HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018 12 18 AIS Main Street Safety ProjectAGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 12/18/2018
Meeting Type: Regular Meeting
Staff Contact/Dept.: Molly Markarian/DPW Staff Phone No: 541.726.4611
Estimated Time: 15 Minutes
COMMITTEE FOR CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT (CCI) Council Goals: Maintain and Improve Infrastructure and
Approve, or approve with modifications, Strategic Advisory Committee bylaws; and appoint Strategic Advisory Committee member.
Springfield’s Committee for Citizen Involvement is charged with selecting planning advisory committee members, as well as reviewing and approving planning advisory
committee bylaws. The purpose of this Regular Session is to review and approve or direct modifications to the bylaws the Strategic Advisory Committee (SAC) for the Main Street Safety Project adopted, and appoint additional SAC members.
ATT1: Committee for Citizen Involvement Memorandum
ATT2: Strategic Advisory Committee Application
ATT3: Strategic Advisory Committee Bylaws
At the September 5th meeting, the Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI) approved the Community Engagement Plan for the Planning Phase of the Main Street Safety Project. The CCI also appointed 12 applicants to the project’s Strategic Advisory
Committee (SAC) and directed staff to continue to encourage participation from youth and trucking interests. As outlined in the CCI Memorandum (Attachment 1), the City
has received one additional SAC application (Attachment 2) that reflects one of the
additional interests the CCI desired. The project team recommends that the applicant be appointed to serve for the duration of the Planning Phase of the Main Street Safety
As stipulated in the City of Springfield Citizen Involvement Program (1990), planning
advisory committees shall adopt bylaws at their first meeting, and the bylaws shall be
forwarded to the CCI for review and approval. The Main Street Safety Project SAC held its first meeting on November 6th. At that meeting, the project team reviewed the
committee charge and draft meeting protocols. The committee discussed the protocols,
suggested amendments to the document, and adopted the amended version (Attachment 3). Staff recommends that the CCI review and approve the SAC’s adopted bylaws.
M E M O R A N D U M City of Springfield
Date: 12/18/2018
To: Springfield Committee for Citizen Involvement
From: Molly Markarian, Senior Planner
Subject: Main Street Safety Project – Strategic Advisory Committee
In Spring 2018, ODOT executed its consultant contract and an intergovernmental agreement outlining City
and State responsibilities for the Planning Phase of the Main Street Safety Project, and formally issued a notice to proceed with the process to develop a Main Street Facility Plan. At the June 5th meeting, the Main Street Governance Team formally kicked off the Facility Plan process. At that meeting, Governance Team members
and agency staff reached a common understanding about the Planning Phase, and the Governance Team agreed on the definition of the project purpose, agency roles, and project decision-making process.
As noted at the Planning Commission’s July 17th Work Session, the Planning Commission will provide guidance and direction at several key project milestones as the project team, stakeholders and the broader
community work through the values trade-offs that will ultimately lead to a preferred package of solutions and
set the stage for documenting compliance with federal requirements and project design and construction.
The Planning Commission, acting in its capacity as Springfield’s Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI), provided input on the development of and ultimately approved the project’s Community Engagement Plan on September 5th. A key component of the Community Engagement Plan is the formation of a Strategic Advisory
Committee (SAC). The SAC presents an opportunity for citizens to communicate with the project team, to provide input, feedback, and guidance to staff, and to forward recommendations to the Planning Commission.
At the July 17th Work Session, the project team sought feedback from the Planning Commission on the
categories of participants and recruitment strategy for the Main Street Safety Project SAC. On September 5th,
the CCI appointed 12 members reflecting all but two of the desired areas of representation to the SAC. The CCI suggested additional strategies to encourage participation reflecting the categories of youth and trucking
industry/freight and delivery. Subsequent recruitment has not yielded a youth candidate, so the project team will seek input from youth via focus groups at key project milestones. One application (Attachment 2) was received that reflects trucking interests, and the project team recommends that the applicant be appointed to
serve for the duration of the Planning Phase of the Main Street Safety Project.
