HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Field Test & Inspection Report 2018-08-21Carlson Testing, Inc. Bend Office Geotechnical Office Eugrne Office Salem Oflice Tigard OIfice (s{r) (s0l) (s.ll) (s03) (s03) 330-9155 601-8250 3,15-0289 589-r 252 68J-3160 Daily Report of Proprietary Anchors Client: Project:MT VERNON SIDING REPLACEMENT A dd ress:935 FIIBERT LN SPRINGEIEID OR 914'7'7 T DUNAWAY OBOA 1118 .lurisdiction: (lTI Job #:Fr]80',]536. lvas on site this date Permit 811-18-000399 Auq.21,2018 to perfom Special Inspection for DFS #(s)PO \umber:92090 SCOPE OF INSPECTION l. Checkcd in with superintendent or client representative. Name Compan)BINE}TAM CONSTRUCTION Location of proprietary anchors inspected [to include grid lines, eievations (floors) and drawing detailsl: (3) 1/4" X 3" HII,TI SCREW ANCHORS INSTALLED INTO 2. lnspection rvas "lBC" !C ont in uou s I Periodic PROPRIETARY ANCIIORS EX]STING CONCRETE EOR THE CAFETERIA/GYM CAL [iA]-L REFERENCE DETAIL 4 ON 1D1 YesNoN/A l. Reviewed prcvious inspection reports?)i 2. Reviewed evaluation repon? Verified following items meet manufacture/s published installation instructions. Evaluation report number & date REPORT SUMMARY l. Work inspected **, I Completed ! L progr"rt 2. Completed work inspected was in compliance with Approved plans and specifications I Shop drawings RFI Design change DEAMOR ],_D1Document #(s) 3. Noncompliance item(s) rvere noted this date, details on following page(s) Submittal N/A Da&d. A6/18/2a18 Yes No N/A 4. Noncompliance item(s) were reinspected this date, details on following page(s)Yes No Contbrm ! Remain in progress Report(s) findings were discussed and left with }f,ATT I Nre ]CC ESR 3027 DATED 72/2A l1 o1- Name of product being installed H]LTI I{Ii EZ 3. Verified minimum embedment depth of the anchors.I 4.Verilied installation of the anchors x 5. Vcrilied anchor diameter -i x 7. Verified hole diameter ;{ 8. Verified type of drill bit used.:{ 9. Verified holc cleaning method x 10. Verified adhesive application ll. Verified edge distance :: 12. Verified spacing :{ 13. Verified installation torque. Based on the Code. appro\al is required from the Br.rilding Ofticial before the SPECIAI INSPECTED items noted above canbe co\ered. Carlson Testing has no authority to direct work of contractors or subcontractors. Page 1 of 2f] See additional report page(s)Distribute attachments CTI representative ExDiration Date - Batch Number 6- Vcrified steel grade. I i Daily Report of Proprietary Anchors CTI Job #: E1B0is35. Project: MT vERNoN SIDING REPLACEMENT For: AA/21/2A1A Notes: CC: SPRINGFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOLS - JOITN SABACENO CTTY OF SPRINGEIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES_ROBERT CASTILE ln some cases more than one box may be checked for a given item on the front page. Ourreports pertainto the materialtested/inspected only. Information contained herein is not to be reproduced, except in full, withoutpriorauthorization from this ofiice. Underallcircumstances, the informationcontainedinthis report is provided subjectto all terms and conditions ofCTI's General Conditions in effect at the time this report is prepared. No party other than those to whom CTI has distributed this report shall be entitledto use or rely upon the informalion contained in this document. Ifthere are any further questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Respectfu lly submitted, CARLSON TESTING,INC. David Smith Reviewed By: Project Manager Project Manager Review Date: 08/221201 8 T JD /MW ]OHN,SARACENO@SPRINGFIELD. K12. OR.US RCASTILE@CI. SPRINGFIELO. OR. US ROBERTSON/SHERWOOD ARCHlTECTS - LANA SAD]-ER B]NEIiAI4 CONSTRUCTION INC - RON HARRISON Page 2 of 2 89970 }IWY 99N, EUGENE OR LSADL ER@ROB E RTSONSH ER14OOO . COII RON@BI N EHAT!CON STRUCIION . COI4 Carlson Testing, fnc. Betrd Ollice Geotectnicll OIIlce Eugcne Omc. SsleE Omce Tigard Olfice (541) 330-9155 (s03) 60r-82s0 (s4t) 345-02E9 (503) sE9-1252 (s03) 68&3460 Daily Report of Proprietary Anchors Client: SPRINGFIELD PUBLIC SCI{OOLS - JOHN SARACENO Project MT VERNON SIDING RBPLACEMiNI Address: 935 FILBERT LN SPRINGFIEI,D OR 9741't CTI Job #: E18 01s3 6 Jurlsdiction: SPRINGFIELD CTI represeatative 1rlas on site this date Perrnit 811-18-000399 Drs #(s) T. flryA,44l oBOA r118 Au_q. 21, 2018 to perform Special Inspection for: PONunber:92090 SCOPE OF INSPECTION l. Checked in rith superintendent or clietrt representative. frlalns; Iv.qTT Company: BTNEIIAM CoNSTRUCTIoN I-ocation ofproprietarl' aachon iaspected [to include grid lines, elevatiors (floors) and drawing detailsl: 13) 114i x 3 Hrr,Tr SCREW ANq!