HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Field Test & Inspection Report 2018-10-26FEI Page 'l of 'l Daily Field ReportmWruk" Gecrcdricd & Cssudm Serb€s Client: lnspection of Contractor: Ms. Lauretta Davies Jerry's Home lmprovement PO Box 261 1 Eugene, Oregon 97402 Reinforced Concrete Chambers Construction Project: Jerry's Fenced Yard Cover 2525 Olympic Springfield, Oregon Date: 10-26-18 PrcjectNo.: 2'187122 Report No.: E-47038 lnspector: M. Meyer lD No.: 0877905 tcc Continuous lnspection: 0 Periodic lnspection: B Wealher: BP No.: Light Rain 811-18{01847-STR Performed inspection on the reinforcing steel in pedestrian ramp slab near lines 7A. Rebar was checked for size, grade, lap, quanlity, ties, supports and clearances, where applicable. Observed the placement of 3.0 yards of Knife River 4000 psi concrete (mix 40N17000). Concrete was placed directly from truck and was mechanically consolidated. Cast one (l ) set of four (4) 4' x 8" compressive strength concrete test cyinders. Slump - 4 1/4', concrete temperature - 66F; air temperature - 58F. Mel Taylor (Chambers Construction) was advised of on-site test results and was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed. To the best of our knowledge, the work inspected was in accordance with ASI 2 plans dated 08-06-18, EOR email dated 10-24-18 (use of rebar in lieu of wwM) and applicable workmanship provisions of the l.B.C., except lf noted above. Reviewed By: [h.z Michael L. Meyer Technical Manager c: Chambers Conskuction - Mel Taylor (email) Chambers Construction Sl (email) Robertson Sherwood Architects - Lana Sadler (email) Mortier-Ang Engineers - Royal Mortier (email) City of Springfield - Robert Castile (email) This reporl6nd/or enctosed test data is the confidentlel property of the client to whom it is addressed and p€rlains lo the specific process andlor matedat evalualed As such, information contain€d herein shall nol be roproduccd in part or full aM/or any part thereol be disclosed wilhout FEI Testino A lnspection, lnc.'s *titten authorizalion. 75o I'IW ComellA\€nt€ Corvallis, oregDn 97330 pircr'e (541)757-4698 29540 B Airpo.t Road Eugene, Oregpn 97402 prtor€ (541)6843849 945 Colurntia Steet NE, Suite 1 A Salem, oregoo 97301 - phorE (971 ) 2734672 MLM:sc rtsflili r lilsPfilt0il.,r G..kr6t(!r. (6,hni. rsvi6 Geotedrical& CtrEfudir Servires Page 1 of 1 Report of lnspection ServicesFEI Weldinq/Hiqh-Stren qth Boltins Client:Ms. Lauretia Davies Jerry's Home lmprovement PO Box 2611 Eugene, Oregon 97402 lnspeclion of: High Strength Bolts Fabricator or Eroctor: MBSIContractor: Chambers Construction Reviewed By Project: Jerry's Fenced Yard Cover 2525 Olympic Springfield, Oregon Oate: Project No.: Report No.: lnspector: lO No.: Shop: D Weather: BP No.: Performed tension verification on 1 1/8" 4325 high strength bolts. Three (3) bolts of each assembly were installed in a Skidmore-Wilhelm tension indicator to snug-tight condition, marked with paint using match-marking techniques for turn-oflhe-nut method and tightened an additional 1/3 turn. The bolts tested meet and exceed +5% of the minimum tension requirements of 64 kips for 1 'll8" bolts. Verified 1 118" 4325 high strength bolts were brought into snug-tight condition for beam to column connections at lines 6C and tightened an additional 'l13 turn. While onsite, verified 3/4" 4325 high strength bolts were brought into tension at beam to beam connections and beam to column connections from line A to C, between lines 1 & 7 using arbitration method. Three (3) bolts of each assembly were installed in a Skidmore-Wilhelm tension indicator to snug{ight condition and tightened using contractor's torque wrench (CDl 6004MFRMH/serial number: 1102100230), until bolts met +5olo of the minimum tension requirements of 28 kips for 3/4" bolts and a job torque value oI 340 fulbs. was established. Ten percent of the previously tensioned bolts were checked at each conneclion. To the best of our knowledge, the work checked is in conlormance with Butler drawing dated 07-25-18 and applicable AISC manual, except if noted above. fi.-/, Michael L Technical Manager c: Chambers Construction - Mel Taylor (email) Chambers Construction Sl (email) Robertson Sherwood Architects - Lana Sadler (email) MortierAng Engineers - Royal Mortier (email) City of Springfield - Robert Castile (email) This repon ancl/or enclosed test dala as the confidenlial property of lhe client to whom it is addressed and penains to the specific process and/or material evalualed. As such, informslion conlained herein shall nol be reproduced in parl or full and/or any part thereol b€ disclosed withoul FEI Tesling & lnspeclion, Inc.'s w'itien aulhorizaljon 750 Iw CorndlA!€.rue Co.vallis, Oegon 97330 phone (541)757-4698 29540 B Airport Road Eugene, Oregon 97zlo2 phone (541) 68+3849 945 Columtia Sfeet NE. Suite 14 Salem, oregpn 97301 phme (97'l ) 2730672 MLM:st 10-31-18 2187',122 E47073 K. Ewalt 81't76t3 tcc Field: EI Clear 81 1-18-001847-STR FEI ESII ll 0 e I l6Pt tll 0 ll,, t tG.&rii.r r (drh!.rr. e,ri.