HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018 12 18 AIS for Rosen Sunvisor Site Plan ReviewAGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 12/18/2018 Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.: Andy Limbird, DPW Staff Phone No: 541-726-3784 Estimated Time: 20 Minutes S P R I N G F I E L D PLANNING COMMISSION Council Goals: Encourage Economic Development and Revitalization through Community Partnerships ITEM TITLE: REQUEST FOR TYPE III SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR A PROPOSED 12,735 FT2 EXPANSION TO AN EXISTING LIGHT MANUFACTURING BUILDING LOCATED AT 4884 FRANKLIN BOULEVARD, CASE 811-18-000208-TYP2 ACTION REQUESTED: Conduct a public hearing and deliberations on a proposal to use alternative design standards for an industrial building expansion in the Employment Mixed Use district of the Glenwood Phase 1 Refinement Plan area. ISSUE STATEMENT: The applicant has submitted a Site Plan Review application for a proposed 12,735 ft2 expansion to the existing Rosen Sunvisor manufacturing facility. In accordance with provisions of the Glenwood Employment Mixed Use District, alternative design standards proposed for the building façade and public street interface can be processed as a Type III review. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Staff Report for Site Plan Review 2. Site Map 3. Application and Exhibits 4. CC&Rs for Wildish Industrial Park 5. PC Final Order – Site Plan Review Application 811-18-000208-TYP2 DISCUSSION: The subject site is addressed as 4884 Franklin Boulevard (Map 18-03-03-14, Tax Lots 2000 & 2001), and it is located at the intersection of Franklin Boulevard and Nugget Way. The 1.8-acre site currently contains a 24,274 ft2 industrial building with parking lots, loading docks, truck maneuvering areas, outdoor storage compound, and landscaping. The project site is zoned Employment Mixed Use and is located within Sub-Area D of the Glenwood Refinement Plan area. The property has public street frontage on Nugget Way along the south and southwest edges. A City-owned linear parcel is located between the eastern boundary of the property and the edge of the Franklin Boulevard (McVay Highway) right-of-way. In accordance with provisions of the Windows and Doors subsection of the Employment Mixed Use District (SDC 3.4-275.F.1.d.i): “Light manufacturing windows and doors shall comprise a minimum of 40 percent of the length and 25 percent of the wall area of a building’s first floor façades to allow views into lobbies and work areas and allow persons inside to look out.” The applicant has determined that they cannot meet this standard for two reasons: 1. There is a restrictive covenant on the property placed by the original developer of the industrial subdivision that limits the types of exterior walls allowed. In accordance with a restrictive covenant, the applicant has elected to use concrete tilt up panel construction. The applicant advises that this method of construction is not conducive to having extensive window and door penetrations of the wall panel; and 2. The applicant’s facility utilizes proprietary manufacturing processes for products with commercial and military applications. The applicant has expressed concerns about increased exposure and views into potentially sensitive work areas as required by SDC 3.4-275.F.1.d.i. To satisfy the Code requirements, the applicant is proposing to use alternative design standards to create visual interest and an improved public street interface along the Nugget Way frontage of the site. The proposed measures include variations in masonry materials and accents, repeating window patterns and trim, variation in rooflines, decorative stone outlines, feature strips, and awnings. The Planning Commission is requested to hold a public hearing and conduct deliberations on the proposal to use alternative design standards for the south and west building façades in accordance with provisions of the Glenwood Riverfront Mixed Use District. Type III TENTATIVE SITE PLAN REVIEW STAFF REPORT & Recommended conditions Project Name: Rosen Sunvisor Site Plan Review Project Proposal: Construct a new 12,735 ft2 expansion of an existing industrial manufacturing facility Case Number: 811-18-000208-TYP2 Project Location: 4884 Franklin Blvd (Map 18-03-03-14, TL 2000 & 2001) Zoning: Employment Mixed Use (GEMU) Comprehensive Plan Designation: GEMU (Glenwood Refinement Plan) Overlay Districts: None Pre-Submittal Meeting Date: 10/16/2018 Application Submitted Date: 10/26/2018 Public Hearing Date: 12/18/2018 Associated Applications: 811-18-000108-PRE (Development Issues Meeting); 811-18-000191-PRE (Pre- Submittal for Site Plan Review) APPLICANT’S DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM Applicant: Niles Hanson Rosen Sunvisor Systems 4884 Franklin Boulevard Eugene OR 97403 Applicant’s Representative: Becky Wiltse SSW Engineers Inc. 2350 Oakmont Way, Suite 105 Eugene OR 97401 Project Engineer: Michael Cox, PE SSW Engineers Inc. 2350 Oakmont Way, Suite 105 Eugene OR 97401 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD’S DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM POSITION REVIEW OF NAME PHONE Project Manager Planning Andy Limbird 541-726-3784 Transportation Planning Engineer Transportation Michael Liebler 541-736-1034 Public Works Engineer Utilities Clayton McEachern 541-736-1035 Public Works Engineer Sanitary & Storm Sewer Clayton McEachern 541-736-1035 Deputy Fire Marshal Fire and Life Safety Eric Phillips-Meadow 541-726-2293 Building Official Building David Bowlsby 541-736-1029 SITE Attachment 1, Page 1 of 18 Page 2 of 18 Site Information: The subject site is located at 4884 Franklin Boulevard and it consists of two adjoining tax lots comprising approximately 1.77 acres. The property contains an existing 24,274 ft2 light manufacturing facility with parking lot and driving aisles, outdoor storage compound, truck loading docks and site landscaping. The proposed development site has public street frontage on Nugget Way along the southern and western boundaries, and it abuts a City-owned road widening parcel along the eastern boundary. For the purpose of this review, the site effectively abuts Franklin Boulevard along the eastern boundary. The subject site is within the Glenwood Riverfront area of the adopted Glenwood Refinement Plan diagram. The property is zoned and designated Employment Mixed Use (GEMU). The developer is proposing to build the project on the western half (approximately) of the property and leave the eastern half more or less intact with the exception of reconstructing some existing stormwater planters in the parking lot. Other properties in the vicinity of the subject site are zoned GEMU and Light Medium Industrial (LMI). The applicant is proposing to construct a 12,735 ft2 expansion to the existing industrial building; reconfigure the truck loading dock, vehicle maneuvering, and parking lot areas on the west side of the building; install a covered trash enclosure and additional bicycle parking; and install site landscaping and vegetated stormwater management facilities to serve the project site. The southern and western edges of the proposed building façade are proximate to the public street frontage on Nugget Way. To address the design standards of the Glenwood Riverfront District, the applicant is proposing alternative standards for window and door treatment along the south and west building façade. In accordance with SDC 3.4-235.B, the proposed alternative design standards trigger a Type III review before the Springfield Planning Commission. See Page 17 for a summary of the recommended conditions of approval. REVIEW PROCESS: The application has been elevated to Type III quasi-judicial review by the Springfield Planning Commission in accordance with the applicant’s request for alternative design standards to meet the requirements of the Glenwood Riverfront District (SDC 3.4-230.B.4 & 3.4-235.B). The subject application was submitted and considered complete on October 26, 2018. Procedural Finding: Applications for Type III Quasi-Judicial Decisions require the notification of property owners/occupants within 300 feet of the subject property allowing for a 20-day comment period on the application leading up to and including the public hearing meeting (SDC Sections 5.1-130 and 5.2-115). Procedural Finding: On December 7, 2018, the City’s Development Review Committee reviewed the proposed plans (11 Sheets – SSW Engineers Sheets G0.0, V1.0, C1.0, C3.0-5.0, C7.0-8.0 and A1.0-2.0; and Rexius Forest Products Sheet L1.0) and other supporting information. City staff’s review comments have been reduced to proposed findings and conditions only as necessary for compliance with the Site Plan Review criteria of SDC 5.17- 125 and the Glenwood Riverfront Mixed-Use Plan District Modification criteria of SDC 3.4-230.E. Procedural Finding: In accordance with SDC 5.17-125 to 5.17-135, and SDC 3.4-230.E, the Final Site Plan shall comply with the requirements of the SDC and the conditions imposed by the Planning Commission in this decision. The Final Site Plan otherwise shall be in substantial conformity with the tentative plan reviewed. Portions of the proposal approved as submitted during tentative review cannot be substantively changed during Final Site Plan approval. Approved Final Site Plans (including Landscape Plans) shall not be substantively changed during Building Permit Review without an approved Site Plan Modification Decision. WRITTEN COMMENTS: Procedural Finding: In accordance with SDC 5.1-135 and 5.2-115, notice was sent to adjacent property owners/occupants within 300 feet of the subject site on November 27, 2018. No telephone calls or written comments were received. CRITERIA OF SITE PLAN APPROVAL: SDC 5.17-125, Site Plan Review Standards, Criteria of Site Plan Approval states, “the Director shall approve, or approve with conditions, a Type II Site Plan Review Application upon determining that criteria A through E of this Attachment 1, Page 2 of 18 Page 3 of 18 Section have been satisfied. If conditions cannot be attached to satisfy the criteria, the Director shall deny the application.” This application has been elevated to Type III review as a Major Glenwood Riverfront Mixed-Use Plan District Modification under SDC 3.4-230.B.4; accordingly, the Planning Commission replaces the Director as the approval authority for this application. In addition to the Site Plan Review criteria, the proposed modification must meet the criteria listed in SDC 3.4-230.E.1-3. See Subsection C.2 below. A. The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram, and/or the applicable Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map, and Conceptual Development Plan. Finding 1: The site is zoned and designated Employment Mixed Use in accordance with the Springfield Zoning Map and the adopted Glenwood Refinement Plan Phase 1 diagram. There are no proposed changes to the zoning for the site. Finding 2: In accordance with SDC 3.4-250, light manufacturing facilities that include fabrication, assembly, testing and processing are an allowable use in the Glenwood Employment Mixed Use District, subject to Site Plan Review. Conclusion: This proposal satisfies Criterion A. B. Capacity requirements of public improvements, including but not limited to, water and electricity; sanitary sewer and stormwater management facilities; and streets and traffic safety controls shall not be exceeded and the public improvements shall be available to serve the site at the time of development, unless otherwise provided for by this Code and other applicable regulations. The Development & Public Works Director or a utility provider shall determine capacity issues. Finding 3: Approval of this proposal would allow for construction of a 12,735 ft2 expansion of an existing 24,274 ft2 industrial building. The proposed development would also reconfigure the truck loading dock and maneuvering area on the west side of the property; install a covered trash enclosure on the west edge of the building; and install vegetative stormwater management facilities and site landscaping. Finding 4: For all public improvements, the applicant shall retain a private professional civil engineer to design the site improvements in conformance with City codes, this decision, and the current Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM). The private civil engineer also shall be required to provide construction inspection services. Finding 5: The Development Review Committee reviewed the proposed site plans on December 7, 2018. City staff’s review comments have been incorporated in findings and conditions contained herein. Conclusion: The proposal satisfies this sub-element of the criterion. Water and Electricity Improvements Finding 6: SDC 4.3-130 requires each development area to be provided with a water system having sufficiently sized mains and lesser lines to furnish adequate supply to the development and sufficient access for maintenance. Springfield Utility Board (SUB) coordinates the design of the water system within Springfield city limits. Finding 7: In accordance with SDC 4.3-125, wherever possible all utility lines shall be placed underground. Additionally, vaults and transformers for utility connections should be screened from view or placed out of sight at the side or rear of the building. Finding 8: The applicant is proposing to use the existing water system connections on Nugget Way. Attachment 1, Page 3 of 18 Page 4 of 18 Finding 9: SUB Water advises that all non-residential domestic and irrigation services require a reduced pressure backflow assembly. All fire services require a minimum of a double check detector assembly with a detector meter on a bypass. The assemblies are required to be installed above ground and adjacent to the water service. The applicant is advised to contact SUB Water Division’s Backflow Prevention Specialist at (541) 726-2396 to discuss the backflow prevention and fire protection service requirements. Finding 10: The applicant is proposing to leave the existing SUB electrical transformers along the southern edge of the site intact and unaffected by the project. Finding 11: Based on the applicant’s submittal, the existing water, electrical and telecommunication