HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2019-09-12O REGON Web Address: wr4w.springfield-or.gov Building Permit Commercial Structural Permit Number: al 1-19-OO21O7-STR IVR Numberi 811095383929 City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-726-37 53 Email Addr€ss: permitc€nter@springfield-o..9ov SPRINGfIELD b Permit lsssedi September 12, 2019 Category of Construction: Commercial Submittcd Job value: $4,000.00 Descriptlon of Work: Fire damage repair to 4-plex, replace trusses Type of work: Replacement worksite Address 4170 DAISY ST Springfield, OR 97478 Parcel 1702323303504 Owner: Address: WEST RIVERVIEW INVESTMENTS LLC 92082 MARCOLA RD MARCOLA, OR 97454 Business Name OWNER - Primary License ccB License Number 000000 Phone lnspcctlon 1999 Final Building 1999 Final Building 1250 Framing 1550 Firewall/Fire Resistance Rated Wall lnspection Group Struct Com Struct Com Struct Com Struct Com ln3pectlon StatuE Pending Pending Pending Pending Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project. Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermits,oregon.gov Call or text the word "schedule" to 1-888-299-2821 use IvR number: 811095383929 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting Inspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store permits €xpire if work is not slart€d wlthln 18O D.ys of lssuancc or It work is suspended for 1AO DaYs or longer depending on thc lssuing agency's pollcy, A|| proytstons ot taws and or.tln.nces goveminC tnis rypG of work will be complled wlth whethcr sp€clrled h€rGltr or not. Granting ot a p€rmit docs not prasume to glve ruthorlty to vlolate or cancel thc provlsloos of anY othGt state or local law rcgulatlng constructlon or the performance ot constructlon. ATTEITTION: Orcgon law requires you to tollow rul€s adoptcd by the Oregon Udlity Xotltlcadon Center. Thos€ rules are 6et forth in oAR 952-OO1-OO10 through OAi 952-Oo1-oo9o, You m.y obt ln coples ofthe rules by calllng the Cent€r at (5O3) 232-L947. Att persons or entiles performino work under thls permlt are ..quirEd to be llc€nsed unle65 cremptcd by ORS 701'O10 (structural/ilechanlcal), oRs 479.540 (Electrlc.l), and oRs 693.o1o_o2o (Plumbing). prjnted on: 9/!119 page r or 2 C:\myReports/reports//producton/01 STANDARD \-t TYPE OF WORK JOB SITE INFORT,IATION LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION PENDING INSPECTIONS SCHEDULING It{SPECTIONS Pe.mit Number: al l-19-OO21O7-STR Page 2 of 2 Fae Dcrcriptlon Technology Fee Structural building permit fee Structural plan review fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Bldg (12olo of applicable fees) Quantity Fee Amount $ 10. s8 $ 128.20 $83.33 $ 1s.38 $237 .49Total Fees: C:\myReports/r€ports//prcduction/01 STANDARo PERiIIT FEES _t,9 E EF Iz E 1l.- F ' E a o Y ! .9 o t- !o = ID E (L Fz tr,, =FoI! z 3 lr,.l Et! Fo UJ 3 U o, (! o N o 63 ci Eo (f) @5N (r) (r) o ..i .o r.iF c.J co r ;= tA a ! c Eo (t .otN (7) (7)qco co r.) ;; 6 6;(a lt ooo(., (') ooooo NC!iooo(oaoo^ () ra) ra,_:: (\tY f qoo o o -o o o.o o o5c e Io\,, :l rI ^r crJ c!<t c\r c\J @ ! co So, o) o,!t : 5!s s =Fo, O) O) g.=ooo 5 IJJ Ul UJ oooc9q p oo- o(,(,lr ci o Y o o o o sN =o)!(o(,.) ".(,)EgiE=5do=o,id.EgD . 6q Oo )!? o: - .\^ d)! d d v= o.9: 5 Efi Eo (D .=o? I ;a o(t! E Ja 0.,oa an a$ F .9 E o ;6htsy+aXo 6gOFil a6!.o' E^"e FE i9;thg s*g ! o o o to u o.o Fo o o E3$3 pii oE9:3E 9o- Eleh5:ii:;EE*9=oqrZ2 E!.