HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 2000-03-08:Ag p3^raret ;JaqunN rd!ef.r!, :pred aleo :Pa^rasau !u :UollePrtP oo-B . L "',"o eJnferr6l .{s)r,o!s aq! IuotrFllPlgr-,1 atll 6tltrnp ge(ufl llP lP ells eqr uo lrterrra, 1Im suald ,o lcs pe^oJddc aq:. pur 'J(uedord eq1 lo r,uorl aql rB palelol sl FlJqs tlurr.o nr )r-'q.l 'laaJls .)qr (uofl atqepr-'.rJ sl ttaJpFe lcelorc lerll 'aurrt /edoJd erll lc palBeobel cra suoltSrdsut pa,lrtbeJ ltB lqql 3rns|J3 ol eoraB Jat.lJn, '3aefo/d slql uo pasn Dq tlfa ggo'tOZ S]J() qlla gsuBltdurof ut oJc oq4r\ saD^otdu PIJE srQ:f,trJluo:r A[ro leqr A]lrre3 rDtl}Jn] | '(rraiaq PaqtJcsap rro^A eLll ol Or,lursuad uoog/O to aters et{l ]o sae-I aqt pue .pl6rf6rrJo Jo AllS JL{.I ,o sa)\reutpro etll Ltl!,\^ 93uep/o3ae ur euop aq llGqr paurrogad )lroq lle pus /(ue leqr A}lrrec reqrjhl t pu?,t5arro? puc anll:ula/i\a utrrlPu]jolLrr llll le,il ^rllratr Aqa:aq op Pue uolltilldde pclelrrurot cq.t pgulLuexa AlJolcrcr a^eq t rcql ,aaroe pue alErs I ,a/nlol,E,s A :SuolllPuoJ Joilpu? sruaurr'rjoS leuorlrpp\ ufrtF- \.orlellelsr.n ,o !rOrlglOlUroJ lPtrr3 - tloltEllel'su! tEflrtf ala Our21619g2 oI ,o!.rd fef,!rLo13 Je^ol ol Joljct,rpelretsut o/e sJ3rrals€l J3ue lrraqrUr"*tt atejruo, ,o luer.u3aelC 01 Jolrd DurlooJ trraureretd u6 rs o rorrd apetu cq o et!s sNorIS3dSNt a3utnDSr :3-LVCI :Ag pa^o/d6v :uorl.ces .poJ :agl lr\Lr.rid uDr< : BLr tuo; :Ee.rv ppno :asr1 puP-l ;IJrJlSrO ttG r< eso 33rrjo Z,r :s3utdx3 :SfHldx3 :uSahrnN 3sN331'1 SSSN tSn g .r.J_l: t :u3sr^lnN Nou_vutsI93u suoJ.3vu-l_No3 NoIlf,nuJ_sNo: :do :31_vJ.s-'Y'P'W ,r.J.I: SS:'UAOV Tn$]fW;3NoHd-H3'r-rvJ.sN t/ gorS vrJJ.No.) 'aIJ -bs ed,(l ()) 'All 'bS ad^f lEt :u61s qcee ,o qdarEcroqd e qasrl3 prre eaeuB,s outtsrxa -l-.lv lsr-.] '61J'bs -6rJ'f,S ed/ta (pt 3d/(1 tq) - @,ffiO2 - -Pw-rvr-T- (PBrrntr:)J s) tllIJJaC, le3!.l139te lerrollrr,pe SeA ll, o11 - r"l 7- :uorlElplsut terrJlret3 lY ry:,o Pelcnrlsuo3 sr uors tcrr?relN gffi ;ejnsotJ(/j u6!S lo pollr..q ul 9pe/ 9 uol] Uorslri)q[o N9IS JO 3n-lvn az --:sh - :ljnsolrrla,ro uols lo qrpl^ lEluozrjot{ :eteig eaoqe tqBlag ;ero1 :e/ntolrue ro 1161t lo uotstrerrrrg lef,r1l;n *-1v9 a6etoo3 erEnhS aSeJ elqnoo -- a:reg a;6u15 -Brrgpuelsaarl - lle4anntr.relry - Jerllo loou - Prqoqllr€, Ourroarotd -t (rror+elrrrotrr! erEudordde lle el€ld.uo, pue )|Jeqc crBetd) :(S)NgfS OSSOdOI d JO NOI-tdtUlSgO 'W:3l'rs :-3r.:I yJt u '3y\rvN ss3tltsrrs ALrf ";ssStroov ub-L [=IES; - :f,NoHd 3-u :u?NAAO ;dvrtl stjo$s7ssv:ss3uoctv 3rts LLe LG HO 'PlslrFurJdS t)o,ls| llr,'J €Z; NOIJ-VOl-tddV lli lU;Icl NOlS dtv. sQ oo-s)o-rEl^t 69Le'gaL:airllo 69 Lt-9a L ;?Ur-l rrorllif(rsul -uigwnN 8or EO-d \rl iclagaJsrarl.Jlt 1 -a9El-].'"'