HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 2000-07-07C'TY OF SPF OREGON SPRINGFIELO DEV ELOPM ENT SERVIC ES DEPARTM ENT CERTTFIED LETTER Jub 7, 2000 Jef&ery W. Herson Outdoor Media Dimensions 689 Brian Waiy MedM, Orqon 97501 RE: 3188 Gataray L,oop, Springfield, Oregon Dear Mr. Herson: This letter is written reprding the recent installation of a sign structure at the above referenced location. You srbmitted an application to our office on April 5, 2O0O indicating that you were irstailing a freesandirg sign that was 192 square feet per side, 38 feet total height above grade, and 30 feet from grade to the bottom of the sigr. I am including a oopy of the file for you ref€renoe. Atthough you have not rquestd pur firral inspectioq we rmeived a rnrnrber of rqpding this structure, vlffir prorrpted an inspection by this office to assure wmpliarce with the application ard approved plans. Our ins,pection revealed the sign instalH is a total of 252 squre fwt per sidg a total heigtrt of 29'4" above gradq and 16'9' from grade to the bottom of the sign structure. This structure was not revieured or approved for instafuion by the Crty of Sprhgfield as required by the Springfield htunicipal Code. Ttre structure \rhich you hme installed at 3188 Gateuray Loop, Sprhgfield, Oregon is idertified as ar nlqgal Srgn by the Cfiy of Springfidd, which is descriH as "sigrrs fustalled without the requird permit or those i*propu6, cons,tructed.". Your sigu was not constructed aooording to the approved plans or SigE Permit Application you strbmittd to our office. Therefore, your rffisfit installation of the structure which you submitted to this ofiEoe as a sign located at 3188 Gateuray Loop, Springfield, Oregon nnrst be rernoved withir the next ten (lO) days. If the structure is not rernoved within the 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-37s3 FAX (541) 726-3689 Jetrrey Herwn 3188 Gateway Loop *ric 7, 2000 PagE 2. timethe s,pecifu, the City will seek cornplianoe with the City of Springfield City Code ttiruugtr tegd reornnse\nhich rnay inctude lv{unicipal Cotrrt procedings. If you have any questions, you nray cofitact nre at 541-726-3790. Sinerety, Lim Hopper Building Sd€ty Supervisor trt ,Daiie Puert, Cofimrudty Services Manager Gino Grimaldi, Assistant City Mailagsr Cynthia Pappas, Darelopmemt Servioes Director Kaye Wilsoq Conmnrnity Services Bob Brnhart, Building Inspector Joe Leatiy, City Attornery C & O Development, Property Ovirfitr c/o Skate World Inc. 1625-B 5f Street Sacrarnento, CA 95E194309 attachment P-03war-O6-OO 05:44P STGTI PERMIT APPLICATION :?5 F.((tr Stro(:t Spriegricad- OR 9 7477 3188 Gateway Lp JOB NUrvlBEF Itrtor:ctior] Lmcl. 7 2A-3769 Ofrice: "28-37a9 S'TC ,ADt FIGSS: _AssEssoSs lrAP: Or^/NE,FI: TAX LOT; FnoNE: 541-772-9341 -( 9ESCrUPTION Of PROPOSBD SlGN(st: q'tGlaa cti.cl( arrd conir,teE all espr(,priatc antomatio.r, x -.