HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1976-07-22et'ss3!0t16 NOCfUO '3N3Cnl 'qlg lSVf 9er 'X3NNV ISnOHtUnOClNlt SCVNVrJ tv-tNf t/,tNOUlAN3 JO tdlC'AlNnOC lNVt ]IIS IV '9C-I8 NIVIA,I NO II1AJU]d SIHI ISOd (aprs asra^eu uo sllelao aas) 'pardncco 0uraq arolaq ^cuedncao,o alecllluac e aJlnbel sbulpllnq llv apoC Dulqtunld alels aql pue lesodslp a6emas acelrnsqns ro1 spJgpuBls o 3'o 'apoc 6urlprnE alets alil qlr/r^ ^lduroc lleqs uorlcn.rlsuoc llv suorlcadsur u,alsls crldas pa.rnbei lle elnpaqcs ol I90r-1.89 llpC suorlcadsur uollcnrlsuoo parrnbaj 11e alnpaqcs ol 990r-1.89 ileC INVJ-UOdlAI oouNlo-loe - Nolrv]-INVS N33UC - CNiolln8 AUVNVS - 9NlEr!nld vNrd - xvl AINnOClltHM - Adoc lcljjo lt-tHM - .t-[^lH]d 9c]8 ]l-VC ]CNVNSSI /s/ S]UNl-VN9IS O]ZIUOHINV ]NOZ uvlu -'rNr lcls :f Nn 'doud t oul 'rJ ]-X] ]CIS l_Noul A/vr lo'ul-3 l ouJ 'l-l -s)f,vsl-ls IISSVIC ]SN lNoz rulr dnou9 -Norl.3nu.LsNoc ro ld^l- s-tt3A t-tv t oul,001 AVI-S S]H3NI HJ-d]O HCNf UT'XVIA l_J'Nr-clll rNlvuc'Nlt SIV9 ITSVdVC )NVl- C U-dlS 'N il sNolIVctJtc3ds 'IoulNo3 Nottnl'lod USIVM oNV sNorIc3dSNl I SJ-ll^ufd NOlrSnUJ-SNOC AlrSrds'urHr_o ttl/1/\ trvn tud tvrol- /\ ltnfu NVtd IVSOdSIC ]]-SV/1A It oH lllBotA ]9UVHCUNS %T 9N r Ennrd 9Nt Ol I n8 t I 9Nu-stx3 [ ] cSsodoud : -lddns ulJ-vM l rvN []urHJ-o []urNAAo :A8 0f-'t-'lvl-sNt 9N rBnnld t I ulHr-o t I )NVl-ctrd3s [ ] ct-]8nd :-lvsodstc lgv^Als NOtl.VntVA l_l 'os (sr oouclB #) run]-cnu.l-s ssarppv - A1rado.r6 o1 suorlcaJlc :AuadoJd uo sarnlcnrls 6utlstxf 9lda6 qlplM aDearcV )col8 -]ol xel-uorlcas --a6ueu (aL!eN peoU) Al:ado.r6 ol ssaccv uorsr^rpqns ^f + '6ag '5'g ]IAVN l3ejl SnSUaC looc drz apoc SNOHd 113 SS]U COV rolcejluo3 ! ]NOHd :co3 dlz Al_13 [ ],r.cNvdn33o lo lcNVH3 t I /1 ilAru NVrd [ ] =noH 3r8or t I Notrcnul-sNoc SS] U CCV f IAVN rau^ o tr oN l-ttAUld UOJ IIIA,IU3d AINNOC 3NV'I :f IAVN-Al-lNnwnoc I 3n8nd I lrrrloJlq, s, t r.E EyALU4r r oN BU'LD'NG PERfiIT APPLICATION NO.l77r- 7( ( ) srrE tNsPEciloN PLANNING OIVISION N >Y\ l. Zoning Ordinance Conpl iance: Zone 2. Subdivision Ordinance Compl iance 3. Requi red Access 4. Building Site (Area, width, Front 5. Other (see cornments ) r l7 tOTs SUBDIVIS--r{: 7-"-LorJ?Ffrz LOT:BLOCK:_ APPL I CANT DATE No CI Not Appl i cabl e 4lty, " ( )/tP'A )-' () ase) ( )() ( ) t( () ( () ( () ( Y CKID BY:W: tzgq&fLsetbacks-ffiC/Toffto$6 ) ) ) sid Setb rom interior Iines:fSide Rear PLANNING DIVISION ACTION BUILDING INSPECTION DIVIS ION . Plans Submitted . Soi I Stab i I i ty (foot i ngs ) . Flood Plain . 