= -0.6'E BP tr o. o(,otr =.9 o(Eoc(! p I € z,o(, ocrJrrt (, z. d,o- E o- .] ( Structural Permit Application 225 Fifih Srreet . Spnnefleld. OR 97477 . PH(541)?26-3753 . FAX( 54 I )726-3689 Hffi DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Permit no fi.uao1 I I Date: 1 lz r9 'l'his pcrmit is issued undcr OAR 918-460-0030. Pcrmits expirc if work is not strrted within 180 davs ofiss urnce or if uork is suspended for 180 days. SUB.CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Phonr Electrical Ph'mbins -4 q LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL This project h6s Iinal land-use approval Signature:Datc This project has DEQ approval. SiSnature:Datc Zoning approval verified: I Yes E lto Property is within flood plain: flYes ENo CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION E Residential fl Govemment El Commercial JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION Job site address: .{l ?D - q l?L Dc ,s,r- S -.1 City: S P CD Slale. O ra_ZIP:<11.i' Lot noSubdivision TaxlotReference PROPERW OWNER Name: 1^735-1 tLt,). .- DtLta) J- t L,l<)+-rne2.tit Address: q Lc,t1- yyt *<-t-u lt._ Q 4 ZIP: Q19City: l,.v.\ ,+r cr, ( d-Stare: O,L Phone: S:r-l I "4lS-3LU7 Fax E-nail: Sl<rtcG 4*-A@ (.yylar1 ,q.1* ':;::::*w"8 ffi/*"^," " this apprication E This installation is being made on residential or farm prop€rty owred by me or a mcmbcr of my immcdiat€ family, snd is cxc pl fiom Iicensing rcquirements under oRS 701.010. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION Business nanre Address Ci Slalc ZIP Phonc:Fax E-mail CCB license no Print nam€ Signaturc FEE SCHEDULE l- Valuation information (a) Job description Occupancy Square feet Cost per square foot: TJ-pe of IIe&t: En€rgr l'alh: E ne* lalteration I addition O) Foundation-only permit? E y." E No sTotal velurtion: rl,Oob- ro 2. Building fees $(a) Pemril lec (use valuation table) (b) Investigative fee (equal to [2a]) (c) Reinspcction ($ per hour) (nunrber ofhours x fee per hour)S (d) Enter 12% surcharge (.12 x l2a+2t:2c)):S (e) Subtotrl offees above (2r through 2d):s 3. Plan review fees s(a) Plan review (65% x permit fee [2a]) (b) Fire and lile safety (65% x permit fee [2a])s (c) Subtotrl of fees abore (3e end 3b):s ,1. Miscellaneous fees (a) Seismic fee, l% (.01 x pemrit fee [2a])5 (b) Tech fee, 5% (.05 x pennil fee[2a]+PR fee [3c])s JOTAL fecs and surcharges (2et3c+4a+b):*5).+ Last cditcd 5-5-2019 Bjoncs CtrY oF Spnhtcrnlo, oREGoN CCB l,icenre # Conslruction type: Other infonnation: s PropertY Owner Statement Regarding Construction Responsibilities Oregon Law requires residential construction permit applicants who are not licensed with the Conitruction Contractors Board to sign the following statement before a building permit can be issued. (ORS 701.325 (2ll This statement is required for residential building, electrical, mechanical' and Plu Licensed architect and engineer apPlicants, exempt from licensing under ORS 70 submit this statement. This statement will be filed with the permit' mbing permits. 1.010 (7), need not Please check the aPProPriate box L l I own, reside in, or will reside in the completed structure and my general contractor js Name ccB#Expiration Dale L-- I will inform my general contractor that all subcontractors who work on the structure must be licensed with the Construction Contractors Board' or V lwil be performrng work on property I own, a residence that I reside in, or a residencc that lwill reside jn. lf I hire subcontractors, lwill hire only subcontractors licensed with the Construction Contractors Board. lf I change my mind and hire a general contractor, I will select a contractor who is licensed with the ccB and will immediately give the name of the contractor to the office issuing this Building Permit. I have read and undeEtand the lnformation Notice to Homeowners anO t treteOy certify that the information on this homeowner statem About Consttuction ResPonsibilities, ent is true and accurate. #z'L,E CucD Print Name o{ Permit APPIicznt Signat of Applicant qi (1l2- Date Permit #:Oor.