HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2019-09-06SPRINGFIELD b OREGON Building Permit City of Springfield Oevelopment and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-7 26-31 53 Email Address: permitcenter@springfi€ld-or.9ov Commercial Structural Permit Number: A1 1-la-OOO954-STR IVR Number: 811017233041 Permit Issued; September 06, 2019 Category of Construction : Commercial Submitted Job Value: $20,000.00 Description of Work: Antenna and electrical equipment upgrade Type of Work: Replacement Worksite Address 12OO SHELLEY ST Springfield, OR 97477 Parcel 1703270000900 Owneri Address: MCKAY COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES LLC 76 CENTENNIAL LOOP STE D EUGENE, OR 97401 Business Name SEE PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION - Primary MONTI ELECTRIC INC Lacense Owner (Property) ccB License Number OWNER Phone 503 491-4909135326 Inspection 1999 Final Building Inspection Group Struct Com Inspection Status Pending Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project. Schedule or track inspections at www. build ingpermits.oregon.gov Call or text the word "schedule" to 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number: 811017233041 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting Inspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store Permlts expire it work is not started within 1ao Days of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 Days or longer depending on the issuing agency's policy. All provlslons of laws and ordlnanc€s govemlng this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. Granting of a permlt does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other stat€ or local law regulatlng constructlon or the p€rformance of construclion. ATTET{TIOI{: Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utillty Notlficauon Center. Those rules are set forth in OAR 952-OO1-OO1O through OAR 952-oo1-oo9o, You may obtain copies of the rules by calling the Center at (5O3) 232-L947, All persons or entities performing work u.rder this permlt are req!lred to be licensed unless exempted by ORS 701.O10 (Structural/ilechanical), ORS 479.540 (Electrl€al), and ORS 593.01o-o2o (Plumbing). Ci\myReports/rcports//produ.tion/01 STANOARD Web Address: ww.sprangfield-or. gov TYPE OF WORK JOB SITE INFORMATION LICENSED PROFESSIONAL II{FORMATION PENDING INSPECTIOI{S SCHEOULING INSPECTIONS Permit Number: 8l 1-la-000954-STR ?age 2 of 2 Fee Description Technology Fee Plan Review - Minor, City Continuing Education fee Structural building permit fee Structural plan review fee State of oregon Surcharge - Bldg (72o/o of applicable fees) Quantity Total Fees: 1 1 c:\myReports/repo.ts//prcduction/01 STANoARD PERMTT FEES Fee Amount $31.94 $129.00 $2.s0 $309.00 $200.85 $37.08 $7 to.37 e Iz oi F G, E e)< ,9 o q O) E E (! =LL E I ef 5= OEEP <.1 sr E ar F- a)Ybr c(Jo I i9PE = E o- o$qq qq ro o @to ro oo6.i 6i NEo 6 <.:(.) '6c co o @ =o (o o9oi 6i N 6(! @ tt E e. c') 6 9cr q)>FC F 5qF9.: s,E d .iE : Ea = E.= fi 3"U ; *- .9: 9 Aor .q Q;Eq = iE d : o = r *a : EEA 6 d3 d P oo oooo (E E60.=(! (E o o l =ul L! uJ t! < oooooqqqqq o So, o) o)cs r :!!@ (o (o Fo, o, o, (rooooorOO N(Otooo@@o-- lr) Lo ra, :N N TEY Y q(ro o o-o o o-o o oBq c q lJ <_ \f -qN <t c\l {x _9tln3 =6h!5.9€dX+EEOIT -ii -odr EENE h :=@r Etng -e* I E o) CL U) o o F.t- F do Ee o) o-ot U) L,lJJJ LU-lt) oQ oE EE Bd ro(\tERPir\D t .. q, EE*aEoe2-o.5:'e FI='JE3&. d .9oootr co ooo G o op t z,o(9 oaJl,J l! 19z. d,4 p oo o(,(,lt. i Crrv or SrnncnElo, oREcoN Structural Permit Application 225 Filih Slreet . Springfi€ld, OR 97477. PH(511)726-3753 . FA-X(541 )726-3689 SUB.CONTRACTOR INFOR]IIATION Name CCB License #Phone Numh€r Electrical Plumbing trlechrnical DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Permit no rg -q 5q D"",r{/11 Ilg L*-,"-ryI This permit is issued under OAR 918460-0030. Permits expire if work is not started within 180 days of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 days. FEE SCHEDULE l. Vslustion information (a) Job description: Antenna and electncal €quipmenl upgrade Occupancy 11 Construction type: II-B Square feet: N/A Cost per square foot: N/A Olher intblmation Type of Heat: N/A Energy Palh: N/A E new Ealteration E addition (b) Foundation-only permit? [ Yes E] No Total valuation: $20 000 s 2. Building fees (a) Permit fee (use valuation table)s (b) lnvestigative fee (equal to [2a])S s (d) Enter l2% surcharge (.12 x [2a+2b+2c])s (c) Subtotal of fees abovc (2a through 2d):s 3. Plan review fees (a) Plan review (65% x permit fee [2a])s2]o.b, (b) Fire and life safety (65% x permit fee [2a])s (c) Subtotal of fees above (la and 3b)$ 4. Miscellaneous fees (a) Seismic fee, l% (.01 x permit fee L2al)s (b) Tech fee, 5% (.05 x pcrmil fee[2a]+PR tee [3c])$ (c) Continuing Education Fee $2.50 $2.50 s/fo. 5 7 ^./.4.}/r.k \4\0y'" \ LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL This project has final land-use approval Signature: This project has DEQ approval Sigrature:Date Zoning approval vcrified: ! Yes E No Property is within flood plain: !Yes ENo CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION E Residential E Covemment E Commercial JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION Job sitc address: 1200 Shelly Strect Ciry: SPringfield State: OR 21p.97411 Suhdivision Lot no Referencc:Taxlot:1703270000900 PROPERTY OWNER Name: Amencan Tou€r Corporalron c/o Po$der fuver Developmcnl Sen rces Address: ,108 South Eagle Road. Suile 200 Ciry: l:agle State: ID ZIP:83616 Phone:832.679.7632 Fax E-mail $eston..torgensontrpouderrircrder.com uB I Id ong Si rchcgn t authorizing this application E This installation is bein(made on residential or Iann property owned by me or a member ofmy immediate family. aM is exempt from licensing requirements under ORS 701.010. Business namc TBD Addrcss City State ZIP Fax CCB license no.: \j{171 ^ Lasl editcd 5'5-2017 Bjones ,Nyo Date: CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION Phone: E-mail: Pint name: Signature: (c) Reinspection (S per hour): (number ofhours x fee per hour) IOTAL fees and surcharges (2e+3c+4a+b+ctd): 5 6 = F ,6 E N f- I ,q (J E o E E (! t a E -e o t ; L I i] E (_) o E o- Ero OA 6g =I! IL =u q OR <N o q= e; ,9 o l/) ;{sIp ;Eor'.6 ao!+ q Eog !-d:i.J)g o; = a o O o -Jr., (,z.a ao-E3iqgI Siit3!iiOFG9=o@za -: cL (,b u# t CL'6 oou .9 o(Eo G F p ;;i z.o1' o+l UIt I I ;r. .95,la:ig!9913 ;EEP -s3EF sqgd HE Eg gE EEE : 3 E ffiffiEE aa a I m a.