HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010 04 13 Communication StmWtr UpdateCOMMUNICATION MEMORANDUM CITY OF SPRINGFIELD
DATE: March 30, 2010
TO: Springfield Planning Commission PLANNING COMMISSION
FROM: Susie Smith, Public Works Director MEMORANDUM
Ron Bittler, Environmental Services Manager George Walker, Environmental Services Supervisor
SUBJECT: Stormwater Education Program Update
City staff has expanded its public outreach effort to inform Springfield citizens of three
new elements of our ongoing stormwater management program. Informational letters are being sent to septic tank system owners, power washing brochures are being
distributed to local businesses and informational signs are being placed near waterways
where it is common to feed wild birds.
Education and outreach to the public is a cornerstone of the City’s stormwater
management program. The Water Resources section of Environmental Services
Division implements mandated educational programs under requirements of the City’s
Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP), and the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Plan. Stormwater education programs also support Council goals, policies, strategic
plans, as well as the Council’s adopted “7 Key Outcomes for Stormwater.” These
outcomes or goals, which were adopted by the Council in 2004 and again in 2008, are
provided below.
1. Protect citizens and property from flooding; 2. Ensure compliance with State and Federal requirements to reduce risks of third
party lawsuits or enforcement actions;
3. Improve surface and subsurface waters for aquatic life and other beneficial uses;
4. Preserve and maintain surface waters, wetlands, and riparian areas as functional
and attractive for people, fish, and wildlife; 5. Citizens, businesses, and industries and understand the need to protect water
6. Provide regulatory certainty for the development community while ensuring that
growth is not constrained by lack of planning or facilities; and
7. Urban drainageways become community amenities.
The programs outlined in this memo are intended to efficiently address both regulatory
requirements and the Council’s stated goals and policies. They specifically target
pollutants of concern within the community, meet State and Federal interest, and are focused to maximize impact, while minimizing costs. They most closely align with and
work toward achieving goals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7.
Thorough and effective education and outreach is always preferable to formal enforcement actions. These programs have been carefully designed to provide guidance and assistance to citizens and businesses in an effort to build ownership the
City’s clean water objectives, and thereby reducing formal compliance issues.
In support of our ongoing effort to implement the public education program, the Water Resources section of the Environmental Services Division performs many outreach actions related to the City’s adopted SWMP and the TMDL Implementation Plan. These
activities are generally directed community-wide. However, three of our most recent
activities target specific constituents similar to our auto shop and erosion control
outreach programs where mailings and brochures were placed in the hands of affected citizens.
Septic Tank Inventory The Willamette River is currently listed by Oregon DEQ as impaired due to its high level
of bacteria. Bacteria levels in excess of the water quality standards are harmful to
human health and to fish and other aquatic life. This program fulfills the goals of the
TMDL plan, which identifies septic systems as possible sources of bacterial contamination and nutrient loading to local groundwater, and surface waters in Springfield.
While City services generally include wastewater services, there are residences that, for
a variety of reasons are not hooked to sanitary sewer, and utilize individual septic tanks. These tanks can, over time, leach contaminants into surface and groundwater as they age, and especially in areas where these installations may be densely clustered.
Staff has reviewed building records to identify residences that may not be hooked to the
sanitary sewer system. Follow up activities, including direct contact by mail and telephone to residents within the city limits who have or may have an on-site septic system rather than a connection to the public wastewater system, are now underway.
This activity has been coordinated with Springfield Utility Board in support of their
groundwater protection program.
The purpose of this activity is to educate residents and owners of the need for proper maintenance necessary to prevent failure of their septic system. Additionally, the
locations will be inventoried for future use in the case where groundwater contamination
is identified. Owners will not be obligated at this time to connect to the public system or
make changes to their systems.
