) l! o .cREY -o =9 iN t o Hoas (l= FO) GI4 oolr osc{ o)p E) ID o EA PE EBco(! o E =cI EE.9\ 6ut LIJ o '=(E5 rJJ o t--o, &oie o,,c o.o Fa IFF. O6 F-O ,JN ! i.i([E iU Bd (DEftEq,5=5 r3qEE qtZ, _!+lcL6't HEt CL'6 (,ot tr .9 o IEoc G o o , -9txnB;6htsv+cXo -EON-o dh!;o'PNP':! E6 EVIP_88 !o o) U) o c!Jul (,z d,it z.o(2 o{1 -d oo oo oo 1foooooooo oooo ( a Clrv or Spnnrcnle lu, onrcoN Structural Permit Application Lffi225 Fifth Stre€t 0 Spriryfi€ld. OR 97477 . PH(541)726-3753 . FAX(541|126-3689 This permit is issued under OAR 918-{60-0030. Permits expire if work is rot start€d rithin 180 days of tsSuance or if work is suspended for 180 days. LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL This project has final land-use approval Signature:Dale This projecl has DEQ approval Signature:Date Zoning approval verified: ! Yes E No Property is u/ithin flood plain: !Yes ENo CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION E Residential E Govemment E Commercial JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION Job site address: 157 5 47th Street Cityr Springfreld State: Oregon 7.1P,q74?8 Lot no Taxlot: 17-02-32-42-02100 PROPERTY OWNER Name: HOWSCHI\rID LLC Address: 3180 Riverplace Drive City: Eugene State: Oregon ZIP:97401 Phone Fax E-mail e l;-E Building Owner 1 applicalion Sign here:_ -*,E This insbllaiion is berng made on residentral or farm property ouned by me or a member of my immediate famil,v, and is exempl from licensing requirements under ORS 701.010. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION Business name: Pierce Restoration address: QO&:t \o\\ tbi \\t SCrt\ao66io. city: S\r+V\od.:\State zlPq'l{)q Phone:S{l -tl<4 \j3 \Fax: E-mail CCB license no Print name: fff af Q- F Ca?,,g( Signature SUB.CONTRACTOR INFORMATION \amt CCB Liccnse #Phon€ Electrical Plumbing Ilechanical )L^^.5ft" DL - [rcet^"- l:d,. TRok -@ (sler.e- -saa unu.t)1,1-- erJ "'^li---)"!^^:ffiJP{a"rg\r3\rl DEPARTMENT USE ONLY tctPermit ncr Date;q FEE SCHEDULE l. Valuation information (a) Job description: Restoration of Commercial Bldg. Damaqed by snow Occupancy B business Square feet: 3640 Cost per square foot: $46.43 Type of Hest: roof top package unit u/ith natural gas & heat pump Energ Path: I new Ealleration L] addition Restoration G) Foundatiotr-only permit? E Yes E tlo Total valuation:s 169,000 2. Building fees (a) Permit fee (use valuation lable)s 1353.04 (b) Investigative fee (equal to [2a])s s (d) Enter l27o surchatge (.12 x t2a+2b+2cl)$ 162,36 (e) Subtotal of f€es abov€ (2a through 2d):s 1515.40 3. Plan revierv fees (a) Plan review (65% x permil fee [2a])s 879.48 (b) Fire and life safety (65% x permit fee [2a])S (c) Subtotal offees above (3a and 3b)s 879.48 ,1. Nliscellaneous fees (a) Seismic fee, l% (.0t x permit fee [2a])S (b) Tech fee, 5% (.05 x pemit fee[2a]+PR fee [3c])s 111,63 JOTAL fe€s and surcharges (2ef3c+4a+b):s 2506.51 Lasr edited 5-5-2019 Bjones Construclion t)?e: V-B Other information: (c) Reinspection ($ per hour): (number ofhours x fee per hour) Subdivision: Reference: un9n0 EGONOR ,| \r LPINE Alpine, an ITW Company 8801 Folsom Blvd., Suite 107 Sacramento, cA 95826 Phone: (800)877-3678 (91 6)387-01 1 6 Fax: (916)387-1110 sacseals@itwbcg. com Customer: Empie Wood Producls Job Number: SK-17131 Job Descliotion: commercial sprinolield Address: Design Code: IRC 2012 lntellivlEW vesion: 18.02.01 JFel#i 1Wt\rW65980004 Wind Slandatd: ASCE 7-10 Wind SDeed lmDh): 135 Bool Load (psl): 25.00 7.00 0.00-10.00 Floot Load (pst): None This package contains general notes pages, 1 kuss drawing(s) and 2 detail(s). Reviewed by Steve Shegedin Mortier Ang Engineers 81712019. Design Approved. (see correction to quantity) T1'1 200.19.1321.50223 Printed 7/1S,201 I 1 i31 :22 PM Sile lnlormation:Paoe 1: Job Endineerino Criteria: Item Seal #Truss Item Seal#Tluss General Notes Truss Design Engineer Scope of Work, Design Assumptions and Design Responsibilities: The design responsibilities assumed in the preparation of these design drawings are those specified in ANSI/TPI '1, Chapter 2; and the National Design Standard for Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Construction, by the Truss Plate lnstitute. The lruss component designs conform to the applicable provisions of ANSlffPl 'l and NDS, the National Design Specification for Wood Construction by AF&PA. The truss component designs are based on the specified loading and dimension information furnished by others to the Truss Design Engineer. The Truss Design Engineer has no dutyto independently verify the accuracy or completeness of the information provided by others and may rely on that information without liability. The responsibility for veriflcation of that information remains with others neither employed nor conlrolled by the Truss Design Engineer. The Truss Design Engineer's seal and signature on the attached drawings, or cover page listing these drawings, indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely for the truss componenl designs and not for the technical information furnished by others which technical information and consequences thereof remain their sole responsibility. The suitability and use of these drawings for any particular structure is the responsibility of the Building Designer in accordance with ANSUTPI 'l Chapter 2. The Building Designer is responsible for determining that the dimensions and loads for each truss component match those required by the plans and by the actual use of the individual componenl, and for ascertaining that the loads shown on the drawings meet or exceed applicable building code requirements and any additional factors required in the particular application. Truss components using metal connector plates with integral teeth shall not be placed in environments that will cause the moisture content of the wood in which plates are embedded to exceed 19% and/or cause corrosion of connector plates and other metal fasleners. The Truss Design Engineer shall not be responsible for items beyond the specific scope ofthe agreed contracted work set forth herein, including but not limited to: verifying the dimensions of the truss component, calculation of any of the truss component design loads, inspection of the truss components before or after installation, the design of temporary or permanent bracing and their attachment required in the roof and/or floor systems, the design of diaphragms or shear walls, the design of load transfer connections to and from diaphragms and shear walls, the design of load transfer to the foundation, the design of connections for truss components to their bearing supports, the design of the bearing supports, installation of the truss components, observation of the truss component installation process, review of truss assembly procedures, sequencing of the truss component installation, construction means and methods, site and/or worker safety in the installation of the truss components and/or its connections. This document may be a high quality facsimile of the original engineering document which is a digitally signed electronic file with third party authentication. A wet or embossed seal copyof this engineering document is available upon request. Temporary Lateral Restraint and Bracing: Temporary lateral restraint and diagonal bracing shall be installed according to the provisions of BCSI chapters Bl, 82, 87 and/or 810 (Building Component Safety lnformation, by TPI and SBCA), or as specified by the Building Designer or other Registered Design Professional. The required locations for laleral restraint and/or bracing depicted on these drawings are only for the permanent lateral support of the truss members to reduce buckling lengths, and do not apply to and may not be relied upon for lhe temporary stability of the truss components during their installation. Permanent Lateral Restraint and Bracing: The required localions for laleral restraint or bracing depicted on these drawings are for the permanenl laleral support of the lruss members to reduce bucklirig lengths. Permanent lateral support shall be installed according to the provisions of BCSI chapters 83, 87 and/or 810, or as specified by the Building Designer or other Registered Design Professional. These drawings do not depict or specify installation/erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar building stability bracing which are parts of the overall building design to be specified, designed and detailed by the Building Designer. Connector Plate lnformation: Alpine connector plates are made of ASTM A653 or ASTI,4 41063 galvanized steel with the following designations, gauges and grades: w=wave, 209a, grade 40; H=High strength, 20ga, grade 60; S=Super strength, 18ga, grade 60. lnformation on model code compliance is contained in the ICC Evaluation Service report ESR-1 118, availablJ on-line at www.icc-es.orq. Page 1 of 2 General Notes (continued) Key to Terms: lnformation provided on drawings reflects a summary of the pertinent information required for the truss design. Detailed informalion on load cases, reactions, member lengths, forces and members requiring permanent lateral support may be found in calculation sheets available upon written request. BCDL = Bottom Chord standard design Dead Load in pounds per square foot. BCLL = Bottom