HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2019-01-22SPRINGFIELD ORE6ON Building Permit Residential Electrical Permit Number: 81 1 -19-0001 30'ELEC IVR Number: 81 1090641 187 web address: www.springf reld or.gov Email Address: permitcenler@sprinqfield'or.gov Permit lssued: January 22,2019 TYPE OF WORK Category of Construction: Townhouses Submitted Job Value: $0.00 Description of Work: Reconnecl only - due to fire Type of Work: Repair JOB SITE INFORMATION Parcel 1703262402800 Owner: Address: CHASE INVESTN,IENTS LLC 455 CASCADE DR SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION Business name BEAM ELECTRIC LLC - Primary License ccB License number 192844 Phone 541-968-1962 PENDING INSPECTIONS lnspection 4999 Final Electrical 4200 Reconnect Service lnspection group Elec Res Elec Res lnspection status Pending Pending SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this proJect. Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermits.oregon.gov Schedule by phone call 1-888-299-2821 use tVR number: 81'1090641187 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting lnspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store PERMIT FEES Fee Amount $ 13.0 0 $86.00 $4.95 $ 11.88 $ 1 15.83 std_BurldingPerm{_pr {i CitY of SPringfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street SPringfield, OR 97477 541-726-3753 Worksite address 1S14 sTH ST APT 26 Springfield, OR 97477 Fee Description euantity Ealance of minimum permit fees - electrical Service reconnect only 1 Technology Fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Elec (tzo/o of applicable fees) Total Fees: Permib must be postsd in clear view on the worksite. Permits expire if work is not started within l80 Days of issuancs or it work issusp6nded fo l80 Days or longgr deponding on tho issuing agsncy's policy. All provisions of laws and ordinances govsrning this type ofwork will be complied with whsthsr specifisd her6in ornoL Granting ofa permit does not prosumg to givs authority to violate or cancsl the provisions of any othor stato or local law regulating constructionor th6 peaformanco of conslruction. ATTENnoN - CALL BEFORE You DIG: oregon law rsquiros you to tollow rulos adopted by the oregon Utitity Notification center.Those rules are set forth in oaR 952{01-OOIO through OAR 952-oo1-oO9O. You may obtain copies of the rules by caIin9 the Cent€r at(877) 6684001 or diat 811. All po.sons or entitios porforming work under this permit are required to be liconseal unloss exempted by ORS 701.OjO(Structural/Mechanical), ORS 479.540 (Etectricat), and ORS 693.OlO-O2O (ptumbing). Ptinled on 1122119 page 1of 1 SPRINGTIILD ?& ORIGON www.sprin gfleld-or. gov Worksite address: 1914 sTH ST, APT# 26, Springfietd, OR 97477 PatcP-l: 1703262402800 Transaction Receipt 811-19-000't 30-ELEC Receipt Number: 469168 Receipt Date: 1/22119 Fees Paid City of SPringfield DeveloDment and Public Works )25 Fifth Street Sorlnqfield' OR 97477 541'126'3753 permitcenter@springfield-or'gov Transaction date 1122t19 112?,19 1t2U19 Units 1.00 Ea 1.00 Automatic 1.00 Ea Description Service reconnecl only Balance of minimum permit fees - electrical State of Oregon Surcharge - Elec (12o/o ol applicable fees) Account code 224-00000426102-1033 224-00000-426 1 02- 1 033 821-00000-215004-0000 1 00-00000-425605-0000 Fee amount $86.00 $13.00 $1 1.88 Paid amount $86.00 $13.00 $1 1.88 $4.95 $115.83 $115.83 1t22119 Payment Method Cashier: Katrina Anderson 1.00 Automatic Technology Fee Credit card authorization 094112 Payer: sean quinlan $4.95 Payment Amount Receipt Total: Pinred 1122119 942am Page 1 of 1 Fl N-TransactlonRecerPt-Pr DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Electrical 1.25 fifth Streeit SPritrEfield' Permit plication On qrllZ rttt(S'r t lzZo_:z 5r. rAx(541)726_368q sPit'.cFrELo @ .j-€s{l}SlE&- th'a Ped l no Thi! Dermil is issued under OAR sl8-30s-0000 Permi ir',,.'"i it-""r"" * if r ork is suspeDded for 180 dals' ts are DoDtransferable' Permits erpire if nork is not started \r ithiB 1E0 FEE SCHEDULE Residetrtial' per uoit. sen'ice included Total coslL Zoning aPProval verifi eCl ! Yes E tlo CATEGORY OF coNsrRUCrtor.t IResidentiai ! Govemmenl I Commercial JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION oclt- oovenxn Err appRovlt- r +26 ] E ch additional 500 sq. ft. or Pomon I thereof -1q1, $r81.OO s1.000 sq. ft. or iess (4) Cil)Ft EI-D t ^r",6lrl Limired energ) (l)s 43.00 S i Each manufacnrred home or modular i $ E6.oo $ dwellilg service or feeder (l) Sen'ices orfeeders: installalion olrcrariok relocation f00 amps or Iess (2)s 10s.00 i s 401 to 600 arnps (2) 601 to 1,000 amps (l) s 35.00 s s215.00 s277.00 $635.00 s s E6.00 ! Reierence €l Name Ad&ess Ta)ilot. ZI.P Fr-z Cir* Phone E-mail PROPERW OWNER State Fax Over I.000 amps or volts (:) 200 amps or less (l I Reconnecr onl) (l)s 86.00 Temporan' services or lerlders installation alrcration. relocation This installation is being made on residential or farm properq owned by me or a member of m1 immediate famill. This propert) is not intended for sale. exchange. lease. or rent. OAR 479.540(l ) and 479.560(1 ). Signature .EE:ryTqqs. :EEz.". EL{c:rtu, L 201 ro 400 amps (2)s 118.00 BrsDch circuits: ,7ev. aheraion. etension per panel a Fee for bEnch circuits with purchase ofa service or feeder fee Each branch circuil s 401 to 600 amps (2)s172.00 s i over 600 amp5 or 1.000 vohs. see services or feeders section above Address ?O. -Bs* ?ro CITYOF SPRTNGFTELD,OREGON Costea.QtvNumber of irspcctions P€r item ( ) Fo ORKWONPTIESCRID s127.00201 to 400 amps (l) Ctrr 4. s-ttlflS "q iState: 6x- | ZIP:17'b. Fee for branch circuts *ithou! Durchase ofa se,'vice or feeder fee I First branch circuit (2 r $ 85.00 I s E-mail: 6, U r.-r r-n-r-r- S d- 4Q!ryar C .( o::: t Each addirional branch circuir $ 7.42 1s i cce tl."nk o. l "ZTaq i BcD ii".,r.. no L-t l4 Miscellaneous fees: Jcrvice or ieeaer noi mciuaeti Signing supen rsor's license no.: S S( 3 S Each pump or irrigarion circle (:)s 86.00 S Pnnt name of si glrng supervlsor Signarure of si;rning supenisor , Each sign or ouliine iiehting (: )s 99.00 s i Sisnal circuil or a limited-enersr oanel I alierarion. or exrension (l)S0093 Eech rdditioEal i[spectioBi il ]$99.00 DEPARTMENT USE (A) Enrer subrctal ofabove fees (Minimum Permir Fee S99.00) t, S q?, @)Enter lf% surcharge (.12 x [A]) (C) Technolos Fee (59o oflAl)5 t. U Le.t edite.t 7/1/2ot * TOTAL fees and swcharyes (A tlrough D)5 t2 C0-m E r i'.2-l l1 i I Job site address:t9 Jq SJ5 ZIP CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION s 7.42 r$