HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2005-01-24'$Fdil p Foc P 4EuJSss IIB pus UBE JPdal
B l0lusurdqelop or[JoloJB oBlB ulolgu pssodod soclllea Bru 'Ertucil]sl9dns e$ o1 a0uuep sJo,tss pesns0
s1Brll3rs slu0m00l98 Fcrlin 00Jtr st of bleileq g^tleqa p elqeu puB osnea sq+ eulurraFp ol sllos ecrynsqns
6uyqepun r,{;H uintpimirbunsxelno,t olentEr.e o1 s1 u;ueu pesodord saonns a$ p asoilnd aqr
ssclr$g 0ugesu!0ut rol prodog slqt l0 rdoca pua 0eodm6
'lsoc lEqfils puB uolupuoc
,$eu-88 u8 ol elnFruF eql ouuq 0l suop 0q uEc lEtlftl pltE 'Jrcco q snu$Joc lllfi lu3tu3[l3s eql l! 'eouurep
ffii;" p-,,i, dru0pe6 oql pdenrc eeu Fqr 'BsB4stp Eqt l0 lturems El sl 0tu!l slt0le urnoqun q uqllll
'glBp lElS souls psnulpos szq ssulslP pue 0uppac an^os elou'l
uq rcpuuos mofi trq paprrod sro,[ .BsxlL eliog :eseqund p tustr Euo ulquri 0u;dopmp 0ugcutc pecFu
noi lodi'#ii{ lreluuitxg1dis pqcrupuoc--ueeq ounsq 'aeu r{p^llulsr s! sutol] molt E$ sl OuPuqsr0pun m0
luflue^oq, eoop qils{aie] b uoRepu'hot.,ll uJ pzurarour Espr luuotiluDls 1o su01s r{us ees Pu plp s^,[
.qEs qemuoc quod N0r1 oqt p luoutsilas gHlslA pul 'sllErtl tllols
elslsllog.rqou4red PgI{r pUB lsB0 gul q qcic 'soog ou1do$ 'uoop 1o uoguedo ul Il|nq$p 'ocueflsel ilS
to Bpls urgu pql lB sltgrrl lougp€ prrE Jopslul 0upeeq peol uo 0ugcurc upclrlu0ls pailauncop orft UslA lBql lV
suop rssqo rEnE^ p pElslsuoc puB Fuq s?a elrp luqt u9 uqrcodllng l!q0_Z]9ljgu!f u0 (acuappu
lrir,q qti p.ird e$'q Uii lepq s p bgerlpo.qopgllolul u0 psgBq q rsodo4 ElqI ^'socl^lsg
6upaauBua pquqcape0 q psodord s$ apfrirO q'4un:lroddo'or4 s,tE{ e pEog0d tt 'cq '0qtsgqful V ? )l
eryo ralcsl9 0889
ue64edeg puz uogeBpse { uogepuno3'- '
sscpuag 0upeau;0u3 ro;;esodot6 :pe[qng
AwL6 U0'suoBnl
0410lalcElg 0889
uosopod gneg Puu qdPg
Sg0Z 'tZ &enurP
xur 8s8ers0 (t e)
roto,l00B0-tSg (LtSl
Wtltgg'aua0q'8 ailns'$ FIIEII Eg
Afi LAgg'aue[q'lagf,Aro['0'd
'u;'Eqleeul[u] V [ )l
tgl-l 800/?00'd 028-I E9tE-t89- lf9+rul '!utJBBur.-1 ! ! )l-tlolJ llld0l:90 9002-92-uEl
Jul-12-2005 l0:36am From'K & A nmrins, lnc
+541 -684-E35 T-31 r P.00?/003 F-101
K & A Englneerlng,lnc.
