HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2019-09-09SPRINGFIELD ,b Building Permit R.esidential Manufactured owelling Permit l{umber: 811-19-OO1407-MD IVR Number: 411079745867 City of Springfield Development and Public work 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 54L-7 26-37 53 Ema il Add ress : permitcenter@sprinqfield'or. gov ONEGON Web address: ww.srnnqfield-or.qov Permit Issued: September 09, 2019 TYPE OF WORK Category of Construction: Manufactured Dwelling Type of work: Replacement Submitted Job Value: $0.00 Description of Worki Replacement in a MH park- Space #16 2bedl1bath JOB SITE INFORMATION Worksite Address 2145 31ST ST SPC 16 Springfield, OR 97477 Parcal t7 02302L04200 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION Business Name A ACTION MOBILE HOME MOVING & DEMoLITION LLC - Primary Liccn3e Number L97745 Inspectlon 5999 Final Manufactured Dwelling lnspection Group Mfd Dwelling tnspectign status Pending SCHEDULII{G INSPECTIONS Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this p.oject. Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermits.oregon.gov Cali or text the word "schedule" to 1-888-299-2821 use IvR number: A11019745467 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting lnspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store PERMIT FEES Fee Descrlption Manufactured dwelling placement permit State manufactured dwelling fee State of Oregon Surcharge - MFD (l2o/o of applicable fees) Quantlty 1 1 Total Fees: Fee Amount $537.00 $30.00 $64.44 $631.44 pcrmtts crptre if work t. not start€d wtthin 18o Days of lssuance or if work 15 susp€nded tor 180 Days or longer dcp€nding on th€ issulnC agency's pollcy. AI provtstons of taws and ordinanEes govemlng thls type ol work will be complled with whether sP€clfled her€in or not. Granting ot a p€rmtt do€6 not presum€ to Cive authority to violatc or canc€l the provlslons ot any other stat€ or local law regulating construcllon or the pcrformante ot aonstruction. aTTE TtOt{: Oregon taw requires you to fotlow rules adoptcd by th€ oregon udlity xotlflcation c€nt€r. Those rules are s€t forth in oaR 952-oot-oolo through oaR 952-oo1-oo9o, You m.y obtain coples of the rules by calllng lhe center at (so3) 232-L947. at| persons or enfldes pertorming work und€r thls permit arc r€qulr€d to be llccnsed untess exempted by oRs 7o1.o1o (Structural/Iech.nical), ORs 479.540 (Electrical), and ORS 693.01o_O2O (Plumbing). ftrnted on: 9/9/19 p.!e r of 1 c:\mYReporc/rcpo.ts//poducton/01 STAiIDARD I Owner: Address: GATLIN JENNIFER M 2145 N 31ST ST SPACE 16 SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 License CCB Phone 541-935- 1786 PENDING INSPECTIONS .9 E e e Iz F cl E E a Y q o E o) E (). z o =IIJ oI LIJ @o =z tro i] o. : o O ij = E (L ?o o r50 o .q oN ci ;E.t (.) @:.n e a !t'6 L ooo(toooooFOO.io!+ooo@ooOS P PBY q q.ro o o-o o o:E B E r, .r<N @ O ql 6;!!I E lE U) !, o So, o) o) gA Q QFo, o, (D p l!o- oolI-sN oIL = c !) F6 E.9o-9E.O Eq E .9o o, Eo B cP dco-qo> .=ool!!r! L! uJ oooccc tdhth .9ddXi5EOF.E d69;o'PR3't -- -r @l iv1 P ob p o) oa () ct -t 19z. &.a! t-t-- r.