HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 05 03 UGBMEMORANDUM CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DATE OF WORK SESSION: May 3, 2011 TO: Springfield Planning Commission PLANNING COMMISSION COMMUNICATION FROM: Steve Hopkins, Planner III TRANSMITTAL SUBJECT: Springfield Urban Growth Boundary Map ITEM TITLE: BRIEFING AND DISCUSSION ABOUT THE SPRINGFIELD URBAN GROWTH BOUNDARY MAP ISSUE: The purpose of this work session is to update the Planning Commission on staff’s progress to date in creating a tax lot specific map of Springfield’s Urban Growth Boundary (UGB). DISCUSSION: The Planning Commission reviewed an earlier draft of the UGB map during the public review process for the Springfield 2030 Refinement Plan policy package that was conducted in February-May 2010. Adoption of the UGB map is now moving forward for adoption by the Springfield City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners. A public hearing on the map was conducted on April 4, 2011 and will be continued on May 16, 2011. Since there are several new members of the Planning Commissioner that did not participate in last spring’s review process, and since the map has been updated in response to public testimony received, staff will communicate the status of this project and explain the analysis conducted and methods used to prepare a tax lot specific map of the UGB. In response to the requirements of HB3337 (codified as ORS 197.304), Springfield is in the process of establishing a UGB that is separate from Eugene. The City is also adopting the Springfield 2030 Refinement Plan Residential Land and Housing Element and its Technical Supplement: the Springfield Residential Land and Housing Needs Analysis (RLHNA) to demonstrate that the Springfield’s UGB contains sufficient land to provide for Springfield’s housing needs over the plan period 2010-2030. Staff prepared a map of Springfield’s UGB that refines the general location of the UGB shown in the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) Diagram, consistent with OAR 660-024-0020(2) which requires UGB maps to be tax lot specific. The ordinance to be adopted includes a tax lot specific map of the existing acknowledged Metro Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) east of I-5. No UGB expansion is proposed in this first step. Subsequent steps to adopt the Springfield 2030 Refinement Plan include: ƒ Step 2: Chapter 4 of the Metro Plan will be amended to support the separate Urban Growth Boundaries, and will require co-adoption by Springfield, Eugene and Lane County. ƒ Step 3: the commercial/industrial land needs of the city will be addressed. This proposal will include a proposed expansion of Springfield’s UGB to add employment land. This step will require co-adoption by Springfield and Lane County. ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1: Map - Springfield Urban Growth Boundary Attachment 2: Memo - Overview of Methodology Used to Prepare the Tax Lot-Specific Springfield Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) Map Attachment 3: Summary of Methodology Attachment 4: List of Tax Lots that are Inside and Adjacent, or Split by the UGB 126 126 126 5 5 BELT LINE RD GATEWAY STMLK PKWY HARLOW RD CENTENNIAL BLVD FRANKLIN B L V D MAIN ST S ‘A’ STPIONEER PKWY ‘D’ ST 28TH ST5TH STMOHAWK BLVDHAYDEN BRIDGE RD YOLANDA AVE 31ST STMARCOLA RD 42ND STMAIN ST McKENZIE HWY BOB S TRAU B PKWY JASPER RD J A S P E R R D THURSTON RD 58TH ST66TH STS 72ND STHIGH BANKS R D OLYMPIC ST 14TH STMILL ST INTERNATIONAL WAY HAYDEN BRIDGE RD DAISY STS 32ND STCOMMERCIAL AVE ‘Q’ ST GLENWOOD BLVD19TH ST‘G’ ST MT VERNON RDS 2ND STCity of Springfield, Technical Services Division - March 1, 2011 There are no warranties that accompany this product. Usersassume all responsibility for any loss or damage arising fromany error, omission, or positional inaccuracy of this product.·0 0.25 0.5 1 Mile UGB TaxlotsCity Limits Springfield Urban Growth Boundary This map is a general graphic representation of the UGB. The more precise location of the line is as described in Ord. ________ , Exhibits ________ , and in the Technical Supplement.Attachment 1-1 1 of 3 M E M O R A N D U M City of Springfield, Oregon To: Springfield City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners From: Steve Hopkins, Planner 2 Date: March 1, 2011 Subject: Overview of Methodology Used to Prepare the Tax Lot-Specific Springfield Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) Map Springfield prepared a tax lot specific UGB because Oregon law (ORS 197.304) requires Springfield to establish a separate Urban Growth Boundary and the law (OAR 660-024-0020(2)) requires a tax lot specific UGB. The purpose of this memo is to explain the analysis conducted and methods used by Springfield staff to prepare a tax lot specific map of the UGB. The following text describes: 1) how the UGB was described and mapped in 1982 when the Eugene- Springfield Metro Area General Plan (Metro Plan) was acknowledged; and 2) how staff mapped the more precise UGB using contemporary Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology. The UGB acknowledged in 1982 was drawn by hand, on 