Chord standard design Live Load in pounds per square foot. Des Ld = total of TCLL, TCDL, BCLL and BCDL Design Load in pounds per square foot. HORZ(LL) = maximum Horizontal panel point deflection due to Live Load, in inches. HORZ(TL) = maximum Horizontal panel point long term deflection in inches, due to Total Load, including creep adjustment. HPL = additional Horizontal Load added to a truss Piece in pounds per linear foot or pounds. L/# = user specifled divisor for limiting span/deflection ratio for evaluation of actual L/defl value. L/defl = ratio of Length between bearings, in inches, divided by the immediate vertical Deflection, in inches, at the referenced panel point. Reported as 999 if greater than or equal to 999. Loc = Location, starting location of left end of bearing or panel point (joint) location of deflection. l\4ax BC CSI = Maximum bending and axial Combined Stress lndex for Bottom Chords for of all load cases. Max TC CSI = Maximum bending and axial Combined Stress lndex for Top Chords for of all load cases. Max Web CSI= Maximum bending and axial Combined Stress lndex for Webs for of all load cases. NCBCLL = Non-Concurrent Bottom Chord design Live Load in pounds per square foot. PL = additional Load applied at a user specified angle on a truss Piece in pounds per linear foot or pounds. PLB = additional vertical load added to a Bottom chord Piece of a lruss in pounds per linear foot or pounds PLT = additional vertical load added to a Top chord Piece of a truss in pounds per linear foot or pounds. PP = Panel Point. R = maximum downward design Reaction, in pounds, from all specified gravity load cases, at the indicated location (Loc). -R = maximum upward design Reaction, in pounds, from all specified gravity load cases, at the identified location (Loc). Rh = maximum horizontal design Reaction in either direction, in pounds, from all specified gravity load cases, at the indicated location (Loc). RL = maximum horizontal design Reaction in either direction, in pounds, from all specified non-gravity (wind or seismic) Ioad cases, at the indicated location (Loc). Rw = maximum downward design Reaction, in pounds, from all specified non-gravity (wind or seismic) load cases, at the identified location (Loc). TCDL = Top Chord standard design Dead Load in pounds per square foot. TCLL = Top Chord standard design Live Load in pounds per square foot. U = maximum Upward design reaction, in pounds, from all specified non-gravity (wind or seismic) load cases, at the indicated location (Loc). VERT(CL) = maximum Vertical panel point deflection in inches due to Live Load and Creep Component of Dead Load in inches. VERT(LL) = maximum Vertical panel point deflection in inches due to Live Load. VERT(TL) = maximum Vertical panel point long term deflection in inches due to Total load, including creep adjustment. W = Wldth of non-hanger bearing, in inches. Refer to ASCE-7 for Wind and Seismic abbreviations. Uppercase Acronyms not explained above are as defined in TPI 1. References: AF&PA: American Forest & Paper Association, 'l 1 1 1 '19'h Street, NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20036; wvwv.afan dpa.orq 2. ICC: lnternational Code Council; www.iccsafe.org. 3. Alpine, a division of ITW Building Components Group lnc.: 13723 Riverport Drive, Suite 200, Maryland Heights, MO 63043;www.aloine itw.com 4. TPI: Truss Plate lnstitute,218 North Lee Streel, Suite 3'12, Alexandria, VA22314:www.toinst.orq 5. SBCA: Wood Truss Council of America, 6300 Enterprise Lane, Madison, Wl 53719;www.sbcindustrV.co Page 2 of 2 SEQN:73830 MONO K.*zg Job Number: SK-17131 commercial sprn96eld cusr: R6598 JRef: 1W MW65Sa000,fI1 DtuNo: 200.19.1321 50223 c\l 47t19!2019 3"8 13 6"3 242"11 2611"2 338',14 40 5"5 471"13 5311"8 60 8' 65"6 9"12 68"8 6'8'8 12 6 9"12 68"8 69"12 68"8 a2 E I 1.5X4 H I =6X6 L 2X5 =5X5(") = 8X8 B G K c D N :a.*;_rl (a)l*,\,\12 w18 o 12X14 L Z B1 U = 3X5 T S 2X4 RQ =H0610 608 65'6 9"12 68"8 68^8 6 9"12 68"8 69"12 68^8 6',8"8 13 6"3 20 211 2611"2 33',8"14 405'5 471^13 5311',8 60'8" Loading Criteria (psr) TCLL] 25.00 TCDL: 7.00 BCLL: 0 00 BCDL: 10.00 oes fo: az.oo NCBCLL: 10.00 Soflit: 204 Load Duralion: 1-15 Spacing: 24.0 " Wind Criteria winri Std: ASCE 7-10 Speed: 135 mph Risk Caiegory: ll EXP:C Ka:NA Mean Height 21.96 ft TCDL:3.5 psl BCDL: 5.0 psf l,4WFRS Parallel Dlsl:0 to h/2 C&C Dist a:6.07 fi Loc. from endwall: Any GCpi:018 Wind Duration: 1 33 Snow Criteria (Ps.Pr n PsF) Pg:25 0 Ctr 1.1 CAT: lll Pt:21.2 Ce: 1.0 Lu: - Cs: 1.00 Snow Duralion: 1.15 Code / Misc criteria Bldg Code: 1RC 2012 TP Std: 2007 z 2529 l- l- 11068 n32 1117 o 2529 t- /- 11068 n31 l- Wlnd reactions based on MWFRS Z B€ Widlh = 5.5 lvin Req = 2.7 O Brg Width = 5.5 [,4in Req = 2.3 Beadngs Z & O are a rigid su.face. l\,{embers not listed have forces less than 375# Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply(lbs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. CompFr/RT:20(0)i 10(0) Plale Type(s): Single Roller WAVE, HS VIEW Ver: 18 02.01A.0205.20 AB B-C CD D.E E-F FG 1897 315S 3914 391.1 4221 4W1 - 3887 - 6640 - 8300 ,8295 ,8992 8756 G-H H-l I,J J.K K.L 4098 4103 2745 2746 1fi2 - 8753 - 8755 - 5902 ,58S8 - 3352 Top chord 2x6 DF-L#2(g) Bot chord 2x8 DF-L #1&8e1.(g) :B1 2x8 DF-L #2(g): Webs 2x3 DF-L Slandard(g) :W1, W6, W14, W16, W17, W18 2x4 DF-L Standard(g): :W2, W4, W19 2x4 DF-L #1&Bet.ig): rlt Beadng Leg 2x4g DF-L Slandard(g): :Rt Bearing Leg 2x4g DF-L Standard(g): Lumber shall be dried to a maximum rnoislure content of 19% prior 10 inslallation. Bracing (a) Continuous lateral restrainl equally spaced on Deflection Max JTVERT DEFL: LL:0.91" DL:0.93". See detail DEFLCAtlB10l4 lor camberrecommendations Provide for adequate drainage of roof. AdditionalNotes WARNING: Furnish a copy ofthis DWG to the installalon conlractor. Failure to follow provisions of BCSI in handling and installation oftrusses can resull in senous injunes Do not permil inexperienced and uninstructed people to install trusses. See "wARNING' note below BCSI reconmends retaining a regislered professional engineer for the design of temporary bmcing Truss must be installed as shown wilh top chord up. Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply {lbs) Chords Tenscomp Chords Tens. ComP Y.X V.U U.T 3993 6708 6708 8338 9000 2011 -3250 3250 - 3986 -4274 T.S S.R R-Q Q'P P,O 77Uvu 5837 5837 322 Plating Notes Connectors in qreen lumber (s) desisned uslng NDSITPI re.l!clion faclors All plates are 5X7 except as noted. (")2 plate(s) require special posiUoning. Refer to scaled plate plot delails for special positioning lvlaimum Web Forces Per Ply (lbs) Weos Ter . Co np Webs Ten,. Comp Z,AA 't 180 1175 4310 1051 3072 745 1867 475 n0 2461 -2010 -2M7 - 1430 - 1436 -471 - 853 - 360 H T l- R K L N -T -t R -K -L-o -o - 413 - 487 -217 -ffi1 ,3U35 - 808 -w4 -3613 Loading Bottom chord checked for 10 00 psf non-concu rrent Y.B B.Xx-c C.V V-E EU Wind loads based on |WFRS with addilional C&C End vedicals exposed lo wind pressure Defleclion meets Ul80. "WARNING* READ AND F-OLLOW ALL NOTES ON THls DRAWING!.*IMPORTANT" FURNISH TH]S DRAW NG TO ALL CONTRACIORS NCLUD NG THE INSTALLERS Trusles reourre enreme care rn fabr.atrno handino sh Do no. tr sla h']o and oraolo Rere' ro and fo lod rhe la "<l "drr on of BCS (Buldrro Comooneni Saferv lnformalion ov TPI and SBCA) i6r safet\ dricr,ces o-flor to oerfoiinino these tunctions. lnsLallers shaLl orovide temDorarv- ora{-iho oer BCS 'Un e,s noted othen^ise loo (hoio shal hiie orooerli attaLred strucuidl sSedlh no dlo bollor cl-ord shall have a orooedv dltachEd r o d Le,l no Lo.atonsshownforoermanenrlateralre:1,;int6freosshalha.eb'acr.lor,rs'al.dDcrBCSlse.IorsB3 87 o'810. rs aool caole ADolr' o ires to ea 'h face of r'1., ano poqrr 01 r. c1o^n above aid on rhe Jo nfDeuils. Ll ess roled olheM :e Rel€ ro draviihqs r60A Z'rbr'slandard plaie posrl ons Aloine . oivision ol ITW BLrloino Comoonents Grouo rn.. snal nolberesoonsblelo,dr.oe!ialro_nomhisdrawinoar/rdlL,eIoDuidtlernisl.n.onfomrn.-A n ANSI/TP llorlorn.ndino shoorno rn sta! atron and orac no of trussesA seal on this dr;wino or c over Daoe listinq th is drawinq. ind icales acce ptan ce of proles sionaf enq inee rinq res pons'ibility solely lor the de siqn sh olin. The suilabilityand Use of lhis drawins for any structure is the responsibiliVof the Suilding Designer per-ANSlfTPl I SEc.2. ,4LPINE N F 9575 OREGON and thesawebsiles: ALPINE: u^fr a 8801 Folsom Bvd Suile 1 Sacramenro, cA 95826 68"8 =8X10=5xs(') 68"8 F, 3"8 1.a Defl/CSlCriteria PP Defleclion in loc L/dea L/# vERr(LL) 0.913 F 797 24O VERT(TL): 1.8a9 F 393 180 HORZ(LL): 0156 A - HORZ(TL): 0315 A - Creep Factor: 1 5 Max TC CSI: 0.690 Max BC CS!: 0 829 N,4ax Web CSI: 0 942 Maximum Reacrions (lbs) Gravity Non Gravity Loc R' /R /Rh /Rw /u /RL -w7 -3U7 - 2144 -2744 -'t521 270 1222 1055 1352 1436 1891 1808 3554 61395 Highsay l0r Soulh coos BAY oR 97.1200rs2 -0f _)(J v O' F oi l ) e t9 u tLc(Lo-cL JJJ-JJ FO(J(JCJO ci- (5z o c zoo to t:!in: t!:i I :.i! ! 3! 5"= 6 Er!; J: "' >, l9rii; "IT T 3{ a =CT ZZ E: EE EI9E -E EI !r.I EzrE ,a EE i; E I z! ! h $ !i s ? := gFE ;:E I U t{ e Ez -a -a ri 9 d6H' ii a, * E !3 oC Eb 3E :.4 r Es 5.E e.i I oE !: Y'; s .J .S r<dYa'- c,.'5 + ;^..PIrs9 o) ";.1 r j O.P EE ca; !; ].i(C 0J AlEE0J 0JUUr(oo _s !