HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1970-09-22It$""*\ September 22, 1970 Mr. Charles W. Roffe First National Bank 99 East Broadway Eugene, Oregon E74AL Dear Mr. Roffe; lle enclose a check signed DonaLd P. SaLes in the amount of $4?-.20 ($40.50 fee, plus $1.70 interest) representing the deposlt Lo Charles f. Larson, Jr. authortzing use and to be applied upon the purchaee prlce in the evenr of the exercise of the option referred to in an agreement wlth Mr. Larson dated April 23, L96). Very truly yours, Blatne L. I"lartin Finance Director BLM: id Enc1. January 19, l97L irir. Ciarieg W. Roffe Iirst I{ational Bank ")r1 j,j:r sf,, E::oadway tsugene, Oregon 9744L Dear ilr. Roffe: We enclose a checil from Sunset InvestmenE Co. (for irr tiie araount of $104,85, reprcserrtiag $fOii.2L ;,'r:- 31rl irci.pa and $4.64interest, whlch is a <ieposit to Charles .ir. Lerson, Jr. authorizirig use a.:d io be applieci upon tlie purchase price of ti:e 5-96 t-runli, sewe:: system in the event of Uhe ciE1,rs option exercise referred to ia ar-:. aSreenent wich Mr, Larson dated AprrL 23, L969. Very ;ru1y yours, lL:i:i-:.c L. l'!artin i?inarrce Director BIji: id Encl. bcc: Jack Mayer, DPW / 3qnbJ.y Septenber 18, 1970 Ilr. Charles W. Roffe FlrsE National Banlc 99 East Broadway Eugene, Oregon 9740L Dear Mr. Roffe: tr{e enclose a checlc signed by John F. Dombrowsky in the amount of $41.96 ($40.50 fee, plus $1.46 tnreresr from l-t-70 ro 9-15-70) represe&ting the deposit to l,ir. Charles F. Larson, Jr. authorizing use and to be appLied upon the purchase price in the event of the exerclse of the option referred to in an agreement $iith Mr. Larson dated April 23, L969. hle also enclose a copy of a letter whlch has been sent to cert,atn persons who will be utilizing the sanitary serirer constructed by Mr. Largon. Please call ne if there are any questions regarding thts paynent. Very truly youra, Blaine L. Martin Ftnance Dtrector BLM: id Encls. (2) 1:",l sq*w"y Decenber 15, L970 l.tr. Charlee W. Roffe Flret Natlonsl Bank 99 Baet BroadwaY Eugene, Oregon 9740L Dear Mr. Roffe: We enclose a check slgned by Wendell R. Weatherly for Patrician lloblLe llogs ln the amount of $2,090.97 ($1 ,996.50 fee pluo $94.47 interest) representlng the deposi.E to Charles F. Largon, Jr. authorlzlng use and to be applled upon the purchaee price in Ehe event of the exerclge of the optlon referred to in an agreeoent with Mr. Larson dated Aprll 23, 1969, ln connectlon wlth the Gateway Santtary Sewer project. Very truly yours, B1aine L. Martln FLnance Dtrector BL!I:ld Enc 1. bcc: Jack Mayer, DPW ;.4* 6"{**Y Decenber 29, 1970 Mr. Charles W. Roffe flrat [ationel. Baak 99 Eaet Broadway Eugene, Oregon 97401 Dear Mr. Roffe: We encloee two checks signed by YloLa 14. Trlnka, totallng $416.08n ($ggZ connection fee, plus $19.08 ioterest) representlng the depoatt to Gharl"es F. Larson, Jr. authorlztng use and to be appl.led upon the pr.rr- chaee prlce of the 5-96 trunk Belder systen la the €vent of the eltyrs optlou exerclae refcrred to to an agreeaent nlth Mr. Larson dated Aprtl 23, 1969. Very truLy youre, Donald D. StlIwe11 Asslstant Finance Director DDS: id Encls. (2) bcc: Jack Mayer, DPW