__ \rill -_ Freesanding _ Projecring _ Roof _ Marqqgs Sing{o Farcc c Square Fuotagc:192 ---- Ooubro sqr Ft Verrrs2tt Dimqf|gaon 91 algrt r,. cncloautc: Dl)n.i^rroa lrom Grsde 30t 8' ro bottoa o'f Sit]n Ei!<losuic: Metal and wood Fac(,Billbcard -.. Ottrsr Tural Heighl rbovq Grarls:fv Horizorral .! ridth ol slgn or enclururcx Eoctdc.l tnsrall<tron: _-_ Yos _ No llf yEs td<litio')Bl alccr7icol oer?r.tit i! rcquir€d) VALI'E oF 3rGN; -__Try 10,000 c Mrtafl5l $igrr ir eonsrructd ofl Lisr ALL oristing s€neg€ €nd rtrrctr c photoer+tr of ..E r stgn: (Br rvo6 ,Free Standing Sq. Ftg.lffiqr Ft lbl Tycc rc, TypG Sc- PtE. L Roof ldl Type 38 Sqr ftSq. Ftg. sq- FtU- COAITTACTOR/INSYATLCR:Outdoor Media I)imensions PHC'NE 541-772-9341 ADDFCSS 689 Brian Wav !ITY;Medford : ONSTRUCT I Oil CONTF^CTOIrS ttEG ts?IrATrcfi Nu t,raeel 33 I 94 ;tYY BUSTNESS LICENSE ^T(JMBEF: OR zP g750l ExPrR€s: 12-&2000 €XPIRES:-----il OFFTCE USE ilgn obtricr:_ l_rnd Us€: :ming: Ourd Arqa.- .-..-:, irgn Pcrmit Fcc: Cdd€ Soction: Aa)9roY€d By! TCOU|RED IiISPECTIOTI'S: -.-- Sit o ba madc prLr o Een DrlScDmGrrt Focirm prlor to placamant of concrete Attrhmerrt aftct tasalncr arc irrsrrllcd/prior to cover Etecttic€, pdor ro aacrgiznqqlaqt.icrd iastallstlon - Fi^al CilmDlct;i)o qt sigrr iftstallltio^ il o rddiraonal C(,rn narlt3 rrrdro/ Cc,rdftioft3: t aetlotu?€. I stote a.rd tg?cc, thrl I h.'wc crrgftrlry qxttnincd rhc cqmFlc'tcd agplicltaor' and do hercby (cr(iry r!'a" tlt ln?qr.il:,rrrn tter€ir,t. ttuc and cort.tc3, and | ft.rftha. cr($y that roy 6tlt alt Ferk pGarormed ;trrtt Do don9 in accord8ncc wirrh fhts Ordin.rrt<:€r sf rhr Ciry sl;'pairr0ri€ld' ttld tlr€ Larrs ot tfia l3€ta gf O?agoal rrcrtrinfng to tf,re wort &rrribe4 herehr. I tu(tr<,. ca;dfv thot onty .aff'.rcrors .ft(molov6ls r.rho !16 &a cottrF{drcc wath oRs 7or.o35 wrll 116 ucod oa thit prgrGsL r ,rrrrhcr cgroa to a.rarl'8 rhet r0f rqrro anspGcdonr trt, t€(SE tcd 8t Ot.9fopct tlme. t'.at pto,{rc{ addGa3 ai rp-."ddbl€ ?rom thc :rtresr- fir.,E o€rrtdt c.rd Ir tocacai .t rha trortrt art d.ra efotErtr. ard lha ag|txo.tt€d *ot ot pLnr wlll rcrnailr oo tf|c aito 5t all ttmcs durirrg ttE Inf talhrronl, rhc .Or{sl.+*2WlgnaturaOate Ar,iou.rt Rccalvcd: Dgfe pei<t: Foc€,pt ]{rtnbst: ,leccivcd Ay: -- I al{rrtioh: lBtrfrc?&o EUSTNESS NAME, FlRi'Outdoor Media -E Aoo,rEss,..lq!18!g!Way crrvi Medford Or 97501 OMD 3l BB Gotewoy Loop B'high by 24'long Sign ond ollochment by others 16-Dio min. By .37S"woil A53 crode B Column (No splicesJ 8'-0 " ' Sign perpendiculcr to T2" fcoting dimenscn A ,j il 36',lN lO l:l3 hlfl bIE EF lP lb tir luic l- liH ir: !titoit-i;ll z{ n lr lolfl l{lo lo !;ln rHl iilii r'-- |r-'ll-i l.J Ilol l"'HiNIf i$lrlol,Dlurilir})i: lsjjlieli'il -l'r0O>{r )cxnI I9>nim H E5f8u;Idi ') l;l Ll.l fi Jii i,t,4 ^ :it . ., -. .,1 'y:17:: Zilt l' rli :' : ilr"U^'iI r-;:. r-."":" --'.