facilities are adequate for the proposed development. Conclusion: The existing SUB Water and Electric facilities are adequate to serve the site. Therefore, the proposal satisfies this sub-element of the criterion. Sanitary Sewer and Stormwater Management Facilities Sanitary Sewer Finding 12: Section 4.3-105.A of the SDC requires that sanitary sewers shall be installed to serve each new development and to connect developments to existing mains. Additionally, installation of sanitary sewers shall provide sufficient access for maintenance activities. Finding 13: The applicant is proposing to use the existing private sanitary sewer lateral that will run beneath the building expansion area, and to install a Y-connection with cleanout to serve the truck loading dock and trash enclosure. The private sanitary lateral connects with the public sewer line in Nugget Way which has adequate capacity for the proposed development. Finding 14: In accordance with Chapter 3.02.4.A of the City’s EDSPM and Section 3.4 of the City of Eugene Stormwater Management Manual, material transfer and solid waste storage areas shall be covered and hydraulically isolated from potential stormwater runoff, and directed to the sanitary sewer system. To meet this requirement, the applicant is proposing to construct a truck loading dock and a trash enclosure along the western edge of the building. The loading dock and trash enclosure are both proposed to be covered, hydraulically isolated and equipped with a floor drain that is plumbed to the sanitary sewer system. Finding 15: The applicant’s proposed sanitary sewer connections meet the City’s requirements. Conclusion: The proposal satisfies this sub-element of the criterion. Stormwater Management (Quantity) Finding 16: SDC 4.3-110.B requires that the Approval Authority shall grant development approval only where adequate public and/or private stormwater management systems provisions have been made as determined by the Development & Public Works Director, consistent with the EDSPM. Finding 17: SDC 4.3-110.D requires that runoff from a development shall be directed to an approved stormwater management system with sufficient capacity to accept the discharge. Finding 18: SDC 4.3-110.E requires new developments to employ drainage management practices that minimize the amount and rate of surface water runoff into receiving streams, and that promote water quality. Finding 19: To comply with Sections 4.3-110.D & E, stormwater runoff from the site will be directed into a series of filtration rain gardens prior to discharge into the public stormwater system located on Nugget Way. Attachment 1, Page 4 of 18 Page 5 of 18 Finding 20: The applicant proposes to use Gibson Steel catch basins to be installed in the Nugget Way right-of-way as ‘bubblers’ to accommodate runoff from the site. The City’s standards do not permit the use of steel catch basins in the right-of-way or grates in the public sidewalk. Because there is no piped stormwater system along the property frontage, the applicant could use standard concrete catch basins in the public right-of-way and curbside weep holes or another mechanism acceptable to the City. Recommended Condition of Approval: 1. The Final Site Plan shall provide for City of Springfield standard concrete catch basins (Detail 4-11) or Lane County equivalent for the bubblers. City staff will accept drainage through the curbside weep holes as there is no piped stormwater system along the property frontage. Conclusion: As conditioned herein, the proposal satisfies this sub-element of the criterion. Stormwater Management (Quality) Finding 21: Under Federal regulation of the Clean Water Act (CWA), Endangered Species Act (ESA), and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), the City of Springfield has obtained a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit. A provision of this permit requires the City to demonstrate efforts to reduce the pollution in urban stormwater to the Maximum Extent Practicable (MEP). Finding 22: Federal and Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) rules require the City’s MS4 plan to address six “Minimum Control Measures”. Minimum Control Measure 5, “Post-Construction Stormwater Management for New Development and Redevelopment”, applies to the proposed development. Finding 23: Minimum Control Measure 5 requires the City of Springfield to develop, implement and enforce a program to ensure the reduction of pollutants in stormwater runoff to the MEP. The City also must develop and implement strategies that include a combination of structural or non-structural Best Management Practices (BMPs) appropriate for the community. Finding 24: Minimum Control Measure 5 requires the City of Springfield to use an ordinance or other regulatory mechanism to address post-construction runoff from new and re-development projects to the extent allowable under State law. Regulatory mechanisms used by the City include the SDC, the City’s Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM) and the Stormwater Facilities Master Plan (SFMP). Finding 25: Section 3.02 of the City’s EDSPM states the Development & Public Works Department will accept, as interim design standards for stormwater quality, water quality facilities designed pursuant to the policies and procedures of the City’s EDSPM and the City of Eugene Stormwater Management Manual. Finding 26: Sections 3.02.5 and 3.02.6 of the City’s EDSPM states all public and private development and redevelopment projects shall employ a system of one or more post-developed BMPs that in combination are designed to achieve at least a 70 percent reduction in the total suspended solids in the runoff generated by the development. Section 3.03.4.E of the manual requires a minimum of 50 percent of the non-building rooftop impervious area on a site shall be treated for stormwater quality improvement using vegetative methods and 100% of the area shall be pre-treated. Finding 27: To meet the requirements of the City’s MS4 permit, the Springfield Development Code, and the City’s EDSPM, the applicant has proposed using filtration rain gardens. Finding 28: The vegetation proposed for use in the filtration rain gardens will serve as the primary pollutant removal mechanism for the Stormwater runoff. Satisfactory pollutant removal will occur only when the vegetation has been fully established. Attachment 1, Page 5 of 18 Page 6 of 18 Finding 29: The applicant’s civil drawings and landscaping plan do not provide a description of the planting medium for the filtration rain gardens. A suitable soil mix will be required to ensure the filtration rain gardens can be properly vegetated and will remain viable and functional into the future. Finding 30: The applicant is proposing to use a monoculture of spreading rush (Juncus patens) for the filtration rain gardens, which is an acceptable plant species. However, staff advises that one or more additional species could be added for diversity. Finding 31: The applicant’s site landscaping plan proposes to remove four existing trees along the eastern edge of the site and reconstruct the planter islands as filtration rain gardens. However, trees and shrubs are not prescribed for the new filtration rain gardens. The existing trees are considered street trees and also function as parking lot landscaping trees, both of which are required elements of site development. To compensate for the tree removal, staff advises that at least four replacement trees will be required along the eastern edge of the site to address the parking lot landscaping, street tree, and vegetated stormwater facility requirements. If necessary, the linear stormwater filtration rain gardens can be reconfigured to accommodate the trees. Recommended Conditions of Approval: 2. Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, the applicant shall enter into a maintenance agreement with the City of Springfield, whereby the applicant will provide routine maintenance for functionality of the filtration rain gardens serving the development site. 3. Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, the applicant shall provide an operations and maintenance plan satisfactory to the City to ensure viable long-term maintenance and operation of the stormwater filtration rain gardens. The operations and maintenance plan shall designate the responsible party for operating and maintaining the system and shall be distributed to all property owners and tenants of the site. A record of this plan shall be filed against the property deed with Lane County Deeds and Records. 4. To ensure a fully functioning water quality system and meet objectives of Springfield’s MS4 permit, the Springfield Development Code and the EDSPM, the filtration rain gardens shall be fully vegetated with all vegetation species established prior to issuance of final occupancy and commencement of operations. Alternatively, if this condition cannot be met, the applicant shall provide and maintain additional interim erosion control/water quality measures acceptable to the Development & Public Works Department that will suffice until such time as the filtration rain garden vegetation becomes fully established. The interim erosion control measures shall be in addition to the required plantings for the site. 5. The Final Site Plan shall provide a description of a suitable growing medium for the filtration rain gardens. 6. The Final Site Plan shall provide for at least four replacement street trees along the eastern boundary of the site. If necessary, the configuration of the filtration rain gardens along the eastern boundary of the site can be adjusted to accommodate the trees. Conclusion: As conditioned herein, the proposal satisfies this sub-element of the criterion. Streets and Traffic Safety Controls Finding 32: SDC 4.2-105.G.2 requires that whenever a proposed land division or development will increase traffic on the City street system and that development has unimproved street frontage abutting a fully improved street, that street frontage shall be fully improved to City specifications. Attachment 1, Page 6 of 18 Page 7 of 18 Finding 33: The subject property abuts a City-owned road widening parcel for Franklin Boulevard along the eastern boundary. Along the subject property frontage, Franklin Boulevard is an approximately 45-foot wide minor arterial street within a 60-foot wide right-of-way. The street is improved with paving, line striping and street lighting. Finding 34: Along the southern site frontage, Nugget Way is a 37-foot wide Lane County local access road within a variable-width right-of-way. Nugget Way is improved with sidewalk, curb and gutter but lacks street lighting and a continuous row of street trees. The applicant is proposing to install sidewalk connections, ADA crossings, and street trees along the Nugget Way frontage of the site in accordance with City standards. Finding 35: The proposed development will likely generate additional pedestrian and bicycle trips. According to the “Household” survey done by Lane Council of Governments (LCOG) in 1994, 12.6% of household trips are made by bicycle or walking and 1.8% are by transit bus. These trips may have their origins or destinations at a variety of land uses, including this site. Pedestrian and bicycle trips create the need for sidewalks, pedestrian crossing signals, crosswalks, bicycle parking and bicycle lanes. Finding 36: The proposed transportation facilities would be adequate to accommodate the anticipated vehicular and pedestrian traffic patterns generated by the development in a safe and efficient manner. Conclusion: The proposal satisfies this sub-element of the criterion. C. The proposed development shall comply with all applicable public and private design and construction standards contained in this Code and other applicable regulations. Finding 37: Criterion C contains three different elements with sub-elements and applicable code standards. The site plan application as submitted complies with the code standards listed under each sub-element unless otherwise noted with specific findings and conclusions. The elements, sub-elements and code standards of Criterion C include but are not limited to: 1. Infrastructure Standards in accordance with SDC 4.1-100, 4.2-100 & 4.3-100 • Water Service and Fire Protection (4.3-130) • Public and Private Easements (4.3-120 – 4.3-140) 2. Conformance with standards of SDC 5.17-100, Site Plan Review, and SDC 3.4-200 Employment Mixed Use Zoning District, and SDC 4.7-100 Specific Development Standards • Establishment of Glenwood Riverfront Mixed Use Plan District (3.4-205) • Glenwood Riverfront Mixed-Use Plan District Modifications (3.4-230) • Design Standards Alternatives/Exemptions from Design Standards (3.4-235) • Schedule of Uses for Glenwood Riverfront Mixed Use Plan District (3.4-250) • Base Zone Development Standards (3.4-265) • Public and Private Development Standards (3.4-270) • Building Design Standards (3.4-275) 3. Overlay Districts and Applicable Refinement Plan Requirements • Glenwood Refinement Plan Attachment 1, Page 7 of 18 Page 8 of 18 C.1 Public and Private Improvements in accordance with SDC 4.1-100, 4.2-100 & 4.3-100 Water Service and Fire Protection (4.3-130) Access Finding 38: All fire apparatus access routes are to be paved all-weather surfaces able to support an 80,000 lb. imposed load in accordance with the 2014 Springfield Fire Code (SFC) 503.2.3 and SFC Appendix D102.1. Access to the project area is afforded from Nugget Way. Finding 39: The existing access to the subject site is acceptable, and will be maintained with the proposed development on the property. Finding 40: In accordance with SFC 912.3, immediate access to fire department connections shall be maintained at all times and without obstruction by fences, trees, shrubs, walls or any other objects. Finding 41: The applicant’s site plan indicates that the perimeter of the site is to be fenced and equipped with controlled access gates for the parking lot and truck loading dock areas. The applicant has not indicated if the gates are proposed to be manually or electronically operated. To ensure that 24/7 emergency access can be maintained for the site, a Knox box keyed system (for an electronic gate) or a Public Works lock (for a manually operated