-! or o 0.1uutlF __t .! -a ,oic F a,:@ oq ; uE u o J=of = 3:; q3 <z< d E P Al E 0J U( o .! 0Ju _ad Uv) E. oE :'. 36ttF z Eo.o ( -ogi t i+ ]l (! 8 '9 I r.L 8 d.Iri .l -s ',KbPtd != o! T,,9. ,6d '. t2 :t- i4 -9!,rd -aEA ',on 2.Y d99A -3 gi s< -a+E . i i o I c .: U9i ;E 6;',e t y'!; sog - r o; ;.9' E I bg S 4.9' -oY o,.gz-i 2l; ,:P ;:t lJt 0JIo Z. a aPfIIt, _al(A a CJ _a - CJ at UL oq S 0J M MI O .! a. ,0) :z d-at I ii _ ,6? .t4 vr ! F I 6 ii ti 2 ,!! q) s f!La .!!oi d63f,'! '>.f a clrooa, c Ea= oEYuU:Cz Y0,I9)d - >F 0,0oo1.xs- E: i0r*r- Cr ., ,; o, l9i.ni ur S 9 ri -.A C .=o olJ vrl; l/r cf sr6 dF q i Y >,a !oY d ( ( = " E arPO^ EL4q:'n E or :L: . u !-cEoOOF= U ! E +^? tilo =9:+-iYU o,( 9> 0., g rA 6s a -d u ra o qCD Ar 0r -6 ! xt oadaoo o! aa ;.sl 63 oarS-CF-P i:, oz !.o U)o.l ul Ol J! F- oou I LL osd-a !9 P^U,: (r: 0r 0r!-! lgq Z! = =-9 OL ,aF .,_ J g!b;:F -irn! ;9>I f =!ar:r Ar:+3!3 =uu + adoJ 0, J Eo( 9dpOUJ 0) --6'fd x- t) f(uP -iUJ<E 0r f!F s.oI L! .qio!;ord!- dOUO oo; +, .sgaJOoo o-aoo_co do P f! 0r -sP ao E6 O, {-<' 0rEP Or A)OUq/P<' ar ao! 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U.S. Seismic Design Maps OSH PD 157 S 47th St, Springfield, OR 97478, USA Latitude, Longitude: t14.0449599, -122.95188000000002 un Pro Shooting upplies,LLC Dairy Queen Grill & Chill lh z Kona Caf e HaivaiianBarbecue^Tr:lffir:Main St re I Woodside Senior Living Jenna Village United States Postal Service 9 Aster St NIap data O2019 Google e a\er St 4sre. st Go gle Oate Design Code Reference Documenl Risk Category Site Class 4/30/2019,9:06:21 AM ASCET-10 I D - Stif Soil TyPe ss s1 Sr.rs sur Sos sot Type sDc PGA PGAM TL SsRT SsUH SsD S1RT Sl UH S,I D PGAd uRs cnt Value o.717 0.378 0_879 0.621 0.586 0.414 Value D 1.227 '1.645 0.341 1.159 0.395 0.717 0.841 1.5 0.378 0.454 06 0.5 0.852 0.832 Description I\,,|CER ground motion. (for 0.2 second period) MCER ground motion- (for 1.0s period) Site-modified spectral acceleration value Sile-modifi ed spectral acceleralion value Numeric seismic design value ai0.2 second SA Numeric seismic design value at 1-0 second SA https://seisrnicmaps.org Page 3 1t2 Description Seismic design category Site amplificataon factor at 0.2 second Site amplmcafun factor at '1.0 second MCEG peak ground acceleration Sile amplification factor at PGA Site modified peak ground acceleration Long-period kansition penod in seconds Probabilistic risk-targeted ground motion. (0.2 second) Factored uniform-hazard 12% probability ofexceedance in 50 years) spectral acceleration Factored deterministic acceleration value. (0.2 second) Probabilislic dsk-targeled ground motion. (1.0 semnd) Factored uniform-hazard (27o probability ofexceedance in 50 years) spectral acceleration- Factored deterministic acceleration value. (1.0 second) Factored deterministic acceleration value. (Peak Ground Acceleration) l\,,lapped value of the risk coefficieni at short periods Mapped valire ofthe risk coeflicient at a period of 1 s 4130t2019 MCER Response Spectrum U.S. Seismic Design Maps 15 15 o 6 .^\ U) 1.00 0.75 0.50 0.25 0.00 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 50 Design Response Spectrum 10 Peiod, T (sec) - sa(s) 10 Peiod, T (sec) - sa(g) 50 D SCLAII\4ER While the informalion presented on this website as believed to be correct, SfAOC 4OSHPD and its sponsors and conlribulors assume no responsibi|ty or liabilily for its accuracy. The materiaT presented in this web applicalion should nol be used or relied upon for any specific applicalion without competent examination and veriflcation of its accuracy, suitabilily and applacability by engineers or olher licensed professionals. SEAOC / OSHpD do not intend that the use ofthis information replace the sound judgment of such compelent professionals. having experience and knowtedge in lhe lield of practice, nor to substitute for the standard of care required of such professionals in interpreting and applying the results of the seismic data provided by this website. Llsers ofthe information from lhis website assume all liabilily arising from such use. Use of the output of this website does not imply approval by the governing building code bodies responsibte for b!ilding code approval and inlerpretation for the building site described by lalitude/longilude location in the search results ofthis webstie. https://se smicmaps org Page 4 2t2 luA MORTIER ANG ENGINEERS STRUCTURAL I CtVtL J FtRE PROTECTTON 1355 OAK STREET, STE 2OO EUGENE, OR 97401 P: 541{84-9080 I F: 541-484€859 work Order ZZL82 Project:157 S 47TH ST,SPRtNGFtETD, OR 97478 oate:512/2O79 Project Design Loads and Criteria 2014 0SSC/2012 |BC/ASCE 7-10 Use, Occupancy, Construction, and Risk Gategory 2014 OSSC - Chapter 3 and Chapter 6 Type V B B I construction Type (ossc ch 6) occupancy (OSsC Ch 3i Risk category (Table 1604.5) Occupants Any Material All Other Struct People Vertical Deflection Criteria 2014 OSSC - Table 1604.3 L Ll24O 60 or 3/4"Ll240* r/600 SorW D+L SorW D+L .L 3/4" limit shallapply to D+t if siCnificant Dt is applied after stud installation- Notes Notes L/360 Supporting Brittle ceiling Supporting Non-Brittle Ceiling Not Suppo(ing Ceiling 3/4" limit shall apply to D+t if significant DL is applied after stud installation.L/180 Ll12O L/36O ot 3/4"L/24O+ 3/4" is a soft limit intended to accornmodate commonly available slide clips and deflection track at exterior CFS walls Lateral Deflection Griteria L/180L/24O Ll24O 2014 OSSC - Table 1604.3 Wind L/360 | L/24O Notes With Stucco/Plaster With Other Brittle Finishes with Flexible Fanishes wind load deflection checked with 0.42 load factor 0-6 (ASD)x 0.7 (Conversion to 50 year MRI) structural Drift (ASCE 7-10)Wind Seismic Notes Ll12O sll+oo o.o2olx h,"see Table 12.12-1 There are no current restrictions on wind story drift limits. Story drift limits for \dind based on recommendations by SK Ghosh Page 5 Floor Beams and Deck Typical Perimeter Supporting Masonry Roof Beams and Deck L N/A L|400 L/360 Out of Plane Walls All other structures ws MORTIER ANG ENGINEERS STRUCTURAL I CtVtL I FtRE PROTECTTON 1355 OAK STREET. STE 2OO p, s+r+ea-eo#irltii?E :;33J 22LA2 157 S 47TH ST,SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 Date 5l2lzo7e Dead/Soil/Hydrostatic Loads ASCE 7-10 Chapter 3 Floor Assembly Wall Assemb Exterio Total Other Assembl Totr Live Loads psf psf psf psf psf Roof Assembl Total Wall Assembl lnterio Total Other Assembl Total psf psf psf psf psf psf psf psf psf psf psf psf psf psf psf psf psf psf psf psf psf psf psf Total Roof Dead Load 77 0 77 2x6 studs@16"0.c.1.5 5/8" gypsum board 2.2 15/32" plywood wall sheathing 2.2 M isc.3.1 lnsulation 1 10 0 0 0 ASCE 7-10 Chapter 4 50 #N/A sN/A #N/A sN/A L,niform Load psf psf psf psf psf psf psf psf Concentrated Load 2000 #N/A SN/A #N/A sN/A lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs lbs Page 6 Total Offices I'A STRUCTURAL I CIVIL I FtRE PROTECTTON 1355 OAK STREET, STE 2OO EUGENE, OR 97401 P: 541-484-9080 I F: 541-484-6859 Work orde. 22LAz Project:157 5 47TH ST,SPRtNGFtETD, OR 97478 Date sl2l20t9 Snow/Rain Loads ASCE 7-10 Chapter 7 & Chapter 8 + 2007 sEAo snow Load Analysis for Oregon Balanced Snow Load ASCE 7-10 Chapter 7.3 and 7.4) psf (ps) pcf (Y) -(ts) - (c,) 0.9 - (c") ft (hb) Roofslope Roof5lope Roof Slope Factor Roof Slippery & Unobstructed Flat Roof Snow Load Sloped Roof snow toad Rain on Snow Surcharge Balanced snow toad (W Ros) 0.0 1.00 11.9 5 psf(p,) psf (p.) psf psf Unbalanced Snow Load (ASCE 7-10 Chap ter 7.6) 11 o 15.43 1.00 11.9 o.77 1.00 Fully Exposed Calculations for Hi and Gable Roofs onl Curved, Folded Plate, Sawtooth, Barrrel Vault, or Domed roofs require hand calculations in accordance with ASCE 7-10 7.6. tf Eave to Ridge Dist. s 20 ft, see discussion in 7.6.1 for alternate unbalanced snow load pattern #Drv/0!:1(s) ft psf 30 h (w) psf psf SEAo Minimum Snow Load Case 2007 SEAO Snow Load Anal is for O on Eave To Ridge Dist. No Unbalanced Loading Req'd No Unbalanced Loading Req'd lnverse of Roof Slope No LJnbalanced Loading Req'd No Unbalanced Loading Req'd psf Rain on Snow Surcharge Min Bel. snow Load (W RoS) Unbalanced W < 20 lt $ith rcof mflcr rystern lMin Flat Roof 5now Load Min snow load per SEAO Snow Load Analysis is ls*2opsfwith an additional Spsf rain on snow, if roof pitch is shallow, roof is not slippery and runoff is obstructed. Balan(jed psf I*p! :h. Jsr3"ll t "r/'60.3 P'Uoba,nDccd Olhcr pr 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 520 25.0 I I Page 7 MORTIER ANG ENGINEERS Ground Snow load Snow Density Snow lmportance Factor ThermalFactor Terr- Exposure Category Roof Exposure €xposure Factor Height of Balanced Snow toad :72 degrees No B 16.9 Not : Unbalanccd loads need not b€ consider€d for e> 30.2" (7 oD 12) o. for 0<2.38'(1,2 on 12) p, luA MORTIER ANG ENGINEERS STRUCTURAL I CrVtL I FrRE PROTECTTON 1355 OAK STREET, STE 2OO EUGENE, OR 97401 P: 541-484-9080 | F: 54'1-484-6859 22ra2 Project:157 S 47TH ST,SPRtNGFtETD, OR 97478 Date:sl2120t9 Seismic Loads ASCE 7-10 Chapters 11-14 Site Parameters (ASCE 7-10 Cha ter 11 Site Class 1 Second Spectral Acceleration 1 Second Site Coefficient 1 Second SpectralAcc. W Site Eff 1 Second Design spectGl Acc. LonB Period Transition Period Seismic DesiSn Category Short Period Spectral Acceleration Short Period Site Coefficient Sho( Period SpectralAcc. W Site €ff Short