P.0. Bor 2t624, Eulonc, 0R 07102
521 tltttkct Et.r Euila B, Euganl, 0R e7{02
(5.1) 0tl}$ee Uohe. (Etl) 084.$58 Ffi
Mr. Brlan Cox
Cox and A8soclatos, L.L.C,
142 W, th Ave.
Eugene, 0R 97401
Sublect Halph ano Paula Petemn rosidonco
6880 Glacler Dr., SPrlnglleld, 0B
Pmlacl: a9.ll6
Oear Brlan,
ln response to your letar dated,Juna 6 2005, wa otlerthe following:
ln a repofi by Owen Srover Englneerlng, P,C., deted Novembor 3 2004, Mr. 0mver nrakes an oplnlon that fie
cracldng and out-of.levelcondhlon ls due to 'a global shft h tho supporun0 solls-' He rccommends thsttho
struct|JrE F Tollowlng the hlllalde to the north or northea8t" Based on thgse and ofier sttemonts ln hh rspoB
it h apparent trat ln ualng the term 'global ehlff he ls refenlng h elope movsrnent (i.e. slldlng down the
Based on our obseryatlong of the prolect slte,l u/e do not agrae wlth fils aggasement. We dld not obserus
lndicailons of shps m0v0m0nt, What we dld eee was dsllnlte elgne ol vertlcal settlement, not latenl movement
rluc to slidino down the hlll,
Slope mwemorm, I and when they occur, can bo yery la6e 0e, more ln the ecsle of a subdlvision) or qulte
amitt ard locallzed. Lane slope movemenB can sometlmes happen after developmerrt urd would be dlfflcult
hr mo$ general clvll englneers to ldenBfy, However, smaller areas conflned to ona building lot should be much
easierto ldentfi. A cMlenglnesr quallfled to pmvldlng general resldsntal foundation design and oonsfucflon
inspectlon servlces on hlllslde lob should be o$erlenced ud able t0 rscognlzs hcal slops movement hazards.
Mr. Grove/s lnspeodon report, dded June 19, 2001, lndlcates that organlc topgoll was romovsd tmm fie
building pad. ln our auger holes we discovcred a layer of loose sllts Just undemeath fia granulu flll fiat
contalned roots and hafa smell ohansterlstc ol organlc topsoll, We belleve that the contraotor did strip some
topsollfiom the slte, but dld not rernove allof the loose, omanlc, sllts undemeafi the very top layel (ttat
cdnflned sod and grass). Typlcally, we llnd thatthere ls a zone of silF undemealh the sod layerthal cordns
organio debrls and ls yery loose, This should be removed along wfth the very top eod layer.
t lndloagons ol $opc movqmcnt ln fia sunoundlng grcund guthccs could lncludc hneion crackc in eolle or surlaoo
g6atnsn6; depndsbno ln tre ground surlace; ipped tees, uallg, or ofier atuctna, odd seeps or spflngs; and horizottEl
seprntona ln t0 stuctrd tnmln! and foundtton
Jul-12-2005 t0:36am From-l( & A nsarins, lnc +541 -681-935P T-31 I P.003/003 F-104
l( & A Enginaariu,lne.
secondly, w? dispute tre olalm thattre oravel rnils compacted to g6j6 oompactlon based on a st8ndad proctor'
on ssvEral polnts.
. Tho onvols that we had to oxsrvste ln our auger holss consisted of a filn lift (ahut 4-fnches) 9f %-
tnctrirtzeo dBnso-gndod crushod sggrcgato ovsr either an open-gradsd (1.e. wittt no small sands 0r
sllts) quarry ghne or a 3'lnch or emalbr crushed aggragate.
.r The Yr-lnoli griavels t;;erB vsry loose, easlly e,\oavated by hand. lt ls hard for ua to believe that hssa
'ren oompaited pmperly, Due to spaco and budget llmltaflone ln our lnltal lnvestigatiott, we did not
o,iarate itrote Oh enouOtr (trls would regulre a backhoe) to astually hst tho denslty ot fiis matorlal.
However thls could h done fi you $lnk necessary.r 6ng cannottsstfia denstty ol ihe open gnded quarry shne beeause one cam0t do a standard pr0ct0r
hstfor muimum dansityard optimum rnoigturt sontsnt on this matsrial.
. Slmllaru, a standad proibrte*to determlne rnalmum dry rtenslty and optimum mgisturo conhnt
cannot i,b done wltr ihs g{ncn crushed rock Thgrofor€, th6rs 18 not a shndard agalnst whlch to tss[
r wc lound $atthe 3-lnoh crushed aggrwate was very loose, lt was easy to drlve our c0n0
penetmrnetertrrough trls material. Normally, had fils nuterlal been compacted well, penetratlon '
would havo been ofremelY dffioult
gwrall, it le our oplnion that Mr. Gmver was essantially praoticing englnqring wltltout a llcensg, He wes n0t
queiNi'O to proviO'a the servioes and misrepmseiled himsaf as baing qualified to do so. fny qualtlled
di6icfrnicif engineer would havc mado piopcr rucommandations for preparln0 the loundatlon pad.