11x17 paper, at a scale of 1”= 2000’. At that scale, the UGB is at least 200’ wide. Although the adopted map is not tax lot specific, Chapter II-G of the Metro Plan contains policies and factors that indicate where the UGB is located in relationship to adjacent tax lots, roads, city limits and other geographic features. These policies are applied to a specific tax lot when a more precise location must be determined, such as when someone develops a subdivision that has property lines along the UGB and needs to write a legal description of the property, or when someone wants to annex lands along the UGB and needs to survey and identify the site. In some cases, land owners have requested specific UGB interpretations for their properties and these requests are reviewed by the Lane County Hearings Official. The latter are processed as land use applications called Interpretations (Springfield Development Code 5.11-100). Printed maps of the Springfield UGB will depict the UGB with a higher degree of precision than the previous map. One will be able to see which tax lots of land are in and which ones are outside the UGB. Maps can be printed and relied upon at different scales, because the adopted UGB will be more accurately described in the adopting ordinance by the GIS shapefile —a “read only” map layer that locks/protects the data used to define the UGB so that any future changes to tax lot lines or other features will not alter the UGB location defined by the adopted data set. It is also important to note that even though the UGB is defined in part by tax lots, it will not move if a tax lot is adjusted. The GIS shapefile cannot be edited. The adopting ordinance also includes a “list of tax lots that are adjacent to and inside, or split by the UGB”; a memorandum that summarizes the “Methodology Utilized to Refine the Location of the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary”; and a “Technical Supplement” working papers document that includes more detailed maps and documentation. The printed map is only a general graphic representation of the UGB. If there is a discrepancy between the list of tax lots and the map, the list is what governs. The methodology used to determine the more precise location of the UGB is comprised of the policies from Sections II-D and II-G of the Metro Plan, applicable sections from the ORS and OARs, previous UGB determinations, and related land use decisions. Attachment 2-1 2 of 3 Most of the UGB (80%) is coincident with tax lot lines. This means it is defined by tax lots that meet the following criteria: • The UGB is coincident with tax lot lines unless the tax lot line is outside the 200’ wide area. In addition, the UGB lies along the outside edge of existing and planned rights-of- way so that the full right-of-way is within the UGB. • The location of the UGB in relation to the Interstate 5 corridor is based on the policies contained in “Jurisdictional Responsibility” on Page II-D of the Metro Plan. The northbound lane is inside the Springfield UGB and the southbound lane is outside the Springfield UGB. The Northern terminus is found by extending the northern tax lot line of 1703150000100 to the west until it intersects the centerline of the I5 right-of-way. The southern terminus is found by extending the southernmost point of tax lot 180311001800 that is south of and adjacent to the Filbert Grove 5th Addition, to the W, to the intersection of the I5 centerline and the common section line of TRS 180311 and 180310. This point is approximately 275’ south of the NB I5 on-ramp. For the area underneath the Willamette River Bridge, the UGB and the city limits are coincident. The remaining 20% of the UGB does not follow tax lot lines. Instead, it follows the most appropriate geographic feature, as identified in Chapter II-G of the Metro Plan. The list of tax lots contains a description of where the UGB is located for each split tax lot. In the areas where the UGB does not follow tax lot lines, the location is determined by interpreting the following factors: • Protection of Agricultural Lands • Protection of Forest Lands • Ridgeline (Drainage basins) • Orderly and Economic Public Services • Floodway fringe • Protection of Wetlands • Protection of sand and Gravel Resources • Airport Protection • Existing Development and Services (City Limits) • Meet Economic Goals • Meet Housing Goals. Attachment 2-2 3 of 3 There are seven areas where the UGB does not follow tax lot lines. These are areas where the UGB follows a geographic feature, a specified distance from a right of way, or a metes & bounds description. Hayden Bridge Area. The location of the UGB is a fixed distance (300’) that is measured from the northern edge of the Hayden Bridge right-of-way, unless it has been previously determined as a result of a land use decision or annexation. The location of 300’ north of the right of way was chosen since it included most of the existing dwellings and was within the 200’ area. In addition, the land use decisions indicated the UGB was not intended to follow the Hayden Bridge right of way. High Banks Area. The location of the UGB is either a fixed distance (450’) that is