HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 TSP Implementation Project AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 8/26/2019 Meeting Type: Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: Emma Newman/DPW Staff Phone No: 541.726.4585 Estimated Time: 90 Minutes S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Maintain and Improve Infrastructure and Facilities ITEM TITLE: TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM PLAN IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT ACTION REQUESTED: Provide direction on remaining items in order to prepare for a joint public hearing with Lane County. ISSUE STATEMENT: The City of Springfield adopted the 2035 Transportation System Plan (TSP) in 2014. The TSP Implementation Project is following direction from the adopted TSP to update the Springfield Development Code (SDC), adopt a Conceptual Street Map as a new TSP Figure, and make some changes to the TSP Project List and existing Figures to further implement already adopted policies. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: Communication Briefing Memo Attachment 2: Conceptual Street Map – revised Aug 2019 Please bring your paper copies of the TSP Implementation Project Planning Commission Recommendation and TSP that were provided to Council previously. The Planning Commission Recommendation and current TSP can be found in electronic form on the project webpage. DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: Council is developing Council Alternatives to accompany the Planning Commission recommendation for a joint public hearing with Lane County. Staff is seeking direction from Council on a few remaining items in order to prepare for the joint public hearing. Attachment 1: Council Briefing Memo describes the remaining items and questions for Council. October 7th Council work session is tentatively scheduled for any follow up that may be needed for the TSP Implementation project prior to public hearing. If Council is ready to proceed with the public hearing after tonight’s meeting, staff will work with Lane County to start scheduling the Board of County Commissioner’s first reading and the joint public hearing. M E M O R A N D U M City of Springfield Date: 8/26/2019 To: Mary Bridget Smith COUNCIL From: Tom Boyatt, Community Development Director Emma Newman, Senior Transportation Planner BRIEFING Subject: TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM PLAN IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT MEMORANDUM ISSUE: The City of Springfield adopted the 2035 Transportation System Plan (TSP) in 2014. The TSP Implementation Project is following direction from the adopted TSP to update the Springfield Development Code (SDC), adopt a Conceptual Street Map as a new TSP Figure, and make some changes to the TSP Project List and existing Figures to further implement already adopted policies. COUNCIL GOALS/ MANDATE: Maintain and Improve Infrastructure and Facilities BACKGROUND: Throughout this document the plain Code text is a clean version of the Planning Commission’s Recommendation. For full track changes, see Planning Commission Recommendation Exhibit A on the project webpage: http://www.springfield-or.gov/city/development-public- works/transportation-system-plan/. The green highlighted text reflects the draft Council Alternative. The teal highlighted text reflects draft amendments to address technical incompatibility issues between different sections of the Code. Question 1 – Does Council want to keep the recommended Street Network Standards as shown or further revise them for public hearing? Street Network Standards – Council Alternative with No Local Street Network Map: Council directed Staff during Work Session on June 10, 2019 to develop a Council Alternative for street connectivity policy implementation that does not include a Local Street Network Map and relies only on the written standards in the Springfield Development Code. Staff removed the former section 4.2-105D.2.a. that referenced the map as shown below in green highlighted strikethrough text. Street Network Standards – Multi-Unit Design Standards: Following the Planning Commissions making their Recommendations, Staff noticed an internal technical incompatibility between the Street Network Standards recommended Code amendments and the existing Multi-Unit Design Standards for blocks. Staff recommends adding the teal highlighted text shown below to the Street Network Standards and removing the existing SDC 3.2-240D.9.c to resolve the conflict. The maximums of 2,400 feet for block perimeter and 800 feet for block length were developed Attachment 1, Page 1 of 9 MEMORANDUM Page 2 to create clear and objective standards for multi-unit development, while also providing more flexibility than the existing code language. The new standards are intended to provide for block length and perimeter sizes that are more than twice that of a typical single family/low density residential block area to help facilitate more diverse and flexible options in laying out multi-unit housing development. Context: The Street Network Standards – General Criteria (SDC 4.2-105D) are applicable to any type of development. These standards require that collector and arterial streets comply with the TSP. Local streets would need to meet the set standards in the Code. The General Criteria allows for some discretion and flexibility in meeting the need for a connected transportation system. D. Street Network Standards – General Criteria. 