HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 2019-09-10SPRINGfIELD tb Web address: ww.springfield"or. gov Building Permit Commercial sign Permit Number: 81 1-19-O02019-SIGN IVR Number: Al1O7 \47 4433 City of Springfield Development and Public Wo.ks 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 s4t-7 26-37 53 Ema il Add ress : permitcenter@sp rin gfield -or. gov Permlt Issued: September 10, 2019 Category of Constructioni Commercial Type of Work: None Specified Submltted Job valuc: $0.00 Dcscription of Work: Sign (1) - Carls Jr change sign cabinets on pole sign with electrical Owner: Address: TRI-W GROUP LTD PARTN ERSHIP 1OO SE CRYSTAL LAKE DR CORVALLIS, OR 97333 Business Name RAMSAY SIGNS tNC - Primary License ccB License Number 63422 Phone 503-777-4555 Inspection 6999 Final Sign 6900 Sign Location 6910 Sign Footing 6940 Sign Attachment 6950 Electrical Service - Sign Insp€qtion Group Signs Signs Signs Signs Signs lnspection Status Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project. Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermits.oregon.gov call or text the word "schedule" to 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number: allo7L474833 Schedule using the oregon ePermitting Inspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store Permlts expire if wor* ls not started wlthln l8O Days of l.suance or It work is sGpended for 18O Day. or longer depcndlng on the lssuing agency'5 pollcy. all provisions of laws and ordinances gov€mln9 this typc ot work wlll be cotnplled wlth wh€ther 'p€clried herein or not. crantlng of a p€rmlt does not prEsurr€ to glve authority to vlolat€ or cancel thc provlsions ofeny othcr state or local law r€9ulatlng conitruction or tie p€rforman€€ of construcdon. ATTE TION: or€gon law requires you to follow rules adopt.d by the Oregon Udllty l{otificatlon Centcr, Those rules are set lorth h OAR 952-oo1-oo10 through OAR 952-OO1-OO9O. You may obtain coples ot the rul€s by calllng the C€nter at (503) 232-L947, Alt persons or entltles performing work under this perlnlt ar€ requlred to b€ llc€nsed unless erempted by ORs 7o1.o1o (structural/r{echanlc.l), ()1u; 479.5,1O (Elect}lcal), and oRs 693.OlO-O2O (Plumblng). fthted on: 9/10/19 page 1 ot 2 c:\myReports/.eport5//producton/01 STANOARD O REGON TYPE OF WORK JOB SITE Il{FORI.lATION worksite Address 19OO MARCOLA RD Springfield, OR 97477 Parccl 1703251300102 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL IT{FORI'IATIO PE DING INSPECTIOI{S SCHEDULING INSPECTIOI{S Permit Number: A1r.-19-OO2019-SIGN Page 2 of 2 Fcc Descriptlon Balance of minimum permit fees - electrical Sign or outline lighting Technology Fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Elec (12olo of applicable fees) Permanent sign - 61 to 100 square feet, per sign Sign plan review, per sign Quantity Fee Amount $ 13.00 $89.00 $ 16.6s $L2.24 $ 18 5.00 $46.00 $361.89 1 1 1 Total Fees: C:\myReports/reports//Droduct on/01 STANoARo PERMIT FEES SPRINGFIELD 225 FIFTH