HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Field Test & Inspection Report 2018-09-25WoodC uc 1120 ArthurStreet Eugene, Oregon 97402 Office:541-357-S532 Chuck@woodChuckEngineering.com September 25,2018 Proiect: 18.266 Uphold Appraisal Team Jeff Uphold P0 Box 23 751 Eugene, Oregon 9740 2 Subject: Foundation inspection report 3361 Elliot Ln., Springfield, Oregon97478 PURPOSE AND SCOPE Our understanding is that the main floor framing and foundation at the subject address has been retrofitted and you are interested in the structural adequacy ofthe foundation ofthe single-story, single-family structure. As requested, WoodChuck Engineering has completed a visual inspection ofthe foundation at the subiect property. The purpose ofour investigation was to determine ifthere are any structural deficiencies in the foundation, and if so, determine a course of action to remedy the deficiencies. We have also evaluated the capacity of the perimeter foundation with respect to various potential loading scenarios. The scope ofour services included a visual inspection and this report. Destructive testing was not performed during the investigation. STRUCTURAL HISTORY The investigation consisted ofvisually examining the foundation, rool floor elevations, and the exterior of the house. There was no destructive testing conducted in this investigation. This foundation inspection does not include a termite or dry rot inspection. According to online records, the single-story, single-family bungalow style home was originally constructed in 1950. The building sits on a nearly level lot that is vegetated. OBSERVATIONS Framing The roof framing was exposed and consisted of2x4 rafters spaced at 24-inches on center. These rafters bear on the attic partition walls, which then bears on the 2x ceiling joists. These ceiling ioists are supported by the exterior wall framing and the interior walls and beams. The main floor consisted of post and beam framing and foundation system supporting floor joists. This is all typical construction practice in the era ofthe original house- The subfloor post and beam system has been recently modified to include 4x8 floor beams, spaced approximately 6-feet on center, supported by posts and pre-cast isolated pier blocks, spaced approximately 4-feet on center. We did not provide a level survey ofthe floor, however, we did a walk-thru ofthe main floor which indicated that the floor appears to be relatively level and sturdy. The majority of the perimeter foundation system consists of an un-reinforced, cast-in-place concrete stemwall, approximately 6-inches wide and 18-inches tall. A cast-in-place concrete spread footing, approximately 12-inches wide and 6-inches tall, supports the perimeter stemwall. The base ofthe footing bears approximately 12-inches or more below exterior grade. During our inspection, we noted a few cracks in the foundation. ET- WoodChuck Engineering The main floor wall framing consists of 2x4 studs spaced at 16-inches on center with a double top plate and single sill plate. The sill plate is fastened to the floor diaphragm. Under the floor diaphragm is a rim board bearing on a pressure treated mud-sill plate. The mud-si11 plate is secured to the concrete foundation with Simpson HD concrete anchors. The exterior sheathing consists of 7/16-inch APA rated sheathing with a nailing pattern consisting of nails spaced at 6-inches on center at the panel edges, and 12-inches on center in the field ofthe panels. This construction method meets or exceeds the prescriptive lateral bracing method as specified in the 2077 Oregor, Residential Specialty Code. Most of the gutter downspouts are routed to the immediate vicinity of the foundation. Two spouts at the southeast end ofthe house appear to be routed to a subsurface pipe which presumably drains to the street. The Custom Soil Resource Report for Lane County Area lists two types ofsoil that predominates on or near this property. Soil type32 Coburg-Urban land complex, and soiltypeT6 - Malabon-Urban landcomplex. Type 76 is mapped on the property and consists of silty loam over silt loam. Depths ofsoils are listed from 24 to 62-inches below the surface for the silt loam. Soil type 32 surrounding the property consists ofsilty clay loam over silty clay over fine sandy loam. Depths ofsoil profile are listed from 18 to 52 inches ofsilty clay and 53 to 65-inches of flne sandy loam. Typically, the extent of soil profiling stops at a depth of 60- inches. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS It is our opinion that, due to the retrofitting measures ofthe subfloor post and beam framing system, the perimeter foundation is adequate to support the following Iist of scenarios: - A single story structure with light attic loads - A 2 story, with livable 2"d story loads, and a trussed roof - A single story with 'bonus'attic trusses Please see the attached calculations that demonstrate the anticipated loading conditions to the perimeter foundation. The analysis ofthe interior framing and foundation is beyond the scope ofthis report. Whatever the course ofaction taken, we do, however, recommend minor remedial measures to help mitigate any potential future settlement ofthe structure. We recommend installing gutters, down spouts, and perimeter drains for the house and ensure they are draining the water properly away from the residence - not just dumping near the foundation; ensuring the grade surrounding the foundation is sloped away from the house; provide additional water preservation methods - such as planting or mulching near the perimeter ofthe foundation. These minor remedial measures may help to minimize any seasonal moisture changes in the soil. Continued monitoring of the foundation and interior finishes is recommended. This summary and recommendation is based on a single observation ofthe structure. Itis evident that there has been some settlement and shifting ofthe foundation and structure, and given the nature ofthe soils that it bears on, the potential for further movement in the future may be likely. The nature of expansive soils is they swell with increased moisture, and shrink when they dry out. With the decrease in rainfall, and increase in average temperatures, it is our opinion the soils below the foundation could have shrunk, causing the settlement, Often, the re-expansion ofthe soils does not fully rebound, keeping the foundation in a settled state. Project 78.266 Client: Uphold Appraisal Team 3361 Elllot Ln Page 2 of 7 September 25,2018 WoodChuck Engineering LIMITATIONS OF THIS REPORT This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Uphold Appraisal Team and their design consultants for the subject existing structures and property. The analysis and recommendations meet standards of care of competent design engineers providing similar services at the time these services were provided. We do not warrant or guarantee these recommendations, site surface, or subsurface conditions. The scope of our services does not include construction safety precautions, techniques, sequences, or procedures except as specifically recommended in this report. Our services should not be interpreted as an environmental assessment ofsite conditions. This framing inspection does not include a termite or dry rot inspection. Thank you for the opportunity to be ofservice. Please call ifyou have any questions. Respectfully, &.*t'>--z-t Chuck Du Fault, P.E. WoodChuck Engineering fl / ->\:Z/- GIN 65476PE OREGON 11 12-31-19 Project: 18.2 66 CIient; Uphold Appraisal Team Page 3 of 7 September 25,2018 3361 Elliot Ln WoodChuck Engineering Typical perimeter section Typical perimeter section at footing New post and beam near perimeter Typical perimeter stemwall height New post and beam near perimeter Project:18.266 Clientr Uphold Appraisal Team Page 4 of 7 September 25,2018 33 61 Elliot Ln. I I.tI I !.- -- A I l a [e*t= I t - t --v\ v a/ )'$ WoodChuck Engineering #:H W9e9g,hyql [uge.., oregon 97/102 s4l-3s7.5532 Ot< I lI' Lo*t rl tur-r-. cr,t F.rnzq I s*r u/+mc- 8/'w,*r,"n:,.,{t2, r.) ru 6\ urtlL ,r. . tagrf (r l)ru*,-,: : llt (;,)('f+)) w (, Z4 h+t'( "1j It(.[] 2o 0&S Fra J,Ze h -g ?u 7 +la(.(7 l{ct. L Tdl ft' t o .alsl t'"--y'j ts-Dls f L o s L!.) hL1 fs.*r, r/+nc c +lLL [ddF r^,o. , lrpsf (rf\ :. '2r( ) u,Au- uo- - tu1,€ 1, O\f..'u. """' r1.,J(r5t'l pl' ,-',r( )' 6) Jo z1 lyc 8,1 o ts dt ",t"'...r Project:18.266 Client: Uphold Appraisal Team Page 5 of 7 September 25,2018 lr_,.-----t.' 3361 Elliot Ln. WoodChuck Engineering tr-HWoodohuck EuSene, Or.8on 97402 54r-357.5532 1136 ( tlci, ar r ".1 1-?..{-rtr tl'rtf uo 10 511-t' (!' {} Lrto 6 lU!(nu.r'8L F.!nJ( Z su.l r, / NL,.! j eJ e* I?'r'F 'r ; Jr1 ( ")(r'ri.' t.r,ttL ,n,- ' ldNF (f ,r) (1)o*" '.^: j i:t'( wlo',P\ " "r'f)l ur ?a4 ^+.".rLE\ 3"b Jao lL&, \a F? I rzE A = Suf , 7r Grc: s-\ lsrl . o.clcz f . L o_43(7 -- ,, ?1? 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