\o? ctt?o Da-'.5r \A Date l?-lq This Copy for Permit Offices Address: lssued by: lnformation Notice to Owners About Construction ResPonsi bi lities (oRS 701.32s (3)) CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS BOARD PO Box 14'140. Salem, OR 973095052 Telephone: 503378-4621 - Fax: 50$373-2007 Website Address: www.oreoon.oov/ccb a Homeownets acting as their own general contracto,s to construct a new home or make a substantial improvement to an existing structure, can plevcnt many problems by being aware ol the following responsibilities: Homeowners who use labor provided by workers not licensed by the Construction Contractors Board, may be considered an employer, and the workers who provide the Iabor may be considered employees. As an employer, you must comply with the following: oregon,s withholding Tax Law: Employers must withhold income taxes from employee wages at thi time employees are paid. You will be liable for the tax payments even if you don't actually withhold the tax from your employees. For more information, call the Departmenl of Revenue at 503-378-4988. Unemployment lnsurance Tax: Employers are required to pay a tax for unemployment insurance purposes tn the wages of all employees. For more information, call the Oregon Employment Department at 503-947-1 488. oregon,s Business ldentification Number (BlN): is a combined number for both oregon Wthholding and Unemployment lnsurance Tax- To file for a BlN, go online to the Oregon Business Registry. For questions, call 50$945-8091 . Workers Compensation lnsurance: Employers are subiecl to the Oregon Workers Compensation Law, and must obtain Workers Compensation lnsurance for their employees. lf you fail to obtain Workers Compensation lnsurance, you could be subject to penalties and be liable for all claim costs if one of your workers is injured on the job. For more information, call the Workers Compensetion Division at the Department of Consumer and Business Services at 800-452-0288' Tax Withholding: Empioyers must withhold social security Tax and Federal Income Tax from employee wages. You may be liable for the tax payment, even if you didn't actually withhold the tax. For a Federal EIN number, go online to www.irs.oov. a a a a Other Responsibilities of Homeowners: Code Compliance: As the permit holder for a construction prqect, the homeowner is responsible for notifying building officials at the appropriate times, so that the required inspections can be performed. Homeowners are also responsible for resolving any failure to meet code requirements that may be found through inspections. property Damage and Liability lnsurance: Homeowners acting as their own contractors should conlact their insurance agent to ensure adequate insurance coverage for accidents and omissions, such as falling tools, paint overspray, water damage from pipe pUnctures, fire, or work that must be redone. Liability lnsurance must be sufficient to cover injuries to persons on the job site who are not otherwise covered as employees by Workers ComPensation lnsurance. Expertise: Homeowners should make sure they have the skills to act as their own general contractor, and the expertise required to coordinate the work of both rough-ln and finish trades. a This Copy for Permit^!,-6r ..1^6r6.i q-rOi 6 