STREET * SPRINCFIELD, OR 9747'7 * PH (541)726-3759 * FAX(541)726-3689 Cit)Job Number:8(\-lq -A7o\q-slc"t'J O REGO N Plan Rcricu tec of5.16 per sign is due N ith lpplication, U\( llP I-for Dedestrinn-orienfed signs that srtisf) llunicipal ( odc 8.250(3) (S0) lq@ M*4ot+ eD. Assessors Map(s):Tax Lot(s):+0i9-1fb no\oL ()rl,ner:191-'"^) Geou? tll ?rcq-xt*s*r fhone Number: Address:t.,ose CQ4sttr1-L-re 9A\r€ ci t!, CdV*,,*tS State: O(-z;p 41 a37 Business Name, Firm, etc:1-h'tis sf-. Wall: - Freestanding: X Projecting: Roof: - Marquee: -Billboard: -Other E. Lu +tu-- - Noearl. - 3O 7List AL! existing signage and attach a photograph ofeach sign: (a) Type: (c) Type: o . Ft.: 1oF Sq. Ft.:NF (d) ryp (b) Type:liku--e*rT rt.z )31 d e': U)Au-- u)c'T'Sq Ft:. bE Contractor/lnstaller: R*ttts A! 6l L^]S Phone: 3{ I' 3(2 . t-'r Ll Address: 4l t?o 41*C it!:?oenn*State: O( Expires:t/ rz- / zi$q12bG TbztCoI|struction Contractors Registratio n Number; G19l-t-- I'rint Name:Sig tature:1ltt--oatet ? f|? /t f OFFICE USE: Sign District:Tnning: B] signature, I state and agree, that as owner or owners ag€nt, that I have carefully examioed the comPleted application and do hereby certify that all informatioo herein is true and correct, and I further certify that an, and all work performed shall be done in accordance * ith the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance rn'ith ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that alt required inspections are requ€sted at the Proper time, that project address is readable from the street, lhat the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved s€t of plans will remain on the site at all times during the installation ofthe sign(s). Signature: Edited 07l172019 Bjorcs ?r*-,^-,^r", flae /t f CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ,b Site Address: naSzeB DESCRIPTTON OF PROPOSED SIGN(S) c.,61ll4- 5toa TYPE OF WORK: Please nrark all that appl!: Neu: --RepJacerncnl: -Alteration'Relocation: 2( (Agtur:.sor.l QUANTITY ()F SIGN'I YPE(S); Please indicate hou manl of each sign you propose to install: - PaLE qvA _Pedestrian-Oriented Sign (Downtown Sign District ONLY. See Municipal Code 8.250): Windo Wall: -or Blade: -DESIGN & PLACEMENT: Please attach additional information if more than one sign is proposed: Single-Sided: - Double-Sided: t( . |:,lqp-Illuminated: - Illuminated: lnternal D( or Extemal Distance from adjacent grade to bottom of sign face: 14ft. Total height above grade: l5 6 ft. FORWALL SIGNS: kngth of wall on which the sign is located:-ft. FOR WINDOW SIGNS: Gross glass area of all windows on the side that the sign is located: sq. ft. Electrical installation: Yes: X No: - (lf"yes," additional electrical permit required.) Materials: AlrMrN rJr,r \r/tlxtlr A,zzS r LED tL.r--u r . Value ($): t1, +l t" - Electrical Permit A lication 225 Fifth Str.rt.sprinsfietd, oR 97{77. pH(541)726-3753. FAX(54l )726-3689 This permit b issrcd onder OAR 9l&309-flXD. Permits ,re nontrsosferablc. Pcrmits crpire if