0ther (see conrnents) aYEsr-rxo(TTFPT IEA-TtON# Not le No Yesr) aI() () () () () () 7 8 9 0 CKID BY:,?ct COHHENTS: WATER POLUTION ROL Not I I . Heets Department of Envi ronmental Qual ity Standards. '12. 0ther (see comments) Aool icable No Yesr) rT DATE c0l.tl,tENTs: () ()()CK'D BY: TO APPLICANT: Your Building / Site lnspection: (tl can be approved. ( ) Cannot be apProved at this t ime as indicated on item N0 Questions and further informa tion on items I through 5 contact t Qu estions and further information on items c BUILDING AND SANITATION D ON ve the prob above. q0% ^(\0' Will be held in this office unti you can reso ls being returned. c55-28 () () Your bui ldin ems s i cated. rmi t a I i cation fee bein NT 135 Sixth Avenue East Eugene Oregon pHoNE. 597-4065 LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION PHONE: 974o1 587-4t 86 COilHENTS: t contact t ( ) BUtLDtNG rERHtr APPLIcATtoN N0"_ ( ) slrE tNsPEcnoN PLANNING DIVISION NOt A I icable I. Zoning Ordinance Compl iance: Zone- 2. Subdivision Ordinance Compl iance 3" Required Access 4. guilaing Site (Area, t.lidth, Frontage) 5. Other (see cornments ) sfEIiFn - -,{: T DATE R s TAX LOT LOT:BLOCK: APPL ICANT No Yesr) TT() () () () () () () () 6 CK.D BY: Setbacks from c/l of road: Front Side Exterior( Setbacks from interior I ines: Side Rear () () FI.ANNING DIVISION ACTION PEND IN6aTES( ) No(APPL-ICAT ION# BUILDING INSPECT t0N 0tvlsl0N Plans Submitted Soil Stabil ity (footings) Flood PIain 0ther (see conrnents) Not licable 7 8 9 0 ) ) )( No Yesr) rT() () () () () ()CK'D BY: DATE I l. l{eets Department of Envi ronmental Qual ity Standards. 12. Other (see comments) WAT ER POLUT!ON CONTROL Not Appl i cabl e No Yes ( () )r) TT CKIO BY: DATE COHI,IENTS: () () TO APPL!CANT: Your Building / Site lnsP(') Can be aPProved"( ) Cannot be aPProved at Questions and further ection: this time as indicated on item N0. information on items I through 6 contact t above. e LAN COUNTY NNING DIVI ON Questions and further information on items 7 throug 2 contact t COUNTY BU D NG AND TAT ION O I ON ( ) },ill be held in this of Ce until you can reso vet e prob c55-28 Your bui ldin ems s nd i cate d. ) ls Ueing returned. rmi t I i cati fee is tn AL 135 Sixth Avenue East Eugene Oregon pHoNE. 