--r,rl,r ,i r., ..- l:l -,'r -' r: "'; -' 'r /'l ;tr '*: i: f :'.. il:'i !1 ii ,i .,, i.r. i;.i ;.;i l:I ll u i,r > !--J l:1 ,u f- lrl ]InHo; au ;i o.,Dof;3 E$[i r0 1'8o m-lE'i ID r-;F .Ii Fn F? t' ,ilt3 FIr F osilii aixo F<Ollzl^.ra d 72', 30-0q 3000psi ccncrete 72" min length perpendiculcr io sign foce Section A-A 59 7 OREG C! i't C't z, i') l,-'iI. ii t- i I i I 6' EXPIRATION DATE:t. 176, 9'-0 3'-0' C , 3l BB Gotewoy Loop EXPOSURE WNDSPEED # SUPPORTS ryPE FORCE MOMENT SHELTERED 8OQs= 17 I PIPE 4179 I 32385 WIND PRESSURE 0 TO 20 FT: 16.66 WIND PRESSURE 2OTO 40 FI : 19.04 LOAD NO. 1 2 HEIGHT 8 30 WIDTH 24 1 (from 16" round) TOTAL SECT Size x Thk. HEIGHT TO TOP 38 30 Ft Above Grode TOIAL MOMENT 30 14,623 7.311 6 0.290 20 52,132 26,066 t 0 0,365 l0 91 ,425 45.713 14 0,375 0 132,385 66,193 I 6 0,375 USE 16"(min) 0.375 wolt(min) AS3 Gr B ptpE FOOING DATA (UBC_]9851 NUMBER OF FOOTINGS: I Sl : 782.2698 A: 1.863607 B : 6.7A8204 DUG FOOTING IS 6 FT BY 3 FT BY 9.OI FT DEEP DIRECT EMBEDMENT- NO REBAR REQUIRED. CONCRETE REQUIRED PER FOOTING: 6 TOTAL REeD: 6 ALTERNATE FOONNG NUMBER OF FOOTINGS: ISl: 940.415] A- 2.5997868: 4 CAISSON FOOTING IS 4 FT DIA. BY I0.86 FT DEEP DIRECT EMBEDMENT- NO REBAR REQUIRED. CONCRETE REQUIRED PER FOOTTNG: O.t TOTAL REeD: 5,1 sl lV OREG EXPIRATION DATE 6 Fr R. 6 CU \ -c ctk\, rg,TD ao o ry.Uc4rrZ ?t O 3 o v ,lb qEt .9? l" 'rft ,f o.oo:y J ?rd ,*ngl --,Vdl ( \ I I l T s. s eJ { l )' I E /)L-J *gI -td \, @ @ o s.lA{"refu'ro' .A" rqir.b vOt s-o , .4?-t*i . €a*€/(.o *. *a 7 z, Fo J 2(e 3D ILooE oz, Fo cDxIU t \h \ \llt 'r> (\' JI q mt\rl \ \ a\l za6o2 F9 ct)x u.t \ I L t cco)o O.AE'ta g-: RZq€o)g 3a 5a fiE. E, g.g Bi sB E'o)ii69 e€E -B?iEg 3-P5E'P Pf . r [ [o I E 3; 3er= L or! (rrc i;i")xa): = ; E P H E-E Z = -(o Fq) l-o =.... L, ,\ \ ) \ h \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ ./g '5 .t; -le 's.z F t a\ t , =a ct) o UJoo tr-otro- \C' a - ro f,O20' f os 0oo ct o ro o.>a 2 )? SNOISNTIf, Y 1 E, oztr Y cn E IUJc otLIT,LLltS xvd 9Ir0I IUd OO/82/toToo Ft 3 *j ,/ H AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into by and between OUTDOOR MEDIA DIMENSIONS INCORPORATED, ("OMD"), an Oregon corporation, and the CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, ( the "CITY.') WHEREAS, a) OMD desires to erect a secondary sign of no greater than 200 square feet on the property known as 3188 Gateway Loop, (the "PROPERTY"), and, b) There is now an existing roof sign on the PROPERTY, NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows 1. The existing roof sign shall be removed and replaced by a wall sign. 2. The CITY shall allow OMD to erect a secondary sign on the PROPERTY which sign shall not exceed 200 square feet. OMD Outdoor Media Dimensions Incorporated by,\r^ \^, . N--+\ Dated: a- Ll - Ll- , 2ooo J@gtilerson, its vice-president -1- the CITY The City of Springfield by:Dated:2000 -2- o{/28/oo FRI 10:16 FAX 54L772L730 Hrr?