HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1995-06-051a(1c G lac\t r OREGOA'- CITY OF SPP' ,.-IELE' DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (50s) 726.s75s FAX (50s) 726_s689 Thank you for the letter.ot l4ay 24r 1995 regarding your concern for eome of theaPparent building practides occurring in the Thurston Hirls neighborhood. yourcorresPondence noted severar specific instances where ia ir yo.,r ,ra"rst,andingthat' eit'her building codes or cc&Rs of the cascade Heights subdivision arebeing overrooked' r have reviewed this matter with the appropriate city staffwho have been invorved in each of these projects, and they have provided me thethe folrowing lnforrnation rerative to the items referenced in your retter. June 5, 1995 Nan L. Harrison 6897 Forsythia Dr.Springfield, oR 97478 Dear Ms Harrison: 733 South 6'th plage The city is arways concerned about the quarity ofthe work done in the pubric right or way. An inspection was conducted ofthe base rock materiar and the sidewark forming by the public worksDepartment prior to the placement of concrete. The contractor (currentproperty ourner) was subsequently notified that the concrete finishing wassubstandard and that the sidewark needed to be repraced. The owner agreedto this' The city wirl continue to-monitor until iepracement is compreted. 785 south 68th Prace The contractor of this residence is arso the ownerof the adjacent lot where the construction debris is rocated. He has beencontacted by our office and has agreed to neatly stack the material that isto be used in the construction of the residence on this rot and to removethe remaining debris from the property. 6858 Glacier street when vacant property is developed without crearlyidentified property boundaries, it i; arirost impossibre for an inspector t,odetermine exactly where property rines "r" to".t"a. Because of theapparent minimum property setback constraints, the city requested that therocation of the proposed buirding relative to the property set.backreguirements, be established by a ricensed Land surveyor prior to theplacement of the foundation foim work. This was accomplished prior to ourinspection' our inspection consisted of verifying that the foundation waslocated at the proPer distance from the setbaci< contrors identified by thesurvey. !.Ihen the sidewalk encroachment issue surfaced, we reguestedadditional information be provided- The results of the later inveetigationindicated that the garage tortion of the buirding encroaches into the 19foot setback requirement uy two inches on the East side and ten inches onthe west side of the driveway. unfortunatery, the building was arreadyconstructed and an a occuPancy permit issued before we became aware of the survey inconsistency. 689O Glacier Street During the course of the foundation lnspection, the city field inspector became aware of the discrepancies in the height of the foundation wall in relationship to the existing street curb and grade from what had been approved by this office. The contractor was notified of this conflict and several modifications were made to the structure to gain compliance with the maximum building height requirement and with the solar access standards of the City. In regards to the CC&Rs, the City does not have legal enforcement authority. Enforcement is the responsibility of either a homeowners association or between individua). property o\^rners. I certainly agree with your assessment that Springfield is growing rapidly and that the Thurston Hil-Is area is one of the "hottest" building area in town. I sincerely feel that City staff is attempting everything possible to respond to the onrush of building activity demands in the most professional and reasonable manner. As development occurs in our community, it is important for all of us to tahe an active position regarding the quality of new development. Again, I thank you for taking the time and effort in bringing to our attention your concern's and for pointing out areas where we need to look at how rtre are doing business. If I can provide any additional information or be of assistance, please don't hesitate to contact me at 726-3668. Sincerely/- v Puent Community Services Manger BiIl Morrisette Maureen Maine Mike Kelly susan Daluddung Dan Brown