From: THE TRUSS COMPANY AND BUILD|NG S noreply@elavon.com Subject: Order Confirmation Date: Sep 11, 2019 at2:17:16PM To: steveg4sci@gmail.com THE TRUSS COMPANY AND BUILDING S 29336 AIRPORT ROAD EUGENE, OR 97402 541-688-8671 Order Results Profile Name: Transaction lD: Date/Time: Transaction Type: Approval Message: Approval Code: Order Section EUGENE 1 1 091 9444-86855F7A-A2C3-463+9DtrA-1 C4758Al 9CBF 09h1f2019 02:17:og PM SALE APPROVAL 69117P Card Number : Amount : lnvoice Number : Additional lnformation Acct Number : $3793.00USD 69246 J1043439 2O-PPSFlOO Billing Address First Name : Last name : Addressl: City: State/Province: Postal Code : Phone : Email Address : Steve Gold 9_2082 Ma.reala.Rga.d Marcola OR 97454 541.915.3667 steve04scirAomail com The information contained in this e-mail and in any attachments is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential andior privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. This message has been scanned for known computer viruses. Pzo oz ac =I I o o o o I o az Dz6) I 8 a I a t' .=. . :' Iq 6 BEIi 6tE$ X!BT T'E9 ;d* int i,ai i!*9Ses6q; e tilsddPS8 rE eq;dii3:EPzo>6YYzl= 'r/e P;5::::i I Ed;IdE;*;; z !aEE6g":sq 4lb;B F, d ietE (, 2tsEil fii liBB!,g{rBd ,n"& Gold, Steve 4prr. ol Shop D hgs mss h. crrligudtm bsng r@nos dd dei9 dildE hee ba rei4ed and .corov€d As c6te. y@ mL6lBry and .rpro/e ?tl <dni.isid. ad J6 cME o fie L.yqrt Ttues will be meuhclr.d 6 aPprc\€d 4 Plex - Fire Bum 4170-4176 Daisy, Springtield, OR 1 t. EI I 1G€ I40-0 14,0 0 403 112 5 35 34 33 32 31 -2-0-0 2-GA oR97402 8240sJut142019MiIek lD:lU0KzwtNvds3pNGElxFMylabl,CtEB&OYqCh 2B-O-O 1440 t0 12 13 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 3G0 0 2G0 € 1a 3 2 13 a1 1sj + 3A 29 2A otv Py l Job Returenc€ (optional) 112956266 23-0-0 23-0-0 cst.TC 025BC O 1,1wB 0.05 Matrix SH LOADING (p6r) TCLL 25O (Roof smw=25.0) TCDL A OBCLL O.O BCDL 7 O LUMBEB. TOP CHORD BOT CHORD OTHERS 2x4 DF No 2 2x4 DF No.2 2x4 DF Slud SPACI{G 2 GO Plate Gnp DOL 1 15 Lumber DOL 1.15 Rep Stress lncr YES Code lRC2015/TP12014 OEFL. Vert(LL) Vert(CT) Hoz(cr) in lloc)001 19 001 19 000 18 lldel Ud ih 124 n/r 90 PLATES t'rT20 GRIP 2201195 Weloht 141 lb n = md/. BRACING. TOP CHORD BOT CHORD Strucluralwood sheathing directly applied or6-0-0 oc purllns Rrgid ce ling directly applied or 10-G0 oc bracing. EEACTIONS. AllbeaiPgs 28 o 0 (lb) - lvax Hoz 2=-76ltc 11) It4ax Upl'ft A lpllit 100|b or less atjornt(s) 28 30,31 32,33,34,35,26 25,24,23,22.21,2nexcept 2=-10s(Lc 6), 18= 113(Lc 7) Max Grav AllreactiorE 250|b or less atjoint(s)27 2a,30,31 32,33 34,26,25.24,23,22 2l except 2=322(LC 17), 35=338(LC 17) 20=338(LC 18) 18.322(LC 18) FORCES. WEBS (lb) Max Comp./Max Ten. - Allforces 250 (lb)or less except when shown 3-35=-27OhO7 17 -m-'27O11O6 NOTE9 1) \Mnd ASCE 7 10; Vult=120mph (3-second gust) Vasd=gsmph: TCDL=4 8psi, BCDL.4 2psft h=25ft, Cat ll; Exp B Enclosedi I,IWFRS (envelope)gable end zone] cantilever lefr and rlght exposed ;end verticaiJeft and right exposed, Lumber DOL=1 60 plate grip DOL=1 60 2) Truss designed torwil,ld loads in the plane of the trLBsonly. For studs exposed to wind (nomalio the face), see Standard lndustry Gable End DetaiJs as applicable, or consult qualified building designeras perANS|/TP| 1. 3) ICLL: ASCE 7-10, Pts25 0 psf (flat roor snow); Category ll; Exp B; Partially Exp ; Ct='1.10 4) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design 5) This truss has been designed lor grealer ol min roof live loacl of 16.0 psf or 1 00 times flat roof load of25 0 psf on ovehangs fion concurrent with olher live loads 6) All plates are 1 5x4 MT20 unless otheMise indicated 7) Gable rcquires continuous bottom chord bearing. 