HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012 03 06 AIS WS CMO PW DSD ReorgMEMORANDUM Meeting Date: 3/6/2012 Meeting Type: Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: Jeff Towery, CMO Staff Phone No: 541-726-3627 S P R I N G F I E L D PLANNING COMMISSION Estimated Time: 60 min. ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC WORKS/DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REORGANIZATION ACTION REQUESTED: Make comments and ask questions as desired, no action is required. ISSUE STATEMENT: The City Manager has determined the basic structure for a new department merging Public Works and Development Services activities. The Work Session will provide an overview of the process, recommendations, results and implementation steps of this effort. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 – Organization Review Process Summary Attachment 2 – Public Works/Development Services Organization Review Presentation DISCUSSION: Last spring, in addition to the departures of Susie Smith, Public Works Director and Bill Grile, Development Services Director, several other employees chose to take advantage of the voluntary separation program, to retire or to pursue opportunities for professional advancement. Those vacancies create opportunity and uncertainty as well as impacts on workloads and service levels around the organization. In the interim, the City Manager asked for an exploration of the structure of both departments. Together and separately, the City Manager and Assistant City Manager met with most of the work groups and individuals before making any decision on a work approach. Ultimately, a facilitated process, using several group listening sessions and one-on-one interviews with internal and external stakeholders was used to solicit input from all of the employees in both departments. From there, a representative work group was assigned to address four major questions: • What does the New Organization LOOK like? (One Department) • What does the New Organization LOOK like? (Two Departments) • What does the New Organization ACT like? • What does the New Organization Deliver? After the resulting work was presented to employees and the Executive Team, the City Manager decided to implement a single department structure with five divisions. Director recruitment is underway and interviews will occur in mid- March. An implementation team has been appointed to review and make recommendations related to detailed organizational structure, reporting relationships, work assignments and locations. Recommendations may be implemented before or after the Director’s appointment. City of Springfield  Organizational Review – Development Services and Public Works Departments  Spring, 2011    Attachment 1, Page 1 of 1    Council Goal:  To Offer Financially Responsible and Stable Government Services  What:  Review the current organizational structure of both departments.  Identify what works well and consider  how to replicate.  Identify what could work better and consider how to improve.  Consider alternative models.   Make recommendations to Executive Team and City Manager.  Why:  To better ensure the efficient delivery of services that can be funded with existing and forecasted revenue.   We should always aspire to improve services, systems and processes while providing the level and mix desired by  the community and Council.  Why Now:  There will be at least eight positions vacant as of July 1, 2011 including both department directors,  providing more flexibility to review the structure and an opportunity to improve the organization.    “I know evolving from hunting and gathering to agriculture is tough, but hey, no one said change is easy.”  Who:  All Development Services and Public Works Employees.  How:  Use a consensus seeking process that will involve all the employees in both departments as well as several  internal and external stakeholders.  Outside (loaned) facilitators will conduct 10‐20 one‐on‐one interviews with  selected employees that represent a cross‐section of the affected departments along with a few outside  stakeholders to identify themes and issues that will guide following conversations.  