Period Design SpectralAcc. (sDc) I (s5) - (F.) c (s"J c {sos) c (s1) ' (F") c (sM,) c {so,) sec (TJ Oregon TLvalues are typically 16 sec Seismic Force Resisting System (ASCE 7-10 - Cha t 12\ D 0.378 o.717 7.644 1..225 o.627 0.879 o.474 0.5 86 N-S Basic Seismic Force-Resisting System (ASCE 7-10 Chapter 12.2) Footnotes Response Modifcation Fctr Deflectaon Amplific. Fctr HeiSht timit (R) - (cd) ft ASCE 7-10 Detailing Sectjon Overstrength Factor Seismic lmportance Factor (oo) - (1,) 83sac Seismic Force-Resistans system {Table 12.2.1 6.5 Verticaland Horizontal lrregularities (ASCE 7-10 Tables 12.3-1 and 12.3- Redundancy (ASCE 7-10 Chapter 12.3.4) ls the structure located in seismic design category B or C? Does the structure meet the requirements of (b), regular and having multible bays of MLFRS? Does the structure meet the requirements of (a) - See table 12.3-3? Redundancy Factor (p) Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure (ASCE 7-10 Cha r 12.8) Confirm that Eq. Lat. Force Procedure as permitted per Table 12.6-1 Structural System Building Period Coefficient StructuralHeight Seasmic Response Coeffi cient - (c,) ft (h") x w lbs (q) Building Period Exponent Approximate Euilding Period - (x) sec (T.)25 See seismic analysis section for detailed seismic load calculations including vertjcal and horizontal distribution N/A 74.7,74.5 3 4 1.00 55 15. Light Frame (Wood) Walls Sheathed With Wood Structural Panels Rated For Shear Resistance or Steel Sheets No Yes Yes 0.02 0.75 0.224 0.090 Yes AII other structural systems Page 8 D 16 rl t-{l MORTIER ANG ENGINEERS STRUCTURAL lCrVrL I FtRE PROTECTTON 1355 OAK STREET, STE 2OO EUGENE, OR 97401 P: 541-484-9040 I F: 541-444-6459 Work Order:22t82 157 S 47TH ST,SPRtNGFIEI-D, OR 97478 Date sl2/2019 E-W - Basic Seismic Force-Resisting System (AscE 7-10 chapter 12.2) 74.4 2.52 1.00 NP 9. Ordinary Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls (R) '(cd) ft ASCE 7-10 Detailing Section Overstrength Factor Seismic lmportance Factor - (oJ - (1.) Basic Sei3mic Force-Resisti System (Table 12.2.1) Vertical and Hori2ontal Irregularities (ASCE 7-10 Tables 12.3-1 and 12.3-2) Redundancy (ASCE 7-10 Chapter 12.3.4) Redundancy tactor ' (p) uivalent Lateral Force Procedure (ASCE 7-10 Chapter 12.8): Confirm that Eq. lat Force Procedure is permitted perTable 12.6-1 ls the structure located in seismic design category B or C? Does the structure meet the requirements of (b) - regular and having multible bays of MLFRS? Does the structure meet the requirements of 12-3.4-2 (a) - see table 12.3-3? Structural system Building Period Coeff icient StructuralHeiBht Seismic Response Coefficient -(q) ft (h^) x w lbs (Ct) Euilding Period Exponent Approximate Building Period See sersmic analysis section for detailed seismic load calculations including vertical and horizontal distribution. No Yes Yes 1 o.150.02 o.21.723.L 0.29 All other structural systems Page I Response Modifcation Fctr Deflection Amplific. Fctr Height Limit - (x) sec (T.) Yes Wind Loads o,, l,lain Wind-Force Resisting System Rigid Buildings of A Heights (Directional Procedurc) Buildlng with Gable, Hip, Monoslope or Mansard Roof per ASCE 7 -10 section 27.4 bySNS revised 1/2018 input in shaded cells Prolecl : Howard Restoration Job : 22142 Oate: 5l2Al2O19 Building Width - Parallel to Ridge Euilding Width - Normal to Ridge Eave height Mean roof height RooI slope wind normalto ridge Basic wind speed Exposure Calegory Wnd directionality faclor Topographic tactor Velocity pressure exposure coelficient feet teel feet teot /12 = mph 26.5.1 ta e 26.61. page 194 26.8.2 60 60 23 0 120 B 0.85 1.00 1.00 0.85 wind lgltra! to ndge UB= wind paGllqlto ridge UB = 1.00 1.00 h h 0.0 degrees B,C or & K, D 0.65 20.3 table 27.3-1 page 205 eq 27.3-1 EnclosureClassification EnclosedoreartiallyEnclosed lnlernal pressure co€ffi cienl Reduction tactor for large volume buildings R, Gusl effect factor G E 26.10 q" GCd = 0.18 table 26.11-l page 201 26.9 Extemal pressure coefficient, q pet figwe 27.4-1 page 207 case 2 Leelyard Wall - wlnd normal to ridge Leeward Wall - wind parallelto ridge Side Wall Eave - windward 0.8 -0.50 -0.50 -o.1 0.8 wind normal to ridge with slope > 10 degrees : h/L= 0.38 Roof- Mndward Roof - l€eward n.a n_a na wind normal to rldge with slop€ < 10 degrees ' ho/L= 0.38 Roof - 0 to h/2 trom odge h.l2= 12' Roof - h/2 to hfrom edge 2h.= 46' RooI - h to 2h from edge Roof - >2h trom edge -0.90 -0.90 -0.50 -0.30 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 wind parallel to ridge: h/L= 0.38 6l2 = 12' 2h= 46' Roof - 0lo h,/2 from edge Roof - h/2 to h from 6dge Root - h to 2h Irom edge Roof - >2h from edge -0.90 -0.90 -0.50 -0.30 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 -0.18 pet eq27.4-1 lntemal pressure q(GCF) = +/- 3.7 psf lntemat pressure Windward Wall Leeward Wall - wind normal to ridge Leeward Wall - wind parallello ridge Side Wal wind normalto ddge wjth slop6 > 10 degrees : Eavo - windward n/a al underside Roof - windward (includes root pressure) Roof - teeward negativeposilivenegatvepositive LOAD CASE 1 LOAD CASE 2 Design Wind Pressure p = qGCp - qi(Gcpi) psf positive wind pressure on exlerior surface is loward building interi n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a wind normal to ridge with slope < 10 degreosi Eave - windward 29.4 al underside (includes rcof pressure) -19.2 -19.2 -'t2.3 -8.9 Roof - 0 to h/2 from edse Roof - h/2 to h from edge Roof - h to 2h frcm edge Roof - >2h from edge -11.9 -'1 1.9 -5.0 ,1.5 -6.8 -6.8 -6.8 -6.8 0.s 0.5 0.5 0.5 wind parallel to rjdge : Eav6 - windward 29 at underside (includes roof pressure) -'19.2 -19.2 -12.3 -8.9 Roof - 0 to h/2 from edge Roof - h/2 to h ftom edge Roof - h lo 2h from edqe RooI - >2h ftom edge -11.9 -11.9 -5.0 -1.5 -6.8 -6.8 -6.8 -6.8 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.s 10.2 -12.3 -12.3 -15.8 '17.5 -5.0 -5.0 -8.4 10.2 -12.3 -12.3 -15.8 17.5 -5.0 -5.0 -8.4 n_a n.a ,:zJ,.Vt{ I E I:'aL'PASSEDHEMBER REPORT Level. Wallr Header 1 piece(s) s Ll2" x ,.2" 24F-v4 oF Glulam @ Garage dOOr OveGllLengih: 12'6" All locatrons are measured from the outslde Face of left support (or left canUlever end). All dlmensions are horizontal Design Results LOf Load: Combination (Pattem) [{ember Reaction (lbs)7975 @ 1 1/2'10725 (3.00)Passed (74olo)1.0D+1.05(AllSpans) Shear (lbs)6380 @ 1', 3"11409 Passed (48%)1.15 1.0O+1.05(AllSpans) Pos l"loment (Ft lbs)23936 @ 6',3',30360 Passed (79%)1.15 1.0 D-r 1.0 S (AllSpans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.267 @ 6', 3',0.408 Passed (L/551)l.0D+ 1.0S(AllSpans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.454 6', 3"0.613 Passed (U324)1.0D+ 1.0 S (AllSpans) . Deflection oiteria: u (U360).nd n (U2a{). . Top Edse Eracins (Lu): Top comprelsion edge must be bBced at 12 6" o/c unless debiled otheBis€ . Bottom Edge Eracing (Lu): Bottom compr6sion €d9€ must be breed at 12' 6" o/c unl€ss detailed otherwise. . C.iti6l positive mom€.t 6dju$ed bY a volurn€ h<tor of 1-00 th.t rds Glculated uing l€ngth t = !Z' 3'. . The effe.ts of pos,ti!€ or negative c;mber hav€ not been acco$t€d ior whs Glcuhting defl€dion. . rhe specified stutam is assumed lo have its strong raminatons at th€ bottom of the beam. Install with PrcPer side up as indicated by the manubcturer . Apprkable Gldlations are based on Nos. Supports Lo.ds to supports (lbs) t.00'2.23"l2ss 4687 79J5 't. 3.00"2.23-3288 4687 7975 Loads Location (side)(o.e0)(1.1s) 0 Selfweight (PLf)0 to 12'6"16.0 r - Unform (xF)0 to 12'6"30'17.0 250 ;; E l'4ember T)?e : He.der Boilding U* : Residential Bu ding Code : IBc 2015 D€sign t4ethodology : ASD r Notes v/eyerhaeus€r waGnts that tie sting of its rdaH to dl€ softlvare. Ue of this software responsible to assur€ that this Glcllation is weyerhaeus€r faciliies are third-paLy certifr and/or te$ed in accodance with applicable, p.oducts wilt b€ in acordance with Weyerh!&ser product deign oiterB and puuistEd desiqn valu€.- Weyerhaels€r expr€ssly dishims any otns wa.rantis is rct intended to ci.@nvent the ieed ror a d6i9n professional as d€te.mined by the authonty having ju sdictjon. The designer of reqd, build€, or ftaffi is compatibte will ti€ oveEl proje.t. Accessoties (Rrm Board, Blo.king Pan€ls and Squash Bl(k) are not designed by this software. Ptoducts manura.turcd at , . €d d sustainabt€ roresrry s;niards. WeyefiaeEr Engineercd Lu;ber prcducts have ben evaluated by lcc-Es underevalualo. rcports EsR_1153 and EsR'1387 ASTM standards. For cunent code evallation reports, weyerhaeuser prcduct liteGtur€ and irlsbllation details refe. to The product applic.tion, input dsign loads, dimensions and support information h.ve been provided by FodewEB Soitwarc OpeGtor eww.weyedeuer-@m/woodprodu.ts/doornr€nt-library A p""'*Bt! FoRlsTRr rNr'rAlrvt ForteWEA Software Operator 5/2812019 11:06:43 PM UTC ForteWEB v2.0, Engine: w.3.2.309, Data| w.2.0.2 File Name: stud Pa.'P 1 / 1 ]3y thatt (s41) 484-9080 Page 11 3 00" r.00" aitut{ I E lu.t MEMBER REPORT Roof, man-door header 1 piece(s) 6 x 6 Douglas Fir-Larch No. 2 &erall Lengih: 3 6' All locations are measured from the outside face of hft support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal Design Results Loadr Combination (Patt€h) tlember Reaction (lbs)2218 @ 0 s1s6 (1.s0)Passed (43olo)1.0D+ 1.0 S (AllSpans) Shear (lbs)7419 @ 1',3941 Passed (38o/o)1.15 l.0D+ 1.0 S (AIlSpans) lloment (Ft-lbs)1941 @ l'. 