HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Building 2019-01-22OREGOd Web Address: www.spnngfield or.gov Building Permit Residential Structural Permit Number: 81 1 -1 8-0021 9s-STR IVR Number: 81 1077724025 Email Address: permitcenter@springheld or.9ov SPRINGFIETD tt Permit lssued: January 22,2O19 TYPE OF WORK Category of Construction: Single Family Dwelling Type of Work: Addition Submitted Job Value: $39.799.00 Description of Work: Addition - bedroom & bathroom, and relocate utility room JOB SITE INFORMATION Worksite address 925 E ST Springfield, OR 97477 Parcel 1703351304300 Owner: Address: SUGG BRIAN P 925 E ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION Business name OWNER - Primary License ccB License number 000000 Phone PENDING INSPECTIONS lnspection '1999 Final Building 1260 Framing 1020 Zoning/setbacks 1'l'10 Footing 1'120 Foundation '1530 Exterior SheaMall lnspection group Struct Res Struct Res Slruci Res Struct Res Struct Res Struct Res lnspection status Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pendlng SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS Various inspeclions are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit lo determine required inspections for this project. Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermits.oregon.gov Schedule by phone call 'l-888-299-2821 use IVR number: 81'1077724025 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting Inspection App, search "epermitting' in the app store Permits must b9 posted in clEar view on the worksitE. PormiE expirg if wo.k is not slarted within 180 Oays ot issuance or if work is suspended for 180 Oays oI longer depending on the issuing agsncy's policy. All provisions o, laws and ordinances governing this type of wo.k will be complied with whethor spocified horein or not. Granting o, a permit doss not presums to give authority to violate or cancellhe provisions of any other state or local law rogulating construction or the performancg of construction. ATTENTION - CALL BEFORE YOU DIG: Oregon law requires you to lollow rules adopted by ths Oregon Utility Notification Center. Thoso rulos aro set lorth in OAR 952-001-0010 through OAR 952-001-0090. You rnay obtain copies of the rules by calling the Center at (877) 668{00'l or dial 811. All persons or qntiti€s porforming work undor this p€rmit are roquirgd to be liconsed unless exemptqd by oRs 701.010 (Structural/Mechanical), ORS,l79.5,l0 (Eloctrical), and ORS 693.010{20 (Plumbing). Pintedofi 1l22l1g Page 1 ol2 std-EuildingPermrt-pr City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 54t 726 3753 Permit Number: 81 '1-1 8-002195-STR Page 2 ol 2 Fee Description Technology Fee Plan Review - lv'linor, City SDCr Reimbursement Cost - Local Wastewater SDC: Total Sewer Administration Fee SDC: Total Storm Administration Fee SDC: Reimbursement Cost - Storm Draanage SDC: Improvement Cost - Storm Drainage SDC: Improvement Cost - Local Wastewater Structural building permit fee Structural plan review fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Bldq (12o/o of applicable fees) 1 1324.32 98.83 32.99 27 0.t5 389.5 652.32 Quantity Fee Amount $50.96 $ 137.00 $r,324.32 $98.83 $32.99 $27O.ts $389.60 $652.32 $534.66 $347.53 $64.16 $3,902.s2Total Fees: Prnletl otl 1122119 Page 2 ol2 sld Bu ld ngPerm l_pr PERMIT FEES SPRINGfIiLD ,b OREGON www.springfield-or. gov Worksite address: 925 E ST, Springfield, OR 97477 Parcel: 1703351304300 Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 54t-726-3753 permitcenter@sprangfield-or. gov Transaction Receipt 81 1-18-002195-STR Receipt Number: 469175 Receipt Date: 'l /22119 City of Springfield Fees Paid 1t22t19 Transaction date 1t22t19 Units 1.00 Ea Oescrlption Struclural building permit fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Bldg ('12% of applicable fees) SDC: Reimbursement Cost - Storm Drainage SDC: lmprovemenl Cost - Storm Drainage SDC: Reimbursement Cost - Local Wastewater SDC: lmprovement Cost - Local Wastewater SDC: Total Storm Administration Fee SDC: Total Sewer Administration Fee Plan Review - l\.4inor, City Technology Fee Account codo 224-00000425602-1030 Fee amount $534.66 1.00 Ea 270.15 Amount 389.60 Amount '1,324.32 Amount 82 1 -00000-2'1 5004-0000 Paid amount $534.66 $64.16$64.'16 $27O.15 $389.60 $1,324.32 $652.32 $32.99 $98.83 $137.00 $50.96 1t22119 1t22t19 1t22t19 1D?,19 1t22119 1122119 1t22t19 1t22t19 6 1 7-00000-448029-8800 61 7-00000-448028-8800 61 1 -00000-448024-8800 652.32 32.99 98.83 1.00 1.00 Amount Amount Amount Ea Automatic 61't -00000-448025-8800 71 9-00000-426604-8800 7'1 9-00000-426604-8800 1 00-00000-425002- 1 039 1 00-00000-425605-0000 $270.15 $389.60 $1,324.32 $652.32 $32.99 $98.83 $137.00 $s0.96 Payment Method Credit card authorization 020602 Payer: brian sugg Payment Amount $3,554.99 Cashier: Katrina Anderson Receipt Total:$3,554.99 Pnnted 11221912O1 9n Page 1 of 'l FIN_TranseclrcnRecerpt_pr CrrY oF SPRTNGFIELD, oREGoN Structural Permit Application ffi2:5 Fiftb Strecr . Springfclc. OR 97477 . PH(541 )726'37j3 . F.$((541 )726-3689 Permil no p'p)\qt l)ate b This permit is issued under OAR 918-,160-0030. Permits expire if $ork is not started within 180 davs of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 days. LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL This projecl has final land-use approval Sieratule: I Ihls prolecl has UtQ approval si Zoning approval verified: E Yes E lo Properq is u,ithin flood piainr E Yes n No CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION f Residsnrial Da f)ccupanc) Construction t]?e Square feet: "3G E Govemmenr I I Commercial Cot per square foot Olher infofiDarion Tl pe of Heet: Energ] Path: JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION €Job sire address Cin Subd \ame Address: I Zj. l= O isut,oI i ztP 4ltl-t Lol no ?- E ne" Ealteradon ! aaaition r3)ilar:: (b) Foundarion-onl) permit? E f'o E No Total vsluatiotr 2. Building fees (a) Permit fee (use vaiuadon rabie) q b PROPERry OWNER sh C1n t l- ttl Srate: 2rt i ZIp Fali (b r investigative fee (equal m {la]) (.) Reinspectjon ($ per hourl (numbei ofhors x fee per hour) ) Y? ll Phone: f E-matl: t3f." rd -t30\ Sign here E This insralialion is being made on resid€nrial or farm oropen-r' owned b1 me or a member ofm) immediat famil). and is exempr fiom licensing reouiremenB under ORS 701.010 Business nam3 Address Cii\State E-maii CCB ilcense no Pin: name Si[Irlaturc SUB.CONTRACTOR INFORMATION CCB License # Phone Number Id, E""t I ],*urcharge 1..l: r ila-2b-2cl) ret Subrolsl of fees above (2a through 2d) (a) Plan revieu (65% x permit fee [2a]) (b) Fire anC life safeq (65o/i, x permit fee [2a]) (ci Subtotal of fees above (3a atrd 3b) 4. Miscellaneous fees tf L l. cor,^ 5j (a) Seismic fee. 1"/; (.01 x permi'. fee [2a]) (blTech fee. 5"/" (.05 x permit fee[2a]-PR fes [3c]) IOTAL fees atrd surcharges (2e+Jcf4a+b):S Electrical <, yL forL h-,AtJ t-r\N.,.- grn- $P,-.^r ?t-r oA-- 4le Pe^- \14A:raNJC --rA-\JSSES'TO F<5\-1.-cr.\.t Plumbin! M€chanrcal 5!