All department employees will  participate in discussions (about 30 people each for three hours) that will review the situation, identify worst/best  outcomes and explore solutions.  A Strategic Leadership Team made up of division managers and other  supervisors will meet in a daylong session to identify and evaluate alternatives.  Follow up meetings for large and  small groups will occur as needed to explore details, refine options and communicate findings.  The Leadership  Team will formalize recommendations to Executive Team and City Manager.  Attachment 1-1 Re‐Organization ReportCity of Springfield - 2011 Attachment 2-1 BREAKINGDOWNSILOSIMPROVINGCOMMUNICATIONWORKINGTEAMAPPROACHEMPLOYEECOMMENTSWhat ISthe Re-organization Work About?Attachment 2-2 EMPLOYEECOMMENTSWhat ISthe Re-organization Work About?9GOODCOMMUNICATION9CHANGE& INNOVATION CANOCCUR9ONETEAM, WORKINGTOGETHER9CLEARGOALS, OBJECTIVES& PROCESSES9RECOGNITION& RESPECT9INPUTBEFOREPROBLEM ISDROPPED ONSTAFF9TRUST INSTAFF’SABILITIES9SUPPORT FROM THE TOP9CURRENTPROGRESSCONTINUES9GOODPUBLICSERVICE9HAPPYEMPLOYEESWHATSTAFFWANTSAttachment 2-3 EMPLOYEECOMMENTSWhat ISthe Re-organization Work About?9“USVS. THEM” MENTALITYBETWEENWORKGROUPS9STRONGPERSONALITIES TODICTATEOUTCOMESREGARDLESS OFBESTPRACTICES9SOLUTIONS THATONLYWORK FORTHEHERE& NOW9STAFFREDUCTIONS& INCREASEDWORKLOADS9IMPOSSIBLEEXPECTATIONS OFSTAFF9WORKLOADIMBALANCESBETWEENWORKGROUPS9STRUCTURE THATSTIFLESCREATIVITY& IGNORESEXPERTISE9BUREAUCRACY9ORGANIZATION THAT ISTOOBIGORDIVERSE TOMANAGE9POLITICS ORFINANCESDRIVEDECISIONSWHATSTAFFDOESN’TWANTAttachment 2-4 ONEDEPARTMENTWhat Does the New Organization Look Like?TASK TEAM A1DeeDee Martin-Public WorksDave Reesor-Public WorksAndy Limbird-Development ServicesRon Bittler-Public WorksBill Hamann-Public WorksMatt Stouder-Public WorksBrian Conlon-Public WorksGreg Ferschweiler-Public WorksAttachment 2-5 ONEDEPARTMENTWhat Does the New Organization Look Like?TASK TEAM A15 DIVISIONS…Attachment 2-6 What Does the New Organization Look Like?ONEDEPARTMENT…ADMINISTRATION DIVISION TECHNICAL SERVICES & DATABASE MANAGEMENTADDRESSING & NAMINGGIS & CAD SUPPORTSURVEYDATABASE MANAGEMENTHANSEN SYSTEMSPATIAL DATA INFORMATIONFINANCIAL/POLICY & ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORTPROPERTY MANAGEMENTCUSTOMER SERVICE REQUESTSBILLING & BUDGETADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORTACCELAPUBLIC EDUCATION & OUTREACHRECEPTION & COUNTERTASK TEAM A1CAPITAL PROGRAMLOCAL CIP DESIGN & CONSTRUCTIONINSPECTION SERVICESPROJECT DESIGNPROJECT MANAGEMENTINFRASTRUCTURE PLANNINGPROJECT FINANCINGTRANSPORTATION PLANNINGSTORM & SANITARY SEWER PLANNINGAttachment 2-7 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISIONREGIONAL WASTEWATERINSPECTION SERVICESPROJECT DESIGNPROJECT MANAGEMENTENVIRONMENTAL POLICYMWMC ADMINISTRATION & IMPLEMENTATIONLOCAL WASTEWATER BILLING & RATESWATER QUALITYINDUSTRIAL PRETREATMENTSTORMWATER OPERATIONS & MONITORINGOPERATIONS DIVISIONFLEET*Equipment Procurement*Maintenance & Repair*Regional FuelBUILDINGS*Special ProjectsTRAFFIC OPERATIONS*Systems Maintenance*EngineeringSTREETSLANDSCAPESTORMWATERSANITARYDEVELOPMENTDIVISION REVIEW & PERMITTINGPUBLIC IMPROVEMENTSCODE ENFORCEMENTSDC ADMINISTRATIONBUSINESS LICENSINGBUILDING PERMITSLDAPDEVELOPMENT REVIEWCOMMUNITY PLANNINGCOMMUNITY PLANNING & REVITALIZATIONHISTORICAL PRESERVATIONHOUSING/HUD PROGRAMSCOMMUNITYSERVICESCURRENT PLANNINGECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTONEDEPARTMENT…TASK TEAM A1Attachment 2-8 TWODEPARTMENTSWhat Does the New Organization Look Like?TASK TEAM A2Ken Vogeney-Public WorksMarcy Parker-Public WorksJim Donovan-Development ServicesCourtney Griesel-City Manager’s OfficeBrian Barnett-Public WorksLinda Pauly-Development ServicesChris Carpenter-Development ServicesGreg Mott-Development Services Attachment 2-9 What Does the New Organization ACTLike?TASK TEAM BJodi Peterson-Development ServicesJackie Murdoch-Development ServicesDavid Bowlsby-Development ServicesBrandt Melick-Public WorksMike Engelmann-PublicWorksRhonda Rice-Public WorksJim Purscelley-Public WorksTom Boyatt-Public WorksDean Bishop-Development Services Attachment 2-10 The Networked Team ModelTASK TEAM BLTMTSAttachment 2-11 What Does the New Organization ACTLike?TASK TEAM BRecommendation #1 –Be “real” about the intent of changes in the organizational culture.Recommendation #2 –Develop a Tool Kit.