- to -.e o @ o(}-o Fjo Fo :R EA(Ex EE 5o- CL .o 6,^.ootE+ $ Etr5 ii ?tr:3 eO9 E AEI2io.E_l:'6Pt il$l!oLE p i a zo(, osl a @ EO O i =o o t9; d e ;ro a ei l .a IEtrt Permit no Manufactured Dwelling/Recreational-Park Trailer Placement Permit Application This permit is issued utrder OARS 918-500-0105 and 9lE-525-0370. Permits expire if work is oot started withir 180 days of issuaoce or if work is suspeoded for 180 days. FEE SCHEDULE Descriptiotr Qtl Cost each Total (l ) MaDufrctured dnellitrg (a) Placement (includes placemenl electrical feeder- water/sewer connection): s537.00 5 s99.00 s Placement permit can only be obtained by homeowler or Oregon- licensed manufactured dwelling installer. (2) Recreational-park trriler (a) lnstallation (includes srand and lot preparatiotr; support blocking; anchoring: temporar;' steps. plumbing. mechanical, and electrical ): s537.00 s (b) Reinspection (no. ofhrs. x fee per hr-)s (c) Each addidonal inspection: (l )s99.00 5 Electrical service permit to be obtoined only by homeowner performing work or signing s pervisor oforcgonJicensed electrical contractor peforning worlc FEE SCHEDULE (3) Surcharge. 12% (.12 x toEl, equal to I or 2)S $30.00 l s30.00 (5) Technolog) Fee.5%s TOTAL fees and surcharges (3 + 4+5)s This installation is being made on residential or farm prope(-y owned b]., me or a member of my immedi e famil). and is exempt from licmsing 225FiiihStreer. SDrinsfield. OR 97477 . PH(5411726-i75: . FAXr54l )726-3689 requlrem under OAR I8-515-0010 Signature \o Fax:S 5 I license no PnTl'gn1S\\N q=*si..'- s tgnalurc tq\ DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Dale t q LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVALS Zoning approval verified I Yes ENo Properq is within flood plain: E Yes E No Saniration approval verified: n yes E No CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION E Residemial ! Govemment E Commercial Jobsiteaddress:\qS -<\st SD \t, ZIP Cit)': S Slate Subdivision Space/lot no.: \\O Reference r ul.tot: l7 O)3 O Zl o tl Lil DESCRIPTION OF WORK b,'A4^Year Manufactured \\ # Bedrooms: q Sq. Ftg: a ]s Value PROPERTY OWNER r'Name Address: a.\\\ 3\* Citl':1*o-.*.\ i.o\\State: OR zlP\a\\-\ rhone, $5qi -r \b S3\\Fax E-mail INSTALLATION \n.ddre ss City: \,1 5 \J S:Phon CCB license no last 6dned 5/52017 BJones Crrv or SpRrNcrInLD, OREGoN (b) Reinspection (no. ofhrs. x fee per fu-): s99.00 (4) Stare administrarive fee for manufactured dwelling (item l) only, OAR 918-500{105(5): E^rQ '- oK JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION Couno : e\ R- Business name: Zl\rfr=>r E-mail: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Electrical Permit A lication ah 225 Fifth Streeraspringfield, oR 97.177a PH(541)726-J753a FAx(54I )716-3689 This permit is issued under OAR 9l E-309-0000. Permits are nontransferable. Permits expire if work is not started within 180 days ofissuance or if work is suspended for 180 days. FEE SCHEDULE Number o{inspectioos per item ( )Qty Cost ea. Total cost Residentirl, per unit, service included: 1.000 sq. fl. or less (4)1i Each additional 500 sq. fl. or portion thereof $ 35.00 $ 43.00 s Each manufactured home or modular dwelling service or feeder (2) Services or feeders: insto utittn. dherut ion, ,?byrtion )oo amps or less (2))x s 109.00 s 201 to 400 amps (2)$127.00 $ 401 to 600 amps (2)$215.00 $ 601 to 1,000 amps (2)s277.00 Over 1,000 amps or volts (2)$635.00 s Reconnect only (2)s 86.00 $ Temporary servrces or teederc:. i6tdllalion. aLeration, rclocation $ 86.00 s 201 ro 400 amps (2)3118.00 s 401 to 600 amps (2)5172.00 Over 600 amps or 1,000 volts, see seNices or feeders section above Branch aircuits: ,eyt ahetalion. extension Per panel a. Fee for branch circuits