597-4065 LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION PHONE: t 97401 587-41 85 9.urlpJNG srrl EVA \) COI{ilENTS: I COI'IMENTS: 10116 Nocf uo 'lNf cnl 'qlg Isvf 9tr 'x3NNV lsnoHJ-Enoc 1Nll,r'll9VNVhl lVlNlt JNOElANl iO 1d3O'AlNnOC lNVt (rlrs IV '901s Nlvt^l No rtruu3d srHr Isod (aprS esra^au uo slrelaC aos) 'pardncco 0uraq arolaq ,{cuedncco Jo alpcrlyac e arnbal sDurplrnq llV apoC 6urqun16 alels aql pue lesodsrp e6e,uas acel:nsqns rol sprEpuels -O f O 'apoC 0urlprng aleyg aL11 q1ila {lduoc llpqs uol}cntlsuoc llV suol}cadsut uJalsls ct}das parlnbal llP alnpeqcs ol Lgo?-189 lleC suorlcadsut uotlcnrlsuoc patrnbaj 11e alnpaqcs ol 99ot-Lg9 lleC INVIUOdIAI COUNf CIOC _ NOI].VlINVS N3f UC - 9Nlc"lrnE AEVNVC - eNlEnnld ,Ntd - xv-L AINnOC lltHM - AdOC lCllJO fllHM - llr,JUld CC18 ]1VC ]SNVNSSI sluntvN9ts ofztuoHl-nv ] NOZ UV] U J-NI3CIS rNll 'doud r oul'll 1X] ]CIS r_Noul A/vr lo'uIc r oul 'IJ-s)cv8J_ls JSSVTC lsn --INOZ IUH dnou9 -NorJ_3nu1sN03 lo rd^r s-l-ll/1 rrv r oul,00t Vls S] H3N I ]-dlo HcNlul_ 'xvtN Il'Nl-r CIf IINIVUC'NIIA 'SIV9 AITCVdVC )NVl- C u_dls 'N il SNO|IVClJlClds IOUINOC NOIIn-l-]Od U:ltVM ONV SNOIIC3dSNI I SIll lU3d NOIICflUJ-SNOC JtSlds-ulHto-'lllA ll-vn lud tvl_or /\ llnfu NVtd.IVSOdSIC f ISV/\/\ IIAOH llr80r ]9UVHCUNS %T 9NtBnn-td 9NtC1n8 Ir vN -Al_rNnnnoc cn Snd t l 9NU-srxl t I crsodoud: rddns url.v^ IAVN []U]HIO t]U]NAAO :48 Cfl-'lvtsNt DNtSNn-ld [ ] ulH10 [ ] >ruvrcrrdls [ ] crrena :IVSOdSIC ]9V/\A3S NOrJ-vntVA 1l 'os (sNooucr8 #) runtcnuIS ssalppv - Alrador6 o] suol]3arc :AUadord uo sarnl3nrlg 6urprx3 Vlda6 qlp!/1 (aLueN peoU) AUado.rd o] ssaccv a6earoV )cot I ]ol uorsr^rpqns apoc -1ol xBl-uorlcos -a6ueu -d^ I # '6ag '5'9 Ll.rc SS] U OOV f AIVNfNOHd 13er1 snsua3 looc drz rolceJluoc n fNOHd SCOC drZ trS SS] U OCV f IAVN [ ],.r.cruvanooo Jo rgNVHc t I A lrnru NVrd [ ] l oH lrgot [ ] ruorrcnu-t-sNoc rauMo tr oN Irt uld :uoJ IlWUSd AINnOC INV-I v\s L ."1 t SITE INSPECTION App nov r o RruaRx s D r sappnoveo Dare I HsPrcton FOUNDATION I NSPICTION APPRovEo RrMlnxs D r sappnovro Dare I rusrecron FRAMI NG Appnoveo RruaRx s I NSPECT I ON Dr slppnoveD I Hsprcron LATH OR SHTETROCK INSPECTION D DrsappRovro [-*-J Dar E I NsPEcroRAp pRov r o REuaRx s FINAL INSPECTION AppRov eo Reuanxs Dr slppnoveo Dar r .7 l*r"..ro^ CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ReaoY To lssuE RruaRx s D Nor Rerov to lssue D Drre /7a, ro 6'3 I HspEctoa ------:-- D D DorE- tJil I cal I Rece r pr No.5116_Tt'/P.lz_l TAX LOT EC.ldl REQUEST FOR SITE Mlrutxc AooRgss Sen r rl No. I NSPECT I ON DATE F6. 