-k- \ FEE SCHEDULE 3. Plan revie$ fees ! ALLATIONCONTRACTCR NI-^J DEPARTMENT USE ONLY I 1. Valurtiotr informstion I (a) Job descriprion: ,14 |;\Cl.r !2& Oor* f -- ^i u_lkil +t\r4l Date v- r S leu;taingowrer 9l tl{4, agent iuthorizin! this applicarion s Pnon3 s Iax9-/ - x-l L,-,/ I -{-1-^)I }1 { J Property Owner Statement Regarding Construction Responsibilities Oregon Law requires residential construction permit applicants who are not licensed with the Construction Contractors Board to sign the following statement before a building permit can be issued. (ORS 70r.325 (2)) This statement is required for residential building, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing permits. Licensed architect and engineer applicants, exempt from licensing under ORS 701.010 (7), need not submit this statement. This statement will be filed with the permit. Please check the appropriate box I own, reside in, or will reside in the completed structure and my general contractor is Name ccB#Expiration Date I will inform my general contractor that all subcontractors who work on the structure must be licensed with the Construction Contractors Board. or lwill be performing work on property I own, a resrdence that I reside in, or a residence thal lwill reside in. lf I hire subcontractors, lwill hire only subcontractors licensed with the Construction Contractors Board. lf I change my mind and hire a general contractor, lwill select a contractor who is licensed with the CCB and will immediately give the name of the contractor to the office issuing this Building Permit. I have read and unde6tand the lnformation Notice to Homeowners About Construction Responsibilities, and I hereby certify that the information on this homeowner statement is true and accurate. ntPrint Name of Permit Applicant S ture of Perm nt I B -' Oortqs-s-iY-Permit # Address q,]qr T1/\4 l/ zz/, q D.G l ) This Copy for Permit Omces (o,, n.S.ro. o ,,.u"oor,ffi\ko),,"' S{,r-. h.r-"\J( tr lnformation Notice to Owners About Construction Responsibilities (oRs 701.325 (3)) CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS BOARD PO Box'14140, Salem, OR 97309-5052 Telephone: 503 378 4621 - Fax: 503 373 2007 Website Address: www oreqon gov/ccb a o Homeowneas acting as their own general conttactors to construct a new home or make a substantial improvement to an existing structure, can prevent many problems by being aware of the following responsibilities: Homeowners who use labor provided by workers not licensed by the Construction Contractors Board, may be considered an employer, and the workers who provide the labor may be considered employees. As an employer, you must comply with the following: Oregon's Withholding Tax Law: Employers must withhold income taxes from employee wages at the time employees are paid. You will be iiable for the tax payments even if you don't actually withhold the tax from your employees. For more information, call the Department of Revenue at 503-378-4988. Unemployment lnsurance Tax: Employers are required to pay a tax for unemployment insurance purposes on the wages of all employees. For more information, call the Oregon Employment Department at 503-947-1488. Oregon's Business ldentification Number (BlN): is a combined number for both Oregon Withholding and Unemployment lnsurance Tax. To file for a BlN, go online to the Oregon Business Registry. For questions, call 503-945-8091 . Workers Compensation lnsurance: Employers are subject to the Oregon Workers Compensation Lau and must obtain Workers Compensation lnsurance for their employees. lf you fail to obtain Workers Compensation lnsurance, you could be subject to penalties and be liable for all claim costs if one of your workers is injured on the job. For more information, call the Workers Compensation Division at the Department of Consumer and Business Services at 800452-0288. Tax