measured from the northern edge of the High Banks right-of-way, or coincident with the city limits. North Gateway Area. The UGB is coincident with the unnumbered tax lot that contains the public drainage facility. The tax lot is entirely within the UGB. Thurston Area. The city limits extend outside the UGB on the tax lot that contains the Thurston Middle School. On that tax lot, the UGB is coincident with the section line. Southeast Hills Area. The adopted policies indicate the UGB should follow the ridgeline (refer to the table “Metro Plan Urban Growth Boundary Map Key” from Page II-G-21 of the Metro plan). The line was originally drawn in 1982 and generally follows the ridgeline. The city’s current mapping technology is able to more accurately follow the ridgeline. The letter from Steve Gordon, dated June 29, 1999, provides evidence of the intent to follow the ridgeline. Journal #1998-11-0256 is a land use decision that provided a legal description for a portion of this area. Clearwater Area. When the UGB does not follow tax lot lines in this area, staff analyzed its location utilizing aerial photos of the digitized UGB map, site analysis and proximity to the Jasper Rd. right of way. Willamette Area. Refer to the description of the UGB within the Interstate 5 corridor. The location is based on the policies contained in “Jurisdictional Responsibility” on Page II-D of the Metro Plan. Attachment 2-3 Summary of Methodology Utilized to Refine the Location of the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary Purpose of this action 1. To establish a tax lot-specific map of the acknowledged Metro Urban Growth Boundary, east of Interstate 5, in accordance with OAR 660-024-0020(2). 2. To establish a separate Urban Growth Boundary for the city of Springfield, as required by ORS 197.304. Background & Findings 1. The Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) was originally acknowledged by the Land Conservation and Development Commission on August 19, 1982. 2. The existing map of the UGB was adopted by the Springfield City Council on May 17, 2004, by Ordinance No. 6087. 3. The tax lot-specific map of the acknowledged Metro Urban Growth Boundary, east of Interstate 5 establishes a more precise location of the UGB. 4. The methodology used to determine the precise location of the acknowledged UGB is based on the adopted policies contained in the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan). 5. As adopted, the UGB is only tax lot-specific where it is coterminous with city limits, where it has been determined through the annexation process, and where it falls on the outside edge of existing or planned rights-of-way. (Page II-G-14 of the Metro Plan). 6. Where it is not tax lot-specific, the UGB is approximately 200’ wide. This is in accordance with the adopted policies in the Metro Plan as well as decisions by the Lane County Hearings Official. a. Levi Landing (Journal #1997-06-142 & #1999-06-144) is the only area where a more precise location of the UGB east of I5 has been determined by the Lane County Hearings Official. b. Letter from Steve Gordon, dated June 29, 1999. c. The best evidence that identifies the location of the UGB in the SE Hills is: i. The city attorney and city staff endorsed the location of the ridgeline separating the drainage basins, as proposed in Journal #2000-06-128, Dilbeck, and ii. The Springfield Planning Commission found the legal description contained in Journal #1998-11-256, Smejkal, accurately describes a portion of the UGB in the southeast hills. Attachment 3-1 Methodology 1. OAR 660-024-0020(2): “The UGB and amendments to the UGB must be shown on the city and county plan and zone maps at a scale sufficient to determine which particular lots or parcels are included in the UGB. Where a UGB does not follow lot or parcel lines, the map must provide sufficient information to determine the precise UGB location.” a. This OAR requires the UGB to be shown at a scale that identifies which particular tax lots are included in the UGB. If a tax lot is split by the UGB, there must be sufficient information to determine the precise UGB location. b. Where the UGB does not follow tax lot lines, a written description shall provide sufficient information to determine the precise UGB location. This information is contained in the table called: “Tax lots Adjacent and Split by the UGB” 2. The UGB is coincident with tax lot lines unless the tax lot line is outside the 200’ wide area. 3. The UGB is coincident with tax lot lines when they are coterminous with the outside edge of rights-of-way, so the full width of the right-of-way is inside the UGB. 4. Roads and Rights of Way. The UGB shall lie along the outside edge of existing and planned rights-of-way that form a portion of the UGB so that the full right-of-way is within the UGB. Refer to Policy #2, Page II-C-4 of the Metro Plan. 5. The location of the UGB in relation to the Interstate 5 corridor is based on the policies contained in “Jurisdictional Responsibility” on Page II-D of the Metro Plan: “The division of responsibility for metropolitan planning between the two cities is the Interstate 5 Highway. Lane County