I hope thattris answens your queslions. Atthg appropriate time, I strongly urge youlo fll!.a!-olflclal cor.nphlnt
wfN tu O"gon $ate e93d *Bomincrsfor Endiireering and l-and Surveylng regardlng [lr' Grover. I filnkthgt
irJie pr.r.giing ontsidc of his quatlfrcatons a1d tr* tris practlcg rcpry.stlils a haard to ths publlc saleU.qnd
w;fa"- f worjiO be willing to p'arilclpata in thls complalrit Oased on trls issue and o$er oncounhm that I have
had wlttt Mr. Grover.
MlchaelHemboldt, P.E.
K &A Engineedng,lnc.
Proi€ot 49.05
Clienil PeGrson
Page 2 of 2
July 11, 2005
080 Glacier Dr., Eugsne, 0regon
Jan-25-2005 05:llpm From-K & A' 'nsErins, lnc. +541-684-93'^ T-gZ0 P'005/008
K& A EngincarilS,Iuc
521Mrrkct shc€L Sulte B
Eugue, Oredon 97a02
l. prrtiu: The partiea to this Ag5odrrt uo Ralph and Paula?etersoq 5tS Glaclor Dr., Spdngfield, OR
g?+it, at6 f & A hg1udtng, IoJ, of 521 Mgrlcst Stseet, guitg Br Eugouo, Otogoa 97402'
2. E6os6w Date: Tho cftctiw datr ofrhh Agree,roent is: , , " , 2005
3. ProtectNeme rnd Locrflon:
Formdgtion Investigntion aud Fomdodon Ropair PIen
6880 Glaoior Ddvo, Springflol{ Orsgon
{ t+ope of Servlca: Ths scope of servicer ir deaqibod h dotail in tho attachcd Pmpoael f61 Fngirrecring
Serviccrdsted Janrary 24, 2005-viLishbocooor aO ir6gIsl part of thir rgresment
s. Schedul of Chrrye* clieut agreea to pay fu tro aborrcdoryribad randccs according to the fxedaric. fou T
fr, e-p*.I. Addtfi#i;h *tnLir"a ii riritirg af E sddcrdrm b this agrccmsa! will bo providcd bucd on thc
a,$ncted Sohsdulo of ChmgPr.
6. prvmmt of Chrrg6: Payarcirt(r) ft,r aharpg iuourcd und.r eil AtfcEu€ilt nt due ard p-rpblo rg ftllo{,!:
t ,rtir are*it;f S?60 t! dr"fc<i prtor o commcaccmeat of fieldurorL Aftr corylotioa of lho liE
i^"rUg.tiria"d fr"t rrprrt, *i *iU-.t t it ao iuroico ftr tfic flgitrloing *rviccr prsvidcd, oqgfin8 6E hitid
&p"rit.- p"yr*t il ofrta opon rrcdpt of t[h llrulca unlclr ottor rrru3cnarb rrt nrdr prlor b
cormenmt of tts ProPorcd ror|t.
E Inierrtl Clid rgrec! to pay iutmrt at tl.5 %l pc moath on stl olE! 6re ard uDpsid acsruiEg l0
dayr a$c tocoiPt of thc inwica'
b. Collccdon Crjtt Cticnt egrca to pay all oo$r lffiu&d by K & A r1+ry"g lac' in coltecting tls
ftEr, ghgt'Eer 6!d il**t d[, rrrdo; dil .lgr"otoot ryt+*p F not limiEd to, fpes ohrEEd by
colloctiooiEpncla rrdor asrnsyr, qihclh€s m lot nrit ir filod.
