HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1982-01-15SPFII{GFIELI' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works January 1s, le*z CEPJIFTED LETTER Union 76 5525 Gateway Street Springfiel.d, 0regon R.E Sign at 3525 Gateway Street, Springfield, Oregon 97 477 Dean Sign Owner: In the planning stages fo:: three years, the Sp::ingfield Sign Ondinance is a p::oduct of the combined efforts cf a speciaJ- sign subcommittee forrned by the Planning Commis- sion, nepresentatives of the Sp::ingfield Chambor of Comrnerce, and the Springfield Com- mittee for Citizen Involvernent. A nunrben of p'.rbIic heari.ngs also occu::ed for" funther citizen input. Then, in January 19SJ-, the Springfield City Council adcpted the new Sign Crdinance. Section 9-7-22 (-3) of the Sign O::dinance nequines specific violations to be comected by the sign o'.mer on lesso:: within one year of the date of its adoptian. P.otating or mo'ring signs, signs with blinking cn flashing lights, banne::s, fIags, posters, pennants, ribbons, streamer:s', signs which ane located tco close to cvo:head pcwen lines or eon- ductons, and off-pr.emise signs (adve::tising a business c:: aetivity not conducted on the premi-ses wher:e the sign is located) ar:e among the signs made non*conforming by the new Sign Ordinance. As a nesu].t cf the recent City-raride sign sut?vey, the following violatioa was found. on youn property nelative to the one year complianee tirne lfunit: A rotating sign exists at the absye :referenced adCress. By Feb 15 I982 the aboye nefe::enced violaticn of the Spningfield Sign cause the sign survey was eornpleted in ,JuIy of 1981, it en steps to cor:rect on have completed ccn::ecting thisplease contact this office as soon as possible. ]nance must be corr:ected.. Beis possible you have al-::eady takviolation. If this is the case, 225 North bth Street a Springfield, Oregon g74ZZ . 50B/Z26-B75B Sp:ringfiel-d Sign Gr:dinance Page 2. The Building Board of Appeals is empowe::ed to hea:: and grant vaniances to the Sign 6rdinance, provided a r.n:itten appeal is. subnitted to the SuperintenCent of Euilding within 10 days of the date of receipt of this letten. The Boa::d of Appeals may glant a vaniinca with :regand to the unusual size, shape, or djmension of a site on i.."r=" of existing structures theneon in ::elation tc a sign on its placement. The Board of Appeal= *iy NOT grant a vaniance based on economic ha::dship' Fon mcre detailed infor:mation reganCing Sign Ordinanee ccmplianee, please contact the Sp::ingfield Building Divisicn at 725-3753. Perrnits, if needed, may also be appl-ieC for at the Spningfiefa h$lic Wc::ks Depa::tment 225 Nonth 5th Stneet. Your anticipa- ted cooperation is aPPreciated. Siaeerely, /? .r.? ..: ., i z*- C'(*7 Clir-.t--rt---- r,--_*-2.J//' Satly Johnson Sign Inspector cc RonalC B. Clark, Superintendent of Building Joseph J. LeahY, Assistant CitY AttorneY SJ/1s