- f I l x ll { d a b E t, aaa C ii (\. rl fi a \ ia ilt :i 'i7 .t I \r -il t', 7 5rI- I o(, =Fcao(., G,cI I L- These are the answers to your submittal questions: . What size and how many copies of construction drawings (site plans included) do you require? 3 . How many copies of the tower structural analysis (stamped by a professional Engineer) do you require? 2 (one for the jobsite/field set and one for the city's set to be archived) . Do you require a letter from American Tower Corporation authorizing me to apply for a permit on their behalf? Yes (Attach this to the application). Are landowner authorizations required for this type of proiect? lf so, would it be acceptable to submit a copy of the redacted land lease agreement between American Tower and the property owner? Yes, that agreement will work . What are the permit intake feesforthe total project valuation of 520,000? $200.85 is the plan check fee. Once the project is approved, you will be contacted with the balance of the permit fees, . Are any other documents required for the building application package? Not for building permit review. I am not sure if a fee required by our planners, but you can call54l-726-3753 and ask our Planner On Duty. r Would it be acceptable to email these documents to your attention instead of mailing them? lf there are just a few pages, email is fine and you can pay the plan check fee over the phone. lf it is a large submittal, send it with a check via mail. . ls there anWhing else I should know about your building permit application process in regards to this type of project? No Thayne Smith Plans Examiner CtrY oF SPRTNGFTELD 225- sTH STREETSPRINGFTELo. OR 97477 Hiiltrr*?:9fl** Frcm! SMITH Thayne To! Weston lomenson Subiect! Submittal Requirements DEter Friday, April06, 20f8 10:38:01AM Hello Weston, SPRINGFIELD b OREGON City of Springlield Building Safety/ Community Services Division Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477 ph: (541) 726-37 53 fax: (541) 726-3689 Permit #81l-SPR20 x Commercial Building Permit Submittal Requirements / Checklist Check each box to verify requirements ar€ met. Submit 3 full sets of plans with the following applicable information (Submit otrly 2 sets of specifications, engineering celculstions, product listings, etc,..) I. Planning- Project Approval _Yes X No II. Pubtic Works- Project Approval _Yes X No III. Site PIan REQUIRED FOR ALL APPLICATIONS, INCLUDING INTERIOR REMODELS _Legible & drawn to scale (such as 1":20') and include North arrow _Include property line locations & existing public and p vate easements (utility, d veway, etc.) with dimensions Include the location ofpublic and private utiliti€s (water, el€ctric, sewer, gas) Ifon septic system. show tank and drain field locations _Indicate any water ways & wet lands areas on property Show existing and proposed finished grade based on spot elevations and contours over entire site Show adjacent street names _Perimeter outline ofexisting & proposed structures with distances to all property lines & between structures; setbacks shall be identified with written dimensions as well as to scale _Indicate height ofall structures _Show building & garage entmnces a-s well as driveway & access location from street Parking lot layout with required spaces (including disabled) _Building surface covemge calculations (square footage oflot. of footprint & percentage oflot covcrage) Show site drainage using arrow to indicate direction offlow, also indicate square footage ofimpervious surfaces which will include asphalt, concrete, roofing, etc. _Indicate all projections from exterior walls, including overhangs, awnings, etc. _For additions / remodels, indicate area on footprint to be altered x IV. Plans Legible and drawn to scale (such as t/,": l'-0") _Any building resulting in the footprint of 4,000 square feet or greatel OR with a ceiling height 20' or more above grade needs to have qn Engineer's or Architect's seal .rnd signature. Wet-signature Stamped Engineeing, Design Criteria, Calculations and Specifcations, including energy pdth _Ehgineeling specifications and constructioh details ttust be transferred to the pla s Deferred Submittals must be listed on the cover sheet oJ construction doc ments. A Defened Submittal Fotm must be coupleted prior to pemit issxance- http://ww,w.springfield-or.gov/dsd/Building/Forms.htm Code Analysis Layout itcluding Fire and Ltfe Safetv plan retiew _Ch'il Drawings, all sheex to include parking,fre semice liner;, t,)ater lines, etc. Foundalion Plan _lndicate size & location ofall footing types, posts, gird€$, hold-downs & straps and under floor access openings & vents lnclude details (with scale indicated) ofeach footing type & rctaining wall to be used showing size, reinforcing, wall heights & framing connections N/A N/A Provide design calculations for retaining walls and/or special footings Elevdtiorrs ( I for each side of bdlding) _Tlpi ca I cross s ectio hs The main sections shall show all foundation & framing components including but not limited to: floors, walls & ceiling, main structural members, sheathing, siding, roofing and bracing For two story structures: include a complete stair section indicating stair dse & run, headroom clearance, framing & support memb€Is and handrail/guardrail details _Include any additional framing section needed to demonstrate any unique framing condition not shown by the main section _Lat era I bracing deta i I s _Detailed.floor plans with squarefootage & systems layout Show entire floor plan ofnew construction Indicate existing and./or new square footages Identify & label use ofeach room, space or area lndicate dimensions ofall building sides & interior wall locations _Indicate all window & door sizes & locations _Show system layout ofall plumbing, heating & air conditioning, mechanical equipment. etc (indicate electric or gas) include non-residential energy forms {energy forms can be printed ftom www.energy.state.or.us) _Show electrical layout including room lighting, outlets, fans, exhaust vents, etc. Floorfroming _Provide a plan for each framed floor _lndicate location & sizes ofall posts & beams; show joist sizes & spacing _lndicate post & beam connections _Roofframing (ifusing Roof Trussas prot'ide engineered details ofoll trusses to be used, including a ldlout indicqting the placemenl ofeach truss) _Indicate