As stipulated in the City’s adopted (1990) Citizen Involvement Program, the CCI is charged with reviewing and approving the bylaws that planning advisory committee members adopt. At the Main Street Safety Project
SAC’s first meeting on November 6th, the project team reviewed the committee charge, including the role of
the committee and desired outcomes. The project team also reviewed a draft version of meeting protocols, including participation guidelines, external communications, and accessibility to the public. In addition, the
project team explained the definition of consensus as a decision-making structure and noted that SAC
members may discover that they have a direct of conflict of interest that they need to declare.
The SAC members then discussed the draft protocols, suggested amendments to the document, and adopted
the amended version (Attachment 3). Of note, there are a few areas where the SAC-adopted bylaws deviate from the City’s Citizen Involvement Program guidance. Since SAC meetings are being facilitated by a
consultant and supported by project staff, and given that members agreed that they are free to speak about their own experience on the SAC as individuals but not to speak for the group, the SAC determined election of chair
Attachment 1, Page 1 of 2
9/5/2018 Page 2
and vice-chair is not applicable. Additionally, rather than having votes be decided by a simple majority of those present, the SAC agreed that consensus would be the decision-making process they would follow,
consistent with the decision-making process the Citizen Advisory Committee for the Glenwood Refinement
Plan Update Project employed. The SAC members present agreed that if consensus cannot be reached, the group will move to a 3/4 majority, and the group wanted to ensure that a summary of minority opinion
discussion be included with their final list of recommendations.
In reviewing the Main Street Safety Project SAC-adopted bylaws for CCI approval, the City Attorney’s Office
has recommended removing or altering the conflict of interest language because it could be read as not
requiring committee members to disclose of potential conflicts of interest, which is inconsistent with Oregon law. The project team thus recommends that the CCI remove the conflict of interest language from the SAC
bylaws and direct the project team to work with the City Attorney’s Office to prepare a memorandum on
conflicts of interest for the SAC prior to their next meeting.
Since the Planning Commission last discussed the Main Street Safety Project, the project team has developed materials for and delivered the first major round of communication and engagement with the community, as
well as continued technical analysis. In December, the project team will summarize these efforts in a memo for the Planning Commission, City Council, and Main Street Governance Team.
Approve, or approve with modifications, Strategic Advisory Committee bylaws; and appoint Strategic Advisory Committee member.
Attachment 1, Page 2 of 2
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APPROVED 11-6-18
The purpose of the Main Street Safety Project Strategic Advisory Committee (SAC) is to develop
recommendations for the Springfield Planning Commission, the Main Street Governance Team, and the
Springfield City Council on solutions to be included in the Main Street Facility Plan for the corridor
between 20th and 72nd. The SAC’s recommendations shall address the purpose of the project, as well as
being consistent with other approved plans and policies and backed up by objective findings, to the
Planning Commission. The SAC will also provide input, feedback and guidance to the project team,
reflecting community interests and perspectives.
The SAC is comprised of community members appointed by the Springfield Planning Commission (acting
in its capacity as Springfield’s Committee for Citizen Involvement) who represent a range of business,
neighborhood and citywide interests. Membership on the SAC is for the duration of the Planning Phase
of the Main Street Safety Project. If a specific interest is not represented, the City will accept
applications from individuals representing that interest on a rolling basis until filled. If an interest
represented on the committee is vacated, applications will be accepted. Appointees who join the
process mid-way through are expected to review previous committee work to familiarize themselves.
• While some members reflect particular geographic or interest areas, SAC members participate as
individuals, seeking the best solutions for the community as a whole. SAC members are
encouraged to communicate with their constituent groups regarding the SAC's work, and to
report concerns and questions back to the SAC.
• It is assumed that most members have personal ‘stakes’ in the outcome of the project, and these
need not be disclosed. If, however, the outcome of a discussion has a disproportionate impact
on a member, he/she should disclose it.