1. Collector and Arterial Streets. Subject to the standards of this code, the location of collector streets and arterial streets must comply with the Transportation System Plan, including the Conceptual Street Map. 2. Local Streets. The local street network, which includes pedestrian accessways and multiuse paths, must meet the following standards: a. Local streets with connection points in the general location shown on the Local Street Network Map are allowed. Alternatives that meet and comply with the other standards in this subsection are also allowed. 1 a. The local street network must efficiently and safely accommodate all modes of travel including pedestrians, bicyclists, and emergency fire and medical service vehicles. b. The local street network must not create excessive travel lengths, particularly for pedestrians and cyclists. c. Streets must be interconnected to provide for the efficient provision of public and private utilities. d. The local street network must safely accommodate pedestrians and cyclists.2 e. Streets must provide connections to and from Neighborhood Activity Centers and other areas that attract high levels of pedestrian and bicycle traffic, or alternative bicycle or pedestrian facilities must provide connections where street connections are not practical. f. The alignment of local streets must mitigate impacts to waterways and wetlands, and must follow slope contours where possible. g. The alignment of local streets must enhance the efficiency of the regional collector and arterial street system by balancing traffic volumes on local streets to promote optimum dispersal. 1 Local Street Network Map removed per Council direction. 2 Criteria d. combined with a. to be more concise. Attachment 1, Page 2 of 9 MEMORANDUM Page 3 h. The local street network must provide logical and efficient extensions of the public street system to adjoining properties. 3. Dead-End Streets. a. Dead-end streets must terminate in a cul-de-sac bulb, “hammerhead,” or other design that provides adequate vehicular turn-around areas, Public Works access, and pedestrian and bicycle connections as approved by the Director and the Fire Marshal. When development generates additional vehicular trips on an existing dead- end street without a turnaround area, the development must include a turnaround area on the dead-end street that meets the requirements of this subsection. b. A dead-end street, excluding the bulb or other approved vehicular turn- around area, must have a minimum length of 65 feet and must have a maximum length of 400 feet as measured from the nearest curb line of the intersecting street. The right- of-way and paving requirements for cul-de-sac bulbs and other approved vehicular turn-around areas are as specified in Table 4.2-1 of this Code, the Oregon Fire Code, the Development & Public Works Standard Construction Specifications and the City’s Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. EXCEPTION: Where streets that are planned to be through streets are partially constructed during phased development, temporary dead-end streets with temporary vehicular turn-around that meet the requirements for a dead-end fire apparatus access road will be permitted with a maximum length of 600 feet as measured from the nearest curb line of the intersecting street. 4. Block Length and Block Perimeter a. Block perimeter for all street classifications must not exceed the following maximums, except as provided or exempted elsewhere in this Code or in an applicable Refinement Plan or Plan District:3 i. 1,400 feet in Mixed-Use Districts consistent with standards in Section 3.2-625E; ii. 2,600 feet in industrial zoning districts; iii. 2,400 feet for multi-unit development subject to Section 3.2-240A; and iv. 1,600 feet in other zoning districts. b. Block length must not exceed: i. 600 feet for local streets not in industrial zones or that do not serve industrial non-conforming or the maximum block length established in an applicable Refinement Plan or Plan District, whichever is less; ii. 800 feet for multi-unit development subject to Section 3.2-240A or the maximum block length established in an applicable Refinement Plan or Plan District, whichever is less;4 iii. 1,000 feet for local streets in industrial zones or that serve industrial non-conforming uses or the maximum block length established in an applicable adopted Refinement Plan or Plan District, whichever is less. 3 Language added to prevent creating additional internal inconsistencies in the Code. 4 Amendments recommended to address technical incompatibility issue between different sections of the Code. Attachment 1, Page 3 of 9 MEMORANDUM Page 4 d. EXCEPTION: The Director may authorize a block length or block perimeter that exceeds the applicable maximum specified in this Section. In authorizing a block length or block perimeter that exceeds the above maximum lengths, the Director may establish requirements for interim street connectivity and/or pedestrian accessways consistent with standards in Section 4.2-160. Where the extension of a public street would create a block length or block perimeter that exceeds the applicable maximum, the block length and block perimeter