with purchase ofa seryice or feeder fee Each branch circuit s 7.12 s $ 86.00 $ Each additional branch circuit $ 7.12 ! Miscellrneous fees: ren'ice or.feeda' nol inchded Each pump or irrigation circle (2)$ 86.00 s s 99.00 Signal circuit or a limited-energy panel, alteration. or extension (2)$ 99.00 S Each .dditionrl inspectioD: ( I )s99.00 s DEPARTMENT USE (A) Enter sublotal ofabove iees (Minimum Permit Fee $99.00) 5 (B) Enler l27o surcharge (.12 x [A])$ s TOTAL fees and surcharyes (A through D):$ OEPARTMENT USE ONLY 11- oo l'lo+Pemrit no [)ate Z LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL Zoning approval verified? E Yes E l.lo CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION n Govcmment ! CommercialS,!esidential JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION State: O Refere ncc: City:S Taxlot-: ZIP:\ DESCRIPTION OF WORK PROPERTY OWNER Name sa1nadress: 5-\\\ zrP:\a\aaState$(City Faxpr,*"Iu(\\t Sf f q E-mail This installation is being made on residential or farm property owned bv me or a member of mv immediate familv. This property is nor lntended for sale, exchange. Iease. or rent. OAR 479.540(l ) and 479.560(l). Signaturc CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION Ln Business name zIP:\\tlB*te: 6qCity: \f q 6a\d\ " Fax:!\3 E-mail Phone -nboi,""nr" no.,\aq1Ccs license no. :\\\1\ 1- Signing supervisor's license no.: .::!s. Pnnt name ot srgnlng supervlsor: .-S< Sigr"*" of rigriog ,up"-iro., \ $181.00 s Limited energy (2) $ 86.00 $ 200 amps or less (2) s b. Fee for branch circuils without purchase ofa service ot feeder fee: Firsl branch circuit (2) Each sign or outline lighting (2) (C) Technology Fee (5% of IA]) GJ.r( grEi\te- ftgPLar-tEb, JuS'a -SrANFIf,'D rrst.dit.d ?/U20lt BJom. LM\ El€(:Tnl LAt- loHhl|ecj(toN S 4t-s ' fun- prrat€ 45Pr7gr-3A'( rot{ */ Pan ar.r..rr. 'Tr l-.t64o aF t rE u€rFl E liJEsT VtBrr re Hor.= Pgo*- (.:s+r -?19 - 4=o3> Fe6As'r4!- lS ,hJob site address: \\S. R\:t -r S I Address: Re.p!f<-e.t-rclrT HoFrE 13 <FrAtr-le l- -tat at.r Frs.r t o.-rs, Fla.aq lE PEIL Pl+.\r lE.ZA,LI- Ftilorr C6*A,r..L E 'T\rR.S6<-o aF \a/Erdd-re. \a/ee't tv(pcrrr - H6D.r= PaEr- \,d' f 4- t)v /-! \-r I ---)\TJ sp\\sa\) 11 :g \b' {/t 6 \*J,t-a q) 0 2010 OEgon Manutactured Dwelling lnsta ation Specialty Code U_BAR ANCHORING TYFICAL ANCHORING S]RAP TYPICAL 1,/2 in. x 3 fL REBAR llliBEDDm A MlN. 0F J ir. lNTo TOOTINC OR SLAB YOKE.IENSIONING DEVICE 5/a ir', REEAR HOOK UNDER_FLOOR ENCLOSURE ICAL NECTOR WITH TYPICAL PIER S]RAP AND TENSION]NG DEV]CE EXPANSION BOLT Flgure 3-2.6 Typical 3-3 Site and Stand Preparation. 3-3.1 Suitability of Site. Each site shall be suitable for its intended use and acceptable to the building official based on this code and local land use regulations. Manufactured dwellings shall not be located on land that is unsuitable due to swampy terrain, lack of drainage, or proximity to the breeding places of rodents or vermin unless improvements have been made to the land to eliminate or control the hazards. ln areas having highly expansive, compressible, or shifting soils, the building official may require a soil test. 3-3.2 Unforeseen Factors. When unforeseen factors are encountered (i-e., rock formation, high ground water levels, springs, or biological generated gasses), corrective drainage work, acceptable to the building official, shall be completed prior to the siting of the manufactured dwelling. 