- Geohdrical & corEtlxlil.t servires Gompressive Strength of Concrete (ASTM C 39) CLIENT Ms. Lauretta Davies Jerry's Home lmprovement PO Box 2611 Eugene, Oregon 97402 Jerry's Fenced Yard Cover 2525 Olympic Springfield, Oregon DATE PROJECT NO. REPORT NO. I 1-02-18 2187122 2574 PROJECT DATE RECEIVED SPECIMEN SIZE SUPPLIER MAX SIZE AGG. AIR CONTENT SLUMP TIME SPECIMEN STORAGE BP NO 81 1-18-001847-STR M. Meyer10-26-18 CAST BY 3500 psi 4000 psi SACKS F2NEsOOOO CEMENT WRDA 64; XYPEX 1 TICKET NO. 66" F YARDAGE 58'F WEATHER Pedestrian ramp slab near lines 7A REMARKS: Mel Taylor (CCC) was advised of on-sile lest results. Reviewed By 80030089 3.0 0F Light Rain 10-27-18 4'x 8' Knife River 314" 4114" 8:20 AM ASTM C 31 3.0 -TEST DATE AGE (oAYS) AREA (tN.') WEIGHT (LBS) TOTAL LOAD (LBS) COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (P5I} AVERAGE STRENGTH (PSr) TIME OF TEST TYPE OF FRACTURE' 11-02-18 7 12.31 8.52 74600 6060 7:30 AM 2 11-23-18 28 11-23-18 28 11-23-18 28 'r-E.dcr6 2.coe/spr'r 3.corlmn, 4 - o.go.er 5 - srd. (rog d boflon) 6 , side (pornt.d lop d bo m) /t/Michael L il Technical Manager c: Chambers Coostruction - Mel Taylor (email) Chambers Construclion Sl (email) Robertson SheMood Architects - Lana Sadler (email) Mortier-Ang Engineers - Royal Mortier (email) City of Springfi€ld - Robert Castile (email) This report and/or enclosed tesl data is lhe confidential properly ol lhe clienl to whom il is addressed snd pertarns lo the specific process and/or malerial evalualed. As such, information contained herein shall nol b€ reproduc€d in part or full and/or any parl thereol be disclosed uithout FEI TestinO & lnspection, lnc.'s written authorization 750 tIW Comdl A\€nue . Corvallis, Oregon 97330 . phme (541) 757-4698 29540 B Airport Road EugEne. oregon 97402 phone (541) 68,+3849 945 Columbia Steet NE, Suite 1A Salern, Oregon 97301 ' ptrone (971) 273{672 DATE CAST STRENGTH REQUIRED STRENGTH PLACED PRODUCT CODE ADDITIVES LOAD NO. CONCRETE TEMP AIR TEMP POUR LOCATION I I MLM:St FEI ItflIilFt|ilSPffft0il,nGnr-rik r I (6,tEto sdyi. Gernedtri:C & Crrdnrlirr Servi,:es Compressive Strength of Concrete (ASTM C 39) CLIENT Ms. Lauretta Oavies Jerry's Home lmprovement PO Box 26',1 Eugene, Oregon 97402 Jeny's Fenced Yard Cover 2525 Olympic Springfield, Oregon DATE PROJECT NO- REPORT NO. 09-19-'18 2147122 2487 PROJECT DATE CAST STRENGTH REOUIRED STRENGTH PLACED PRODUCT COOE ADDITIVES LOAD NO. CONCRETE TEMP AIR TEMP POUR LOCATION BP NO,8't1-18-001847-STR 09-12-18 CAST BY M. Meyer 4500 psi 5000 psi SACKS F2NE5OOO CEMENT WRDA 64 2 TICXETNO. 82012274 69" F YARDAGE 10.75 OF 55" F WEATHER Cloudy Perimeter continuous footings on lines A, C. 1, & 7 107.0 09-13-18 4"x8" Knife River 314" 7:35 AM ASTM C 3'I TEST OATE AGE (DAYS} AREA flN.'2) WEIGHT (LBS) TOTAI- LOAD (LBS} corrPREssrvE STRENGTH (PSI) AVERAGE STRENGTH(ps0 TIME OF TEST TYPE OF FRACTURE" 09-19-18 7 12.44 4.52 67205 5400 8:05 AM 10-10-18 28 10-10-18 28 10-10-18 28 LOAD 2 SAMPLEO Near lines 44 REMARKS: Mel Taylor (CCC) was advised of on-site test results. Reviewed By: -l.EndCones 2 - Cee/S9hl 3-Coru6 4-D.o@r 5 - S'd. (rop d bono.ni 6 - Sd. (ponred lop o. 6olldn) fi.2. Michael L. i, Technical Manager c: Chambers Construction - Mel Taylor (email) Chambers Construction Sl (email) Roberlson Sherwood Architects - Lana Sadler (email) Mortier-Ang Engineers - Royal Mortier (email) City of Springfield - Robert Castile (email) This report and/o. enclosed test dala is the confidenlial prop6rty of lhe client lo whom it is addressed and pertains lo the specific process and/or malerial evahrated. As such, informalion contrained herein shall nol be reproduced in perl or full end/or any part thereol be disclos€d wilhout FEI Teslng & Inspection, lnc s v/rilten authorize tion 750 I.lW ComellAvenue Corvallis, Oregon 97330 phme (541) 7574698 29540 B Ajrpod Road Eugene, Oegon 97,102 phone (91) 6843849 945 Colun*ia Steet NE, Suite 14 Salern, oregon 97301 phone (971) 273{672 MLM:St DATE RECEIVED SPECIMEN SIZE SUPPLIER MAX SIZE AGG. AIR CONTENT SLUMP TIME SPECIMEN STORAGE FEI ffSnilqrlll$PEfinil,nlG*iiior a c..*u<!i.. e i- Geobdr*d & ctrsudbn s€rvi:es Compressive Strength of Concrete (ASTM C 39) CLIENT Ms. Lauretta Davies Jerry's Home lmprovement PO Box 2611 Eugene, Oregon 97402 Jerry's Fenced Yard Cover 2525 Olympic Springfield, Oregon OATE PROJECT NO. REPORT NO. 'l 1-07-18 2147122 2550 PROJECT BP NO 81 1-18-001847-STR DATE CAST STRENGTH REOUIRED STRENGTH PLACED PRODUCT CODE ADDITIVES LOAD NO. CONCRETE TEMP AIR TEMP POUR LOCATION 10-'10-18 cAsT BY 4000 psi 4000 psi SACKS 4ON17OOO CEMENT WRDA 64: AEA 1 TIC(ET NO. 65" F YARDAGE 48" F WEATHER Perimeter slab inrill on lines A, C, REMARKS: Mel Taylor (CCC) was advised of on-site test results Reviel,Yed By: M. Meyer 80029673 10.75 0F Parlly Cloudy &7. DATE RECEIVED SPECIMEN SIZE SUPPLIER MAX SIZE AGG, AIR GONTENT SLUMP TIME SPECIMEN STORAGE 53.75 10-11-18 4'x8' Knife River 314', 4 314" 9:25 AM ASTM C 31 LOAD ,I SAMPLED Near lines 7A TEST OATE AGE (oaYs) AREA 0N.1 WEI6HT (LBS) TOTAL LOAD (LSS) COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (PSI) AVERAGE STRENGTH (Psr) Tlti,lE OF TEST TYPE OF FRACTURE' 10-17-18 7 12.31 8.67 24390 2000 8:00 AM 5 11-07-18 28 12.31 8.26 71440 5810 5950 '1 1i55 AM 5 11-07-18 28 12.31 8.22 76470 6210 12:00 PM 2 11-07 -14 28 '12.31 4.27 71765 5830 12:05 PM 2 _1,EndCsB 2 - Cda/Spr'r 3-Cdul@r .-D.g@r 5-9de(ropdbonn) 5 - Sd€ (oonr.d top d botr6) n.a.