jurisdiction is between the urban growth boundary (UGB) and Metro Plan Plan Boundary (Plan Boundary); and the county has joint responsibility with Eugene between the city limits and UGB west of the Interstate 5 Highway and with Springfield between the city limits and UGB east of the Interstate 5 Highway. State law (1981) provides a mechanism for creation of a new city in the River Road and Santa Clara area. Refer to Metro Plan Chapter IV and intergovernmental agreements to resolve specific issues of jurisdiction.” a. General description. The northbound lane is inside the Springfield UGB. The southbound lane is outside the Springfield UGB. For the area underneath the Willamette River Bridge, the UGB and the city limits are coincident. b. Northern terminus. Extend the northern tax lot line of 1703150000100 to the west until it intersects the centerline of the Interstate 5 right-of-way. c. Southern terminus. Extend the southernmost point of tax lot 180311001800 that is south of and adjacent to the Filbert Grove 5th Addition, to the W, to the intersection of the Interstate 5 centerline and the common section line of TRS 180311 and 180310. This point is approximately 275’ south of the northbound Interstate 5 on-ramp. d. Centerline. For the purposes of the UGB location, the centerline is located within the area between the northbound and southbound travel lanes as they are currently located. A more precise location of the current centerline is included in the following metes and bounds description. If the travel lanes are shifted and Attachment 3-2 the metes and bounds description conflicts with the new travel lanes, the general description shall apply. Beginning at the Northwest corner of the Ashley O. Stevens DLC no. 45 in Township 17 South, Range 3 West in the Willamette Meridian, thence South 83°17’27” East 1025.05 feet to the centerline of Pacific highway Interstate 5; thence North 6°38’21” East 1636.35 feet along said centerline to Engineers centerline station 402+01.88 being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein UGB line description; thence along the centerline of said Pacific Highway Interstate 5 the following courses: South 6°42’32” West 13,695.08 feet to Engineers centerline station 538+96.95 PS; thence along a spiral curve to the left (the long chord of which bears South 4°17’57” West 1213.40 feet) to Engineers centerline station 551+10.84 PT BK = 551+24.85 POT AH; thence South 1°53’22” West 3690.63 feet to Engineers centerline station 588+15.62 PS; thence along a spiral curve to the left (the long chord of which bears South 9°18’13” East 1505.42 feet) to Engineers centerline station 603+34.93 PT; thence South 20°29’48” East 15.13 feet to Engineers centerline station 603+34.93 POT BK = 202+88.88 POT AH; thence South 20°29’48” East 233.64 feet to Engineers centerline station 205+22.53 PS; thence along a spiral curve to the left (the long chord of which bears South 54°29’18” East 2982.07 feet) to Engineers centerline station 237+41.86 PT; thence South 88°28’48” East 738.65 feet to Engineers centerline station 244+80.54 PS; thence along a spiral curve to the right (the long chord of which bears South 47°03’03” East 2279.74 feet) to Engineers centerline station 266+63.16 PT; thence South 5°37’18” East 1049.33 feet to Engineers centerline station 277+12.49 PS; thence along a spiral curve to the left (the long chord of which bears South 9°31’54” East 1431.01 feet) to Engineers centerline station 287+45.82 PCS and there ending, all in Lane County, Oregon. Basis of Bearings for this description is Oregon State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone, NAD 83/91 Datum. 6. Split Tax Lots. When the UGB is not coincident with tax lot lines, the criteria from the Metro Plan shall apply. The following criteria are from Page II-G-14 of the Metro Plan. The UGB shall follow the most appropriate feature: a. Protection of Agricultural Lands b. Protection of Forest Lands c. Ridgeline (Drainage Basin) d. Orderly and Economic Public Services e. Floodway Fringe f. Protection of Wetlands g. Protection of Sand and Gravel Resources h. Airport Protection i. Existing Development and Services (City Limits) j. Meet Economic Goals Attachment 3-3 Summary of Methodology April 5, 2011 4 of 4 7. The following areas contain tax lots that are split by the UGB. Refer to the detail maps in the technical supplement for further clarification. a. Hayden Bridge Area Split Tax Lots: The location of the UGB is a fixed distance (300’) that is measured from the northern edge of the Hayden Bridge right-of- way, unless it has been previously determined as a result of a land use decision or annexation. The location of 300’ north of the right of way was chosen since it included most of the existing dwellings and was within the 200’ area. In addition, the land use decisions indicated the UGB was not intended to follow the Hayden Bridge right of way. b. High Banks Area Split Tax Lots. The location of the UGB is either: • A fixed distance (450’) that is measured from the northern edge of the High Banks right-of-way, or • Coincident with the city limits. c. North Gateway Area Split Tax Lots. The UGB is coincident