location, spacing & sizes ofrafters & ceilingjoists or rooftrusses _Indicate location. size & type ofsuspended ceiling system _Show carrier trusses & type of hurricane clips to be installed at each truss lndicate solid blocking between raftels at point ofbearing and truss bracing _lndicate headers sizes for door & window locations Electicol Plan ReNiew.for Complex Structures lfthe scope ofel€ctrical work meets the definition ofcomplex structure in OAR 918-31l-0040, an electrical plan submittal meeting the requirements ofOAR 918-311-000 shall apply. V. Medical Gas Plans ,,Medicql Gas" means any gas and vacuum ststem or equipment intended for medical and dental procedures in health csre qnd non-health care focilities (ie. Orygen, Nitrous Oxide, Medicql Air, Medical yqcuum, elc.) _Medical Gas Syst em (Engineer stamped plaas, spccifcations, a d calculations are required) Lev€f 3 Dental Air and Dental Vacuum Syslems (Pldns designed lo equipment manufacturer's installation standard ale rcquired) All Plans to include: _Location ofall piping, valves, vacuum pumps and compressors Size and type ofall piping and finings _Location and type ofall alarms and outlets Location and volume ofall supply gas _Specifications of vacuum pumps and compressom _Ventilation requirements for equipment. supply, and storage areas VI. Setf-Preservation - Medical and Dental Facilities Will there be use ofprocethtres that rcnder a patie t i capable ofunassisted self-preser-v4rior? -Yes -No VII. Address Lvalid physical address is required on application. Proper building or suite number must be provided to the building division prior to permit issuance. Provide 8 l/2" by 11" floor plan for proper suite number assignment and/or, if more than one building on lot, provide 8 l/2" by 11" site plan for proper building number assignment VIII. Special Circumstances - Demolition (seperrte demotirion rpplication must be filted ouo Demo work to take place? Yes X No ,tny "o^-"n-t project requiri g clenolitio,t is require.! to submn a inspedion bt a ,:e ilied dspection compan! stating that asbestos has b?e re,nor?d prop?rlr.) IX. Special Inspections Special inspections rcquired? _Yes X No Any comnerciat project requirins speciat inspections rcquir€s subnittal ol a conptete Sp?ciat lnspection Forn before pernit issuance- http://www.springfield-or.got/dsd/Building/Forms.htm X. Special Circumstances - Grading An| conmercial project incrcasins footprint squarefootase, a nen'or nodilied idpenious surfacr will rcquirc Gradins sis olJ.for plan reriew and site inspecrioh prior tolinol buildihg inspecrio . Applicant shal subnit grading plan to Public Works. _Project requires Grading sign off XI. Special Circumstances - Waste Water The Following Businesses May Require Waste tyater ReNiew: Auto Body Repair & Paint Shops, Auto Repair (Mechanical) Engine & Transmission, Auto Wash, Breweries, Blue Printing/Photocopying, Chemical Manufacturing, Electroplating/metal finishing, Laundrics, Leath€r Tanning, Machine / Sheet Metal Shops, Medical/Dental Vacuum System Equipment Drainage, Millwork, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Photo Processing, Plastic / Synthetic Manufaaturing, Print Shops, Service Stations, etc... _Project requires waste water review The Following Businesses May Also Requirc dn Oil/Water Separator: Auto Body Repair & Paint Shops, Auto Repair (Mechanical) Engine & Transmission, Auto Wash. Service Stations Project requires oil/water separator All Restaurants & Food Senice Establishments (Including Small Deli \tpes) Require Glease Interceptors Project requires grease interceptor XII. Special Circumstances - Food-Related Activities _Will there be any food- or beverage-related activities? Food Service (i.e. restaurant, deli, caf6, coffee shop, brcw pub, catering operation, mobile food vendor, etc) Food or Beverage Processing, Manufacturing, Sales, Warehousing/Distribution (i.e. grocery store, convenience store, hom€-based food business, beverage production and/or sales; includes wine, nonalcoholic beverages, bottled water, brewery, etc.), food products warehouse, bakery, meat market, food processing (includes the manufacture and/or handling of any food product). XIII. Egress Lighting Ifthere is a rcquircment to complete an egress lighting inspection. we offer this service after hours for those customers interested in not having to 'black-out' the facility for inspection. Additional fees are required for after- hours inspections. Note: Additional fees may be charged for phased construction, deferred submittals and project revisions. I do hereby certify that all inforuation hereon is tuue and accutate and lhat I om respo sible for subt ritting the applicahle iterns to thc appropriate depqrtments, )t-h/Weston Jorgenson - Site Acquisition Agent (Authorized Permitting Agent) Signature (Design Professionol, Builder or Properly Ownet)/ Print Nqme/ Association with Prciecl City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 SPRII{OFIfLD Planning Division Information Sheet for Building Permits Commercial/ Industria l/ M u lti-Family Residentia! The Planning Division requires the following information for all building permit submittals on properties zoned Medium Density Residential, High Density Residential, Commercial, or Industrial, including new construction. expansions, and changes of use. New construction. expansions, and changes of use to any building, parking, or development area in these zoning districts requires either Minimum Development Standards-MDS review (SDC 5.15-100) or Site Plan Review (SDC 5.17-100) by the Planning Division. Overlay District Development review (SDC 3.3-100) may also be required, depending on the site. NOTE: It is prudent to make sure your use is permitted in the applicable zoning district. Building Permit, Police or other permit approvals or inspections are not Plannlng approval. p;rOn", 832.679.7632licant Namg: weston JorgensonA Fax: 208.938.8855. Powder River Development ServicesComn AddreSS: 408 South Eagle Road, Suite 200, Eagle, ID 83616 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO:.1703270000900TAX LOT NO s AddreSS: 1200 Shelly Street, Springfield, OR 97477Proe Description of the proposed work to be completed under this building permit: Remove (12) antennas and (6) RRU'S. Install (8) antennas, (12) radios, (1) OVP box, (2) hybrid cables, and (4) standoff mount kits. Has this development