Pressure Washing Program
Pressure washing has become a popular method of cleaning driveways, buildings,
machinery, and other surfaces. Although convenient, pressure washing flushes
contaminants, such as motor oil, fertilizers, pesticides, debris, toxic heavy metal and other pollutants, into the City’s drainage system and ultimately to the rivers and streams. In order to address these types of problems, the Springfield Municipal Code
prohibits discharging pollutants to the stormwater system (SMC 5.002). The pressure
washing outreach program focuses efforts on education and outreach to citizens and
businesses that currently engage in unlawful pressure washing because appropriate pollution mitigation actions or best management practices (BMPs) are not employed. The program provides resources and information to assist residents and businesses in
complying with City Code.
In collaboration with the City of Eugene, staff has developed educational tools to increase awareness of the impacts of pressure washing on water quality and has contacted area business owners who rent or provide power washing services. These
tools include Best Management Practice (BMP) tags, which can be attached to rental
washing equipment to illustrate the most important BMPs to follow, and booklets
detailing regulations and BMPs. These materials have been distributed to equipment dealers and rental companies. Additionally, brochures directed at homeowners were distributed to stores that sell pressure washers and postcards illustrating the most
important BMPs will be mailed out to businesses that utilize pressure washers, such as,
property management companies, restaurants, painters, and restaurant hood/vent
cleaners. A copy of the brochure is attached to this memo. Wildlife Feeding Signs
Feeding wildfowl is a common occurrence that is harmful to birds and other wildlife, and
promotes concentrations of animals that overload natural systems and food resources (i.e., over population). This results in un-natural accumulations of animal wastes that are not broken down by natural processes. The result is bacterial contamination of local
waterways, often at levels that may impact human health. As noted above, excess
levels of bacteria in local drainageways and streams is impacting water quality in the
McKenzie and Willamette Rivers and poses human health dangers. Overpopulation of birds and wildlife in riparian areas also degrades stream banks, leads to erosion, and creates hazardous conditions for basic bank maintenance. It can also alter migration
patterns, and in some instances, cause wildlife to become public safety threats.
To address this problem Springfield’s TMDL plan for bacteria includes a provision for the City to develop and post signs to educate the public about the negative impacts of feeding wildlife. These signs have been developed and will be posted in areas of
Springfield where wildlife feeding is common. A copy of the sign in document form is
attached to this memo. Springfield’s program and approach is similar to programs being
implemented by other municipalities around the State.
Future Plans
The City’s ongoing public involvement and education program also includes
development of plans for new partnerships with students, civic groups and members of
the community to develop a sense of ownership of local waterways and facilities. Such programs as the “Friends of the Mill Race,” “Adopt a Waterway,” “Grow a Rain Garden,” and a series of handouts “Guide to Stormwater Management” for home owners, and
other sustainable living practices are in development for Springfield citizens.
This is an informational item only. The City’s stormwater discharge permit requires that
staff keep the Planning Commission and City Council informed regarding ongoing
efforts to comply with provisions of the permit. Staff will continue to keep the Planning Commission informed regarding efforts to improve and maintain water quality for the community’s benefit and to achieve compliance objectives. For additional information
on these or other stormwater management issues, please contact Ron Bittler,
Environmental Services Manager, (541-744-4170) or George Walker, Environmental
Services Supervisor (541-726-3674).
Attachment 1: Power Washing Brochure
Attachment 2: Wildlife Feeding Sign PDF
Best Management Practices for
Pressure Washing Businesses
The purpose of this guidebook is to inform you about current regulations for surface cleaning in the Cities of Eugene and Spring-field. You’ll find a list of Best Management Practices (BMPs) for accomplishing your washing goals while protecting our local riv-ers from pollutants. These requirements and BMPs apply to contractors that provide pres-sure washing cleaning services to others.
How does pressure washing affect rivers and streams?Although convenient for cleaning surfaces and equipment, pressure washing runoff can release contaminants into the storm system. Grease from food dumpster areas, sediment from driveways and walkways, and auto fluids from parking lots and drive-throughs mix with water and are carried to storm drains where they flow to the McKenzie and Willamette Rivers without being treated. Hot water, soaps, and chemicals follow the same path when used as cleaning agents. Pollut-ants such as these can be very harmful to aquatic life and ecosystems, creating cloudy, low-oxygen, and sometimes deadly habitats for fish and other wildlife. Even biodegrad-able or “nontoxic” cleaners can pose a threat to rivers, especially when they mix with oils, greases, metals and auto fluids.Unlike the sanitary system,
pollutants in Eugene and Spring-
field’s stormwater are not removed
before entering rivers and streams.
