HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Field Test & Inspection Report 2018-08-11Carlson Testing, Inc. Ilend Office(;cotechnical Office Eugene 0flice Salem Office'I igard Oflice (sJr )(s0l) (s{r) (s0l) (s0r) 330-9r s5 601-It250 345-0289 589-r 252 68.1-l{60 REPORT OF 4 X B CONCRETE CYLINDRICAL TESTSPECIMENS Test Methods:ASTM C39 / C7'12 / C7A64 /C37 /Ct43 / C237 /CL237 Date Molded: AB /1A/ 2AlB Permit #: I11- 18 -0 013 4 3 -sTR Job Number: Client: DORMAN CONSTRUCTION INC _ PRANK MUNDT Proj ect: THURSTON HIGH SCHOOL CONCESSION STAND Address:333 5BrH ST SPRINGEIELD oR JUTiSdiCtiON: S PRINGEI ELD Contractor: Subcontractor:Cast Bv: Load #: 1 Ticket#: 80028066 Test Time: 11 : 19 AM Air Temp. at Sampling Time: B 4 C. MCDONALD KNIFE RIVER (EUGENE ) Weather: CLEAR Cylinders were cast for the following locations: 3RD PEDESTAL NORTH TO SOUTH ON EAST S]DE OE CONCESSION Strength Requirement: Total Concrete Placement Location:(9) PEDESTALS ON EAST AND SOUTH SIDES OE CONCESSION BUILDINGS AND SLAB ON GRADE BETWEEN (2) CONCESSION BUILDINGS. Mix Number: 24 E6t'{2 5800 Admix/Amt: WRDA6 4 (216 oz . ) psi fc@ 28 Days Slump: Concrete Temp: 79 4000 4 .15"Yo Air: 7/2" 1.8: Max Agg: Average fc @ 2B days CubicYards: 7 oE 13.s Curing: High '18 Low 64 Set No. Test @ Davs Test Date Total Load Ang Diameter Area Unit PSI T"vpe Of Fracture cap Type T es ted BY '7 o8 /L1 / 20L8 34415 4.00 t2-56 21 40 2 2A a9 / a'l /2A18 53745 4.00 12 .56 42BA 3 PAD 60 R1' 09/01 / 20L8 55705 4.00 72-56 441C PAD 60 RI' 2t)a9/a] /201,8 s4000 4.00 72 .55 4300 J PAD 60 RT 4 31CDistribute attachments Date Received: XB/L7/2A18 Concrete Supplier: f rugk fl; 3 418 14 Register Number: 0C005327 Lablocation: PAD 60 Please see reverse side for additional informalion. Job Number: El801567. Project: THURSTON H,GH Register Number: 00005327 SCHOOL CONCESSION STAND < I in. [25 mm] Type I R€asonable lvell-formed cones on both ends. less than 1 in. [25 mm] of crackingthroughcaps Type 4 Diagonal fracrure with no cracking through ends; tap wilh hammerto distinguish from Type I Type 2 Well-l'ormed cone on one end, vertical cracks running tkough caps, no well-defined coneonotherend Type 3 Columnarvertical cracking through both e[ds, no well-formed cones 'rype 6 Similarto Tyf'e 5 but end o fcy linder is poinled Type 5 Side fracfures at top or bottom (occur commonly with unbonded caps) Remarks: CC:DOR}IAN CONSTRUCTION INC _ ERANK MUNDT CITY OE SPRINGEIELD BUIIDING DEPARTMENT PE RM ITCENTE ROS PRI NGFI ELD- OR . GOV ROOO@RHARCHITECTI]RAL. COMRODD HANSEN ARCHITECT LLC x SPRINGEIELD PUBL]C SCHOOL DISTRICT - CHR1S REIERSGAARD DORMAN CONSTRUCTION INC - BOB BUSS MAIL/CHRI5, REIERS6AARD@SPRINGFIELD. K12. OR BU SS.ADOR}4AN CONSTRU CTION . CO Project Manager christian McDona I 'l Reyiewed By: Project Manager afl 09/73/2al9 Our reports pertain to thc material tested/inspected only. lnformation contained hercin is not to be reproduced, except in full. without prior authorization lrom this office. Under all circumstances, the information contained in this repot is provided subject to all tems and conditions of CTI'S General Conditions in effect at the time this report is prepared. No party other than those to whom CTI has distributed this rcport shall be entitled to use or rely upon the information contained in this document. 