HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 10 06 TSP CIC PC MemorandumMEMORANDUM CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DATE OF WORK SESSION: October 6th, 2009 TO: Springfield Planning Commission / PLANNING COMMISSION Committee for Citizen Involvement TRANSMITTAL MEMORANDUM FROM: David Reesor, Senior Transportation Planner SUBJECT: Transportation System Plan (TSP) Update & Citizen Involvement Plan review ISSUE: The City of Springfield has begun the process of developing a Transportation System Plan (TSP) in conjunction with the update of the Regional Transportation System Plan in order to meet the requirements of the state Transportation Planning Rule. This work session will provide: (1) a brief introduction to the TSP Project, (2) review of the draft Citizen Involvement Plan, including Stakeholder Advisory Committee categories, and (3) opportunity to provide input into desired outcomes of the TSP. DISCUSSION: The TSP update is intended to serve as a blueprint to guide future multi-modal transportation system improvements and investment decisions for the City of Springfield. Development of the TSP will be coordinated with and will support the concurrent city-wide buildable lands analysis application of new residential efficiency measures and economic development strategies, and adoption of a new urban growth boundary. The TSP includes an inventory and general assessment of the existing transportation system; a determination of existing and future needs; a road plan; a public transportation plan; a bicycle/pedestrian plan; a parking plan; a transportation system management and demand management plan; an air, rail, water, and pipeline plan; and a financing / implementation plan. Staff has prepared a Citizen Involvement Plan for the TSP Project. The attached Citizen Involvement Plan is consistent with Springfield’s planning policies and with statewide planning Goal 1 – Citizen Involvement. Included in the Citizen Involvement Plan is a list of recommended categories for the Stakeholder Advisory Committee. Upon approval of these categories, Staff will seek to fill Committee positions and return to the CCI (Committee for Citizen Involvement) for approval of individual Committee members. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the general process, concepts and Stakeholder Advisory Committee membership categories outlined in the attached Citizen Involvement Plan be approved. ACTION REQUESTED: The Committee for Citizen Involvement is requested to review and approve, not approve, or approve with modifications, the proposed Citizen Involvement Plan including the proposed Stakeholder Advisory Committee categories. The Planning Commission is requested to provide input into desired outcomes of the TSP. ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1: Citizen Involvement Plan Springfield Transportation System Plan Citizen Involvement Plan Transportation System Plan Project Background and Goals In 1991 the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) adopted the Transportation Planning Rule (TPR) (OAR Chapter 660-012) which requires jurisdictions throughout Oregon to prepare and adopt a Transportation System Plan to serve as the transportation element of the Comprehensive Plan. The City of Springfield Transportation System Plan (TSP) as well as the City of Eugene Transportation System Plan are currently all combined into one single document entitled “The 2002 Eugene-Springfield Transportation System Plan” (TransPlan). TransPlan currently serves as the adopted Transportation System Plan for the City of Springfield required by the TPR. The City of Springfield has also adopted the Springfield Bicycle Plan which provides additional implementation details for TransPlan. The City has reviewed TransPlan and determined that an update is necessary to be more consistent with the federal Metropolitan Planning Organization Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) planning horizon; to be consistent with the updated Metro Plan when HB3337 compliance work is completed; and, to provide a detailed working document for the City of Springfield. The updated TSP is intended to serve as a blueprint to guide future transportation system improvements and investment decisions for the City of Springfield and therefore will be prepared as a stand-alone document separate from the City of Eugene’s Transportation System Plan. The Springfield TSP will have the following components: an inventory and general assessment of the existing transportation system; a determination of existing and future needs; a road plan, a public transportation plan, a bicycle/pedestrian plan, a parking plan, a transportation system management and demand management plan, an air, rail, water, and pipeline plan, and a financing and implementation plan. This Planning effort will produce an adoption ready Transportation System Plan for the City of Springfield consistent with the state regulations. Purpose of the Citizen Involvement Plan The purpose of the Citizen Involvement Plan is to ensure that citizens have an opportunity to be involved in all phases of the planning process. Oregon’s Statewide Planning Goals and Guidelines for Citizen Involvement are stated in Goal 1. To comply with the requirements of Goal 1, the City adopted a Citizen Involvement Program in 1990 that guides how the City should provide for citizen involvement in the planning process. The process is designed to be consistent with both Goal 1 and the City of Springfield Citizen Involvement Program. Proposed Citizen Involvement Strategies The citizen involvement strategies outlined below have been proposed to provide a variety of opportunities for the public to participate in the planning process and to include citizens representing a variety of backgrounds citywide. These activities are designed to Attachment 1-1 give the public adequate time to understand the issues and to provide input. The plan also strives to provide a range of settings for community members to participate either actively or anonymously. These strategies make use of technology