HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018 11 20 AIS for Code Update Community Engagement Plan RS 11_20_18AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 11/20/2018 Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.: Mark Rust/DPW Staff Phone No: 541-726-3654 Estimated Time: 45 minutes S P R I N G F I E L D COMMITTEE FOR CITIZEN INVOVLEMENT Council Goals: Encourage Economic Development and Revitalization through Community Partnerships ITEM TITLE: DEVELOPMENT CODE UPDATE PROJECT ACTION REQUESTED: Provide input on and potentially approve the Community Engagement Plan for the Development Code Update Project. ISSUE STATEMENT: Staff would is seeking input and approval from the Committee for Citizen Involvement in regard to the Community Engagement Plan for the Development Code Update Project. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 – Communication Memorandum Attachment 2 – Draft Community Engagement Plan DISCUSSION: The Community Engagement Plan for the Development Code Update Project will provide for broad community outreach, a Governance Committee, and Technical Advisory Committee to gather critical input from members of the community. The Community Engagement goals are to: • Ensure the Springfield community has opportunities to be informed about the project • Ensure the Springfield community has opportunities to provide input on the project. • Educate the community on the key issues related to the Development Code. • Foster and sustain a collaborative and mutually respectful process while completing the Development Code Update Project. • Communicate complete, accurate, understandable, and timely information to the community and partners throughout the Development Code Update Project. • Demonstrate how input has influenced the process and is incorporated into the final Development Code Update. • Adhere to the City of Springfield community engagement guiding principles. COMMUNICATION MEMORANDUM Meeting Date: 11/20/2018 Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.: Mark Rust/DPW Staff Phone No: 541-726-3654 Estimated Time: 45 Minutes S P R I N G F I E L D COMMITTEE FOR CITIZEN INVOVLEMENT Council Goals: Encourage Economic Development and Revitalization through Community Partnerships ITEM TITLE DEVELOPMENT CODE UPDATE PROJECT BACKGROUND In February of 2017 the City Council started discussing with staff ideas around updating the Springfield Development Code. At the time the Council began to articulate the city’s goals for updating the code and endorsed a complete rewrite of the code. In June of 2017 the Council adopted the Fiscal Year 2018 budget that included funding for a project manager for the development code update project. The City was unable to recruit a project manager at that time. In November of 2017 the City Council worked with staff to identify the priorities for the project and establish guiding principles. The Council provided input on expectations for the project. On September 10, 2018 Council was introduced to the project manager, selected from in-house staff, and reviewed the preliminary project concepts including the Project Objectives and the Project Purpose. On September 18, 2018 the Planning Commission was introduced to the project manager and project concepts. On October 1 and November 5, 2018 the City Council provided additional input on the project work plan. On November 6, 2018 staff received input from the Committee for Citizen Involvement on the formation of the Technical Advisory Committee for the Development Code Update Project. DISCUSSION A Community Engagement Plan is being presented for the Development Code Update project. In addition to the broad community outreach that is outlined in the Community Engagement Plan, staff is forming a Governance Committee and Technical Advisory Committee for the project to gather critical input from members of the community. A list of participant positions for the Technical Advisory Committee is included in the attached Community Engagement Plan. Staff is requesting input on and ultimately approval of the Community Engagement Plan. NEXT STEPS Staff is scheduled to return to the Committee for Citizen Involvement on December 18, 2018 for approval of the Technical Advisory Committee membership for the Development Code Update Project. RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff is seeking input and approval from the Committee for Citizen Involvement for the Community Engagement Plan for the Development Code Update Project. Attachment 1, Page 1 of 1 1 | Page City of Springfield: Development Code Update Project Community Engagement Plan - Draft The Community Engagement Plan will serve as a guide for outreach and public involvement activities for the Development Code Update Project. I. Introduction The Community Engagement Plan describes activities that the City of Springfield will implement to ensure that interested and affected parties have adequate opportunities to provide meaningful input to the Development Code Update Project. The Community Engagement Plan highlights the expected outcomes, and is designed with the general public, decision makers, technical advisory committee members, and the project team in mind as the intended audience. The Purpose of the Development Code Update Project is to change the Springfield Development Code to support efficient, timely, and clear development review. The updated Development Code will support Springfield’s economic development priorities and will honor Springfield’s home town feel now and in the future. II. Public Involvement Principles Community Engagement Goals Throughout this project, we are committed to sharing information and gathering input. The Community Engagement goals are to: • Ensure the Springfield community has opportunities to be informed about the project • Ensure the Springfield community has opportunities to provide input on the project. • Educate the community on the key issues related to the Development Code. • Foster and sustain a collaborative and mutually respectful process while completing the Development Code Update Project. • Communicate complete, accurate, understandable, and timely information to the community and partners throughout the Development Code Update Project. • Demonstrate how input has influenced the process and is incorporated into the final Development Code Update. • Adhere to the City of Springfield community engagement guiding principles. III. Project Objectives The established project objectives were developed in conjunction with the Springfield City Council and Planning Commission. 