proposal been reviewed by the Planning Division through an application process (i.e. MDS or Site Plan Review)? If yes, Case #: If no, is this a change in use? x NoE Yes Pro sed Use:Prior roved Usei Yes Exo Does the use necessitate the use of any and Data Sheets NoMSDSYesto be ke on site?uire Material Overla sTOTZ:Zon in The proposed project requires submittal and approval of the following Planning application prior to building permit approval: DwP Overlay District Development E Statement Letter Regarding DwP Exemption MDS n f oS Land Use ComPatibility Statement Site Plan Review Other: Date:Reviewed (Appl icant : com ptete thi s sectio n ) Required Property Information Requared Project Information chemicals or substances that are hazardous or (City Intake Staff: complete this section) Powder River Development Services, LLC 408 South Eagle Avenue, Suite 200 Eagle, lD 83616 (208) 938-8844 office (208) 938-885s fax www. powderriverdev.com P(lWllER RIVER Development Se rv ac es, LLC April 10, 2018 City of Springfield Attn: Development Services - Building Division 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 RE: EUG CLOVER Site Modification for Verizon wireless A'fcfi 473472 1200 Shelly Street Springfield, OR 97477 Parcel f 1703270000900 Planning and Building: Powder River Development Services is representing American Tower Corporation and Verizon Wireless regarding an upgrade to their antennas and associated electrical equipment at an existing cell tower. The Scooe of Work lncludes: Remove (12) antennas and (5) RRU'S. lnstall (8) antennas, (12) radios, (1) OVP box, (2) hybrid cables, and (4) standoff mount kits. Enclosed you will find (1) Structural Permit Application, (1) Planning Division lnformation Sheet for Building Permits, (1) Commercial Building Permit Submittal Requirements / Checklist, (1) redacted copy of the original land lease, (1) authorized agent letter from American Tower Corporation, (3) sets of 11x17 construction drawings with site plans, (2) sets of structural calculations, and a check for the building permit intake fees in the amount of 5200.85. Upon completing the review of our application, please let me know either by telephone or by email and Verizon Wireless will dispatch a contractor to pull the building permit. lf possible, please email an electronic copy of our approvals to my attention. The contractor will provide you with their information, a copy of their contracto/s license, and pay the remaining balance of the permit fees when they arrive to pull the building permit. lf you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me directly. Thank you for ra Stance, Weston Jorg Site Acquisition Agent 832.679.7632 Weston.jorgenson@powderriverdev.com nson AIuERTCAN TI'III'ER' ATC SITE # / NAME: 4[3471BUGCLOVER OR SITE ADDRESST W SHELLEY RD, N I-105, E I-5, Springfield,ORgj477 LICENSEE: Verizon Wireless LLC d/b/r Verizon Wireless I, Margaret Robinson, Senior Counsel for American Tower*, operator of the tower facility located at the address identified above (the ,,Tower Facility"), do hereby authorize Verizon Wireless LLC d/b/a Verizon Wireless, its successors and assigns, and/or its agent, (collectively, the "Licensee") to act as American Tower's non-exclusive agent for the sole purpose of filing and consummating any land-use or building permit application(s) as may be required by the applicable permitting authorities for Licensee,s telecommunications' installation. Print Name: Margaret Robinson Senior Counsel American Tower* NOTARY BLOCK Commonwealth of MASSACHUSETTS County of Middlesex This instrumenl rvas acknowledged before me by Maryaret Robinson, Senior Counsel for American Towert, personally klown to me (or proved to nte on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person rvhose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. WITNESS my hand and oflicial seal, this@ day of , 2018 GERARD T. HEFFRON liblory tublb @mmonNiao h of MossochuserlS Wcornmtrii]n 6ait€s Asgu5t 9. 2024 Notary Public MvC ommrsslon Expires *American Torver includes all affiliates and subsidiaries ofArnsrican Tower Corporation. LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION We understand that this application may be denied, modified or approved with conditions. The above authorization is limited to the acceptance by Licensee only of conditions related to Licensee's installation and any such condilions of approval or modifications will be Licensee's sole responsibility. Signature: NOTARY SEAL O R IGINAL o o PRO.TECT NAME: ETIGCLOVER1 OPTION A.IID I,EAAE TOREIXBNT This OpLion and lJease Agreenent ('Agreenent.') is made andenlered inEo as of Ehe 3rd day of Septetnber, 1995, bethreen Lessor and lJeaaee. A. Lessor is Ehe owner of cerEaln real property located inthe CounEy of tane, state of Oregon, descrlbed in Exhibit A aLtached hereto and made a parE, hereof by this reference (che 'Propert.y. ) . B. LeBs€e desires to obtain an opEion Eo lease a porEion ofthe Property to be deEermined by Lessee, consisting ofapproximately 2,500-square reet (Lhe 'Prenises" ) as welI asrighca-of-vrays and easement,s for ingresg, egress, and ut,j,lit.iestheret,o. The Premiaes are described in B<hibit, A attsached hereto and made a part hereof by t.his reference. The Premises may bemore speciflcally described following a survey which may beobtained aE a later t.ime. For valuable consideration, E,he receipu and sufficiency of vrhich are hereby acknor,vLedged, Legsor and Lessee agree as follots: rlllcLt 1. Basic rnfortnation. In addit.ion to the telms Ehat are defined elsewhere in t.his Agr€ement, the following Eerms are used in this Agreement: (a) Premises :Ehe Premises locat.ed in Ehe northrr€st.ernporEion of Tax Lot. 1900, Accounts ,227718in Lane county, Oregon. litcxAy llilvEsTlrEllT couPANY, a parcnership(b) (c) Leasor: Leasor'9 Address:McKay InvestmenE Coryany 2350 Oalonont. way, Suite 204 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Telephone: ( 5 41) 6485-4711 Rent Payee: ltcKay lnve8tment comDany(d) Leasor 's Addr€ss:McKay InvesLment 2350 Oa}:mont way, Company SuiLe 204o otA-o03 a ttt95 W Pag€ 1 Tax ID * o Telephone: (541) 485-4711 (e) tessee: US WEST NewvecLor Group, Inc. (f) Lessee's Address: US WEST NewlrecEor Group, Inc. 3350 - 151sE Avenue SoutheastBellevue, lgashington 9S008-1329P. o. Box 91211Bellevue, WA 98009-9211. AtEenEion: Real EstaEe DeDarEment-M/S Telephone: 12061 7 47 -4900 (s) option Period;l2-rnonths, beginning on the Effective Dat.e. Opt. i on Pa)rment. : Conmencement Dat,e: the comslencement daEe of Ehe Lease,set forEh in Lessee's Not.ice of Exercise of Ehe OpEion. (h) (i) ( j l Frcpirat.ion Dale: Ehe daEeof t.he Connencement DateArEicIe 3 .03. pr€ceding Lhe 5thor ag exEended annl'versarypursuanE Co o (k) Rent.:per mont. (1) Renewal Terms: two l2l consecuEive periods of fiveyears each, beginning on the date following E:xpi raEion DaEe. (5) E.he lRrrc&t 2 2.0L AEiigt-AI3[!