must be as close as possible to the applicable maximum. The Director will authorize an exception only if the applicant/developer demonstrates that the existence of any of the following conditions justifies the exception: i. Physical conditions that cannot be mitigated necessitate a block length or block perimeter that is longer than the applicable maximum. These conditions may include topography or the existence of physical features, including, but not limited to: wetlands, ponds, streams, channels, rivers, lakes, steep grades, or a resource under protection by State or Federal law; or ii. Buildings or other existing development on adjacent lands, including previously subdivided but vacant lots or parcels that physically necessitate a block length or block perimeter that is longer than the applicable maximum considering the potential for redevelopment; or iii. Industrial development areas greater than 25 acres pursuant to an adopted Master Plan. Context: The Street Network Standards – Needed Housing (SDC 4.2-105E) are only applicable to residential development. They are a set of standards that are necessary to fulfill the clear and objective requirements established in Oregon land use Statewide Planning Goal 10: Housing. As with the General Criteria, collector and arterial streets must comply with the TSP. Because they are clear and objective requirements, they do not provide for flexibility – either the proposed development meets the requirements or it does not. However, residential developers can choose to switch tracks to use the General Criteria if they do not wish to use the Needed Housing criteria. E. Street Network Standards – Needed Housing. The development of needed housing, as defined in ORS 197.303, must meet the following street network standards, unless the applicant elects review under the general criteria in Section 4.2-105D. 1. Collector and Arterial Streets. Subject to the standards of this Code, the location of collector and arterial streets must comply with the Transportation System Plan, including the Conceptual Street Map. 2. Local Streets. The local street network must meet the following standards: a. New local streets, pedestrian accessways, and multiuse paths within a development area must connect to all existing or planned local streets, accessways, and multiuse paths, respectively, including truncated or “stub” streets, accessways, or multiuse paths that abut the development area. For the purposes of this Section, a planned street, accessway, or multiuse path means unimproved dedicated right-of-way; a street or multiuse path adopted in the Transportation System Plan; or a street, accessway, or multiuse path shown in an approved Master Plan, Site Plan, Conceptual Development Plan, or Subdivision Plan. Attachment 1, Page 4 of 9 MEMORANDUM Page 5 b. Where there is an existing or planned local street or multiuse path within ¼ mile of the outer boundary of the development area, a new local street or multiuse path must extend to the outer boundary lines of the development area in alignment with the centerline of existing or planned street or multiuse path. The new street or multiuse path and existing or planned street or multiuse path are in alignment if the angle between the projection of the centerlines of both streets is not less than 170 degrees or more than 190 degrees. c. Local streets spaced no greater than 600 feet apart from centerline to centerline must extend to all undeveloped or underdeveloped land that is adjacent to the development area, zoned or designated for residential or mixed use, and 5 contiguous gross acres or larger. For the purposes of this Section, “underdeveloped” means lots and parcels that are developed at less than half the minimum residential density required in the underlying zoning district. d. The number of new local street intersections with major collector or arterial streets that provide ingress or egress to the development area must be the smallest number necessary to ensure that not more than 100 dwelling units are attributed to any one intersection with a major collector or arterial street, including via existing local streets that intersect major collector or arterial streets outside the development area. A dwelling unit is attributed to the intersection of a local street and major collector or arterial street that has the smallest travel distance from the centerline of the street at the midpoint of the dwelling unit’s frontage to the centerline of the street at the boundary line of the development area. e. EXCEPTION: Street, accessway, and multiuse path connections to adjacent property under Sections 4.2-105E.2.a through 4.2-105E.2.d above are not required where the following barriers physically prevent their construction: railroad right-of-way, limited access highway or freeway right-of-way, existing development, streets that would be unable to meet the slope standards specified in Section 3.3-525, natural resource protection areas listed in Section 4.3-117B, or Historic Landmark Sites or Structures established on the Historic Landmark Inventory according to Section 3.3-920 of this Code. f. Developments must provide fire apparatus access roads as required by and in compliance with the Oregon Fire Code. 3. Cul-de-sacs and Dead-End Streets. New and existing dead-end streets and cul-de-sacs must meet the standards