with the unnumbered tax lot that contains the public drainage facility. The tax lot is entirely within the UGB. d. Thurston Area Split Tax Lots. The city limits extend outside the UGB on the tax lot that contains the Thurston Middle School. On that tax lot, the UGB is coincident with the section line. e. Southeast Hills Area Split Tax Lots. The adopted policies indicate the UGB should follow the ridgeline (refer to the table “Metro Plan Urban Growth Boundary Map Key” from Page II-G-21 of the Metro plan). The line was originally drawn in 1982 and generally follows the ridgeline. The city’s current mapping technology is able to more accurately follow the ridgeline. The letter from Steve Gordon, dated June 29, 1999, provides evidence of the intent to follow the ridgeline. Journal #1998-11-0256 is a land use decision that provided a legal description for a portion of this area. f. Clearwater Area Split Tax Lots: When the UGB does not follow tax lot lines in this area, its location is based on aerial photo interpretation and proximity to the Jasper Rd. right of way. This effort also included a site visit and discussions with the landowner of 5119 Jasper Rd. g. Willamette Area Split Tax Lots: Refer to the description of the UGB within the I5 corridor. The location is based on the policies contained in “Jurisdictional Responsibility” on Page II-D of the Metro Plan. Attachment 3-4 List of tax lots that are adjacent to and inside, or split by the UGB April 5, 2011 Tax lot #Status Description Area Note 17-02-19 inside UGB or split by UGB If the tax lot is split by the UGB, where is the UGB located? name of area containing split tax lots Plat, Survey, or land use decision 1702190000101 split 300' N of N edge of Hayden Bridge ROW Hayden Bridge Journal #94-02-32; plat #94-P0555; CS #32200 1702190000203 split 300' N of N edge of Hayden Bridge ROW Hayden Bridge 1702190000300 split 300' N of N edge of Hayden Bridge ROW Hayden Bridge 1702190000400 split 300' N of N edge of Hayden Bridge ROW Hayden Bridge 1702190000500 split 300' N of N edge of Hayden Bridge ROW Hayden Bridge 1702190000501 split 300' N of N edge of Hayden Bridge ROW Hayden Bridge 1702190000601 split 300' N of N edge of Hayden Bridge ROW Hayden Bridge 1702190000699 split 300' N of N edge of Hayden Bridge ROW Hayden Bridge 1702190000701 split 300' N of N edge of Hayden Bridge ROW Hayden Bridge SUB2003-00014; Plat #2004- PO1787 1702190000800 split 300' N of N edge of Hayden Bridge ROW Hayden Bridge 1702190000900 split 300' N of N edge of Hayden Bridge ROW Hayden Bridge Journal #87-03-20; CS #28405 1702190001000 split 300' N of N edge of Hayden Bridge ROW Hayden Bridge 1702190001100 split 300' N of N edge of Hayden Bridge ROW Hayden Bridge 1702190001200 split 300' N of N edge of Hayden Bridge ROW Hayden Bridge 1702194100101 in 1702194100102 in 1702194100200 in 1702194100300 in 1702194100800 in 1702194100900 in 1702194100901 in 1702194100902 in 1702194102900 in 17-02-20 1702200000500 in tax lot line, city limits and UGB are coincident 1702200000600 in tax lot line, city limits and UGB are coincident 1702200000700 in tax lot line, city limits and UGB are coincident 1702200000800 in tax lot line, city limits and UGB are coincident 1702200001301 in tax lot line, city limits and UGB are coincidentAttachment 4-1 Tax lot #Status Description Area Note 17-02-27 1702270000901 split City limits and UGB are coincident Highbanks 1702270000902 split City limits and UGB are coincident Highbanks 1702270001002 split connect the most northerly NE corner of tax lot 1702342200100 to NW corner of tax lot 1702342100400. Highbanks 1702270001004 in 1702270001101 split UGB and city limits are coincident Thurston 1702270001102 in 1702270002002 in 1702270002100 in 17-02-28 1702280000101 split UGB and city limits are coincident Highbanks split by city limits 1702280000102 in 1702280000300 split UGB and city limits are coincident Highbanks split by city limits 1702280000301 in 1702280000302 in 1702280000401 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1702280000402 in 1702280000405 in 1702280000406 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1702280000500 split 450' N of the N edge of Highbanks ROW, then coincident with city limits east of tax lot 1702280000600 Highbanks 1702280000600 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1702284300200 in 1702284300202 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1702284300203 in 1702284301308 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1702284301309 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 17-02-29 1702290002800 split 450' N of Highbanks ROW on the eastern lot line; connect to NE corner of tax lot 1702290002900 Highbanks 1702290002900 split Multi-part tax lot. Extend the UGB from tax lot 2800 to the W, coincident with tax lot line 2900 until it intersects the N edge of the ROW of I-105 Highbanks 1702290003100 split UGB and city limits are coincident Highbanks 17-02-30 1702300000100 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1702300000101 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1702300000200 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1702300002500 