= , Ll J oe ^-zLL{Lvg) .-A--- l^.. .,^.,^ ,^^XUI e lwb-(LL ( 179/ . [ ljglo \JUUsr(J lr/v]}Jey! . ' 'rJrv\ \.rvi/El ouY uoporodro3 uooelo uv uofielqam)ul moA tol ,.e!aat oseou w ,rt3rrn totl,eotd stNlfinoJ .r-.^^ t,,,^-.-,., ^^A-J.ro,twJ uvtytlrut rl9cu leluf 7uaE47 OEiL-Zll-Lrg tbffi-et/.-tt9 . uOStfJet' LaELO iiO P/olPW ?5i8 ttog o d t_.-.-- - ^etw ueyg 589 rwlgoawlo etpefrtoaP,,,o 13=HS H3nO3 XVi '.,":$iB?'il lOl,tlo ') L?L" Tza' 1hs,,.", uo|,e3ot Eaga gtouz3ol e3*a ^re ft..-vp>L- )>4aa I A^1- A,' -ll 'l '2lu*, \,)1>ttOIgT.-t\\ \?( urilJ il\n ''-l 't' J cutzu luedwo2 at oilas T0o E sNoIsNgfl ottT;tlrrg trvl 0r:zT c:I$ o(t/tz1go ..--..-r_- (/ I dvsvr4oa a r ID:541-967-6155 JUN 20'00 10 :38 No .005 P .02 June 14,2000 JeffHerson Outdoor Media Dimensions 689 Brian Way Medford, OR 97501 RE: R/W File #20005128 Dear Mr, Herson: As we discussed, this letter is confirmation of approval to place a 20' sign within PacifiCorp's easement area in the SWl/4 of Section 22, Township l7 South, Range 3 West, Willamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon. Please take care when working around high voltage transmission lines and retain a clearance of 20' with any construction equipment or personnel. It is an OSHA requirement that a worker must be certified if performing work with less than a 20' clearance. Per our agreement, Outdoor Media Dimensions will remove the sign should it interfere with PacifiCorp's future construction of an additional line. PacifiCorp is not the owner of this property; you must contact the owner separately. Thank you for your cooperation in assisting PacifiCorp to provide safe, reliable service, If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (503) 8l 3-6217 . Sincerely, Teresa A, Burch cc: Jerry Beeks/Willamette Operations lt r 06/20/o0 TtrE 10 42 FAX 5417263689 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD B oo1 RECEPTION OK TX/RX NO CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID ST, TIME TISAGE T PGS. RESTILT **{(**{<*** ******* :lc* **s *** RX REPoRT :ft** {<*****8****8** *** ** *:8 815 6 541 967 6155 06/20 10:40 01'38 2 OK ID:541-967-6155 JUN 20'00 1D:37 Nn.005 P.01 830 Old Salenl Aye P"O, Box 248 Albany, Oregon g7321 (541) e67_6161 To;From; Attn:Phone: Phone:Pages: Fax:Date: tr urgent EFor Review E Please Gomment E please Repty E please Recycle Re: PAGIFIG POWER t -..