DATE OF WORK SESSION: February 22nd, 2012
TO: Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI) TRANSMITTAL
FROM: David Reesor, Senior Transportation Planner
SUBJECT: Transportation System Plan (TSP) Stakeholder Advisory Committee Membership
ISSUE: The City of Springfield is recruiting four additional representatives to serve on the
Springfield Transportation System Plan (TSP) Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC).
Additional Committee members are sought to expand the representation of the Committee for
the duration of the project. Of the four positions, one is to replace a previously filled “bicycle and
pedestrian interests” position. The other three positions are to expand representation. Staff seek
approval from the Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI) to add three stakeholder
membership categories as described in this memorandum.
DISCUSSION: The TSP Update will establish a system of transportation facilities, services
and policies to meet long-range (20-year) needs for the City of Springfield. It will serve as a
blueprint to guide future transportation system improvements and investment decisions as
planned development occurs within the City.
To help provide a broad range of input into the TSP planning process, the City of Springfield
created a Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC). The SAC provides on-going communication
during the TSP project; reviews, evaluates, discusses and comments on information as it
becomes available; and formulates recommendations for Planning Commission and City
Council consideration. As shown in Attachment 1, the existing TSP SAC has twelve
membership categories. The TSP Project Team would like to expand representation on the SAC
by refilling one currently vacant position (bicycle and pedestrian interests) and adding three new
positions. There is particular interest in recruiting people with a background in Freight, Main
Street and /or Glenwood area business, Schools, and, Bicycle transportation.
The existing Committee has met twice to-date. Additional Committee members are sought to
expand the representation of the Committee for the duration of the project (approximately
ending in fall 2012). The Committee will meet approximately four times for the remaining portion
of the project. The next meeting is anticipated during mid-March 2012. Project Team staff will
review Committee member applications and make final selection of the Committee once
approval of additional SAC membership categories is granted from the CCI.
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the CCI review and approve the three
additional membership categories described in this memorandum.
ACTION REQUESTED: Staff seek approval from the CCI to add three SAC membership
Attachment 1: TSP Stakeholder Advisory Committee Roster
Springfield Transportation System Plan (TSP) Update
Stakeholder Advisory Committee Roster
(with proposed additions)
Representative Category Number of Positions Name(s)
Citizens‐at‐large 2 Tim Vohs; Meg Kieran
Trucking industry/freight
& delivery
1 2 (Proposed additional
Kenneth Hill
Rail industry 1 Brock Nelson
Chamber of Commerce 1 Philip Farrington
(primary) / Dan Egan
Developer interests 1 Richard Hunsaker
Environmental interests 1 George Grier
2 Eric Estlund / Refill 2nd
Transit interests 1 Michael Eyster
Metropolitan Planning
Organization (MPO) /
Citizen Advisory
Committee (CAC)
1 Dave Jacobson (primary)/
Diana Alldredge
Planning Commission
1 Bob Brew
Public School
1 Proposed
Main Street and /or
Glenwood area business
1 Proposed
TOTAL 12 15
Attachment 1-1