Cleaning activities like pressure
washing can easily contribute to
water pollution if runoff is not
managed properly.
Stay fine free! Know your local regulations
Illegal discharges to the stormwater system are addressed through City Code En-forcement in several ways, sometimes including fines. Introducing pollutants to storm drains, ditches or streams when pressure washing could be considered an illegal dis-charge and a violation of the Clean Water Act. To avoid costly fines, review and follow the BMPs described in this booklet. Read and ask questions; be a part of the solution.What’s the big deal about water quality? The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires local governments and certain types of businesses to have a storm-water permit. Under this program, the cities of Eugene and Springfield are required to collect stormwater samples, analyze them for specific pollutants, and report them annually. If increased concentrations of pollutants are found, the EPA can require ad-ditional regulations and costly clean-up measures.
Where should the wash water go?
Wherever practicable, the Cities of Eugene and Springfield recommend that facilities discharge water from washing activities to the sanitary sewer. Be sure to consult the local sewer authority of planned discharges and to clarify proper disposal procedures. In Eugene, please call Sheridan Caulley at 682-8628, and in Springfield call Bill Hamann at 726-3693.All mobile cleaning operations that use soaps, detergents, or hot water, steam, or other cleaners must be conducted on a solid surface so that wash water can be collected and discharged to sanitary sewer or a recycling system. Mobile washing operations may discharge to the stormwater system if they obtain a permit or the facility at which they are conducting washing operations has obtained a NPDES 1700-A or WPCF 1700-B permit. Contact the DEQ for information about obtaining these permits.1
Commercial mobile washers that use chemicals, detergents, soaps, steam, or heated water should use a portable impervious surface material (such as a plastic liner with sufficient berms to collect the washwater leaving the protected area) when washing on a porous surface. A portable wash pit, vacuum recovery unit, or compa-rable device must be used on location to collect water for proper disposal.
The following are proper methods of collection and disposal to prevent contamination of stormwater runoff:
Wash in an enclosed area with roof-structure and floor drains which are plumbed to the sanitary sewer system.
In an open area, drain wash water to a sump or grit trap that is then pumped or siphoned to a sanitary sewer, recycling equipment, or treatment equipment.
Use a catch basin as a sump, provided a positive control valve can close the outlet to the storm system and divert to the sanitary system while washing occurs. The catch basin should then be vactored or otherwise cleaned to remove collected solids.
Use an existing catch basin as a sump, provided the outlet pipe is sealed by a plug
(plumber’s balloon) to prevent wash water from entering the storm drainage system.
Collect wash water with a portable vacuum recovery unit during power washing
*All catch basins, sumps and sanitary connections used must be located on private
property; do not attempt to access publicly owned connections
Washing the following surfaces is allowed without obtaining a 1700 wash water permit from the DEQ, provided chemicals, soaps, detergents, steam, and hot water ARE NOT USED:
Buildings —provided paint chips or other debris are collected and disposed of
properly. Older homes with lead-based paint must ensure all paint chips and wash
water is disposed of as a hazardous material. Excess debris should be dry swept and
disposed of properly before washing occurs.
Roads, parking lots, sidewalks, and other paved surfaces—should be clean from
debris (via sweeping) and before washing occurs. Vehicle fluids or other spills should
also be cleaned prior to washing.
New or used vehicles awaiting sale, lease or delivery—provided that washing
occurs on exterior of vehicle (No engines, transmissions, or undercarriages). Rental
vehicles and rented equipment are not included in this exemption.
Businesses that wash seven or fewer vehicles or pieces of equipment per week—
provided that cleaning is restricted to the exterior of vehicles or equipment. When
washing large trucks, the tractor and trailer are counted as separate pieces.
All debris created from washing activities must be cleaned up afterwards by sweeping or vacuuming in order to prevent introduction to the storm system.
