HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Field Test & Inspection Report 2018-08-17Carlson Testing, Inc. Bend Office G€otechnicd Omce Eugene OIfice Salem Offic€ Tigard Ofiice (s4l) 330-9lss (503) 601-8250 (54r) 34s-0289 (s03) 5t9-r252 (503) 684-3460 Daily Report of Structural Steel Cli€nt: N-OILE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY IV - RICHARD TRICKEY Project: LoT 11 wAREHousE Address:4180 INDUSTR]AI AVB SPRINGFIELD OR CTI .Ioh #:E1801494. Jurisdiction:SPRINGFIELD CTI representative was on site this date T. DUNAWAY OBOA 1118 to perform Special Inspection for:Aug. 17.2018 Permit 811-17- 001819-STR DFS #(s) -- PO Number:N/A SCOPE OF INSPECTION 1. Checked in with superintendent, client or shop rep. Jr]2661 MIKE Company: GrBqo--N . ST,EE-L-FABRICATfNG BUCKETS AND SADDLE BUCKETS TO HSS TUBE STEEL, COL!]MN PIECES COMPLETED THIS DAY ARE 18 (5), AND 2. lnsoection was'lBC" Tl Continuous. l__J tr Periodic 1A (2). REFERENCE GrBsoN srEEL EABRTcATTNG sHop 3. Work performed: [-l In the netd GIBSON STEEL FABRICATING I et fab shop DRAWING #1 PROCESS: FCAW 4. Ifshop inspection do they have fabrication and QC FTI,LER: E71T procedures?tr Yes No N/A Location ofsteel inspection [to include grid lines, elevations (floors) and drawing detailsl: SINGLE PASS EILLET WELD ON PI,ATE FOR SADDLE INSPECTION WELDER INFORMATION TRAVIS SEBASTIAN GAS: CO2 D1.1 REPORT SUMMARY xl. Work inspected was:Completed l-l ln progress 2. Completed work inspected was in compliance with ! Approved plans and specifications I Shop drawings RII Submittal tr N/A Yes NoN/A Document #(s) Design change SEE NOTES 3. Noncompliance item(s) were noted this date, details on Dated SEE NOTES Welders Name Certification #: Yes No 4. Noncompliance item(s) were reinspected this dat€, details Yes No N/A on following page(s).Yes tr No E N/A Conform tr Remain in progress Report(s) findings were discussed and leff with MIKE of GIBSON STEEL FABRICATING following page(s)x N/A ON FILE Based on the Code, approval is required ftom the Building Official b€forc the SPECIAL INSPECTED items noted above can be cover€d. Carlson Testing has no authority to dirccl wort of conlractors or subcontractors. Pag€ 1 of 2 1. Reviewed previous inspection reports?x 2. Verified steel materials are in compliance by reviewing random samples ofthe mill test repolts, steel ID rnarkings or other documentation. x x3. Verified weld filler materials conform. x4. Checked steel members to see they were fabricated and erected in accordance with the workmanship and tolerances required. 5. Checked welded studs and structural connections were installed as required.x x6. Verified high strengh bolts aod fasteners conforrn x7. Verified the quality of welds produced by welders, welding operators, and tackers cotrfom. x8. Verified steel frame joint details for bracing, stiffening, member locations, and application ofjoint details at each connection are in compliance by random sampling. IITII IIIIII T T xVerified tlc contractor's Welding Procedure Specifications are in conformance with AWS requirements. 2. Verified the essential variables outlined in the Welding Procedure Specifi cations werc employed during execution ofthe work. x3. Verified the weldability ofreinforcing steel other than ASTM A706. TII n See additional report page(s)Distribute attachments. AIL WELDS APPEAR VISUAI,LY ACCEPTABLE PER AWS t. x tr Daily Report of Structural Steel cTI Job #: E18 014 e4 . LOT 11 WAREHOUSE FOr: aa / ).'