HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 2019-09-09SPRINGfIETD tt OREGON Web Address: www.sprangfield-or.gov Building Permit Residential Plumbing Permit Number: 811-19-002077-PLM IVR Numben 81 r026766562 City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Soringfield, OR 97477 541-7 26-37 53 Permit Issued: September 09, 2019 TYPE OF WORX Category of Construction: Manufactured Dwelling Submltted Job Value: $0.00 Description of Work: Replace water heater Type of Work: Replacement JOB SITE INFOR.MATION worksite Address 1125 58TH ST SPC 66 Springfield, OR 97478 Parcel 77 02342200tO0 TURPIN LARRY L PO BOX 71641 SPRINGFIELD, OR 97475 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL IT{FORMATION License ccB License umber 208984 Phone 541-686-4191 PENDING INSPECTIONS Inspection 3999 Final Plumbing 3500 Rough Plumbing Inspectlon Group Plumb Res Plumb Res Inspection Status Pending Pending SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS p€rmlt5 exptr. tf work 16 not st rtcd wlthln l8O D.yi of l5.uanc. or lf work l3 suspcnded for l8O D.ys ot long€t dcp€nding on thG l.rulng .9.ncy'5 pollcy. A|| piovlstors ot tawr .hd ordln.nces governlng thls typ€ of work wlll b. compliad wlth whcther 3pcclficd hcr.in ot not. Gran ng ot a pGrmit doei not pnaauma to glv€ Euthorlty to violatc or canc€l th€ provl3lon3 of any oth€r 5tsta or locrl lew ragulatlng conitruction or the pGrformancG of conatructlon. ATTET{TIOr: Orcgon law requirG5 you to follow rulca adoptcd by tha Orcgon Utillty ltotitic.tion Canter. Tho.c rulcs .r. s.t forth in OAR 952-OO1-OO10 through OAR 952-OOl-OO9O, You lnay obtain copies ot thc rulra by cElling th. Ccnter at (5O3) 232-t947. All p.Bona or cntitic. p.rformlng work under thl3 permlt are rcquired to be lic.n.cd unl.rs .x€mptcd by ORS 701.OlO (Structural/fl.ch.nic.l), ORs 479'540 (El6dric.l),.nd ORS 693.01o-o20 (Plumblng). p.anted on: 9/9/t9 page 1 of 2 C:\myRepons/reporls//produdion/01 STANOARD Email Address: permitcenter@spr,ngfield-or.gov Owner: Address: Buslness Name SPECIALTY PLUMBING COMPANY . Primary Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work, Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project. Schedule or track inspections at ww\ i'buildingpermits'oregon.gov Calt or text the word "schedule" to 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number: a11o26766562 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting Inspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store Permit Number: a1l- 19-OO2077-PLM Page 2 of 2 F€€ D€scription Technology Fee Balance of minimum permit fees - plumbing Water heater State of Oregon Surcharge - Plumb ( 12olo of applicable fees) Quantity Fe€ Amount $s.10 $77 .00 $2s.00 $72.24 $119.34Total Fees: Cr \myReports/reoorts//oroductron/o1 STANDARD 1 PERMIT FEES 3 s d .96 gt, = o) o)e Go 'c o .9 o(J o; ::G oF CI5 od, d a? o) c o E E o o_ J td -Jz Edll- Ull) o o_ co (! N-E P EOri, o (JO !oE o,) o) E oL Eo o rt =O O Nod N ^iE6r i- ai(/' la @ p oo. \t\tOro(toooo o(t <, rcooo(o@oOR K 9TY Y qoo o o -a Q oEQ A A 6 \-? V Y!r+ + -(.lr\J AI r\I<N N @ o G!co 3o, o) o) Fot oi o) FO' 6) O) o 6 co o n =o o (\r9d t- 6i e6 6 a ooE oooo .o N Yoooocoo (E Eo oq tt'a o. ooolt or6 .