1. Enable quick review of development applications. 2. Be easy to understand with clear code language presented in a user-friendly format. 3. Provide a straight-forward processing path to development decisions. 4. Support/further economic development in all sectors. 5. Protect and enhance the beauty of our city to boost or stabilize property values, encourage investment, and improve the image of the community. 6. Comply with mandatory regulatory requirements. 7. Implement the City’s adopted policies. Attachment 2, Page 1 of 6 2 | Page IV. Key Messages The use of key messages throughout project communications is helpful in maintaining consistent messaging about the project goal and project objectives. These messages are to be used both on written communications and as talking points. Key messages within the Community Engagement Plan can be updated to include feedback and themes from the various phases of the project. • The City of Springfield is committed to: o Reducing development impediments to allow for efficient utilization of the land supply inside the Urban Growth Boundary. o Updating regulatory options and development standards to encourage and facilitate development including more housing options for all income levels. o Enhancing the quality and affordability of residential development. o Promoting compact, orderly, and efficient urban development. o Making development decision predictable, fair, and cost-effective. o Promoting efficient and economical patterns of mixed land uses and development densities. o Broadening, improving, and diversifying the Springfield economy while maintaining or enhancing environmental quality and Springfield’s natural heritage. • There will be multiple ways and opportunities for the Springfield community to receive project information and provide input on the project. V. Engagement Strategies Communication Engagement Strategies The activities listed below highlight the specific communication strategies that are anticipated to be used throughout the Development Code Update Project. Community Engagement Activities Purpose Timeline Level of Public Engagement Project webpage Provides project information in one location. Established 11/2018 Inform E-Newsletter article(s) Provide project information on specific topics or issues. Edition(s) TBD Inform E-update Establish online sign up mechanism Late 2018 Inform Social Media Campaign Build overall awareness and promote project activities and findings. On-going/as needed Inform Factsheet/FAQ’s Provide information about project and answer common questions. Develop and update as needed Inform Open House – Online or in person Introduce project, present existing conditions and gather feedback Date(s) based on project timeline Consult, gather feedback Talking points Convey main points of project As needed Inform Media release Announce timely information As needed Inform Presentations/Events Provide project information and receive feedback As opportunities arise Inform and gather feedback Mailings/postcards Provide information, invite to participate, request feedback Create based on project timeline, update as needed Inform One-on-One meetings Provide information, gather feedback As appropriate Inform and gather information Survey To gather information and feedback At the end of the project Gather feedback Analytics Evaluate effectiveness of outreach On-going Analysis Debrief meetings After key project milestones As needed Analysis Attachment 2, Page 2 of 6 3 | Page VI. Public Involvement Process Advisory Bodies & Decision-Making Structure The decision making structure is represented by the graphics below. The structure is designed to ensure that the community is engaged and consulted, and that the Springfield City Council and committees have the benefit of that community input at major milestones of the project. Each phase of the project, Housing, Commercial/Industrial, and Other, will go through a similar process as represented in these graphics. • The Technical Advisory Committee will perform an analysis of the existing code and new code concepts and provide technical advice on how changes could be made. • The Governance Committee will identify key issues and provide direction on areas of focus and opportunities at a policy level. • The public will be engaged throughout the project as highlighted above in the engagement strategies. A concerted public outreach effort will seek input from the public on concepts and draft code language that is developed during each phase. All of this input will feed into a public hearing draft code that will be presented to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing process and make a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council will conduct a second public hearing process and take into consideration the Planning Commission recommendation as well as additional public input to make a final decision. Attachment 2, Page 3 of 