• All emails and other forms of communication (text messages, social media, etc.) regarding SAC
business are considered public record. As such, they are subject to review from anyone upon
• SAC meetings will be scheduled as needed by City staff but will generally follow the target
schedule reviewed at the first SAC meeting.
Attachment 3, Page 1 of 3
Page 2 of 3
• The proceedings of all meetings will be summarized by project staff and made available to all SAC
members at least one week in advance of the next scheduled meeting. At that meeting, the SAC
will be requested to approve, or approve with changes, the meeting notes. Approved notes will
then be made available to the public.
• Public notice of all SAC meetings will be submitted to the media and shared with the project’s
interested parties list.
• SAC meetings will be open to the public for observation. Written comments always are welcome
and will be provided to SAC members.
As members of the SAC, we choose the following protocols for working together.
We agree to:
▪ Attend all meetings;
▪ Prepare for meetings by reading materials in advance and arriving on time;
▪ Participate by phone if we cannot be present;
▪ Notify staff if we have an unavoidable conflict that requires us to be late or absent, and following
the absence, read materials and get briefed on the information presented, deliberations and
outcomes of the meeting;
▪ Attendance is crucial to this process, and missing meetings could hinder the committee process.
If a member has missed multiple meetings, the committee will have the opportunity to discuss
and decide if these absences should be excused (in the event of an extenuating circumstance).
Missing two consecutive meetings, or three meetings total (extenuating circumstances
notwithstanding) will result in project staff forwarding the SAC member’s attendance record to
the Planning Commission for action (acting in their capacity as the selection body for the SAC).
During meetings, we agree to:
• Listen carefully and respectfully, seeking to understand each other;
• Actively participate in the discussion by contributing your perspective and asking questions;
• “Share the air” -- letting others speak once before speaking again oneself;
• Focus on the subject at hand and help the group stick to the agenda;
• When referring to the past, link it productively to current discussions; and
• Put cell phones on silent mode, avoid side conversations, and be courteous and judicious with
the use of laptops.
• We will strive to make decisions by consensus, understanding that our recommendations to the
City and ODOT are strengthened by high levels of agreement. Consensus is achieved when all
Attachment 3, Page 2 of 3
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members can accept and will support the decision. Committee decisions will be understood as
the most viable choice for Springfield and the purpose of the Main Street Safety Project even if it
may not be each individual member’s personal preference.
• If it is clear consensus cannot be reached, then a 3/4 majority of the voting members present will
be required for an outcome to be represented as a recommendation of our committee. If this
level of agreement cannot be reached, then there will be no recommendation from the
committee and all perspectives will be forwarded for consideration by the decision makers.
• The final list of recommendations will include some discussion of minority opinions
• A majority of members, attending either in person or electronically, will constitute a quorum for
any decisions made at that meeting.
• Although we will not use alternates or proxies, we will consider written comments from our
fellow members when they are unable to attend.
• Decisions will be respected as final to avoid backtracking, unless the committee as a whole
agrees there is sufficient new information to reconsider a previous decision.
Outside of committee meetings members agree to:
• Support the group process in communications with others and with each other;
• Members are free to speak about their own experience in the group as individuals, but not to
speak for the group. Inquiries about the SAC requiring a comprehensive response should be
referred to City staff (Molly Markarian);
• Communicate with our respective constituents to ensure that the they are well-informed of the
group’s discussions and progress and to ensure that issues are identified that need to be
communicated to the rest of the committee; and
• Contact staff regarding suggestions to help future meetings and activities work more effectively.
• Meeting agenda and meeting materials will be distributed by e-mail one week in advance of
• Printed materials will be provided for committee members, unless they notify staff ahead of the
meeting that they do not require printed materials.
• Meetings will incorporate as much discussion and opportunities for committee members to
interact meaningfully as possible
• Project staff will give as much lead-time as possible to alert members of upcoming meetings and
will work to keep them informed of key developments between meetings.
• Project staff are responsible for letting SAC know when decision points will be upcoming for
scheduling purposes.
Attachment 3, Page 3 of 3