HomeMy WebLinkAboutPP-Public_Information_UpdatePublic Information Program Update Loralyn Spiro & Laura Keir January 11, 2019 Good morning Commissioners, staff and guests. We are providing brief update on the MWMC’s communication and outreach efforts to date this fiscal year and a high-level overview of the potential future expansion of the public information program if desired by the Commission. (Loralyn) 1 Achieve public awareness and understanding of the MWMC, the regional wastewater system, and MWMC’s objectives for maintaining water quality and a sustainable environment. Commission Goal – Key Outcome #5 The public information program is guided by the MWMC Communication Plan which was updated and presented in fall 2017, and particularly by the MWMC’s Commission Goal – Key Outcome #5 as part of the annual budget. (Laura) 2 Increase community understanding of the connection between well-managed wastewater services and a healthy local environment. Raise awareness of the MWMC as a leader in water resources management, specifically in wastewater treatment practices and expertise. Increase community understanding of how their behavior and practices affect the health of local waterways and what they can do to help protect our environment. Strengthen communications by evaluating the effectiveness of strategies/tactics implemented. Communications Plan – Four Strategies The MWMC Communications Plan contains four main strategies to reach the overall goal of increasing awareness of the MWMC and its role in the health and vitality of our community and environment. The strategies and tactics support the MWMC’s mission, vision and values statement. (Laura) 3 Monthly E-newsletter Pollution Prevention Campaigns Facility Tours Clean Water University Social Media Channels New Website Digital Annual Report Communication Tactics - Implemented There are 20 different identified tactics in the MWMC Communications Plan that support the four strategies. Listed are the tactics that have been implemented to help reach the overall goal of increasing awareness of the MWMC (briefly describe tactics). Quite a bit of planning, coordinating, and effort goes into developing and continuing to implement each of these tactics. (Loralyn) 4 Communication Tactics - Implemented Promotional Giveaway Items Event Sponsorships Community Presentations Trademark/ Branding Media Relations Utility Bill Inserts Project Profiles Additional tactics that have been implemented in recent years… describe the tactics. (Loralyn) 5 Expansion of Clean Water University to reach 50% of Eugene-Springfield 5th grade students by 2020 Creation of informational handout materials Creation of additional videos Increase followers and engagement on social media Additional Tactics Identified Listed here are additional tactics that have been identified in the MWMC’s Communication Plan, that staff has not had capacity/time to implement or that staff would like to expand. There are also some new tactics that could help further achieve overall awareness of the MWMC, based on feedback we’ve heard from the Commission as well as the community. Due to staff capacity of managing the already implemented tactics, these additional tactics or expansion of tactics has not occurred. (Laura) 6 Expansion of tours, including tours of the BMF Continue to build image archive/ Professional photography Collaboration with industry partners to build overall public awareness of the wastewater industry Increase recognition opportunities Additional Tactics Identified Additional tactics continued… (Laura) 7 Current Resources and Upcoming Projects Currently the MWMC has a total of 1.0 FTE to implement the MWMC Communication Plan and achieve its goals, objectives, and tactics. In fall 2019, the next market research will be conducted with a comparison to the baseline of data established in 2015. A final summary of results will be presented to the Commission in early 2020. In spring 2020, the MWMC Communications Plan will be updated based on the fall 2019 market research results. Future increase of the community’s awareness of the MWMC and improvement of our public information and education efforts would likely require additional staffing resources. Currently the MWMC has a total of 1.0 FTE to implement the MWMC Communication Plan and achieve its goals, objectives, and tactics (split 0.5 FTE each among two staff). Additionally, there will be two key communication projects that will occur over approximately the next year. We will solicit a request for proposals and conduct our next round of market research this coming fall with the final summary of results presented to the Commission in early 2020. Then the MWMC Communications Plan will receive its next update in spring 2020 based on those results. We have been doing a lot with minimal resources, and we could be doing quite a bit more with increased capacity. If future expansion of the MWMC’s public information and education efforts is desired by the Commission, additional staffing resources would likely be needed. (Loralyn) 8 Thank you for the opportunity to present and discuss the potential for additional staffing resources to fully implement all tactics identified in the MWMC Communication Plan, and specifically the opportunity to achieve the goal of reaching 50% of Eugene-Springfield 5th graders through Clean Water University by 2020. (Loralyn) 9