{u"-- Michael L. Meyer Technical Manager c: Chambers Coostruction - Mel Taylor (email) Chambers Construction Sl (email) Robertson Sherwood Architects - Lana Sadler (email) Mortier-Ang Engineers - Royal Mortier (email) City of Spring{ield - Robert Castile (email) This rcpo.t and/or enctosed test data is the confidentjal property ot the client lo whom it is addressed and perlains to lhe specific process and/or maledal evalualed As such, information contained herein shall nol b€ reproduced in part or full andlor any part lhereof be drsclosed wilhout FEI Tesling I lnspection, lnc s written aulhodzatrcn. 7m NIW ComellAvenue Corvallis, oregon 97330 ' ptDr€ (541) 7574698 29540 B Airpon Road Eugene, Oregor' 97402 ' pttoG (541) 684-3849 945 Cduntia Steet NE, Suite 1A Salem. Oegpn 97301 ptpr€ (971) 273{672 MLM:St FEI |f|Itilte|IfiPftflflil.,ro"rdrt'r I (4*Eri" t"yi' Gec edniC & Corstudirr Seryi-s Compressive Strength of Goncrete (ASTM C 39) CLIENT Ms. Lauretta Davies Jerry's Home lmprovement PO Box 2611 Eugene, Oregon 97402 Jerry's Fenced Yard Cover 2525 Olyri.pic Springfield, Oregon DATE PROJECT NO. REPORT NO. 1147-',t8 2187122 2550 PROJECT DATE CAST STRENGTH REQUIRED STRENGTH PLACED PRODUCT CODE ADDITIVES LOAD NO, CONCRETE TEMP AIR TEMP POUR LOCATION DATE RECEIVED SPECIMEN SIZE SUPPLIER MAX SIZE AGG, AIR CONTENT SLUMP TIME SPECIMEN STORAGE BP NO-81 1-'18-001847-STR 10-10-18 CAST BY M. Meyer 4000 psi 4000 psi SACKS 4ON17OOO CEMENT WROA 6,4; AEA 1 TTCKET NO. 80029673 65" F YARDAGE 10.75 OF 48' F WEATHER Partly Cloudy Perimeler slab infill on lines A, C, 1 & 7. 10-1 1-18 4"x8" Knife River 314" 4 3t4', 9:25 AM A$rM C 31 LOAD 1 SAMPLED Near lines 7A. TEST OATE AGE (DAYS) AREA (N.,) WEIGHT (LBS) TOTAL LOAD (LBS) COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (PSI) AVERAGE STRENGTH (ps0 TYPE OF FRACTURE- 10-17-18 7 12.31 8.67 24390 2000 8:00 AM 5 11-07-18 28 12.31 4.26 71440 58'10 5950 11:55AM 5 11-07-18 12.31 8.22 76470 6210 12:00 PM 2 211-O7-14 28 12.31 8.27 71765 5830 12:05 PM TIME OF TEST "r,EndCo6 2 - Ce,6phr 3,Cor(m.r rl-D.g@r 5-Sd.(ropdbollm) 5 - Sd. (ponred ro, d borm) REMARKS: Mel Taylor (CCC) was advised of on-site test results Reviewed By: fi.a Michael L Technical Manager Chambers Construction - Mel Taylor (email) Chambers Construction Sl (email) Robertson Sherwood Architects - Lana Sadler (email) Mortier-Ang Engineers - Royal Mortier (6mail) City ot Springfield - Roberl Castile (email) Thas report and/or enclos€d lesl dala is the confidenl€l properly of lhe clrenl to whom it is address€d and perlains to the specrlic proa€ss and/or male al evaluated As srrch, information conlained herein shall not be reproduced in part or flrll and/or any parl thereof be disclosed wilhout FEI Testing & lnspection, lnc s *ritlen autho.izalion. 750 UW CornellAvenue Corvallis, Oregon 97330 phone (541) 757-4698 29540 B Airpod Road Eugene, Oregoo 97402 phone (541) 684-3849 945 Cduntia Steet NE, Suite 1 A Salem, Oegon 97301 plnne (971 ) 273{672 MLM:st 53.75 I FEI Page 'l of I Daily Field Report Client:Ms. Lauretta Davies Jerry's Home lmprovement PO Box 261 I Eugene, Oregon 97402 Project: Jerry's Fenced Yard Cover 2525 Olympic Springfield, Oregon Date: 10-26-18 PrcjeclNo.:2187122 Report No.: E-47038lnspector: M. Meyer lD No.: 0877905 tcc Continuous lnspsction: E Periodiclnspection: El lnspection of: Reinforced Concrele Contractor: ChambersConstruclion Reviewed By Light Rain 81 't -18-001847-STR Performed inspection on the reinforcing steel in pedestrian ramp slab near lines 74. Rebar was checked for size, grade, lap, quantity, ties, supports and clearances, where applicable. Observed the placement of 3.0 yards of Knife River 4000 psi concrete (mix 40N17000). Concrete was placed directly from truck and was mechanically consolidated. Cast one ('l) set of four (4) 4" x 8" compressive strength concrete test cylinders. Slump - 4 l/4", concrete temperature - 66F; air temperature - 58F. Mel Taylor (Chambers Construction) was advised of on-site test results and was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed. To the best of our knowiedge, the work inspected was in accordance with ASI 2 plans dated 08{6-18, EOR email dated 10-24-18 (use of rebar in lieu of WWM) and applicable workmanship provisions of the l.B.C., except if noted above. Weather: BP No.: /h.a Michael L. Meyer Technical Manager c: Chambers Construction - Mel Taylor (email) Chambers Construction Sl (email) Robertson Sherwood Architects - Lana Sadler (email) Mortier-Ang Engineers - Royal Mortier (email) City of Springrfield - Robert Castile (email) MLM:sc This report and/or enclos€d lest data is th€ confidential property of lhe client lo wtDln il is addressed and pertains to lhe specilic process and/or material evaluated As such, information contained hercin shall nol be reproduced in part or tuli and/or any pan lh€reof be disclosed withoul FEI Testing t lnsg€ction, lnc.'s vritten authorization. 