gate) will need to be provided. The selected gate operation system will need to be depicted on the final site plan. A Public Works lock can be obtained from Heyman’s Lock, Safe and Security at 131 14th Street in Springfield (ph. 541-747-6713). Water Supply Finding 42: The applicant has depicted the location of an existing fire hydrant outside the northeast corner of the site at the edge of the Franklin Boulevard right-of-way. The fire hydrant provides sufficient coverage for the proposed development. Recommended Condition of Approval: 7. The Final Site Plan shall provide for a Knox Box keyed system or Public Works lock for the emergency access gates serving the site. Conclusion: As conditioned herein, the proposal satisfies this sub-element of the criterion. Public and Private Easements (4.3-120 – 4.3-140) Finding 43: SDC 4.3-130.A requires each development area to be provided with a water system having sufficiently sized mains and lesser lines to furnish adequate supply to the development and provide sufficient access for maintenance. SUB coordinates the design of the water system within Springfield city limits. Finding 44: SDC 4.3-140.A requires applicants proposing developments to make arrangements with the City and each utility provider for the dedication of utility easements necessary to fully service the development or land beyond the development area. The minimum width for public utility easements (PUEs) adjacent to street rights-of-way and internal to private properties shall be 7 feet, unless the Development & Public Works Director requires a larger easement to allow for adequate maintenance access. There is an existing 5-foot wide PUE along the property frontage on Nugget Way that will suffice for the project. Finding 45: There is an existing 10-foot wide slope easement along the southeast edge of the site, and two 35- foot wide right of access easements along the eastern boundary of the property where it abuts the City-owned road widening parcel. The City-owned parcel is not intended to be used as road widening in the near future so Attachment 1, Page 8 of 18 Page 9 of 18 the applicant can retain the perimeter fence for the time being and use the enclosed area for occasional parking, if desired. Finding 46: The applicant is proposing to dedicate a private cross-access easement between Tax Lots 2000 and 2001 to allow for truck maneuvering and loading dock access across the two properties. The private cross- access easement will need to be executed and recorded prior to commencement of operations for the new loading dock. Recommended Condition of Approval: 8. Prior to issuance of Final Occupancy and commencement of operations, the applicant shall execute and record a private cross-access easement between Tax Lots 2000 and 2001 as generally depicted on the approved Final Site Plan, and provide evidence thereof to the City. Conclusion: Safe and efficient provision of public access and utilities requires the provision of corresponding access and utility easements. As conditioned herein, the proposal satisfies this sub-element of the criterion. C.2 Conformance with Standards of SDC 5.17-100, Site Plan Review, and SDC 3.4-200, Employment Mixed Use District Establishment of Glenwood Riverfront Mixed Use Plan District (3.4-205) Finding 47: In accordance with SDC 3.4-205.B the Glenwood Riverfront Mixed Use Plan District is intended to provide customized development standards for sites within the Glenwood Riverfront area. Among other things, the District encourages aesthetically pleasing, sustainable buildings and sites that are context sensitive and oriented to human activity; allows for a mix of uses suitable to unique development sites; facilitates opportunities for businesses to provide goods and services for local, national and international markets; and facilitates redevelopment while addressing the consequences of change to existing businesses. Finding 48: The applicant’s submittal proposes to expand an existing business that provides goods for local, national and international markets. To address the provisions of the Glenwood Riverfront Mixed Use Plan District, the applicant is proposing alternative design standards as described in the subsection below. Conclusion: The proposal satisfies this sub-element of the criterion. Glenwood Riverfront Mixed-Use Plan District Modifications (3.4-230) Finding 49: In accordance with SDC 3.4-230.B.4, an alternative to a building design standard as specified in SDC 3.4-275 is classified as a Major Glenwood Riverfront Mixed-Use Plan District Modification and it is processed as a Type III review. The applicant is proposing an alternative building design standard pursuant to SDC 3.4-275.F.d, which triggers this review. Further discussion of the proposed alternative design standard is found in Section 3.4-275 below. Finding 50: In accordance with SDC 3.4-230.E, there are three criteria for Major Glenwood Riverfront Mixed-Use Plan Area Modifications: 1) Maintaining the integrity of the north-south and east-west street grid; 2) Not significantly affecting the landscaping, stormwater management, design, circulation and access policies of the Glenwood Refinement Plan, SDC 3.4-270.A.3, or the EDSPM; and 3) Resulting in a development design that meets or exceeds the applicable purposes of SDC 3.4-205. Finding 51: The applicant is not proposing any changes or modifications that affect the existing or planned street network in the Glenwood Riverfront. Therefore, criterion 3.4-230.E.1 is not applicable. Finding 52: The applicant is not proposing any changes or modifications that affect the landscaping, stormwater management, circulation and access policies of the Glenwood Refinement Plan, SDC 3.4-270.A.3 Attachment 1, Page 9 of 18 Page 10 of 18 or the EDSPM. However, the applicant is proposing alternative design standards in accordance with SDC 3.4-235 below. Provided the alternative design standards proposed herein are determined to be satisfactory, this criterion has been met. Finding 53: The applicant is proposing a development design that meets the applicable purposes of SDC 3.4- 205.B.3 (encourages aesthetically pleasing, sustainable buildings and sites); 3.4-205.B.7 (facilitates opportunities for businesses to provide goods and services to local, national and international markets); and 3.4-205.B.13 (facilitates redevelopment while addressing the consequences of change to existing businesses). Provided the alternative design standards proposed herein are determined to be satisfactory, this criterion has been met. Design Standards Alternatives / Exemptions from Design Standards (3.4-235) Finding 54: In accordance with SDC 3.4-235.A, the development and design standards of the Glenwood Riverfront Mixed Use Plan District require the developer to comply with the standards, request an exemption from a certain standard, or propose alternative design standards that meet or exceed the subject standard. For the subject application, the applicant is proposing to incorporate alternative design standards. Finding 55: In accordance with SDC 3.4-235.B, a developer can request that the Site Plan Review process is elevated to a Type III review as specified in SDC 5.1-130 and 5.13-115.A.1. The applicant has requested a Type III review before the Planning Commission for the proposed alternative design standards (see Building Design Standards, Section 3.4-275.F below). Conclusion: The proposal satisfies this sub-element of the criterion. Schedule of Uses for Glenwood Riverfront Mixed Use Plan District (3.4-250) Finding 56: In accordance with SDC 3.4-250, light manufacturing facilities engaged in the manufacture of finished products, including processing, fabrication, assembly, testing and packaging, are allowable in the Glenwood Employment Mixed Use District. The existing and proposed development is consistent with these allowable elements of light manufacturing use. Conclusion: The proposal satisfies this sub-element of the criterion. Base Zone Development Standards (3.4-265) Finding 57: In accordance with SDC 3.4-265, buildings in the Employment Mixed Use District are regulated by the build-to lines and building setback provisions of SDC 4.-275.H; the landscape provisions of SDC 3.4-270.F; and the building height provisions of SDC 3.4-275.D. Finding 58: The existing building was constructed in 1978 so it pre-dates the provisions of the Glenwood Refinement Plan as originally adopted in 1999 and updated in 2012. Staff advises that the current site configuration does not fully meet the requirements of the adopted Glenwood Refinement Plan for building placement, landscaping, or parking. However, a key aspect of the proposed building expansion project is that it will increase the degree of conformity for the building and site through improving the public street frontages, managing vehicle and bicycle parking on the site, providing window glazing and doors on the street-side facades of the building, and improving the landscaping and stormwater management facilities on the site. Conclusion: The proposal satisfies this sub-element of the criterion. Attachment 1, Page 10 of 18 Page 11 of 18 Public and Private Development Standards (3.4-270) Finding 59: The subject site has direct frontage on Nugget Way, which is a Lane County local access road. The Nugget Way public street frontage has been improved with curb, gutter, sidewalk and paving but lacks street lighting and continuous street trees. The applicant is proposing to reconstruct the public sidewalk along the Nugget Way frontage to meet ADA accessibility guidelines and also to route the sidewalk around an existing transformer at the southwest corner of the site. The applicant is not required to construct other public street improvements for the project for two reasons: first, the street frontage is already improved to acceptable urban industrial standards and second, the street is not under City jurisdiction and Lane County Transportation has not requested any street improvements to serve this project. Therefore, SDC 3.4-270.A is not applicable. Finding 60: In accordance with SDC 3.4-270.B, street trees and curbside planter strips are required for public street frontages. The applicants’ site landscaping plan (Sheet L1.0) depicts curbside planters and street trees along the Nugget Way frontage of the site, which meets this requirement. Finding 61: In accordance with SDC 3.4-270.C, private on-site lighting shall meet the standards of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) and be shielded and downcast to prevent glare and light trespass onto adjacent properties and public rights-of-way. The applicant has provided lighting fixture cut sheets for the wall-mounted LED lights that are to be installed on the building exterior. The proposed light fixtures are shielded and downcast, and meet IESNA standards for full cutoff compliance. Therefore, the proposal meets this requirement. Finding 62: In accordance with SDC 3.4-270.D, bicycle facilities are to be provided for commercial and industrial uses within the Glenwood Riverfront Area. The applicant has depicted the location of outdoor, covered bicycle parking facilities on the site plan. Additional covered, indoor bicycle parking spaces are to be provided for the benefit of the employees working at the facility. At build-out, the facility will be approximately 37,009 ft2 and Table 3.4-2 requires a bicycle parking provision of 1 space per 10,000 ft2 of manufacturing space. Fractional spaces are rounded up to the nearest whole number. Therefore, the total bicycle parking requirement for the site at build-out is four spaces, of which at least three (75%) are to be covered, long-term spaces. Finding 63: The applicant is proposing to install a single bicycle parking hoop along the eastern edge of the building (capacity two bicycles) and provide a single long-term space inside the building. The outdoor spaces at the edge of the building are beneath a proposed canopy, so they can be considered long-term spaces. To comply with the requirements of SDC Table 3.4-2, an additional space either inside or outside the building is required. The location of the four bicycle parking spaces need to be depicted on the final site plan. Finding 64: In accordance with SDC 3.4-270.E, a multi-use path is to be constructed along the Glenwood Riverfront. The subject site does not interface with the river’s edge; therefore, this requirement is not applicable. Finding 65: In accordance with SDC 3.4-270.F, private landscaping is required within building setbacks and for the management of stormwater, where feasible. Landscaping can consist of trees, shrubs, groundcover plants and turf grass, or a combination thereof. The applicant is proposing to install new street trees and groundcover plants along the public street frontage on Nugget Way, which meets this requirement. Additionally, the applicant is proposing to construct stormwater filtration rain gardens along the eastern edge of the site where it abuts the City-owned road widening parcel, and at the southeast and southwest corners of the site. The vegetated filtration rain gardens perform a dual role of managing runoff from the site and serving as required landscaping within the building setback and parking lot areas. Finding 66: The applicant is proposing to retain existing trees and vegetation along the northern boundary of the site, which is outside the project impact area. Attachment 1, Page 11 of 18 Page 12 of 18 Finding 67: In accordance with SDC 3.4-270.F.3.i, landscaping areas are to be provided with a permanent irrigation system or a mechanism to ensure establishment and long-term viability. The applicant is proposing to install a permanent underground irrigation system for all landscaping areas, which meets this requirement. Finding 68: In accordance with SDC 3.4-270.G.1, vehicle and bicycle parking areas shall be designed and constructed in accordance with provisions of the Glenwood Refinement Plan and Sub-Area D of the Glenwood Riverfront area. Finding 69: In accordance with SDC 3.4-270.G.5.b, sites within Sub-Area D of the Glenwood Riverfront area and located south of the Union Pacific railroad bridge can have parking facilities that face the Franklin Boulevard (McVay Highway) corridor, provided they are screened and