7, Gaeml Condltonr for Enlinan'ing Scndo6: Soo atachcd Gcnasl Conditiooe furEugileecing Ssvice+
whioh are tsorporard iuo hig Agn@Gut by&is rcfpreace'
g. En6rr Agrrcmorts fti! lgpcocot, iroludhg dl atThr*q incorporabd hereilby refercoo€, rcprortaEfho
#*-.g*rrilt ,rd *d56rua6fii tc,nrroen t pifo.c aad any pnol or conF@psniloout lpgotiatlore' goPoeEh
-a * J*f .So**t an i"aoaca b bc integraied irto aad arpirsdcd bV thir Agrucocat Thir furcedreat may-
aot bc mdlErd or dUea-cxsept by r rubaeqicat aErlona$ h uniting signed by euthorized rqrerentativa of both
partier rvhich qpeoifioEtly &ftrr to fri8 Agasnreot
A Ins.
Mi€hrel Rpmboldt, P.E',Prsgidtut
Jan-25-2005 05:l2pm From-l( 0 A F"'ingerins, lnc +541 -681-9358 T-920 P.006/008 F-753
K& AEngireering,Irc.
l. Su,vicr rud prymutr: K & AEugiaoahg,Inc. agrces to provido thc oagbccring md/u cormlting ravicec
dcaorib.dhth'Ao*rdfrr3agia;ilgSeJice& Ctimtagrooropayellfaosendc&argarerncdbyK&A
gndi;diilEr ltro. lldcr thit Agrcemat whao duo.
2. Tcrminrtior: Eitbs partyfiry tsr&insb ttrfu fulccmeat undr tho frllon'ing conditionr:
2.1 Turinetion by Oient Cllcut ury rsrainee &ir furecoeut d ruy tiao fq uy roasm by dalivcring
writtsa md'o tp Kb A Eogi4rrirg, Iac. Upon deliwry of arch.uotioc of Eninetior, CliEilt thsll
inmdimfypay all ft4 .oa cfarger dus to K & A Engiffiring, Inc. rmdr ttir Agreemat Soruioc
ii;"rn d trp b ne tins of delircry-of arcb wittcn notice, hahdirg *th fro ad thargor iaauod in
perfonnial prepashg to porftro-rnd in thc ordcrly Enninatioa of onginooring rcn'icos'
2.2 TGrEiBdon by K & A EEghctrtng, InG! K & A Engineciug, Inc. ury euspcrd or tcmiaro thir
Agr€Emmt if Clidt ftib b pay dl ftcr and chargp lt'tor fuo'
l. gubrurllrcc Conilldoml cliat full troild0 K & A EaginpEsing IrB. with s[ iufstrEt'lsB in irpoos686ioo,
;d*ib-*"hrl, oo uAich Climt tuy rairorury obtriq conocniae ttc Projoc! ircfuding nrtarfros cuditionr
,d/*-th" h.-fi" of s,rtmrao" oi riiiaa* eryi utilidec ardor stnrcorer. K & A Engin€Eria& hc. will ef,cft i6
b.d cfbdE b svoid drgd to cubmr&cc &lroio pbc., utilitier railu rtuciuor, irrhdhg anaagmalt frr e
oflity fo"rU* E€rvica Eilrqrru, K & A Etrgirscriry, lor.'t iU notbc $spotrdbli ftr auy s$srrfrEa or hidden
ffi, odlit'.t milot ;1nrotrttr mt discloccd by Climt c utility locatim sg,viec'
{ Unforc$on Cordldmn I! 6c il,w of dircorrcry ofuofDrEroco G uanticipttsd nrbswfto0 condifioor dtdrr|
e. p*j;rt, gli* firltpayK tAEngifug,IDo. aU a*litm"t ftss rndshrrgpt accercrryP povi'de ths
-eir*;rrd.*"ior*ililrdb.oa*ta,odhinerr nrbnrface oonditioar usprovided iathc atacbed Sc.hedulc
$ trrzrodorn ltfirtcrld* K & A egi[sfri8$ Ilo, &ilt lot bc rEqrdrEd or aslrcd to irwadgFtE, frorT tsaorport,
diroorc of, or to lrmsp fu! tho tlvoslgadon
-hsatmEnt trmryqt or dicpotil of any tazrdour rauialq hcludin&
ffiiluiri.l"tr *tlm* [a e gngirc*,i& Iaa. uay toririnatc thir AgrEffiEilt ifhszadour nacriah aro
dircotrrd at thc Ptojcct rite.