75o l.Iw ComellAvenue Co allis, O€gpn 97330 phone (541) 757-4698 29540 B Airpod Road Eugene, Oregor' 97402 ' pttone (541)6843849 945 Columbia Sreet NE, Suite 1 A Salem, oregon 97301 phone (971 ) 273{672 H!!!i[ff#!::- Gecreffi & cdsudi,, servi=I FEI ItsflileeI;sPt0t0il,,,to-r<I.i.r r tarreio r.r,i" (#,ri:al & ():I,rdn rriyr Servi,ns Gompressive Strength of Concrete (ASTM C 39} CLIENT Ms. Lauretta Oavies Jerry's Home lmprovement PO Box 261 1 Eugene, Oregon 97402 Jerry's Fenced Yard Cover 2525 Olympic Springfield, Oregon 81 1-18,001847-STR DATE PROJECT NO REPORT NO. 10-17-18 2187122 2550 PROJECT BP NO DATE CAST STRENGTH REQUIREO STRENGTH PLACED PRODUCT CODE AODITIVES LOAD NO. CONCRETE TEMP AIR TEMP POUR LOCATION 10-10-18 CAST BY 4000 psi 4000 psi SACKS 4ON17OOO CEMENT WRDA 64; AEA 1 TICKET NO. 65'F YARDAGE 48" F WEATHER Perimeter slab infill on lines A, C, REMARKS: Mel Taylor (CCC) was advised of on-site test results Reviewed By Technical Manager c: Chambers Construction - MelTaylor (email) Chambers Construction Sl (email) Robertson Sherwood Architects - Lana Sadler (email) Mortier-Ang Engineers - Royal Mortier (email) City of Springfeld - Robert Castile (email) M. Meyer 80029673 10.75 0F Partly Cloudy &7. OATE RECEIVED SPECIMEN SIZE SUPPLIER MAX SIZE AGG, AIR CONTENT SLUMP TIME SPECIMEN STORAGE 53.75 10-11-18 4"x8" Knife River 3t4" 4 3t4" 9:25 AM ASTM C 31 LOAD 1 SAMPLED Near lines 7A. TEST DATE AGE (0aYs) AREA (tN.,) WEIGHT (LBS) TOTAL LOAD (LBS) COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (PSI) AVERAGE STRENGTH (PSr) TIIiE OF TEST TYPE OF FRACTURE- '10-17-18 7 12.31 8.67 24390 2000 8:00 AM 5 11-07-'t8 28 '1 '1-07-18 28 '1 1-07-18 2B _ 1- End C!.€5 2 - Co/E/Sel,r 3-Corqma, 4-O.qn.l 5 - 9d€ (rop d bolrm) 6 - S'de {pom.d lop d !o m) Thjs reporl andlor enclosed tesl dala is the confidential property ofthe client to whom it is addessed and perlains to lhe specillc proc.ess and/or materialevalualed. As such, information conlained herein shallnol be reproduced in perl o.fulland/or any part thereol b€ disclosed wthout FEI Testing & lnspection, lnc 's vritlen euthorizztion 750 t'lw Cornell Avenue ' Corvallis, Or€gon 97330 ' phone (54'1) 757-4698 29540 B A,rport Road Eugpne, Oregon 97402 phone (5a1) @@ag MLM:St /h.q./l""rl't--"'- Mrchael L Meyel FEI It$tflqc|ilgPffitoil,uG-!i[nid I ('rdia 3'ri. Gahchrirc & crjrdnrJirr Servis Gompressive Strength of Concrete (ASTM C 39) CLIENT Ms. Lauretta Davies Jerry's Home lmprovement PO Box 2611 Eugene, Oregon 97402 Jerry's Fenced Yard Cover 2525 Olympic Springlield, Oregon DATE PROJECT NO REPORT NO. 10-17-'18 2187122 2550 PROJECT BP NO,81 1-18-001847-STR DATE CAST STRENGTH REQUIRED STRENGTH PLACED PRODUCT CODE ADDITIVES LOAD NO. CONCRETE TEMP AIR TEMP POUR LOCATION 10-10-18 cAsT BY 4000 psi 4000 psi SACKS 4ON'I7OOO CEMENT WROA 64: AEA 1 TICXET NO. 65'F YARDAGE 48" F WEATHER Perimeter slab infill on lines A, C, REMARKS: Mel Taylor (CCC) was advised of on-site test results. Reviewed Byi lh:r Mrchael L Technical Manager Chambers Construction - Mel Taylor (email) Chambers Construction Sl (email) Robedson Sherwood Architects - Lana Sadler (email) Mortier-Ang Engineers - Royal Mortier (email) City of Springfield - Robert Castile (email) M. Meyer 80029673 10.75 0F Partly Cloudy &7. DATE RECEIVED SPECIMEN SIZE SUPPLIER MAX SIZE AGG, AIR CONTENT SLUMP TIME SPECIMEN STORAGE 53.75 10-1't-18 4'x8' Knile River 314" 4 314', 9:25 AM ASTM C 31 TEST OATE AGE {DAYS) AREA (tN.') WEIGHT (LBs) TOTAL LOAD (LBS} COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (PSI) AVERAGE STRENGTH (PSr) Tli,lE OF TEST TYPE OF FRACTURE" 10-17-18 7 12.31 8.67 24390 2000 8:00 AM 5 1 't-07- 18 11-O7 -18 28 1 t-07-18 28 -r.EndCon6 2. Co^r/S9r,r 3-Cor!6har a-D.go^ar 5 - Sdo (op or iorom) 6 s]de {ronred rop or tou@) This report and/or enclosed lest data is the confidential property ol lhe chenl to whom il is eddressed and perlains to lhe specific process and/or materiel evall,ated. As such. information conlained herein shall not be r€produced in parl or full and/or 3ny part thereof b€ disclosed withoul FEI Testing t lnspection. lnc.'s wrilten authoization. 750 tIW Comell Aven@ . Corvalis. O(egon 97330 phone (541)7574698 29540 B Airport Road Eugene, Oregon 97a02 phorE (541) 68,8849 945 Columbia Sreet NE, Suit 14 Salem, oregon 97301 phone (971) 2734672 MLMrst LOAD I SAMPLED Near |ines 7A. I I 128 I FEI Page 1 of 1 Daily Field ReportJfm!!:P#h Geotecfricat & corsucrirr servbes Client Ms. Lauretta Davies Jerry's Home lmprovement PO Box 261'l Eugene, Oregon 97402 Project: Jerry's Fenced Yard Cover 2525 Olympic Springfield, Oregon Date: 10-10-18 Prciecl No.i 2187122 Report No.: E-46928 lnspector: M. Meyer lD No.: 0877905 ICC Continuous lnspsction: tr Periodic lnspection: @ lnspection of: Reinforced Concrete Contractor: ChambersConstruction Partly Cloudy 81 1-18-001847-STR Weather BP No.: Performed preliminary inspection on October 08, and final inspection prior to concrete on Oclober 10 on reinforcing steel in perimeter slab infill on lines A, C, I & 7. Rebar was checked for size, grade, lap, quantity, ties, supports and clearances, where applicable. Observed the placement of 30.0 of 53.0 yards of Knife River 4000 psi concrele (mix 40N17000). Concrete was placed directly from trucks and was mechanically consoladated. Cast one (1) set of four (4) 4" x S" comprcssive strength concrete test cylinders from load 2 and performed field tests as follows: Slump - 4 3/4"; concrete temperature - 65F; air temperature - 48F. Mel Taylor (Chambers Conslruction) was advised of on-site test results and was asked to nolify our office when additional services are needed. To the best of our knowledge, the work inspected was in accordance with ASI 2 plans dated 08-06-18, RFI'S 'l & 7 and applicable workmanship provisions of the LB.C., except if noted above. Reviewed By: Technical Manager Chambers Construction - Mel Tayor (email) Chambers Construction Sl (email) Robertson Sherwood Architects - Lana Sadler (email) MortierAng Engineers - Royal Mortier (email) City of Springrfield - Robert Castile (email) MLM:sc This reporl and/or encbsed tesl data is the confidential properly of lhe client to whoh il is addressed and pertains lo lhe specific process and/or maledal evaluated As such, informalion contained herein shallnot be reproduced in part orlulland/or anypart thereol be disclosed without FEI Teslrng E lnspection, lnc 's \Nriten aulhorizalion. 