HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Field Test & Inspection Report 2019-01-09FEI Page 'l of '1 Daily Field Report"H!!f^!!XHlS". Gecbdyicat & corEuudbn servioes Client:Ms. Janet Holloway PeaceHealth 3333 Riverbend Dr. Springfield, Orcgon 97 47 7 lnspection of: Wedge Anchors Contractor: GBCConstruction Reviewed By: Michael L. Meyer Technical Manager GBC Construction - Kelly Willis (email) GMA Architects - Aaron McGarry (email) City of Springfield - Robert Castile (email) l'/LM:sc Weather: BP No.: lnside 81 1-18-002430-5TR Date: 01-09-19 Project No.: 2187148 Reporl No.: E47372lnspector: M. Meyer lD No.: 0877905 rcc Continuous lnspection: tr Periodic lnspection: M Project:PeaceHealth Cath Lab 3J32 3333 Riverbend Dr. Springfield, Oregon Performed continuous inspection during the installation of fourleen (14) 518" x 4 314" vertical Hilti KWIK-Bolt TZ wedge anchors securing CLEA equipment base and Angio Diagnost 7 equipment base to the 3'o floor slab in room 3J32. The predrilled holes were cleaned during drilling \ ith a Hilti drill/vacuum system. Embedment depth was measured at 14". Verified installation torque of 60 ft./lbs. using a calibraled torque wrench. Frank Goin (GBC) was advised of our on-site observations. To the best of our knowledge, the work inspected was in accordance with KPFF details SSK-1 & SSK-2 dated 09-10-'18 and applicable workmanship provisions of lhe l.B.C., except if noted above. This report and/or enclosed test datia is the confidential prop€rly of lhe client to whom il is addrsss€d and pertains to th€ sp€crflc process and/or meterial evalual€d. As suci, inlormation conlained herein shsll not be reproduced in F€rt or lull and/or any parl thereot be disclosed witholl FEI Testing E lnspection, lnc 's written aulhora3tion 75o IIW Corndl Avenue Corvallis, Oregon 97330 phone (541) 7574698 29540 B Airpon Road Eugene, oregon 97402 phone (541) 6843849 945 Columtia Sbeet NE, Suite lASalem, Oregon 97301 phone (971) 273{672 fu.* rtV,.--