limited to two rows of parking with a bi-directional driving aisle. The subject site is located in Sub-Area D, south of the Union Pacific railroad bridge, and it has a parking lot with two rows of parking spaces (one facing the building, the other facing Franklin Boulevard) with a bi-directional driving aisle. Therefore, the existing parking configuration meets the requirements of SDC 3.4-270.G.5.b with the exception of providing vegetative screening along the eastern boundary of the site. Finding 70: The applicant is proposing to install filtration rain gardens along the eastern edge of the site where it abuts the road-widening parcel owned by the City. The existing trees are proposed to be removed and will need to be replaced in accordance with Recommended Condition 6. To address the parking lot screening requirements of SDC 3.4-270.F.4.b and 3.4-275.G.5.b, staff recommends that screening vegetation (e.g. shrubs) is also added to the proposed filtration rain gardens at the eastern edge of the site. Appropriate shrub species can be found on the City’s approved plant list for stormwater management facilities (ref. Appendix 6B of the EDSPM). Finding 71: In accordance with SDC Table 3.4-1, the maximum parking provision for light manufacturing facilities is one space for every 550 ft2 of gross floor area. At build-out, the proposed building will be 37,009 ft2 which generates a maximum parking provision of 68 spaces. The proposed parking space provision is about 24 spaces, which meets this requirement. Finding 72: In accordance with SDC 3.4-270.G.15, loading areas are to be located at the rear or side of a development area with access taken from a public service street. The applicant is proposing to construct a new truck loading dock area at the western edge of the building expansion area, with access derived from the adjacent industrial street (Nugget Way). A vehicle maneuvering area with cross-access easement is proposed across the western edge of the site to facilitate use of the new truck loading dock. Finding 73: The applicant is not proposing any new or modified public sanitary sewer facilities. Therefore, SDC 3.4-270.H is not applicable. Finding 74: In accordance with SDC 3.4-270.I.2, private stormwater facilities shall be designed and constructed as specified in the City’s EDSPM to incorporate Low Impact Development (LID) approach. The proposed development manages stormwater runoff from the site by directing it into a series of filtration rain gardens prior to discharge onto Nugget Way. There is no piped stormwater system available for the property, so the applicant has abided by the recommendations of City staff for management, treatment and conveyance of runoff from the site. Finding 75: The applicant is not proposing any public parks and open space. Therefore, SDC 3.4-270.J is not applicable. Finding 76: The applicant is not proposing to install or modify any transit stops along Franklin Boulevard. Therefore, SDC 3.4-270.K is not applicable. Attachment 1, Page 12 of 18 Page 13 of 18 Finding 77: The applicant is not proposing any new or modified signs on the property. If signage is proposed, it will need to comply with the City’s Sign Regulations found in Chapter 8 of the Springfield Municipal Code and provisions of SDC 3.4-270.L. Finding 78: In accordance with SDC 3.4-270.M, light manufacturing facilities shall be enclosed within a building and shall adhere to performance standards listed in SDC 3.4-270.M.7-13, including prevention of air pollution, glare, noise, odors, radiation and vibrations. The existing and proposed use on the site complies with the standards listed in SDC 3.4-270.M for light manufacturing activities and operations. Finding 79: There are no inventoried historic resources on the site, therefore SDC 3.4-270.N is not applicable. Recommended Conditions of Approval: 9. The Final Site Plan shall provide for at least four (4) bicycle parking spaces of which at least three are to be covered, long-term spaces located under a canopy or inside the building. 10. The Final Site Plan shall provide for vegetative screening of the parking lot along the eastern edge of the site. The screening vegetation can be standalone or incorporated into the filtration rain gardens depicted on the site landscaping plan. Conclusion: As conditioned herein, the proposal satisfies this sub-element of the criterion. Building Design Standards (3.4-275) Finding 80: In accordance with SDC 3.4-275.A, building design standards for the Glenwood Riverfront area apply to new development and site redevelopment. The objective of the design standards is to establish a sense of place, promote aesthetically pleasing building and sites that are oriented to the human scale, and provide an improved streetscape. Finding 81: In accordance with SDC 3.4-275.B, a project design team is required for proposed developments requiring Site Plan Review. The applicant’s project design team complies with the requirements of SDC 3.4- 275.B because it includes a civil engineer, landscape designer, and project architect. The architectural submittal will be detailed in the Building Permit drawings that are prepared and submitted for the project. Finding 82: In accordance with SDC 3.4-275.C, building facades are to include architectural detailing including awnings and canopies, variation in building materials, ground floor windows and doors, and other features. Finding 83: The south side of the existing building is a blank, featureless wall that faces Nugget Way. The applicant is proposing to modify the southern and western building elevations by incorporating limited window glazing, roll-up and man doors, awnings, feature strips, and variations in textures and materials. The proposed building also has variations in the roofline and colored accents to increase the visual interest along the public street frontage. The proposed architectural detailing meets the requirements of SDC 3.4-275.C with the exception of window glazing and doors as described below in SDC 3.4-275.F. Finding 84: In accordance with SDC 3.4-275.D.1, the minimum building height for single-story buildings in Sub-Area D is 20 feet. The proposed building is between 20 and 25.5 feet high, which meets this requirement. Finding 85: In accordance with SDC 3.4-275.E, building massing and articulation is to be employed where building facades are visible from the public realm. For the subject development site, the requirements for building massing and articulation is limited to the portion that is being modified (i.e. the Nugget Way frontage). Finding 86: The subject property has a restrictive covenant on title requiring the use of concrete tilt-up panel construction for the exterior building walls (see Attachment 4). While the restrictive covenant does not Attachment 1, Page 13 of 18 Page 14 of 18 supersede the City’s adopted Development Code requirements, it has led the applicant to propose a design solution that satisfies both requirements. The concrete tilt-up panel method of construction is not particularly conducive to detailed building articulation and extensive wall penetrations to accommodate window glazing and door openings. To address the building massing requirements, the applicant is proposing to use repeating window and trim patterns along the southern and western facades; design elements including awnings, colored accents, and variations in rooflines; and decorative concrete and masonry block materials. The proposed building elevations are provided in the application packet and staff will provide color renderings at the public hearing meeting. Finding 87: In accordance with SDC 3.4-275.F.d, light manufacturing buildings are to contain windows and doors along at least 40 percent of the length and 25 percent of the wall area of the façade to allow for views into lobbies and work areas, and to allow persons inside to look out. Finding 88: The applicant has expressed concern about the requirements of SDC 3.4-275.F.d for two reasons. First, the method of construction (concrete tilt-up panel), which the applicant is obligated to use for the project, is not particularly conducive to extensive window and door penetrations. Second, the applicant notes that the facility uses proprietary manufacturing methods to create products with private, commercial and military applications. Therefore, the requirement to provide “views into work areas” conflicts with the applicant’s desire to limit the exposure of their testing, manufacturing and production practices to direct public view. Finding 89: The applicant is proposing some window glazing and door penetrations of the project area, including the south building façade which is currently a blank, featureless wall. However, in lieu of providing doors and windows along 40 percent of the length and 25 percent of the area, the applicant is proposing windows (and feature strips that mimic windows) along with awnings, vertical features of decorative stone, and color variations as depicted on the building elevations on Sheet A2.0. The applicant is requesting that the Planning Commission grant approval of the alternative design standards to be used on the south and west building façades where the applicant does not meet the minimum window and door requirements. Finding 90: In accordance with SDC 3.4-275.G, building entrances are to be oriented such that they are identifiable, can be accessed from the public sidewalk, and have architectural elements such as awnings, canopies and overhangs. The existing entrance is located near the southeast corner of the building and it is not proposed to be modified. However, the existing entrance provides an architectural projection and additional window glazing, and is directly accessible from the adjacent public street. Additionally, the entrance to the light manufacturing building portrays an office-like appearance in accordance with SDC 3.4-275.G.3. Finding 91: In accordance with SDC 3.4-275.H, new construction is to comply with build-to lines that bring building edges closer to the public street. Section 3.4-275.H.2.a&b allows for buildings to be set back up to 10 feet behind the build-to line. To meet this requirement, the proposed building expansion brings the south façade to within less than 7.5 feet of the property line along Nugget Way. In accordance with SDC 3.4- 275.H.2.b.i, the west façade is set back farther from the property line to allow for truck maneuvering and access to the loading dock and trash enclosure. The applicant has provided truck turning and maneuvering information on Sheet C1.0 demonstrating that an increased setback is warranted for the west façade. Finding 92: Staff observes that the building cannot be feasibly located closer than 7 feet from the southern property line due to an existing 5-foot wide public easement that contains a SUB Electric transformer, which itself has a minimum building setback requirement of at least 3 feet. The existing building face is set back approximately 23 feet from the southern boundary or build-to line. The proposed building expansion includes a new southern building façade that is within 7.5 feet of the build-to line, and which increases the degree of conformity for the building. Therefore, the proposed build-to lines meet the requirements of SDC 3.4-275.H for bringing the building façade closer to the public street. Finding 93: The subject site has a paved curbside surface along the edge of Nugget Way, which effectively serves as a public sidewalk. The applicant is proposing to reconfigure and improve the sidewalk connection along Nugget Way to meet ADA accessibility guidelines and also to bypass an existing electrical transformer at Attachment 1, Page 14 of 18 Page 15 of 18 the southwest corner of the site. Sidewalks are not continuous along Nugget Way west of the subject property. Despite the discontinuous nature of the public sidewalk system west of the subject property, pedestrian amenities as described in SDC 3.4-275.I are applicable and required for the project. The City’s design standards are applicable to Nugget Way, as a county local road inside Springfield’s UGB. Lane Code 15.704(1)(d). The property has 440 feet of frontage along Nugget Way. Due to the industrial use of the property and discontinuous sidewalk along Nugget Way, the following pedestrian amenities listed under subsection I.2.c are not consistent with the character and scale of surrounding development: sitting space for outdoor restaurant areas, transit shelters, information kiosks, sidewalk displays, wayfinding signage consisting of a distinctive logo and directional guidance to neighborhood destinations; stands selling flowers, food or drink; and entry steps, porches or gardens for residential mixed-use. Any other combination of pedestrian amenities listed under subsection I.2.c would meet the intent to provide comfortable and inviting pedestrian spaces that are consistent with the character and scale of the surrounding development. The Final Site Plan will need to depict the location and type(s) of pedestrian amenities found in SDC 3.4-275.I.2 as required under the Condition of Approval listed below. Finding 94: The applicant has not provided information on possible rooftop mechanical equipment to serve the building expansion area. If rooftop mechanical equipment is proposed, it will require screening in accordance with SDC 3.4-275.J. Finding 95: The applicant is not proposing a parking structure, therefore SDC 3.4-275.K is not applicable. Recommended Conditions of Approval: 11. The applicant’s alternative design standards for the south and west building façades, as described in the application narrative and generally depicted on Sheet A2.0, are hereby approved and satisfy the requirements of SDC 3.4-235 and 3.4-275.F. 12. The Final Site Plan shall provide for pedestrian amenities along the Nugget Way frontage of the site to satisfy the requirements of SDC 3.4-275.I.2. Specifically, the Final Site Plan must show at least 6 benches, 6 trash receptacles, 9 pedestrian-scale wall mounted lights meeting the standards in SDC 3.4-270C.2, between the curb of Nugget Way and the build-to-line, and at least 11 additional amenities that may be any combination of the following in any location between the building and the curb along Nugget Way: benches; garden walls or ledges; building canopies, awnings, or pergolas (minimum projection of 4 feet over a sidewalk or other pedestrian space); drinking fountains; planting beds, hanging flower baskets, large semi-permanent potted plants, and/or ornamental planters; decorative clocks; public art sculpture, statutes, murals, or fountains; or bicycle racks. 