3-3.3 Grading and Drainage. Site grading and drainage shall be provided according to the following and Figure 3-3.3: (1) Lots and stands shall be provided with adequate drainage and shall be properly graded to divert surface water away from manufactured dwellings, accessory buildings, and accessory structures. TYPICAL ATTACHME.IT POINTS INSTALLED MA(. 11 ft. ON CENIER AND NOT MORE THAN 12 in. FROM IHE tr{D NOTE: lF REBAR lS REOUIRED IN]HE FOOTING OR SLAB, THE END OF EACH ANCHORING LOOP SHALL BE'I']ED TO THE CONTINUOUS REBAR. Foundatlon Anchoring (2) Roof run-off from manufactured dwellings shall be adequately diverted away from the stand. (3) Lots shall have sufficient drainage to prevent standing water, excessive soil saturation, or erosion from becoming detrimental to the lot, stand, or any structures. (4) All drainage shall be diverted away from the home and shall slope a minimum of 112 in. per foot away from the foundation for the first '10 ft. Where property lines, wall, slopes, or other physical conditions prohibit this slope, the site shall be provided with drains or swales or otherwise graded to drain water away from the structure. Alternate grading methods may be used if approved by the _ building official. (5) Sidewalks, walkways, patio slabs, or driveways abutting the manufactured dwelling stand or foundation shall have a slope of 114 in. per 12 in. to divert water away from the stand or foundation. The concrete shall be no closer than 3 in. vertically to any untreated wood or siding. (6) The slope of cut or fill surfaces shall be no. steeper than is safe for the intended use according to Oregon Residential Specialty Code, Section R403.1 .9. &Bffi .,,* 18 EXPANSION BOLT ANCHORINC il 3-6.2 Concrete. Footings may consist of one of the following: (1) One 4 in. nominally thick individual precast concrete footing. (2) One 3-112 in. thick poured-in-place individual concrete footing. (3) I/inimum 6 in. thick, continuous concrete footings (also known as concrete runners), not less than 18 in. wide and reinforced with two continuous minimum #4 reinforcement rods. Rods shall be: (a) Overlapped 12 in.; (b) connected with wire ties or equivalent; (c) Be 3 in. from the bottom of the footing, and not closer than 3 in. from the edge of the footing; and (d) Located 10 in. apart in the footing and the pair centered beneath the pier locations. lf a continuous concrete footing is wide enough to support two or more rows of piers (i.e., a three.pad pour), the reinforcement rods shall be installed under each row of piers including the mainframe, perimeter, and marriage line piers. See Figures 3-6.2(a) and 3.6.2(b). (4) Minimum of 3-112 in. thick continuous concrete slab footings (also known as a three-pad pour), not less than 48 in. wide, reinforced with approved fibers or with 10 gage 6 in. x 6 in. wire fabric centered vertically within the continuous footing and no closer than 1 in. from the edge of the continuous concrete slab footing. See Figure 3-6.2(c). (5) [4inimum 3-112 in. thick concrete slab (also known as a full slab) not less in area than the manufactured dwelling, reinforced with approved fibers or with 10 gage 6 in. x 6 in. wire fabric centered vertically within the slab and no closer than 1 in. from the edge of the slab. See Figure 3-6.2(d). (6) Poured in place concrete shall have a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 3,000 lbs. NqIE SE THE ORECON ELECTRICAL SPECIALTY CODE REOUIREMENTS FOR FOUNDATION-ENCASED ELECTROOE PRIOR TO POURING CEMENT. I,IIN CONTINUOUS POURED_IN_PLACE CONCRETE FOOTING WTTH MINIMUM JO00 PSI lN 28 oAYS T o coNnNuous #4 REBAR NA]E 7 DAYS OF CURE TIME REQUIREO SEFORE USE Figure 3-6.2(a) Typical lndividual continuous concrete Footing 23 2010 Oregon Manufactured Dwelling lnstallation Speciafty Code u 'l'' u''' t.