89970 HWY 99N, EUGENE OR Date Molded: AB / tA / 2a7B Carlson Testing, Inc. Bcnd Office Ceorcchnical Orfice Iugene OIIice Salem OIIice Tigard Omce (s1l ) 330-9lss(503) 601-8250 (54r ) 3,15-0289 (503) 589-1252 (s03) 68{-3160 REPORT OF GROUTED BLOCK PRISM TEST SPECIMENS Test Method: ASTM C1314 /C1ss2 Date Molded: 0B/03/2AIB .lob Number: a-t!a-:61 . Permit #: 811-18-001343 STR flisnt; DORMAN CONSTRUCTION INC - FRANK MUNDT Project: THURSTON HIGH SCHOOL CONCESSIoN STAND Address: 333 58TH ST SPRINGFIELD oR Jurisdiction: SPRTNGFTELD Contractor: Subcontractor: HAPS MASONRY GroutSupplier: RIVER BEND SAND & GRAVEL Cast By: D. SMITH Ticket #: Load #: f1u6k f; 560858 Prism Strength Requirement: 2000 psifm@ 28 Grout Strength Requirement: 2000 psi@ 28 Grout Mix ID: 390217 Type of Mortar: S Cu Yds: i. r5 1 Ambient Temperature at Casting: se Initial Cure Temp: Location of Placement: B" CMU AT CONSS ION,/RESTROOM BLOCK WALL 4'8" TO 10' High:Lorv: Test Time: 7:20 AM Grout Temp: '7 3 Slump: 9 " Masonry Unit Type: B" cMU SPLTT FACE Register Number:. -:l-3 Lab Location: sALEM Compressive Strelgth of Masonry: fm Prism No. Test @Days Date Tested width (io.) Height(in)Length (in.) Net Area ( in')Max Load 0b.) N€t Compr Strength (psi) hp/tp Ratio hp/tp CF Correct.Net Str. (psi) Break Type Tested By 2B a8/3L/2a78 7.50 15. 50 9.10 68 .25 193455 2830 2.i 1.01 2864 23 DK 2 211 a8/31/2A7e '7.65 15. 60 70.15 199650 2B2A 2.4 1.00 2A2A DK 2A aa/37/2A78 15. 50 9.10 70.07 198875 2844 2.0 1.00 2840 2B I]K 2844 Distribute attachments Please see relerse side for additional information. psi Weather: OVERCAST 9 -25 3 'l -14 I Job Number: E 1B 015 6l Register Number: 19 473 Date Molded: AB / a3 / 2a7B Project: THURSTON HrGH scHool, coNCESSToN srAND I ) Conical Break 2) Cone & Shear 3)Cone& Split SideA (Front) Side B (End)AB 4)Tension Break 5) Semi-Conical Break 6) Shear Break 7) Face Shell Separation AB PER!ITCENTER.NSPRINGFIELD-OR, GOV RODDORHARCH ITECTI] RAL , COI.,I ABAB CC. DOR},{AN CONSTRUCTION INC - ERANK MUNDT RODD HANSEN ARCH]TECT LLC x SPRINGEIEID PUBLIC SCIIOOL DISTRICT. CHRIS REIERSGAARD DORMAN CONSTRUCTION INC - BOB BUSS AB The net area ofconcrete masonry units other than l00o/o solid units is determined by test method C 140. The compression machine upper bearing plate dimensions are 14"L x 10"W x 3"T andthe lowerplate dimensions are 19.5"Lx 13"Wx2.5"T. Asterisked (+) average unit PSI test results did notmeet listed acceptance criteria. High./Lo\a,temperature not measured. This is a departure from ASTM C1314 standard. Remarks: MAIL/CHRIS. RE I ERSGAARD@SPRING FI E LD . K12.OR BUSS@DOfuNANCONSTRUCIION. CO,I Project Manager: christian Mc Dona ]d Reviewed By: Project Manager a^ A9/A1 /2A78 Our reports pertain to the material tested./inspected only. Information contained herein is not to be reproduced, except in full, without prior authorization liom this oIfice. Under all circumstances, the infomation contained in this report is provided subject to all tcrms and conditions of CTI'S General Conditions in effect at the time this report is prepared. No party other than those to whom CTI has distributed this report shall be entitled to use or rely upon the information contained in this document. n 4060 HUDSON