8) Gable studs spaced at 1 ,4{ oc. 9) This truss rEs been designed fora 10 0 psf bottorn crDrd live load nonconcurrent wlth arry otler live loads. 10) " This tuss has been desigr€d ior a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom ohord in a!! arcas where a rcctangle 36-0 tall by 2{{ wa& will fit between the bottom crprd and any other rnembers 1 '1 ) Prcvide mecha nical conneclion (by others) of tftrss to bearing plate ca pable of withstanding I 00 lb uplift at joift(s) 28, 30, 31 , 32, 33, U, 35 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20 except (tt=lb) 2.103, 1 8=1 1 3 LOAD CASE(S) Standard September 6,2019 AvlantA.v tttrsirnpaa.ERrndAEADttorEsottrHBattottlcluoE0ttr€kEEttREllctPlaE b/173 SEroBE USE, D?si0n valid loruse sly wilh Milek comsdss. This desion is bas.d onry lDff paftm.te6 shwn, and is lo. an individual blildino conponenl. Arplioabiliry oldesion Daramonlers ann po0erincooorand orcomponrnr is risponslirity ol buildino desiqne.'nor tlss desiqner Bracinq shoqn s,orlar.rarsuppDrrorindiviruarw.bm.niereonry Additional teEDorary bracingro insure stabililydunng conslrucbDn is$e nsponsibillity orlhe eector Addirionalpefinanrnlbracinqoldlr Dvrollsttuotun sde responribilyol6e !!ildin0 deroner FDrq.n.talgudanc. e0ading raDncJrron oJatrycoirtol, shrao. d.lBery erudion ard b &n0 Lors"I AXSrIPII qutry C enr,0sa_0l.nd rosll lulElng Conlon.Il Srhlylunido'airnabe4omTrJ,sPlrre['sdJre583D01olnoD'?F.r,lad,lor.wl537l9 l\,1Tek recommends that Stabillzels and required cross bracing be installed during truss ereclion, in acco.dance with Stabilizer r!* Re: J1043439 Goulde, Steve Tri-State Engineering, lnc 12810 NE'178th Street Suite 218 Woodinville, WA 98072 425.481.6601 The truss drawing(s) referenced below have been ptlpt"q b] ]?:llate Engineering under my direct supervrsron ;il;;,h" il;;ers provided bv The Trusi Company (Eugene)' Pages or sheets covered by this seal: 112956266 thru112956269 My license renewal date for the state of Oregon is December 3 1' 2020' September 6,2019 Terr.v Powell The seal on these draw,ings indicate acceptance of professional engineering responsibility.solely for the *il;;;;;;;1; ;Lrm." The suitability: and use o? this component for any particular building is the responsibility of the building designer, per ANSVTPI 1. ,.,,,.>.,, ir r':/ i !i. L- Jroa3a39- -nr-EscoJ , -2n4,2{{, 'Tlrs Eugsa OR 97402 16 $z lqy m lcor6e. s,r 207{r 6-?.s \,,,,,8l$z su I I n2$@6alro I | | Job Rst r.ncs (o 'onar)8.2aO srr r/t 2019 MiIek tx,l/sni€3 hc Ri S€9 6 i1:36:r92ot0 P.ge, lD lUolGrt\,ds3pNcE l xEwtyjabl -9hMycXPoMEoUlfCDSVvlmmss)(6A_2wiNr uQ8ygMgs 7-t7 23-G0 fr103 12 ---/-----. al 3 et5 3/ -t9< 5 l---+z \ ++ 1&t1 8-1G2 2&G0 ts ! +15 9+15 EEte_tr6ets1!!: LOADITaG (pso TCLL 250 (Roof SrDw=2s 0)TCDL 8,0 BCLL O.O BCDL 7.O SPACU{G 2-O-0 Plate Gnp mL 1 15 I umber DOL 1 15 Rep Slress lncr YES Code lRC2015/TP12014 cst.TC 085 BC O74 WB 027 Matnx-MSH l/defl >999 >953 360 240 {a:G3-0,Edgel -0 18 ,0 35 008 {loc) 6 Weighl 107Ib n =2Aa/o LUMAEB. TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS 2x4 DF No 2 2x4 DF No 2 2(4 DF Stud BRACITIG. TOP CtsORD BOT CHORD MiTek €clmmends that Slabilizers ar]d required cross bracing be irstalled during truss ereclion, in accordance with Sladlizer !rstalE!r9! S!!e FORCES. (lb) - Max Comp./Mar. Ten - all forces 250 (lb) or less etcept wlEn srown TOP CHORD 2-3=-26731391, 3-16=-2323810, 416=-22458n, +17= 2?69re49,5'17='234€n30, 56=-2490/415 8OT CHORD 2-9='ffiD47A, A-9=-167n6$, 7-8=-16711656, 