9. U56 t hh!!E tlvd. ret .No. 7h7-801r,BY S?ttnf;? NEf,I?Y Spr Irref I cld Orxen or PRopenrYdllftilhlhr Corsenr or O*nen? Iu Srzr or Pnop. ,l? lerl LecrL Access? . Qfu fdd Exrsrrxc SrnucruREs ot PRopERrv t*o SOURCE OF WATER SUPPLY: PuaLIc Itr Spn|xc WeuU: DRITLSO DNIVET DUE& DESCRIPTION OF SITE (DrnecrroNs, LANDT{ARKs, HousE oR BOX NO., tr aXV): rBt rldr - ilGrht let to lflth&r hr far fioi - lth lot dmr fra ltrlc ad. PROPOSED USE OF SITE (E.G.r NuMBER oF orJELLrNGs, coMr.{ERctAL oR tNousrRtAL usE, suBolvtstox): lrll lE; f/ uRaartztNG ARer. n Specrrl Penurr AREr. FEE: No. No, or Srres I or Acnes TOTAL-s 5.gg HTrsk RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION: 1/c /€s. ,a "., q-f€ r f o u't rrt r!. So,'/ Ca ur frrtartcT 7or/ raLL,-d (J ? h BEFORE CONSTRUCTION lS STARTED BRTNG rHrs FoRM ro rHE Burr-ornc AND Sarrrrrror DtvtstoN ANo MAKE APPLtcATtoN roR A BUILDING pERMtr. lr txe pRopERTy ts A poRTtoN oNLy oF A TAx Lor, A I,IETES ANO BOUNOS DESCRIPTION OF THE PARCEL I,IUST BE FURNISHEO. EXICT SPECITICATIONs FOR TxE SEUAGE otsposAl sysrEt{ utLL AppEAR oN T}rE BUtLotNc pERMtr. Tvo sers oF THE BUtLDtNc pLANs AND PLOT PLAN }'ILL BE REQUIREO. LANE Y BUI AND SA ATION DIV SION: L{O I NG NSPECTOR ANITARIAN TE HIS REPORT IS NOT COMPLETE WITHOUT THE SIGNATURES OF THE BUILDING -0la-01 INSPECTOR AND SANITARI AN. \ \J PERMIT NOTE: NO PERMIT I.[L dE ISSUED I]NTIL THIS APPLIC.ATI( I,AS BEEN APPRoVED APPLICATION FOR: CONSTRUCTION f'<-l MoBTLE noME PI-AN REVIEII C}IAI.IGE OF OCCUPANCY #fr75-74 OWNER o.s. REc. /l Name Name Clty zlp ty Code /7-o3 Census Tract Phone one I.Iid th-Depth_ *np. | 7 wnce---e--secrtorr-;/214,11 - Address Tax Lot Subdlvls ion t Bloc P roperty Acr &"^" A-., PJACCESS TO PROPERTY (Road Name) Existing Structures on Property: Property Location - Address/Directlons: t Below 0 e Use Site Inspec tlon /l Se. x Exlsting Sewage Disposal System , Pub1lc or New System Requlred Name of Comnunlty or Publlc System So. Ft. .+ x3 Valuatlon 2 I'IATER SUPPLY: Well Sprlng O Coffirunity PLIMFING: Installed by Ormer PLI]M3ING FEES OEher Name Bldg. Waste Disp. Plunblng Plan Revlenz Mobile Home 1Z Surcharge fr.- Sewage Connection Water Connectlon I PLANS FURNISHED CASH YES Signature of Appl Fee Recelved By: Dralnfield Requ ired - Llneal Feet FAC NO Maxlmum Depth- NO TOTAL Mln. Septlc Tank s2Iw--?,rrtrK Type of Construction Flre Zone Use Classification Bldg Setbacks - from Center of Road Right of Way: e Int terior Rear 5 (, I,ANE COI'NTY DEPARII{ENT OF EIWIRONMENTAL Zone rufi/t- DATE:SANITATION:DATE: cs5- r2 ) 71 n I FEES: BUILDING:?.J PATL '-/tlvvr , t 0