Withholding: Employers must withhold Social Security Tax and Federal lncome Tax from employee wages. You may be liable for the tax payment, even if you didn't actually withhold the tax. For a Federal EIN number, go online to www.irs.gov. o a a a Other Responsibilities of Homeowners: Code Compliance: As the permit holder for a construction project, the homeowner is responsible for notifying building officials at the appropriate times, so that the required inspections can be performed. Homeowners are also responsible for resolving any failure to meet code requirements that may be found through inspections. Property Damage and Liability lnsurance: Homeowners acting as their own contractors should contact their insurance agent to ensure adequate insurance coverage for accidents and omissions, such as falling tools, paint overspray, water damage from pipe punctures, fire, or work that must be redone. Liability Insurance must be sufficient to cover injuries to persons on the job site who are not otherwise covered as employees by Workers Compensation lnsurance. Expertise: Homeowners should make sure they have the skills to act as their own general conlractor, and the expertise required to coordinate the work of both rough-in and finish trades. a a a f/ prope rty_ow ne r adopted 9-2016 This Copy for Permit NlT all adr'litionr,Additions thnt are less than 40 percent of the existing cling hented floor areo or less thnn 600 squnre feet (55 rr,2) ln nren ryh I is less shall be re lire(l to select olr6 nleasltte lion Exce;rtlonr Additions t at are less than 5 percent of oxlsting buikling hented floor aron or 200 squate feet ( I 8,58 rrr2) ln nren, rvhlchever. is less, shall not bi required ro cornply with Table Nl I0l.l(2) or Table Nl I01.3. TABLE NI1O.I.9 SMALL ADDITION ADDITIONAL MEASUBES (Soloct ono) lncrcnso tho cciling insulation ofthc cxisting portion of thc lroruc ns spccificd in Tnble Nl I01.2. Ilcpl co flll cxisting singlc-pane rvood or. aluminum rviu- dows lo thc U-factor as speciflcd in Tnbla Nl10l.2 lnsulrtc tho Floorsysl.crn os spccificd inTablcN I 101.2 & irslllll t00 pcrccnt ofponnlnclltly instolled lightiug fix- tures ts CFI, LED, or Iinear fluorcscent or a min. efiicaoy of 40 lunrons pcr wntt os spccified in Section N I107.2, Tost the cntiro drvslling rvith a blorver door and oxhibit no morc lhan 6,O air chnngcs pcr hour @ 50 Pascals. Scnl and pclfornrance test the duct systenl. Rcplacc cxitthrg 78 pcrtcnt AFUE or lcss gas fumnce rvith n 92 pcrccnt AFUE or groatersystern. Replacc eristing clcctric mdinnt spacehcaten with o ductlcss nrilli split systcm wi(h a nrinhnum HSPF of 10.0. lleplnce oxisling clcclric forccd air fumacc rvith nn air sourco hefll pump wlth fl minimum HSPF of 9.5. llcplaco o:cisting wfltet heatcr with a rva(erhelterhleet- ing Consorvation Mc;usurc D [Tnblo Nt10l.l(2)l ll I (or colllp ylv e I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I I I I I I I I I i I I i I i ; I I I I I I I I I I ! : I I HiEh EtficlencywallsIExterior $0lls-U-0.045/R-21 caviry insulation + R-5 continuous Upgraded lealures 2 Erterior rvrlls-U-0.057R'23 inlcrmcdiare orR-21 adYsnccd, Frah.d fl oors-U-0.026/R-38, lndWindolvs-U{.28 (avdagc UA) Upgraded loalures 3 Erterior wrlls-U.0.055/R-23 inrcrm.dialc or R-21 advarc.4 Flar cciliog'-U-0.017/R{0, aod Framcd noorc-U.0.026/R-38 Super ln!ulaled Windor?s and Alllc OR Framed Floors 4 wiDdot1s-U-0.22 (l'riple Panc Lo$.-c), rnd FIat crilins'-U-o.0 I?n-60 or Fram.i fl oors-U-o.026n-38 Alr seEllru home and duct8 5 l,lao&lory rt r.aling of all wall cov.rirgr ar top pl M.chenlcel whol!