G L,,iuihtroor ot Urbilltyl K & A Engheerius" Irc. 3ha[ cucrcirc ita bcrt prc-ftsciouat engiosErirgitdguat in
,.rdai"g c6",i.* b clisnt'uoder Uris dpedi K & A EagiDs€riry Ilo. will prwide fts Eryiacaitlrg Sdviccq
d.,ffi.i uqir.argre€EEnt i, *cordrdo withthc dudrrdaof corupomtarginomtrovldinggiailarluviccl
uUrn ,lrl,or ooraitioor.
tEoq;;, r dL A noUo*iag, Iac. doca n91 warrrnf u gurrratee that the-perftmaum of
is -drc"i"g .*t i.o *iu br ;fiy *tqouiaron Ji ury kiad" cliem agreor thEt thp r$regrto_ liabillty of K&
AE F;rid hg. gsd itr €sryF),6., offcaq rhffibold€ri di$08$ uilor subcontactort rballba linitsd to thE';#;fKEA
Esdrfiring, Ini.'r Ec. urd€r thfu AErffi@ or thc nrm of $50,000, whichevcr ir greater.
7. I,t4utl Rorotution: Eaohp$ty aerccs fhrt my dirpute arisbg und(,r thrt Agrcoot cball ba rsrolvod in the
7.1 Ttc partier rgrss to firat *tEmpt h lptotvp tbeir differouoa by good frtth ncgotiation' with c utifrotrt
?.2 If gpod fiith aogodadoa titr b rrrotve.fredirpoti' q partics thon agrE, ir ggod ryL to sttsryt b
nrolw tFfo dfdffi uy iLrd ,"o,.uoa, Tho ianioe aball rhrrc cquatly the c9o! of hhing a rufiully
icceablo poftr6-4 nidistsr vi6no lcae thm ftrc yeaneperieace in ths uediati& of coultu$tion
dqpgt*. frcUFrty chail pay &rir owu Bfior:rsy fter (if aoy) uociatcd with thc aodiadon
73 If ucdiation frilr b rcsolw the dirputc, cithcrparty rary theo mate a fonosl written deoand upon tho
Couditious &r Eagiacoriug Servicet
Fomdstiou Inveatigalton and napeir ptatr
Pago I of2
Jamnry 24, 2005
Jan-25-2005 05:llpm From-l( & 1 F'11n691[n3, lnc +541 -684-9350 T-S20 P.003/008 F-753
The scope of ttsss Esrvlcsd includos fleldwork (he 'slte lnvesfi0atlon'), englneering analyEls, and writton
recomm'enOsllong lor a repatr ptan. thess servlies do not lnclude actual rEpair work or any materials
necessarylor r8pelB.
$iia lnrmlinrlion
A dehihd study of tha pmieot sib will b0 mado that includes:o AIr Invenhry ol vitlble craclo and other structunl dsfeglsr MsAsurernent of the dstlm shrc{ure to draw an accurab as-htilt sfuctunl plan
r A lorol sunray of tre floorb datsrmho fio megnlildo end oGffi of sefiement
o Geot0chnlcaLborlqel ol subsurlacs solls h classlfy subsurtace soils, and hke samples
r Pmbes using a dynhrnn oona panetmmstsfr Laborehry aollenelyeh Ctl deomod neceseary). One or m6re fleld{ivdoied cross.sestions of tfie lst t0 snabls ue b ostimab ths foundation location
nrlttr respest to orlglnal gnde,. Si6 measuremenb to approximab locatlon sl the slructJre on fie lot (for purpmos ol dsv8loplng a
Ptojost sib Plan)
Enginerdq AndYrir
Dahfrom ltre site investigaihn will ba radrrced and weluatod to charactrlzs surface and subsuilsce condltlon.
A bprdphl; rrp ot tri noor will ba draflsd. Llve snd deed loads from fie roof and flootr lt il b0 celculabd
;,rd'k .;il'b witght bearing suustrral damsrts arrd Sre hundatlon wlll be determlnd. The bearlrE capaclU
anO srtU**nt c-haracbrlsfros of th uisting 80118 undomaath fie fosflngs wlll be dsbnrilned.