work is trot starled withitr lto dlys ofissuance or if work b susperded for lEO days. FEE SCHEDULE Numbcr of imprclioo! p.r it m ( )aty.Cost e& Total cost Rcsidenlial, pcr unit, s.rvic. includcd: 1,000 sq. fi. or less (4)$ 186-00 $ Each additional 500 sq. ft. or portion thereof $ Limited energy (2)s.r4.m $ Each manufactuaed horre or modula, dwelling service or feeder (2)s89.m $ Scrvices or fatdcrr: rarrallation, aherdlion. relocal ion 20O amps or less (2)$112.00 $ sl31.00 $ 401 to 600 amps (2)s221.{x}s 601 to 1,000 amps (2)s2t5.{x}$ Over 1,000 amps or volts (2)$654.00 $ Reconnect or y (2)sa9-(x)$ Tcmporary !.niccr oJ f@dara:. inslallation. akeralion, relocalion 200 amps or less (2)s89.00 $ 20 I to ,t00 amps (2)s122.00 s s177.{xt $ Over 600 ampe or 1,000 vohs, see services or feeders section above a Fee for branch ci.cuis with puchase ofa service or feeder fee Ilach branch circuit s8-00 $ first branch circuit (2)s89.00 $ Iach additional branch circuit s8-lx)$ Miscellanmu fc6: .renice orfeeder nol included Each pump or irrigation circle (2)s89.00 $ Each sign or outline lighting (2)I s89.m $ cd- Signal circuil o. a limited-€nergy panel. alterEtio4 or extension (2)st9.m S Each additionrl iospection: (l)s102.00 $ DEPARTMENT USE (A) Entsr subtotal of above fees (Miniau6 P.r6it Fcc $102.m)$a_ s lo.LA (C) Technology Fee (5olo of [A])$ q.*,r $ lc4.t3 DEPART ET{T USE ONLY )o\qp..-it no., (9 - Date >q g Zoning approval verified? E y.r E No CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION I Residential E GoYemment [fCommercial JOB SITE INFOR ATION AND LOCATION Job site address lqooAkattcL* ?-D ciry,$lfugbfiELo State: OIL ztp:41*1'1 Refereoce;$$)J Taxlot.: DESCRIPTION OF WORK kg*aetD ertroN & Srb^\ ota$rrs PROPERry OWNER sNC,\6,{ Name: T?-t-uJ bbup UtO ?ml>te**rC Address: 1po 5€ CAlsrtn_ Lrd.€. oA. City:bg$h,4-t!Stat€: O& Phone: !{[ 151-'LAqD E-mail: This installation is being made on residential or farm prop€rty owned by me or a member of my immediate family. This property is not intended for sale, exchange, leaso, or rent. OAR 479.540(l ) and 479.s60(l). signatue: N /ft CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION Business name Rf,i.tS,tv StbNS Address: f l${ Dtv-lOueShe ?O * 5 city: $"1l4llQ zv:q1+ol Phone: r+{ -?Lq - 0G11 Fax: e-mail [!(\O(i @r.au1^Sa.y Si4 r.)s. Cryyl CCB ticense no.: bllLl-BCD lic€nse no.26 - lObOlS Signing supervisor's licrnse no.: VtlStt, Print name of signing supervisor: p-t5 tl-t ? Sf]5i bdl- l,rsr.ditcd ?/l/2019 Bloncs CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON a LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL ZIP: Fax: State: CrA I /))-Signature ofsigning supervisor: f s36-{X) 20 I to ,100 amps (2) 401 to 600 alrlps (2) BrrDch circuit!: ,err. akeratioh, exlension Wr panel b, Fee for branch circuits witllout puchase ofa service or freder fee: (B) Enter l27o surchare€ (.12 x [A]) TOTAL fees and surcharges (A through D): Ii Li -€r _ \1!