750 t,lw Corneil Avenue Corvallis, olegon 97330 phone (*1) 757-a698 29540 B Airport Road Eugefle, or€gon 97a92 pttone (541) 684-3849 945 Cdumbia Sfeet NE, Suite 1A Salem, oregpo 97301 phone (97'l )273{672 /h.q.[At-"-- Mtchaet L. Meyf/ FEI ESnilEtllIPttll0ll,nt Gd..rsi.c t c..'kir. r-ri.- Gerredriel a crrshrti:n seJvires Compressive Strength of Concrete {ASTM C 39t CLIENT Ms. Lauretta Oavies Jerry's Home lmprovement PO Box 2611 Eugene, Oregon 97402 Jerry's Fenced Yard Cover 2525 Olympic Springtield, Oregon DATE PROJECT NO. REPORT NO. 10-10-18 2187122 2487 PROJECT OATE RECEIVED SPECIMEN SIZE SUPPLIER MAX SIZE AGG. AIR CONTENT SLUMP TIME SPECIIIIEN STORAGE BP NO 81 1-18-001847-5TR 09-12-18 CAST BY M. Meyer 4500 psi 5000 psi SACXS F2NEsOOO CEMENT WRDA 64 2 flcKET NO. A2012274 69'F YARDAGE 10.75 OF 55" F WEATHER Cloudy Perimeter continuous footings on lines A, C, 1, & 7 09-13-18 4"x8' Knife River 314" 7:35 AM ASTM C 31 107.0 LOAD 2 SAMPLED TEST OATE AGE (DAYS) AREA (tN.'?) WEIGHT (LBs) TOTA! LOAD (LBS} COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (PSI) AVERAGE STRENGTH (Psr) TIME OF TEST TYPE OF FRACTURE" 09-19-18 7 12.44 8.52 67205 5400 8r05 AM 5 '10-10-18 28 12.31 8.54 97075 7890 7620 4r30 Pi,2 10-10-18 28 12.31 8.52 93390 7590 4;35 PM 2 '10-10-18 28 12.31 8.48 s1030 7390 4:40 PM 5 _1.EndCses 2-Cone/Sp'r 3.Corlanar a-O'.g@ar 5 - Sde (rop or bon6) 6 - 9de ipo.€d rop d botom) REMARKS: Mel Taylor (CCC) was advised of on-site test results Reviewed By fh.*. Michael L. Meye Technical Manager c: Chambers Construction - Mel Taylor (email) Chambers Construction Sl (email) Robertson Sherwood Architects - Lana Sadler (email) Mo er-Ang Engineers - Royal Morlier(email) City of Springfield - Robert Castile (emall) Thrs report andlor enclosed tesl dale is the confidential property ol lhe client to whom it is addressed end perLains to the sp€cific proc2ss and/or maleial evaluated. As such, infomatbn contrained herein shall nol be reproduced in pan or full and/or any parl thereof be disclosed wilhout FEI Testing & lnspection, lnc 's wrilten authorization- 750 I'JW Co.ndlA\€nue Coo/allis, Oregoo 97330 . phone (541) 7574698 29540 B Airpod Road Eugene, Oegon 97402 phone (541) 68a{8ag 945 Cdumbia Sfeet NE, Suite 1A Salem, oregon 97301 pf'one (971) 2734672 l\4LM:st DATE CAST STRENGTH REOUIRED STRENGTH PLACED PRODUCT CODE ADDITIVES LOAD NO. CONCRETE TEMP AIR TEMP POUR LOCATION Near lines 4A. I FEI Compressive Strength of ConcretelfsfliltrIil'Ptfft0il.,t6*rr'h'ior ' ''th!"io ed"' Geotredrical & CorEfudiT SeJvires (ASTM C 39) CLIENT Ms. Lauretta Oavies Jery's Home lmprovement PO Box 26'l I Eugene, Oregon 97402 Jerry's Fenced Yard Cover 2525 Olympic Springtield, Oregon 8r 1-18-001847-STR M. Meyer 80029673 10.75 0F Parlly Cloudy &7. DATE PROJECT NO REPORT NO. 't0-17-'18 2'187'122 2550 PROJECT BP NO DATE CAST STRENGTH REQUIREO STRENGTH PLACED PRODUCT CODE AODITIVES LOAO NO. CONCRETE TEMP AIR TEMP POUR LOCATION OATE RECEIVED SPECIMEN SIZE SUPPLIER MAX SIZE AGG. AIR CONTENT SLUMP TIME SPECIMEN STORAGE 10-10-18 CAST BY 4000 psi 4000 psi SACKS 4ON17OOO CEMENT WRDA 64; AEA 1 TICXET NO. 65'F YARDAGE 48" F WEATHER Perimeter slab intillon lines A, C, REMARKS: Mel Taylor (CCC) was advised of on-site tesl results Reviewed By /h-t Michael L Technical Manager c: Chambers Construction - Mel Taylor (email) Chambers Construction Sl (email) Robertson Sherwood Architects - Lana Sadler (email) Mortjer-Ang Engineers - Royal Mortier (email) City of Springfield - Robert Castile (email) 10-11-18 4'x8' Knife River 3t4" 4 3t4" 9:25 AM ASTM C 31 53.75 LOAD 1 SAMPLED Near Iines 7A TEST OATE AGE (DAYS) AREA (tN.,) WEIGHT {LBS) TOTAL LOAD (LBS) COMPRESS'VE STRENGTH (PSI) AVERAGE STRENGTH (PSr) TI"E OF TEST TYPE OF FRACTURE- 10-17-18 7 '12.31 8.67 24390 2000 8:00 At\.,l 5 11-07-18 28 1 '1-07-'t8 28 1147-14 28 _r.E(,colr6 2 - cofl,/Srrir 3-Coru'@. a-oag@ar 5-sld€oopqbone) 6 - 9d. {Danr.d ro, o. boir@) This report and/or enclos€d test dala is the confidential prope(y oflhe client lo whom it is addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or material evalualed As such. intomalion contained herein shall nol be reproduced in parl or full end,/or any part thereol b€ disclosed wilhout FEI Testing E lnspection, lnc.'s Mitlen authorization 750 tlW Comell Avenue . Co €llis, Oregon 97330 phm€ (541 ) 757-4698 29540 B Airpod Road Eugene, Oregon 97a02 phone (541) 6843849 945 @urntia Sfeet NE, Suite 'lA Salem, Oregoo 97301 ptpne (97'l )273{672 MLM:sl FEI Page 1 of 1 Daily Field ReportmY!:P:glL ceednid &ctrEhrcrimsdvbes