/ /zara Project: Notes: DOCIJMENI #(S) : GIBSON STEEL FABRICATTNG DATED 03/0.7/).A ln some cases more than one box may be checked for a given item on the front page. Our reports pertain to the material tested/inspected only. Information contained herein is not to be reproduced, except in fi without prior authorization fiom this office. Under all circumstances, the information contained in this report is provided subject to all terms and conditions of CTI's General Conditions in effect at the time this report is prepared. No party other than those to whom CTI has distributed this report shall be entitled to use or rely upon the information contained in this document. Ifthere are any further questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Respectfu lly submitted, CARLSON TESTING, INC. David Smith Reviewed By: Project Manager Project Manager Review Date: og/2ol2olg TJD/G( NOBLEOEV@XOBLE. COMCASTBIZ. NEINOBLE DE!'ELOPMENT COMPANY IV RICHARD TRICXEY TO: CITY OF SPRINGFIEID BUILDING DEPARTMENT CBSE, LT,C - DERE( HOWAXD DHOl//ARO@CBSE . US Page 2 of 2 JOHN ltAl"fl'lER 89970 HWY 99N, EUCENE OR I PHAMUERGNU-WORLO. Cotli Carlson Testing, Inc. BeDd Office Geotecbnical Ofrice Eugene Office Salem Offfce Tigard Ofiice (s41) 330-9rss (503) 601-82s0(s4r) 34s-0289 (s03) s89-r2s2 (s03) 684-3460 4XREPORT OF 8 CONCRETE CYLINDRICAI TEST SPECIMENS ASTM C39 ct'7 2 64 / ca3a / c3a /c143/a1 c23t c1231-Test Methods: Date Molded:o7 / 24 / 2018 Date Received:o'7 / 2s / 2078 Job Num 1494. Permit #:81 1- 17 - 0 01819 -STR Client:NOBLE DEVELO PMENT COMPANT IV - RICHARD TRTCKEY Project:LOT 11 WAREHOUSE Address:418 O INDUSTRIAL AVE SPRINGFIELD OR Jurisdiction:SPRINGFIELD Contractor:NOBLE DEVELO COMPANY IV RIC}IARD TRICKEY Subcontractor Cast Bv:R. ORCHARD Concrete Supplier:IOiIFE RIVER ( EUGENE ) Truck #:41173 Load #:1 Test Time:5:15 A,IV1 psi fc @ 28 Days Concrete Temp: Ticket#:a20L!48'',) Air Te mp. at Sampling Time: ssWeather:CLEAR Cylinders were cast for the following locations: S1,AB ON GRADE AT SOUTHEAST CORNER Total Concrete Placement Location : LOT 11 WAREHOUSE SI,AB ON GRADE Strength Requirement:3000 Mix Number:35N17C00 Slump: 76 4.'75n o/o Airz 3/4" 3.08 Max Agg: Admix/Amt:WRDAS 4 (304 0Z) , ArR (32 0Z) Register Number:00005295 Lab Location:EUGENE Average fc @ 28 days Cubic Yards: SEE REMARKS Curing: High -:j-Low ----L- Set No. Test @Davs Test Date Total Load Avg. Diameter Area Unit PSI Type Of Fracture Cap Tvoe Tested Bv 1 '7 o7 / 3r / 20r.8 48950 3 .99 L2 .50 3920 2 PAD 50 RT 2A oe/21/2018 7 Lt65 4.00 1-2 .56 3 PAD 50 RT 2A oe / 21, / 2otq 7 5595 4.00 L2 .56 6420 3 PAD 50 RT 2a oe / 2t/ 20a8 73645 4.00 72 .56 5860 RT3PAD 60 5850 IIIIII tr Distribute attachments. Please see reverse side for additional information. < 1 in. [25 mm] Type 1 Reasonable well-formed cones on both ends, less than 1 in. [25 mm] of cracking through caps TWe 4 Diagonal fracture with no cracking through ends; tap with harnmei to distinguish from Tlpe 1 ** Not measurcd - Departure ftom ASTM C3l standard Remarks: CUBIC YARDS: 10.75 OF 125. JOHN TIAMMER NOB],E DEIEIOPMENT COMPANY IV - RICHARD TRTCKEY TO: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DEPARI'I'IEIIII CBSE, LLC - DEREK HOW;\RD NOBLEDEVGNO8LE. COi,iC!ST81Z. NET OHOi{ARO@CBSE.US JPHAMMER@NU I,iORLD.COM Job Number: E1801494. Project: LoT l-1 wAREHousE Register Number: oooo5295 T}?e 2 Well-Fomred cone on one end, vertical cracks running thiough caps, no well-defined cone on other end Date Molded: o'7 / 24 / 2oa8 Tlpe 3 Columnar vertical cracking tlrough both ends, no well-formed cones Type 6 Similar to TyI)e 5 but rnd ofcylinder is pointed J Project Manager David smith Reviewed By: Project Manager o\ 08/22/20L8 Our reports pertain to the material tested/inspected only. lnformation contained herein is not to be reproduced, except in full, without prior authorization from this office. Under all circumstances, the information contained in this report is provided subject to all terms and conditions of CTI's General Conditions in effect at ths time this report is prepared. No party other than those to whom CTI has distributed this report shall be entitled to use or rely upon the information contained in this docum€nt. 89970 HWY 99N. EUGENE OR E Type 5 Side fractures at top or bottom (occur cornmonly with unbonded caps) ru ffit Carlson Testing, Inc. Bend Office Geotechnical Oflice Eugene Ofnce Salem Office Tigard O{Iice (s41) 330-91ss (503) 