Be sure to refer to the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Recom-
mended Best Management Practices for Washing Activities document and Deminimus
Activities Allowed by the Wash Water Permit fact sheet for a complete listing of state
pressure washing regulations. These documents have been provided with this packet.
1As of June 2009, the DEQ is no longer issuing new 1700-A washwater permits. All businesses
within the Eugene/Springfield area that currently hold a valid 1700-A permit are required to continue
operating under the established permit conditions. Businesses without this permit must follow the
BMPs outlined in this booklet and the Oregon DEQ Recommended Best Management Practices for
Washing Activities guidelines sheet. Details for the expired 1700-A may be found at www.deq.state.
or.us/wq/wqpermit/docs/general/npdes1700a/permit.pdf. The DEQ continues to issue and manage
1700-B permits as usual.
Before You Turn on the Water: Planning for a Successful Washing Operation
✔ Familiarize yourself and your employees with local and state washing regulations.
✔ Ensure you have and use the proper tools (Best Management Practices) to complete the job and protect stormwater.
✔ At each site, determine the destination for runoff. Know if it is appropriate for water to flow there or if drains must be plugged and the water redirected.
✔ If wash water must be collected or redirected, know where the disposal will be located. Options include private sanitary sewer manholes (City maintained manholes may only be opened by City staff), sanitary cleanouts, utility sinks, or a separate sanitary disposal location offsite.
✔ If water will be directed to a vegetated area, make sure this is communicated with your client and that the area will not become flooded.
✔ Beware of pressure washing hazardous materials (lead-based paint, oils, solvents, antifreeze, etc). Washing surfaces that have these materials present may require proper hazmat disposal and dramatically increase operational complexity and disposal costs.
If you have questions regarding proper
pressure washing techniques as they relate to
storm water quality, contact the City of
Eugene or Springfield’s Public Works Depart-
ment before starting a job. Contact informa-
tion is listed on the back of this booklet.
Protecting the stormwater drain while pressure washing is a simple way to prevent pollution from reaching our rivers and streams
Tools to Keep You in Compliance: Best Management Practices
Storm drain cover/mat: These devices are placed on top of storm drain grates to prevent water from en-tering. They create a quick seal, allowing water to pool and be collected with a sump pump or shop vac.Pumps/vacuums: Vacuum pumps and wet/dry vacs can be used to collect washwater for diversion to the sanitary system. Hoses may be used to send water to an approved sanitary manhole, cleanout, or holding tank.Inflatable pipe plug: These plugs are inserted into a storm drain pipe and inflated for a tight fit. The wash-water collected in the storm drain sump may then be pumped to the sanitary system or a holding tank.Berms: For sites with proper grading and relatively smooth surfaces, manufactured berms may be placed
around a storm drain, allowing water to pool for later
collection/diversion to the sanitary system.Absorbents: Absorbents, such as kitty litter, work
well to absorb liquids and can be easily swept up with a
stiff bristled broom prior to pressure washing. Absorbent
pads can be applied to spills and simply lifted off once
fluids have soaked into the fabric. Oil-only socks or booms: These should be placed
around storm drains where automotive oil residue is
expected on a surface (such as a parking lot or drive-
through). Socks or booms are also effective at catch-
ing debris and preventing their entry into storm drains
during washing.Bio-bags/Bark-bags: Bags may be placed around
storm drains as a protective barrier to collect debris and
larger sediment. This method is effective for washing
areas with moss, dirt, or debris buildup. They will NOT
prevent petroleum-based residues from entering a
storm drain as they do not absorb oils.
Storm drain mat
Bark bagsThere are a variety of tools that address specific water protection objectives. Preparing the site properly with the right tool for washing job keeps your business from being subject to fines associated with code violations.
Types of Surface Potential Pollutants Cleaning Method and BMPs Required Proper Disposal
Sidewalks, plazas, walkways Sediment, moss, debris Dry cleanup first by sweeping up loose dirt and debris. Place a biobag and/or oil-only sock or boom around storm drains. After washing, sweep up debris caught by biobag or sock.