-OtE-OO O5 z44e -+t GN PERMIT APPLICATIOnI l:a F.r16 317641 SPri4gti(.ld- OFt 97.72 3188 Gateway LpJITE ADE,RES:5: -.A$$E>sotls tIrP: Or.vNER: aooAEssr..lqg2 Brian w MENSIONS JAg NUMEEF- lh.aDecrio,r Lrn6: r2€.J76s Ofriee: 7:€-3748 r "d 1g *., 9sA-13, Flt9rG _541 5^.. r4h q-r1 2lP: lO ooz P _03 6rrtic?l@ 4 DCsCntPtIo]{ Of PIROPoSEO SlGNrSl: (lrlcilo clracl tnd co6c]l(,EG' rll rrprooriate l.ilor,illic^, - hrriccring - Ref - Mr/q(rs{ Fgc.s Eillbrnrd -- glrE JB'Turrl l<cbht rbov. orlrtd: - f-loriaor?tal "nriOrf, of lle ,r o, dlrcluJsr.ixvatrrE 10,000Ecsztell lharrU-taoF: - Yac - l.lo ll J y rf rdcttEl,O,1al 116tlicl l,.?Fr,E iIc .|u,E d l OF SIGN: Metal and wood E wdl x - Ftcasat'Eine 192 oosbt ie?Ft lirrglg fg3o s'luo.n toout{r{i' Vgttrcal Dirreftgion cl rlgrr cr gEloalJ'o: Efrrnrin3rurt ltlfit 6rr€dd 30t t' tF l;rtto6 ot Sig^ €r.ctolgts: -----rF E JI tvlteatrl SrOa ir ca-attLtcLd Ef,: Llrr ALL oriitino 3€hee€ errC rttrrdr . chdtoatth of .aci rl€n: r;r r'p6 ,Ffee Stendlqg- sc- sts-lfi) sqr Ft lcl Typo Sq- FtE- L Roof 3c. F"u-38 Sqr ft s,q. Fru- It'l TvFo adl TyD€ coiJ?Fi A c?oal Ns?! r-r-EnL Outdoor Medie Dimensions _PHCTNE 541-772*934r 689 Briln WavADDR€SS: l-'ft'r,:alP:97SOt =oN=?Auc?loil ceNTFr^croFs iGGrsrR^TErx xumeerl331.94 -. sxptRGs: -l?-E-2000 .-. ---ITYEUSTNESSLTCEI{$E!\JIvIE€Ri_ -_EXPIFES: -l OFFEE t}SE ;iu,r had u.aar Qsrd Arrr:-........................._tl :.6i A(r:CodG Scctiotr: ArrrrqrGd 87! .- .---lt ;,g|r Pr:.'trit Fec: OR TEOUIRED TIvSPECTIOIYS: slE o be m.d. Frlor Foo.rir F.l6r t6 Al.qra.lTr .lltta<ftrnarlttltcl ttgt:ncrr trc ir16A$rc&,'dor tc Gq$Gr Elc€rrie!, ,tlor ts gmrotr&rc qtact i.:d ihr' llaqon _ Fi.ral eo+fiDlEti.aE oI liger iortellroo.r rl Uu gloft glasntE rt pf cc^eratc rddrtrcnal Csr6nrafitr $idro. Cdidltlsir: r rla?returt. I r?st€ a^d rttr, ?ral , I*ivo Gaattgfft +xEl.r;aEd ttrc cOfiFlc{e€ *tglic5alea! f'td ds ha.cbt/ GHify ttsr rtt,ntQrtrl.J.rh Dct€ir! i rue tad eotrrEt(. rrrd I lrJftht, cq.!?v tntr aag ahC rll bcrk S4domerJ rlralt D- donr ln acccrdSrlca kita tlt. Ordinarrev ul rhr Ciry ul; frrtturtiold. lnd llfr La*r ot tlra Stsr:E ol Orfocr bErtritli.re r.r ttlE wort llt'|q|ibe<l hcrir. I luratsr C5{tr $tat onlv {qri:r-rc:'}rt .trr( .rrEloyrir wrte .ir lF €oFrFfla+EG v,:dr ORII 7Ol .O5E *10 lr! uid on tlri. pfci.e. r ,ultlta, earsE tO .nEuae thirt arl rrqrJrai IncOcctton* rr! r<a(Iaarto At U{r gnODGT 1163. fracOrOaCG? addrcts lr lc.:dbhle rronr rhc :f(,€6r- t?!r', t{- Dlrlnil, 6.d Ir loqta6 or ttt lrorrr gl f}r ,ao|,qer- rEd frra .tD.