= -ono\c6l E.o.E a)=d)r EEorod-c_ob= =6c, __. E Bfr E5* ; !i e E,E 3 E€ No tD = o=8E t Ee IO5 d) U)(5 F (! E =>' = - fv oooqqc ;6h!s .cEdx!EEON6 dLn!c 9 ; s9;thP -e* g ! o) o)c oa o o F. F. do ! c,) .E o.a d@* t! U);a IF @lr)lr)Q UN :N ,46to Bd (o at, =F3CTQl\ .. or EEfiE 2A"T:6 oo.Etr' t .goootrq o oot,tr G oo) o ! o) o, o- t >3 z.o(9 o$oJul t!(9 z.a4 E dii o- o tri -a Plumbing Permit Application DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Permrt Iro Dale 7/7t rt?a, l?5 Fifl SE€€r. Sprintfiel4 OR 9i477 . PH( 5.r I )-126-375I . F,A-X(541 )716-16E9 7/ Zodng approval verified? ! Ves E Xo This permit is issued under OAR 91E-7t0-0060. Permits are issued only to the person or contractor doing the work. Permits expire if work is not started within 180 days of issuauce or if work is suspended for 1E0 days. FEE SCHEDULE Description a ty.Cost ea. Sanitation approval verified?\ew residentirl CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION I barhroom/l kitchen (includes: .first 100 feet o1 water.,sewet lines, hose ' btbs, ice maker. underJloor low-potnt drains dnd rain-drain packages, icienrial I Government ! Commercial JOB SITE INFORMATIO AND LOCATION Job site address:i 5pc nbb I barhroome l kitchen 132.00 13.00 s S I1.00 Cirl:5 tZ t ,r-lC,E srlr,:0L ztP I bathrooms/ 1 kitchefl Each additional badroom (over 3) Reference Ta"r1ot.Each additional kitchen (ove! I )112.00 s DESCRIPTION OF WORK Resideotial fire s €rs includes 102.00 S I ves It,o s L L.<) axtl 7z_Far rh S tare ZTP Fa.r i 0 ro 1.000 square t'eet I i.601 to 7:00 square fee! ?.201 square feet aod grearer !lanulactured dwellirl or ab circl. one) eJnnections to building sewer and water su ly Commercial, itrdustrial, snd dwellings other thad otre'or rw-- o-famii Minimum fee Each lixmre 25.00 !liscellaneous fees 100' storm, sewer, warer line 106.00 Each fixlure, appu nenance, and piping I L PROPERTY OWNER Phone I E-mail: -- Signature Name Address:7/ C iq/ I This installation is being made on residential or farm property I owned by me or a member of my rmmediate family. and rs ] exempt from licensing requiremens under OAR 9 t 8-695-0020 s .00 s Vinimum l'ee sr02.00 ) 5 102.00 i s s CONTRACTOR INSTAL toN Business name: S I Stolm water retentior/detention faciliry r06.00 o Irri garion s.vstemdBackfl ow s25.00 P iprag or pnvate stom drainage sterns exceedin !he 0 l'eet Specialty fixtures s:5.00 Reinspection (no. ofhrs. x fee per hr.) Special requested inspecdons (no. of hrs. x fee per hr.) s S 5 Phone E-mail; Plumbrng license no Prilt name I s,gnu*" Esch additioDal inspection: ( l) Medic!l gas Enter vaiue ofinstallation and equiPment $ -Enrer fee based on installation ard equipment vaiue (A) Enrer subtotal ofabove fees (lIiniEum Permit Fee S102.00) (B) Investigative t'ee (equal to 1,4.1) (C) Ente! l2yo surcharge (.12 x [A+B]) (D) Teohnology Fee (5% of IA]) \10^ s S s s State: g2 /LcnYsPZt/6i F(*iD s]6-3.00 $2,001 to 3,600 squ€re l'eer 13.00 s 2.1.00 s $102.00 s102.00 s s.00 I s 02.00 Ad&ess BCD Iicense noCCB license no Llst edited 7 I 2019 bJones TOTAI fees aDd surcharges (.-!. through D): LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL Total cost s333.00 Crrv or Spmxcrmlu, Onrcox DEPARTMENT USE - 2o??-f, S S zrP. q 7//??