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincidentAttachment 4-2 Tax lot #Status Description Area Note 17-02-34 1702341107900 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1702341108000 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1702341108100 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1702341108200 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1702341108300 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1702341109000 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1702341109100 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1702341114900 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1702341115000 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1702341115100 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1702341115200 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1702341115300 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1702341115400 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1702341115500 split split by city limits. Only "leg" portion is inside Hayden Bridge UGB formally interpreted in Levi Landing (#97-06-142); refer to plats of Levi Landing 1702341200100 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1702341200500 split Split by section line 170227 & 170234 Thurston city limits outside UGB, Thurston Middle School 1702342100400 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident Thurston 1702342200100 in 17-02-35 1702352204801 in 1702352204900 split split by city limits Thurston 17-02-36 1702362000403 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident on most easterly tax lot line 1702362400102 in 1702362400200 in 1702363000100 in 1702363002900 in 1702363003200 in 1702363003300 in 1702363003400 in 1702363003402 in 17-03-14 1703140000900 in 1703140001100 in Adjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to survey Riverbend Phase 2 (survey) 1703140001900 in Adjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to survey Riverbend Phase 2 (survey)Attachment 4-3 Tax lot #Status Description Area Note 17-03-15 170315 in maple island slough, unknown lot #Gateway tax lot contains public drainage facility 1703150000801 split City limits and UGB are coincident Gateway 1703150001000 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1703154000100 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1703154000200 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1703154000400 split split by city limits; mostly outside the UGB, only the "leg" portion is inside Gateway 17-03-22 1703220003700 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1703220004102 in Adjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. Riverbend Phase 2 (survey) 17-03-23 1703233200100 in 1703233200200 in 1703233200300 in 1703233200400 in Adjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. McKenzie Manor 1st Addition 1703233202400 in Adjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. McKenzie Manor 1st Addition 1703233202600 in Adjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. McKenzie Manor 1st Addition 1703233202700 in Adjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. McKenzie Manor 1st Addition 1703233202800 in Adjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. McKenzie Manor 1st Addition 1703233203200 in Adjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. McKenzie Manor 3rd Addition 1703233203300 in Adjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. McKenzie Manor 3rd Addition 1703233203400 in Adjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. McKenzie Manor 3rd Addition 1703233203700 in Adjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. McKenzie Manor 3rd Addition 1703233203800 in Adjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. McKenzie Manor 3rd Addition 1703233203900 in Adjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. McKenzie Manor 3rd Addition 1703233400100 in Adjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. Royal Delle 1703233400200 in Adjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. Royal Delle 1703233400300 in Adjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. Royal Delle 1703233400400 in Adjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. Royal Delle 1703233405400 in Adjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. Royal Delle 1st Addition 1703233405500 in Adjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. Royal Delle 1st Addition 1703233405600 in Adjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. Royal Delle 1st Addition 1703233405700 in Adjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. Royal Delle 1st Addition 1703233405800 in Adjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. Royal Delle 1st Addition 1703233405900 in Adjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. Royal Delle 1st Addition 1703233406000 in Adjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. Royal Delle 1st Addition 1703233406100 in Adjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. Royal Delle 1st Addition 1703233406200 in Adjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. Royal Delle 1st AdditionAttachment 4-4 Tax lot #Status