6-7=342m12 WEEIS +7=-113la1A,5-7=-624n10,49=-103167.3-F-5871204 6= 16a,2=24 LOAO CASE(S) Standad floTEg 1) Wm: ASCE 7-10; Vult=12omph (3-secord gust) Vasd=gsmph; TCDL=4 8p6i BCDL=4 2p6i h=25fi; cat ll, Exp q Enclosed; MWFRS lenvelope) gabte end zone ca ntilever lefr ard right exposed ; end vertical left and igl( exposed; Lumber OOL=1 .60 date gap DOL=1 60 2) TCLL: AscE 7,10, PE25 0 p6f (flat rool sno\/v)i category ll, Exp Bi Parlially Exp, Ctr'1 10 3) Unbalanced sno, loads have been consdered tor th6 de9gn 4) This truss has been c,esrgrEd ior greater o, min roof live load of 16.0 psr or 1 0O times flal rool load of25 0 psf on overharps rbnsncurrent with olher live loacb. 5) Thistruss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load noncsncurrent with arv other lve loads 6) . Thjs trLlss has been d€s€ned for a live load of 20 0p6f on the botom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3S{ tall by 2{4 wid€ willfrt betri/een the bottom clDrd ard any other npmbels 7) Provk e nEcharical conn€ction (Dry others) of trrEs to bearing plate capable ol withstanding 1 00 lb ud ifr at jont(s) except 0t=lb) I vtanrc - nayaag 2.nfi.t 't tld AEAo NorEs otl t,/ts Alto ttlcLuDE 0 nfEl EEfEREllcE PAqE FTanAEfoREUSE. D.saon valrd i.r!s! ody lnh MiTBk com.crc. Thisdlsign is bas.d onl, lpm D.nm.l.6 sn.Atn, ad Is Lrfi lidlYidu.l6ulldi.0 cornpon.nt A0dabray ot dast@ D;rrn.nt.rs :nd pop.r in0o,pordio .r com0M.nl is r.spmdoilty ol b uidino d tsiln.r' noi truss d tsion.. B r.olnC shoff EfuLi.dsJMnothdivnJ.lrrbmm!.GMt Addt .ll.mD...rv br.{ino lo inur. srrlutv dJdI{ lon.l'ucns rslli. rlsD65Drlv oltn' cncmi ioadirl or-rncn tncmo olrr. oe.nilsnrclrd B dt. r.tDoiBbirv artr'. bundr{ d.son.r.lo, c.n..d cJnnE? Goanlh0 t,ti,,l- a,iri &rtu. storri. d;ryto r.dM .rn Dacmo. cdar lrtrrtrl 0rr, ci.rb, 06t'aa trd lcsrl t L! Goq{n'trl 6.fi!Hrnido; .,.iau.l6rn lto$ P,a,. httlrr..583 D omho oive. Mrdirm. w|537'9 September 6,2019 Tfi*-It* 1r{{ 67,9 I I / t2 OEFL. vert(L.L) Vert(CT) Horz(CT) PLATES GRIP MT20 2mt1 IrEturalwood sheathing directly apdied or 2 2{ oc purlm6 Rrgid ceiling direcny apdied or 1GSo oc bracing. eEACnOl,lS. (lbAze) 6=1115/0€-8 (mrn. G1-8), t1257lC-5€ (mn G1{) Max Horz 2=a6GC 10) Mar Ud'n 6=-168(LC 7), 2=-240(LC 6) , ,!1 1043rt39 T!€ Trus6 Co. Eulerl€. OR 97402 F,o{ Plate Offsets (X Y) lIrussF + ]*,r*12t uob Rofere.e lodonal)- _ s rrtl4 roid uii*jrurstee tnc-E-sco ottso142019 Ptge 1 lD lU0rQunnh/ds3pNcElxlFwtyiabl-hl.roaoBoAnvpgs840gk?XGZHgrrJSoYCrZLurygMgl2G7-9 , *oa 3G0{) {7-g ' l-+7 2{_O sab = 1 513 I'14! &7,9 z4$*\ \\ 5 J1 ta ,//,-#1 82- 5 T \{r \Y 1f LOADIXG (p6f) TCLL 250 (Rod SrDw=25.0) TCDL 80 acLL 0 0 acol 7 0 LUTIBER. TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS 2x4 DF No.2 2)(4 DF No 2 2x4 DF Stud J2:G1-8.Edqel. 14 G3{,E!S}.I Lo!:ljq.Eosel ,*a -T Plate Gop DOL 1 15 LunberDOL 'l 15 Rep S'L€ss lfls YES Code IRC2O15/TP|2O'14 OEFL. Vert{LL) Vert(CT) Hoz(cT) (loc) &10 &16 l/defl >999 >s99 SPACING. 9,e15 9,e15 t&tl &1G2 BRACING. TOP CHORD BOT CHORD 28-CO ce15 cst. TC BC 084 067 026 {.17 {.33 008 PLATES MT2O GRIP 220t195 Slructu€I wood sheathing direc,tly apPlied Rigid ceiling directy applied or 1GG0 oc bracing , tr,t,ret recommenOs tnatEGOitizers 'and requii bracing be installed dunrE tsuss erection, in accordance with Stabhzer l4lalat,on g4q nEACnOXS. llbtsize) 2=125210-5'8 (min 0-1-8),6=1252/0-54 (min 0-13) Max Horz 2='76{Lc 11) Max Udn 2= 39(LC 6), 6= 239(LC 7) FORCES. (lb) TOP CHORD Max comp./Max Ten - All iorces 250 (lb) or less except wlEn shown 2-3= -26bai3ag. 3-17 = 231om' +17 =-232n27, +1 a2'2232F27 5'18='231oma 