-buildinB vcntiletior sysrcrb withAll ducls and air hardtcn cantlincd rvilhin buildiog All ducl s.rlcd with mr$icb tes mc.rjn8 M I 503 or ASHRAE 62.2. rnd atc and air sceling chc.kli , and High olflclsncy the.mal onvelope UAe e 2 E trl o &6 6 Propolcd UA i.s 8% towcr lhrn thc codc UA Gas-fid tumac. or boller AFt E 94%, orAir sourc€ h?it pump HSPP 9.5/15.0 SEER cloling, or CrouDd .our.. hcra pump COP 3.5 or Encr8)l Stlr nt.d Hlgh.trlcl.ncy HVAC syslem' Duct6d HVAC 6y6t.ms wllhln condlllonsd 6pac6 R All dncts snd air hrndlcrs conlaincd wlthin huildjnS Cannot b. conbircd yrith Measur. 5 Ouclless heal puflpcDucllcss h.et pump HSPF 10,0 in primary zonc of d$ellihS Hlgh elflclancy waler healef = t F o D Natufil Blecrric Sarpropanc wller hearer wirlt UEF 0.85 oR heal pump wrt.r h.atea Ticr 1 Nonhcm Climatc Speci6cado, P.oducl ENERGY EFFICIENCY TABLE Nt 1o't.1(2) ADDITIONAL MEASURES For SI: I rquare fool = 0.093 ml I watt per squ&c fmt = 10.8 Wm2. & Appli.trcas locatcd wi0i0 dc bulldint thcrod anyclopr rh l hrvr scalld combostion rir insldlad. Codbultion et 6hs[ bc ducl.-d dircc{y ftom thc outdoors, b, All duct Joira and sc{ma r.dcd wllh lisLd D!6tic; trps is only allorv.! at Uplianec or .quipmetrt coon.ctioB (for lirvicc aod replacceeDt). Mcct scalinS cdlcrie of Pcrtorm!,lcc Tc.rted Confort Systcns program adminlstered by lh. Bornevllc Pow.{ AdrniDistrslion (BPA). c. Rcsidantiil va&r tartrG lcss tirn 55 Brlon ltoratc voluEc. d. A lolal of 5 pclccol of !! IWAC ry6tcm's du.two* rbau bc p*midrd to b. localcd oulridr of lhc corditioned spacc. Ducts loc.Ld outsida th. conditioned spa.r.bdl hsve in5ulation irstrll.d ri ,Equir.i in lhir codc, c. Thc Eaximum vaullcd ccilirg sorfrcc rr€! shall not bc greatcr thro 50 pcrccnt of the tohl haetld spacc floor ar.! unlcas vruhed rrlr his e U-factor !o SEalE tbaJt U-0.026. f. Conlintrous rL barrier. Additiolal rcqoircm.nl for ,crling of ,ll inlerior vcnical vell covcring lo top ptatc kaming. SEalot wi(h form grskc! c&lk or ober apgovcd &5lsot lirtcd foi *sling w.ll coecriat mltrdal lo stsucturel mltcrid (lxsmplc: gypsum bord to eood 5hld firming). t. Tablc Nl104.1(l) Sr.dlJd barc carc derign, Cod! UA shrll be rt lcast 8 pcrcert less th.n lhc Propo!.d UA. Building6 with f.naetrstiol less lhro 15 p€rccot of thi lotll vcrtical e.ll sr.s may adjost lie Codc UA lo havc 15 perccnt of (hc wall arr! .s f.ocsEation. 2017 OREGON BESIDENTIAL SPECIALTY CODE 435 I sPntN6ftEtD 0ltEGOf{ www.springfield-or.gov Development and Public works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-7 26-37 53 permitcenter@springfield-or.gov Transaction Receipt 81't -18-002195-STR Receipt Number: 468033 Receipt Date: 9/13/'18 City of Springfield Fees Paid Transaction dale 9t13118 Units '1.00 Ea De8cription Struclural plan review fee Account code 224-00000425602-1030 Fee amount $347.53 Paid amount $347.53 Payment Method: Check number: 2030 Payer: Brian Sugg Paymenl Amount $347.s3 Cashier Katr na Anderson Receipt Total:5347.53 Printed 9/13/18 3:46 pm Worksite addressr 925 E ST, Springfield, OR 97477 Parceli 1703351304300 FIN_TransaclionReceipt_pr JOURNAI OR JOB NUMBER NAME OR COMPANY: LOCATION: TAX LOT NUMBER: DEVELOPMENT TYPE: NEW DWELL1NC UNfIS MPERVIOUS AREA CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT WORKSHEET 18,002195 BRIAN SUCC 925 E ST 170335130004300 fanr II'E]\I I TOTAI - STOR]TT DRAINACE SIrc ].StrNIIAAYIq!ER - EITY ] STORM DRAINAGE DIRECT RUNOFF TO CITY STORM SYSTEM A REIMBURSEMENT COST IMPFRVIOIIS S F 918 87 I], IMPRO\€N{ENT COST COST PER S I s0 291 COST PER S F s0..lt.l $165 5.1 COST PER D}U s8t 5+ NUMBER OF UNIIS 0 NIJMBER OF UNITS 0 COSTPER FEU $ll I 89 COST PER lEU st,597 4.1 COST PER FEU ADM FLli RAlll AREA DRAININC TO DRYWELL 0 CH RCIJ $270.15 cH,,\R(ili 9389.60 NEW'IRIP IIACTOR 100 NEWTRIP FACTOR A RI]IMBTJRSEMEN'I COS B Nt]MBIR OI'I;EU S ) NUMBER OF FET,IS 0 C. COMPLIANCECOST NUMBER OF FEU'S 0 MWMC CREDIT TF APPLICABLE (SEE RE\ERSE) MWMC ADMINISTRATIVE FEE s659.75 s1,976.6J COST PER IRIP l9l8 COST PER TRIP s166 { I s2,6.16.39 c Att(itl sBr E2 I'I'T:}I 2 TOTAL. CIrY SA:iI'TARY SE\lER SDC ]. 