9"1993 Passed (97%)1.15 l.0D+ 1.0 S (AllSpans) Live Load Defl. (in)0.026 @ 1' 9'0.tt/Passed (L/999+)1.0D+1.0S(AllSpans) Total Load Defl. (in)0.043 @ l',9',0.175 Passed (L/973)1.0D+1.0S(AllSpans) PASSED i; . Denection o'teria: u (V360) and rL (U240). . Iop Edge &acing (ru): Top @mp.6sion €dge must be brd€ed at 3' 6" o/c unress &railed othemie. . Bofm Edge Bfacing (Lu): Eottom (ompressio. €dqe rnust be kaced at 3' 6" o/. unt€ss d€iailed ouEMis€. . Appli€able calcutations are ba*d on NDS. toads to Supports (lb.) I50 1.50"906 1312 1214 1.50'1.50'r.50"906 1112 Vertical Loads (o.s0)(1.15) 0 ' self weight (Prf)0to3 6" 1 - Unifom (PSF)30 174 254 and/or tested in a.cordan e with applicable ASTY srandards. Fo. <urent code eva uation repo(s, Weyehaelser proauct titerature and instalatio. deiails retur totw.weye haeosercom/woodprod!<ts/doome.alib.ary. The produ<t appliGtion, input d6ign oads, dlmensions and slpport nformauon have ben provided by FoneWEB Software A q*"'*BL! 'oRESTRY NrTrAIrvE FodeWEB Soitwar€ Operator 6l2L/2019 4t51t2& PM WC ForteWEB v2.1, Engine: V7.3.2.309, Data: W.2.0,2 File Name: Beams p^..a1t1 Mortie. lrq Enqinss (s41) /la+9080 nryes@modierana.c!m work order 22182 Page 12 ll Memb€r Ttpe : tleada Building Use : Residentjal Building code : IBc 2015 Deslgn Methodology : ASD Supports 1.50' 0 to 3' 6" Weyerhaeuser Notes Y.A TVIORTIER ANG ENGINEERS crvrl I STRUCTURAL l FrRE 1355 OAK STREET, STE 2OO EUGENE, OR 97401 Pi 541-484-9080 | F: 541-484-6859 woRKoRoeR 2ZlgA PROJECi ENGR: JB ? Loctt\'/16 . - ) Lo"tL t o ?sP. ') Roo F DeqJ l-ocrJ iiL ?si. Page 13 oerc0510212019 ) De'd, L oct) oF ..gt-qJ "Pcll, t/A t\4ORTIER ANG ENGINEERS ctvtL I STRUCTURAL I F|RE 1355 OAK STREET. STE 2OO EUGENE, OR 97401 P: 541-484.9080 I F: 541-484-6859 IVORK OROER PAOJECI ENGR JB oerc,1510212019 .)Se\s*tic-*w e+RooF leyet.J,_ doe Rooe It?sF x 6o,s P*< 6oF3 + 6s ?s? ^ zs.? P* x go.{ + t o ?s F x -t-b'? Fi * ko tr++6o.rF*i- 60 ft.'---= L--'- + to ?s tr xlft.t 2 x 4s.5 ft. i 6't.?*r tsl?s -1- 4?.te k\fs +21 .56 rc\es t 1.Bz <its rsa.zs k\Ps . Page 14 tiiS ci ci :.9 z .3 !6oJ i9 6E Fr.nco6 oo oqo LN.!o qo at'lo n]e oIo(o oqo(o o ct€ o o(o d1 ci a.l o a\l N N .,,i .,,i o o o o ci6l .,i .iN N R o1 Or n Or nor : ig .g; i' .:.o ?r 'i= F; oe o ==??,.i ,.: = e o i, o o: '; ,9s 4 z o l?l o @t\tNqr o o ul (,zao- F -FNt F N @ NN o = O-OooL.) ,., t- @ i^t@':o i IIJ L]J S ( rx,,'ho:u, loYu.l@ dq o- 0azil(ur tr IJJUz tr-toOzEutI z Fo uJF t 0_ IIJt- tr -t O J tlFolt-Fa or ol q (o o_ oeo ooo N ci no No No o,4oro arrloro =.9>E z OE = = o t=== Fr.ncoQ fo. oo o) @ q) .o N N o.r ci O1a{ ci qo co =="eq/'*:ea E ,9 z a qr @t\<lt\or G,o o ITJ (,z &,c FF<t a\ ind@-o Y L]J L! Ju2tt) af ul ,r' YU]E o .1' HE o- z U l-- tJJF t 0- uJ x- tr I O I tlFo:) x.Fa oazt(rutuu> L-uoOz EurI Io Io oqo(o oqo(o q (o = E.9 a2 N6 l\N o B ]'7lg3E',i'sEll8 SIRUCTURAL ICIVIL I FIRE PROTECTION -z r h m Forces Roof , Page 17 5050r t'.4 MORTIER ANG ENGINEERS clvrl I STRUCTURAL I FIRE 1355 OAK STREET, STE 2OO EUGENE, OR 97401 P: 541-484-9080 I F: 541-484{8sg woRRoRoER:221E7 Ao -o'l * aio r"t io 'eNca, g\l j otlDATE:L Dou6le Plo.le Lo.3 (ic e DF.L te J lb o. tLtB"x 3.S" nnit.t 7 t8 !. L Sloqo,ernt JL/ 23 tlcrL j 3 0C 23n s d I o.8t Z (1t e)(,,qQl(o,t )35zo tu A 5D tensio^ i^ <k onJ 338e u(o',) (+zzo)z OK SQt 9l,.'1 1 Page 18 5i"ke. \-a - Wood Shear Wall Design per 2014 OSSC & At&PASPDWS-2008 lnput in shaded boxes by 221A2 5t3/2019 Sos = 0.5a6 Sk€ngth DesiBn Load Combination DL 4: 1.2 D +W+L s: (1.2+0.2so,)0 + E+L 5i 0.9 D + W 7: (0.9 0.2sod0 + E 1.2 1.37 0.9 0.78 End Post Lookup table I 2 3 5 6 Strength Check (1)21 4 (2) 2x4 (1) 2x6 (2)2x6 4!5 6x6 s.25 10.5 8.2s 16.5 19.25 30.2s 1700 17CE 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 (in') E {ksi) l-RFD resistance factor for sheathing unn thear 080 slud spacing. 160124 j6 in nail spacing al intemediat€ framing members. 6 or 12 12 in unblocted sh€ar wiall adiustmenl factor C"b 0.6 used fo{ shear walltype 0 Common NailSi 8d: 0.131" dia x 2.5" 10d: o-148" dia x 2.25" Wall0irnensions Comments Def e.t oi cakul.t on N-S segment lengths tuming length height h/b unit weight {plr) 5 3x framing abuttane edges? orStrap (ft)(ft){ft)(psf)(plr) 475 510 10E (n)(n) (kiplin) 13 8 D B 4 L 13.33 10.33 0.96 o.77 10 80 0 0 0 10 130 6,(14 0K 00K 0.53 o.t1 0.95 0.19 11.45 55.89 6,( 0 0 io|/ol iDrv/o1E.W 000 60.5 50.5 15 o.25 10 150 84 1!o( ,Drv/o! {orv/o! flDrv/o! 0.49 0.26 39.91 13.33 45.5 wr MORTIER ANG ENGINEERS clvrL I STRUCTURAL I FtRE 1355 OAK STREET, STE 2OO EUGENE. OR 97401 P:541.484-9080 | F: 1-4a4-6859 woRKoRoeR2Alt 2-PROJECT:ENGR:DATE: > \tFhf,* @. ofi Hr @ 61ss locer.tiayrl^ a\4) *{t tF} tesS.t"-< = -.1s.2 flse' qF liF* r.s.rrce- rc.2 a S?4ci,,t oF str{J R.oo e- Tvr.u. ?s c r 2F*. x- 'oF*-. ' ",riwh ,- 11s2 Po.rzrl, O.6 x.r?(ie* ?o>a.?- o.6a1152 fouztl = 691.2 forr7l: f^) 4 De-C/-t Loet oF RsoP: - fi ?S F *--r* - 1020 foU.r(t. 4 O,6D = o.G). 1o2O Porrn4l = 612 for{oar., I rue+ Ltll\tf^ 691.2 ?oqz> - 612 fourzA 79.2 z2\\?ttF ui+A trJx*'tNaieq 4si'ftlqtLZ 4er paunt=16tt, Page 20 T?arJs .S?cta.vb ;a 3o P-t-.---g, Rooe rtl>' os\r-+', tlS IUORTIER ANG ENGINEERS ctvtL i STRUCTURAL I FrRE 1355 OAK STREET, STE 2OO EUGENE, OR 97401 P: 541-484-9080 lF: 541{844859 WORK OROER:z ENGR:OATEPROJECT: r.tet u(l\F*ftrac on sill anchor drte;o .t?tle+iI Ryggt 1/2" Dia. rite'rf uP @ 4c" a.c ' 2 .,\er'rJ vF(iF-+ tile,ssq-re _1e.2 FsF. \tf lilit F.ozxe- >- - 19.2 BFx ;o F* xAF* ' = zs04 eo*/7l Ctr. 0'6 x q?r\ e* W€=o. dx. 1382.4 2304 Touor7a to.rxr G9 ) DecU Loctl oE Roop*'^ s.trrut3 S?crafr3r. 17 ?sF ^ o {i.'xBoel-.+ lRose .-iy c^Surh = zo4o focmr C.Uf - z) o.€o -o'(x 2040 Po.\t?). 1224 Po.rrl 6o) z) Ne+- vf lier=1382.4 I EO (orraa - 122+ fo't'':n.t, frvt,tt gq) 3.25" dJe- r$r, t)'p riren trs *l hro,n=-ryfu\..2 Page 21 ,a)llJ]{ I E lltt PASSED Wall Height: 15'Member Height: 14' 7 1/2"O. C, Spacing: 84.00" Design Results TDF Slenderness 2l 50 Passed (54olo) Compression (lbs)7915 18{21 Passed (43olo)1.15 1.0D+1.0S Plate Bearing ( bs)7915 16758 Passed (48olo)1.0D+1.0s Lateral Readion (lbs)701 1.60 1.0D+0.6W Latera, Shear (lbs)657 4620 Passed ( 14olo)1.60 1.00+0.6W Lateral Moment (ft-lbs)2563 @ mid-span 4835 Passed (53o/o)1.60 1.0D+0.6W Lateral Deflection (in)0.69 @ mid-span 1.46 Passed (U2s4)1.0D+0.6W Bending/Compression a-12 L Passed (72olo)1.60 1.0 D + 0.45 W + 0.75 L + 0.75 S MEMBER REPORT Level, Wall: Stud 3 piece(s) 2 x 6 M-12 F.amer Series'" Lumber @ 84" OC Supports Dbt 2x Douglas Fir-Larch Base 2X Douglas Fir-Larch . L.t6ai(leflediori citeria: wind (V120) . Axial load ec.€nvidty for this dsign is zerc. . Applkabh akulatioG arc bas€d on NDs. . A beiring are. f.ctor of 1.083333 has be€n apd-r€d to bas plate beanng cap ity. . The cotomn sbbiriry frcro. (Xr = 0.6) applied to this drlign assurn€. nailed built-up columns per NDS secton 15.3.3. Also refs to Weyefia€ls€is U.5. Wall Gude fc mLlupl€-memtr€r ccrne.ton rcqLtremerts. Blilding Code : IBC 2015 osjgn t4€tiodoLogy : AsD J:- -' Dtuwing 's Can@ptual Max Unbraced Length 10d x 3' Box (End)I 10d x 3" Box (End) . Nailed connection at the to, of the member is assumed to be nailed through the bltlom 2x Plate prior to placenent of ti€ top 2x of the double top plate assemb y Vertical Load (0.eo)(1.0o)(1.r5)(1.60) 1 - Poiit ilb)80 24 Lateral Load spacin9 (1.60) 1 ' Uniform (PSD 84.0!"22-8 . aSca/sEI 7 Sec. 30.4: Exposlre Gtegory (B), lvlean Roof Height (33),lopographic Fador (1.0), !v nd Dredona V aactor (0.85 Basic wind Speed (115), R sk category(ID, Etrecuve wind arca determin€d usinq tull m€mb€r span and trib- wirlth, . I8C Table 1604.3, footnote f: Defl,e.tion dEks are p€rfo.m€d using 42olo of this lat€rai wind l@d Notes and/or tested in ac.odance witn'appitcable ASIPI srandards. For curent code evaluation repods, weyerhaeuser product literature and installation details rcfer to M.weyedE€u*..com/w@dproducts/document-library' The produ<t appliGtDn, input design Ioads, dim€neons a.d suppo.t informatron have b€en povided bv FortewEB Soft\,are Or€rator A qt" **t FoR'SIRY rNrTrArrvE FortewEa Software Operator 6/19/2019 5:28:44 Pl'l UTc ForteWEB v2.1, Engine: \r7.3.2.309, Data: V7.2.0.2 File Name: stud P^ cl11 lay Bh.tt (5rl) a84-9080 Page 22 I 1'. Lateral Connections LProiect information Customer company: Pierce Restoration Customer conlact name: Customer e-mail: Comment: 2. lnpul Dala & Anchor Parameters General Design method:ACl 318-14 Unils: lmperial 0nils Anchor lnformation: Anchor type: Bonded anchor Material: F1554 Grade 36 Diameler (inch): 0.625 Effective Embedmenl depth, h6, (inch): 9.750 Code report: ICC-ES ESR-4057 Anchor calegory: - Anchor ductility: Yes h-h (inch): 11.13 c* (inch): 24 08 C-. (inch): ,l.75 S." (inch):3.00 Company:MAE Date 5t28t2019 Engineer:JB Page 1t5 Projecl:Howard Restoration Address Phone: Project descriplion: Location: Fastening descripiion: Base Material Concrete: Normal-weight Concrete thickness, h (inch)i 16 00 Stale: Cracked Compressive slrength, fc (psi): 3000 W".v: 1.0 Reinforcement condition: B tension, B shear Supplemental reinforcement Not applicable Reinforcement provided at corners: No lgnore concrete breakout in tensiont No lgnore concrete breakout in shear: No Hole condition: Dry concrete lnspeclion: Periodic Temperature range, Shorvlong: 150/l 1 0'F lgnore 6do requirement Nol applicable Build-up grout pad: No Anchor Designerfr Software Version 2.7.6990 0 Recommended Anchor Anchor Name: SET-3G - SET-3G w/ 5/8"O F'1554 Gr. 36 Code Report ICC-ES ESR-4057 I I lnput data and results musl be checked for agreement wlth lhe existing circumslances the slanda.ds and guidetines musl b€ checked for ptausibitity ' _ .' : - T - al r .. _ . 