HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1988-02-25CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development Planning and Development Department February 25, 1988 Mr. Franklin Tseng McDonal dr s Corporati on 2700 Nonthup Way Bel I evue, t,Jashi ngton 98004 Subject: Street Tree Requirements - McDonald's Restaurant located at 3405 Gateway Street, Lot 3 Sycan Commercial Park Dear Mr. Tseng: This letter is a reminder that street trees along the frontages of Gatelay Street and Kruse Way are required as per your Development Agreement with the Ci ty of Spri ngf i e.ld (copy enc.losed ) . A total of 10 stneet trees need to be p'lanted in accordance with the Final Site Plan (copy enclosed). The trees installed need to be included on the enclosed I i st of perm'itted or acceptabl e t rees. This condition is the only item de'lay'ing Final 0ccupancy of the building and needs to be resolved immediately. Please contact me as soon as possible wjth a date when installation of these trees shal I occur. Cordial'ly, Cy hia L. Harmon Development Permit Coordinator cc Greg l^li nterowd, P1 ann'i ng & Devel opment Di rector Gregory S. Mott, Development Code Adminjstrator Don l4oore, Bui lding InspectorJeff Lynn, Lynn Management Company 225 Fiftn' Street a Springfield, OR 97477 . 503/726-37 53 o Nrl _t' 3 'i (l ${+r $o _o3r u<h .,i2:8r- ;$F ro>o + 1e -EA F\R 7 -LO ,ro.oo. .(S \i .,Ff,\- \) f !J U F-l o'oel lfi r) Irr $\ 9/ s &ttriUA N3:EIATi HT bLJ rlLQ\l\? F$ \1r{ s\o I I I It t I I { I I I I,l 't F. i I I I I-i{}{} \'$3 &a u s Foi hI t, Ett E,ll'F 1il TI o t l (sL jl I Le Avht-lv>r'.1- qe It€z - N + \n a rt a I -/. o- , a, SPRINGFIELD, ORE Gateway Street @ =L/Cz 036-0084 '-1.. ,. .\;l Ni :, eltline Road ( SITE PLAN REVIEIT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT TttIS DEVEL0PHEM AGREEMEM, hereinafter rrAgreementrt, ls entered lnto thts 20thday bf July , 1987 (itre "Effective Daterr) [,v and Uetveen ttre irffi SPRINGFfELD, hereinafter rrCitytr, and the MCDONALDTS CORPORATION hereinaftertrApplicantrr' in accordance vith Sectlon 31.090, and Section 3.070(3), 3.080(3),3.090(3), and 3.100(3). RECITALS VHEREASr on ..,,. submitted by the Ap The construction of a restaurant on Lot 3 of Sycan Commercial park in accordancevith the approved site plan. Journal Number 87-O7-gL IIHEREAS, in consideration for Site PIan approval, the issuance of a Building permit, and the issuance of an 0ccupancy Permit, as specified in the Springfield DeielopmentCode Section 31.090' Applicant agrees to comply vith afi tne standards of theSpringfield Development Code and Springfield Municipal Code vhich may be applicableto this development project, including but not;timited to, the folloving: 1. A 5 foot curb side sidevalk shalt Ui installed along the frontage of GatevayStreet and Kruse llay. 2'. Street trees shall be located a minimum of 35 feet from the intersection andshall be spaced at 30 feet intervals along the frontage of Gatevay Street and- Kruse vay. An irrigation system shalI be installed for ill lands".pld areas. 3. Rainbov lIater District has agreed to allov the sign foundation to encroach intothe public utility easement. 