13. The Final Site Plan shall provide for appropriate screening of any rooftop mechanical units installed or modified with the building expansion project. Conclusion: As conditioned herein, the proposal satisfies this sub-element of the criterion. C .3 Overlay Districts and Applicable Refinement Plan Requirements Finding 96: The subject site is not located within the mapped Time of Travel Zones (TOTZs) for Springfield’s drinking water wells. However, as a “Best Practices” recommendation for this site, care must be taken during site construction and operation to prevent contamination from chemicals that may spill or leak onto the ground surface, including fuel and automotive fluids (such as lubricants and antifreeze, etc.). Fluid-containing equipment, including vehicles parked on the site, shall be monitored for leaks and spills. Any chemical spills or leaks must be cleaned up immediately and cleanup materials disposed off-site in accordance with Lane County and State DEQ requirements. Attachment 1, Page 15 of 18 Page 16 of 18 Finding 97: The subject site is within the adopted Glenwood Refinement Plan area. As stated previously, the current Employment Mixed Use zoning is consistent with the zoning designation for the property, and therefore satisfies the Refinement Plan policies applicable to this site. Finding 98: The site is outside the delineated Willamette Greenway Overlay District and therefore the provisions of SDC 3.4-280 are not applicable to the subject development. Conclusion: The proposal satisfies this sub-element of the criterion. D. Parking areas and ingress-egress points have been designed to: facilitate vehicular traffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety to avoid congestion; provide connectivity within the development area and to adjacent residential areas, transit stops, neighborhood activity centers, and commercial, industrial and public areas; minimize curb cuts on arterial and collector streets as specified in this Code or other applicable regulations and comply with the ODOT access management standards for State highways. Finding 99: Installation of driveways on a street increases the number of traffic conflict points. The greater number of conflict points increases the probability of traffic crashes. Effective ways to reduce the probability of traffic crashes include: reducing the number of driveways; increasing distances between intersections and driveways; and establishing adequate vision clearance areas where driveways intersect streets. Each of these techniques permits a longer, less cluttered sight distance for the motorist, reduces the number and difficulty of decisions that drivers must make, and contributes to increased traffic safety. Finding 100: In accordance with SDC 4.2-120.C, site driveways shall be designed to allow for safe and efficient vehicular ingress and egress as specified in Tables 4.2-2 through 4.2-5, the City’s EDSPM, and the City’s Standard Construction Specifications. Ingress-egress points must be planned to facilitate traffic and pedestrian safety, avoid congestion, and minimize curb cuts on public streets. Finding 101: The applicant is proposing to close an existing driveway on Nugget Way and relocate it approximately 45 feet to the northwest along the public street. The relocated driveway increases the separation distance from the intersection with Newman Street and the “elbow” of Nugget Way where it deflects eastward to the intersection with Franklin Boulevard. The proposed relocated driveway improves sight distance and accommodates truck access and maneuvering for the loading dock on the west side of the building. Conclusion: The proposal satisfies this criterion. E. Physical features, including, but not limited to: steep slopes with unstable soil or geologic conditions; areas with susceptibility of flooding; significant clusters of trees and shrubs; watercourses shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map and their associated riparian areas; wetlands; rock outcroppings; open spaces; and areas of historic and/or archaeological significance, as may be specified in Section 3.3-900 or ORS 97.740-760, 358.905-955 and 390.235-240, shall be protected as specified in this Code or in State or Federal law. Finding 102: The Natural Resources Study, the National Wetlands Inventory, the Springfield Wetland Inventory Map, Wellhead Protection Overlay and the list of Historic Landmark Sites have been consulted and there are no natural features or resources on the property that warrant protection. Finding 103: Stormwater runoff from the subject site eventually flows to the Willamette River system. This river is listed with the State of Oregon as a “water quality limited” stream for numerous chemical and physical constituents, including temperature. Provisions have been made in this decision for protection of stormwater quality. The proposed on-site stormwater treatment system consists of filtration rain gardens and catch basin ‘bubblers’ that outfall to the public street. Attachment 1, Page 16 of 18 Page 17 of 18 Finding 104: As previously noted herein, groundwater protection must be observed during construction on the site. The applicant shall maintain the private stormwater facilities on the site to ensure the continued protection of surface water and groundwater resources. Conclusion: The proposed development provides storm and ground water quality protection in accordance with SDC 3.3-200 and receiving streams have been protected in accordance with SDC 4.3-110 and 4.3-115. CONCLUSION: The Tentative Site Plan, as submitted and conditioned herein, complies with Criteria A-E of SDC 5.17-125 and Criteria 1-3 of SDC 3.4-230.E. SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The Final Site Plan shall provide for City of Springfield standard concrete catch basins (Detail 4-11) or Lane County equivalent for the bubblers. City staff will accept drainage through the curbside weep holes as there is no piped stormwater system along the property frontage. 2. Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, the applicant shall enter into a maintenance agreement with the City of Springfield, whereby the applicant will provide routine maintenance for functionality of the filtration rain gardens serving the development site. 3. Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, the applicant shall provide an operations and maintenance plan satisfactory to the City to ensure viable long-term maintenance and operation of the stormwater filtration rain gardens. The operations and maintenance plan shall designate the responsible party for operating and maintaining the system and shall be distributed to all property owners and tenants of the site. A record of this plan shall be filed against the property deed with Lane County Deeds and Records. 4. To ensure a fully functioning water quality system and meet objectives of Springfield’s MS4 permit, the Springfield Development Code and the EDSPM, the filtration rain gardens shall be fully vegetated with all vegetation species established prior to issuance of final occupancy and commencement of operations. Alternatively, if this condition cannot be met, the applicant shall provide and maintain additional interim erosion control/water quality measures acceptable to the Development & Public Works Department that will suffice until such time as the filtration rain garden vegetation becomes fully established. The interim erosion control measures shall be in addition to the required plantings for the site. 5. The Final Site Plan shall provide a description of a suitable growing medium for the filtration rain gardens. 6. The Final Site Plan shall provide for at least four replacement street trees along the eastern boundary of the site. If necessary, the configuration of the filtration rain gardens along the eastern boundary of the site can be adjusted to accommodate the trees. 7. The Final Site Plan shall provide for a Knox Box keyed system or Public Works lock for the emergency access gates serving the site. 8. Prior to issuance of Final Occupancy and commencement of operations, the applicant shall execute and record a private cross-access easement between Tax Lots 2000 and 2001 as generally depicted on the approved Final Site Plan, and provide evidence thereof to the City. 9. The Final Site Plan shall provide for at least four (4) bicycle parking spaces of which at least three are to be covered, long-term spaces located under a canopy or inside the building. 10. The Final Site Plan shall provide for vegetative screening of the parking lot along the eastern edge of the site. The screening vegetation can be standalone or incorporated into the filtration rain gardens depicted on the site landscaping plan. Attachment 1, Page 17 of 18 Page 18 of 18 11. The applicant’s alternative design standards for the south and west building façades, as described in the application narrative and generally depicted on Sheet A2.0, are hereby approved and satisfy the requirements of SDC 3.4-235 and 3.4-275.F. 12. The Final Site Plan shall provide for pedestrian amenities along the Nugget Way frontage of the site to satisfy the requirements of SDC 3.4-275.I.2. Specifically, the Final Site Plan must show at least 6 benches, 6 trash receptacles, 9 pedestrian-scale wall mounted lights meeting the standards in SDC 3.4-270C.2, between the curb of Nugget Way and the build-to-line, and at least 11 additional amenities that may be any combination of the following in any location between the building and the curb along Nugget Way: benches; garden walls or ledges; building canopies, awnings, or pergolas (minimum projection of 4 feet over a sidewalk or other pedestrian space); drinking fountains; planting beds, hanging flower baskets, large semi-permanent potted plants, and/or ornamental planters; decorative clocks; public art sculpture, statutes, murals, or fountains; or bicycle racks. 13. The Final Site Plan shall provide for appropriate screening of any rooftop mechanical units installed or modified with the building expansion project. QUESTIONS: Please call Andy Limbird in the Current Development Division of the Development & Public Works Department at (541) 726-3784 or email alimbird@springfield-or.gov if you have any questions regarding this process. PREPARED BY Andy Limbird Andy Limbird Senior Planner Attachment 1, Page 18 of 18 811-18-000208-TYP2 – SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR PROPOSED BUILDING EXPANSION AT ROSEN SUNVISOR SYSTEMS 4884 FRANKLIN BOULEVARD (MAP 18-03-03-14, TAX LOTS 2000 & 2001) SITE CONTEXT MAP SITE Eugene Mobile Village RV Park Attachment 2, Page 1 of 1 Attachment 3, Page 1 of 23 Attachment 3, Page 2 of 23 Attachment 3, Page 3 of 23 Attachment 3, Page 4 of 23 Attachment 3, Page 5 of 23 Attachment 3, Page 6 of 23 Attachment 3, Page 7 of 23 Attachment 3, Page 8 of 23 Attachment 3, Page 9 of 23 Attachment 3, Page 10 of 23 Attachment 3, Page 11 of 23 Attachment 3, Page 12 of 23 A3VAwliko- HANSON PROPERTIES 11 LLC; 86365 COLLEGE VIEW RD. EUGENE, OR 97405 541-747-4269 CONTACT: NILES HANSOM EMAIL: niles@nwstamping.com TENANT ROSEN SUNVISOR SYSTEMS 86365 COLLEGE VIEW ROAD EUGENE, OR 97405 541-747-0034 CONTACT: NILES HANSOM EMAIL: niles@nwstamping.com SSW ENGINEERS, INC 2350 OAKMONT WAY, SUITE 105 EUGENE, OR 97401 541-485-8383 ENGINEER OF RECORD: MICHAEL COX, P.E. CONTACT: BECKY WILTSE EMAIL* beckyw@ssweningeers.com GENERAL CONTRACTOR ORDELL CONSTRUCTION, LLC ri 29771 EAST ENID ROAD 'GO. EUGENE, OR 97402 541-747-8734 CONTACT: STEVE PORTER EMAIL: Sporter@ordeliconstruction.com Mr.1 SCALE: NOT TO SCALE LEGAL DESCRIPTION TAX MAP: 18-03-03-14 TAX LOT: 2000 & 2001 ADDRESS: 4884 FRANKLIN BOULEVARD ZONING: EMPLOYMENT MIXED-USE (GLENWOOD) PROJECT DESCRIPTION EXISTING CONDITIONS: TWO STRUCTURES PROPOSED CONDITIONS: A CONCRETE TILT UP ADDITION OFF OF THE EXISTING STRUCTURES SITE USES OF ADJACENT LAND NORTH, SOUTH, & EAST: EMPLOYMENT MIXED-USE (GLENWOOD) WEST: LIGHT MEDIUM INDUSTRIAL DRAW I N (43 1 NU" 08" EX ms GO.0 TITLE SHEET V1.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS C1.0 SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN C3.0 SITE UTILITIES PLAN C4.0 SITE STORMWATER PLAN C5.0 SITE GRADING PLAN C7.0 CIVIL DETAILS C8.0 STORMWATER DETAILS A1.0 FLOOR PLAN A2.0 BUILDING ELEVATIONS S P2_ iZZSW n \ bf Date Received OCT 26 2018 Original Submittal-_ PROPF I N A? 77009 0 1 , N 6L A0' IRENEWS: 12f31119 ANmRM SSW I N EERS Nc CIVIL - STRUCTURAL- BUILDING DESIGN SURVEYING a LAND USE PLANNING 2350 Oakmont Way, Suite 105 Eugene, Oregon 97401 641) 485-8383 FAX (541) 485-8384 www.sswengineers.com LLJ 0 < U) U. z W d ZWCY Z),I- < 0 IZ.- :CM UJ U in W U) Cif U) z 0 _ w J LU - - LL 17- > z W 0U) z z (9 D < 0 W LU Z W LL 0 z "l. 0 W 00 00F_ U) 0 LL REVISIONS date by TITLE SHEET, PROJECT INFO. job 18-7555 drawn RRW date 10/25/18 checked MAC flied SHEET aoo(o 1 Of 10 Exhibit 3A 1 of 11Attachment 3, Page 13 of 23 LOT S 88*51'25" E LOT I 5' P.U.E. FGAS1— GAS TAX LOT 2000 EXISTING BUILDING IND U T IF - I A L USED WAS 61T-Y- 8'-E-N-CH`M-A'RK-- NO, -6_ 0505, A"' BRASS CAP IN THE CURB NEAR THE SW CORNER OF NUGGET WAY AND MCVAY HIGHWAY wwww ww -7- ww ww wwALSOKNOWNASFRANKLINBOULEVARD) ON TTHESOUTHSIDEOFNUGGETWAY, 21 FEET D WEST OF THE END OF CURB AND 3.5 FEET POSSIBLE LOCATION OF EXISTING WASTEWATER .7L77 NORTH OF A POWER POLE. 6 LINE BASED ON OLD PLANS AND CITY ELEVATION = 449.374 (NAVD '88 DATUM) INFORMATION. VERIFY. 