HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2019-09-06CITY OF SPIUNGFIELD, OITEGON Electrical Perrni tA Iication 225 Fifln Strr.ttSpritrgfirtd, 0R 9?477 . Pll(5{ I )726-3X3. FAX(s.l I )?26-3689 l'his permit is issued days of issuance or if $or€: t'tt ,tq -ris- 0t**7. Loo 4 ta 3oo A s.-rvi4(_ - Ada,\>,.a1 Qc-J ci.^4-Llr-l-5 b bag\,rc-l( prr wtl r- . under oAR 9t8-30g-0000. permits rre nontronsferabre. permias erpir€ if work is not stsrIGd within rg0$ork is susD€nded for 180 days. €fr ? OEPARTMENT USE ONLY Permit no -0005 "*g lul -L1 PROVALLLOCAERGOVMNAPENT FEE SCHEDULEZonint opproval verificd?! Yes Euo Nu nrbcr of insp..i ions p€r itc ( )Ql)Cost et.Totel coslCATEGoRYFoNScoRUTONcTt E Residential Rcsid.nti.l, pcr unit, s.rric. iDcludedfl Govemnrent E Commercial 1,000 sq. li. or less (4)sr86.00 5ATSITJOBIEFORMANNTtoANDLOCtoNgg.,R...^L,li.^ B\., d Each additional 500 sq fl.orprrion lh€rcol sJ6.0o Cir Sare: 4P 7tP 9ztos l,irnircd€ner8) (2)s.11.00 $Reference:Taxlot.l,ach manufactu.ed home or moduhr d\relling s€nicc or feeder (2)PTION OF WORK s89.00 $ S.nices or f€cdcr!: r) tallation, aherutiorr, reloe.ttion 20Q arnps or leis (2)j sl r2.00 201 to 400 amps (2)a sl3l.00 $ Name:401 1() 600 amps (2)s221.00 $ Address 601 to I,000 ainps (2)t s285.00 s, Cnr,:State:Ovcr 1,000 amps or vohs(2)ZIP:s65J.00 :t Phooe Reconnect onb. (2)Fax:s{r9.00 I E-rnail:lemporrr) scrvic.s or fca(lcr\t irtstaltalio , a e 200 arnps or les.s (2) s89.00 s 201 to 400 amps (2)$ 401 !o 600 omps (2)s177.00 ! This it ProPc'I hisprop€rty 479.540( n la lal be made trden atnll farm rttolvDedllemet)a be tby !n Dlnl ed fantalev )' ts 0()ntende d for cxche,lca o l{an8e, and -t9,l 56 0( Signalure o rer 600 amps or I,0m volts, see sen.ices or fccders scction alrore CONTR,ACTOR INSTALLATION Brrnrh circuirs:,rer, alte,alion. e\ten!ion Business nante a. Fee for bralch circu ils wilh purchas€ of e service or fccder fec Address (D I:arh brdnch circuit rl s8.00 $4 C Statet D4-ZIP: ?b. |cc for branch circuirs nithoul pnrchux ofa scnicc or fccrtcr fcc Phone ['a\$ Il-nrail [ach addilional branoh circuil s{i.0t):i CCB license no.:BCD license no.: /D ,i\liscllleoeous fecs: r?r1,ice or/ec.!cr not nrcluLd nrng su isor's liceuse noS E{ch pump or inigolion cirulc (2)s89.00 s Print name ofsignin g suPerv I:.ch sisn or ourtine tishrin8 (2)sE9.00 i Signature of signing supervi miled{nerg} panel.II lr rcr:rtion, or exrcfls;on (2)5li9-00 i Erch rdditionrl iospttrion: )s 102.0{)s DEPARTMENT USE (A) llnler subknalofabolc fecs (\liDinlum P.rmit I'c. St02.0{t)I (B) Fnlcr 1296 surchrrse (. t2 r l^l)t ((')-Icchnolog) tcc (Sonof lAl)i TOT^ L fces snd surcharges (A rhruugh D) 1-a5t cdiled 7/ln0l9 BJo[e$ ?-c1 & B r^...^.-\aaA.d {-o crB +1 o 1?, Job site address:J I OWNER 5122.00 I irsr branch circuit (2)s8,).00 s