Description Area Note 1703233410800 in Adjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. Royal Delle 2nd Addition 1703233410900 in Adjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. Royal Delle 2nd Addition 1703233411000 in Adjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. Royal Delle 2nd Addition 1703233411100 in Adjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. Royal Delle 2nd Addition 1703234200100 in Adjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. River Glen 3rd Addition 1703234200200 in Adjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. River Glen 3rd Addition 1703234200300 in Adjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. River Glen 3rd Addition 1703234200400 in Adjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. River Glen 3rd Addition 1703234200500 in Adjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. River Glen 3rd Addition 1703234200600 in Adjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. River Glen 3rd Addition 1703234200700 in Adjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. River Glen 3rd Addition 1703234300100 in 1703234300200 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1703234305500 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1703234305600 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1703234305700 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1703234305800 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1703234305900 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1703234306000 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1703234306100 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1703234306200 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1703234306300 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1703234406000 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1703234406100 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1703234406200 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1703234406300 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1703234407900 in PLA #94-11-222; CS #32540 1703234409300 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1703234409400 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1703234409500 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1703234409600 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1703234409700 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1703234409800 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1703234409900 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1703234410000 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1703234410100 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1703234410200 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 17-03-24 1703240000101 split 260' N of the N edge of Hayden Bridge Rd ROW Hayden Bridge Journal #94-02-28; Plat #94-PO567; CS #32260 & 32261Attachment 4-5 Tax lot #Status Description Area Note 1703240000102 in Hayden Bridge Journal #94-02-28; Plat #94-PO567; CS #32260 & 32261 1703240000103 split 260' N of the N edge of Hayden Bridge Rd ROW Hayden Bridge Journal #94-02-28; Plat #94-PO567; CS #32260 & 32261 1703240000104 in Hayden Bridge Journal #94-02-28; Plat #94-PO567; CS #32260 & 32261 1703240000300 split 375' N of the N edge of Hayden Bridge Rd ROW, include house Hayden Bridge 1703240000301 in 1703240000401 split 375' N of the N edge of Hayden Bridge Rd ROW, include house Hayden Bridge 1703240000503 in 1703240000507 in 1703240000603 split from the NE corner of the city limits on tax lot 1703243102000, then to a point 285' N of the N edge of Hayden Bridge ROW, on the east tax lot line of 1703240000603 Hayden Bridge Journal #92-10-202 O'Niell; CS #33470 & 31021; Plat #92-P0306. 1703243100100 split From NE corner of tax lot 1703243200301, to city limits on tax lot 1703243104000. Hayden Bridge 1703243100200 split From NE corner of tax lot 1703243200301, to NW corner of city limits on tax lot 1703243100300. Hayden Bridge 1703243100300 split From NE corner of tax lot 1703243200301, to NW corner of city limits on tax lot 1703243100300. Hayden Bridge 1703243100600 in 1703243100701 in 1703243100702 in 1703243100704 in 1703243100900 split split by city limits Hayden Bridge 1703243102000 split split by city limits, UGB and city limits are coincident Hayden Bridge 1703243104000 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1703243104100 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1703243104200 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1703243200200 in 1703243200301 in 1703243200302 in 1703243200303 in 1703243200304 in 1703243200305 in 1703243200306 in 1703243200307 in 1703243200500 in 1703243200600 in 1703243200700 in 1703243200800 inAttachment 4-6 Tax lot #Status Description Area Note 1703243200900 in 18-02-01 1802010000100 split follow ridgeline SE Hills 18-02-02 1802020000100 split follow ridgeline SE Hills 1802020000200 split follow ridgeline SE Hills 1802020000300 split follow ridgeline SE Hills 1802020000400 split follow ridgeline SE Hills refer to survey in Farthing letter dated April 4, 2011 1802020000401 in follow ridgeline SE Hills refer to