- In consideration of the OpEion Pa]rmenE to be paid by Lessee to Lessor after execuElon of Lhis AgreemenLby boEh part j.es, Lesaor hereby grants Eo Lesaee the right, and option (bhe 'Option') Eo ]ease the Premises on the follor.ring Eems and conditions. The daEe on which this AgreemenE has been executed by bot.h Leasor and Lessee shall Ehereafter be the 'EffecLive DaEe' of this Agreement. 2.02 E-ercise of option. The Option may be exercised by Lessee at any Eime during Ehe Option Period by notice from L€ssee Eo Lessor. IJessee's noLice 3ha1I sEate the Commencement Datse. Upon exerciae of the option the Premises shall be subjecL to the Lease for Ehe use described herein. Lessee may extend t.he option Period an addiEional oneyear, by giving not.ice Eo Lessor prio! Eo the e)piraLion of EheH"'tr'lit Ei, .'uu;i'.'11-1".'e#?* ;i "F.tHfnEy 5e -exerd]Efl mETTbE...Ether extended by mutuar agreemenE ofthe part.ies.o oLA-003 s /1t95 gaqe 2 581 O o Not.ice of Ehe exercise of the righE Lo given by Lessee Eo Lessor at least six of each such period.shal1 bethe end o o!a-003 I /L/95 Page 3 2.03 Termination of option. If Lessee fails Lo exercise this OpEion r^/iEiIin the Option period, including any extension thereof, al1 righEs and priviteges granEed in this AgreemenE shall' be deemed conplet.eLy surrendered, this Option shall be terminated, and Lessor shall reLain all money paid for Ehe Option, and no addiEj"onal money shall be payable by either party to the other' 2,04 Leqal DescripLion. Lessor granEs Lessee the righL, bur ndt Ehe obligaLion, at any time during the term of E.his Agreement, to obEain a survey of t.he Premiges ats Lessee's expense. The legal description that may be derived from the survey wiII become Exhi-bit B which vrilI be aEtached hereto and made a part hereof, and shal1 control in Ehe event of any inconslsEency between it and Exhibit A. 2.05 Rioht of Entrv. Lessor shalt permiE Lessee, during E.he Opt.ion Period or exEension thereof, free access to rhe Property and Premises, at. Lessee's cost, Eo conducL surveys, subsurflce boriog test.s, feasibility and fina] configuration assessmenEs, environmenLaL assessments, and oLher inspections of the ProperEy and Premises as Lessee may deem necessary. At the expi.ration -of the opt.ion Period or any extension thereof, if Lelsee has not exercised itss Optsion, Lessee wi]l restore the Premises to Eheir oriqinal condit,lon aE ttre Ef fectj-ve Date, reasonab.l"e wear and tear excepted. rRrtcr.l 3. 3.01 Lease Term. The term of Ehis lease (rrl,ease") sha}l begin on Ehe commencement, Dat.e and shall expire on the ExpiraEionDaLe. Beginning on t.he corunencement Date, Lessor shall deliver possession of Ehe Premises to Lessee, together with the non- exclusive right for ingress and egress, seven l'll' days a week, trrenty-four (Za) hours i day, on foot or motor vehicle, including truckl , and for the installation and maintenance of uEiliEy wires, cables, conduiEs, and pipes over, under, or along a tlrenty (201 foot wide right-of-vray and easemenE exEending from the nearest pubLic right.--of -way istretley sEreeE & Dornoch stsreeE) to Lhe Premises. Lessor agrees tso execute wiEhout delay any easement documents as may be required by any utility company in connecEion wiEh Lessee's use of Ehe Premises. 3.02 Be4!.. Each monEh during Ehe Lease t.erm, Lessee sha11 pay t.he Rent to the name and address specified as Lessor's RenE Payee. 3.03 RiqhL Lo ExLend' IJessee shaII have the right to ext,end etre c6ii of ttr:-s r"ease for tshe Rener'val Terms and, aE the end of t.he second (2nd) Renewal Term, for an aalditional period of one year, and for annual periods thereafter. exEend the term(5) months before o o 3.04 Renetral Rental ,extension Lern Lessee sha]L Each monlh monthly); eac during th€rent. in t.heh monEh dut first amoun t of f iv€-year ing t.he sec - f ive -yea E Is 10n *ondr ext en t.erm Leamount of -',-dl Duri ng any one-year ext,ens exEens ion ssee strall pay monEhfy renc j.n theZZ I-Eron tolIow:.ng tne seconcl tfve-year'jd'ryS"n"* monLhly instal Iment.s. , the annual rentaI Iv Irst.o be paid in egualIdcontinue 3.05 Lessee's [Jse. Leasee ghal] uge the premises for Ehepurpose of const,ruct.ing, mainEaining, and operaLing acommunicat.ions facility and uses incident.al t.hereEo (the 'Faci.11t.y') consisting of an equipment. shelter cogether with anantenna st,rucE,ure and necessary connecElug appurtenancessufficienE to be a fully operable Faclllcy in its int,endedlicensed comrnunications covelage areaa. The contenEs of theeguipnent. shelE€r may include, hrlt,houE IieiEaEion, radioEransnlsaion and compuEer equipment., batteries and generaLorequipmenL, A security fence consist,ing of chaln Iink orcomparable consEruction may be placed around any improvemenEsconstructsed on the Premises by Lesaee. All inprovements shall beat Lessee'a expense. Lessee shall maj.nt.ain t,he Premises inr€asonabl€ condiEion. Leasee,a use of t.he Premiaes shaIl bellmifed to a cellular communlcations facility, unless Lessorprovldes l,essee wiLh wrlt.t.en approval and consent of a different.use of Ehe Premises. In addit,lon, in che event of a natulal or man madedisaster, in order to protecE Ehe healt.h, rdelfare and safety ofthe coruouul t,y, Lessee toay erecE addlt,lonal telecornmunicaEionsfacilities and install additionat equlprEnt on a Eemporary basison t.he Property to asgure continuat,ion of service. Lesge€ hereby consents to Che use of Legsor,s property byanoEher communlcat,lon provlder for t.he erect.lon, operation andmalnLenance of a t.ranamlasion faclllty (lncLudlng an anLennasEructure) so long as (a) Lessor provides trot less than si,xty (50)days' prlor not,ice to Lessee of Ehe erect.ioo of such faiitit,ytog€th€r with facillty specificationa for Leaaee's approval, (bjthe antenna at.ructure shall be €r€cEed a disEence of nb! Iess t.hanEl,ent.y l20l feet, vertically and hori2ontaIIy, from Lessee.sanEentra structure, (c) Ehe erect.ion, maint,enance and operat.ion ofsuch t.ransmission facj.liEy shalt not resulL in any impairment. ordiminution in the guality of the comrrunica t. i ons elrvice renderedby Lessee Eo or from Ehe ProperEy, and (d) no changes shall be o ora-003 s t7 /95 Page 4 No t,ni. t. hs C and i ng the foregoing, the Lease may beLerminated during any of the one-year renerral periods by elcherparty qiving notlce Eo the oEher aE least sixEy (60) days beforethe end of such period, o o made to Ehe ant,€nna sLructure of such ot,her provider wiEhouELessee's prior urit.ten consenL, shlch consenE shalI noL be unreasonably withheld. 