- 18 in, 2010 Oregon Manufactured Dwelling lnslallation Speciary Code 16 in- MIN VARiES 1A in, MIN 6in T PERIMNER PIER 1 BEAM PIER 1 AEAM PIER CENTERLINE PIERS 1 BEAM PIER 1 BEAM PIER NO]E PIER CONCRETE SHALL I-IAVE JOOO PSI IN 28 DAYS AND HA!€ 7 DAYS OF CURE TIME BEFORE USE. '"'l 4a in MIN. 8lniMIN.\ \ THREE 6 in. X 1B In. MIN COI.ITINUOUS CONCRETE FOOIING5 REINFORCED W]lH 2 RoWS OF #4 REBAR UNDER EACH ROW OF PIMS 1E in MIN.I.t Figure 3-6.2(b) Typical Combined Continuous Concrete Footings (Three-pad-pour) in. MIN I 3 l/2 i'1..-r-a a 12 in I 3 1/2 in.--r I 6 in- _T_ 12 ln l.gIE IF BACI(FILL IS TO BE GREATm IHAN 8 in., ADD DEPIH AND REBqR AT PERIMEIER AS INDICAIED. J1 N!I& CONCRETE SHALL HAVE JOOO PSI IN 28 DAYS AND HAVE 7 DAYS OF CURE -IIME EEFORE USE. 4a in. MIN. IHR1E 3 1/2 in. X 48 in. MINIMUM CONCREIE SLABS REINFORCED I{fi}I APPROVED FIEERS OR W]RE FABRIC 48 in MIN.( aa 24 Figure 3-6.2(c) Typical lndividual Fiber Reinforced Concrete Footings (Three-pad-pour) -I_ I l*_*rn.Mr+I 6 ir.-r t- 2010 Oregon Manufactured Dwelling lnstallatian Speciav Code I aa 6 in. N![E IF BACKFILLING JS TO BE OREATHER THAN 8 in., ADD DEFTH AND REBAR AT PERIMETER AS INDICATED. 12 in. NQ]E CONCREIE SHAI.J- HAVE sOOO PSI IN 2E DAYS AND HAVE 7 DAYS OF CURE TIME BEFORE USE. 3-6.3 Pressure-Treated Permanent Wood. Pressure treated wood must be in accordance with AWPA Ul and shall be permitted to consist of one of the following: (1) One layer ol 1-112 in. thick foundation grade lumber, pressure treated on all six sides. lf used with concrete blocks, no more than 1 in. of exposed wood is allowed beyond the long side of the block. (2) Two perpendicular layers of 1-112 in. thick foundation grade lumber, pressure treated on all six sides. (3) Two perpendicular layers of 1-112 in. thick wood polymer composite. (4) One piece of 1-114 in. thick plywood pressure treated on all six sides. (5) Two pieces of 314 in. thick plyivood pressure treated on all six sides. 3-6.4 ABS Footing Pads. ABS footing pads shall be permitted in accordance wilh pad manufaclurer's installation instructions. ABS footing pads shall be listed or labeled for the required Ioad capacity. 3-6.5 Marriage Line Column Support Footing. Where the concentrated load of a column J 1/2 in. col'rflNuous coNcREIE SLAB REINFORCED U]H APPROVED FIBERS OR IVIRE FAERIC Figure 3-6,2(d) Typical Fiber Reinforced Goncrete Slab Footing 25 aa -! 6 in._I f.- ,, *. -*] -f support post exceeds the capacity of an individual footing, multiple footings of the same material may be used to distribute the load evenly according to the following: (1) Footings shall be |ayered and placed in a pyramid shape to distribute the loads evenly from the pier to the ground. (2) The bottom layer of a pyramid footing material shall be equal in area to the footing size required in Table 3-7.3. (3) The top Iayer of a pyramid footing shall be equat to or greater in size to the bottom of the pier it supports. (4) Each layer of a pyramid footing material shall span at least 25 percent of the footings below. (5) Piers shall be supported by the top layer of footlng material only and if concrete, shall not bridge multiple footing blocks. (6) Pyramided footings are not necessary under column support posts when a continuous concrete footing or slab supports the column support piers constructed according to this code. 2010 Oregon Manufactured Dwe ing lnstallation Specialty Code 3-7 Piers. 