60r-8250 (s41) 34s-0289 (503) s89-12s2 (s03) 684-3450 Daily Report of Proprietary Anchors Client:NOBLE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY IV RICHARD TRICKEY Project: LoT 11 WAREHoUSE Address: 418 0 INDUSTRIAI AVE SPRINGFIELD OR Jurisdiction: cTI Job #: 81801494 SPRINGF]ELD CTI representative R. ORC}IARD OBOA 951 was on site this date Auq. 15, 2018 to perform Special lnspection for Permit I l- l- - 17 - 0 01819 - STR DFS #(s)PO Number:N/A SCOPE OF INSPECTION 1. Checked in with superintendent or client representative. }l,| lg. RIC}iARD Company NOBLE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY IV Location ofproprietary anchors inspected [to include grid lines, elevations (floors) and drawing detaits]: HD SCREW ANCHORS FOR (24) KING STUD TO FOUNDATION PLATE CONNECTIONS AT FOUNDATION WAI-L PERIMETERS LOCATED AT A TO E AT l TO 4 I!.ISTATLED PER ENCINEERE ESR 2 713 REPORT W]TH THE INSTAILATIONS NOT EXCEEDING THE MAXIMUM TORQUE VAIUES GIVEN WITHIN THE ESR REPORT. Periodic Yes NoN/A Evaluation report number & date: rcc EsR 2713 RETSSUED 09/2017 PROPRIETARY ANCHORS Verified following items meet manufacturer's published installation instructions. REPORT SUMMARY l. Work inspected was: I Completed ! h progress 2. Completed work inspected was in compliance with I Approved plans and specifications ! Shop drawings E rul ! Design change Submittal N/A Document #(s)SEE NOTES Dated: €EE IQTIE 3. Noncompliance item(s) were noted this date, details on following page(s). ! Ves No tr N/A 4. Noncompliance item(s) were reinspected this date, details on following page(s). ! v"r E "o I wa ! Conform ! Remain in progress R€port(s) findings were discussed and left with RICHARD of NOBLE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY IV Name ofproduct being installed SIMPSON TITEN HD SCREW ANCHORS 1. Reviewed previous inspection reports?x 2. Reviewed evaluation report?x IIII 3. Verified minimum emb€dment depth ofthe anchors.x 4.Verified installation of the anchors x 5. Verified anchor diameter x 6. Verified steel grade x 7. Verified hole diameter x x8. Verified type ofdritl bit used 9. Verified hole cleaning method.x 10. Verified adhesive application x 1 1. Verified edge distance X 12. Verified spacing x 13. Verified installation torque x IIIIIII III TIIIIIIIIII N/ABatch Number Expiration Date N1A Based on the Code, approval is required fiom the Building Official before the SPECIAL INSPECTED items noted above can be covered. Carlson Testing has no authority to direct work ofcontractors or subcontractors. 1! See additional report page(s)Distribute attachments Page of2 2. Inspection was "lBC" E Continuous oESERVED THE TNSTATI,ATrON OF (95) )li X 5n TrTEN _ tr Daily Report of Proprietary Anchors CTI Job #: 818014e4. Project: LOr 11 wAREHousE FOr: oa /)"5 /2ot8 Notes: DOCI,MENT #{S): CBSE ENGINEERING DRAWINGS DATED O,7/II/I.7 ln some cases more than one box may be checked for a given item on the front page. Our reports pertain to the material tested/inspected only. Information contained herein is not to be reproduced, except in fi without prior authorization fiom this office. Under all circumstances, the information contained in this report is provided subject to all terms and conditions of CTI's General Conditions in effect at the time this report is prepared. No party other than those to whom CTI has distributed this report shall be entitled to use or rely upon the information contained in this document. If there are any further questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Respectfu lly submitted, CARLSON TESTING, INC. David Smith Project Manager Ro/GK NOBI,E DEVEI,OPMENT COMPANY IV - R]CHARD TRICKEY TO: CTTY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DEPARTMENT CBSE, LLC . DEREK I]OWARD Reviewed By: Project Manager Review Date: 08/161201.8 NOALEDEV@NOBLE. COMCASTBIZ. NET 22 89970 HWY 99N. EUGENE OR JPHAMMER(dNU WORLD, COM Page of DHOWARD@CBsE.U5 JOHN HAI\4MER