5956 W Las Positas aoulevard Pleasanton, CA 94584 Phoner 925.560 9OO O F ax g?5 U7 3A7 1 www.strongtie.c.m Strong{Ii:e Page 23 SIMPSPN E-mail: n d li, Load and Geometry Load factor source: ACI 318 Seclion 5.3 Load combination: L, = 0.9D + 1.0E Seismic design: Yes Anchors subjected to sustained tension: No Ductility section for tension: 17- (d) is salisfled Duclility section for shear: (c) is satisfied Oo factor: 3.0 Apply entire shear load at front rowi No Anchors only resisling wind and/or seismic loads: Yes Company:IVAE Date:5t28t2019 Engineer:JB Page 2t5 Project:Howard Restoration Address: Phone: E mail lb seismic load, with overstrength factor ( wind load is less ) 0rb Anchor DesignerrM Software Version 2.7.6990 0 Service level loads: D E Strenoth level loads N. Ib]: v", [b] v"y [b] 0 0 0 8463 0 0 2821 0 0 <Figure 1>z \. Y lnput data and resutts must be checked for agreement with the erstng circumstances, lhe slandards and guidelines must be decked for plausibility. : - ps.n Si..J.g,T,. Cc,nroa.! ,a. 5956 W. Las Positas Boulevard Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 925-560.9000 Fax:925.A47.3AT www.stongtie.cofl Shong{Ite Page 24 F{l-,l;Ir{;rn i.l 0rb ,/ Anchor DesignerrM Software Version 2.7.6990.0 7.25 Company:MAE Date 5t2812019 Engineer:JB Page:3/5 Project:Howard Restoration Address Phone E-mail <Figure 2> Shong'ais lnpul data and results .nust be checked for agreement with the existing circumstances, the standards and guidelines must be checked for ptausibitity S n'.s." S r' trrr: T '? C.. nr ., r. L, 5956 W Las Positas aoulevard Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phoner 925 560 9Oo O F ax: 925.U7 .381 1 www.strongtie. com Page 25 s[Em 3. Resultino Anchor Forces Anchor Tension load N- (b) Shear load x,v* (rb) Shear load y, v.", (b) Company MAE Date 5/28/2019 Engineer:JB Page 4/5 Project:Howard Restoration Address Phone E-mail Shear load combined, iry,.,r+ry".vr ( b) Anchor DesignerrM Software Version 2.7.6990.0Shong{ie 8463.0 00 00 00 Sum 8463 0 00 Maximum concrete compression strain (%o): 0.00 Maximum concrete compression stress (psi):0 Resultant tension force (lb): 8463 Resultant compression force (lb): 0 Eccentricity of resullanl tension forces in x-axis, e'N" (inch): 0.00 Eccentricily of resullanl lension forces in y-axis, e'Ny (ihch): 0.00 4. Steel Strenoth ofAnchor in Tension lsec. 17.4.1) N., (rb) 6 dN- (b') 13110 475 9833 5. Concrete Breakout Strenoth of Anchor in Tension (Sec. 17.4.2) N5 = k"t-.'!f chetl. (Eq. k. )-a f" (psi) h"/ (in) Nb (lb) 17.0 1.00 3000 9.750 28344 0.7S{N"r = 0.75Q @N"/ AN-lY"atY. NY"p.NND (Sec, 17.3.1 & Eq. '17 .4.2.1a] ,4n" (in'z) Arv- (in'? ca.,. (in) Y.a.u Y"l 00 00 N, (b)d 0.75lN"r (lb) 639.84 855 56 7 .25 0.849 6. Adhesive Strenoth of Anchor in Tension (Sec. 17.4.51 * * = r*,"1.a,,a.t"^K*(f "/ 2,500)'au *c rr.. (psi) kna.r"* K*r aNsa,s 1 .00 f: (psi) 1 000 24348 a.(psi) 0.65 4772 '1.00 3000 0.24 1417 N,, ( b) h"/ (in)Nb, (rb) 1.00 1417 0.63 9.750 27121 0.75QU. = 9.75414*, Awo)Y"a.N.Y"p x"No" lSec. 17.3.1 & Eq. AN" (in'z) Amo (in'?) cN, (in) c,,.i, (in) Y.a a.\j 0.7sdN, (rb) 280.60 307.10 8.76 7.25 0 948 1.000 27121 0.65 11455 Page 26 Fil[ttrT.Tfl 1 1356 1.00 1.00 No.= )..r.zrd.ht (Eq. 7a r. (Psi) d, (in) tnputdata and resutts must be ch€cked for agreemenl 9/tth the e)dsting circumstances, the standards and guidelines must be checked for plausibility .t -.r,:!r Srrn!,Ti: Cu,ir!: -, 5956 W. Las Positas Boulevard Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 925.560.9000 Fax:925.U7 .3a71 w' 1 /.strongtio com Anchor DesignerrM Software Version 2.7.6990 0 I l. Results ll. lnteraction of Tensile and Shear Forces {Sec. D.7}? Tensaon Factored Load, N", (lb) Design Strength, oN" (lb) Company I\,1AE Date 5t28t2019 Engineer JB Page 5/5 Project Howard Restoration Address Phone E-mail Ratio Status Shong:Iie Steel Concrete breakout Adhesive 8463 8463 8463 9833 4772 11455 0.86 0.96 0.74 Pass Pass (GoYerns) Pass SET-3G 5/8'O Fl554 Gr. 36 with hef= 9.750 inch meets the selected design criteria- '12. Warninos - Per designer input, ductility requirements for lension have been delermined to be satisfied - designer to verify - Per desjgner input, ductility requirements for shear have been determined to be satisfled - designer to verify. - Designer must exercise own judgement to determine if this desian is suitable. - Refer lo manufacture/s product literalure for hole cleaning and installation inskuclions. lnput data and resulls must be checked foragreement wilh the existing circumslances, the standards and guidetines must be checked for ptausibitity : , 5956 W Las Posilas Boulevard Pleasanlon CA 9458a Phone:925.560.9000 Fax:925 a4t 3871 www.srongtie com Page 27 SIMPSON l,lrl MORTIER ANG crvrl ISTRUCTURAL I F|RE 1355 OAK STREET, STE 2OO EUGENE, OR 97401 P: 54'1-484-9080 | F: 541-484-68s9 woaxoaoeagelft2 "o,."" lr+s h+tTST.,SfirQ Fetr;08*ENGR:J b olle, of/11/2o11 ) gllehoV peylS4 Fcr 3o\va6e_ Joor_.- + Booz- o,o\rth= \,<F!. 2 cDVl.r f>esr.1.a- z_+.? ?S?. I frooe-c:o\zt> *rq\tr* ?eJ\.>q:* -L1.2 Fre. jI','tb ' q \^F tiei- Fo>c<-- :r(-a7s e x Sr*+sr+) x go?b' . 46oYLY, 0-6x q?ri€f Fa:c<-- o.6x. /< eorJl- = -Q*€ q Ib. 17tsex 7o?*x ? F+{6*o )u. o-6D ^ o'€KQo*o)L _ 2QQI \L Page 28 ENGINEERS 9RosF Qer.tr Ldcrli-_: dcf 'tt ttFl-: 4?{h ).u - 24 4r'4L = ,16 lb. WA IVORTIER ANG CIVIL I STRUCTURAL I FIRE 1355 OAK STREET, STE 2OO EUGENE, OR 97401 P: 541484-9080 | F: g'1484-6859 woRKoaDER22.1?2 PRC,,Ecr: lt+ c &ii s r..s ?:i':aqsl t tr ENGR: 3-B *'.'d{ / f?/col I g) cAec\?- F(nc< o:/i Arn1c\ov)^_- sAec}..- €.cz--ue-- 2+{-fJFx 8't} x l&'f F-}. . =_ 32_\7-z'lL. P o'6K 9z\3.o lu = \le-a-)b. Page 29 ENGINEERS 2 <n\> SIMFSON l.Project info.mation Cuslomea company: Cuslomer contacl name Cuslomer e-mail: Comment: 2. lnpul Data & Anchor Parameters General Design method:ACl 318-14 Unitsr lmperial units Anchor lnformation: Anchor type: Concrete screw Malerial: Carbon Sleel Diameter (inch): 0.500 Nominal Embedment depth (inch): 3.250 Effective Embedment depth, h"r (inch): 2.350 Code report: ICC-ES ESR-2713 Anchor category: 1 Anchor duclility: No h." (inch):5.00 c* (inch);3.56 C-r" (inch): 1.75 S.. (inch):3.00 Company:Mortrer Anq E nqrneers Dale 6/19t2019 Engineer JB Page 1t5 Project E-mail Anchor DesignerrM Software Version 2.7.6990.0 Project description: Location: Fastening description Base Material Concrete: Normalweight Concrete thickness, h (inch): 16-00 State: Cracked Compressive strength, f" (psi): 3000 Vcv: 1.0 Reinforcemenl condition: B tension, B shear Supplemental reinforcement Not applicable Reinforcement provided at corners: No lgnore concrete breakout in tension: No lgnore concrele breakout in shear: No lgnore 6do requirement: Not applicable Build-up grout pad: No Recommended Anchor Anchor Name: Titen HD@ - 1/2'g Titen HD, hnom:3.25" (83mm) Code Report: ICC-ES ESR-2713 tnput data and results must be check€d lor agreement with the exisling circrrmstances, the standards and guidelines must be checked lor plausibility -,.': , S,,rng-Tre C.nrpr.y r.:. 5956W. Las Positas Boulevard Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone:s25 560.9000 Fax:925.847 .3A71 www.stmngti€-com Strong{ie Page 30 Address: Phone: l F!#lil -iE @ Anchor DesignerrM Software Version 2.7.6990-0 Company:Date 6119t2019 Engineer:Page:2t5 Project: Address: Phone: E'mail: Load and Geometry Load factor source: ACI 318 Section 5.3 Load combinalion: not set Sejsmic design: No Anchors subjected to sustained tension: Nol applicable Apply entire shear load at front row: No Anchors only resistang wind and/or seismic loads: Yes Slrength level loads Nd [b]:316 vm, [b]: 0 V*y [b]: 1927 <Figure 1> 1927 tb__..-f otb Y hpt,1 data and resulls musl be checked tor agreemenl with the existing circumstances, the siandards and guidetines must be checked forptausibitity:_i.,, S 1rT,ij nrc._., 5956w Las Positas Boutovard Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 925 560.9000 Fax:925.847.3871 !/r,1 /w.srrongte.com Page 31 z 316 tb I x SIMPSON ! Anchor DesignerrM Software Version 2.7.6990.0 4.00 Company:6t19t2019 Engineer:Paqe 3/5 Project: Address: Phone E-rnail: <FigLrre 2> Strong{ffe tnput data and resutts must be checked for agreement wth the exisling orcumstances, the standards and guidelines must be checked tor plausibality : ^i;:. SilrgT"Corr,lr.j.r 5956 W Las Positas Eoulevard Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 925.560.9000 F ax:925 A47 3471 www.slronglie.com Page 32 SIMPs()N Date: > Anchor Designer Software Version 2.7.6990.0 Company:6/'19/2019 Engineer:Page 4t5 Project: Address Phone E-rnail 3. Resultino Anchor Forces Anchor Tension load, N," (b) Shear load x, v"", (b) Shear load y, v""y (rb) Shear load combined. ./(v,",F+(v,,,F (rb) 316 0 00 1927.0 1927.0 Sum 316 0 00 Maximum concrele compression strain (9oo): 0.00 l,4aximum concrele compression stress (psi): 0 Resultant tension force (lb)i 316 Resultant compression force (lb): 0 Eccentricily of resultant tension fo.ces in x-axis, e'N, (inch): 0.00 Eccentricily of resultant lension forces in y-axis, e'Ny (inch): 0.00 Eccentricily of resultanl shear forces in x-axis, e'v, (inch): 0.00 Eccentricity of resultant shear forces in y-axis, e'vy (inch): 0 00 4. Steel Strenqth of Anchor in Tension [Sec. 17-4.'l) N- ( b) I l,^i,., (tb) 20130 0.65 13085 5. Concrete Breakout Strenoth ofAnchor in Tension {Sec. 17.4-2) Nb = k,,,."