AVE NE. SALEM OR AB AB i H m ru t{l Carlson Testingr lnc. Bend Office Geotechnical Oflice Eugene OIIice Sal€m Office Tisard Olfice (s{l) (503)(s]l) (s03) (s03) 330-9155 601-E250 3.ls-0289 589-1252 68,1-3460 REPORT OF 4XB CONCRETE CYLINDRICAL TESTSPECIMENS I'est Methods:AS"I4 C39/Cl'l2 /CtA64 /c37/ Ct43 / C237 /C1237 Date Molded: aB / tA / 2a7B Permit #: B 11- 1B - 0 013 4 3-sTR Date l{eceiycd:0a / 11/2A1A .Ioh Numher:81801567. Client: DORMAN CONSTRUCTION INC _ ERANK MUNDT Project: THURSTON HIGH SCHOOL CONCESSION STAND Address:333 58TH ST SPRINGEIELD OR Contractor: Subcontractor: (irncrete Supplier. IfflFE RIVER (EUGENE ) fyusk f; 3 41814 Weather: CLEAR Cylinders were cast for the following locations: 3RD PEDESTAL NORTH TO SOUTH ON EAST SIDE OE CONCESSION Strength Requirement:4000 J UTNdICTTON: 5PH]NU: ]LLLJ Cast By: Load #: 1 Ticket#: Boo28o66 Test Time: 11:19 AM Air Temp. at Sampling Time: B 4 C. MCDONALD Total Concrete Placement Location:(9) PEDESTALS ON EAST AND SOUTH SIDES OF CONCESSION BUILDINGS AND SLAB ON GRADE BETgIEEN (2) CONCESS]ON BUILD]NGS. Mix Number: 2486N25E00 Admix/Amt: l{RIlA54 (216 oz. ) Psi fc@ 28 DaYs SlumP: Concrele Temp: 1L 4 .'7 5""/o Air: 1.8? t /2"Max Agg: Register Number:00005327 Lab Location:EUGENE cubicYards: 7 oE 13.5 Curing: High 7 B Low 61 Average fc @ 2B daYS Set No, Test @ Davs Test [)a te Total Load Avg Diameter Area Unit PSI Type Of Fracture Cap TvDe Tested Bv '7 0B / L'7 / 2078 34415 4.00 12 .56 2144 PAD 5C tlE 2A 09 / 0'7 / 2018 a9/01 / 2A7B a9 /01 / 20tB Distribute attachments. Please see revcrse side for additional information. I I I I Job Number: E1801567. Register Number: 00005327 Project: THURSTON H-CH SCHOOL 'ONCLSS-O\ S-AND < I in. [25 mml Type I Reasonable well-formed cones on both ends, less than I in. [25 mm] of crackingthroughcaps Typ" 4 Diagonal liacture with no cracking through ends; tap with hammerto distinguish from Type I 'fype 2 Well-Formedconeononc end, vertical cracks running through caps, no well-defined cone on olherend Date Molded: aB / 7A / 2A1A Type 3 Colunnarvertical cracking through both ends, no well-formcdcones Type 6 Similar to Type 5 but end of cylinder is pointed Type 5 Side fractues at top or bottom (occur commonly with unbonded caps) Rcmarks: CC DORMAN CONSTRUCTION INC - ERANK MUNDT CITY OE SPRINGEIELD BUILDING DEPARTMENT PERMITCENTER@SPRINGF]ELD-OR. GOV RODOQRHARCH ITECTI] RAL . COMRODD HANSEN ARCI]ITECT L],C x SPRINGEIELD PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT - CI]RIS REIERSGAARD DORMAN CONSTRUCT]ON INC BOB BUSS MAIL/CHRIS. REIERSGAARD@SPRINGFIELD. KI2. OR AU SS@DORI4ANCON STRUCIION , COii Proiect Manager christian McDonaf d Reviewed By: Proiect Manager a^ a8/22/2018 Our reports pertain to the material tested./inspected only. lnformation contained herein is not to be reproduced, except in full, without prior authorization from this office. Under all circumstances, the information contained in this report is provided subject to all terms and conditions of CTI'S General Conditions in effect at the time this report is preparcd. No party other than those to whom CTI has distributed this report shall be entitled to use or rely upon the information contained in this document. 