for dead-end fire apparatus access roads in the Oregon Fire Code and the following standards: a. Cul-de-sacs and dead-end streets that are not planned to be through streets are permitted only when physical barriers prevent the construction of through streets or stubbed streets that meet the local street network standards in Section 4.2-105E.2, or the block length and block perimeter standards in Section 4.2-105E.6. Physical barriers are railroad right-of-way, limited access highway or freeway rights-of-way, existing development, streets that would be unable to meet the slope standards specified in Section 3.3-525, natural resource protection areas listed in Section 4.3-117B, or Historic Landmark Sites or Structures established on the Historic Landmark Inventory according to Section 3.3-920 of this Code. Attachment 1, Page 5 of 9 MEMORANDUM Page 6 b. All cul-de-sacs and dead-end streets, including stubbed streets required under Sections 4.2-105E.2.a through 4.2-105E.2.c above, must meet the length standards in Section 4.2-105D.3.b. c. A cul-de-sac or dead-end street that is not a stubbed street must include one or more pedestrian accessways or multiuse path connections from the cul-de- sac or dead-end street to an existing or planned street, accessway, or multiuse path when the cul-de-sac or dead end street is within ¼ mile of a Neighborhood Activity Center, as measured in a straight line from the nearest outer boundary of the Neighborhood Activity Center to the centerline of the dead-end street at its terminus or the center point of the cul-de-sac. The accessway or multiuse path must be located in a manner that would shorten the walking and biking distance from the cul-de-sac or dead-end street to the Neighborhood Activity Center as compared to the shortest walking or biking distance without the connection. EXCEPTIONS: An accessway or multiuse path is not required where physical barriers listed under Section 4.2-105E.3.a above prevent construction of any accessway or multiuse path under this section, or when no accessway or multiuse path would decrease the walking or biking distance from the cul-de- sac or dead-end street to the Neighborhood Activity Center. 4. Block Length and Block Perimeter. a. Block perimeter for all local and minor collector streets must not exceed the following maximums: i. 1,400 feet in Mixed-Use Districts, consistent with standards in Section 3.2-625E; ii. 2,400 feet for multi-unit development subject to Section 3.2-240A; and iii. 1,600 feet for all other development and in all other zoning districts. b. Block length for local streets must not exceed: i. 800 feet for multi-unit development in residential zoning districts; 5 and ii. 600 feet for all residential development other than multi-unit development in all zoning districts. 5. Maximum Street Grades. Street grades must not exceed 8% on major and minor arterial streets, 10% on major and minor collector streets, and 12% on local streets. 6. Intersections of Streets and Alleys. a. Angles. Streets and alleys must intersect one another at an angle as close to a right angle (i.e. 90 degrees) as possible. Street intersections must have a minimum intersection angle of 80 degrees. All legs of an intersection must meet the above standard for at least 100 feet from the point of intersection of the street centerlines. No more than two streets may intersect at any location (i.e. not creating more than a four-legged intersection) unless at a roundabout. b. Intersection Offsets. Intersections must be offset at least 100 feet on a local street, 200 feet on a minor collector street, and 400 feet on a major collector or arterial street, or the safe stopping sight distance as determined by the 5 Amendments recommended to address technical incompatibility issue between different sections of the Code. Attachment 1, Page 6 of 9 MEMORANDUM Page 7 AASHTO publication “A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets,” whichever is greater. Offset distance must be measured from the curb or edge of pavement or, where there is no curb, to the closest curb or edge of pavement of the next offset street. Council Options for Question 1:  Present Street Network Standards Council Alternative shown above for public hearing  Further revise Street Network Standards Council Alternative Question 2 – How should the internal Code inconsistency for planter strips for Multi-Unit Development for local streets be addressed? Staff noticed an internal inconsistency between the Planning Commission Recommendation/City Council Alternative and the existing Multi-Unit Design Standards with regards to planter strips on local streets. For consistency with previous direction on the Public Streets standards (Table 4.2-1), Staff recommends removing the planter strips section from the multi-unit design standards (SDC 3.2-240D.6.b): b. Planter strips shall be required for all multi-unit development of collector and arterial streets, but is optional on local streets. Planter strips shall be a minimum of 4.5 feet wide, placed between the back of curb and the sidewalk, along public or private streets; Council Options for Question 2:  Remove planter strips section from Multi-Unit Design Standards to address conflict with Public Streets standards in Council Alternative and Planning Commission Recommendation  Provide direction to staff on how to address