{QRg IISTAILED rNTO EX]STING CQryCRtsTE FOB TIIE CAEE?ERIA/G1,M C-AJ, WALL NEAR ROO!' LINE. VERIFIED 3N EMBED UAXIMUM IMPACT @ENCI! ToRQTJE R4TTNG OF 137 !"I/LBS.2, Luspection \aas "IBC"n Cotrtinuous Periodic PROPRIETARY ANCIIORS Yes NoN,/A l. Reviewed previous i!:spealio! reports?x 2. Reviewed evaluation r€port?f, Verified following iterns me€1 DaDufactueis published iostallatioo irsauctions. Evaluation report number & &te: rcc EsR 3027 DAAED 72/2OL7 REPORT SIII\TMARY l. Work irspected uas: p Completed I Inprogress 2, Completed work hspected was in corpliance with [] Approved plans and specifications ! Snop arawlngs E P.n ! Design change I s"u*ittur N/A Document #(s) DEN'1oB r-D1 Dated Q5118/2018 3. Noocompliarc€ it6E(s) were noted this &te, details on following page(s). I v"r nNo E N/A 4. Noncompliance item(s) rvere reinspectod this date, details oa following page(s). I Ves INo E NIA I Cooform I Remain in progress Report(s) findings u,ere discussed and left with MATT Of BINEIIAM CONSTRUSIION Name ofproduct being installed HILTf, KH-EZ Balch Number Expiration Date Bascd otr the Code, apFoval is required from the Building Official before the SPECIAL iNSPECTED items noted above catrbe covered. Carlson Testing bas no authority to direct *ork ofcontractors or subcontractors. Page 1 of 2 3. Veriied minimum smbedment dcptb of thc anchon.x 4.V€rified installation of the anchors x x5. Veriied anchor diarneter 6. Verifred steel grade.x 7. Verified hole diameter L x 9. Verified hole cleaning method.x 10. Verified adhesive application,X 1 l. Verificd edge distance.x 12. Verified spaciug x 13. Verified furstallation torque x IIIIII IIIII tr REFERENCE DETAIL { ON 1-D].. 8 . Verified tlpe of &ill bit used. fl See additional report page(s). n Distribute attachrnents. Daily Report of Proprietary Anchors CTI Job #: E1801s35. Project: MT vERNoN SIDTNG REPLACEMENT Notcs: CARLSON TESTING, INC. David Smith Proj ect Manager TJD/Mw Reviewed By: Project Manager Review Date: 0812212018 For: oB / 2r/ 2oLB 2 I-n some cases more than one box may be checked for a given item on the ftont page. Our reports pertain to the material tested/inspected only. lnformation contained herein is not to be reproduced, except in fi without prior authorization from this office. Under all circumstances, the infonnation contained in this report is provided subject to all terms aad oonditions of CTI's General Conditions in effect at the time this report is prepared. No party other than those to whom CTI has distributed this report shall be entitled to use or rely upon the information contained in this document. If there are any further questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Respectfu lly submitted, CC: SPRI\'GIIELD PUBIIC SCIIOOLS - JOEII SAT.ACENO C]TY OE SDRINGPIELD DE1IELOPMENT SERVICES'ROBER? C-AS?IIJE ]oHN.SARACENOOSPRT GFIETD.K12.OR.US RCASTILEG'I. SPRINGFIELD.OR. US RoBERTSoN/sHaRwooD Atrcl{lTEcrs - LANA SAILER BINE}IAM CONSTRUCTION lNC - RON I]ARRISON 899?0 HWY 99N, EUGENE OR L SADLERGROS ERTSONSHERIiI(IOO . COM RON@BINEHAMCON STRUCTIO'{ . COM Page of2 Carlson Testing, Inc. Be d OfIice (541) 330-9155 Geotechnicsl Office (503) 601-t250 Eugere Office (541) 345-0289 Salem OIIice (503) 5t9-f252 Tigud Office (503) 684-3460 Special lnspection FINAL SUMMARY LETTER August 28,2018 E180l536.CTr City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Re Mt. Vernon Siding Replacement 935 Filbert Ln, Springfield, OR97477 Permil No,: 81 'l -18{00399 Per Chapter 17, Section 1704.2.4 ot the lnternational Building Code (lBC) - 2012, we have performed special inspection of the following item(s) per our inspection reports only: lnstallation of Epoxy & Wedge Anchors All requested Inspections and tests were performed and reported according to the requirements of Project Documents and, to the best of our knowledge, the work was in conformance with the approved plans and specifications, approved change orders and applicable workmanship provisions of the State Building Code and Standards, as well as the structural engineeis design changes, approvals and verbal instructions. CTI has provided its professional services with the degree of care and skill cunently exercised under similar circumstances by members of its profession in the same locale. Statements made in our reports are based on technical judgments, and should not be construed to be conclusive representations of fact. Our reports pertain to the material tested/inspected only. CTI'S seMces did not include responsibililies related to determining, supervising, implementing or controlling lhe means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of the construction or evaluating or raporting job conditions related to health, safety or welfare. lnformation contained herein is not to be reproduced, except in full, without prior authorization from this office. lf there are any further questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact this of{ice. Respectfully submitted, CARLSON TESTING, INC rIS d Eugene Branch Manager DS/mw cc: BINEILA.M CONSTRUCIION INC _ RON }IARRISON CITY OF SPRINGFIILI] DEVELOPMENT SER!'ICES _ ROBERT CASTILE ROBERTSON/SI]ERVr'OOD ARCHITECTS _ I-ANA SADLER SPRINGFIELD PI'BLIC SCHOOLS . JOHN SARACENO EN,f,AIL EMAI- EMAIL EMAIL Our construclion inspection and testing services were provided and jntended to help reduce the risk of construction defects, deficiencies, or omissions that arise during and after mnstruction. Our services do not constitute a warranty or guarantee of any type. Even with diligent construction monitoring and testing, construction defects, deficiencies, or omissions in the Contractois work may exist. It is the ContractoCs responsibility to perform their work in accordancr with the approved construction documents.