==05./l'll00 tfED 1S:10 FAX 5,117721730 4 o 1<'40 1 }!ENSIONS @ oo: Jl. ()r LT,\TE G\> IJTTL,TYu(,>Js t t bJ { $ a \5t IJ)5- \:t\.l I p(,r t\) ei \ I L^a\.\ ,\ \.\ \ -I ilxLg, -l2o E ?.) oz mr CI'x =zar2 roJ x Itt rax cn6 2 6) Uta = (} fr .$ ,aafxl, n :t->v{,-r f*a, Ya.'o) faJa f\) o) .t c r{ o:- fr n,l I I I I I I ,, C;-4 .ty (Ji \JaJ ,_ ,n n#, . rLl{ u \3 \ \ a t q \ I\ \ }.\\ ---r.- -p,"q o ,sa5 C) PFOeQ$sE 516r, t-t 13t. orc-!r-c ,.-"'i> h ,C) ?7 .r.d -r' Ic *'?'_ -1 -7-*o'-r/ .t tt ) : ;1L_L2- )Q.,<'.€-,.) t ih .a-'u 7 t^-o f)nf 4o f)o:,-.- - !-f t'<e { / O,,--S /r ?I 14 fl:OOr o+'w. .,[ L 6' ? t e - I ot.J'-/. ll ---- I Mar-()6-OO 05:44F P-03 JOB NUi,r lnrDFcliorl L,fi,c: 7 ?e-3769 Oftiee: "26-3769 SI G'I ..PEffMIT APPLICATTG)N :35 F.rrh Srrcct Sprangricld- OR 97.77 SlTE aDI,rF|GSS:3188 Gateway Lp (rFrtrac?ral,rf> ASSEs5rf8S F,AP: Or,vNE,R: a6,pnsss,,.689 Brian Way crrv Medford Or 97501 Eusr*Ess NaME. FrR, Elc.: Outdoor Media -EoEscRtPrfoN or PRoPoSED StGNfSr: x,.-_ Wa{ _ Sirrglr Farue (DlGtao clrocl( and comt,lt'ae rll arlp lprirlc ftrtoryrr.tiofi, Dllnrjnaron lram Grade 30' rn Cctrom 6, Sign Cr,6l93*.'Esctracal lnsEsll3tron: _.=_ Yas(lt ycs rdditiorral rloc?ricol o(,rmar Mltcfi.l, Sigrr ir congtructed of:Metal and wood _ Ruof ortB. - Marqqrgg 38-etal H(!i8ht abovs Grads: l'lorizorrrel Width of slgn o/ 6rrclutur..:x -No vAr uE 10,000 is requircd) 6F SIGN: Frrr€stanrdang Ooublo Fec€ 8' - Proiecdag _*_ Billbaard T, c c -tr,-. Jr, Sr.luore Feotdu€192 sqr Ft Verttcll DirrBegiotr O? ilgn r,r rnClO6UrO:---27 Lirr ALL {rristinC Signae€ €nd .ttach a Fhotod!'tph of aaEfr rtgr.:L rrr rvoc Free Standing sc. Ftc lfi) sqr Ft lcl Typ.sc- F!e. lh) Typc Roof ldl Typg Sq Sq 38 Sqr ftFrg. Ftu. CO{rtTFIACTOFl/INSTALLEf, ;Outdoor Media Dimensions PHor\rP: 541-772_9341 689 WayADDFESS: 1]ITY;Medford OR ST OR z1?: 97501 ExPrR€s: l2-8-2000:ONSTRUCTI Oil CONTRACTORS FEG TSTRATTOiT NU MEEiI 33194 ;t7Y BU gtNSSS LICENSE MJMBEFT:EXPIFES; .a OFFICE t'SE ;i$r OistracT!