8=19Aa NEE, N THIS DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A BOUNDARY SURVEY AND IS SUBJECT TO ANY INACCURACIES THAT A SUBSEQUENT CURVE C2 BOUNDARY SURVEY MAY DISCLOSE. R = 70.00' A S P H A L T A = 43'14'05" L = 52.82' EMEMEbli WIE1 CH = 51.58' N 30 52 02 " W 2.5 -OV EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS PER CHICAGO TITLE WASTEWATER MANHOLE INSURANCE COMPANY POLICY NO. 73106-52225: RIM = 437.56 FL 10" NW = 428.28 Q0. FL 10" S 428,28 XA. PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENTS OVER THE NORTHERLY, WESTERLY AND SOUTHERLY 5.00 FEET o -v C. 16,61, -77ASSET FORTH BY THE PLAT. (THE LOCATION OF CURVE C1 Ilk THESE EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN AND NOTED R = 25.00' HEREON). A = 80*1,8'00" L = 35.04' B. ACCESS RESTRICTIONS AND SLOPE EASEMENT SEE EASEMENT.. OTE CCH = 32.24' coGRANTEDTO STATE OF OREGON BY INSTRUMENT N 49*24'00" W emwRECORDEDMARCH9, 1966, RECEPTION NO. 39389, AND BY INSTRUMENTS RECORDED MARCH 27, 1968, RECEPTION NOS. 18222 AND 18824, AND AS MODIFIED BY THAT INDENTURE OF ACCESS RECORDED SEPTEMBER 14, 2000, RECEPTION NO. r a SEE EAST 14ENT NOTE C 2000-053332, LANE COUNTY OFFICIAL RECORDS. 5- THE LOCATION OF THE 10.00 FOOT WIDE SLOPE Er ve 0z 1 338.57' X-1 w p EXISTING BUILDING GAIE71-7771 G U) 01 Mo KE M a i A S P H A L TA0 U) J, p 4t n C) YTI itIT rri L4 p IUI(p, iiA M n T —T —T 1 T —T —T T<R. 40 ti 0 It rn 03 V) R rri f It ASPHALT It 1000 FOOTSLOPE 4T. FASEMEt SEE tIia EASEMENT NOTE B o) 00 CA QTAXLOT2002 AS P HALT (0. D. O.T.) 777777-- I q B ELEC FED t It AA2t:.AZ)tMLNI AND THE LOCATION OF APPROVED E. 189* 33067 WACCESSRIGHTSARESHOWNANDNOTEDHEREON). 5 ' P.U.E. WL& FVAUL 1w T T, T W —w E —'E T T r ------- E- T- C. UNDERGROUND UTILITY EASEMENT GRANTED TO L T E ETHECITYOFEUGENEBYINSTRUMENTRECORDED441 11— AUGUST 6, 1969, RECEPTIw w ON NO. 76323, LANE COUNTY OFFICIAL RECORDS. (THIS EASEMENT IS C5 q 9FORTHATPORTIONOF EXISTING UTILITIES THAT FALL OUTSIDE OF THE 5.00 FOOT PUBLIC UTILITY ww ww ww WN,— ww ww ww Q 0t-1'4- ww 8" ww ww ww T - EASEMENT). ,-Z ww WW— ww ww ww-:__ ww ww 8" ww Ww — ww ww WW— WW— WW— ww ww — ww D. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS IN CL CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DECLARATION RECORDED FEBRUARY 29, 1996, 7> 0BENCHMARK4600avM -- N G G E W A- Y -- RECEPTION NO. 9613731, LANE COUNTY OFFICIAL 0 wRECORDS. GASGASGGASGASWGAS — GAS I GAS IGASGASGASGASGAS GM— GAS — GAS4s — GAS GASIGAS — GAS — GAS OHW— 014W— OHW— OHW— OHW— OHW— OHW— 04 OHW— OHW— OHVI— OHW— OHW PP OHW— OHW— OHW— 0 nww_ Aww— ^u- UBM NQIE; OHW H OHW — OHW— OHW--I- OH UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE pp 0 BASED ON A COMBINATION OF FIELD WASTEWATER MANHOLE WASTEWATER MANHOLE vmw RIM = 437.94 RIM = 442.22SURVEYOFOBSERVABLEEVIDENCE, FL 10" N = 428.46 FL 8" W = 429.13UTILITYCOMPANYLOCATIONMAPSANDFL8" E = 428.46 FL 8" S = 429-34PAINT, AND OLD CONSTRUCTION PLANS FL 8" S = 428.52 FL 8" E = 429.14 FL 8" W = 428.54ANDARESUBJECTTOVERIFICATION. 81LEGENDpp. ow EXISTING WATER VALVE IM EXISTING ELECTRIC METER ------ 0 a EXISTING HANDRAIL OR CHAIN LINK FENCE LINE DENOTES EXISTING CONCRETE SURFACE Elwm EXISTING WATER METER OPP EXISTING POWER POLE — ST EXISTING STORMWATER PIPE (SIZE AS NOTED) M EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT 17D EV EXISTING ELECTRIC VAULT — ww— EXISTING WASTEWATER PIPE (SIZE AS NOTED) DENOTES EXISTING ASPHALT SURFACE CJ's' EXISTING WATER VAULT El ET EXISTING ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER — GAS — EXISTING NATURAL GAS LINE EXISTING STORMWATER MANHOLE E— EXISTING POWER POLE GUY ANCHOR —w — EXISTING WATER LINE (SIZE AS NOTED) EXISTING DECIDUOUS TREE (SIZE AS NOTED) EM EXISTING CATCH BASIN 0B EXISTING BOLLARD —E — EXISTING UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINEIEXISTINGCONIFEROUS TREEEE (SIZE AS NOTED) EXISTING CURB INLET EXISTING SIGN A9 NOTED OHW— 170 EXISTING OVERHEAD WIRE( S) EXISTING WASTEWATER MANHOLE F21 EXISTING GAS METER T EXISTING TELEPHONE LINE P.I.I 0 . E. DENOTES PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT ocQ EXISTING CLEANOUT, EXISTING TELECOMMUNICATIONS RISERonTEXISTING DATA BOX R.O.W. DENOTES RIGHT-OF-WAY OG O.D.O.T. DENOTES OREGON DEPT OF TRANSPORTATIONEXISTINGGASVALVEomwEXISTING MONITORING WELL Date Received 0 CT 2 6 2C131 Odginal Submittal IL - REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR OREGON JULY 11, 2000 MICHAEL R. DAHRENS 60052 1 RENEWS: 12-31-2019 in MUL SSW mN61& momsRStNEM CIVIL -STRUCTURAL- BUILDING DESIGN SURVEYING* LAND USE PLANNING 2350 Oakmont Way, Suite 105 Eugene, Oregon 97401 541)485-8383 FAX (541) 4858384 Vp".sswengineers.com I REVISIONS 11 I date by 11 EXISTING CONDITIONS I PLAV Exhibit 3A 2 of 11Attachment 3, Page 14 of 23 LEGEND 1 NEW CURB & GUTTER, SEE DETAIL 5/C7.0 D NEW ASPHALT REMOVE BOLLARDS SIDEWALK, SEE DETAIL 6/C7.0 I s JI -- 1 LOT 2 L.03 7 w I k sL PROPOSED CROSS -ACCESS EASEMENT Q rn We a e 0oma• \ 4' Q1 O h° QP yJ'L'Va S 88'51'25" E 338.57' 1 ter '•.. 1 r TRUCK TURN ANALYSIS FOR ACCESS TO PROPOSED TRUCK DOCK MITF i 1 I 7s; A`1913% EXISTING DRIVEWAY ---'' & o - 2 TO REMAIN i •. . PROPOSED LOCATION OF NEW `24" DRIVEWAY & . GATE, SEE DETAIL 9/C7.0 x # TRUCK DOCK COVERED TRASH ENCLOSURE x X CURVE Cit % X 1 R = 70.00' xXs t. BUILDING EXPANSION A = 43° 14'05" x x L = 52.82' EXISTING DRIVEWAYS NN30°52 028 w TO BE CLOSED 25 00' x x w, x # FBLTRATION RAIN GARDEN, x X SEE SHEETS C4.0 & C8.0xxXxz x x - x CURVE C1 NEW FENCE o xx x x K x M x x, z._ x x x z x u x R = 25.00' x x X.IX xx i[+azxx xXXxXx NX <, A= 80* 18'00" x x xxX% C XX L = 35.04' % Kx Xxx xX% M X x X X x X X SEE EASEMENT NOTE CCH32.24' 0 MXUXX xxx N 49°24'00" W l -' x. x. x x x% a XXxx xx aMw 32, x{ 7 jpxC X x x NEW RIGHT OF WAY SIDEWALK a.+ SEE EASEMENT NOTE C j , 4 Er y : ti • ..R•.. e 0 tf .:4 .• 7'-4"t T REPAIR SIDEWALK AS NEEDED TO MANTIAN 2% CROSS SLOPE PP TAX LOT 2000 EXISTING BUILDING 0 10' 20' 40' 60' SCALE: 1" = 20'-0" Q0 OM2' TAX GATE ftibTI EXISTING BUILDING T 2001 CD Z LU N U G G E T W A Y Ox PP I GATE ate= x I I I NEW CANOPY NEWBICYCLE HOOP j} ADDITIONAL LONG IJ TERM SPACE INSIDE FH W LTD BUS STOP APPROXIMATELY 600'± TO THE NORTHx 1 2 4 # K FILTRATION RAIN GARDEN, X $ R SEE SHEETS C4. 0 & C8. 0 C7.0 EXISTING BUILDING T 2001 CD Z LU N U G G E T W A Y Ox PP 10.00 FOOT SLOPE I `I, EASEMENT. SEE , EASEMENT NOTE B 0') _ a5 TAX LOT 2002 '' r I r---- O.D.O.TNEWCANOPY 5' P.U.E. H 223.36' FILTRATION RAIN GARDEN, F x x X X SEE SHEETS C4.0 & C8.0 E' h X Y x X x XXHY xXx x X% x VX x Y. x xyX}xp a x X x ELL PED X X x x. x x x x x x x e x x x x X X X X% X x x X x x% x X x x X x x z x z x X x x W° EXISTING 6'-0" CHAINLINK FENCE 4 a t 1 W LTD BUS STOP APPROXIMATELY 11 90'± TO THE SOUTH f i t V-PP pp ii a z iz i s% Ra,a 12evieanj Vose.n SM0sD*f S s}em5 90 3 Q L1 I Date Received OCT 26 238 Original Submittal M PRop,, G I N EFR ,0 cr 770 a GON y9FL M -N RENEWS: 121311/9 asw E an Lano Ne INC CIVIL -STRUCTURAL.- BUILDING DESIGN SURVEYING a LAND USE PLANNING 2350 Oakmont Way, Suite 105 Eugene, Oregon 97401 541) 485-8383 FAX (541) 485-8384 www.sswengineers.com LL >. UJ Z W V Z d' < J U ®®W W Z0J JLz W 0 W L) 0 VJ REVISIONS date _.__. by SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN job 18-7555 drawn RRW date 10/25/18 Checked MAC filed SHEET 0 (B Of 1 iq F i FH W LTD BUS STOP APPROXIMATELY 600'± TO THE NORTHx 2 4 # K FILTRATION RAIN GARDEN, X $ R SEE SHEETS C4. 0 & C8. 0 kk v X V. W Ln 2 i XX E o0 2'-0" WIDE RAISED ASPHALT 3 PATCH, SEE SHEET C5.0 U) FOR ELEVATIONS RE-ESTABLISHED ADA PARKING rri x X STALLS WITH SIGN AND MARKINGS Xix I W 01 Y§ rn s FILTRATION RAIN GARDEN, } tn x rn Z SEE SHEETS C4.0 & C8.0 F> x r O W C bl 2'-0" WIDE RAISED ASPHALT ;`E1 PATCH, SEE SHEET C5.0 FOR ELEVATIONS iii" 10.00 FOOT SLOPE I `I, EASEMENT. SEE , EASEMENT NOTE B 0') _ a5 TAX LOT 2002 '' r I r---- O.D.O.TNEWCANOPY 5' P.U.E. H 223.36' FILTRATION RAIN GARDEN, F x x X X SEE SHEETS C4.0 & C8.0 E' h X Y x X x XXHY xXx x X% x VX x Y. x xyX}xp a x X x ELL PED X X x x. x x x x x x x e x x x x X X X X% X x x X x x% x X x x X x x z x z x X x x W° EXISTING 6'-0" CHAINLINK FENCE 4 a t 1 W LTD BUS STOP APPROXIMATELY 11 90'± TO THE SOUTH f i t V-PP pp ii a z iz i s% Ra,a 12evieanj Vose.n SM0sD*f S s}em5 90 3 Q L1 I Date Received OCT 26 238 Original Submittal M PRop,, G I N EFR ,0 cr 770 a GON y9FL M -N RENEWS: 121311/9 asw E an Lano Ne INC CIVIL -STRUCTURAL.- BUILDING DESIGN SURVEYING a LAND USE PLANNING 2350 Oakmont Way, Suite 105 Eugene, Oregon 97401 541) 485-8383 FAX (541) 485-8384 www.sswengineers.com LL >. UJ Z W V Z d' < J U ®®W W Z0J JLz W 0 W L) 0 VJ REVISIONS date _.__. by SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN job 18-7555 drawn RRW date 10/25/18 Checked MAC filed SHEET 0 (B Of 1 Exhibit 3A 3 of 11Attachment 3, Page 15 of 23 NOTES: 1. EXTEND SANITARY SEWER, WATER, GAS AND ELECTRICAL FROM EXISTING BUILDING. 2. SEE SHEET C4.0 FOR STORMWATER INFORMATION. LOT 2 05 CURVE C2 R 70.00' A 43' 14'05" L 52.82' CH 51.58' N 3952'02" W CURVE C1 R 25.00' A 80* 18'00" L 35,04' CH 32.24' N 49*24'00" W WASTEWATER MANHOLE RIM = 437.56 FL 10" NW = 428.28 FL 10" S = 428.28 0 ___ VM ____ 0 25. 001 pa GAS — GAS — GAS — GAf WASTEWATER MANHOLE RIM 437.94 FL 10" N 428.46 FL 8" E 428.46 FL 8* S 428.52 FL 8" W 428.54 O M 0 W, WW WW WN__ L GAS GAS GAS GAS I GAS SITE UTILITIES PLAN 10' 20' 40' ea SCALE: 1 20'-0" I?] WASTEWATER MANHOLE RIM = 442. 22 FL 8" W = 429.13 FL 8" S = 429.34 FL 8" E = 429-14 FH q W ST^' ' p 81 la_ Z T —T —T Znl i 0 c ASPHALT TAX LOT 2002 O.D.O.T.) ,' '€ 1't 0 W ft s V T T W E W E a 0 o WW_ WW_ WW WW WW WW 0 33 0 GAS GAS GAS GAS OHW OHW- OHW— OHW OH pp PP rite, copy 0=_ 110Z sk, MyA eM*eAAJ Fz ot, Suw \4 scy 5 +cm Date Received OCT 26 2C13 Original SubmiftaI_ha81__,A_ PRop I N 4P CC 77009 OR ON yqL A RENEWS: 12/31/19 dMlb, AMb, MLV& qMIftImVMIm 40sw rra Aft mEE NcEN111It CIVIL - STRUCTURAL- BUILDING DESIGN SURVEYING o LAND USE PLANNING 2350 Oakmont Way, Suite 105 Eugene, Oregon 97401 541) 485-8383 FAX (541) 485-8384 www.sswengineem.com 90 V 0 < LL > z W P^ V J Ce) U) 0 z 0 0') 0 U) CO Cr Jff% Z 0 ULJ > Ld Z z Z W z c) U) < atom < p P^ WzVJW U. 0 z C) 00U) JtWJ%hL U r%.00 LJL REVISIONS date by SITE UTILITIES PLAN job 18-7555 drawn RRW date 10/25f18 checked MAC filed SHEET 0.(B 4 of 10 9 WW -8" WWI— WW_ WW_ WW_ WW_ WW_ L_ WW_ VW_ WW_ WW_ ww— WW—8" WW— WW— WW— WW2 N U G GE T W A Y GAS GAS — GAS — GAS GAS GAS W GAS GAS W— GAS— GAS— GAS— GAS— M— GAS I?] WASTEWATER MANHOLE RIM = 442. 22 FL 8" W = 429.13 FL 8" S = 429.34 FL 8" E = 429-14 FH q W ST^' ' p 81 la_ Z T —T —T Znl i 0 c ASPHALT TAX LOT 2002 O.D.O.T.) ,' '€ 1't 0 W ft s V T T W E W E a 0 o WW_ WW_ WW WW WW WW 0 33 0 GAS GAS GAS GAS OHW OHW- OHW— OHW OH pp PP rite, copy 0=_ 110Z sk, MyA eM*eAAJ Fz ot, Suw \4 scy 5 +cm Date Received OCT 26 2C13 Original SubmiftaI_ha81__,A_ PRop I N 4P CC 77009 OR ON yqL A RENEWS: 12/31/19 dMlb, AMb, MLV& qMIftImVMIm 40sw rra Aft mEE NcEN111It CIVIL - STRUCTURAL- BUILDING DESIGN SURVEYING o LAND USE PLANNING 2350 Oakmont Way, Suite 105 Eugene, Oregon 97401 541) 485-8383 FAX (541) 485-8384 www.sswengineem.com 90 V 0 < LL > z W P^ V J Ce) U) 0 z 0 0') 0 U) CO Cr Jff% Z 0 ULJ > Ld Z z Z W z c) U) < atom < p P^ WzVJW U. 0 z C) 00U) JtWJ%hL U r%.00 LJL REVISIONS date by SITE UTILITIES PLAN job 18-7555 drawn RRW date 10/25f18 checked MAC filed SHEET 0.(B 4 of 10 Exhibit 3A 4 of 11Attachment 3, Page 16 of 23 I TIE (E) DOWNSPOUTS TO NEW PIPE b."i = 44U.79 _6!ST = 440.54 6"ST = 440. ST 4- ST - ST - s1r - ST 5T ST - ST - ST - ST 771111111111111111111,1--177 caCATCH BASIN till GRATE = 437.9043 1 --= -= = F7 s_rSTSTS'r 7Z INSTALL FLOGARD FILTER All TAX LOT 2000ASPHALTO 0) WO EXISTING BUILDING o 7- 7 LOT 1 LOT 1A/ 7- E) DOWNSPOUTS TO BE PIPED ALONG WALL THROUGH 6" PIPEINDUS)F-i -F\ J ';_ 11 CURVE C2. xx x 9 R = 70.00' ASPHALT A = 43* 14'05" L = 52.82 CH = 51.58'01 N 30°52'02''W WASTEWATER MANHOLE ?,.0.* - RIM = 437.56 Z ... FL 10" NW = 428.28 N) LANDSCAPE STRIPFL10" S = 428-28 6" PERF 435,70WITH6" CURB AND k GUTTER ASPHALT SIDE O x R x x x s x 12"1 FILTRATION RAIN CURVE Cl GARDEN, SEE DETAILS I & 2111 R = 25.00' 36.L3 BOTTOM OF GARDEN4 A = 80118,00" N) GIBSON STEEL CATCH L = 35.04' BASIN. -BASIN WITH PUMP N) GIBSON STEEL 18"x18"i 6" PERF ;= 435.68CH = 32.24' COMPACT CATCH BASIN MODIFIED R x u x « x x RIM = 437M N 49°24 00 W AS A BUBBLER. SEE DETAIL 51C8.0 t 2" OULETTO BUBBLER omw V. . (N) 4" PERFORATED FOUNDATION RIM = 438:13 x x - DRAIN ALONG INTERIOR OF NEW SPILLWAY INTO GUTTER = 437.71 CONTINUOUS PERIMETER FOOTINGS. 2" ST FROM PUMP = 436.88 ET WASTEWATER MANHOLE RIM = 437.94 FL 10" N = 428.46 FL 8" E = 428.46 FL 8" S = 428.52 FL 8" W = 428.54 Vky, A011 : 4N W WW"I 0 10 20 401 60, SCALE' if 338. ST - ST - ST - ST - ST EXISTING BUILDING 2001 E) DOWNSPOUTS TO BE PIPED ALONG WALLI THROUGH 6" PIPE 6" ST = 459.82 WALL HUNG) 6" ST = 441.49 18'iix18'x24' GIBSON COMPACT BASIN WITH BIKE PROOF, HEAVY DUTY GRATE ACTING AS A BUBBLERTO STREET Ft 6"ST = 439.30 C.B. RIM =440.80 6 ST 440 04 6"P -RF =439.58 ST ST - ST ADD 12" CURB CUTS AT * 8-i O.0 TO (E) CURBS 41ALT: REPLACE (E) CURBS W1'J".'__ 12" CURB CUTS AT V 0"O.C. 5'=6"x43'N.E. FILTRATION GARDEN: REMOVE EXISTING LANDSCAPING AND REPLACE WITH RAIN FILTRATION GARDEN. SEE DETAIL 3/C8.0 61, PERF =439.58 6" ST = 439.58 OVERFLOW RIDGE = 442.40 A" rnA 6" PERF =439AI 0 ADD 12P CURB CU O.0 TO (E) CURBS ALT: REPLACE (E) CURBS WI 12" CURB C KUTSATV-0"O.C. ADD 12 CURB CUTS AT 8'-U' 441. 16 BOTTOM OF RAIN GARDE O.0 TO (E) CURBS ALT* REPLACE (E) CURBS W 12" CURB CUTS AT 81 O.C. 7 6-61"1 FILTRATION GARDEN: REMOVE EXISTING LANDSCAPING AND REPLACE WITH RAIN FILTRATION GARDEN. SEE DETAIL VC8.0 1 q0 6" PERF =439.41 6's r OVERFLOW Z A S P H A L T RAISED ASPHALT PATCH; ALTERNATIVE,. ADD CURB bDr GIBSON STEEL STORMWATER i CATCH BASIN WITH A PUMP TAX LOT 2002 61ST (EAST) =438.84 (0. D. Q. T.) C.B.RIM=441.95 2" ST DISCHARGE -440 78 14'x10' MIN. S.E. FILTRATION GARDEN: REMOVE EXISTING LANDSCAPING AND 6" ST = 438.88 REPLACE WITH RAIN FILTRATION GARDEN. SEE DETAIL 41C8.0ADD12" CURB (Ci 8'-0"' 0 C TO (E) CURBS Ad- REPLACE (E) CURBS W/ B 12 CURB CUTS AT 8-0' O C x tx # 6" PERF =440.03 B 441.78 BOTTOM OF RAIN GARDEN ELF 5' P.U.E. t,i GATE WO 441.33 qa 3:: \\ (N) GIBSON STEEL 18"18"1 C50 COMPACT CATCH BASIN MODIFIED AS A BUBBLER. SEE DETAIL 5/C8.0 2" WEEP HOLE IN CURB 8" ST = 438.42 z C.B. BUBBLER RIM = 440.09 @ SPILLWAY TO GUTTER= 439.63 C G E T W A Y C5 af pp xr, pp t WASTEWATER MANHOLE RIM = 442.22 FL 8" W = 429.13FI FL 8" S = 429.34 FL 8" E = 429.14 ppo 1E We CON swosv S95W dpp Date Received OCT 2 6 2018 dginal Submiftal_W___ RENEWS; WS: 12J31/19 A911L 01111111111LMW -W SSW WMIL 0 t N 6 1 No E. E i CIVIL -STRUCTURAL- BUILDING DESIGN SURVEYING,,, LAND USE PLANNING 2350 Oakmont Way, Suite 105 Eugene, Oregon 97401 541) 485-8383 FAX (541) 485-8384 www.sswengineers.com job 18-7555 drawn RRW date 10/25/18 checked MAC filed SHEET 40 5 of 10 40 ^ W NEW'M r%ki LL_ 0 00 LL. 0 U) LL Z W W OZWqt < 1) W U 0 :C0 im W U) A0L.L ff% W z 0 _J LU zJUJ ez LU c) D Von W z W U. 0 C - If ^ VJ 00 qqJ- A00"i U 100 LL. REVISIONS date by SITE TVI MW PLAN job 18-7555 drawn RRW date 10/25/18 checked MAC filed SHEET 40 5 of 10 Exhibit 3A 5 of 11Attachment 3, Page 17 of 23 NOTES CUT = 299 CUBIC YARDS FILL = 865 CUBIC YARDS S 88*51'25" E 437.20 d 439.00 438.60 22 437.70 TC 437.78 438.20 438.33 -.438.49t..