Client:Ms. Lauretta Oavies Jerry's Home lmprovement PO Box 261 'l Eugene, Oregon 97402 Project: Jerry's Fenced Yard Cover 2525 Olynpic Springfield, Oregon Weath6r: Partly Cloudy BP No.: 811-18-001847-STR Date: 09-12-18 Prcject No.: 2187122 Report No.: E-46746 lnspector: M. Meyer lD No.: 0877905 tcc Continuous lnspection: tr Periodic lnspection: E lnspection of: Reinforced Concrete Contractor: ChambersConstruction Reviewed By: Performed preliminary inspection on September 1 '1, and final inspection prior to concrete on September 12 on reinforcing steel in perimeter continuous footings on lines A, C, 1 & 7. Rebar was checked for size, grade, lap, quantity, ties, supports and clearances, where applicable. Anchor bolts were checked for size, quantity & embedment, and were secured in templates. Observed the placement of 90.0 of 107.0 yards of Knife River 4500 psi concrete (mix 24F2NE5000). Concrete was placed directly from trucks and was mechanbally consolidated. Cast one (1) set of four (4) 4" x 8" compressive strenglh concrete test cylinders from load 2 and performed fleld tests as follows: Slump - 5'; concrete temperature - 69F; air temperature - 55F. Mel Taylor (Chambers Construction) was advised of on-site test results and was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed. To the best of our knowledge, the work inspected was in accordance with ASI 2 plans dated 08-06-18 and applicable workmanship provisions of the l.B.C., except if noted above. /jt.* Michael L. M Technical Manager c: Chambers Construction - Mel Tayor (email) Chambers Conslruction Sl (email) Robertson Sherwood Architects - Lana Sadler (email) Mortier-Ang Engineers - Royal Morlier (email) City of Springfield - Robert Castile (email) This report and/or enclosed tesl data is lhe confidentEl propedy of the clienl lo whom il is addressed and pertains to the specific process and/or malerjel evaluated. As such, infonnation contained herein shall not be reploduced in pan or full and/or any part lhereol be disclosed withoul FEI Testing & lnspection, lnc.'s rrnitlen authorization. 750 I'{w Comdl Avenue Corvallis, Oregon 97330 phone (541 ) 7574698 29540 B Airpod Road Eugene, Oregor' 97402 pitone (541) 684-3849 945 oumbia Sreet NE, Suite 1 A Salern, Or€gon 97301 ' ptpne (S71 ) 273{672 MLM:St FEIrfilIl|tllsffm0il,nG-hd$k , a..ntMi6 !.rri(., Geolednri:d & Compressive Strength of Concrete Serviaes (ASTM C 39) DATE CAST STRENGTH REQUIRED STRENGTH PLACED PROOUCT CODE ADDITIVES LOAD NO. CONCRETE TEMP AIR TEMP POUR LOCATION DATE RECEIVED SPECIMEN SIZE SUPPLIER MAX SIZE AGG. AIR CONTENT SLUMP TIME SPECIMEN STORAGE CLIENT Ms. Lauretta Davies Jerry's Home lmprovemenl PO Box 261'1 Eugene, Oregon 97402 PROJECT BP NO 10-26-18 CAST BY 3500 psi 4000 psi SACKS F2NESOOOO CEMENT WRDA 64: XYPEX,I TICXET NO. 66" F YAROAGE 58'F WEATHER Pedestrian ramp slab near lines 7A REMARKS: Mel Taylor (CCC) was advised of on-site test resulls Reviewed By: Jerry's Fenced Yard Cover 2525 Olympic Springfield, Oregon 81 1-r 8-001847-5TR M. Meyer 800300893.0 0F 3.0 Light Rain DATE PROJECT NO. REPORT NO. 11-23-1A 2147122 2578 10-27 -18 4'x8" Knife River 3t4" 4 1t4^ 8:20 AM ASTM C 31 T€ST DATE AGE (DAYS) AREA 0N-r) WEIGHT (LBS) TOTAL LOAD lLES) COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (PSI) AVERAGE STRENGTH (PSr) TIME OF TEST TYPE OF FRACTURE' 11-02-'t8 7 12.31 4.52 74600 6060 7:30 AM 2 11-23-18 28 12.31 8.49 94305 7660 7800 'l 1r00 AM 5 1't -23-14 28 12.31 8.48 98225 7980 1 1:05 AM 2 1'l -23-1A 28 't2.31 8.45 95655 7770 11:10 AM 2 -1-EndCod5 2 - Con.r'Sph 3-Columnar a-Oagmd 5-Sd6(topdboto) 6 - Sdc (po.led top or bollm) fi* Michael L Technical Manager c: Chambers Construction - Mel Taylor (email) Chambers Construction Sl (6mail) Robertson Sherwood Architecls - Lana Sadler (email) Mortier-Ang Engineers - Royal Mortier (email) City of Springfield - Robert Castile (email) This report and/or enclos€d lesl data is the conlidential property ol the clEnl to wtrom it is addressed and Pertains lo the specilic procoss and/or malerial evalualed. As such, inlormalion conlained hercin shall not be reproduced in part or full and/or any parl thereof be disclosed without F€l Testing E lnspection, lnc 's \,l'itlen authorizetion 750l.Iw ComellAvenue . Coffallis, OeQon 97330 phone (541) 7574698 29540 B Airpolt Road Euger€, Oregon 97,102 ' phone (541) 684-3849 945 Cdumbia Sreet NE, Suite 1A Salem, Oregpn 97301 ptlorle (971)273{672 MLM:st FEI Page 1 of 1 Dai I v C onstr!rctlronfepartItslillttt$Ptfft01,^t c.6rihni.l t adliu$d r..via Client:Ms. Lauretta Davies Jerry's Home lmprovement PO Box 2611 Eugene, Oregon 97402 Project: Jerry's Fenced Yard Cover 2525 Olympic Springrfield, Oregon W€ather: Overcast BP No.: Pending Date: 08-28-18 Prciecl[o.:2187122 Report No-: E-46651 lnspector: M. Meyer lD No.: Continuous lnspection: tr Periodic lnspection: glnspection of: Sitework Contractor: ChambersConstruction Met on-site with Mel Taylor (CCC) to observe in-progress excavation operations for the new cover column footings on lines A, C, 1 & 7. Excavations have been lerminated in the native sandy gravel strata approximately 9.5 to 10.0 feet below existing finished floor elevation. Excavations extend laterally at least 12" beyond face of footing. Mr. Taylor stated excavations