_ t-.nd Us€t Clgrd Arrm; Ionirra: ;.gtt Pr:rnait FGG:AODrovGdBy: , _ * DA]E:--_. TfOUIRED tNSPECTIOA,S; Sitr $ tr6 itad€ prlff o srgn Dlacgrnertt Footitg Pdor to Dlacerranr of concrete Attachine.rt aftcf tasaerraE aro insttllrd/grior to cov.er El6c1ricalprior to encrgiring Glltctrisal inrltll8,tlotl il o \ddirionil Cart.lrnafitt tndror CorldttiDn3: ,u,ther sgToo to Garsur8 that tll rcqlJtCd in5pccdons tfo rd|qurejttcd St Ort gfOpcr tthe. tt..t -_ Fi^sl complcri.)n ol sigrr iflstSllltiorr pao|ccl eddrest aa lrratdbL, tro7rr rhc Bt.€Br.t?rx , Y iig'l€tvre, I ttatc aod sgtc6, tt'rrr I lrawe carg{ulty +xamined [hc corngletcd Spplication and d., heroby ccrrirv tt,8r 7,11 j^lerrilerrrrh hcr€rrr. ruc ahd corrGct, ahd I lurtha, ccrtfiy that roy 6nd 6lt work ptrlormed 5he[ bG donc ln ,ccordance with t]ro Ordinar:<rs lrf rhr Ciry etrfilieg'ield' ond tl'l€ Laws ol rfi€ tstata ('l OTagon DGftrinirrg ro the wort &'(,i!,cd hereir). Lurtt,o. ca'tifv thot ody con1rncl(,?s an.rmploysEs who at6 t7r cotlrpffaricc r\rath oRs 7ol .o55 vvtJl tre rj'3d oa thrS pr9,ast. r r* oarlnit crtd i3 loctt€d at ttlo lronrt of thc 6s,D,srty- arrd rhG tFDrovcd t6rt ot phni wllt reiloin oa tho cat€ at an, rhc si{ltrltl. irlidnrioa: Rocc,pr t{unbet +s-20wOate tltrlcs durirtt rl'G Initaltatronr I i ignstura amount Rccclvrd Darc Pa<l: Receiwr,d By: _ -a OMD 3l 88 Gotewoy Loo" 8'-0 8'high by 24' tong Sign ond ottochment by others ) 6"Dio min, By .37s"wotl A53 Grode B Column (No splicesl AA lN lo le l3l'l, HIH h.l5 h+r EIE hlulfi iu:I lz i:: 19i:l lsi':lo li iaiL ldrl'-. L-s i '' i 'ii: It lz l-{h lrn t'- -{ TO >{r nrnl e Efiil{t 1 UiqEf;o I;iiv:l'n i1:ls'j::g r;ifliit# F;Hin5 ._. -/ /1 2 I't''ir1:"k ,rt-'-:..O Filj:::rT lr;l':.{}, E iitil- f \/' Y A l,;-tl-Y ll.r:lhfii i,;;r*I 8trfiz Su:iu Pgsi s 72' ?n,_n Sign perpendiculcr to T2" footing dimensicn 3C0Opsi ccncreie 72" min length perpendiculor io sign foce <, Section A-A llI 59 7 2?E 0HEG 16, (! 1) 't P n Ilt-' o o t 5 Y.U I6', EXPIRATION DATE: 0 3-0' C , 3.l88 Gotewcy Locp EXPOSURE WNDSPEED # SUPPORTS ryPE FORCE MOMENI SHELTERED 8O Qs : 1l I PIPE 4179 r 32385 WIND PRESSURE 0 TO 20 FT: 16.66 WIND PRESSURE 20TO 40 FT : 19,04 LOAD EIGHT 8 30 HNO,WIDTH 24 1 (from 16" round) TOTAL SECT Size x ThK. HEIGHT TO TOP 38 30 Ft Above Grode TOTAL MOMENT I 2 30 20 r0 0 14,623 52,132 91,425 .I32,395 7.31 I 26.066 45,713 66, I 93 6 0,280 r 0 0,365 14 0,375 t 6 0,375 USE 16"(min) 0.375 woil(min) A53 Gr B ptpE FOOTING DATA (UBC_t 985) NUMBER OF FOOTINGS= I Sl : 782,2698 A: .l.863607 B : 6,708204 DUG FOOTING IS 6 FI BY 3 FT BY 9.OI