-`•:438.52 TAX LOT 2000 EXISTING BUILDING 9bJn 438.16 440,81 /440. 10 439. ' 76) U Is J/_\ S439. Lo10 7 . . . . . . 439 02 438. 438.43 442.70 FFL-2-_ IN, 437 An 438.67 37 442.80 FFVIC.'-t . 43 - 35 437.22439.37 ssTz " . . :t 43 2 438.29A07 442.80 FFTCd,I . _ , 43 . 63U, 437.72 '438... 438 437.24r. Q7.84 43 8.57437.73 8.34TC10 1 437.25 l,-,438 04 4z437.74 .438 0 0437.26 437.87 4 437,854 8 438.3 42 437.79437.29 437 .77' 37.89 438.29TC z 4; 437M!- 337.31 7.74 CURVE C2 438. 24TC I J438j39_.. 43177• 438 . 37R = 70.00' 437.89 TG 438.03 A = 43'14'05" 437.93 TC 437.69 xK 438.1 .437.59 L = 52' 82 x x 437.64 4:3 7 72.: r'438.09TC 43 CH = 51.58' 438j4T N 30' 52' 02" W= x 438.10 438.01 TC x x 437,50 43811 e., 438.0XXXxx 43 438.01TC CURVE C1 R 25. 00' A 80' 18'00" L 35.04' CH 32.24' N 49*24' 00" w 3 CATCH BASIN x 438.03TC X. . . . . . I ATE = 437.90 x x XXX 437.59 441.33 BOTTOM OF RAIN GARDEN 8. 0 TC I -x 438.15 1.7 TAX LOT 2002 41 438.13 TC O.D. O.T.) 438, 14 23. RIDGE = 442A0 438.26 38. 36 42.81 L 8. 7 43 .5-7 RIDGE = 442.40 43772 438:2 _C 438.41 t, 38. 46 438.54 V M X .6 . H. . . YYYiii FF ELM 'PEON85 n A S P H A L T we 438 442.77 FF 442........ co 5' P.U. E. 442.80 FF J 442.77 FF F 0 GATE WO 4, 442.19 P H A L TRIDGE 437.20 d 439.00 438.60 22 437.70 TC 437.78 438.20 438.33 -.438.49t..-`•:438.52 TAX LOT 2000 EXISTING BUILDING 9bJn 438.16 440,81 /440. 10 439. ' 76) U Is J/_\ S439. Lo10 7 . . . . . . 439 02 438. 438.43 442.70 FFL-2-_ IN, 437 An 438.67 37 442.80 FFVIC.'-t . 43 - 35 437.22439.37 ssTz " . . :t 43 2 438.29A07 442.80 FFTCd,I . _ , 43 . 63U, 437.72 '438... 438 437.24r. Q7.84 43 8.57437.73 8.34TC10 1 437.25 l,-,438 04 4z437.74 .438 0 0437.26 437.87 4 437,854 8 438.3 42 437.79437.29 437 .77' 37.89 438.29TC z 4; 437M!- 337.31 7.74 CURVE C2 438. 24TC I J438j39_.. 43177• 438 . 37R = 70.00' 437.89 TG 438.03 A = 43'14'05" 437.93 TC 437.69 xK 438.1 .437.59 L = 52' 82 x x 437.64 4:3 7 72.: r'438.09TC 43 CH = 51.58' 438j4T N 30' 52' 02" W= x 438.10 438.01 TC x x 437,50 43811 e., 438.0XXXxx 43 438.01TC CURVE C1 R 25. 00' A 80' 18'00" L 35.04' CH 32.24' N 49*24' 00" w ftoftl Mel MA111k 91101 low i 0 11Y 20 40' 60, Wnwonvi 20'-0" A S P H A L T QMW T 442.76 442.78 442.66 4444 :6 7 4- 438.33 50 440.' 439J N 338.57' 438.16 FH Wq 438.11 3Rx . . . x 438.03TC X. . . . . . Ito . 9 x . 438.13 x . x t . . . . x x XXX 437.59 441.33 BOTTOM OF RAIN GARDEN 8. 0 TC I -x 438.15 1.7 TAX LOT 2002 41 438.13 TC O.D. O.T.) 438, 14 23. RIDGE = 442A0 438.26 38. 36 42.81 8. 7 43 .5-7 RIDGE = 442.40 43772 438:2 _C 438.41 t, 38. 46 438.54 V M X .6 . H. . . FF ELM 'PEON85 n x. . . . 442.81 V: 442.77 FF 442........ 5' P.U. E. 442.80 FF J 442.77 FF W ftoftl Mel MA111k 91101 low i 0 11Y 20 40' 60, Wnwonvi 20'-0" A S P H A L T QMW T 442.76 442.78 442.66 4444 :6 7 4- 438.33 50 440.' 439J N 338.57' FH Wq 7777777777777777// IQ CO T A 441.33 BOTTOMOF RAIN GARDEN I -x 1.7 TAX LOT 2002 41 O.D. O.T.) 14 RIDGE = 442A0 7, J_ 42.81 xXXXxx RIDGE = 442.40 z' C> 0 0 V M X .6 . H. . . FF ELM 'PEON85 n x. . . . 442.81 V: 442.77 FF 442........ 5' P.U. E. 442.80 FF 442.77 FF W 0 GATE WO 442.19 P H A L TRIDGE V EXISTING BUILDING TAX OT 2001 440.14 AAL62TC 440.49 440.01 C G E T W A Y IN Ppo Gw e nk) I m % 0 C M Q% M ate Received OCT 26 2C43 ofiqinal SubVW1ta1__yn__1_ PROFFss 77 1, % N yq L AI.N RENEWS: 12131119IIIL 1 SSW, a a M AE RNMA" I ann E E WRI S CIVIL - STRUCTURAL- BUILDING DESIGN SURVEYING,- LAND USE PLANNING 2350 Oakmont Way, Suite 105 Eugene, Oregon 97401 541) 485-8383 FAX (541) 485-8384 www.sswengineersl.com U. 0 LLJ> z Uw) 0 zW < sonumm (Y. 0 LLJ U U) A10 e ^ W L.L V j Z 0 _j W LLJ Z Z F- W D WWz W LL 0 z 1. LLJ 00 F- rn 100 W 04 Vt AONWA U d L1. REVISIONS date by SITE GPRADING LAN Jab 18-7555 drawn RRW date 10/25/18 checked MAC filed SHEET 6 of 10 IQ CO A 1.7 TAX LOT 2002 51 O.D. O.T.) 14 RIDGE = 442A0 42.81 xXXXxx X .6 . H. . . FF ELM 'PEON85x. . . . 442.81 442........ 5' P.U. E. W 0 GATE WO PP IN Ppo Gw e nk) I m % 0 C M Q% M ate Received OCT 26 2C43 ofiqinal SubVW1ta1__yn__1_ PROFFss 77 1, % N yq L AI.N RENEWS: 12131119IIIL 1 SSW, a a M AE RNMA" I ann E E WRI S CIVIL - STRUCTURAL- BUILDING DESIGN SURVEYING,- LAND USE PLANNING 2350 Oakmont Way, Suite 105 Eugene, Oregon 97401 541) 485-8383 FAX (541) 485-8384 www.sswengineersl.com U. 0 LLJ> z Uw) 0 zW < sonumm (Y. 0 LLJ U U) A10 e ^ W L.L V j Z 0 _j W LLJ Z Z F- W D WWz W LL 0 z 1. LLJ 00 F- rn 100 W 04 Vt AONWA U d L1. REVISIONS date by SITE GPRADING LAN Jab 18-7555 drawn RRW date 10/25/18 checked MAC filed SHEET 6 of 10 Exhibit 3A 6 of 11Attachment 3, Page 18 of 23 WMAI11swel: 10% o 9- yasN A 3/8" RADIUS ELEVATION VARIES SEE C5.0 FOR GRADES 5 C7.0 a EXISTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS NEW ADA SYMBOL 0 Z C) C:) I: bo Z 0 zo Z NEW ADA VAN SYMBOL NEW ADA POLE & SIGN, TYP. SEE DETAILS 2 &3/C7.0 MOUNTABLE CURB AND GUTTER SLOPE VARIES, SEE SHEET C5.0 FOR GRADES I a H I 1 -Off HANDICAP PARKING SIGN (TYPES R7-8, R7 -8P, OR7-8c) TO BE INSTALLED PER CODE BY CONTRACTOR AT VAN -ACCESSIBLE SPACES ONLY PARKING SURFACE PARKING SIGN A SEE SITE DEVELOPMENT AND BATTER 6:1 GRADING PLANS FOR ASPHALT AND/OR LANDSCAPING ELEVATION Driveway paw limit Zone to match extq. driveway NOTES: it monolithic, Inciudeacijacent curb) 'engthvades See general note 7 (see general note 6) 20' landi.9 area L t Jse max. width feasiblel Driveway ( see general note 5) lip exposure 2% maxPoTbmugSl2m, % nntm. 12% max. change si.'eCys. ....... m x in sto eP IVmax.) Intervals (SAG) Slope 1.5% max. Fh an (Max, 2. 0% finished surface slope) r (Normal st jewalk crosS slope) % maxgrade. it w e vanes 1. TOOLED JOINTS PER PLANS. VAnormal) U) 2. CONTRACTION JOINTS AT 20' W INTRVALS WITH ASPHALTE Fy IMPREGNATED JOINT FILLER. VARIES, SEE ARCH. 4 1) 44 CONTINUOUS 91 CONCRETE APRON/SIDEWALK DETAIL It 0 611 it 21 31 101 ,Oki kTJ : VITITYA I 1011111111111111t . I SCALE: NOT TO SCALE Effective Date: June 1, 2018 - November 30, 2018 Kul" 3 C7.0 GALV. CAP --- POST-1POST -1 1/2" O.D. GALV. PIPE ASPHALT PER - GEOTECHNICAL REPORT V-0" DIA. ADA PARKING SIGN POLE 0 611 if 2' SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" z W Z UJ NOTE: R ALL RADII TO BE 3/4' ASPHALT PER GEOTECHNICAL REPORT 0 6" 11 21 SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 1 011 ME I a 1*1 &1 &01 S J9 SCALE: NOT TO SCALE 21-511 id GREASE TRAP W/ HINGED LID TO SEWER 21-011 4 NOTES: 1. BOX FABRICATED FROM 10 GA MATERIAL. 2, BIKE PROOF, HEAVY DUTY TRAFFIC GRATE - SUPPORTS AASHTO H25 LOADING. 3. GIBSON MODEL NO. GCB10-38HB-6 PER DIMENSIONS SHOWN. 4. SERVICE CATCH BASIN TWO TIMES PER YEAR MINIMUM - ONCE BEFORE AND ONCE AFTER SEASONAL RAINS- TYP. 5. PROVIDE PRIMER & TRAP. STANDARD CATCH BASIN 0 611 it 21 SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" Date Received OCT 2 6 20"43 Original Submittal--V(-V PRaFfissGINSc tr 7700, otzE ON A ITR-ENEFS- -1273171-;- 7 UL 1 SW Ea 0 Ark AS& ago In no ow IGNEERY. CIVILo STRUCTURAL- BUILDING DESIGN SURVEYING o LAND USE PLANNING 2350 Oakmont Way, Suite 105 Eugene, Oregon 97401 641)485-8383 FAX (541) 485-8384 www.sswengineers.com 0 LLJ LU CJ) gyp? d ZW 000 00 W Cr (1) W U) Z 0 -J Ld ZJzeLU U) Z (.9 5 F- U) WWZ LLJ U. 0 0 U) A1111011"11111, U REVISIONS date by DETAILS job 18-7555 drawn RRW Mate 10/25/18 checked MAC filed SHEET 7 of 10 Driveway paw limit Zone to match extq. driveway Sidewalkwidth-Worgreater Seegeneral not Usemax. width feasible See general note S) it monolithic, Inciudeacijacent curb) 'engthvades See general note 7 (see general note 6) 20' landi.9 area L t Jse max. width feasiblel Driveway ( see general note 5) lip exposure 2% maxPoTbmugSl2m, % nntm. 12% max. change si.'eCys. ....... m x in sto eP IVmax.) Intervals (SAG) Slope 1.5% max. Fh an (Max, 2. 0% finished surface slope) r (Normal st jewalk crosS slope) % maxgrade. it w e vanesVAnormal) d 8% rnax.changeY.' preformed.filter in sl10' i.rervads (CREST), Seegeneral note 7 . 4 -1E P.C. concretec'er. driveway, n, thIm. 35 shown, Curbtype van. oras dlr. Seegeneral note4) SECTION A -A GENERAL NOTES FOR ALL DETAILS: 4. Details arebasedan United States Access Board Standards. OPTION D 2. Only use details allowed bijurisdiction. DRIVEWAY IN WIDE WOR GREATER} SIDEWALK 3. The following dimensions are as shown on plans, oras directed: driveway width, cirvewayslope, sidewalk width, curb exposure, drivewaylip exposure, landing area length and width. See project plans fordetails not shown. 4. Curb, gulter, and sidewalk types varies, seeplans. SeeStd:D.9s. RD700 & R0701 for curb details. Sea Sid, Dw9. 6720 forsidewalk details. S. 4' unobstructed dear passage with slope I .S% mu. (Max. 2.0% finished surface slope) Is required behinddriveway apron, 6. Whereexistingdriveway Is Ingood condition,. and meets sloperequirements, construct only as much as required forsatisfactory connection With new Work. Use reversing curves foral=m transition! 7. Checkthe gutterflow depth atdriveway locations to assum that the design flood does notovertop thebackofsidewalk at driveway. Ifovertopping occurs placean inlet at upstream side of driveway or perform other approved design mitigation. Sidewalkwidth (As directed) e general note 5) I'-- I - - - - - - 8. Tooled Joints am required atall drivewaysiopebreak lines. 9, 1S' min: of thedriveway behind thesidewalk should besurfaced to preventtracking ofgravel ontothe sidewalk. rr tr- y7 Use max.dth feasiblewia)ible See general 5not, ry Seegeneral note 7 L, 10, Monolithiccurb & sidewalkshall retainthickened edgethrough loweredprofile, toaaomodate drivewayuse. SeeSid. Dwg. RD720 fordetails. 11. Onoralong state highways, curband gutterIsrequiredat curb ramps. oSidewalk Driveway paylimit ifmonolithic, Include adjacent curb) See pr*ct plans for details not shown) Slope 1.5%=x Max. 2.0% finished surface slope) Normalsufmalkcross slope) CALC WOXM - - - - - BASELINE UMRTDATE Theselection andi1seDONS StandardDrawing, whileoe - sionedinaccordance with geftErdIlyffCICOPted engfneer- ingprincialesandpractices, Is thesole responsibilityof NOTE; ABOt -emDreg. S -dudsPWft.d01 OREGON STANDARD DRAWINGS CURB LINE SIDEWALK DRIVEWAYS OR ALLEYS (OPTIONS D & E) ODOT HIGHWAYS W Widthofdriveway the userandshould notbe 2038 OPTION E E Curbexposure use outCOJ?S a Re ra SIDEWALK WRAPPED AROUND DRIVEWAY P 7.01in commerdaj land use types 3.5' In residential land use types gineer. 101 ,Oki kTJ : VITITYA I 1011111111111111t . I SCALE: NOT TO SCALE Effective Date: June 1, 2018 - November 30, 2018 Kul" 3 C7.0 GALV. CAP --- POST-1POST -1 1/2" O.D. GALV. PIPE ASPHALT PER - GEOTECHNICAL REPORT V-0" DIA. ADA PARKING SIGN POLE 0 611 if 2' SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" z W Z UJ NOTE: R ALL RADII TO BE 3/4' ASPHALT PER GEOTECHNICAL REPORT 0 6" 11 21 SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 1 011 ME I a 1*1 &1 &01 S J9 SCALE: NOT TO SCALE 21-511 id GREASE TRAP W/ HINGED LID TO SEWER 21-011 4 NOTES: 1. BOX FABRICATED FROM 10 GA MATERIAL. 2, BIKE PROOF, HEAVY DUTY TRAFFIC GRATE - SUPPORTS AASHTO H25 LOADING. 3. GIBSON MODEL NO. GCB10-38HB-6 PER DIMENSIONS SHOWN. 4. SERVICE CATCH BASIN TWO TIMES PER YEAR MINIMUM - ONCE BEFORE AND ONCE AFTER SEASONAL RAINS- TYP. 5. PROVIDE PRIMER & TRAP. STANDARD CATCH BASIN 0 611 it 21 SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" Date Received OCT 2 6 20"43 Original Submittal--V(-V PRaFfissGINSc tr 7700, otzE ON A ITR-ENEFS- -1273171-;- 7 UL 1 SW Ea 0 Ark AS& ago In no ow IGNEERY. CIVILo STRUCTURAL- BUILDING DESIGN SURVEYING o LAND USE PLANNING 2350 Oakmont Way, Suite 105 Eugene, Oregon 97401 641)485-8383 FAX (541) 485-8384 www.sswengineers.com 0 LLJ LU CJ) gyp? d ZW 000 00 W Cr (1) W U) Z 0 -J Ld ZJzeLU U) Z (.9 5 F- U) WWZ LLJ U. 0 0 U) A1111011"11111, U REVISIONS date by DETAILS job 18-7555 drawn RRW Mate 10/25/18 checked MAC filed SHEET 7 of 10 Exhibit 3A 7 of 11Attachment 3, Page 19 of 23 NOTE: PLANTING PER LANDSCAPE PLANS. STANDARD OVERFLOW CATCH BASIN W/ PUMP GROWING MEDIUM DRAIN ROCK ---, J SLOPE TO MATCH EXISTING GRADING 3 MAX F 11-6" L 91-011 V-6" 121-01k 12" MINIMUM GROWING MEDIUM EXISTING CURB.— AND PAVING m Im WEST RAIN GARDEN SECTIO1 It 0 11 3 1 51 SCALE: 112" V-0" VARIES. SEE STORMWATER PLAN BUBBLER CATCH BASIN, SEE DETAIL 5 & 61C8.0 NEW SIDEWALK ----- 2" OVERFLOW PIPE TO CURB EXISTING CURB AND PAVING o 6" PERF. PIPE (SEE x/ STORMWATER PLAN FOR ELEVATIONS) 12" MINIMUM DRAIN ROCK 12" MINIMUM GROWING MEDIUM EXISTING CURB AND PAVING all 01:40MV000111 it 0 it 31 51 1 m iiiiiii A SCALE: 1/2" = T-0" 1 i1 Al a is 1, §.-% R At_r' s 1 fit n 10'4% SEE STORMWATER PLAN 5'- 0" MIN. 6" OVERLFLOW 3 MAX F_ EXISTING LANDSCAPING 7- X x X/ lv 30 MIL PLASTIC A xz 1_5 FILM BARRIER Xr 5 4' X_Tz -K, )f- M., yJ/ M 4 W A, I :X1 rJ y. 6" PERF. PIPE (SEE ST RMWATER PLAN0 FOR ELEVATIONS) TYPICAL EAST RAIN GARDEN SECTIO 4 SOUTH-EAST RAIN GARDEN SECTION 0 611 .{A 21 3' 0 611 11 21 31 1111111IN11111 11111 SCALE: V = T -O" SCALE: 1 1'-0" BUBBLER CATCH BASIN PLAN 0 6" if 21 3t SCALE: 1 1'-0" BIKE PROOF, HEAVY DUTY TRAFFIC GRATE MODIFIED 18"x18"x24" COMPACT CATCH BASIN 3'X18" CURB SPILLWAY Kuut-, 1-itAvy DU I IC GRATE CURB SPILLWAY SECTION A -A AV - 11=n 18"v18" v74" COMPACT CATCH BASIN JIL 0 611 is 21 31 SCALE: lit 1 1-011 F t6 spy t i - - 0 0020? -TYP2_ sk PU Kem'ew Kosen SUAA0 so( S"s 0 D C\? CD C_) CU co Q D PROP, I N g EGON 1, % Cam 6 L ALN RENEWS: 12/31/19 1 idillb, .mmm mw,mmw IL MLIft Umuff- an m -mmMmIlsMESI&INEEIRS. CIVIL -STRUCTURAL- BUILDING DESIGN SURVEYING* LAND USE PLANNING 2350 Oakmont Way, Suite 105 Eugene, Oregon 97401 541) 485- 8383 FAX (541) 485- 8384 www.sswengineers.com REVISIONS date by STORMWATER I r% D ETAI LO job 18-7555 drawn RRW date 10/25/18 checked MAC filed SHEET oa 8 of 10 rr m Im WEST RAIN GARDEN SECTIO1 It 0 11 31 51 SCALE: 112" V-0" VARIES. SEE STORMWATER PLAN BUBBLER CATCH BASIN, SEE DETAIL 5 & 61C8.0 NEW SIDEWALK ----- 2" OVERFLOW PIPE TO CURB EXISTING CURB AND PAVING o 6" PERF. PIPE (SEE x/ STORMWATER PLAN FOR ELEVATIONS) 12" MINIMUM DRAIN ROCK 12" MINIMUM GROWING MEDIUM EXISTING CURB AND PAVING all 01:40MV000111 it 0 it 31 51 1 m iiiiiii A SCALE: 1/2" = T-0" 1 i1 Al a is 1, §.