Code inconsistency Question 3 – Does the revised Private Streets section sufficiently respond to Council direction? At the May 6, 2019 Council Work Session, Council directed Staff to develop a Council Alternative for Private Streets (SDC 4.2-110) that allows Private Streets to meet driveway standards in places where Private Streets are currently allowed outright by the Code: Mobile Home/Manufactured Dwelling Parks, Multi-Unit Development, and singularly owned commercial or industrial developments. Below is the draft revised code language that Staff has developed in response to Council’s direction, with green highlight showing the changes from the existing Code. 4.2-110 Private Streets A. Private streets are permitted within the development area of Mobile Home/Manufactured Dwelling Parks, Multi-Unit Development, and singularly owned commercial and industrial developments of sufficient size to permit interior circulation. B. Private street improvements must meet the driveway standards in Section 4.2-120C and must be constructed as specified in the City’s Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual and in the Development & Public Works Standard Construction Specifications. Construction specifications for private streets shall be the same as for public streets. Attachment 1, Page 7 of 9 MEMORANDUM Page 8 EXCEPTION: During the Site Plan Review, Partition or Subdivision processes involving private streets, the Public Works Director may allow alternative construction materials and methods to be used. CB. The Approval Authority shall require a Homeowner's Agreement or other legal assurances acceptable to the City Attorney for the continued maintenance of private streets. Council Options for Question 3:  The revised Private Streets section (SDC 4.2-110) sufficiently responds to direction  Provide direction on further revisions Informational Update – TSP Project R-45 Modification, Sports Way Correction, and Conceptual Street Map Formatting Revision Staff has modified TSP Project R-45 (Improvements within the Jasper-Natron Area) to be consistent with recent development application decisions near Mineral Way and Council direction for more flexibility. Mineral Way was removed from the recommended Conceptual Street Map since it is being built as a local street instead of a collector street to match the already built stubbed street connection dimensions. Additionally, R-45 shown on the Conceptual Street Map to the east of Bob Straub Parkway has been shortened and arrows have been added to the north, east, and south from Brand S. and south from Farm Road to provide more flexibility for development in the area while ensuring a collector street network is planned for in the area. Staff noticed that the northern segment of Sports Way and Royal Caribbean Way were shown as existing minor collectors. The map has been corrected to reflect current conditions and show the segments that are not yet complete as planned minor collectors instead. Additionally, since the Conceptual Street Map will be adopted into the Springfield Transportation System Plan as Figure 12, it has been reformatted to match other TSP Figures. Attachment 2 incorporates the revisions described above. Question 4 – Any additional Council Alternatives? Council decided to develop Council Alternatives for various items to put out to public hearing alongside the Planning Commission Recommendation. So far, Council has developed or considered Council Alternatives for the following items:  TSP Project S-17 Description (Don/Lochaven)  SDC Table 4.2-1 Minor Collector Street Standards  SDC 4.2-110 Private Streets  SDC 4.6-110G Motor Vehicle On-Street Parking Reduction  SDC 4.6-110M-N Motor Vehicle Parking Right-Sizing and Table 4.6-2 Motor Vehicle Parking Space Requirements  SDC 4.2-105 Street Network Standards  SDC 3.2-240 Multi-Unit Design Standards Technical Incompatibility Issue  TSP Project R-45 Modification, Sports Way Correction, and Conceptual Street Map Formatting Revision Attachment 1, Page 8 of 9 MEMORANDUM Page 9 Council Options for Question 4:  There are no further items that Council would like to discuss prior to public hearing  Provide direction on developing additional Council Alternative(s) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Provide direction on remaining items in order to prepare for a joint public hearing with Lane County. Attachment 1, Page 9 of 9 CENTENNIAL BLVD A ST W D STGATEWAY ST5TH STQ ST S 42ND ST28TH STFAIRVIEW DR DAISY STVIRGINIA AVE19TH STS 57TH STS 70TH STYOLANDA AVE MAIN ST COMMERCIA L A V E BOB STRAUB PKWY31ST ST7TH ST36TH STHIGH BANKS RD 66TH STMT VERNON RD42ND STE ST 58TH STS 28TH STS A ST G ST 14TH STMILL ST W CE N T E N NIAL BLVD S 67TH STMARCOLA RD HARLOW RD 48TH STS 2 N D STHAYDEN BRIDGE RD THURSTON R D OLYMPIC ST MCKENZIE HW Y B ST J ASPER RDASPEN STGLENWOOD BLVDMCVAY HWYLAURA ST21ST ST69TH STS 32ND STMOU NTAINGATE D R35TH ST30TH ST126 126 5 Springfield, Oregon Springfield TSP Conceptual Street MapFIGURE 12 Geogr ap hic Informat i o n S ervicesInform a t ion Technolo g y DeptAug 2019 Miles 0 0.25 0.5 1 N Willamalane Park &Recreation Property Major/Minor Arterial Multi-use Path Local Street Major/Minor Collector City Limits Urban Growth Boundary (2015) Water Body Legend PLANNEDEXISTING KlamathDouglas Coos LinnBenton Lincoln Lane Vicinity Map DRAFT Attachment 2, Page 1 of 1