- -oJzm,t EEO->-l >>>!rn ={=ia: = r.r > L,)dAE=Z<taOOtri39? ZZaa2zq:i=9rr: F Fi Flnl'tOtnE:6;Z Zatz!a =3EiiAId>r'';r',-r2tr ^>rOEt=rrE '=><g -rE>< ^!-lEr>-1a(,=at >u== t-z :-l o { o! o bF EIooz !!,o m I {m + I I -{rml,lml an' em(, Fr Itl Iol =.es olEIzl 9 Irl8l No5l Nozfn cz{ in 6) F omId El" 1i F.+ Dv-ivo- v oo..)C!Dzr) 6)7)oC.o onr}c! zl.t |-o o o o5 \ S izsOi s S I tq Z .|> I I-s(,+(A (^aA--r)g.r Spa"B6b Z ! i--r-q3u"5 -ll > q z*IFtF",,,clt $ S-O S T -sUJ .LJ -J -F- ---\Lr <- l-_ I! 6oz -{uC6-toz td- ^Y ,t+ fE{ -58 H i; (t = 7 T iIorm-':oo iPur+ {I P =E a!- =6^- (, 'I (' Fdo fi x, 0ItIa !ii EI iiit gt ; U>.1'in s6(,r 'Tl r.r In o ;m 2^ !? I! a a39a98aqaaB9a I a a iiiul ;s / .E qtf € ,c,I + 8 3iu iiii r (o Ioo a8 ,;q 9e _!8r I ,;E ,:E It Ilr-E tfal t I ;J J x 3a I I ! I "iE -;lI IH 0s l6* r i4=l L5 I iR Bn,gt ,:81 ll a: Ea 3 o r I I ffir) a Ee;E! E A;E} -E;-s raiI=l I rE-iEiT'Fl_-FE Eill*bl IlffiEr lItffit IltEEl IltEEllltFEt lItFEl @0 Iili riii ii!! t,li !il1 'lii !:l rii ll9i!Jiit lt! 15ittl 1Cli ;F-Hfi$ ag_ i q5 t A* ?-"'- '.*x 2FllI II I I i I I i a @ !;ri L l: T i -r-= ..i I t"7 s *t33 il ) I E' EiE,iE'1,g. ; r,i i' i xE I iEiE c! F'Et 3Al * F 3 !l s = j]iB, g I P Z-4 IE4g (; -t qd !3'4E c.; 2. EIa l{-0'lo g.d! bp ol r!sl,n8 pip 1-2' ) a = C * = ; ,14' -T_ l4_"8 bl r tsaI 6 : a a aa * si l- I e P P 4 e _:] -anrttr anE -6rm- == y 9e:i'1;;s3 q i*'= a lg ee I /+ ,&91 iEEl! ! &31 kE sE EFI Frl I=l I -.:I=:i;:::1-:' i; 3 =" i.i =r :i = 1^\ --'(EE\::ry :=. -: ' .: r lll l5'-6', r lI ,i* I -o- It}l E:a F Scope of work is for ihe desisn ol ihe sEn pol€s, spli@s and ihe r@ndalion Vo. y sxisting eiemmts do not show signs of dete.ioralion or dama€e LOADING: wNo AscET 10 124 MPI] EX MAXIMUM HEIGHT (h)15 50 065(3 se@nd gusr) (ASCE 7-1a Faute 26 a-1) IASCE 7.10Ftsurc26.81) (ASCE 7-10Faure26 8-1) (ASCE Eqn 26 e-1) IASCE 7-10 labte 26 61 ) GUST FACTOR (G) = K1 K2 K3 Kd cf B 028 000 F - qz'G'Cla.a: (altowabte) 29 057 0 575 1786 18 02 156 157 o-15 fi 15,16 t i1 ft 8/s ft (cod€ offsel ror wind load) ft (horzonla @binel oilsel) FORCES: lvdrh li:Il;l HeEhl lo Aroa \Mnd load Fore Height to Moment 11 I 1550 60 157 1500 440 156 11 33 UO 1s.6 7.08 124 15.6 0.00 00 1s6 0@ 00 156 0.00 0.0 156 0 clo 00 156 0.@ 00 156 0.@ 00 156 0@ 00 156 000 00 156 Doubl,s SBg€d (Sinsle Poie) 94 684 529 193 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 25 13 i7 921 354 0.00 0.00 0@ 000 000 000 000 000 1434 9006 4471 684 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 368 12v 1500 : = 15995 1622 SIGN POLE: Try . 6'SCH40 z=106 35000 15995 0 18513 T=fr rb =778'(2 4 +a) n.b 0.,1 < o.2lorsim cst b€ mSleded n-$ ll{b :35&0'10.6/121.67 < !E5r30K15995 Usea6 SCH40 Pi a 3', SCH.10 s z ft-tb 1867 t]b =774'Q 4 +ol 0 52 > 02 @mb slresses req IIt,| .t.-r .