-% R At_r' s 1 fit n 10'4% SEE STORMWATER PLAN 5'- 0" MIN. 6" OVERLFLOW 3 MAX F_ EXISTING LANDSCAPING 7- X x X/ lv 30 MIL PLASTIC A xz 1_5 FILM BARRIER Xr 5 4' X_Tz -K, )f- M., yJ/ M 4 W A, I :X1 rJ y. 6" PERF. PIPE (SEE ST RMWATER PLAN0 FOR ELEVATIONS) TYPICAL EAST RAIN GARDEN SECTIO 4 SOUTH-EAST RAIN GARDEN SECTION 0 611 .{A 21 3' 0 611 11 21 31 1111111IN11111 11111 SCALE: V = T -O" SCALE: 1 1'-0" BUBBLER CATCH BASIN PLAN 0 6" if 21 3t SCALE: 1 1'-0" BIKE PROOF, HEAVY DUTY TRAFFIC GRATE MODIFIED 18"x18"x24" COMPACT CATCH BASIN 3'X18" CURB SPILLWAY Kuut-, 1-itAvy DU I IC GRATE CURB SPILLWAY SECTION A -A AV - 11=n 18"v18" v74" COMPACT CATCH BASIN JIL 0 611 is 21 31 SCALE: lit 1 1-011 F t6 spy t i - - 0 0020? -TYP2_ sk PU Kem'ew Kosen SUAA0 so( S"s 0 D C\? CD C_) CU co Q D PROP, I N g EGON 1, % Cam 6 L ALN RENEWS: 12/31/19 1 idillb, .mmm mw,mmw IL MLIft Umuff- an m -mmMmIlsMESI&INEEIRS. CIVIL -STRUCTURAL- BUILDING DESIGN SURVEYING* LAND USE PLANNING 2350 Oakmont Way, Suite 105 Eugene, Oregon 97401 541) 485- 8383 FAX (541) 485- 8384 www.sswengineers.com REVISIONS date by STORMWATER I r% D ETAI LO job 18-7555 drawn RRW date 10/25/18 checked MAC filed SHEET oa 8 of 10 Exhibit 3A 8 of 11Attachment 3, Page 20 of 23 SYMBOLS GRID LINE G F E D C B A ROOM NUMBER 90s-21' DOOR NUMBER 20'-10" A 22'-6" FIELD VERIFY 46-1011 XX WINDOW NUMBER ALL PURPOSE ROOM GENERAL NOTES 1. EXISTING RESTROOMS ARE TO BE UTILIZED FOR THIS ADDITION. 5 6 ) a- 0 AWNING F.11 "'iIZII LN [C9 L11 sk Plan Reviem-1 co cR,Q<,,M V\AcDU >Y" i) PRop, G I N 67 77 OREGON y UyF 1, A RENEWS: 12131119-1 IL 100k 11L IN& Im O SW. KvA% BLENMOORAgft R- mob NIL ILnoL11IEL SIR CIVIL -STRUCTURAL- BUILDING DESIGN SURVEYING,, LAND USE PLANNING 2350 Oakmont Way, Suite 105 Eugene, Oregon 97401 541) 485-8383 FAX (541) 485- 8384 www.sswengineers.com df Of 0 U) < z If ^ W W VJ J Cf) U) d ZWD < W 00 W U 0 W U) z W ujz LzLJ 5 U) W z W U. 0 z 4. 0 W 00 00U) it U 111,00 LAM REVISIONS date by OVERALL FLOOR PLAN job 18-75551drawnRRW date 10/25/18 checked MAC filed SHEET 1 0( 9 of 10 CU 0 i) PRop, G I N 67 77 OREGON y UyF 1, A RENEWS: 12131119-1 IL 100k 11L IN& Im O SW. KvA% BLENMOORAgft R- mob NIL ILnoL11IEL SIR CIVIL -STRUCTURAL- BUILDING DESIGN SURVEYING,, LAND USE PLANNING 2350 Oakmont Way, Suite 105 Eugene, Oregon 97401 541) 485-8383 FAX (541) 485- 8384 www.sswengineers.com df Of 0 U) < z If ^ W W VJ J Cf) U) d ZWD < W 00 W U 0 W U) z W ujz LzLJ 5 U) W z W U. 0 z 4. 0 W 00 00U) it U 111,00 LAM REVISIONS date by OVERALL FLOOR PLAN job 18-75551drawnRRW date 10/25/18 checked MAC filed SHEET 1 0( 9 of 10 Exhibit 3A 9 of 11Attachment 3, Page 21 of 23 SYMBOLS GRID LINE DOOR NUMBER 8> WINDOW NUMBER 4 4 WINDOW, TYP. WINDOW, TYP. a FEATURE STRIP WINDOW OUTLINES, TYP. FEATURE STRIP WINDOW OUTLINES, TYP. FEATURE FORMLINER 1545 AESTHETIC STONE OUTLINE, PAINT LIGHT/MEDIUM GRAY, TYP. r__D PRop,, IN EFS 0 E60 ti 3c I , A fRENEWS: 1213-1715 I SOUTH ELEVATION L_JNL_JpL --- now SCALE: 3/ 16" = 1'-0" 26-7 1/211 T.O. WALL BEEaNMINEER'S. o-, R, FEATURE STRIP WINDOW ggi- RE r_AINT BLUE, SIMILAR OUTLINES, TYP. w," 21, CIVIL- STRUCTURAL- BUILDING DESIGN TO ROSEN SIGNAGE SURVEYING LAND USE PLANNING 7, 20'-O"± T.O. 2350 Oakmont Way, Suite 105 U LINE u ene Oregon 97401 178 '- T.O. 541)485-8383 AWNING ABOVE WINDOW/OUTLINE FAX (541) 485-8384 DOORS, TYP. 15'-8"±T.0, www.sswengineers.com SOUTH ELEVATION L_JNL_JpL --- now SCALE: 3/ 16" = 1'-0" I 1 ff % I Vs %a I v1 %Ivv4 ss V4..g % 1545 AESTHETIC STONE OUTLINE, PAINT LIGHT/MEDIUM GRAY, TYP. 2 - WEST ELEVATION s(k PwA ftA2.02' 0 2' 4' 6' 10' 12' 14! qfVJ SCALE: 3/ 16" 1'-0" FINISH FLOOR 21'-0" P T.O. WALL PAINT BLUE, SIMILAR TO ROSEN SIGNAGE 1 +11'- 11"± V T.O. MEZZANINE PAINT OFF WHITE, MATCH EXISTING BUILDING COLOR 01-011 FINISH FLOOR M T*l I ril ky, I on a U.3 o I zo Date Received OCT 2 6 2018 Original Submittala_ FREVISIONS date by BUILDING ELEVATIONS job 18-7555 drawn RRW date 10/25/18 checked MAC filed SHEET L%200 10 of 10 o-, R, 9 ggi- RE r_AINT BLUE, SIMILAR w," 21, TO ROSEN SIGNAGE I 1 ff % I Vs %a I v1 %Ivv4 ss V4..g % 1545 AESTHETIC STONE OUTLINE, PAINT LIGHT/MEDIUM GRAY, TYP. 2 - WEST ELEVATION s(k PwA ftA2.02' 0 2' 4' 6' 10' 12' 14! qfVJ SCALE: 3/ 16" 1'-0" FINISH FLOOR 21'-0" P T.O. WALL PAINT BLUE, SIMILAR TO ROSEN SIGNAGE 1 +11'- 11"± V T.O. MEZZANINE PAINT OFF WHITE, MATCH EXISTING BUILDING COLOR 01-011 FINISH FLOOR M T*l I ril ky, I on a U.3 o I zo Date Received OCT 2 6 2018 Original Submittala_ FREVISIONS date by BUILDING ELEVATIONS job 18-7555 drawn RRW date 10/25/18 checked MAC filed SHEET L%200 10 of 10 Exhibit 3A 10 of 11Attachment 3, Page 22 of 23 18''X18"X24 GIBSON COMPACT CATCH BASIN WITH BIDE PROOF, HEAVYDUTY GRATE ACTING AS A BUBBLER TO STREET u 1 PATCH; A PRAISEDSHAL CH , I i rALTERNATIVE: ADD CURB 3fi5ir. S} azx 1 I w i 3=' 2 §z tFl as f 3I 8xHADD123CURBCUTSAT V-0" o. lY,.. O.0 TO (E)CURBS ALT: REPLACE (E) CURBS W1 I / I ,12" CURB CUTS AT 8'- 0" O.C.It it E) DOWNSPOUTS TOit9£PIPED ALONG WALL tt k" fi D U THROUGH 6" PIPE A L I c FTW 3 F 5'-6"X70' E. FILTRATION GARDEN B: REMOVE EXISTING J WASTEWATER CATCH BAST N LANDSCAPI Yf GARDEN. SEE G DETAILETAIL PeLAX(X YU IfiH RA IN F ILT RAT ION 3 t gsS s egalNOSTrRMWTRCATCH BA SIV x s? PROPOSED LOCATION OF z NEW 24'DRIVEWAY ,. t IM 4 it 11 t . AQP -IALT it 1 i RAISED ASPHALT PATCH.; ' w a .,._.. ALTERNATIVE: ADD CURB NOTES: t A s t 1. Irrigation - All new landscape areas to receive permanent underground' EXISTING DRIVEWAY TO BE CLOSEDirrigation. The irrigation system will be an automatic electrically controlled - - T R A C Tsystem.ItN) LANDSCAPE STRIP s: } GIBBON STEEL TORMWATERNITH6" CURB AN _ _._ a GUT -ER ASPHALT SID - CATCH BASIN WITH A PUMP it itlA.S_PHALT 312'X40'FILTRATION RAIN GARDEN. D f A, g.4 # f /t 14'X10' MIN. S.E. FILTRATION GARDEN C: REMOVE1hEXISTINGLANDSCAPINANDREPLACEWITH RAIN i {N) GIBSON ST L CATCH BASIN FILTRATION GARDEN, SEE DETAIL X1GX.X BASINC WITH BASINExistingTree :; ADD 12" CURB CUTS AT 8'- 0" { O.0 TO (E) CURBS F o mw g < ALT: REPLACE (E) CURBS W/ M f 12" CURB ctJTs AT s' -a" O.C. Existing Tree aN) 4" PERFORATED FOUNDATI g DRAIN ALONG INTERIOR {3F NE E) DOWNSPOUTS e CONTINUOUS PERIMETER FOO ING . BE PIPED ALONG WALL a i PIPEN) GI N STEEL 18'X18"X24" iitTHROUGHS C PACTATCH BASIN MODIFI ' • ` ' ` C ABU Le) R. SEE DETNL >Q X • rniSDSDSDSDSDSDSD ------ ET L SD J•jk Z \. M ala '^I`_. .;? f' i . is' n 1. ":k4£\..l tiff :• 3 Z. xv:..... aC% GATE ' 3GATEp <. si I N) GIBSON STEEL 2" WEEP HOLE IN CURB 18"X18"x24' COMPACT CATCH BASIN MODIFIED AS A BUBBLER. SEE I DETAIL XICX.X 1 REPLACE DISTURBED EXISTING G G ET WAY LANDSCAPING pp l a- OPP PPItIt E 111 SITE QEVELOPMENTi i E ! 4/ li rr rlr rr' V=2) 0'- 0" f I & Dpt 1(y) 16_00D S--nrz, SLt-e pLaa Rewew R,O SUr sar S k s a l aF tl Date Received OCT 2 6 N, } odglnal Submlttal w t)igfta!%signed by Mark DN c-U S " E marks nirius.com, t5 "Rexioio&est Mark Anderson $y- Produ4s" tiU-Director of Commerdat onstrucGon, CN Mark A1iderson D$te zi :o. 22 REMUS FOREST BYPRODUCTS a W :2 O LLV Z>-lali,r.l W V jMC13 0= 0 0) mcg y) W Lid—I w zz 1— `e UJ 0 W W Z U. z W 00 W V 00 lt z 0 REVISIONS fob 18-7555 drawn SC/GC state 9/28/18 checked SC/ MA file GI IEET L 1.a i, f date by S / LANDSCAPE PLAN TTt?e l X X X MEcS /rs 3i z z*4 sd d s 3 r r xtt 4 01"W"(1's-, a . a., it/S R>' ?' xd'H,.Motv'.RS,fx.s' if ,. .,rk», r 3 Existing to Remain t 7 2" Cal. Acer rubrurn'Red Sunset' Red Maple C 4 } .v9" max„...'`v`.. #., 5 Y' Y ? 3. 'SEr311111 - r . v' ,;"T s :t 12 1 Cornus Kelse ii Dwarf Refit ig Dogwood t 22 3 Prunus lusitanCea'Portuguese Laurel" Portugal Laurel w k 8 1 Prunus Otto Luyken Laurel Dwarf English Laurel 4 3 P€ lystiChum mar;iturn ° ord Fern' western SwDrd Fern u F C4 k 5T4i4 a• C 3ry .f :: L 2iY »' c vF26Ye3 z f sr } t r 775 4F pct Rufusjaiycinoides Creeping Rasbernj V//j 1,255 a pot Junous Patens Spreading Rush u 1 PATCH; A PRAISED SHAL CH , I i rALTERNATIVE: ADD CURB 3fi5ir. S} azx 1 I w i 3=' 2 §z tFl as f 3I 8xHADD123CURBCUTSAT V-0" o. lY,.. O.0 TO (E)CURBS ALT: REPLACE (E) CURBS W1 I / I ,12" CURB CUTS AT 8'- 0" O.C.It it E) DOWNSPOUTS TOit9£PIPED ALONG WALL tt k" fi D U THROUGH 6" PIPE A L I c FTW 3 F 5'-6"X70' E. FILTRATION GARDEN B: REMOVE EXISTING J WASTEWATER CATCH BAST N LANDSCAPI Yf GARDEN. SEE G DETAILETAIL PeLAX(X YU I fiH RAI N F ILT RAT I ON 3 t gsS s egalNOSTrRMWTRCATCH BA SIV x s? PROPOSED LOCATION OF z NEW 24'DRIVEWAY ,. t IM 4 it 11 t . AQP -IALT it 1 i RAISED ASPHALT PATCH.; ' w a .,._.. ALTERNATIVE: ADD CURB NOTES: t A s t 1. Irrigation - All new landscape areas to receive permanent underground' EXISTING DRIVEWAY TO BE CLOSEDirrigation. The irrigation system will be an automatic electrically controlled - - T R A C Tsystem.ItN) LANDSCAPE STRIP s: } GIBBON STEEL TORMWATERNITH6" CURB AN _ _._ a GUT -ER ASPHALT SID - CATCH BASIN WITH A PUMP it itlA.S_PHALT 312'X40'FILTRATION RAIN GARDEN. D f A, g.4 # f /t 14'X10' MIN. S.E. FILTRATION GARDEN C: REMOVE1hEXISTINGLANDSCAPINANDREPLACEWITHRAIN i {N) GIBSON ST L CATCH BASIN FILTRATION GARDEN, SEE DETAIL X1GX.X BASINC WITH BASINExistingTree :; ADD 12" CURB CUTS AT 8'- 0" { O.0 TO (E) CURBS F o mw g < ALT: REPLACE (E) CURBS W/ M f 12" CURB ctJTs AT s' -a" O.C. Existing Tree aN) 4" PERFORATED FOUNDATI g DRAIN ALONG INTERIOR {3F NE E) DOWNSPOUTS e CONTINUOUS PERIMETER FOO ING . BE PIPED ALONG WALL a i PIPEN) GI N STEEL 18'X18"X24" iitTHROUGH S C PACTATCH BASIN MODIFI ' • ` ' ` C ABU Le) R. SEE DETNL >Q X • r niSDSDSDSDSDSDSD ------ ET L SD J•jk Z \. M ala '^I`_. .;? f' i . is' n 1. ":k4£\..l tiff :• 3 Z. xv:..... aC% GATE ' 3GATEp <. si I N) GIBSON STEEL 2" WEEP HOLE IN CURB 18"X18"x24' COMPACT CATCH BASIN MODIFIED AS A BUBBLER. SEE I DETAIL XICX.X 1 REPLACE DISTURBED EXISTING G G ET WAY LANDSCAPING pp l a- OPP PPItIt E 111 SITE QEVELOPMENTi i E ! 4/ li rr rlr rr' V=2) 0'- 0" f I & Dpt 1(y) 16_00D S--nrz, SLt-e pLaa Rewew R,O SUr sar S k s a l aF tl Date Received OCT 2 6 N, } odglnal Submlttal w t)igfta!%signed by Mark DN c-U S " E marks nirius.com, t5 "Rexioio&est Mark Anderson $y- Produ4s" tiU-Director of Commerdat onstrucGon, CN Mark A1iderson D$te zi :o. 22 REMUS FOREST BYPRODUCTS a W :2 O LLV Z>-lali,r.l W V jMC13 0= 0 0) mcg y) W Lid—I w zz 1— `e UJ 0 W W Z U. z W 00 W V 00 lt z 0 REVISIONS fob 18-7555 drawn SC/GC state 9/28/18 checked SC/ MA file GI IEET L 1.a i, f date by LANDSCAPE PLAN Exhibit 3A 11 of 11Attachment 3, Page 23 of 23 Attachment 4, Page 1 of 5 Attachment 4, Page 2 of 5 Attachment 4, Page 3 of 5 Attachment 4, Page 4 of 5 Attachment 4, Page 5 of 5 BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON REQUEST FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW + CASE NO. 811-18-000208-TYP2 + FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS, + AND ORDER NATURE OF THE APPLICATION The applicant submitted a Site Plan Review application for construction of a 12,735 ft2 building expansion of an existing light manufacturing facility located at 4884 Franklin Boulevard (Assessor’s Map 18-03-03-14, Tax Lots 2000 & 2001). The site is within the Employment Mixed Use District and Sub-Area D of the Glenwood Riverfront Area. In accordance with Springfield Development Code (SDC) Section 3.4-235.A, the applicant can request alternative design standards for required elements listed in the District. The Site Plan Review application is being elevated to a Type III request requiring action by the Planning Commission before the subject development can be approved for the site. 1. On October 26, 2018 the following application for Site Plan Review was accepted: Allow for a construction of a 12,735 ft2 building expansion along with modified truck loading docks and maneuvering areas, stormwater management facilities and site landscaping on an existing industrial site within the Employment Mixed Use District, Case Number 811-18-000208-TYP2, Becky Wiltse, SSW Engineers, applicant. 2. The application was submitted in accordance with Section 5.4-105 of the Springfield Development Code. Public notification and request for comments, pursuant to Section 5.1-130.B of the Springfield Development Code, has been provided. 3. On December 18, 2018 a public hearing on the Type III Site Plan Review request was held. The Development & Public Works Department staff report including criteria of approval, findings and recommendations, together with the testimony and submittals of the persons testifying at the hearing have been considered and are part of the record of this proceeding. CONCLUSION On the basis of this record, the requested Site Plan Review application is consistent with the criteria of Sections 5.17-125 and 3.4-230.E of the Springfield Development Code. This general finding is supported by the specific findings of fact, conclusions, and conditions of approval in the attached staff report (Exhibit A) attached hereto. ORDER It is ORDERED by the Planning Commission of Springfield that Case Number 811-18-000208- TYP2, Site Plan Review application, be approved with conditions. This ORDER was presented to and approved by the Planning Commission on December 18, 2018. EXPIRATION OF APPROVAL This approval expires two (2) calendar years after the date of approval by the Planning Commission unless extended in accordance with the provisions of SDC Section 5.17-140. Attachment 5, Page 1 of 2 APPEAL Pursuant to SDC Sections 5.1-135 and 5.2-155, this Type III decision is final unless appealed to the Springfield City Council in accordance with SDC Section 5.3-120. Only those persons who participated either orally or in writing have standing to appeal the Planning Commission’s decision. An appeal application shall be filed with the Director within 15 calendar days of the Planning Commission’s decision (i.e. by 5:00 pm on January 2, 2019) to be considered valid. The appeal application shall be accompanied by the fee prescribed by the City Council ($250.00). The filing fee will be refunded to the appellant if one or more of the appeal allegations are upheld by the City Council, or if the decision is amended, remanded or reversed. _______________________________ Planning Commission Chairperson ATTEST AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Attachment 5, Page 2 of 2