5-6=-2659n89 2-10=-3522465, 910=-153/1642 8"9=-153r642, 6-8='28612465 4"8=-1o4fisA, 54=-607 tX4, 4-10='103,788, 3-1G607,204 BOT CHORD WEE}S XOTEg rl *J, rcCr U-r O, Vrn=12omph (3'second gust) vas#gs.nph, TCDL:4 Spsf; BCDL=4 2p6i h=25fi; Cat ll Exp Bi Enclosed; ' MV1'FRS (eruelope) gable end zone; cantrtever tn and nght expos€d ; end verticat left and right exposed; Lumb€r DoL=1 60 date grip DoL=1.60 2) iiLL: AscE 7-10; Ptr25-0 psl (flat roof sno./v)i category lli Exp B; Partially Exp ' ct=1 10 3r Lrnbalanced snoi, loads lEve Een consdered lor thls design li it i t.,". m" o."n o"srgrEd tor grealer of min roof hve toad of 16 o p6f or '1 o0 times flat roof load of 25 0 Psf on overharEs rcn-coficrireri with other live loads 5r lhB hRs r€s been desEned lor a 10 O r6f bottom chord live load nonconcurrcntwth ary other live loads ii i rt," r*" n"" *.n oe;gr€d tor a tNe toad ot 2o.Opsf on the botlom chord m all areas where a rectangle 36{ tall q/ 2-O'0 wide will fit bet/veen the bottom chord and arry other members t) irovioe mecna nicat conneclion (by otheis)ol tr,€s to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100lb uplift at ioint(s) exc€pt (I=lb) 2=239, 6=239 LOAD CASE(S) Slandard ,.to rredrM rd br.atro. ss Flal. rns|I,r..583 D 0 ;ldoDivr tirdBon wl 53719 rnd ECSll SdXlnP Co Pon.rl September 6,2019 , - f.drrl.*t t.nh.n t $d aEAo NorEs ott fttls Atto trcLuDEo nfEr aEl EFE lc E P,6 E E?ln0Et08EusE lorus. oly {ith MiTlkconn,dds Thrsdesio i rsbased onlv uDon gaiamatets shown andisloranindivilualbuildirrg I old.sim garan.nt!rs and pmP.r aupporl ol indivillal w.b m.mb.6 Mear is r.spoiebil,ly ol buildin! drsion.r_ nol t!ss d.slon.r Mry Addlrmi remponry bracnqlh nsne $? i,a;alDman.d b.acmo or tne ovenlletoclr( B ft. esDo:. brlrlYdJinOconslructin s d.snn.r Foro.neral ood It qurl) CiLd.. DSBII a$,12 1 5x! \\ 17 --/,-z___/_1_/ -:;+;+" , 2-zafr ,i I 360 241 I weigtn t to tu FT = 20%I I ,4ffit It iE Bcvi96ut = =c,o, m-{ =c!- = =trr CD = GI U' v, CD3 G) (D J CD 0, U'9' (D =o CDv, Et "na, g. =c, oo -u9 u;to^ q)o =-dc:o.2 a) .E oo = i?!.):' =Ag 36 iEE; EEA:F l: ae=e 3E =:! i5 9=A* ;s e+a q= FEs; ig:-= =d o;-- +- 5€3- BE aiaq :B 'g? i9 AE=; 5ii6 AE PB=: e1Pg <-= =:la ,=€: gE :3-: Er E= ii ;g; aE;E Aa sIE q'l e3 ,3 e;: s'- 999 0 B o "1- o6 .9 2a oo_ ots = g= ?ts o!r eg E5 g == !t- --.1 v,F :;45 *-d- 9= = = 5ii =ad@A ! 9Q X = f -= @o >=<>@ z-a Cn cD Ch e =* =.E=9Ed3=si= Bf =:'=!1 o=d iij==999-;@ "@ -:6;6o^q)= - 33e95 P E: !.-DE I 4,9 --r o x; -<(,: o =" 9 qE 3 a.'BE r= -:E< , 9 =6= f .)5 9; =< jr 6:- o =-l @ =2 =d ;e e;-3 3 9 I Efi ;E BE e=B* 3F f_ 1i!jP:'S' e 3E Es- €i5 *E iEq E i: ;_3 Asq A; iaq e li E; EE ii iEi 3 eE Aa ir Ee aaa: i'+ =g Eg qi q89 ; =P : =q ;- odra == E d9 Et 9EE s- + l; EF 6'=-e" sz 6 3e 3= 4gg == E -!a 1= !D? 5= E E !^: Ha =iE 3 a s" i? :p9:6!, =9c - 6__< 6*6 6 E3€ ;3-- ? =;_a ag E 1 1-X P:o 3 -- ==E = _O 6EE E#* :"s3 1 EE =: ! =B 6E 3 i;* ;3 ; 9A AA aiF EE ;.;i =d otg sxs r --lfn, r Eu I-6)r-(f (.: -{oz. @tn Z' =.6)!t e== i P * < 5i= !9 9f=o:l fla: *: a E ='rE:jg* -39 g' =a 1.11e.g; =(,3 o 9ot o- ; E:;' =i==ao-9. =9.9= 6::E- ' 6;.< 9 ao 95= qsa IOP CHORO IOP CHORD =!;,-,'ct ,<) Ecrao14q .D .Evo -, n=- E=Y= !9i-9, : -!lP3- >x =of.i 5:l iq*E €= 2z iq3< 3 aEf zo =!4= E tsB 9, g3 =3 o= ggq3 E6sg a = fro; -c--{ lt,> aa;k ==rE =! i= d* =o E> --r { - :l =--t o o o o -o 3 3 a II ti cr 3 :.15 g 3 o=. <==- ;3 Nc Fi" lrro.v:"aac€COMiION SUPPORIEO GAB rT',r* 1l 13 1{ 35 r1256269 1A The-IrECo Eu!EE, OR 9?4@ I 1 lob RoiaGnc€ (odioial) - II 2,(l s .tll 14 2019|ftr€t rrldush€q hc Fri s€9 611:35202019 P6o€ t lD lLtrlQrtt$,G3ptlGElxfwMabl dilr(COO77365EOn91?L emlvvlpnOTrcd2Sy.ysMsr 14{{!i4q244 a 10 ---:E:tr-74 I 15 '.