3-7.1 General. Piers shall be capable of transmitting the vertical live and dead loads to the foundation below. Every pier shall be supported by a footing. Piers and structural walls shall be constructed from one of the following methods: (1) I\4anufactured piers shall be listed or approved for intended use and installed according to the equipment manufacturer's installation instructions. l\ilanufactured piers shall have protection against weather deterioration and corrosion as established in 24CFR3285 (MMHIS). (2) 8 in- x B in. x 16 in. ASTM C 90 rated CI\/U foundation piers assembled according to this chapter and capable of supporting 15,000 lbs. (3) 8 in. x 6 in. x 16 in. ASTM C 90 rated CMU foundation piers assembled according to this chapter and capable of supporting 15,000 lbs. (4) 8 in. x 4 in. x 16 in. solid concrete block. (5) 8 in. x 6 in. x 16 in. or 8 in. x 4 in. x 16 in. CMU blocks may only be used for perimeter support when installed as under floor enclosures as per the requirements of this chapter. (6) Structural skirting built as per the requirements of Chapter 4- I_BEAM FRAM SH'M MA]ERIAL 5PECIFIED IN 3_8.2 CAP MA'iERIAL sPEClFtEo tN 3-8.'l SIIiIGLI oPEN oR cLoSED BLOCKS I in, X I in. X 16 in, (OPEN CELLS PLACED VERTJCALLY UPON FOOTER) INSTALTED S,'I'TH 16 iN. DIMENSION PERPENDICULAR TO THE I-BEAM FRAME (7) fi/iaterial or methods designed by a registered design professional and approved by the building official- 3-7.2 Foundation Heights. 3-7.2.1 Piers Less Than 36 in. High. Piers less than 36 in. high shall be permitted to be constructed of material described in 3-7.1 and installed according to the following: (1) The piers shall be installed so that the long sides are at right angles to the supported l- beam, as shown in Figure 3-7.2. Twenty-five percent of the l-beam piers may be installed parallel with the l-beam. (2) Horizontal offsets shall not exceed 1 in. top to bottom. (3) fi4ortar shall not normally be required. (4) lt4anufactured piers shall be listed and Iabeled. 3-7.2.2 Frame Piers 36 in. to 67 in. High and Corner Piers. All piers between 36 in. and 67 in. high and all corner piers over three blocks high shall be constructed out of double, interlocked concrete blocks as shown in Figure 3-7.2. 3-7.2.3 Frame Piers over 67 in. High. Piers over 67 in. high shall be designed by a registered design professional. FOO'IINO AND PIER INSTAIIANON GREAIER TIIAN OR EQUAL TO 36 in, IN HEGHT, I_BFAM FRAME SHIM MATERIAL [S SPECIF|ED tN 3-8.2 CAP MA]ERIAL AS SPECIFIED IN 3_8.1 BET\ryEEN 36 in. AN LESS THAN 36 in. lN HEIGHT 67 in. lN HEIGHT FOoTING - 16;n. X 16 in. X 4 in. soUD CONCRETE 0R oTHER PRoDUCT APPROVED FOR THE PURPOSE. FOOTING PTACED ON FIRII UNDSTURBED SOIL OR ON CONTROLLED FILL FREE OF GRASS ANO ORGANIC MATIRIAL \ enoum LrvrL 26 Figure 3-7.2 Typical Footing and Pier lnstallation FOO]ING AND PIER INST]AIAIION t.EsS IIIAN 58 in. lN HEIGHT DOUBLE CONCRETE ELOCXS (SoLID oR CELLED) WTH BLOCKS INTERLOCKED AND CAPPED AS SPECINED AEOVE r t. f:.1. .:. f. .. .'jil,. i f_=-__ .::.ld