will be backfilled with CDF to proposed bottom of footing grades in the near future. Mr. Taylor was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed. Reviewed by: /h. Michael L Technical Manager c: Chambers Construction - Mel Tayor (email) Chambers Conslruction Sl (email) Robertson Sherwood Architects - Lana Sadler (email) Mortier-Ang Engineers - Royal Mortier (email) City of Springfield - Robert Castile (email) MLM:sc This repon and/or enclosed test data is the confidential property of lie clienl to whom il as addrcssed and penains to lhe specific procrss and/or material evaluated As such, inlormation conlained herein shall nol be reproduced in part or full and/or any pa.t thereof be disclosed wilhout FEI Testing E lnspection, lnc's tl/ritten aulhori2ation 75o l.IW ComellAvenue' Con dlis, ofegon 97330 phone (541) 757-4698 29540 B Airpod Road ' Eugene, oregon 97/t02 pt'one (541) 684-3849 945 Cdumtia Steet NE, Suite 1A Salem, oregpn 97301 phone (971) 2734672 FEI Page 1 of '1 Daily Field ReportJ::!#trmlk Gecfredrkal & co.srudi:n servbes Client:Ms. Lauretta Davies Jerry's Home lmprovement PO Box 261 1 Eugene, Oregon 97402 Project: Jerry's MCF Expansion 2525 Olympic Springfield, Oregon Weather BP No.: oate: 1 1{9-18 Project No.: 218717'l Report No.: E-47121 lnspector: M. Meyer/E. Thomas lD No.: 0877905 rcc Continuous lnspection: tr Periodic lnspection: E lnspectionof: Post-lnstalledAnchors Contractor: ChambersConstruction Reviewed By lnside 81 1-18-001846-5TR Performed periodic inspections during lhe installation of approximately lhree hundred fifty (1350) 112" x 4 112" and two hundred (20O) 112" x 7" vertical Hilti KBTZ wedge anchors securing storage rack support leg base plates (2 anchors per plate) to the floor slab in the phase 2, 3 & 4 merchandising areas. Site visits were made on October 30, 31, November 01, 05, 07 & 09. Prior to installation, the predrilled holes were cleaned with a vacuum. Verifaed minimum embedment depth of 3 1/2", and installation torque of 40 ft./lbs. using a calibrated torque wrench. FEI representatives will continue to monitor anchor installation on a periodic basis as work progresses from west side to east side. To the best of our knowledge, the work in-progress was in accordance with Seismic Engineering plans dated 08-15-18 and applicable workmanship provisions of the l.B.C., excepl if noted above. /t-a Michael L Technical Manager c: Chambers Construclion - Mel Taylor (email) Chambers Construction - Tim Cabble (email) Chambers Constructaon Sl (email) Robertson Sherwood Architects - Lana Sadler (email) Mortier-Ang Engineers - Royal Mortier (email) City of Springfield - Robert Castile (email) MLM:Sc This .epoi and/or enclosed test data is the confidentlal propeny of the cl€nl to whom at is addressed and pertains to lhe specific proczss and/or material evaluated As such. information conlained herein shall nol be reproduced in part or ftrll andlor any part thereot be drsclosed wilhoul FEI Tesling & lnspeclion, lnc 's wntlen aulhorizalion. 750 NIW ComdlAvenue Corvallis, Oregon 97330 pt'one (541) 7574698 29540 B Ajrport Road Eugene, Oregon 97a02 ptlorc (541) 684-3E49 945 Columbia Steet NE, Suite '1A Salern, o'e!fi 97301 phone (971)2734672 FEI Jfl!!.!!{J!H!::- ceoedrbr & cqdudbn servires Page '1 of 1 Daily Field Report Client:Ms. Lauretta Davies Jerry's Home lmprovement PO Box 261 1 Eugene, Oregon 97402 Projecl: Jerry's MCF Expansion 2525 Olympic Spring{ield, Oregon Weather: lnside BPNo.: 811-18-001846-STR Date: 12-11-18 Project No.: 2'187171 Report No.: E-47242 lnspector: M. Meyer/E. Thomas lD No.: 0877905 ICC Continuous lnspection: E Periodic lnspection: E lnspection ot: Post-lnstalled Anchors Contractor: ChambersConstruction Performed periodic inspections during the installation of approximately fifty-six (56) 1/2" x 4 l/2", sixty-six (66) 1/2" x 7" and tifty-two (52) 518" x 7" vertical Hilli KBTZ wedge anchors securing storage rack support leg base plates (2 anchors per plate) to the floor slab in the phase 2, 3 & 4 merchandising areas. Site visits were made on November 30, Oecember M, 10, & 11. Prior to inslallation, the predrilled holes were cleaned with a vacuum. Verified minimum embedment depth ot 3 '112", and installation torque of 40 ft./lbs. for 1/2" anchors and 90 ft./lbs. for 5/8" anchors using a calibrated torque wrench. FEI representatives will continue to monitor anchor installation on a periodic basis as work progresses from west side to east side. To the best of our knowledge, the work in-progress was in accordance with Seismic Engineering plans dated 08-,5-18, RMI specification - revision 1.1.2 daled 12-09-11 (Shims) and applicable workmanship provisions of the l.B.C., except if noted above. Reviewed By: /1.V.flry.- Michael L. MeJlr Technical Manager Chambers Construction - Mel Tayor (email) Chambers Construction - Tim Cabble (email) Chambers Construction Sl (email) Robertson Sherwood Architects - Lana Sadler (email) Mortier-Ang Engineers - Royal Mortier (email) City of Springfield - Robert Castile (email) MLM:st This report andlor enclosed tesl data is lhe contidenthl prop€rty of lhe clienl lo wflom il is addressed and pertains lo lhe specific process end/or materiel evaluated. As such, information contairEd h€rein shall nol be reprod@€d in parl or full and/or eny pert thereof be disclosed withoul FEI Testing & lnspectbn, lnc.'g *rilten authodzation. 