From ths analysis we will most [kly bE abls to mato e dsflnlts oplnlon as to the cause and on0olnO neture of
tha settamen[
Beprir Plrn
We will develop pns or mpru suihbla altsmstlves lor rapalrlng the foundaton and the stucturB fiat lt supporF'
m ,rrrfy tifd f Oiscuss albmatiyss with you ao tn*, bgether, vre can selest a recommendsd npalr plan.
riti.-ir *r.iiy oone eitrrar at i *aing il o[rr sfftce or on he blephone, Afier a pre{srcd ropalr a[ematfoe ls
i;E trd, ;; i,rrp* iii*Lraport trdaEo cgntalns a rspalr plan consl$lng ol dnvrln0s, calculatons, and
ipi,.-iiLilt** riur npair ph# ara suihbts l0r obElnhg fie necessary bulldlng permlb and for consfruc{on.
Based on our estlmab of tlnn ud materials summalizsd in Table 1, ri,s ero pr.0psnq t0 pmvidO the pmpoeed
m"-f,:es toii fixed-prtce fee st gz,I30. An tnitiel dspogit 0f 0700 wlll be requlretl prlor to commsncement 0l
tre slte lnvestlgation.
r Borlngs wli be mrde uslng a 3,&lnch hud au0er. This wi[ cruse som0 dlsubance b fie ground s.qdrce nes ue
ilil, -snd
coutd cause somEmlnor Oamaga b ptant orlawn ln ilro lmmediab vkiniU of fit bodng. We wlll dlecuer
[oiiiri tmatona wih you prior b commeniing he borcholas. Our almoment for an0lnaerlng ssMces raqultes fid you
provtitng lnlomilofl rEgarfllng fia hcaton of underymund utiltrties Pri{b our.lleldworlt
f l meniU Oevhe hst divrJ; tO sq. cm. stol coni lnto fia gmund, Jhe device ir calibrsEd eo fiat wa can calculaB te
rnerW nqulnd b drlve tro cone urd trus e$imeh cfltcat cnglnearhg proporf,0s ol fio solls, such as shBar stangfi'
conelstncl, and bsarfio caFactU,
January 24,
Pmposal - Foundation lnves{igalion
na6h and Paula Peterson 8880 Glecior Dr., Sprlngfleld, 0regon
Jan-25-2005 05:l2pnr From-K & A r 'inearins, lnc +541 -684-935q T-920 P.00r/008 F-r53
K&A Inc.
o&or prrty to gubnit tlE dirpuE to furmEl bidhc erbitrstioa undcr the rrbihetion rulee theo in uso bv thi
.lr*i'."*^Artit tl*.lreoaiatios ftr coo:tnrcuou dirprtcr, or siuilar rules of auy ottm widoly rocopizcd
;rbidfi ryr;ud", (althortgh tho partie,may elect not to haw tto a$itttio pdtoccos rrlnrinistsrcd by
*Virotr "rgfir*t""1.
fi p6ft1o .ir* to hirs r eiuelq anrirally ecceptrble ubitnbr with no lcrs tbrr
fi,e yern dpoio* in es a;bfuadloi of courtnrction dirputer. T-htrtbiFtot fiaU ccritd rnasonabls
;#t-fr*-Jcor6 (lnchrding arbihation cgsb ad arhitatot fas) to Sc pratriliag party. Thc decieiou
;iA;rrbttrr6 nayto-Coc.teuirs a final judgmout in tho rocordl of the appropriate Oregoa Cirsult
7.4 Tho ab61pd6rcri6 dtcnrlte dirpue reeolutionFroviuoar rball constitute the exslusivo logal rmodiu
arnihble b &cprrties undertis Ae$ffioot
g. Nodcr* A[ mticos aod comunicctioor in cmnection rdth thta Awsn nt sbdl bc gvca in *iti$ Ed_uhrll
br tt[gritrd ty r*tima on rc8futEr€d uuil, rdun roccipt roqucrtc4 O thc apprupriata P"ry at F addro$ fifst tot
forth aborrc. Ary notice rc tnuimitod rhall bc dccmcd oftctive 3;!r afttr &o detc tt lr placod in tha Uil1ted
Suur udl, porigc pnreriil *u"rp"rty ,"n by written notioc, dcdguta e diftrent ddreos for puporer of thir
Prge 2 of2
Janury 24,2005
Conditios ft r EuginEsirg Sorvicu
Foundation luvortlgaibn and Repalr Plan
Jan-25-2005 05:l2pm From-l( & / ;inaarins, lnc
K&A Englneerlng Inc.