-f, S!€!El +111t1111lt11 iclla -* J]Iqr sTl ST15 ld_*_tl r€L__t€l 26 25 23 22 21 :D 19 ---rH*^ +,F J,[s-2 2 n t+ 33 32 31 30 LOAOII{G {p6f)TCLL 25.0 (Roof Smw=25 0) TCDL 8,0BCLL O O E}CDL 7 O PLATES MT20 GRIP 220t1 csr. rc 0.25BC 013 WB 006 MatnxsH DEFL. vert(Ll) vert(cT) Horz(CT) in (loc)0.01 1001 1ooo 18 l/defl ud.tlt '120 rJr 90 Weigilt:134 b FI = 20% LUITBER- TOP CHORD BOT CHORD OTHERS 2x4 DF No 2 2x4 DF No 2 2x4 DF Stud FEACNONS. (tb) Allbearings 28 0 0 Max Horz 2=85(LC 10) BBACING. TOP CHORD BOT CHORD Structuralwood shealhing dlrectly applled or6-0{ oc purtins Rigid ceiling directy apdred or 1GGo oc blacing MrTek recommendsthat StabdEers aftt requred crcss braong b€ rrEtalled dunno tuss erecl,on, rn accordance wnh Sahtperrnst!!!q!9!j!!L- Max Uplift Alludft 100lb or tess atjont(s)18,27 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 25 24,23.22,21,m,8 exce :E-101(LC 6) Max Grav All reactiom 250 lb o. less at joint(s) 18, 26,27,29,30,31 32,33 25,24,2},n,2.1,mercep| 2.322(Lc 1), 34=33(Lc 17), 19=426(Lc 18) FORCES WEBS (lb)- Max Conlp /Max Ten - Allforces 250 (lb) or less except e/hen stDwn 13+-27 OnOT 17 -19=-3121120 NOTES 1) Wrd: ASCE 7,10; Vultr12omph (3 secord gust) Vas(Fgsmphi TCDL=4 8psf, BCDL=4 2p6f; h=25n, C6t [: Exp Bi Enciosedi MWFRS (ervelope) gabie end zooe. cantilever leit and right exposed i end vertbal lefr and right exp6ed: Lurnber DOL=1 60 dategrip DoL=1 60 2) Truss d€6ig.Ed for wrd loads in the dane of the trGs only Fo, studs exposed to wlnd (mrmal to the tace), see Standard tndL6try GaUe Erd Details as apdicable, or consult quatified buitding desErEr as per ANSlnPt 1 3) TGLL: ASCE 7-10; PF25 0 p6I (fht roof Enor/); Category ll, Exp B, Parta y Exp; Ci=1 10 4) Unbhnced snor/ loads have been considered for this design 5) This truss lEs been des€rEd it. greater of min roof live lo6d of 16 0 psl or 1 0O times flat loof toad of 25 0 p6t on ot/eharEs rEn€ncwrent rrith othet live loa(b. 6) All plates ale '1 5x4 MT20 unless othelwlse indicated 7) Ga e requires continuous bottom chord beanng. 8) Gable studs spaced at 1 -4-0 oc 9) ThLs truss h66 been desigrEd for a 10 0 p6f bottom ctlord live toad norEoncurremwith arry otEr tive load€ 10) 'Tlis lrl6s has been cbegrEd for a lve load c, 20 op6f on the botom chod in all arc6s where a reclangte 364 ta by 2{{ wde will fit t€Meen tfp bttom ctbrd ard any other nEmbels 11) Provide mochanlcal connection (by otheE)oltruss to beafing plate c€pable of withstanding '1OO tb upln at joirt(s) 18, 27, 29, 30, 3'1, 32, 33, 34 25, 24, 23 22, 21, 20, 19 elcept (t=lb) 2.1 01 LOAD CASE(S) starda.d 0Bronralld lor lse mly $rh M|T.I connedc ri sdergn rsbased 6ty rom parah.t.6shM. alld rs tor ar i.divd lat luitdh0 cmpd.ntApllic.b ny oldlsisn paran.nl.6 inn Ooptrlnco,poraiM o, componentis resoonsiDirty o, buirdrno acsrgner-n*buss a*ronci Braiino srrorris lor hl'ralsJpoon orrdrfldrarwlb m.Fb.6only addiional.mpnrJrybralmoronuirstaurtnvofigco"strucr.o.,slh.rrsponsibdhyor$. eaclor AddiionrlDlmil.nrbEcinOolthe ovrra l,lr lcutu urho r.spFebIryotD. brndino des,o1.r r0r orn.rdt oJh.nc. ooardmo Lib-icaio-r qJrrtyconror. docor oeryery..i!d'o,,,rd b,dLn q -onrJl rxgurPn o!.h C,t.it., DSo-.,eri tcsil Bdrdhs comDoi.itSarlv lnofln.lDi ,vairaDr. ,rh Tass Plate rnsmJre.5Sl D 0{or.o Dire. uio6on wt53719 September 6,2019 A vAn n6 - v.'nrr.titn t.nn.t B.ndn 0 otEs0 rhBAtowcluoeoytfEK nEFtRttcE pa6E ttt-lan u t orE ust 403 112 9 12 6 3 SPACIIIG 2 GO Plate Gnp DOL 115 Lumber DOL 1 15 Rep Slress ncr YES Code lRC2015/TP2014 rt !/ .ozy'l:'/t