6 4 | Page Process The following diagram represents an example of how the dynamic process of the decision making between the different participants might look for the housing portion of the code update process. Decision-Making Groups Springfield City Council: The Springfield City Council has oversight and decision making responsibilities for the Project. The project team will provide briefings to the City Council and solicit feedback and guidance at regular check in meetings, either quarterly or on an as needed basis. The Springfield City Council holds the ultimate local authority on the approval and adoption of the final Development Code. Governance Committee: A Governance Committee will be established to provide informed direction on the Project to the Project Core Team. The Governance Committee will be comprised of two City Councilors and two Planning Commissioners. One role of the Governance Committee will be to provide an additional opportunity for the public to provide input. The committee members will provide updates to their respective bodies (Planning Commission and Council). Planning Commission: The Springfield Planning Commission will provide recommendations to the City Council on the draft project materials. The Planning Commission will act in its capacity as the Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI) to approve the Community Engagement Plan. Throughout the process the Planning Commission will conduct meetings and a public hearing that will provide opportunity for public input. Advisory Group Technical Advisory Committee (TAC): The role of the Technical Advisory Committee is to provide the Project Core Team with support necessary to develop code revisions by: • Establishing a forum to identify, discuss, and resolve technical issues and concerns. • Establishing a forum to maintain interdepartmental and interagency communication. • Providing data and information, as requested. • Reviewing and providing feedback on draft work products in a timely manner. Attachment 2, Page 4 of 6 5 | Page Membership: Upon formation, the TAC will be comprised of various interests from within the community. The Project Core Team will actively reach out to potential participants to invite them to the TAC. There will be multiple compositions of the Technical Advisory Committee over the life of the project. At the outset a Housing related TAC will be formed. Later on a TAC focused on Economic Development, and finally a TAC to address may other areas of the Development Code. It is also anticipated that focus groups related to specific topic areas may be formed to address identified areas of the Development Code. Part of the TAC will include City staff, other government agencies staff, and utility provider participants on an as needed and topic specific basis. TAC meetings will be open to the public for observation. Members of the TAC will be invited to representative the following areas: Housing participants: 1. Home Builders Association of Lane County 2. Residential developer 3. Residential contractor 4. Non-profit housing developer 5. Consultant (land use, engineering, architect, etc.) 6. Springfield Realtors Association - residential realtor 7. Historic Commission 8. Housing/low cost housing advocate 9. American Disabilities Act (ADA) representative 10. Insurance/financing representative 11. Property management/multi-family housing developer Economic development participants: 1. Springfield Chamber of Commerce 2. Commercial Industrial Developer 3. Commercial/industrial contractor 4. Business owner 5. Consultant (land use, engineering, architect, etc.) 6. Commercial realtor 7. Commercial appraiser Utility provider participants (as needed on a topic specific basis): 1. SUB Water 2. SUB Electric 3. Rainbow Water District 4. Comcast 5. Charter 6. EWEB 7. Sanipac 8. NW Natural Gas Government agencies: 1. Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) - South Willamette Valley Regional Representative 2. Lane County – Land Management 3. Lane County – Engineering, Transportation Planning 4. Lane County – Health and Human Services 5. Willamalane Park and Recreation District 6. Springfield School District 7. Lane Transit District 8. Oregon Department of Transportation City participants (as needed on a topic specific basis): 1. Building program 2. Fire Marshalls Office 3. Economic development 4. Emergency management 5. Civil engineering program 6. Transportation engineering 7. Transportation planning 8. Current planning 9. Comprehensive planning 10. Storm water Program 11. Housing Attachment 2, Page 5 of 6 6 | Page Project Timeline The high level project timeline is show below and demonstrates how the project is intended to be phased. VII. Measures of Success Measures of success will help determine the effectiveness and public involvement efforts. Measures are based on the established Community Engagement Goals specified in Section II of this plan. The City will evaluate the effectiveness of the community engagement throughout and at the end of the Project. The following factors can be used to assess the engagement efforts in addition to or in relation to the Community Engagement Goals. • Number of participants attending meetings or events. • Number of responses received to a survey. • Number of website views during a specific time period. • Number of people who sign up for the project mailing list. • Number of project comments received (phone, email, comment cards, online). • How project decisions have been modified as a result of public input. • Whether the comments received are relevant to the project (project understanding). • Was the Project executed as planned, or did changes support the goals. • Level of acceptance of Project outcomes. Attachment 2, Page 6 of 6