4. Contact Rainbov l{ater District for backflov preventlon device standards. IIHEREAS, in consideration for Site Plan approval, the issuance of aBuilding Permit, and the issuance of an Occupancy permit, as specified in theSpringfield Development Code Section 31.090, epplitant agrees to tomply vith thefolloving specific conditions imposed by the City as part of it" site plan lpproval: A Variance is required to allov for the installation of the proposed drivevay onGatevay Street. The Site PIan vill be approvedl hoveverr any construction of thisdriveway prior to the Planning Commissionis granting of a Variance shall be at theapplicant's risk. If the drivevay is constiucted ind the Variance'is denied, thedriveway shall be removal at the applicant,s cost. Site PIan Development Agreement 1 the 2nd day of Jury, L987, the city approved site plan Appricationplieant for the purpose of alloving: {i^ )-.t, NOW THEREFORE IN CONSIDERATION OF THE FOREGOING RECITALS VHICH ARE EXPRESSLY I{ADE A PART OF THIS AGREEMEM, CITY AND APPLICANT AGREE AS FOLLOIIS: AGREEMENT 1. FINAL SITE PLAN. The applicant agrees to submit a Final Site PIan in accordance vith Section 31.080 of the Springfield Development Code concurrently vith this Agreement 2. STANDARDS. The applicant agrees to fulfill all applicable standards specified in the Springfield Development Code and the speelfic standards listed ln nlCftelS prlor to occupancy, unless certain standards have been deferred to a later date in accordance vith Section 31.110 of the Springfield Development Code. 3. CONDITIONS. The Applicant agrees to fu1fi}I all specific conditions of approval required by the City listed in RECITALS prior to occupancy, unless certain co"aitions hare been deferred to a later date in accordance vith Section 31.110 of the Springfield Development Code. 4. MODIFICATIONS. The applicant agrees not to modify the approved Flnal Site PIan vithout first notifying the City. Modifications to the Final Site PIan shall be revieved in accordance with Sectlon 31.100 of the Springfield Development Code. 5. MAINTAINING THE USE. The applicant agrees to the folloving: ., (a) The building and site shall be maintained in accordance vith the provisions of the Springfield Development Code in order to continue the use. - (b) It sha1l be the continuing obligation of lhe property ovner to maintain ihe planting required by Section 31.140 of the Springfield Development Code in an attraciiv" *inn"i free of weeds and other invadlng vegetation. In addition, plantings in the vision clearance area sha1l be trimmed to meet the 2 L/2 foot height starrdard in accordance vith Section 32.070 of the Springfield Development Code. (c) Parking lots shaI1 be maintained by the property owner or tenant in a condition free of Iitter or dust, and deteriorated pavement conditions shall be lmproved to maintain conformance vith these standards. (d) Undeveloped land vithin the development area shal} be maintained free of trash and stored materials in a moved and attractive manner. Undeveloped land shal1 not be used for Parking. 6. In addition to all other remedies vhich may be provided by lav or equity (including but not timited to penalties provided by applicable state lav or city ordinanceiy Applicant agrees thai City may enforce Applicant's responsibilities by withholding or terminating Applicant's 0ccupancy Permit. 7. Any Final Site Plan approved becomes nuil and void if construction does not commence vithin one year of the date of this Agreement. Site PIan Development Agreement 2 ) . .,t r I .) IN 1IITNESS VHEREOF, the Applieant and the City have executed this Agreement as of thedate first hereinabove vritten. APPLICANT McDONALDTS ORPORATI gN),' ILLINOIS STATE 0F OAEEUNI County of DUPAGE t fzt /82 Date STATE OF oREGoN,' Ju lLa L-7 it BY: S BY: Assis Secref v ed the a the foregoing instrument to ,'ft ary ISryyngS Hy Commission expires May 9, I988 CITY /_JuIy 20, L987 t' l ) aDate r BY: e nis trator County of L *N€ ,19 8-7 . Personally appeared the above named Notary Public for Oregon My Commission expires 3-rr-ea Site PIan Development Agreement 3 t \rllll'ri,,vhoacknovIedgedtheforegoinginstrumentto $r)) I !10be thelr voluntary act. BETore me: :)/,) .