HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 2019-02-15~ 0 2 /1 5 /2 0 1 9 0 9 :2 8 Plumbing Perm it Application 15416889272 C IT Y O F S P R IN G F IE L D ., O R F.G O ~ ---· -----· -· 225 :Fiflh Stl"ffl • Springfield, OR 97477 • PH(S4l)726-3753 • FAX(541)726-3689 Date: .;J., T his permit is issued under OAR 918-780-0060, Permits are issued only to the person or contractor doing the work, Permits e;q,ife ifworlc; is not started within 180 days oflssuance or ff work 11 suspended for 180 days. Zoning approval verified'! D Y es D No Sanitation approval verified? D Yes O No N am e: A ddress: Cit)': I State: I ZIP: Phone: SZ:!{-4~-0~Z'-lo j Fa,;: Sl-t( U/'-1. Q ~f? E-mail: f'I\U~€,_ ~Ol.JUR_~u:,(.,---(, (...oY--1 This installation is being m ade on residential or farm property owned by m e or a m ember of m y im m ediate fam ily, and is exempt from licensing requirem ents under O AR 918-69S-0020. Signature: State: D Q. I ZTP: ~f-4.0 Phone: ~ l-C. l'"~ l '-1~'1 CCB license ne.: r ~{.. '( .S I BCD license no.: Signature: TWIN RIVERS PLUMBING PAGE 01/01 OJ :-_;:.,.l~ :_.\~~-@~ ~~~.;_~~...:.'"tiY~f;~8Bl!DJJt~~;,;:~. ~-.t.;;:~~!:·~: · · ::~.:' .~_~:· ~~· ·. ,-.-tiiillff-.;,~.~~.,.~--..,.,., "c l'~- ,-~~~~ ~ •. 'F-'tsd' .:O..:~~t!P~~-~,~ f~4'.fo~~~:f- ~~:i. , . :=. -~~ i~:-=di rs~:.::\ i-t i: N ew ru id en ti•I I bathroom/I kitchen (include.,: ft~t I 00 feel of water/sewer lines, hose $323,00 $ bibs, ice malrer, underfloor low-point drnins Qlld rain-drain packlZgu) 2 bathrooms/I kitchen $SOM O $ 3 bathrooms/I kitchen $595.0D s Each 11dditional bathroom (over 3) $128.00 $ Bach additional kitchen (over 1) $1Z8,0D s R esid en tial tin sprin'klcn {includ~ plan revjew) 0 to 2,000 square feet $99.00 $ 2.001 to 3,600 square feet $158,00 s 3,601 to 7,200 square feet $238.00 $ 7,201 square feet and greater $J15.00 $ M an u ractu red dw ellin g or p re-fab (circle one) Connections to building sewer and $99,00 $ water supply C om m ercial, in d u strial, •~d d"felliti,:s other than one- or two-family Minimum fee $99.00 $~ Each fixture $24.00 $ M iscellaneous fees I 00' storm, sewer, water line $103,00 $ Each fixture, appurtenance, and piping $24,00 $ Storm water retention/detention facility S103.00 s Irrigation systems/Backflow $24.00 $ Piping or private storm drainage $24.00 $ svstc:rns exeeedlne the fir~ 100 feet Specialty ,fixtures $24.00 $ Reinspecticn (no. of hrs. x fee per hr.) $19.00 $ Special requested inspections (no. of $99,00 $ hrs. x fee per hr.) Each nddlHonal lnspectio": (I) $99,00 $ Med{tliitgii@ttttirt;~.;;;/'f(?-E,_':-~:: · Minimum fee s Enter value of installation and equipment$ Enter fee based on installation and equipment value. s ~~ .. - . - ~-{ '1··~·· Jo, ~. ::~ ·, (A) Enter subtotal of above fees $ 9'4 / (M in im um Perm it Few: $99.00) (B) Investigative fee (equal to [A]) $ CC) Enter 12¾ 5\2.-ctmrgc (.12 x [A+B)) $ ,, 'is~ (D) Technology F c:c (5% of(A]) $ Lt~ TOTAL fees Rnd surcharges (A through D): $l15 ~ wt edited 1111w1i, bjone,