Geotechnlcsl and Ctvll Englneertng
Schedule of Charges,
Proferlonel Englneerlng Conguldng Servlcer
l. FiEld dte visiE trw a 2.hour '"tinimrtsL2, Turtl tioc is rctrul tirre oa thc rood"trl,Eling porhl bpoftl (otEce b projcct oitc).3. Owrtimcpranftm(weebodr, holtCays) regularraE+ 20%.4. Rrter uo frrffiEsl Gcotscbuicaled&siqg aud Civ[ Engiucsing. nrtc' fot deporitiour rnd
trrtinoay rrr $$ prr hdf rhy or rny prrt trGrcof.5. Schdulo of chargec is efrectiw $cpLaber 1,2001. It ir nrbject to rcvisiotr ranually and at othr
tiner withor$ lotice.
I-920 P.008/008 F-753
Profcnloul rnd Tcchdcrl Puronnel
Tec 45rhour
SDufi SJS/hour
Fiek it5Aoru
Princlplo Euehlorhc $120/hour
Othcrlndda Chrrp
MilergE i0.,t0imile
Traval $40/hour
I i3s/dsy
I^odgftrg Ac'tud expeorg aotto
aeoed allounble mtel
Ouhids Ssrviccr:
GEotEchicd crphratioa cquipuent, iEsEurfitrtisa, phobpphy,
pubtic raupsUtlm, lhipping, corir/dalirnry rcviccr, long
dbt!trcG tclcphoos, otrhidc rcprc&rction, rrd othEr rcrviser md
arpplic nst mrosly Drsvided"
Terthe 8ar EHI:
Coano Statc Analyeir (+ No. r Siow)S7O/raaplo
Fine t warhed) SisY€ Annlvris I mtusNo.4 sieve, * No.200 siwo)llOilsE@le
rqg limib i85/umple
FialdP€EsGotMoirture rud Relativp D€osity - rcquiree laboratory
lvlolrtro/Danity Cbrvc.
Hourly chuge rt Staff
| 4829)$25Os_tple
li:r lcllcscri,l t(,ll
+511 -684-9
Jan-28-2008 0Erl lpm From-l( I A F-qinaerinr, lnc +541 -684-935r T-920 P.004/008 F-r53
TeUc 1 'Bort Bllmrb lor Proporod Etuinmling Eenftel
Unlt oly Gort Tohl
Itr+potmn floltl cttw
Logt coflee
hr b
$ ilo$ 840
En1lmarhg Allufi't/s
Beduce field mrrgurcrnent and mah plan
Calculab loadg on tootngr
Topographla llou map
0ross socilons
Reduce bffing snd DoP rcsulE
105CalculabcapaciU and seUemerfi
$ 105$
Pier orfooling beuing crprcity rnd placemcnt plan 3
hr 315
TotrlEetlmah 2,740
We cen gsnerally hgln the slte lnvestlgatlon within two unsks athr ruachlng en lgryomgntlor snglneorlno
senrlcss. A wrtrn ruport can generalty be completed witrin two rraolc of complEtlon ol ths elte lnvestlgaflon,
Howevsr, due to the unusual demand for our services fris monh, ws onc{unago you rwlow our proposal soon
and, lf lt meeE your appmval, schedule tris proiect aB 8o0n a8 posslblo.
Athched b thb propqsal is our standad Agreament for Englneerlng Servlces, Condltlons for Englneerlng
Serylces, and our shndard Sahedule ol Chargea Please mall us e copy sf $e sloned agrBsnrcnt along wltt tha
requlrBd deposlt lf you wish to procoed with these anglneerlng 8orulces.
Thank you lor tre gpporlunity to be of sarvics. Pl0s8€ do not hesltsto h call tf you have any questlons.
K &A Englneerlng, lnc.
Pmposel - Foundatlon lmesfl gation
Ralph and PEula Peterson 6880 Glaciar Dr., Spdngfield, 0regon
Page S of 0
January 24,2005
Nut-/-c+-ct Et 1L :)bH FHUfl :Tn:?35835e
0uen Ergual tqgineoilng P.G.