\ ,,.1,), /rs a. /a *4 .4i^-lt ) i),; ,( .r. i .1r..,)' 7t (';,1 ' .. \rir) t : .' I)l' 20 1 * act.Ass Secretary Personally me: ,1 I,l {. ,i ,t , ) ,),, )r l\;I r 32.050 STREET TREE STANDARDS. In addition to required planting as specified in Section 31.140 of this Code, street trees shall be required for all developments approved under Type I, Type II, III, or IV procedure in accordance vith the standards of this Section. Exceptions from or modifications to the street tree requirement may be granted by the City Engineer and the Director on a case by case basis if the location of a proposed tree vould seriously interfere vith utility lines or traffic safety. The intent is to have tree-1ined streets throughout the Ci ty. (1) Refer to determine t rees . Subsections (11), (L2) and (13) of this Section to vhich species are permitted or prohibited as street (2) (3) Except vhere there are physical restrictionsr street trees sha1I be spaced at 30 foot intervals. Street trees sha1l not be planted closer than 35 feet from the perpendicular curb line of intersections of streets, nor vithin 5 feet of alleys, private drivevays or fire hydrants. Nev utility poles' shal1 not be located vithin 5 feet of an existing street tree, unless no alternative locations exist. Tree vells shall not include utility fixtures such as vater and gas me ters . (4) Street trees to be planted from 10 to 20 feet from a light standard shall be of columnar shape approved by the Director. No street tree sha1l be planted vithin L0 feet of a light standard or utility poIe. (5)Trees shall be planted a minimr.im of 2 l/2 feet from the face of a curb. Trees shall hot be planted vithin | 1/2 feet of any other surface paving. Space betveen the tree and such hard surface may be covered by an approved non-permanent hard surface including, but not limited to grates, bricks on sand, paver blocks or cobblestones. Sidevalk cuts in concrete for tree planting shall be at least 3' in diameter to help allov air and vater into the root area. Existing street trees shall be retained unless approved by the Director for removal during site development. (6) (7) Existing street trees may meet the requirement for street trees if excavation or filling is minimized vithin the dripline of the tree. Sidevalks of variable vidth, elevation and direction may be used to save exlsting trees, subject to approval by the Director and City Engineer. (9) Street tree installation shall occur in accordance vith the Standard Construction Specif ications. 32-10 ( 10) SPECIES NAHE Acer platanoides Acer platanoides I'Crinson King'r Acer platanoides rrFaassen's Blackrl Acer platanoides rrSchvedlerrl Acer rubrum rrArmstrongrr Acer rubrum rrColumnarerl Acer rubrum rrScanlon Redrr CeItis occidentalis Cercis canadensis Cladrastis lutea Elaeagnus angustifolia Fraxinus angustifolia frDoctor Prione" Fraxinus oxycarpa "Flamerr Ginko biloba (males only) Koelreuteria paniculata Lauris nobilis Ligustrum japonicum (or texanum) Liquidambar styraciflua Liriodendron tulipifera Maackia amurensis Oxydendrum arboreum Pistacia chinensis Quercus coccinea Quercus ilex Quercus robur Quercus rubra Sophora japonica i Styrax japonicus Tilia cordata SPECIES NAHE Acer platanoides itAlmira" Acer platanoides rrColumnarerf Acer platanoides rrSummer Shade" Acer rubrum ttDeriett Acer saccharum columnare Acer saccharum monumentale Carpinus betulus Carpinus betulus rrFastigiatarr Carpinus betulus purpurea Maintenance of street trees shall be the contintting obligation of the abutting property