while still providing traditional venues for citizen involvement. The plan calls for the formation of a Stakeholder Advisory Committee. This Committee is intended to allow for on-going guidance from the community and as a forum for building consensus among the different interests. Interested Parties List Staff will maintain a list of persons and organizations that have an interest in the proposed project. This list will be continually updated to include all persons that have expressed an interest in the project and wish to be updated on project progress. Project Website (including Web-Based Surveys and Blog) The City’s consultant will support City of Springfield staff development of a project website. City staff will set-up and update the site on a regular basis throughout the project. Project information on the website will include a project summary, meeting schedule, and project deliverables. City staff will provide at least six (6) website updates, detailing: (a) project overview, schedule and announcement of survey #1 (b) existing and future deficiencies, criteria and announcement of Public Workshop #1 (c) development of alternatives and announcement of Public Workshop #2 and survey #2 (d) preferred TSP alternative and announcement of Public Workshop #3 and survey #3 (e) development of draft TSP (f) final TSP. The consultant will provide deliverables for the updates, and review of website update text and graphics. The consultant will prepare up to three (3) web-based surveys to both share information about the project and elicit public attitudes, values and opinions regarding transportation in Springfield. The web-based surveys will be posted on the City website in coordination with the public workshops. Surveys will include a request for contact information to populate the project mailing list and to avoid multiple submittals from the same individual(s). Consultant will format questions, prepare a survey template, train City staff to use the survey software, troubleshoot and coordinate results tabulation. City staff will produce and distribute the web-based survey in paper form at key locations around the city, and will provide any translation/interpretation services. City staff will collect web-based survey results and summarize these into a summary report. The City of Springfield will also post a project blog, which will allow continuous two-way communication throughout the process. Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC) Meetings Attachment 1-2 A Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC) will be established to: provide on-going communication during the TSP project; review, evaluate, discuss and comment on information as it becomes available; and formulate recommendations for Planning Commission and City Council consideration. Diverse perspectives, backgrounds, interests and geographies are desired for the SAC. Final selection of participants will be based on availability and interest, as well as approval by Springfield’s Committee for Citizen Involvement as required to comply with the City’s adopted Citizen Involvement Program and Goal 1. Committee members will be asked to serve on the committee for the project entirety. The consultant will prepare for and facilitate up to five (5) SAC meetings, include one (1) SAC kick-off/chartering meeting. Up to three (3) members of the consultant team will participate in SAC meetings to discuss relevant analysis and upcoming tasks. Consultant will prepare agendas (to be distributed via email) and meeting summaries. Potential SAC members include: • Citizens-at-large (wide geographic representation) • Trucking industry/freight & delivery • Rail industry • Chamber of Commerce • Developer interests • Environmental advocacy • Bicycle/Pedestrian advocacy/user • Transit advocacy/user • High school student • Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) / Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) Anticipated topics for the SAC meetings include: • SAC Meeting #1: Kickoff/Chartering Meeting • SAC Meeting #2: Review of existing and future transportation conditions and deficiencies; evaluation criteria • SAC Meeting #3: Alternatives Review/Development • SAC Meeting #4: Alternatives Evaluation • SAC Meeting #5: Preferred Recommendation and TSP Community Workshops Consultant will prepare for and facilitate up to three (3) community workshops. Consultant will prepare agendas and meeting materials in coordination with the City. Anticipated topics for the community workshops include: • Community Workshop #1: Review and confirm existing and future conditions and deficiencies; project background and goals; confirm criteria • Community Workshop #2: Modal-focused break-out groups (based on interests determined through on-line survey) with feedback on alternatives • Community Workshop #3: Review preferred TSP alternative Consultant will prepare meeting materials, including agendas and visual aids as needed to support the workshops. Attachment 1-3 Attachment 1-4 Consultant will prepare sign-in sheets and 1-2 page meeting summaries for each workshop, to post on the project website and for inclusion as an appendix to the final TSP document. Paper copies of on-line surveys will be made available at the workshops. City of Springfield staff will maintain an interested party’s mailing list, and will be responsible for all public noticing for community workshops (including postcards, mailings, press releases and newspaper announcements). Public Hearings Public Hearings will be scheduled at various times during the planning process with the Planning Commission and the City Council to update appointed and elected officials on the progress of the project and to seek their input, recommendations and decisions regarding final adoption of the Springfield Transportation System Plan. As with all work sessions and public hearings, notice will be published per City protocol for these meetings, which are open to the public. Public hearings provide opportunity for community members to submit formal comments to their elected officials regarding the project.