I 100 Jacobs I)rive
Eugeoe, Oregon 97402
-(541)'688"3020 tErr (54i )'6A7 -82fri
November 3, 2004
Town & Country.tlome.s
35920 Ellington Dr.
Springtield. 0regan 97 47 I
B$Slgl=flacier. Ssri ngfi el4 ftss-_=- Job # 942&
As you requested I perltnmcd site inspecti<m on Noveuber 2004 at the above notcd location During
that ilspecscm I mde the fdlorring obsrruations.
o, a ?1
Tlrr cxisingwoorl frilned sn cturc wss
I on thc dorvrhill side of r noah-lbcing slope
in thc southeast tulls nf Springfield. The stnrcturcwith the lowcrlevd beiaga
&yli$ltbasement The fr,ont wall of thc is a coucrcte rcnining stficture aad the loyer floqr
is crood framed with a crawl space. I inspectcd lhe crawl spacc and firund no evidence of warrr in ttre
qawl orca and the upportiag soil.s nse moist. I notedthe foflowitg danrqe during myinspection.
The lower floor bas sigoificant dln rall darrage in both of the lower bedrooms and in the bathroom. I
ncasrrcd the lowcr Ilour and found it to be out of lenel cbout I -ll4 iachcltith ths no(heast comer of thc
structure hcirglow Similar &rnage end displacanrqrt has onto tlrc upper [c;rrel. Thc
doonray iato thc eastern bedrcom i: out of alignrneot I visibly cmoked I noted two
sigpifcart crackg ia the stepdowns alorgdre fouadation walls. The slope ofthc
thc lower lwel retainftrg Strucfire. I lookcd
ttre neighborhood and fuu.nd vcry strong ph),stcal
cviilcoce that .tuggests a glohl soil moncmcnL
shifting siderralks" beat apical dominant trees,
slump is occurring in the areq ic roarlbed darnagq
damageto otbor residarces in thcarea,. cct. Based on this
inforrnation I carnc to the following conclisiors rqarding the damage to tbis strusture
I believe that thle builrjrng is being dalnaged ftom a global shifl in the e,rpporring soils. Ite putrn tf
cracking patt€nl of Oe interior finislrqs and the deflccted shape of,the building zuggestthat r.be *rucnrrc is
fullowing thc hr'llside 1o the rrorth or rutrtheast with the eastera corncr being thc most effecred The rate of
movcrnc?t aad exacr shape of tbe sltmrp ire not knowu at this tirne. A deep soil .study woukl have to be
paformed to mrp tha slide.
Thank you lir this oppororniry to bc of servicc- lf you havc ury quenions plcarc don't frqsitate to call me
at (s4l) 6EE-3020
Vcry tnrly yours
aIT [ur' u '
'U..i ','
Owen Gover P.E,
uppcrfloor has a significant change when
Attomeys & Counselors
at Law
142 l|/est 8\ Avenue
Eugene, Oregon 97401
From The Desk Of Greetings
Brian D. Cox
(541) 683-7tSl Ext 305
Fax 485-7742
July 28th, 2005
Delivered By CerttJied Mail
Receipt No. 7004 0750 0002 0213 5695
City of Springfield
Attn: Risk Management/Legal Counsel
225 Fifrh Street
Springfield, Oregon 97 401
Re: Tort Clatm Notice -Ralph & Paula Peterson
6880 Glacier Drive
Springfield, Oregon
Please know I represent Ralph and Paula Peterson, and provide this letter as
their notice alerting you of their intent to seek damages from the City of Springfield
and/or the Community Services Division / Building Safety for claims arising from the
negligent inspection, authorization, oversight, and permitting relating to the site
preparation and excavation work performed prior to and during the original
construction of the Peterson's home, all directly and proximately leading to improper
site preparation, soil movement and resulting structural damage, as more fully revealed
in the enclosed inspection reports from ICA Engineering.
By way of further explanation, enclosed please find copies of the reports from
KA Engineering, as well as the original and follow-up reports from the original
engineer and the City's Residential Permit documents.
A11 communications/correspondence conceming these claims should be directed
to me at my office address/telephone number indicated above.
cc: clients