•Training & Coaching•Communication•Ease Restrictions•Authority Check In•Evaluation & Knowledge Sharing•Creating Flexible Work SpaceAttachment 2-12 What Does the New Organization ACTLike?TASK TEAM BRecommendation #3 –Assess the quality of working Teams to identify what is and is not working and implement improvements.Recommendation #4 –Utilize a “Team Coach” from the start of a Team formation for guidance and assistance. Attachment 2-13 What Does the New Organization ACTLike?TASK TEAM BRecommendation #5 –It is OK to immediately begin Team assessments, discussions and improvements.Recommendation #6 –Supervisors seek performance feedback from other supervisors, peers, customers, and team members. Attachment 2-14 What Does the New Department DELIVER?TASK TEAM CLen Goodwin-Public WorksRick Currier-Public WorksLinda Olson-Public WorksGeorge Walker-Public WorksJeff Towery-City Manager’s OfficeCindie Mott-Development ServicesLiz Miller-Development ServicesJeff Paschall-Public WorksJosh Newman-Public WorksTroy McAllister-Public WorksAttachment 2-15 What Does the New Department DELIVER?TASK TEAM CDecision FactorsFactorDescriptionPublic Health & Safety (1)Perceived Imminent Threat to Life or PropertyPublic Health & Safety (2)Threat to Property, Developing or Not ImminentCustomer ServiceSpecific Request of a CitizenCouncil SupportSpecific Direction from CouncilCouncil Goal (1)Clear Support of Specific GoalCouncil Goal (2)Generally Supportive of One or More GoalsDevelopment RequestRequest Connected to Specific DevelopmentProfessional JudgmentTechnical Professional RequirementsLiabilityPerceived Risk to CityRegulatoryMandated Activity w/ Enforcement or Fine for FailureInternal Customer ServiceRequest from Someone Inside City OrganizationFunding SourceRespect Restrictions on Funding SourcesAttachment 2-16 What Does the New Department DELIVER?TASK TEAM CWhat Kind of Leader Supports the New Organization & Goals for Delivery?Attachment 2-17 }Provide Balanced Knowledge of department business lines™Translate into department vision}Provide Confidence in decisions made}Ability to delegate™Trust decisions of staff}Focus on needs of the City}Empower staff™Provide Protection from external forces}Ability to deal with personnel challenges}Politically astute and savvy}Flexible, consistent, and fairTASK TEAM CWhat Kind of Leader Supports the New Organization & Goals for Delivery?A leader will…Attachment 2-18 Our InteractionsAttachment 2-19 Implementation Strategy}Detail of the Organizational Structure}Report Working Relationships}Staff Work Assignments}Staff Work Locations}Identify and recommend implementationImplementation Team will review and recommend on the following areas:ImplementationAttachment 2-20 Implementation ScheduleVery ambitious time frame Mid-January }Launch the Team(s)Mid to late February}Design a priority set of recommendations that will communicate enough clarity of structure to prospective applicants ƒfollow up activities as necessaryImplementation Team will Implement “How We Act”ImplementationAttachment 2-21 Implementation StrategyJanuary}Director recruitment: open postingMid-January}Division Manager/Supervisor recruitment: incumbents and/or temporary assignments for career developmentMid-February }Additional appointments to positions due to vacancies or temporary appointmentsMid-March }Director AppointmentScheduleImplementation team recommendations may be implemented before or after Director appointment.ImplementationAttachment 2-22 }FY12 Budget includes assumption of $300,000 budget reduction from FY11 level}FY13 proposed budget will balance consistent with current projections}Approximately15 vacancies in the two departmentsImplementationBudgetImplementation StrategyAttachment 2-23 In closing…Attachment 2-24