survey in Farthing letter dated April 4, 2011 18-02-03 1802030000600 in follow ridgeline SE Hills 18-02-04 1802040003000 split approximately 450' S of Jasper Rd to the shared property corner with 180204003002, then W to a point on the W property line that is approximately 450' S of the Jasper Rd ROW. A drainage ditch on the W property line crosses the driveway at that point. The house and barn at 5119 Jasper Rd are inside the UGB. Clearwater 18-02-05 1802050002600 split Panhandle; 400' S of the S edge of the Jasper Rd. ROW Clearwater 1802050002800 split E leg is split 450' S of the S edge of Jasper Rd ROW. W leg is split 220' S of the S edge of Jasper Rd ROW. Clearwater 1802050002801 split On the E tax lot line, approximately 450' S of the S edge of Jasper Rd. ROW, then to the NW corner of the tax lot. The house (4855 Jasper Rd) is outside. Clearwater 1802051303501 in 1802051303600 in 1802051303700 in 1802051303800 in 1802051304100 in 1802051304101 in 1802051304200 in 1802052300300 in 1802052300400 in 1802052300403 in 1802052300500 in 1802052300600 inAttachment 4-7 Tax lot #Status Description Area Note 1802052400100 in Journal #1998-11-0255; Redwood Village plat 1802052400200 in Journal #1998-11-0255; Redwood Village plat 1802052401000 in Journal #1998-11-0255; Redwood Village plat 1802052401100 in Journal #1998-11-0255; Redwood Village plat 1802052401200 in Journal #1998-11-0255; Redwood Village plat 1802052407900 in Journal #1998-11-0255; Redwood Village plat 1802052408000 in Journal #1998-11-0255; Redwood Village plat 1802052408100 in Journal #1998-11-0255; Redwood Village plat 1802052408201 in 1802052409400 in Journal #1998-11-0255; Redwood Village plat 1802052409600 in Journal #1998-11-0255; Redwood Village plat 1802052409700 in Journal #1998-11-0255; Redwood Village plat 1802052409800 in Journal #1998-11-0255; Redwood Village plat 1802052409900 in Journal #1998-11-0255; Redwood Village plat 1802052410000 in Journal #1998-11-0255; Redwood Village plat 1802052411000 in Journal #1998-11-0255; Redwood Village plat 1802052412000 in Journal #1998-11-0255; Redwood Village plat 1802052413000 in Journal #1998-11-0255; Redwood Village plat 18-02-06 1802060001006 in 1802060001007 in 1802060004600 in 1802062403500 in 1802062403501 inAttachment 4-8 Tax lot #Status Description Area Note 1802062403600 in 1802064104902 in 1802064105700 in 1802064105800 in 1802064105900 in 1802064106000 in 1802064106100 in 1802064106200 in 1802064106300 in 1802064114500 in 1802064115900 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident; N bank of Jasper slough filbert meadows, LRP2005-00010; SUB2005-00062 1802064200118 in 1802064200119 in 1802064200120 in 1802064200121 in 1802064200301 in 1802064200500 in 1802064200501 in 1802064200503 split connect SW corner of tax lot 1802064200800 to SE corner of tax lot 180206420600 1802064200600 in 1802064200800 in 1802064200900 in 18-02-09 1802090000100 split follow ridgeline from the most southerly NE corner of tax lot, to a point along Jasper Rd, 815' from the SW corner of the tax lot SE Hills 1802090000600 split panhandle; approximately 450' S of the S edge of Jasper Rd. ROW Clearwater 18-02-10 1802100001600 in UGB and tax lot lines are coincident SE Hills Weyerhauser Rd. 1802100000100 split follow ridgeline to a point where the western tax lot line intersects north section line of 180210 SE Hills 18-02-11 1802110000300 in interpretation with legal description SE Hills Journal #1998-11-0256 contains legal description (attachment D) 1802110000400 in interpretation with legal description SE Hills Journal #1998-11-0256 contains legal description (attachment D) 1802110001600 in interpretation with legal description SE Hills Journal #1998-11-0256 contains legal description (attachment D)Attachment 4-9 Tax lot #Status Description Area Note 1802110001700 split interpretation with legal description SE Hills Weyerhauser Rd. Journal #1998-11- 0256 contains legal description (attachment D) 1802110002000 in interpretation with legal description SE Hills Journal #1998-11-0256 contains legal description (attachment D)Attachment 4-10 Tax lot #Status Description Area Note 18-02-15 1802150000100 in interpretation with legal description SE Hills Journal #1998-11-0256 contains legal description (attachment D) 18-03-01 1803010000701 in 1803010001100 in 1803010001301 in 1803010003100 in 1803010003200 in willamette 1803010003600 in 18-03-02 1803020000600 in 18-03-11 1803110000600 split refer to description of UGB within I5 corridor willamette 1803110000700 split refer to description of UGB within I5 corridor willamette 1803110001800 in 18-03-12 1803120000500 in ROW/other Jasper Rd.in UGB is the S edge of the Jasper Rd ROW, include entire ROW Mill Race in the Mill Race within 18-03-01 is entirely within the UGB, UGB is top of S bank I-105 in I-105 within 17-02-29 and 17-02-30 is within the UGB 17-02-35 in UGB is the N edge of the Thurston Rd ROW, E of 69th Street to the E lot line of 1702362400200 18-02-06-24 in The ROW for Garden Ave and Kintzley Ave are within the UGB 17-02-36 in UGB is the N edge of the Thurston Rd ROW I5 description refer to methodology in adopted ordinanceAttachment 4-11