'I RANSIORTATION ,\ RIIIMBI]RSLMLNT COSI 9.5',7 B. IMPROVEMENT COST: NUMBER OF DEU s I B INIPROVIMENT COST 957 ITT:TI 3 TO'tAI, - TRA\SPOR]"\TION SDC l-S N IIAAIiEIYEB. \]IIUME /\ R I.]IM BUR SEI\,IENT COST: IIT])I ]'TOTAL. ]I\\'}IC SA\ ITAR}' SI]\\'fR SDC St BTOTAL (ADD tTtilts l,2, J, & {) 5 A I)M IN ISTRATI\G FEE SUBTOTAI s2,616.i9 TOTAL STORM ADMINISTRATION FEE TOTAL SEWER ADMIMSTRATION FEE: TOTAL TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION FEE: TOTAL MWMC ADMTN]STRATION IEE - LOCAL 0 0 nIt]ILDING S]ZE (SI) rtrAx.t5e;t\,,tAx 35% s270.15 sJ89.60 sr,32.1.32 rmn t[rrx] nm 0 s0.00 s0.00 s.t2.99 s0.00 98.8_] s0.00 s0.00 s2,768.21 1070 l09l l09l I09l l0!.1 105.t 1055 1054 t056 t079 to77 t078 oo - IT @ @ PRIII,ARED BY Sleven Petersen DATE 9/17170t8 'tOT.\L SDC CIIARG[]S COST PF,R I)I'I] t l\rf R\rotLs rs Fr----.|i8-i- NUMBER OI DFU'S A IMPROVENTENI COST ADT TRIP RATE s0.00 LOT S]ZE (SF).1 ADl'TRIP RATE 1-36]00 l s12.82 FIXTTJRE'IYPD MISCDLLANIioUS DFU TYPE TOTAL DRAINACE FIXTURE UNITS +EDU \.r1. x I)\rl'Unit DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNIT D CALCULATION TABLE NUMBER OFNEW FIXTURES x UNIT EQUMTENT = DRAINAGE FlXTURE LNITS (NOTE] FOR REMODELS. CALCTJLATE ONLY THE NET ADDITIONAI FXTURES NO. OF FIXTTJRTS UNn' NEW OLD E I.JIVALENT DRAINAGE FIXTURE LNITS 20 0 lc famil cl$clll l0 DFLIS ser ar 167 llons MWMC CREDIT CALCULATION TABLE: BASED ON COUNTY ASSESSED VALUE $s.29 $5.29 $5.19 $5.12 $4.98 $4.80 $4.63 $4.40 $4.07 $3.67 $3.22 $2.73 $2.25 $1.80 IS LAND ELGIBLE FOR ANNEXA'IION CREDIT? (Enter I for Yes, 2 lor No) IS IMPROVEMENT ELGIBLE FOR ANNEX, CREDIT? (Enter I for Yes, 2 for No) BASE YEAR CREDIT FOR LAND (IF APPLICAI}I-I]) 2 ). t9'19 VALUE / IOOO $0.00 CREDIT RA'IE $5.29 CREDIT FOR IMPROVEMENT (IF AFTER ANNEXATION) VALUE / IOOO CREDIT RATE S0.00 x $5.29 TOTAL }{WNIC CREDIT$1.59 $1.4s $1.25 $1.09 $0.92 $0.72 $0.48 $0.28 $0.09 $0.05 BATHTT]I] 0DRINKINC I:OIJNl'AIN FLOOR DITAIN INTERCEP'IORS FOR GREASE / OIL / SOLIDS / ETC 0 INTERCEP'I'ORS I'OR SAND / AUTO WASTI / T.]'IC 0 LAUNDRY ]'U II CLOTTIESWASIII]R / MOP SINK 0 CLOTHESWASI II.]R . 3 OR MORE EA MOBILD HOME PARK 1'RAP I PER TR,\ILER 0 0 12 0 RECEPTOR T'OR RDFRIG / WATER STATION / ETC 0 RXCEPTOR I]OR COM. SINK i DISHWASHIR / ETC 0 0 3 0 STIOWE SINGI,E STALL SIIOWER. CANG ER OF HTADS 0 SINK: COMMERCIAL/T.ESIDENTIAL KITCllr'lN SINK: COMMERCIAL BAR 2 0 SINK: WASI I tlASlN/I)OUBLE LAVATORY 0 SINK: SIN(;l.li LI\VA IORY/RESIDENTIAL BAR 1 0 TOILET I)IJI}I,I(' INSI'ALLATION TOILLT, PRTVA TE INSTALLA'TION 8 YEAR ANNEXED CREDIT RATE/ $ I,OOO ASSESSED VALUE BEI:ORIJ I979 19l9 I9rl0 tqt I I9lll t98l tql.l l.\- 19lt6 lr\\ 1939 t990 lrr l lrrl t99l 1996 t.)97 1998 1999 t000 ll( rl IEEI NUMBER OF EDU'S \ 2 0 2 0 0 lLlololll=I o I o | 3 l=l oI o I o I 3 I=lo1016l= Mrclo1016l= lololll= 11012 UIUI2 UIUIJ o ---f--o 01012 luRJNt. srArl / wAtL rcW | $o.oo lo a Et 'JEI B E ma E Check minimum room size Make sure that minimum bathroom fixture distances are met Check to make sure stairs meet code Check roofing materia I m osition shin 5pa nish tile, metal, etc.) Check for attic access and underfloor access on plans Check beam sizes Read over all the general notes to make certain that nothin8 was