1f Lessee deems, ln lts sole discret,ion, LhaE Lhe provislons of Lhls arLicle have been vlolat,ed by Lessoror such other provider, Lesgee shall provide Lessor wit.h noEice of such violat,ion. If such violaEion is noc cured or mitigaEed (at no expetrse to Lessee) within terenEy-four (24) hours of receipE ofsuch notice, Lesaor shall cause such other provider to imnediatelycease use of its radio sysEem, or portion Ehereof causlng suchint,e!ference, unEll such Llme as t.he lnterference is cured.Lessor shall require t,ha! any agreemenE wiEh such ot,her provldershall include a provigion requlring compllance by such otherprovider griEh the provislons of Ehis art.icle. 3.0G .Permi na t_ i on. Ilhis Agreement may be terminated,without. any penalEy or furEher 1labl1it.y, on sixty (50) dayswrltten notice aB fo]l.ows: (a) by elther palt.y on default of anycovenant or term hereof by tshe otsher party, whlch defaulE is notcured r'rithin sixEy (50) days following receipt of not.ice ofd€fault, (rriEhouE, however, linlting atry oEher rlghts availabLe tothe part.ies pursuant. to any oEhe! plovigions hereof) : (b) byLessee 1f Lessee does not obEaln or nalnEala any llcense, pelnlEor ot.her government al approva] necessary to Ehe const,lucEion oroperation of Ehe Facility or Lessee's business; or (c) by Lesseeif the PremiBea are or become unacceptable Eo Lessee underLessee's de6ign or engineering specificat.ion for its Facility orfor the comcunications sysEem to which the Facility belongs. No laEer than slxty (60) days af t.er the t.ertninaEion ofthis Agreement,, by explration of t.he tserm or oEherwise, Lesseewill remove its personal propert,y and flxEurea and restore the Premisea Eo t.heir condition on the Effect.ive DaLe, reasonable l,earand tear excepEed. If t.ime for removal causes Lessee to remain onEhe Premises after terminaLion of this Lease, Lessee shall payrenE at Ehe E.hen exlsElng monthly raEe or t,he exisLing monLhlypro-rat.a basis if based on a longer palmenE Eerm, unt.il such t.imeaB the lenova 1 of t.he personal ploperty and fixtures is compleled. At Lessorts opEion, which shal.I b6 exercised by writEennot.lce to the Lessee no later than sixty (60) days prior t.o t.het.ermination of t,hls Lease, Lesaee will Ieave the foundaEion andsecurity fence whj,ch sha1l becoBe Ehe property of Lessor. rirrc&t a d.01 I i ab11j. cy lflEio t,6Eaaprl Tnerr ran^o Leasee agreea to mainEain generallnsurance for claims for bod1ly lnJury or deaE.h anddaEBge wlt,h combined slngle llmit.s of not less Lhancombined single occurrence 1init. . 4.02 Waiver of suh,rooation. Leaaor and Lesaee each waiveany and al] rights to recover against the ot.her, or against theofficers, directors, shareholderg, partners, joint ventures,employees, agenEs, cusEomers, lnvitees or business visitors ofsuch other party, for any loss or daBage to such waiving partyarising from any cause covered by any property insurance requiredo oIA-003 atLt95 Pagc 5 o Eo be carried pursuant to Ehis article or any olher propertyinsurance actuall-y carried by such party. Lessor and Lessee, frontime t.o time, $riIl cause their resiective i.nsurers--io-'iisueappropriaLe waiver of subrogation right.s end.orsements to aIlproperEy insurance poI j-cies carried in connect.ion wj-th theProperty or the premises or t.he contents of either, - 4 .03 - i-o.demAi_ti.carion. During Lhe term of rhis Lease, theLessee sha1l indemni.fy and hold Lesaor harmless against any- ctalmof liabilit.y or loss from personal injury or properEy damagecaused by the negligence or willful miscondulct of -t.he r,ejsee, - itsservants or agent.s except. Eo t.he ext,ent that. such claims ordanages may be due to or caused by t.he acts or omissions of theLessor, iEs servants, agents, or any other party for whom Lessormay be responsible. TRTIC&! 5.' 5.01all Laws relat.ing t.o Lessee, s Lessee will promptLy comply withuse or occupancy of t.he premises, Lessee hri11 prompt.ly cause theLaws to t.he extent EhaL suchas a result. of Lessee,s use or r any hazardousfederal, staEe,including, bur t.hi. s Article shaIlof this Agrreement.. survive Lhe e Comr) l i e ce - At iLs sole cosE and expense,Premises Eo comply with aI1compliance is reguired solelyoccupancy of the plemises. o 5.02 Environmental Matters. Theexpj-rat.ion or obligations ofot.her terminaE ion (a) Lessee w-j,ll be solely responslble for and wiIIdefend, indemnify, and hold l,essor] j.Ls agents, and emDloveeslfTigsl . f rom .and- aqainsL any ancl arr direii-- cr-iims,-- "J"iJ,*'u"olrabr..Lrt.r.€s, including reasonable abtorney,s fees and costs,arising out. of or in connection wirh the cleinup o, ie"i"iatioi "rlhe Property associat,ed with the Lessee's use ot HazardousMaterials. (b) Lessor will be solely responsible for and willdefend, indemnify, ang hold Lesseel iLs agent,s, and employeesha'rnless from and against any and arf airect. claims, cosiJ,-- analiabilities, including reasonable att.orney,s fees and cosLs,arising out of or in connection with Ehe removal, "i.i",,,p,- o,restoration of the property with respect to Hazardous Mat6riaLsfrom any and all sourtes other tfran ffrose Hazardous MaEeriaIsintroduced t.o the property ny r,essee. (c) ,,Hazardous Mat.eriaLs,, means asbestos osubst,ance, wasEe, or maEerials as defined in any - or local envilonment.al or safety raw or -iegu:.atitn noE limited to, CERCLA. o olt-003 e /t/9s Pags 5 o all any pav tRrlrct,I 5 . 