HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 1 2002 CCI MinutresMINUTES— Springfield Planning Commission October 1, 2002 Page 1 M I N U T E S Work Session Springfield Planning Commission Springfield City Hall 225 Fifth Street, Springfield October 1, 2002 6:00 p.m. PRESENT: Tim Malloy, Chair; William Carpenter, Steve Moe, members; Kitti Gale, Gary McKinney, Mel Oberst, Al Peroutka, Ken Vogeney, City Staff; Joe Leahy, City Attorney’s Office; Rebecca Gershaw, Greg Hyde, Willamalane Park and Recreation Staff. ABSENT: Lee Beyer, Jim Burford, Marilyn Phillips, Sean Wilson Commissioner Malloy called the work session of the Springfield Planning Commission to order. 1. WILLAMALANE PARK AND RECREATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE; DRAFT COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT Kitti Gale from Development Services introduced Rebecca Gershaw, Project Manager, and Greg Hyde, Planning and Services Director, from Willamalane Park and Recreation District. Ms. Gershaw said that she would be reporting on the Park and Recreation Comprehensive Plan Process Summary. She referred to a sheet showing the four stages of the comprehensive plan process and indicated that the project was through with the second phase of determining needs and the next phase would be developing the plan. Project completion is scheduled for summer of 2003. Ms. Gershaw stated that she would summarize the second phase the community needs assessment, with a power point presentation. The following points were made in the presentation: • The purpose of the study was to determine Springfield’s park and recreation needs over a 20 year planning period. • The Community Needs Assessment report identified community needs as they relate to parks, recreation and open spaces. • The public involvement included input from a community survey, a park and recreation fair, focus groups and stakeholders. • Methodology included demographic analysis, park and facility analysis, program analysis and management and operations analysis. • The Park and Facility Analysis was the only part of the Comprehensive Plan Update summarized as follows: • Within the boundaries of the Willamalane Park and Recreation District there are 680 acres of land with 31 parks and two undeveloped properties. • The District contracted with the Lane Council of Governments to produce population projections for 2022. There are currently 62,500 residents within the District and there are projected to be 88,700. MINUTES— Springfield Planning Commission October 1, 2002 Page 2 • 60% of those responding to the Community Survey had visited a park sometime in the last year. 94% of those individuals rated the parks as average or excellent. Survey respondents indicated that they would like more off street bike paths/trails. The respondents also thought that the area could use a sports park and that existing parks and facilities should be updated. • The purpose of the Park and Facilities Analysis was to: • Document the type and number of parks and recreational facilities • Site visits and evaluations • Park/facility classification and definitions • Geographic distribution • Standards analysis • The Standards Analysis looked at the different classifications of parks and the current level of service as well as the projected level of service for the year 2022: • Neighborhood Parks o There are 16 parks containing 57.27 acres. o Current level of service 2.01 acres per 1,000 Population. Need approximately 10 additional parks to maintain the current level of service. • Community Parks o There are three parks with 61.62 acres. o Current level of service 1 acre per 1,000 Population. Want a level of service of 2 acres per 1,000 Population. That will require four more parks by 2022. • Other Parkland - Natural Area Park, Linear Parks, Special Use Parks, and Sports Parks o These parks are areas that enhance the livability by preserving the natural amenities and open space. o There are currently 12 parks with 427.91 acres. o Current level of service 6.85 acres per 1,000 Population. Proposing 10/1,000. This would require and additional 456.29 acres by 2022. • Examples of community indoor facilities are: swimming pools, community centers, gymnasiums, teen centers and senior center. • Examples of outdoor facilities are: multi-purpose trails, basketball courts, softball fields, soccer fields. • There are district wide sites like those in school district #19 that are usable by the community but there are barriers such as: • Meeting guidelines for the American Disabilities Act • Safety issues • Vandalism • Gaining access because there are barriers such as fences Commissioner Moe pointed out a possible discrepancy on page eight of the staff report. He suggested checking the math for the southwest planning area in Table 3. Commissioner Moe asked if areas annexed to the City are automatically annexed to the Willamalane District. Ms. Gershaw responded yes. Commissioner Moe also asked why the Sony area was not considered part of the study. Ms. Gershaw pointed out that there were a number of areas that were not included in the study because they were outside the Willamalane District and Urban Growth Boundary. Commissioner Carpenter asked for clarification on how the level of service was arrived at statistically regarding MINUTES— Springfield Planning Commission October 1, 2002 Page 3 several parks that were outside the urban growth boundary (UGB). Ms Gershaw said that it was sometimes more the type of park and not whether inside/outside the UGB. Commissioner Malloy asked if the school property was included in the level of service analysis. Ms. Gershaw indicated that it was not. Mr. Hyde said the school property was taken into account when strategizing. Commissioner Malloy also asked if some kind of collaboration had been considered with the school district. Ms. Gershaw pointed out that it had been considered but access to school property was an issue and control over the access is limited. Mr. Hyde stated that it would be noted that the Planning Commission would like the school issue examined. 2. ADJOURN AS PLANNING COMMISSION Commissioner Malloy adjourned the work session at 6:40 p.m. . 3. RE-CONVENE AS PLANNING COMMISSION/COMMITTEE FOR CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT (CCI) a. Springfield Development Code (SDC) Amendments - Median Policy and Street Standards. Gary McKinney, Public Works Transportation Planning Engineer, relayed the following information: • At July 1, 2002 City Council meeting staff was directed to propose amendments to the SDC which will address the median policy and street standards. • The requested action from the Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI) is would be to approve the proposed public involvement process. • There are three major issues involved in the amendments to the SDC: o Revise existing design criteria for collector and local streets - establish street standards. o Traffic calming approaches to street design - appropriate design for each street. o Remove outdated provisions and move provisions which are cumbersome to update to the Public Works Department’s Engineering Design Standards. • The overall objective is to avoid a wholesale rewrite of Article 32. • Second attachment with the staff report referred to the Scope of Work which includes the Citizen Involvement Components of Task 7 and Task 14. Task 7 involves circulating recommended code changes for public review and comment at an Open House in January, 2003. Copies of preliminary code changes will be mailed to agencies with potential interest. Task 14 is the second public Open House to present final code amendments to citizens for review and comment in July, 2003. • Other decision making will be guided by a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) consisting of various departmental staff. Commissioner Moe asked if new methods of using paved surfaces for stormwater would be discussed by the TAC in developing street standards. Mr. McKinney said that the TAC would be the appropriate forum for that discussion. Commissioner Carpenter indicated he was fine with the proposed schedule. Commissioner Malloy said he was fine with the timeline but voiced concerns regarding narrower streets. He stated that they could be a safety hazard. Mr. McKinney reported that the Springfield Code under certain circumstances allows property to be developed with less than a full-width street. Commissioner Carpenter opined that the streets width should be tied to traffic flow. Mr. McKinney said that the issue could be evaluated in context of the proposed amendments. MINUTES— Springfield Planning Commission October 1, 2002 Page 4 Commissioner Carpenter suggested that median standards in certain areas should be revised. Commissioner Malloy indicated that this topic would be held over until there was a quorum. The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. 4. ADJOURN The Springfield Planning Commission adjourned at 7 p.m. (Recorded by Elise Self) R:\2002\City of Springfield\Planning Commission\cspc 021001ws.wpd