@d rEt ol t)har gitl mrir a t1rrr ritr rr alr (nteg du?ilrg tr'f latt{ltttoat , th6 aittrtst. r'LJ,I +5-2000Dateirltrrruo afr6lrdt R:sclved:DnrG Ptlr:!lirJ.t'o^: Fccei3r tlqmEq: # RqceivrJ AYa --. clr-r: EUSINESS NArlE, FIRM r.',n''!. v<J7 r- \, I -\l,trrt 0, e l.o c. PROPOSED SIGN 33 ?'374t3.4{ '':u PCL 2 o.66 "AC.c a g{a - a l,J J'+ OraII<, ,+o aJ, }LE1r 26( 5' from DroPeriy g;n" .7r.,/. EXSISTING SIGN EXSISTING ROOF SIGN LOT o I I Iil { q it t s \! $ 1.sl' 3o 13" /-- r r' i-rE-.- r '3t88 Got,^,qJ Lp \ / \ t \t \ R NG rY f.n Je 's 3Z\}f-.'w)-r51 [--, -- /'s-\r -. u)f- P /--r tt -'^T' N$Ib)r,yq$' .}.fli\ $ut( -, /?. 7 7r{?"-/f '.ld *rlr \ \ \ u, \i., I \i a\ \!i h b \l I I I34 00 \ OLLER SKATING RINK nn \r \ I I ooti.J N v4,ft rDv l -v tr. 0pq l.o c. il o.66 c.a o AC ,{ a : 5' : 37 3-4{'rc1 2?'4''.2 u il, EXSISTING ROOF SIGN LOT t - a*, a j *oao q, { 'q 32${- ".+.,$b)r,vd$i $.f \ $t) \ ta\ \Ja1 }LE{t( 26( from grogeny tine .7r. .?,7' SIGN EXSISTING SIGN 0 C,33 I I l.sl' 3grz: / \ \ Itt T rt \ il \ 3rB8 G^t*,qJ (p \ o q R N rV ({) {a I s \t $ ., /?. 77'f{?" 1f '.ld */,r I t \t Tt \!t h \ \ 34 00 r/ t t/i L, \ tr': \ \ \ \ \,\ OLLER SKATING RINK n /'\ I I t OMD 3188 Gotewoy Loop l6'Db min. By .37S"woll A53 Grode B Column (No splices) 36" 8'-0. Section A-A N to 72" footing dimen$on ,"e B'high by 24'long Sign ond qttochment by others A A 4JrX"rtY'/ f= 1< 72', I 30'-0'perpendiculor tt. 3000p6i concrete 72 min lenglh perpendiculor to sign foce S ',tOlv4t" 3.s -) 5 OREG 6" F}, R. ( EXPIRATION DATE:3'-0' 9'-0'"4* ,. ,0 C:Mf I88 Gotewoy Loop EXPOSURE WNDSPEED # SUPPORTS TYPE FORCE MOMENT LTERED 80 I P|PE 4179 r 32385 Qs: 17 WIND PRESSURE 0 TO 20 FT : 16.66 WIND PRESSURE 20 TO 40 FT : .l9.04 LOAD NO. HEIGHTr8230 WIDTH 24 1 (from 16" round) TOTAL SECT Size x Thk. HEIGHT TO TOP 38 30 Ft Above Grode 30 20 't0 TOTAL MOMENT 14,623 7,31I 6 0.280 52,132 26,066 l0 0.365 91 ,425 45.71 3 14 0.375 0 132,385 66,193 t6 0.375 USE I6"(min) 0.375 woll(min) A53 Gr B PIPE FOOTTNG DATA (UBC_] 985) NUMBER OF FOOTINGS: I Sl : 782.2698 A: 1.863607 B : 6.708204 DUG FOONNG 6 6 FT BY 3 FT BY 9.OI FT DEEP DIRECT EMBEDMENT- NO REBAR REQUIRED. CONCRETE REQUIRED PER FOOTING: 6 TOTAL REQD: 6 ALTERNAIE FOOTING NUMBER OF FOOTINGS: I Sl : 940.4.15] A - 2.599786 B: 4 CAISSON FOOTING IS 4 FT DIA. BY I0.86 FT DEEP DIRECT EMBEDMENT- NO REBAR REQUIRED. CONCREIE REOUIRED PER FOOING: 5..l TOTAL REQD: 5..|gl Il O REG t FTR EXPIRATIOT{ DA 6 elt -rt vv ttLU --]&.\JlVrrJ r€l uur OMDI ouldoormediodimensions O ,,doo,r,fladl a D i menei ons 689 Baan Way P O Eott 8254 Medford OP.97501 Jackson 541-772-9341 541-7?2-1730 J *o*,,T ReCyASAP Talal mx inahtliaa ea,,at. Ple*a corl*rrcnt FA)( COVER SHEET fi *aser.rin Fotyout fn/anaatioo SENDTO Congany nameC,I, ol- ar.,.,^=5;* U Ftottt-Ct 'U*J /)n"J o b,...