HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 2019-01-23JPRINGfIELD ,9n OREGOTI Building Permit Residential Plumbing Permit Number: 81 t -19-000144-PLM IVR Number: 811089636224 Emarl Address: permitcenter@springfield'or'govweb Address: www.springf r€ld'or.gov category of Construction: Two Family Dwelling Submitted Job Value: $0.00 Description of Work: Replace sewer laterals Type of Work: Replacement JOB SITE I ON Worksite address 1602 WATER ST Springfield, OR 97477 Parcel 1703274106400 Owner: Address: HOUSING AUTHORITY & URBAN 3OO W FAIRVIEW DR SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION Business name SUTHERI-AND CONSTRUCTION LLC - Primary License License number 209162 PENOING INSPECTIONS Inspection 3999 Final Plumbing 3'120 Underground Plumbing 3200 Sanitary Sewer lnspection group Plumb Res Plumb Res Plumb Res lnspection status Pending Pending Pending SCHEDULING INSP Various jnspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on lhe scope of work. Contact the issuingjurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspeclions for this project. Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermits.oregon.gov Schedute by phone call 1-BBB_299_282.| use tVR number: 811089636224 schedure using the oregon epermitting rnspection App, search 'epermitting" in the app store Poimils must be postgd in clgar view on the worksite. Permits expiro if work is not started within lgo Days of issuance o. if work issuspended for 180 Oays or longer depending on the issuing agency,s policy. All provisions of laws and ordinances govorning this typ€ of work will bs compligd with whother specified horein or not cranting ofa pqrmit does nol prosumg to givo authority to violato or cancol the provisions of any other stats or local law regulatang constauctionor the perrormanco of consfuuction.ATTeNfloN - CALL BEFoRE You DtG: oregon law requires you to lotlow rules adopted by the orcgon l)titity Notification center.7-hos€ .ures a'€ ser ro rrh in oAR ss24o1_ooio rnr""sn oaa 6ii0ilioi;.,,G77) 65a4oo1 ot ctiat g71. 'ousn v,Ax eiz4o1-oo90' You may obtain copies ot the rutes by calling the Center atg!.:"";::,;;:;::::Er;1":7i"1;;i:;:i:;:;,:::?::;;;:,,,;;:,w;::;o u,,"" exenpted by o's 701.0t0 std EurtdingperniLp CitY of SPringfield DeveloPment and Public \Norks 225 Frfth Street SPringfield, OR 97477 541--126-3753 Permit lssued: January 23,2019 TYPE OF WORK Phone 503-729-1114 Permit Number: 8'11 -'19-0001 44-PLM Page 2 of 2 Fee Description Technology Fee Sanitary sewer - Total linear feet State of Oregon Surcharge - Plumb (12olo of applicable fees) Quantity 100 Total Fees: Fee Amount $s.1s $ 103.00 $12.36 $ 120.51 sid-Bu'ldinqPermit-Pr Page 2 ol2 pnnted on: 1123119 PERMTT FEES SPRINGFIEI.D ,b OREGON \,v!vw.springfi eld-or. gov Worksite address: 1602 WATER ST, Springfietd, OR 97477 PatcF-t 170327 4106400 811-19-000144-PLM Receipt Number: 469196 Receipt Date: 1/23/19 City of Springfield Development and Public works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-726-3753 permitcenter@springfield-or.9ov Fees Paid Transaction date 1t23119 Unlts 100.00 LnFt Description Sanitary sewer - Total linear leet State of Oregon Surcharge - Plumb (12% of applicable fees) Account code 224-00000{25603-'l 034 1t23119 'U23t19 82 1 -00000-2 1 5004-0000 1 00-00000-425605-0000 Fee amount $'103.00 $12 36 $5.1s Paid amount $103.00 $12.36 $5.15 1.00 Ea 1.00 Automatic Technology Fee Payment lvlethod Credit card authorization 713201 Payer: Glenn Sutherland Payment Amount:$120.51 Receipt Total:$120.51 Pnnted: 1/23119 3 11 pm Page 1 of 1 FIN_Transac,lionRecerpt_pr Transaction Receipt Cashier: Katrina Anderson Ctry or SpRllcnrrLp, ORecos Plumbing Permit Application lr5 FiftbStreer. Sprirgfcl4 OR 97477 . PH(541)726-3753. FAX54!)72G3689 Zoning approwal verified? Eyes E f.Io Sanitation approval verified? Eyo ENo CATEGORY OF COI'ISTRUCTION [fResidential D Govemment E Commercial JOB SITE I'IIFORi/IATPN AND LOCATION Iob site adrlress: If,[?_ $,XC1, <]-/ 160{, 1,t g+?7- City: Jgpr,lqFali-g Srate: QQ!zn: \'ltl7-l Reference: A0A!Z Ut L\AA1 Taxlot.: DESCRIPTIOd OF WORK Qzutg s'-D fr- Lrrz"vr*t,6 F?o ry\ S+fr.f (j OWI{ER Name: Address:g.D o City: jgp;1g(p11;.L9 State: &.t.ZIP.. Phone:if Fax: E mail: .' uc u nirr c-r hcrna Fot fhis insaflatr$n is ding nnde on residential or far*r property ovned by m or a rnember of my immediale family, and is exeryt from licensing requirements rmder OAR 9 I 8{95{020. Signahre: CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION Business name: 5O.n-,*rxo..O G,rSiZ,lfm p UtL Address: \i"flf,6. N Lu Su,rs, \[., * City: $5.ps..1i Stat€: O€_zrP;91i0L Phone: S03 7X ilH Fax: E-mail:Uri-rt^rr-Frro c(ra3Tt-'rcGrN Q.nuttDb Y-. CD $ CCB license no-:L BCD license no-: Plumbing license no.: Print nqqc: Cr{aO" 5;D Signature: fip 'oo? DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Permitno.: lq- tt+Ll - ?f\\ Date l-.u-rl*t This pormit is issued under OAR 9l&7E0-.00611. Permits are issued orly to tbe pcrson or contractor doing the work Permits €xpire if work is not started within 180 days ofissuance or if work fu ruspended for 180 days. FEE SCHEDULE Irsscriptlon Qty.Coste&Totalcost N€w .rsideoti.l I badrood/l k lrchen (includes: Jilst l(NJeet ol water/sewzr lines, hose bibs, ice aaker, undeifuxtr low-point draias aad min4rain pockages) $323.00 $ 2 baft.ooms/l kitchen $506.00 $ 3 bathrooms/l kitchen $595-00 $ Each additional bsthrcom (over 3)$128-00 $ Each additional kitchen (over I )9128.00 $ Rcaidenti.l firc apri.Ilen (includes plen review) 0 to 2,000 3quare feet s99,00 $ 2,001 to 3,600 squarc fe€t s158-00 s 3,601 to 7200 squarc feet $ 7,201 square feet and grEater $315-00 $ MrEahctured dwenirg or prc,fab (circle one) Cortaectiotrs to building sEw€r ed water supply sg).00 s CoEEerciil, indurtrid, .nd dw.[i!8s other th.[ ooe. ortwo{rDlly Minimum fee $9!t.00 $ Each fixture $24.00 $ Miscclhaeous fees 100' storD, sewer, rat€r line l.J<$r 0&00 $ Each fixture, appuneoaffr, and piping 324.00 $ Stoam lpater reteotiotr/detentioo ficility $r03.m S Inigation systernrtsackfl ow $24.00 s Piping or private storm draiDage systems sxccedine the fiIst 100 feet $24.00 s Specialty fixturcs 32t.00 s Reinspsction (no. ofhrs. x fee per hr.)s Special rcquested inspections (no. of hrs. x fee per hr.)$99.00 $ E.cb .dditioErl itr pcctiotr: (I)s99.00 $ M4iJrI g.! pipitrg Minimum fee $ Enter value of installatioo and equipmeot $ _. E tef fee based on iDstallation and equipl,lent yalue.$ DEPARTMENT USE (A) Enter subtotal ofabovc fees (MiriEum PerDia Fee s99.00)$ (B) Investigative fee (equal to [A])S (C) Enter I 2% su.Eharge (. I 2 x [A+Bl)s @) Technologr Fee (5% of [A])s TOTAL fces ald surcharges (A through D): LOCAL GOVERNXE}IT APPROVAL s236-00 t I $99.00 L I F