6.0L Utilj.ties and Taxes, Lessee will be responsi.ble for uEilj"t.ies required by its use of Ehe Premises. Lessee may at t.ime arrange to have it.s utilj.ties separately metered or wilLits proport.ionat.e share of utilit.ies furnished by Lessor. o Lessee will pay t.heir pro-raEa share of Lhe subiecf.parcels' property t.axes. In Cbe event E.hat tshe real estaLe Lax asgessment on Lessor's properly reflects Lessee's improvements,Lessor agrees t.o provide t.o Lessee in a timely manner a copy ofEhe assessment. I,essee nay contesc, at its expense, any assessment. imposed on Ehe Premises or Lesgee's acEivit.ies. 6.02 Title and ouiet Eniovment. Lessor represenEs and warrants to Lessee that (a) Lessor has fu11 right, power, andauthoriEy to execuEe Ehis Agreement, and will provide Lessee wit.h evidence of such auchorit.y, (b) Lessor has gtood and markeLabletitle to the Premises free and clear of any Liens or mortsgagesexcept. tshose matters which are of public record as of the EffecE.ive Dat.e, and (c) t.here j.s dlrect. legal i.ngress and egress Lo Ehe Premises for Lessee's use for vehicles and pedesLrians froma public right-of-way. Lessor further covenants that Lessee shallhave quiet, enjoyment of the Premises during the term of Ehis AgreemenE and any renewal Ehereof. For any encudbrance which is a matter of public record Lessor will promptly obt.ain from such encumbering ent.iEy a non disEurbance agreements stating thaL, solong as Lessee is not in default hereunder, tshis Agreement will cont.inue i.n fuIl force and effect.. Lessor agrees to notify Lessee immedi-at,ely if aE any time during the term of Ehis Agreements, Lessor decides Eo subdivide,sel1, or change the st,at,us of t,he Premises or E.he Property, or ifLessor learns of any pending or t.hreatened or contempLated accj-ons. litj.gation, cLaj.ms, condemnaEions, or other proceedings whlch would affect the Premises or any part of Ehe Premises, orany land use or development proposals affecting properEy in Ehe viciniEy of the Property of which Lessor recej,ves acEual NoEj.ce. 6.03 successors and Assiqns. This Agreement shal1 run withthe Property and shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of t.he part.ies, t.heir respective successors, personal representatives and assigns. Lessee shal1 have t,he right., without prior notice Eo or consenE by Lesso!, Eo assign or tlansfer this Lease or Eo sublet. t.he Premises to any parent, subsidiary or af f ili.ate entity of Lessee, speciflcally including, but not limiEed to, the conmunications enEities which may emerge from the joj.nt venEure pending beEween U s wEsT, Inc. and AirTouch communicaLions, Inc., \^rhich assignment, t.ransf er or sublease shall fully release Lessee from any further obligatsions or liability under Ehe terms of this Lease connencing on Lhe effective date of the assignment, transfer or sublease. 6.04 complete Aqreement, It. is hereby muEually agreed and undersLood Ehat Chis AgreemenL conEains alf agreementss, promises, and undersEandings betr.reen Lessor and Lessee and that no othero oIA-003 altl9s Page 7 o o agreement.s, promises, or unders t,and j.ngs shall or will be bindingon eiEher Lessor or Lesgee in any dispute, controversy, orproceeding at, 1alv, and any addit.ion, variatj,on, or modificat.ion t.othis Agreement. shall be void and ineffective unLess in writinq andsigned by Ehe part.j-es hereto. 5.05 Apl3licable Law. This Agreement and the performance thereof shall be governed, interpreteal, const.rued, and regulatedby t.he laws of the staEe in whi.ch the Premises are located. 6.06 NoLices. AII notices and other communicaEionsrequired or permi t.t.ed under this Agreemen! shall be in $rriting and sha11 be given by Unit.ed SEates first class maj"1, postage prepaid,regist,ered or cert.itied, return receipt request.ed, or by handdelivery (includlng by means of a professional messenger service)addresged Eo the party for whom it is intended aL its address setforth in arEicle 1, Any such noEice or other communicat.ion shallbe deemed t.o be effective when actually received or refused.Either party may by similar notice given change the address to whi-ch future noE.ices or oEher coNnunicat.ions shal1 be sent.. 6.07 Authoritv. Each of Ehe individuals executing this Agreement on behalf of Ehe GranEee or t,he Grantor represents tothe other party that. such individual is authorized to alo so byrequisite act.i-on of Ehe party to Ehis AgreemenE. 5.08 Diaputes. Any claim, conEroversy, or dispute arisingout of this Agreement shalL be settled by arbitrat.ion in accordance wiLh t.he applicable rules of the American ArbitrationAssociatsion, and judgment upon Ehe award rendered by thearbitrat.or may be enEered in any court having jurisdiction t.hereof . The arbiErat.ion shall be conducEed in the county where Ehe properLy is located. 6,09 Recordinq. Lessor shalL execuge and Lessee shall bepermiEted t.o record aE any t.ime a memorandum of this AgreemenL. Lessee sbalI also be permit.t,ed Eo record a noEice ot exercise of t.he opt,ion, which shalI evidence t.he cornmencement .of the lease concurrent rdith the exercise of the OpEion as provided for herein.rf the OpEion is not exercised or if the lease port.ion of Ehis Agreement is terminaEed prior to tshe expiration of iEs Eerm,Lessee shalI record an appropriatse instrument to clear the memolandum from t,he t.itle to the ProperEy, o oLA-003 s /r195 Page 8 o IN WITNESSand affixed Eheir wr it t.en . WHEREOF, the parlies hereto have set their handrespective seals the day and year firsE above ITS: Taxpayer rD*, re-oSSd7/? ?'-E-% IJEg Name :S WEST Nelrvec tor Group InC. o Date: By: rt,s: Date: corporate Beal Estate Manager - nl41hrtrr o oLA-003 e/1/95 Page 9 LE88OR ! Name: MCKAY INVESTMENT COMPANY, a partnership By: PARTNERSHTP ACKNOWLEDGMENT o STATE OF COUNTY OF On thi s /il day of f,€,the undersigned, a Not ary WITNESS my hand and offiyear fj.rsE above r,9ri t.t,en. SS. , :-gg a , beforefor t.he Stsat,e of s ioned lic in aod and svrorn, per s ona 1ly Eo me known insErument. and and voluntary act.purposes Lhereinis/are auEhor i zed Ehe day and dul v app t.oof dbe t,he Lhe pa r cner s p t.hat execuEed Ehe foregoing acknowledged t.he said instrunent to be Ehe freeand deed of said corporation for E.he uses and ment,j,oned, and on oaE.h stated that he/she/E.heyEo execuEe the said insElunenE. o residing aE My appointment expires: CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASI{INGTON COUNTY OF KING On thi s me , t,he unde gned, day of a Not Notary Public in for C state OE Iic in ary Iic in and wa sh u cotnmissioned and swoln,personally aEo me known pp ea redto beof U St.he WEST Newvector Group, Inc., Ehe corporation EhaE execuLed Eheforegoing instrument, and acknowledqed the said insElument. Eo bet,he flee and volunt,ary act. and deed of said corporaEion for t.he uses and purposes thereln ment.ioned, and on oaEh sEated thaE he is aut.horized to execut.e t,he sai.d ins trument.. WITNESS my hand and offici.al seal heret,o affixed the day and State of WAresiding aE King , E9 b bef orefor t,he Sta t.e of and fo! the CounEy o eal (f,CgEt€EAIf f i e5rEB,,q year first. above w!iE,ten. My appointment t2-20-44 ) ) ) I EXHIBIT A D SEE -MAP LOCH VEN teBaor retalns the rightlocation of the proposed and egreas eaaement so IoPrenlses 1s not denled an EUGCLOVER1 1/' t a a (a I o F Cor. nG.D oy : @N rOo tr o- =L,u, \ ao , a l{ I t to I a a I , I I I I l l I l I I 27 - 2-2 N LC No58 A da I !i Itjrlr r! t: l' al 5 !;(, Ij d E!a v Fo I .l I L E,oo t MAP .sH 1 \6\ I lf .D OJ roo F o- = t^t !,] t \ t7 Note: t\t 3 - .