HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018 11 06 AIS for Code Update Advisory Committee WS 11_6_18AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 11/6/2018 Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.: Mark Rust/DPW Staff Phone No: 541-726-3654 Estimated Time: 30 minutes S P R I N G F I E L D COMMITTEE FOR CITIZEN INVOVLEMENT Council Goals: Encourage Economic Development and Revitalization through Community Partnerships ITEM TITLE: DEVELOPMENT CODE UPDATE PROJECT ACTION REQUESTED: Provide input on the formation of the Technical Advisory Committee for the Housing phase of the Development Code Update Project. ISSUE STATEMENT: Prior to the formation of the Technical Advisory Committee for the Housing phase of the Development Code Update Project, staff would like input from the Committee for Citizen Involvement in regard to the membership and representation on the Technical Advisory Committee prior to recruiting to fill the positons. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 – Communication Memorandum Attachment 2 – Draft Development Code Update Work Program DISCUSSION: The Technical Advisory Committee will be comprised of City and other agency staff as well as members of the public that use the code and can provide technical input on code language. The City will actively reach out to potential participants to invite them to be on the committee with considerations for representation of key interests. The purpose of the Technical Advisory Committee is to provide the Project Core Team with support necessary to develop code revisions by: • Establishing a forum to identify, discuss, and resolve technical issues and concerns. • Establishing a forum to maintain interdepartmental and interagency communication. • Providing data and information, as requested. • Reviewing and providing feedback on draft work products in a timely manner. The Technical Advisory Committee will also consider information from the broad community outreach efforts that will be incorporated into the code development. COMMUNICATION MEMORANDUM Meeting Date: 11/6/2018 Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.: Mark Rust/DPW Staff Phone No: 541-726-3654 Estimated Time: 30 Minutes S P R I N G F I E L D COMMITTEE FOR CITIZEN INVOVLEMENT Council Goals: Encourage Economic Development and Revitalization through Community Partnerships ITEM TITLE DEVELOPMENT CODE UPDATE PROJECT BACKGROUND On September 18, 2018 the Planning Commission was introduced to the project manager and project concepts. DISCUSSION A Community Engagement Plan is being created for the Development Code Update Project. In addition to the broad community outreach that will be outlined in the Community Engagement Plan, staff is forming a Technical Advisory Committee for the Housing phase of the project to gather input from members of the public that use the code and can provide technical input on code language. A draft list of participant positions for the Technical Advisory Committee is included in the attached project Draft Work Program. Staff is requesting input on the participant positions list for the Technical Advisory Committee. Staff is also asking for feedback on having a liaison from the Planning Commission on the Technical Advisory Committee. The Technical Advisory Committee positions list will be incorporated into the Community Engagement Plan. It is anticipated that the recruitment for Technical Advisory Committee members will be open for approximately four weeks. NEXT STEPS Staff is scheduled to return to the Committee for Citizen Involvement on November 20, 2018 to review the draft Community Engagement plan. Staff will be seeking guidance to move the project forward. To formally appoint members to the Technical Advisory Committee for the Housing phase of the Development Code Update Project, staff anticipates returning to the Committee for Citizen Involvement on December 20, 2018. RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff is seeking input on the formation of the Technical Advisory Committee for the Housing phase of the Development Code Update Project. No formal action is required. Attachment 1, Page 1 of 1 City of Springfield Development Code Update Draft Work Program Overview The Development Code is the principle document that implements local, state, and federal land use, transportation, and environmental laws applicable in the City of Springfield. The Council has recognized the need to update the code and has directed staff to proceed with a complete Development Code update. Project Objectives 1. Enable quick review of development applications. 2. Be easy to understand with clear code language presented in a user-friendly format. 3. Provide a straight-forward processing path to development decisions. 4. Support/further economic development in all sectors. 5. Protect and enhance the beauty of our city to boost or stabilize property values, encourage investment, and improve the image of the community. 6. Comply with mandatory regulatory requirements. 7. Implement the City’s adopted policies. Project Purpose The purpose of the Development Code Update project is to change the Springfield Development Code to support efficient, timely, and clear development review. The updated Development Code will support Springfield’s economic development priorities and will honor Springfield’s home town feel now and in the future. Participants and Roles ELECTED AND APPOINTED OFFICIALS Role: Provide policy input and guidance on project elements. Review, recommend, and approve the project work products. 