HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 11 15 2013-2017 CIP memo M E M O R A N D U M CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ATE: November 15, 2011 TO: Springfield Planning Commission hall, P.E., Supervising Civil Engineer MEMORANDUM UBJE T: Improvements Program A Community Reinvestment Plan SSUE D PLANNING COMMISSION TRANSMITTAL FROM: Jeff Pasc S C Discussion of 2013 - 2017 Capital I mission with the opportunity to become ore familiar with this budget-programming document. ACKGROUND Staff is currently in the process of reviewing and preparing the 2013-2017 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and would like to provide the Planning Com m B d tified five years, although all of these projects are shown in the CIP for formational purposes. ISCUSSION Springfield’s CIP is a five-year plan, updated annually, for the funding and construction of the City’s public facilities. Staff selects projects from a long list of needed capital improvements as identifie by the public; in the various master plans and refinement plans adopted by the City Council; and from staff knowledge. Because of limited revenues, the City cannot fund many of the iden projects during the next in D , sses tion on the CIP purpose, content and update process, then transition to a question and answer rmat. OMMISSION ACTION REQUESTED During staff’s presentation on the 2012-2016 CIP update to the Planning Commission on February 1 2011, the Commissioners requested staff to come back in the fall for a discussion on the proce used for selecting and prioritizing the projects for funding in the CIP. Staff will make a brief presenta fo C Discussion item only, no action requested. 2013 - 2017 Capital Improvements Program Page 1 of 1