[ 1 .t I Ilflb = 3@@2.AlZ1 67 < 3a42 0K Comb. = 069 <1.000K1622 L. ti n ,t = (1 5995y1 00O€ 03fr+ distanG Lo.n ground *rf@ lo P allNablo 30i&rg, q=2(150)=300' 'All@able W 1/2" movsenlal g.4ndline di€gonal dimsdn of a 4 sq footirE ESTIMATEO mbed.n6l, ft 4 00 fd pres$r€ ASIGN ELEVATIoN Unconstra ned Cond'l on 24 96 235 1t 95 803 it=8.0311.95 fr-k s_1 155 3A7 ft 2 34?10@(S_1'b) ft !L/2'(1+(1+4.36ry4r.5) 387<40K 4@nrricily oI load to .eaclDn (€) mdimum .6srst,ve moment availade based on sorl bearing. il6 = Tho oriEling4 .0- r,l -O" r 4 -0- do.p concrsr6 f@tino is ad.quate 143 11 33 '774 15 m 12 AO 11 33 708 175 000 IIIIII 1867 22 0 3e42 300 566 40c s MILLER CON5ULTING ENGINEER5 9570 SW Babur Blvd Suite One Hundrcd Portland. OR 97219 Phone 503.246.1250 Fax 503 246.1395 Project Name Carl's Jr. Pylon Sign 191005 Location 1900 Marcola Road, Spring faeld, Oregon Client Ramsay Signs By GSD Date 8t't6t19 Page Project # 1of2 I 1oo l llml llm l l2 oo | 24o l-- o oo -'l F(psi) h I I I I I I I I e/ I | 12s) tsoo 35000 15m 531 791 067 ckd elvl 1264 025 SpliceConnection Check = (6.6,{.24-3 5)2 tb n-lb/in = 1856/(3 5''314)'1.41' in-lb = 36OOCV1 67'0 25""2'1'?4 t 337 > 238 0K Use 0.25 thict plales (min.) (mn ) = 162205a+1856 = 3 5',3 1421@010 25' 707 40813 > 4653 0K Use 3/16" nller all aroord {man,) lb =0.25'"0.707'2"2100016.6'3.14/10' 1 5392 > 4653 0K U*2 long I/a'slolweldsat lO" o-c. arcund pip. (min.) SLTEVE SPLICI 1622 058 I I lr I I I ll ti I ll Itr+-66 6 MILLER CONSUTTIN6 TNGINEER5 9570 SW Barb!r Blvd Suile One Hundred Portland OR 97219 Phone 503.246.1250 Fax 503.246.1395 Project Name Carl's Jr. Pylon Sign 1 91005 Location 1900 Marcola Road, Springfield, O C lient Ramsay Siqns av ---s!q cx'o efi4 Date 8t16t19 regon Page Project # tot I 66 t--As6-l f- r* --l t t!l: El! d: rlF I' lt I I ti lt I I lt lt <* \7 10 15392 4453 l 4os13 I I o € 08 EXPIRES: 12-31-2020 1, SCOP€ Of WORK ]S FOR TNE DESCN Of rHE S|CN POfS ANo FOrNoATIoN. 2. SEE FOIIOTING PAGES FOR STRU'TURAL J. !€RIFY EXSNNG ffiTENIS OO NOT 5H0* slGNS OF OEiERTOR^IIOI OR (E) 6', 0A. tl il tl il lt ll ll ll tl lt ll il # I I I I tl t1 I I I I 1Lf+.v<* -':' tr { ai\stcN ELEVATIQI\r'\SIEEVT SPLICE /OSEPH 't't' Irl..1t "1. l.tt. ,El . s MILLER CONSULTING ENGINEERS 9570 SWaarbur Blvd Suite One Hundred Portland OR 97219 Phon€ 503.246.'1250 Fax 503.246.1395 Project Name Carl's Jr. Pylon Sign Project # Location 1900 Marcola Road, Springfield, Client Ramsav Siqns By GSD ck'd ul4 8t16t19 Oreqon Page Sl of3 r l ft -,, 11,/ Itilr Date 191005 GENERAL THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFICATION AND CORRELATION OF ALL ITEMS AND WORK NECESSARY FOR COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT AS INDICATED BY THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SHOULD ANY QUESTION ARISE REGARDING THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS OR SITE CONDITIONS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REQUEST INTERPRETATION AND CLARIFICATION FROI\4 THE ENGINEER BEFORE BEGINNING THE PROJECT, THE ABSENCE OF SUCH REOUEST SHALL SIGNIFY THAT THE CONTRACTOR HAS REVIEWED AND FAMILIARIZED HIMSELF WITH ALL ASPECTS OF THE PROJECT AND HAS COMPLETE COMPREHENSION THEREOF, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONFORMANCE TO ALL SAFETY REGULATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACT DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS REPRESENT THE FINISHED STRUCTURE UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFICALLY NOTED, THEY DO NOT INDICATE THE METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION OR CONSTRUCTION LOADS, ONLY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL METHODS, DIRECTION AND RELATED EQUIPMENT NECESSARY TO PROTECT THE STRUCTURE. WORKMEN AND OTHER PERSONS AND PROPERTY DURING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL, AT HIS OWN EXPENSE, ENGAGE PROPERLY QUALIFIED PERSONS TO DETERMINE WHERE AND HOW TEMPORARY PRECAUTIONARY I\4EASURES SHALL BE USED AND INSPECT SAME IN THE FIELD. ANY MATERIAL NOT AS SPECIFIED OR IMPROPER MATERIAL INSTALLATION OR WORKMANSHIP SHALL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH SPECIFIED MATERIAL IN A WORKMANLIKE MANNER AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE, THESE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ENGINEERING AND DESIGN WORK ARE INTENDED SOLELY FOR THE PROJECT SPECIFIED HEREIN, MILLER CONSULTING ENGINEERS DISCLAIMS ALL LIABILITY IF THESE PTANS AND SPECIFICATIONS OR THE DESIGN, ADVICE AND INSTRUCTIONS ATTENDANT THERETO ARE USED ON ANY PROJECT OR AT ANY LOCATION OTHER THAN THE PROJECT AND LOCATION SPECIFIED HEREIN, OBSERVATION VISITS TO THE JOB SITE AND SPECIAL INSPECTIONS ARE NOT PART OF THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER'S RESPONSIBILIry UNLESS THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SPECIFY OTHERWISE, NON STRUCTURAL PORTIONS OF PROJECT, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO PLUMBING, FIRE PROTECTION, LAND USE, SITE PLANNING, EROSION CONTROL, ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, FLASHING AND WATER-PROOFING ARE BEYOND THE SCOPE OF THESE DRAWINGS AND ARE PROVIDED BY OTHERS, EXISTING STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS ARE DESIGNED BY OTHERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 1704.2 EXECPTION 1. NO SPECIAL INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED FOR WELDS AS THE LOADING IS A MINOR FRACTION OF THE CAPACITY OF THESE ELEMENTS. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL CONDITIONS PRIOR TO FABRICATION OR INSTALLATION, ENGINEER OF RECORD FOR THE PROJECT IS TO BE NOTIFIED IF CONDITIONS DIFFER FROM WHAT IS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS, BUILDING CODE ALL PHASES OF THE WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE 2014 OREGON STRUCTURAL SPECIALry CODE, BASED ON THE 2012 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE, INCLUDING ALL REFERENCE STANDARDS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE, P 4 0 I G ,;JEPH EX?lF.ES:12-31'2020 s MILLER CON5U!TIN6 ENGINEER5 9570 SW Earbur BIvd Suite One Hundred Portland, OR 97219 Phone 503 246.1250 Fax 503 246 1395 Carl's Jr. Pylon Sion 1 91005Project # 1900 Marcola Road, Sprinsfield, Oreqon Ramsav Sions GSDBy ck'd ry Page 52 of 3Date 8/16/19 