FT DEEP DIRECT EMBEDMENT- NO REBAR REQUIRED. CONCRETE REQUIRED PER FOOTIrJG: 6 TOIAL REeD: 6 ALIERNATE FOOTING NUMBER OF FOOIINGS: I Sl = 940,4151 A- 2,5997868= 4 CAISSON FOOTING IS 4 FT DIA. BY I0,86 FI DEEP DIRECT EMBEDMENIT- NO REBAR REQUIRED, CONCRETE REQUIRED PER FOOTTNG: 5,1 IOTAL REeD: 5,1 gll't 5 OREG EXPIRATION DATE ,'},) 76 5 tr R. o O fY,-ZlCt>o/ r,o ?)'lCl n1,l otJ (o CU t te ct3I eJ { a J (.-rg.I'D ao l T d. 6 f,) C\JaA4" @]+-)ro ,t1" u1[$,b "d s- \,.9?l,. 'n io .OO:)J? )' I E v-<"-'-)ri' DO u{ o c s t 0 -frolH -t*i za6 ozt-9 CI'xIU FoJ zt, ct, ILooE az Fo cDxtu t \h r6\o I 'r> (\, JI t \Lv t m Nrl \ \t \ \ h J * 1 n 6 \, @ @ {) f,O o t €l*€4.o *o*a 7 ,/0 '-r a ) !Lo)o OO b';o g.o KZ !€ olou-d€-U'a.=..=ud!(6= rO).c=! eE Ea -88 IY a= o o?EEg g d] = 5-9 0 tgLLLFLlJi'\a;CoA 6 ?.oe oq)(ocxco = E :: oY .('c i^.);,i,1 = : 5 e H e_E 2 - rr) Fo F() =..r. L. s \ \ \ q \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ ,\4o UJ at)o E-otrr .,ttC' \TJ t tb qrzt o -s ooo trI E a.>)4'' -1a 'JZ }-?.)o Yz E, oztr CD E IIJc otLTzLLTV9 XVd 9I:0I IU,{ OO/82/tOSNOISNSN -'ro Io0 E ,/ H ) \ I L *j ,3.7r.yl' PROPOSED SIGN 33 EXSISTING SIGN ) /?. ,r,r{," if '"ld -/r 37A-e{.ti,rc1 2 J7 G- \, | -L, o.66 1.s!' .rr ACo ;q { ,+oFf c. , I a a a rOJ J +oaoq -, !t-t l{a t 26( 5' from y line EXSISTTNG ROOF SIGN LOT t I $,j7: / ae, i I t t t o \ t '3t88 Got,^,qJ tp tq 32.${- -Y.r ,Lr! -t [.1 ---Yf- !> 7--r *Jt -.^T' FfIb)r,Po$',}fii\ $u t_( \ \ o R N rY f.nY{e I $ \' \ \ \ tt \ i., \ \!i \t Tt \ \ t h 34 00 \/ t t/i OLLER SKATING RINK n \r \ v< I IIa L AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into by and between OUTDOOR MEDIA DIMENSIONS INCORPORATED, ("OMD"), an Oregon corporation, and the CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, ( the "CITY.") WHEREAS, a) OMD desires to erect a secondary sign of no greater than 200 square feet on the property known as 3188 Gateway Loop, (the "PROPERTY"); and, b) There is now an existing roof sign on the PROPERTY, NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: L The existing roof sign shall be removed and replaced by a wall sign. 2. The CITY shall allow OMD to erect a secondary sign on the PROPERTY which sign shall not exceed 200 square feet. OMD Outdoor Media Dimensions Incorporated \.,..- w,.tL - - Dated: at!!.!- ,2oooby@, its vice-president -1- the CITY: The City of Springfield by:Dated:2000 -2-