Wash water—stormwa-ter system. Debris—regular trash.
Parking lots, driveways, and drive-throughs Auto fluids (engine oil, hydraulic fluid, antifreeze), sediment, moss, debris
Dry cleanup first. Use absor-bent materials to clean spills/leaks before washing. Place an oil-only boom or sock around storm drains. After washing, sweep up debris and dispose of properly.
Wash water—stormwa-ter system. Debris—regular trash.
Restaurant/food han-dling dumpster areas, grease storage area
Food grease, food scraps Block storm drains. Dry cleanup first. Wash with hot water.
Wash water—sanitary sewer, through oil/water separator or grease interceptor. Debris—regular trash
Restaurant floor mats, exhaust filters Food grease Inside—Wash mats in a sink or wash area with a floor drain Outside—Clean mats in an area with no access to the storm system
Wash water—sanitary system through oil/water separator or grease interceptor
Building surfaces, decks (without loose paint)
Debris, moss, sediment Dry cleanup first. Place socks/booms around storm drains. Sweep up debris afterwards.
Debris—regular trash-Wash water—storm system or gravel/veg-etated area
Painted surfaces washed for paint removal
Latex and/or lead paint chips Place a drop cloth below painted wall or fence to catch chips. If paint is lead-based, all water and chips must be collected.
Latex paint chips (no lead)—regular trash.
Lead-based paint chips and wash water—haz-ardous waste.
Latex paint wash water—collect and divert to sanitary if possible. If no paint residue, may enter storm system.
Surface Cleaning Best Management Practices (BMPs)
All mobile cleaning operations that use soaps, detergents, hot water, steam, or other cleaners must be conducted on an impervious surface so that wash water can be collected and discharged to the sanitary sewer or a recycling system. Mobile washing operations may discharge to the stormwater system if they obtain a permit or the facility at which they are conducting operations has obtained a NPDES 1700-A or 1700-B permit. The following chart assumes that no soaps, chemicals, or deter-gents are used for cleaning:
Graffiti removal Chemicals and solvents from removal process, paint chips
Block storm drains. If paint removed, follow paint removal best management practices above. Collect wash water.
Dispose of paint chips as appropriate. Wash water—sanitary system.
Vehicles (new or used) for sale, lease, or delivery
Dirt Wash on a pervious surface, if possible. Wash water—storm system.
Vehicles or equipment(standard fleet washing)
Dirt, oil and grease, metals Wash on a pervious surface, if possible. Companies without a 1700-A or B permit may wash 7 or less vehicles or pieces of equipment each week. Cleaning is restricted to exterior of vehicle, never the undercarriage or engine.
Wash water—storm system.
Monitoring, Adapting, and Post-Wash Cleaning
Monitoring and Adapting
A carefully laid out BMP plan is a great start for surface cleaning, but many setups
will require a bit of fine tuning to ensure effectiveness. Make sure to watch all of your
BMPs as you wash and make changes as appropriate. Is the storm drain plug com-
pletely sealing the outlet pipe? Is the pump collecting all of the discharge? Are berms
and drain mats preventing the passage of all washwater?
These are several questions to ask yourself and your coworkers as the cleaning
process progresses. Many times, a simple relocation of equipment or changing out
BMP items can make all the difference in collecting, diverting, or pretreating
Final site clean-up
✔ Sweep or shovel all sediment and debris caught by bio-bags or other BMP devices and dispose of properly. These materials can generally be disposed of as regular trash, unless it is known that hazardous materials are present (such as lead paint chips).
✔ Collect all washwater containing soaps, detergents, hot water, or other clean-ers and dispose of in a recycling system or the sanitary sewer (with permission). If washwater contains hazardous materials (such as lead-based paint, oils, solvents, antifreeze, etc), the entire batch must be disposed of at a proper site as hazardous waste. See the end of this booklet for disposal options.
✔ Retain oil-only booms and socks if not saturated with hydrocarbons. If these items are not saturated they may be disposed of in the trash as long as no oils are actively dripping off of them. All petroleum-based fluids must be recycled properly. If hazardous materials were involved with the cleaning process, the booms or socks will require disposal at an appropriate hazmat recovery site.