\f,hdl5 \Eq 17.4.22a) k" )-, f. (ps ) h./ (in) Nr ( o) 17.O 1.00 3000 2.350 3354 SN"t = Q lAr.t" / AN".)97.a.r 9'",r y"p.rvNo (Sec. 17 .3.1 & Eq. A^/. (in'?) Ark" (in'?) c".* (in) Y"a.u Y".tl Nb (rb) 192? 0 /Mb (b) 1927.O 49.70 400 1 .000 1 .00 8. Steel Strenoth oI Anchor in Shear (Sec. 17.5.11 %, (lb) 0,..,,, 0 0,,,,,,0v,.,lb) 1.0 060 4473 1.000 3354 Nb (rb) 0 tv.p ltb) 065 2140 '1 0 49.74 'l'1. Results lnteraction ofTensile and Shear Forces (Sec. '17.6.1 49.70 1.000 1 000 1.000 3354 0.70 2348 lnput data and results must be checked foragreemenl wilh lhe existing circumsrances, lhe standards and guidelines must be checked forptausibitity . i- 5956W. Las Positas BoLrlevard Pleasanlon, CA 94588 Phone:925 560.9000 Fax:925 847.3871 \ iww.stronstie com Page 33 SIMPSON Date: Strorgryie 1 49.70 10. Concrete Prvout Strenoth of Anchor in Shear (Sec. 17.5.3) |Vcp = !k.eN.b = fk.p(AN"/ AN*\?od.Nvc r Y'"p,vNo (Sec. 17.3 'l & Eq. k"p A!" (in'z) .A,r- (in,) y"aN ,y" n v,cp Anchor DesignerrM Software Vers on 2 7.6990.0 Company Date 6t19t2019 Engineer:Page:5t5 Project: Address Phone: E-mail StatusTensionFactored Load, N@ (lb) Design Strength, eN" (lb) Ratio Strong{ie Steel Concrete breakout 316 316 13085 2140 aa2 0.14 Pass Pass (Governs) StatusShearFactored Load. V* (lb) Design Strength, oV" (lb) Ratio Steel Pryout 1927 1927 4473 2348 o.43 0.82 Pass Pass (Governs) Statuslnteractioncheck N*J,N,CombinedRatio Permissible 5ec.17.6..2 0.00 O.A2 A2.1o/o 112"9J Titen HD, hnom:3.25" (83mm) meets the selected design ctiteria. '1 0 Pass 12. Warninos - Desiqner musl exercise own judgemenl lo determine if this design is sr-litable. - Refer lo manufacturer's product literature for hole cleaning and installation inskuctions tnput data and resutts must be checked for agreement with the existing circumstances, lhe standards and guidelines must be checked lor piausibility - .:.:: - 5956W. Las Positas Boutevard Pleasanton CA 94588 Phone 925 560.9000 Fax 925.847 3871 www.strongtie.com Page 34 FIM"ftrm ,4LPINE Reviewed by Steve Shegedin Moftier Ang Engineers 817 12019. Design Approved. (see correction to quantity) Alpine, an ITW Company 8801 Folsom Blvd., Suite 107 Sacramento, CA 95826 Phone: (800)877-3678 (91 6)387-01 1 6 Fax: (916)387-1110 sacseals@itwbcg.com This package contains general notes pages, 1 kuss drawing(s) and 2 detail(s) Job Number: SK-1?131Customet: Ettrpite Wood Prodocls Job DescriDlion: commercial sDrinofield Addrcss: lnte iVlEW Version: 18.02.01 JFer#r 1WMW65980004 Design Code: IRC 2012 Raof Load (psf): 25.00 7.00' 0.00-10.00 Floot Load (psl): None Wind Standard: ASCE 7-10 Wind Speed (mph): 135 T11200.19.1321.50223 Printed 7/1912019 1:31:22 PM Site lnlormation:Paoe 1: Job Enoineerino Criteria: llem Seal#Truss llem Seal#Truss Truss Design Engineer Scope of Work, Design Assumptions and Design Responsibilities: The design responsibilities assumed in the preparation of these design drawings are those specified in ANSI/TPI 1, Chapter 2; and the National Design Standard for Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Construction, by the Truss Plate lnstitute. The truss component designs conform to the applicable provisions of ANSI/TPI 1 and NDS, the National Design Specification for Wood Construction by AF&PA. The truss component designs are based on the specified loading and dimension information furnished by others to the Truss Design Engineer. The Truss Design Engineer has no duty to independently verify the accuracy or completeness of the information provided by others and may rely on that information without liability. The responsibility for verification of that information remains with others neither employed nor controlled by the Truss Design Engineer. The Truss Design Engineer's seal and signature on the attached drawings, or cover page listing these drawings, indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely for the truss component designs and not for the technical information furnished by others which technical information and consequences thereof remain their sole responsibility. The suitability and use of lhese drawings for any particular structure is the responsibility of the Building Designer in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1 Chapter 2. The Building Designer is responsible for determining that the dimensions and loads for each truss component match those required by the plans and by the actual use of the individual componenl, and for ascertaining that the loads shown on the drawings meet or exceed applicable building code requirements and any additional factors required in the particular application. Truss components using metal conneclor plates with integral teeth shall not be placed in environments that will cause the moisture content ofthe wood in which plates are embedded to exceed 19% and/or cause corrosion of connector plates and other metal fasleners. The Truss Design Engineer shall not be responsible for items beyond lhe specific scope of the agreed contracted work set forth herein, including but not limited to: verifying the dimensions of lhe lruss component, calculation of any of the truss component design loads, inspection of the truss components before or after installation, the design of temporary or permanent bracing and their attachment required in the roof and/or floor systems, the design of diaphragms or shear walls, the design of load transfer connections to and from diaphragms and shear walls, the design of load transfer to the foundation, the design of connections for truss components to their bearing supports, the design of the bearing supports, installation of the truss components, observation of the truss component installation process, review of truss assembly procedures, sequencing of the truss componenl installation, construction means and methods, site and/or worker safety in the installation of lhe truss components and/or its connections. This document may be a high quality facsimile of the original engineering documenl which is a digitally signed electronic file with third party authentication. A wet or embossed seal copy of lhis engineering document is available upon request. Temporary Lateral Restraint and Bracing: Temporary lateral restraint and diagonal bracing shall be installed accordang to the provisions of BCSI chapters B'1, 82, 87 and/or 810 (Building Component Safety lnformation, by TPI and SBCA), or as specified by the Building Designer or other Registered Design Professional. The required locations for lateral restraint and/or bracing depicted on these drawings are only for the permanent lateral support of the truss members to reduce buckling lengths, and do not apply to and may not be relied upon for the temporary stability of the truss components during their installation. Permanent Lateral Restraint and Bracing: The required locations for lateral restraint or bracing depicted on these drawings are for the permanent lateral support of the truss members to reduce buckling lengths. Permanent lateral support shall be installed according to the provisions of BCSI chapters 83, 87 and/or 810, or as specified by the Building Designer or other Registered Design Professional. These drawings do not depict or specify installation/erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar building stability bracing which are parts of the overall building design to be specified, designed and detailed by the Building Designer. Connector Plate Information: Alpine connector plales are made of ASTM ,A653 or ASTM 41063 galvanized steel with the following designations, gauges and grades: W=Wave, 209a, grade 40; H=High Strength, 209a, grade 60; S=grp"r ",r.ngth, 18ga, grade 60. lnformation on model code compliance is contained in the ICC Evaluation Service report ESR-1118, available onJine al WWW.ICC-ES .9rq Page 1 of 2 General Notes General Notes (continued) BCDL = Bottom Chord standard design Dead Load in pounds per square foot. BCLL = Boftom Chord standard design Live Load in pounds per square foot. Des Ld = total of TCLL, TCDL, BCLL and BCDL Design Load in pounds per square foot. HORZ(LL) = maximum Horizontal panel point deflection due to Live Load, in inches. HORZ(TL) = maximum Horizontal panel point long term deflection in inches, due to Total Load, including creep adjustment. HPL = additional Horizontal Load added to a truss Piece in pounds per linear foot or pounds. L/# = user specified divisor for limiting span/deflection ratio for evaluation of actual Udefl value. Udefl = ratio of Length between bearings, in inches, divided by the immediate vertical Deflection, in inches, at the referenced panel point. Reported as 999 if greater than or equal to 999. Loc = Location, starting location of left end of bearing or panel point 0oint) location