HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 11 SPA Time Bank Reopener{00013112:1} AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 9/16/2019 Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.: Chaim Hertz / HR Staff Phone No: 541-729-3787 Estimated Time: Consent Calendar S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Provide Financially Responsible and Innovative Government Services ITEM TITLE: MID TERM BARGAING REQUIRMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND SPRINGFIELD POLICE ASSOCIATION (SPA) ACTION REQUESTED: To authorize the Chief of Police and Human Resources Director to approve a contractual change to the City’s current collective Bargaining agreement with SPA. ISSUE STATEMENT: The collective bargaining agreement between the City and SPA allowed for SPA to reopen the contract on the issue of the number of hours of leave to be provided as a Time Bank for their participation in union activities in the second year of the contract. The purpose of this item is to obtain Council’s approval for the collective bargaining agreement change. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: 4.3 Time Bank Proposed Changes DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: Background: Sub article 4.3 in SPA’s Collective Bargaining Agreement titled “Time Bank” provides for 180 hours of paid union leave. It was added to the contract in 2014. In 2017 SPA attempted negotiate additional hours of paid leave union leave but the City rejected that proposal. The parties eventually settled on a “reopener” clause that allowed the union to renegotiate a change in 2019. Paid union leave is typically used for trainings and conferences but can also be used for political action work, and four or more employees could be gone at one time. SPA initiated the reopener and has requested that the 180 hours be increase to 225 per year which is more comparable to the agreement with IAFF. With the inclusion of management’s request to place a limit on the total number of employees off at any one time to three (3), the “reopener” is removed from the agreement moving forward. See attached redline document. Comparable data: Only 2 of the six comparable contracts include provision for paid union leave. The City of Albany’s contract provides for 80 hours per fiscal year and the City of Corvallis is 40 hours per person, per fiscal year. The City of Eugene police contract, although not comparably sized agency, offers 375 leave hours per fiscal year, and the IAFF contract has 750 hours. One-third of these hours, 250 hours per year, are charged to the City of Springfield. Recommendation: Approve the proposed language change. The fiscal year cost impact is estimated at roughly $4,193.6 per year. This cost impact is based on top step Police Offer pay, including both the cost to employee using the leave as well as the overtime cost to backfill those scheduled hours (if necessary). SPA/City Of Springfield TA’ed Supposal (Pending Council Approval) Date: June 24, 2019 4.3 Time Bank The City will allow Association representatives one two hundred eighty twenty five (180225) shift hours per fiscal year to perform activities related to Association business (such as training, conferences, or political action) other than those in Section 4.1, so long as their absence does not, in the City’s judgment, hamper the normal operations of the Department. Upon request the Association will provide a reasonable description of the activity. When overtime is required of other personnel as a result of such absences, it shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half (1.5). The City will be given at least seventy-two (72) hours advance notice of time off for Association business when an Association representative will be absent from work. No more than three (3) employees shall be off at any one time.The Association may reopen the contract on the issue of the number of hours of leave to be provided as a Time Back in the second year of this Agreement. Attachment 1, Page 1 of 1