89970 I{WY 99N, EUGENE OR 5fi Kr' Carlson Testing, Inc. Bend OfIice Geotechoical Omcc Eugen€ OIfice Salem Office'l iserd Office (5{l ) (s03) (s{l ) (s03) (503) 330-9155 601-E250 3ts-0289 589-1252 68,1-3t60 REPORT OF 4X8 CONCB.ETE CYLINDRICAL TESTSPECIMENS Test Methods:ASaY! C3 9 / Ctl 2 / C 1 0 6 4,/ Cl 3 I / c3 1 / Ct 43 / C23l / CI237 Date Molded: A.t /2a/2at\Date Received:a'712112018 .lob Number:E 1B Q 1552. Permit#: 811 1B 001343 STR Client: DoRMAN CoNSTRUCTToN rNC - FRANK MUNDT Project: THURSTON HIGH SCHOOL CONCESSIoN STAND Address:333 58TH ST SPRINGEIELD oR Jurisdiction: SPRTNGaTELD Contractor: Subcontractor:Cast Bv:R. ORCHARD KNIFE RTVER (EUGENE ) \{ssthsy; CLEAR Cylinders were cast for the following locations: Load #: 1 Test Time: 6 : 15 AM psi fc@ 28 Days SlumP: Concrete Temp: 67 Ticket#: 82a11440 Air'I'emp. at Sampling 'I irne : 4 9 FOOTING AT SOUTHWEST CORNER ON SOUTH HALE 4000 Total Concrete Placement Location: NORTH AND SOUTH CONCESSION STAND SLAB ON GRADES AND FOOTINGS Strength Requirement:5. C0"Y" Air: 3/ 4"Max Agg:Mix Number: 2 4 E4NE5A0 0 Admix/Amt: tiRDA64 (31 oz. )9 0F 52 Curing: High '1I{egis ter Number: AAAO5292 l,ab Location: Average fc @ 2B days Low 52 *** Set No. Test @Davs Test Date Total Load Avg Diameter Area Unit PSI Type Of Fracture cap Tvoe Tes ted BY I 0'1 /2'7 /201,8 51250 4.00 72.56 456C PAD 60 2B o8 / \t /2078 815 65 4.00 PAD 60 ME aB/71 / 2ArB 84755 4.00 t2 .56 6750 PAD 60 ME 2B aB /71 / 2ArB 810 55 12 .56 6450 3 PAD 60 M' 6s60 Please see reverse side for additional information. Concrete Supplier: Truck #: 4 03Bl Cubic Yards: 72.56 | 64sa I 4.00 I !oi.t.ibut" attachments. Job Number: E1801567. Register Number: AAAA5292 Project: THURSTON HIGH SCHOOL CONCF,SSION STAND < 1 nt. [25 m'n] Type 2 Well-Formedconeon one end. vcrtical cracks running through caps. no wcll-defined cone on otherend Date Molded: a'7 / 2a / 201a lype 3 Columnarvenical cracking through bolh ends. no $ell-lormedcones Typ. 6 Similar to Type 5 but end of cylinder is pointed Type I Reasonable wel l-lbrmed cones on both ends- less than 1 in. [25 mm]of cracking thro ugh caps Type 4 Diagonal liacture $ith no cracking through ends: tap \!ith hammer to distinguish from l ype 1 t** Departure from ASTM C3l standard Remarks: Project Manager christian McDona l'i J Type 5 Side fractues at top or boftom (occurcommonly with unbonded caps) PE RM ITCENTE R@S PRI NG FI ELD-OR . GOV ROOD@RHARCH ITECTU RAL . C(,$RODD HANSEN ARCHITECT LLC x SPRINGEIELD PUBLIC SCEOOL DISTRICT _ CI]RIS REIERSGAARD DORMAN CONSTRUCTION INC _ BOB BUSS MAIL/CHRIS. REIERSGAARDGSPRINGFIELD. K12. OR sUSS@DORI'IANCONSTRUCIION. COi,t Reviewed By: ProJect Manager oi A8/2I/2a18 ffil Our reports pertain to the material tested/inspected only. Inlbmation contained herein is not to be reproduced, except in full, without prior authodzation from this office. Under all circumstances, the infomation contained in this report is provided subject to all terms and conditions of CTI'S General Conditions in effect at the time this report is prcpared. No partv other than those to whom CTI has distributed this report shall be cntitled to use or rely upon the information contained in this document. 89970 HWY 99N, EUGENE OR CC. DORMAN CONSTRUCTION INC FRANK MUNDT CITY OE SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DEPARTMENT