+.Ot^ _. Sketch not to scalei all dlnensions are approxlnate. US IIEST Nesvector Gaoup, Inc. leasehold area conslstsof approxinatoly 2r500 sguare-feet and Ls crosshatchedon this exhiblt. ,41'4- LOT I relocate the allgnment and -foot wide uon-exclusive ingressas Lessee'E accesE to theor obatructed. to 20 ngdl /l4r? /721. EE ,aa' 902 ; 0 f too2 c uI Is e s 1 0-foot wide utll easenent. 9 04 : .r*98 -t4av t \ NO TO ASS1ST @MPAl.tY 17303 - o NORTH zz I I I I 't I \ \ lHrS I SEE MAP 906 wide, non-vd lngresss easement o EX}IIBIT A PItrCEL 1: l.gLadJtE .t r polllt b.lag soutb 2180.gg !..t &d l...t 9!9.18 !..! !806 tba lor{i.art cora.! ol th. John C. D.!' D'olrtl.a Laad ClrLo No. 58, b lot arbtp 17 Soutb, nltlg. ! frrt ol !b. flll.!.tt. t{.aLdlra, t.ld polBt b.{.ng oa tb. trorth.aly r.rEln cl tDa 'Q' st8.at t8..t rt7 Coancstl'oa, thaac. .lorE .rtd troath.sly ErsglD tb. tou,outng couat.t rDd ilLttrica. rforth 7t' 1{' 36' tLrt 1!9.07 f.!t, xorgh 7o' 37' 32' f.!t 215.71 t..tr[d dolg th. r8e ot r 1362.40 toot ladlut ctrrt llEbt (tb. ch6rd of thlcb cll!. b...st ltort! 42' 23' 13' X..t Elt.a8 t .t) .. Clrtuc. ot 8?a.a1 1..t,, th.ro. L.ytag .rtC Xoath.aly Dr.rgl'n aouth 89' 39' 20' Er.t 6?.90 t .E,, tlr.ac. soutb 52. 01' 20' l.rt 1057.12 1..t, th.nc. NoEth 89' 45' 20' Er.t 98O.Sl t..8, tt.ac. loutl 0' 91' 52' tl.rt 9./46 f..t,th.!c. Soath 84. 12' 2Or n .t 951.1? !..t tc tb. Dobt of b.gtrnlng lnl:rla ccuncy, Oragoa,gEgEEllIc tERlEBoxr B.giralDg rt r Dollt sortb 2088.1{ t..t rndtl.rt {a.50 l.€t !1106 th. [orti.r.t corD.r ol th. Jehn o. Dry DoE tlsn Ltrd clr,LE tlo. 58, b Aosn.hlD 1? south, nrRg. 3 tL.to! tb. rlll.D.tt. ll.rtalha, th.nca NoaE! 0' 30' !0' Eslt 12.91 taot to th. south.rly bouadrry c! . loo loot wtdr Pr€lttc ?!ry.r E Llght rtght o! *r!y, tb.nca rlorg .rld Sorrthertlr bo,unatrry rnd tLrt.rly bour.l.ry !lo*i 89' a5' 20' t..t 35.64 f.ot, th.[c. soutb O' 31' 52' T.rt 9.4{ ta.t to th. xorlb.rLy bouDdl5y ol r 60.00 lool l,lda EuE.ne nrt.r & Elactrlc lorrd rlEht of rr!r, th.nc. rlong rrld North.rly boundary south 8'0' L2' 20'tlcst 35.80 t..ttc th. t olnt o! b.gL ling, ln Ltn. county, or.gon. PARCEL 2: B6Er.nntaE at a tplnt b.ing South L429.71 t..t lnal Wc.t 1662.74 !..t troa tha loEthorr! cotller ol th. arohn c. Day Dgnltloa &and clrt! No. 58, ln ?ot.nlhlp 1? south, ttrng. 3 !f.rt of t!€ tllU.Dtt. llrddtul th.nc. south 89' 39' 20' Erlt 1{39.33 taat, tb.ac. soutb O' 20' 40' tLrt 2'lo.ooL.t, tb.nr. south 16' 06' OO' E.rt 62.55 t 3t, thG$c. touth 0' 20' ,lO' tL.t 23?.t13 t..tI tb.nc.3outh 89' a5' 20' tl.t ?3O.O5 f.rts, tb.n€. Nottb 52. 01' ZO' lroit 992.80 l..t to th. Dot[t ol b.El,!altg, la Lrn. @uoty, Olagon, ItClPllIllG, IERElnOll l.gl,EalsE rt t!.3outhrr..t cora.t ol Lt l, B1och 8, lscu{E sPnlltclltlt D IIDOSIAIIL PlnX llRll lDDIAlOtr, r.. Dhtt.d r,!d r.cgsdad b foct 65, D.g. 13, L..D. cqst!, or.9o! Plrt n aordr, lb.nca soutb :.6' 06' Etlt 52.t6 1..t, tD.aa. llctth 69' 39r 20. r..t 17.71 t..t, tb.sc. stoog tb. rrc o! r 5O.O0 toot radtlr 6Eva slEht, blvLnE I c.atr8l .891. ol 286' 15' ao'. (th.. onorrt ct drlcb cn:1?. baEr tlort! O'20' 40'trlt 60.00 t.at) r dl.t.trc. ol 249.81 t..t to t!. lobt ol b.gt!8tEo, l,a La. Cou[t]', Oragoo, contLauod o EUGCI.OVERl 2 / 3 EXHIBIT A Psoira*I Da.€!lge!o[ costlrtr.d - Dr,8cal 2 .ILSO Efear"Arcr B.gbnLat rt t!. s€utbr..t ceaB.a ct Lot l. 8lo€k7, lEEEllE s?Rf cttED ttlDggt8lll. DllX ,Ilst lDDIlrOE, rr pl.lt.d .sd r.csrd.d LE tcol. 65, Prao 13, La. courltl, oa.goa tl.ti.c€E{., th.uc. Sath 89. a3' 20' nast 60.00 !..t, th.ac. ror:b0. 20' 40r l.'t 2lt.f2 t..t, tb.ac. .toaE tb. rlc ot r 30.oo loat sadtBa 6rsv. l.tt (th. choa'd ol uhLcb cnrr! b..rt llort! 65' O! ' 2a' !l3c a6.?6 t..t, r dllt.!c. c! ,48.65 t..t, tt !c. gouth 8t' 39' 20'Er'! l7.?1 !..t, th.ac. south O' 20' aO' fi.lt 23?.a5 la.t to tha tplrt of Li.gttsdlg, l$ Lrna County, o:lgonl ll.s<, E8CEEml(3. BagLErLag tt th. lottbu..t r con!.r ol Lct 1, llocl3 8, lIrcErE SPLlIcEltLD ll[DoslRlll Dl3,I lltsr lDollloll, l.pl.tt d .nd r.card.d f! !6ot 66, lr9. ,.3, Latr. coqIrty orCgoa ll'.t Ercardr I 6.a€. [ort! g9' t9' 20' tl.3t 18O.0O 1..t, tll.!c. Souttr O' tO' aO'n ft 24O.OO t..t, tb.ac. South 89' 39r 20' E..t 1OO.OO f..t tc tb. lla.t.lly E:lgln ot Shalby gtE..t 6rl-d.-..c,ti.acc rlong th. tf.rt.lly lrrgln rlong thG arc o! r 5O.OO loot trdtu! curna rlEbt (tba chord o! vhlch curve ba:r! south 89' 39' 20' Erlt 8O.OO t.eg r diltrnc. ol 92.?3 !.at)i thanc. lt.vtng r.!C EraEla NoEtb 0' 20' 40' lrst 240.00 teet to th. potnc o! b.glaaLaE, tn Lrn. couaty, or.goR, ll.no EICE TIUOT Bcgl,ntri,ng rt r polnt belng Nortb 89' 39' 20' H.rE 18O.O0 f..l floo tb. forthwlat corn.! of Lot 1, Bloc} 8, fgcErr sPRrrcrrELD rlaDdsranr PArx IIRST TDDIIIOII, rt Dlrttsd .nd alcord.d ia Book 65, Prg. 13, L:n Countfl Or.gon tlrt SacoEdt, th.nc. Iorth 89. 39' 20- tLtt l8O.O 1..t, th.nc. Saqth O' 20' ao' rr.tt 240.00 t..t, th.ac. soqth E9' 39' 20' lrtt 1E0.oO f..tt tb.nc. tforlb O' 20' {O' Er.t 2,|O.OO !..t to th. polnt ot D.gflnbg, l[ Lrtr. @s!rty, Ortgon, ILSO EXcE?llllC r B.gtsntng at r poltlt b.lng South 89' 4t' 20' lr.rt 60.00 !.Gt lso !h. loutbx..t cora.s ol l€t l, Btock 7, EoGEtE S?RtNcDIEt D IllDOsrEtlL PeRf ftRltt IDDIIION, l! Plltted .nd a.€oEdtd t$ B6oL 65, Daga l!, t8n Cotrnty Oragon llrt ll.cord!, th.ac. south 89' a5' 20' tlc.c 2OO-OO !..t, th.nc. lorti 0' 20' ao' t..t 27O.LL t.tt tb.ac. goqth 89' t9' 20' Eaat 1!2.28 !.et, Ch.nca .loaE t!. rrc ot r 50.00 toot ndlu. surv. l.ft ltb. chord o! rrbt€h curtra b.r8r Scutlr a3' 20' 40' Er.t 59.07 f.at, r dlrt.[c. o! ?e.25 t..t, th.8c. south O' 20' 40' $..c 218.12 !..t !c th. pollt o! b.qt d!9, b LaD. county, oa.gon. EUGCLOVER1 3 o o o