ovner. (11) RECOHHENDED SPECTES FOR STREET TREES COHHON NAHE (12) ACCEPTABTE SPECTES FoR STREBT TREES Norvay Maple Crimson King maple Faassens Black maple Schvedler Norvay maple Armstrong red maPle Columnar red maple Scanlon red maple Common hackberry Eastern redbud Yel-lowr.rood Russian olive Doctor Prione ash Flame ash Ginko Goldenrain tree Sveet bay Vax leaf privet American sveetgum Tulip tree Amur maackia Sourvood Chinese pistache Scarlet oak HoIly oak English oak Red oak Japanese pagoda tree Japanese snovbell Litt1e-leaf linden COHHON NA}{E AImira Norvay maple Columnar Norvay maple Summer shade NorvaY maPle Derie red maple Nevton sentry sugar maPle Temple's upright sugar maPle European hornbeam Pyramaidal European hornbeam Purple European hornbeam 32-rL SPECIES NAHE Carpinus caroliniana CeItis sinensis Cercidiphyllum japonicum Cornus florida Davidia involucrata Fagus sylvatica cuprea Fagus sylvatica frHeterophyllafl Fagus sylvatica'rAtropunicea'r or Fagus sylvatica rrPurpurearr Fraxinus holotricha "Moraine" Fraxinus pennsylvanica rrMarshall" Halesia monticola Liquidamber orientali Magnolia grandiflora Magnolia kobus Magnolia loebneri I'MerrilL'r Magnolia virginiana Phellodedron amurense Pterocarya caucasica Quercus phellos Quercus suber Sassifras albidum Stevar t ia psedocamellia Syringa amurensis japonica or Syringa reticulata Tilia cordata rrRancho" Tilia cordata rrSalemrl Zelkova serrata SPECIES NA}{E Acer negundo Acer macrophyllum Acer saccharinum Ailanthus altissima Albizza julibrissin A1nus rubra any species any species any species Betula alba Betula papyrifera Betula spp. Catalpa spp. Crataegus spp. Ginko bilboa (females only) CO}{HON NAilE American hornbearn Chinese hackberry Katsura tree Flovering- dogvood Dove tree European beech European beech Purple beech Horaine ash MarshalI's seedless ash Mountain silverbell Oriental sveet gum Southern magnolia Kobus magnolia Dr. MerriIl magnolia Sveet bay Amur cork tree Caucasian vingnut Villov oak Cork oak Sassafras Japanese stevartia Japanese 1ilac tree Rancho linden Salem linden Japanese zelkova COHHON NA}IE Box elder Big leaf maple Silver maple Tree of heaven SiIk tree Red alder coniferous treest frui t trees nut trees European vhite birch Paper birch Bi rches Catalpa Havthorne Ginko 32-L2 (13) PROHIBITED SPECIES FOR STREET TREES SPECIES NAHE flex spp. Laburnum vatereri Platanus acerifolia Platanus spp. Populus spp. Robinia spp. Salix spp. Sorbus aucuparia Sorbus aucuparia rrl'Iilsonrr Sorbus spp. Ulmus spp. COHHON NAHE Holly Goldenchain tree London pl_ane tree Sycamore Cot tonvood/Poplar Locus t Vi11ow Hountain ash I{il-son columnar ash Ash EIm 32.060 STREET LIGBTING STA}IDARDS. Street lighting design shall be in accordance vith the Standard Construction Speeifications and sha11 be approved by the City Engineer. 32.O7O VISION CLEARANCE STANDARDS. (1) AII corner lots shall maintain a clear triangular area adjacent to intersecting streets in order to provide adequate sight distance for approaching traffic. The legs of the triangle sha1I be 25 feet in length as measured from the intersection of the property Iines. -q.aq\ ll'I ..*j - 32-L3 t (2) For lots abutting the intersection of a street vith an a11ey, the legs of the triangle shaIl be 12 L/2 feet measured from the intersection of the property line and the extension of the a11ey right of vay 1ine. (3) Except for items associated' vith utilities or publicly ovned structures such as poles and signs, and existing street trees, no screen or other physical obstruetion shall be permitted betveen 2 7/2 and B feet above the established height of the curb in the triangular area. Diagram 32-8.