(-s,or,,<.on*TI-.i (J 1,, ,iI Dab I -z ( -2..^-?t 9v W Ofice tocatiol Ofrcalocaiao Far num@r- "5{t .r 2L ^3c-r u Phone 4urrrber COMTIENTS 't{'\J An Oregon Corporotton 6SgBrlonWoy . Medford.OregongT50l ' (54'l) 772-qU1 ' Fox (541)772'1730 Dfl Z_ (o N 7Ft, .9'r lr'f1"to rOO=U L-(f o ''-H t -/o1 r,o / a+),.J;;,;i 3 I I l I I I { t Ilt V J 6 h, Z(5 cf, oz F @6x 4ar Lx F O j z E az a E rrtJJ ?\ o o a26xti I \ \i\.\t '/> C\! Jf)F D L\! *I ln q. \t\ rrl J dlxI n du Ga) C{, lc \,'-?;;-1L -,lZ t_ . th 3 ,1 k...2 i l' )l 7 IJ L -tit <Dr,rA,r4L' .U' ^.' q lv, : J ?<. ttl tlr-.,,. , '-UU Jcr.>1.,ql;-. r r-- : | \Jt''-r-i'-i- -rt..:.--rt-.I I r-J-'\- L\, .r^ ''lr .. - L. )-t '- t -,\-" :c{,- -ir -.r .--.- , - i -/-,*'-t.t\ ^'.;,Y tl1_ >a -..'i T '": j . €7b ;iae Gsoaouc ?.O -t*ueEl o -3o t.{F 5t ar{?'sr .l- -lf o zo .-q . o7L I tl (^f \f ro \S \\t t L\t ! S! \\h \ \ ,ni'.l lr'ff,0 U,TNtrl_ _e-- .J (s\>=N,-I ,{.-irrir ,---''-'. I o2 r6 1 a -g-p .\, I )' D^-5 ID:541-967-6155 JUN 20'00 L0:37 No.005 P.0I 830 Old Salen, Ave P.O. Box 248 Albany, Oregon g7321 (541) e67-6161 Attn: Phone: Fax: ao!From: Phone: Pages: Date:t Re: fl urgent EFor Review E Please Gomment E Please Reply D please Recycle PAGIFIG POWER ID :541-967-6155 JUN 20 '00 10 :38 No .005 P .02 June 14,2000 JeffHerson Outdoor Media Dimensions 689 Brian Way Medford, OR 97501 RE: R/W File #20005128 Dear Mr. Herson: As we discussed, this letter is confirmation of approval to place a 20' sign within PacifiCorp's easement area in the SWl/4 of Section 22, Township l7 South, Range 3 West, Willamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon. Please take care when working around high voltage transmission lines and retain a clearance of 20' with any construction equipment or personnel. It is an OSHA requirement that a worker must be certified if performing work with less than a 20' clearance. Per our agreement, Outdoor Media Dimensions will remove the sign should it interfere with PacifiCorp's future construction of an additional line. PacifiCorp is not the owner of this Propefiy; you must contact the owner separately. Thank you for your cooperation in assisting PacifiCorp to provide safe, reliable service. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to conract me at (503) g13-6217. Sincerely, Teresa A. Burch cc: Jerry Beeks/Willamette Operations lrr oe/20/oo TLIE 10:42 FAX 5417263689 CITY OF SPRINGF-IELD r4 00r *******{.*8*********8* *** RX RBPORT **:lr **********8********** RECEPTION OX TXIRX NO CONNECTION TBL CONNECTION TD ST. TIUE USAGE T PGS. RESI.ILT 815 6 541 967 6155 06/20 10:40 01'38 2 OK