Project Name Location Client THE FOLLOWING ARE THE DESIGN REOUIREMENTS STRUCTURAL DESIGN CRITERIA RISK CATEGORY WIND DESIGN DATA BASIC WIND SPEED (3 SEC GUST),120 MPH EXPOSURE B STRUCTURAL STEEL STRUCTURAL STEEL ALL STRUCTURAL AND MISCELLANEOUS STEEL SHALL BE ASTM A992 FOR W-SECTIONS AND ASTM A36 FOR ALL OTHER SECTIONS. PLATES AND BARS. ALL RECTANGULAR HSS SECTIONS SHALL BE ASTM A500, GRADE B, FY= 46000 PSI AND ALL ROUND HSS SECTIONS SHALL BE ASTM A500, GRADE B, FY = 42000 PSl. ALL STRUCTURAL STEEL PIPE SHALL BE ASTM A53, GRADE B, ryPE E OR S, FY= 35000 PSL ALL STEEL lN CONTACT WITH ALUMINUM TO BE STAINLESS OR HAVE A PROTECTIVE BARRIER TO PREVENT CORROSION, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE, ALL BOLTS TO BE ASTM A3O7 AND ALL ANCHOR RODS TO BE ASTM Fl554 GRADE 36, WITH MATCHING NUTS, ALL FASTENERS IN CONTACT WITH ALUMINUI\4 TO BE TYPE 304 STAINLESS STEEL WITH MATCHING NUTS OR HAVE A PROTECTIVE BARRIER TO PREVENT CORROSION, NUTS SHALL BE TIGHTENED TO A SNUG TIGHT CONDITION PER RESEARCH COUNCIL ON STRUCTURAL CONNECTIONS (RCSC) SPECIFICATION FOR STRUCTURAL JOINTS, SECTION 8,1, ALL STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL HAVE ONE COAT OF PRIMER, EXCEPT SURFACES TO BE EI\4BEDDED IN CONCRETE OR MASONRY, EMBEDDED SURFACES SHALL BE FREE OF CONTAMINANTS. ALL ZINC (GALV,) COATINGS ON IRON AND STEEL PRODUCTS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A123, REPAIRS OF GALVANIZED COATINGS ARE TO CONFORM TO ASTM 4780, ALL EXPOSED STRUCTURAL STEEL TO HAVE ONE FINISH COAT OF RUST INHIBITING PAINT, COLOR BY OWNER, ALL WELDING SHALL CONFORM TO AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY (AWS) D1,1 USING ETOXX ELECTRODES, WELD LENGTHS SHOWN ARE EFFECTIVE AS SPECIFIED PER THE SPECIFICATIONS OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION (AISC). WELDING SHALL BE PERFORMED BY AWS CERTIFIED WELDERS FOR WELD TYPES SPECIFIED, WHERE WELD LENGTHS ARE NOT SHOWN, THE WELD SHALL BE FULL LENGTH OF MEI\4BERS BEING JOINED. ALL BUTT WELDS SHALL BE FULL PENETRATION WELDS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS, ALLWELDS SHALL RECEIVE THE SAME FINISH COAT AS THE MEMBER BEINGWELDED, o IN €c+ l8 ,/03 E PH s MILLER CON5ULTING ENGINEER5 9570 SWBaftur alvd Suite One Hundred Portland. OR 97219 Phone 503 246 1250 Fax 503 246 1395 Project Name Carl's Jr. Pylon Siqn Project # Location Client '1900 Marcola Road, Sprinqfield, Oreqon Ramsav S,qns BY GSD ck'd CJl4 Date 8/16/1e 53of3 '1S1 005 DESIGN LOADS EXPIRES: '12-31-2020 Page =c,Ff=.E, :IJtrl E D =t.l.| -{ oT' ap tEo o = r/) E'ITto E q9 q I I I v I I I v E-Er=r-96I-F'- Bor - 19aa ; ea, c,6g+ 6*= (r)ET'I -,o e,o trrt F. =. = E. a = I L--t+t/ vpe( e\E/AaloNl - (+lsnN6 ,4carl6_g-L i ?r) .i a x Nop-fur Lt a/Ato r,J - Exl Sn Nq --_"'.ul, ! Lryi: l : i ,i , Il,'l Lrl 6wttr @*!rrf1o( - gXtSflN(1 UMd a.eJ^'flor.i - e[tsT']Nh \ ".1m E ! F'! I I I B: ffiF FT 7:-- 2 FoR $3.50 SAUSAGE E6C& cHz Blsculrs St l( 1) I t t o DRIvE THRU \ n [' tI, I I 47l EIl5nN(. ?atz 5tk^-\