Vender List
The Cities of Eugene and Springfield are not officially endorsing any of these com-panies. The list is provided to serve as a starting point for mobile washers interested in purchasing BMP products and materials
Business Address Phone number Product
Bussard Erosion Control 415 25th Avenue SW, Albany 800-252-2692
basin bags, drain donuts, dewatering bags/sacks, ability to customize products
Cardwell Construction 29377 Airport Rd., Eugene 541-688-7609
sediment dams, catch basin inserts, curb inlet inserts
Ferguson (Water Works)3280 W 1st, Eugene 541-484-0836
sediment dams, catch basin inserts, wattles, sediment fence, filter fabric, mesh filter bags, geo synthetic (woven/non woven), gabions, turbidity curtains, grass pave (open paver), geo cell, geo grids, jute mats
Gibson Steel 245 Jackson St, Eugene 541-687-8672
fiber rolls, basin bags, dewatering bags, silt mats, fossil filters, spill kits, CB cleaning (jetting & vactor-ing), TV- inspection
Norwest Safety 645 Wilson St, Eugene 541-687-8032
booms, absorbent pads, CB inserts, UltraTech products, absorbent (dry granular), socks, haz-mat supplies, safety supplies
Specialized tools to block pollutants and help with clean up can be found both locally and on the internet.
Rexius 1275 Bailey Hill Rd, Eugene 541-342-1835
mulch, compost, EcoBerm, bio-bags, stormwater filtration, inlet protection, check dams, streambank and slope stabilization, geo-textile reinforcement, EcoBlanket, LockDown Netting
United Pipe 90099 Prairie Rd, Eugene 541-688-6511
bio-bags, sediment dams, sediment catch basin inserts
Consolidated Supply Co. (Water Works)110 N. Garfield St, Eugene 541-688-7621
sediment dams, catch basin inserts, wattles, sediment fence, filter fabric, mesh filter bags, geo synthetic
H. D. Fowler 4670 Cloudburst Way, Eugene 541-607-008
sediment dams, basin filters, CB inserts, bio-bags, silt fence, jute mats, sand filters, fabrics
Sanderson Safety Supply 850 Conger St, Eugene 541-683-9333
absorbents, spill control products, sorbents, safety supplies
Northwest HazMat Inc.36 West Q St, Springfield 800-597-1323
absorbents, CB inserts, booms, socks, pads, spill response, haz-mat supplies/clean-up, training
Lane Forest Products 800 N 42nd, Springfield 541-744-1277
mulch, compost, berms, bio-bags
New Pig online http://www.newpig.com 1-800-468-4647
Spill control products: booms, socks, absorbent, berms, drain covers, drain plugs, etc.
Stormwater is not treated before it reaches our rivers, so protecting storm drains before you begin washing activities is a critical step.
Stormwater resources
Contact information
Kim SingletonCity of Springfield(541)726-3626
Jon Wilson City of Eugene(541)682-8616
Metropolitan Wastewater Treatment Plant (Call to notify the plant of a discharge to the sanitary system)
Sheridan Caulley City of Eugene682-8628 Bill HamannCity of Springfield726-3693
Internet Links
DEQ Washing Guidelineswww.deq.state.or.us/wq/pubs/bmps/washactivities.pdf
City of Eugene, Stormwater www.eugene-or.gov/stormwater
City of Springfield, Stormwater www.ci.springfield.or.us/ESD/StormwaterEducation.htm
Lane County Special and Hazardous Waste Program www.co.lane.or.us/PW_WMD_Special/default.htm
Power Washers of North America www.pwna.org
Feeding wildlife:
Is harmful to the animal’s health.
Alters their natural behavior and migration patterns.
Pollutes waterways and shorelines.
Increases the spread of disease to both people and animals.
Causes wildlife to become nuisances or public safety threats.
Protect Wildlife ~ Protect the Environment
For more information:
City of Springfield- Environmental Services