HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2019-09-12Tor 541126i689 tron: 541344 015 5 t9-0204 Electrical Permit A lication Thlr pe.r8lt tr t$ued under OAR 9t&3094000. PcrElt* rre Dortrencf.rablc. PerEits ctpire lf work ir not lhrted s'llbltt 180 dr!6 of lssuioce or if tort ir crsperdrd for 180 dry3. Fex E-rt)3il This instsllation is b€ing made oo residential or f6Im prop€ny o$Ded by me ora mcntber ofmy imrnediate family, Tlia propcrty is nol iotendcd for sale, ex.haogc, le€se, or rqfi. OAR 47 9.540(t ) utd 47 9.s6o(t ). s Busincss Eamc: Cootre.tors Elc.tric l.LC Address: p6 96122233 t-r Eutepc Srate:6ty Pl\orc: 511-341-2222 BCD Iicenfe no t9 Sigaing supervisor's licensc no 52I S Print name ofsiguingsupervisor: fcfllr Broun Si8natu-re of signing supcrvisor Fermitoo.:811-19 t522-DWL \4Date LOCAL GOVEENITE T aPPEQv4-: Zoning rpprovel verifiedt ! Yer D no 6 Residcotial E Govemment D CoEmercial JOB SIYE INFOftMATION ANI Job 6it addrc6s: 1232 S 69th Place ciryi Springfield Stata: OR ztP 97478 TaJ(lotRcference New home i.\ame Addrcss City Stet ZIP: 974n2 F6r:511-34+0155 CCB license no C6l I EOU Rc.idcBti.t pcr unlE t€rvlcc hcludcdl sfi85.00l,(rco sq. R or less (4) Bach 6dditioosl J00 5q i. or po(ion 6crcof s35.0{3 s4-{.00LrBitci cncrBy (2) ss)-00 s Sarvicd oa f€edeE: irntallntiok, oheration, ftloc4lion 20O amps or lcas (2)sr r2-00 113r.00 s20I to 400 alrps (2) 401 to 600 amps (2)s22r.00 3 601 to 1,000 &rps (2)t2ts.00 s654.00 5 Rc.onncct only (2)s89.00 $ TeEDorrry tervi..a or tsrde'rt installa.ion, alteration, r.locotba 200 amps or less (2) 201 to 4O0 erDps (2)s122.00 5 401 ro &0 snrys (2) 'l7?,00Ovcr 600 lrps or I,000 volts, sc. sen,iccs or fccdcrs scctioo aboye EraEct circ[itaf ,ex,, a lleratioh, erlctltion pd pancl r. Fcc for bnnch circuiE with purEhasc ofa s.rvicc or fc.d., fcc: Erch bnncb circuit s8.00 b- Fee for brrr|ch circuits without punhrsc of. se^rce or fccder fcc F;rst branch circuil (2)] sse.oo S Frch addit on.l brsrcl c)rcuit s8.00 s s89.00 F,sch sign or oudinc hBhting (2)38r.0rl 5 S SigDa, circurt or s limjrcd+ncrg] pancl, ehrntion, or ertcrEion (2)5 Escb rddidoE.l iEspccdos: (t) sE9.00 5 ARTN'USEENI (B) Irtcr l2% iurch.rge (.12 x [A l) TOTAL fecs ard srrchsr8es (A rhrough D)i s t $(C) T.shnoio8/ Fc. (5% of[A]) Lrst edir.d i/I/2019 BJsuco 225 Frtr Sn..r. Sertngfidd, OR 9t{??. PU(s,{r )7,GJ7J! . F^x{s,a r)7r65t9 9-12-19 3:l9Pr P. 2 of 2 DEPART'*EI{T I'3E Ot'lLY Nrober of iBipi.fiotrs per itent ( )ary. s Each narufrctlrd homa or modular dwcllirg Ervic€ or f€.dEr (2) $ 5 Ovcr 1,000 amps or volts (2) $89.0{l $ MhcellrEc{ur f.Gr: s€rvicc orfe2ler not includcr) Each pump or irrig&tton circle (2) sr02.0{ (A) Ent r suhtotsl ofabov€ f€cs (Mloioull Permit I'ce tl02.0o) s roNCATEGOTY OF CONSTRUi PF ZlP: Phonc: :ONTRACTOR E-rlail: Jrermits@contractorscl(ctri(11..(om