missed and there are no conflicts ake sure that Willamalane form is attached. Transfer all notes made by other work groups until there are two identical sets of plans Uobsite and city set) lnclude sta nda rd attachments : Exterior Wall Envelope Self-Certification Form Moisture Content Acknowledgement Form High-Efficiency Lighting Systems Oregon Residential Specialty Code (ORSC) Noise Ordinance Notice Smoke Alarm Ventilation Requirements for Kitchens and Bathrooms Green Approved Plans Cover Sheet (Found under "Cover" in file cabinet) Add all inspections and fees into Accela (including Willamalane fee and addressing fee) Stamp plans with the "Reviewed for Code Compliance" stamp, si8n the approved by line and perforate Approve Building Review line in Accela & call or email application with fees due and attach placard to jobsite set Signed electrical application received Print out the Fee Schedule and put it with the Willamalane Spreadsheet on the outside of the folder Put any inspection notes into Accela that need to be there before the plan is issued. Plan check items/notes nt!I DII kt7EIlx E td M lr., Plon Review Checklisr Check address on plans is correct Check to see if LDAP has been issued. Read all comments from other work groups to see if anything needs to be considered during structural review check Setbacks on site Plan Check RLID to make sure taxlot matches what is shown on drawings, that topography lines are on the plans and that owner info matches Check to see if lot is sloped or flat - lf sloped, will back deck meet setbacks lf a new home is being built at Mountaingate or River Heights, check the subdivision books to see if a Geo-Tech report is req. Check soils to determine whether or not a Geotechnical evaluation should be required lf property is on septic, check for proper setbacks from building to tank, distribution box, and leach field Make sure that property is not in Flood Hazard A affected property according to Mapspring (if it is we need 3 engineers surveys) Check that everything required to be engineered has engineering and that the stamp is current Check the truss package and ma ke sure it matches the pla ns (qty of trusses, type, attachements) - lf the n um bering doesn't +match but the uplift and reactions look correct it is OK. Falls under field verify lMake sure that if there is HVAC equipment in the attic, the trusses were designed to support it Check to see if anything over 4000lbs is bearing down on strip footings. lf so this needs to be enlarged. Check Hold'Downs Check Foundation Venting Make notes on plans with stepped foundations how far back they need to be from the edge of the cut and the uphill cut. Check header sizes Check footing sizes Check energy code requirements *Make sure that insulation called out meets the energy code and if not make note of the required R value. *On additions/remodels where existing conditions come into play, see code section N1101.3 & table N1101.2 Check tempered glazing (hazardous locations, windows in stairwell, within 24" of door, etc) Check bedrooms for egress (window sizes, make sure that garage door to house doesn't go into bedrooms) Check to see if there is a living area above the garage, if so, make note of 5/8" type X gyp board fire separation requlrement. Check for mechanical equipment protection (bollards) in the garage lf DETACHED garage is being built less than'3ft to existing structure in needs to have 7/2 gyp board on the interior walls Check for smoke alarms/Carbon Monoxide alarms (look on electrcial sheets if there aren't any shown on floor pla n) Check wall bracing Et! E UE E Et E B Mt[ M E E