1. City Council 2. Planning Commission 3. Committee for Citizen Involvement PROJECT MANAGER AND CODE DRAFTER Role: Complete the code update project with the support of the project team. Mark Rust, AICP – Senior Planner, City of Springfield – Project Manager Attachment 2, Page 1 of 4 OVERSIGHT TEAM Role: Provide City management leadership and guidance for the project:  Allocates adequate staff and financial resources to complete the project.  Ensures the successful nexus of Council policy and state law with new code text and standards.  Holds calendar open on monthly basis for City Project Manager to initiate and present high level project issues in need of resolution, including those that might be interdepartmental, interagency, or interpersonal.  Subset of the Oversight Team to include Tom Boyatt and Sandy Belson provide general guidance and feedback on an as needed basis. Members - City Staff: 1. Development and Public Works Director 2. Community Development Division Manager 3. Comprehensive Planning Manager 4. Current Planning Supervisor 5. City Engineer PROJECT CORE TEAM Role: Move the project forward. The Project Core Team holds calendars open on a weekly basis for Project Manager to convene one or more members. Specific project responsibilities are assigned to individuals by the Project Manager. Members - City Staff: 1. Project Manager • Performs review of the existing code. • Drafts new code language. • Provides day to day oversight of project. • Coordinates with the State of Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development staff. • Acts as project advocate to communicate the project objectives and progress updates to other key members inside and outside the organization. • Coordinates Project Core Team and other City staff on Technical Advisory Committee (assigns tasks, follows-up on assignments, sets agendas). • Serves as communication link between Oversight Team and Project Core Team and Technical Advisory Committee. • Ensures project goals, schedule, and deliverables are attained. • Presents information and recommendations to elected and appointed officials. • Directs development and implementation of community engagement plan in coordination with Project Core Team. 2. City Attorney • Provides legal review and support of draft code language. • Ensures the successful nexus of state law with new code text and standards. • Assists with drafting code language. 3. Development and Public Works Communication Coordinator • Provides departmental communication related advice and support. Attachment 2, Page 2 of 4 • Serves on Technical Advisory Committee as the Development and Public Works Department Communication Coordinator. • Ensures coordination of project messaging with Development and Public Works Department and overall City messaging. • Supports development and implementation of Community Engagement plan. TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Role: Provides the Project Core Team with support necessary to develop code revisions by: • Establishing a forum to identify, discuss, and resolve technical issues and concerns. • Establishing a forum to maintain interdepartmental and interagency communication. • Providing data and information, as requested. • Reviewing and providing feedback on draft work products in a timely manner. Members: Upon formation of the Technical Advisory Committee, protocols will identify whether participation is standing or ad hoc and what expectations are for type of input desired. Elected and Appointed Officials liaison: 1. City Council liaison 2. Planning Commission liaison Housing participants: 1. Home Builders Association of Lane County 2. Residential developer 3. Residential contractor 4. Non-profit housing developer 5. Consultant (land use, engineering, architect, etc.) 6. Springfield Realtors Association - residential realtor Economic development participants: 1. Springfield Chamber of Commerce 2. Commercial Industrial Developer 3. Commercial/industrial contractor 4. Business owner 5. Consultant (land use, engineering, architect, etc.) 6. Commercial realtor 7. Commercial appraiser Government agencies: 1. Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development - South Willamette Valley Regional Representative 2. Lane County – Land Management 3. Lane County – Engineering, Transportation Planning 4. Willamalane Park and Recreation District 5. Springfield School District 6. Lane Transit District 7. Oregon Department of Transportation Attachment 2, Page 3 of 4 Utility provider participants (as needed on a topic specific basis): 1. SUB Water 2. SUB Electric 3. Rainbow Water District 4. Comcast 5. Charter 6. EWEB 7. Sanipac 8. NW Natural Gas City participants (as needed on a topic specific basis): 1. Building program 2. Fire Marshalls Office 3. Economic development 4. Emergency management 5. Civil engineering program 6. Transportation engineering 7. Transportation planning 8. Current planning 9. Comprehensive planning 10. Storm water Program Work Tasks and Timeline Attachment 2, Page 4 of 4