HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 01 19 Memo ODOT Viaduct COMPLETE PC Memo 1_11MEMORANDUM CITY OF SPRINGFIELD
DATE OF HEARING: January 11, 2010
TO: Springfield Planning Commission PLANNING COMMISSION
FROM: Mark Metzger, Planner III MEMORANDUM
SUBJECT: South Bank Viaduct: Willamette Greenway Development Permit
and Site Plan Review
ISSUE: The City of Springfield and the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) are
collaborating on the construction of a bicycle/pedestrian viaduct (South Bank Viaduct) which will
allow the existing South Bank Path to continue along the riverfront through Glenwood. At issue
is whether the proposed structure complies with Springfield planning policies and site plan
design standards.
DISCUSSION: The Planning Commission conducted a joint hearing with the Lane County
Hearings Official on December 7, 2010. A large portion of the viaduct lies outside of the city
limits, but within the Springfield UGB, triggering the Hearings Official’s participation.
There was an insufficient number of Commissioners present for a quorum. The hearing
conducted and was closed. The record left open through December 10 to allow staff to submit
revised conditions of approval in response to a request from the Hearings Official and the
Commissioners. Attachment 1 contains the proposed amended conditions of approval from
The Hearings Official received the staff amended conditions of approval on December 13th and
issued his decision on December 15, 2010. He approved of the project with conditions, based
on the revised staff conditions found in Attachment 1. His decision is attached as Attachment 2.
The Hearing Official’s conditions of approval are found on page 5 of his decision.
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the
Willamette Greenway Development Overlay District permit and Site Plan (Tentative) as modified
by the conditions of approval issued by the Lane County Hearings Official. While the
Commission is not required to follow the decision of the Hearings Official, his decision and
conditions of approval are substantively consistent with the recommendations of staff.
ACTION REQUESTED: Please review the staff report and attachments submitted with your
packet for the December 7th hearing. Members absent from the December 7th hearing should
listen to the recording of the hearing provided by the Planning Commission Secretary. The
Planning Commission is requested to consider the proposed South Bank Viaduct and approve
it, approve it with conditions, or to deny the applications.
Attachment 1: Amended Conditions of Approval Prepared by Staff
Attachment 2: Lane County Hearings Official Decision
Proposed Revisions to the Conditions of Approval for the
South Bank Viaduct Project
Condition of Approval #1: Lane closures of Franklin Boulevard should be avoided during the special
events listed in the project’s Traffic Management Plan (TMP), such as the Eugene Marathon, major
University of Oregon sporting events, major holidays, etc. When lane closure is necessary such
operations shall be performed in consultation with the City of Springfield Traffic Engineer.
Condition of Approval #2: The currently proposed railing shall be re‐designed to accommodate bicycle
traffic with a suitable rail height and “rub rail” to account for safety concern dealing with bicyclists, and
to conform with the City of Springfield design standards at the time of construction.
Condition of Approval #3: Warning signage or protective devices are needed at these locations to warn
and prevent blunt end collisions by bicyclist using this facility.
Condition of Approval #4: To ensure a fully functioning water quality system and meet objectives of
Springfield’s MS4 permit, the Springfield Development Code and the EDSPM, the proposed private
vegetative water quality swale shall be fully vegetated with all vegetation species established prior to
approval of Final Site Inspection; the grassy swale/detention pond shall be fully vegetated with all
vegetation species established prior to City acceptance of the Public Improvement Project.
Alternatively, if this condition cannot be met, the applicant shall provide and maintain an interim
erosion control/water quality measure selected from the alternatives found in Section 8A.02.3 through
8A.02.7 of the EDSPM—Temporary and Permanent Seeding , or propose an alternative solution
acceptable to the Public Works Department.
Condition of Approval #5: The details shown for the storm water details do not comply with current City
of Springfield requirements. The 30 mil black plastic liner under the pipes for the bio‐retention facility
needs to be omitted or replaced by a water‐permeable geotextile liner. The catchbasin(s) (Mod type
“D” inlets) need to have a 12‐18” sump installed under the outlet pipe as shown on City of Springfield
Standard Specifications 4‐13 and 4‐14.
Attachment 1-1
Attachment 2-1
Attachment 2-2
Attachment 2-3
Attachment 2-4
Attachment 2-5
Attachment 2-6
Attachment 2-7
Attachment 2-8
Attachment 2-9
Attachment 2-10
Attachment 2-11
Attachment 2-12
Attachment 2-13
Attachment 2-14
Attachment 2-15
Attachment 2-16
Attachment 2-17
Attachment 2-18
Attachment 2-19