of deflection. Max BC CSI = Maximum bending and axial Combined Stress lndex for Bottom Chords for of all load cases. Max TC CSI = Maximum bending and axial Combined Stress lndex for Top Chords for of all load cases. Max Web CSI= Maximum bending and axial Combined Stress lndex for Webs for of all load cases. NCBCLL = Non-Concurrent Bottom Chord design Live Load in pounds per square foot. PL = additional Load applied at a user specified angle on a truss Piece in pounds per linear foot or pounds. PLB = additional vertical load added to a Bottom chord Piece of a truss in pounds per linear foot or pounds PLT = additional vertical load added to a Top chord Piece of a truss in pounds per linear foot or pounds. PP = Panel Point. R = maximum downward design Reaction, in pounds, from all specified gravity load cases, at the indicated location (Loc) -R = maximum upward design Reaction, in pounds, from all specified gravity load cases, at the identifled location (Loc). Rh = maximum horizontal design Reaction in either direction, in pounds, from all specified gravity load cases, at the indicated location (Loc). RL = maximum horizontal design Reaction in either direction, in pounds, from all specified non-gravity (wind or selsmic) load cases, at the indicated location (Loc). Rw = maximum downward design Reaction, in pounds, from all specified non-gravity (wind or seismic) load cases, at the identified location (Loc). TCDL = Top Chord standard design Dead Load in pounds per square foot. TCLL = Top Chord standard design Live Load in pounds per square fool. U = maximum Upward design reaction, in pounds, from all specified non-gravity (wind or seismic) load cases, at the indicated location (Loc). VERT(CL) = maximum Vertical panel point deflection in inches due to Live Load and Creep Component of Dead Load in inches. VERT(LL) = maximum Vertical panel point deflection in inches due to Live Load. VERT(TL) = maximum Vertical panel point long term deflection in inches due to Total load, including creep adjustmenl. W = Width of non-hanger bearing, in inches. Refer to ASCE-7 for Wind and Seismic abbreviations. Uppercase Acronyms not explained above are as defined in TPI 1 References: 'l . AF&PA: American Forest & Paper Association, 1 1 1 1 1gih Street, NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20036; www.afandDa.oro. 2. ICC: lnternational Code Council;www.iccsafe.orq 3. Alpine, a division of ITW Building Components Group lnc.: 13723 Riverport Drive, Suite 200, Maryland Heights, MO 63043;www.alp ineitw.com 4. TPI: Truss Plate lnstitute, 2'18 North Lee Street, Suite 312, Alexandria, Y422314;www.tpinst.orq 5. SBCA: Wood Truss Council of America, 6300 Enterprise Lane, Madison, Wl 537'19; www.sbcindustrv.co Page 2 ol2 Key to Terms: lnformation provided on drawings reflects a summary of the pertinent information required for the truss design. Detailed information on load cases, reaclions, member lengths, forces and members requiring permanent lateral support may be found in calculation sheets available upon written request. SEON: 73830 MONO Ply , Job Number: S(r7131 comme.cial spnn96eld Cusl R6598 JR€f lwMw65sa0oG{1 DMNo: 200.19 1321.50223 cY / 07119n01929 F 6',8"8 13 6"3 20 2-11 26'1',t"2 33',8"14 405',5 471'13 5311',8 60 8- 65"6912 68"8 68'8 '12 69l T'-68"8 6 9"12 68',8 a2 2X5 5X5(")= 3X5 E 3X4 1.sx'r H r=6X8 K = 8X8 B L D N r o tl vt2 Z B1 = 8X8 =6x8=H0612 T S 2X4 RO =H0610 '12x14 38 60'8'________________ 6',5"6',9',12 1363'r 6',8'8 68"8 6912 68"8 69" 1"8 ' 60',8'68"8 20 2"11 471"13 531 3"8 Loading Criteria Fs! TCLL: 25.00 TCDL: 7.00 BCLL: 0.00 BCDL: 10.00 Oes LO: :ZOO NCBCLL 1O,OO Soml: 2OO Load Durationr 1.15 Spacing: 24 0' Wind Critsria Wind Sld: ASCE 7-10 Speedr 135 mph Risk Calegory: ll EXP: C Kzt: NA Snow Criteria (Pq.Pr'n PSF) Pg: 25 0 Ct: 1.1 CAT: lll P1-.212 Ce: 1 0 Defl/CSl Crireria PP Defleciion in lel/.lef l# VERTiLL): 0913 F 797 24O VERT(TL): 1.e"49 F 393 '180 HORZiLL): 0.156 A - HORZ{TL)j 0.315 A - C.eep Faclor: 1.5 Max TC CSI: 0 690 Max BC CSI: 0.829 Max Web CSI: 0 942 Maximum R€actions (lbs) Gravity Non-G.avity Loc R+ /R- /Rh /Rw /U /RL I Lu: - cs: 1 0o I snow Duration: 1 1s z 2529 l- t- 1106A n32 t117 o 2529 t- t- t106A fi37 t- Wind reactions based on MWFRS Z ArgWidrh=55 MinReq=27 O Arg Widlh = 5.5 Min Req = 2.3 Bearings Z & O are a rigid surface [,{embers nol listed have forces less than 375# Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (lbs) luean Heighl:21 96 fl TCDL: 3 5 psl BCDL'5 0 psi MWFRS Pa.allel Dist 0 to h/2 C&C Disl a 607ft Loc. ftorn endwall:Any Code / Misc Critelia Bldg Coder IRC 2012 TPt Srd. 2007 FTlRT:20(0Y10(0)Chords Tenscomp. Chords Tens. Com GCpi:018 Wind Duration: 1.33 Plale Tlpe(s): Single Roller B C D E WAVE, HS VIEW Ver: 18.02.01A.0205 20 ,B -c .D ,E G 1897 3159 3914 3914 421 4497 - 3887 - 6640 - 8300 - 8295 - 8902 ,8756 G.H H-t l-J J.K K.L 4098 4103 2745 27AA 't$2 - 8753 - 8755 - 5302 - 5898 - 3352 Lumbor Top chord 2x6 DF'L #2(g) Bor chord 2x8 DF-L *l&Ber (q) B1 2r8 DF M( Webs 2x3 OF-L Standard(g):W1, W6 W14,W1 W18 2x4 DF-L Standard(g): :W2, W4 W19 2x4 DF-L #1&Bet.(g): :Lt Bearing Leg 2x4g OF L Standard(g): :Rl Beaing Leg 2x49 DF-L Slandard(g)l 9): 6, W17 Defl€ction Max JT VERT DEFL: LL: 0.S1' DL: 0 93'. See detail DEFLCAMB10l4 for camber recommendations. Provide lor adequate drainage of roof. Addition3lNotes WARNING: Fumish a copy of this DWG lo the inslallalion conlractor. Failure to follow provisions of BCSiin handling and inslallation oftrusses can resull in serious injunes. Do nol permit inexperienced and uninslructed people to install trusses See,WARNING' nole below. ECSI recommends retaining a regislered professional engineer for the design of lemporary bracing Truss must be inslalled as shown with lop chord up Maximum Bot Chord Forcos Per Ply (lbs) Chords Tens.Comp Chords Tens Comp Lumber shall be dried to a maximum moisture content X U x U T 3993 6708 6708 8338 9000 - 2o1l -32fi -32fr - 3986 -4274 T-S s-R R-O Q.P P-O nv 5837 5837 3Z' -36r'7 -w7 -2744 -274a - 1521 of 196/0 pior lo installation. Bracing (a) Continuous lateral restrainl equally spaced on Plating Notes Conneclors in green lumber (g) designed using NDS/TPI reduction factors All plales are 5X7 ercepl as noted ('-) 2 plate(s) requne special positioning Refer to scaled plale plot details forspecial posilloning Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (lbs) s. Comp z-AA 1180 1',175 4310 1m/ {72 745 1867 475 n0 -2534 -2$1 -m1a .z.ts7 ,14:10 ,1436 - 871 - 853 - 360 H.T T,t t-R R.K K,P P.L L-O N,O 270 172 1055 '1352 1436 1891 1808 355r - 413 - '.87 - 217 -$7 - 3035 - 808 - 3844 - 3513 Loading Boltom chord cfiecked for 'l 0.00 psf non-concunent Y-A B.Xx-cc-v V.E E,U Wind loads based on MWFRS wilh additional C&C memberdesign. End verlicals expos€d to wind pressure Deflection meets U180. -WARNING* READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOIES ON THIS ORAWING!*IMPORTANT FURNISH THIS DRAWJNG TO ALL CONIRACTORS INCLUOING THE INSTALLERS 61395 Hlhtray rOr Sourir coos BAY oR 97{?00r52 ,4LPINE Trusses requrre ertrere care rn labncalrno na.dinq sh pprnq, rrstatlnq ard bra(rnq RelertoaldlortowthetatestedironotBCstrB t.indCompolerfSa'ery lllo'malron bv TPlard SBCAr 16r safew o"iacices otor to oenor?n'no itreiin,nziion. inst,i"n it'i iii,i"nir1--"".i",-' brac ng pe.BcS'- Un ess roled olhetuise,top clo.d shall h:,ne properli attach'ed stru.tu;atsheathrno and Donom chord shafl have a rjioo€.1,attached iq,d cqrlnq Localronsshownrorpem,nen'ale.alreat.AinlO'webssha'lhavebracrnqIns-Ialledoe/BCS|secrionsB3 B7 orBt01as aoplca_blq. APp, p ales lo eacr'race oIku.s and positio4 as sros,r above ard on ihe JorlfDelails, uhlels noied otrerurse. ReIer todrawrngs rtioA-Z ror standard ptate posrirons Alpine a d,Y's.on of ITW Bu ldlnqeomponenls C'oJp hc sharl nor be resoonsrble for ar! dev'arron from lh s d,awrno.anv fartJre to buitd lheItss r'1 conromance *rlh ANS /l Pl I or lor ra')dl nq shioDirq installalidn and braliro bf trussesA seal on this d6wiio o. cover badelrstrng this 9rawing, ihdicales accaptance oJ pro-lessional ehgineering responsjbility solely for the desiqn shovin. The sluifabilityand use or thrs drawing ror any slructure is the responsibility of the Buildiilg Designer peiANSl/TPl 1 SEc.2. w18 NG f' OREGON e a.d th6s6 web sles: ALPINE M 8801 Folsom Blvd Suite 1 Sacramento. CA 95826 J-.-r- 'r11 6',8"8 2611'2 338'14 40'5'5 l 9f., v J L! o * o\ la -J (5 u F(J(J(J(JE uf (,z o_ o? zoo o ., ir. 5 i'i t !.:,r3j;r, ! | i::3 i i::-i!ii cr ;j;!ii! iEi:iiiti Ea r:P!i!: 6E I E i:::Ei EEgii!::i 4;;i::;i,Bi i:!ijBigI9 -E := i!"r l ! iElT!:-;s; E!:i:iffii lE !ri;!:!i 'i iii:;!;i Ei!i:$iii !;i!ji;;';:if!-: ,U 9t :5 Irl- !t1 l" !e!:iilt tirlllIrtilIrltrtt .t 3, rtr *t ;3 ii I t E I ? i 5 ! 5 2 4. > 2 !; :igi 6! 5t. i5 t,i .E sf !5 8-' is E. ia _at: cf ;3 C aPliP U] -Ola L 0./ _a a CI C) S U ( oq-t 0J M Yo' s r:d l.., i9a d;.'d u'30P ;e:a tA;o !e J" -{-. or+ 71 ..a 11z'.,+ >. O {.6a UE i; }'3.s 3! .,9 qs -; +\! : >;,oi : i!it i:- u:,-co ! - !.r5:E sq 3**!yl EE P,,e",. io - 0J 'au6;'.! n9 rEd;{t H€ :;: :9o -o/ -'.U;f r' '. l: du d2 <+9-d a u+ o e9 r; o a o a+r =-P cr> d9- b_{, E _.3P *dYo)a Y-P o urrC0r roa a ';7iiu ",-(r _-P = I ; i ! u cc.P^o.PLrr _: lU.:!r-q dc! ii':o.: >E! 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