750 l,IW CordlA\€nue Corvallis, oregon 97330 phone (541) 7574698 29540 B Airport Road ' Eugene, Oregor' 97402 phone (5a1) 684{8ag 945 @umua Sfeet NE. Suite 1A Salern, Oregon 97301 . ptDne (971) 2734672 FEI Page I of 1 Daily Field Report#l!!#!!!I#!X Geotsdyicat &cosuctirr servbes lnspection of: Contractor: Ms. Lauretta Davies Jerry's Home lmprovement PO Box 2611 Eugene, Oregon 97402 Pos!lnstalled Anchors Chambers Construction lnside 81 1-18-001846-5TR Project: Jerry's MCF Expansion 2525 Olympic Springfield, Oregon Date: '11-21-18 Project No.: 2187171 Report No.: E-47164 lnspector: M. Meyer/E. Thomas lD No.: 0877905 ICC Continuouslnspection: E Periodic lnspoction: U Weather: BP No.: Performed periodic inspections during the installation of approximately ninety-two (r92) 112" x4112", three hundred thirty-six (1336) 112" x7" and one hundred ten (1110) 5/8" x 7 112" vetlical Hilti KBTZ wedge anchors securing storage rack support leg base plates (2 anchors per plate) to the floor slab in the phase 2, 3 & 4 merchandising areas. Site visits were made on November 13, 16 & 2'1. Ptiot to insiallation, the predrilled holes were cleaned with a vacuum. Verified minimum embedment depth of 3 112", and installation torque of 40 fl./lbs. fo|I /2" anchors and 90 ft./lbs. for 5/8" anchors using a calibrated torque wrench. FEI representatives will continue to monitor anchor installation on a periodic basis as work progresses from west side to east sade. To the best of our knowledge, the work in-progress was in accordance with Seismic Engineering plans dated 08-15-18 and applicable workmanship provisions of the l.B.C., except if noted above. Reviewed By /l Zfi,y-- Mictrael L. M#r Technical Manager c: Chambers Construction - Mel Taylor (email) Chambers Construction - Tim Cabble (email) Chambers Construction Sl (email) Robertson Sherwood Architects - Lana Sadler (email) Mortier-Ang Engineers - Royal Mortier (email) City of Springfield - Robert Castile (email) MLM:sc This report and/or €nclosed t€st dala is lhe conlidential properly of the clienl to $/hom il is addressed and pertains to lhe specilic prccess and/or materiat evalualed As such, information contained hereinShallnot be reproduced in parl orlulland/or anyp3rt thereof be drsclosed withoul FEI Testing & lnspeclion, lnc s wrinen aulhorizalion 750 t{w CornellAvenue Co rallis, oregon 97330 ' phme (541) 757-4698 29540 B Airport Road Eugene, Oregon 97402 phone (541) 64rc49 945 Cdumtia Sreet NE, Suite 1A Salern, ore€on 97301 phor€ (971) 2734672 Client: FEI Page 'l of '1 Daily Field ReportIffii!{J*lX cecrccfricat & corsudir servis Client:Ms. Lauretta Davies Jerry's Home lmprovement PO Box 2611 Eugene, Oregon 97402 Project: Jerry's MCF Expansion 2525 Olympic Springfield, Oregon Date: 12-17-18 Proioct No.: 2187171 Report No.: E-47271 lnspoctor: M. Meyer/E. Thomas lD No.: 0877905 rcc Continuous lnspection: tr Periodic lnspection: E lnspoction of: Posl-lnstalled Anchors Contractor: ChambersConstruction Reviewed By: llr Weather: BP No.: lnside 811-18{0184GSTR Performed periodic inspections during the installation of approximately one hundred and two (102) 112" x 4 112" , sixty-six (66) 112^ x 7" and twenty-two (22t 518" x 7" vertical Hilti KBTZ wedge anchors securing storage rack support leg base plates (2 anchors per plate) to the floor slab in lhe phase 2, 3 & 4 merchandising areas. Site visits were made on December 12,'13, 14 & 17. Ptior to installation, the predrilled holes were cleaned with a vacuum. Verified minimum embedment depth ol 3 '112" , and installation torque of 40 ft./lbs. for 1/2" anchors and 90 ft./lbs. for 5/8'anchors using a calibrated torque wrench. FEI representatives will continue to monitor anchor installation on a periodic basis as work progresses from west side to east side. To lhe best of our knowledge, the work in-progress was in accordance with Seismic Engineering plans dated 08-15-18, RMI Specification - revision 1.1.2 dated 12-09-11 (Shims) and applicable workmanship provisions of the LB.C., except if noted above. Michael L. M Technical Manager Chambers Construction - Mel Taylor (email) Chambers Construction - Tim Cabble (email) Chambers Construclion Sl (email) Roberlson Sherwood Architects - Lana Sadler (email) Mortier-Ang Engineers - Royal Mortier (email) City of Springfield - Robert Castile (email) MLM:st 750 tIW CornellAvenue . Corvallis, Oeson 97330 phone (541) 7574698 29540 B Airport Road . Eugene, Oregon 97402 phone (541) 6843849 945 Cdumbia Sreet NE, Suite 14 Salern, oregpn 97301 phone (971) 2730672 This reporl and/or enclosed test data is the confidentral property of the clEnt lo whom il as addr€ssed and perlains to lhe specific process aMlor matenal evaluated As srrch. anlormalion conlained herein shall nol be reprodrced in parl or lull and/or any part lhereof be disclosed without FEI Testing E lnspection, lnc. s $,tilten aulhorizalion FEI Page 1 of I mt!!:m!*X, Geotscfricat & oorrefrr.rcrirr servi-s Daily Field RePort Client;Ms. Lauretta Davies Jerry's Home lmprovement PO Box 2611 Eugene, Oregon 97402 Project: Jerry's MCF Expansion 2525 Olympic Springfield, Oregon Weather: BP No.: lnside 81 1-18-001846-5TR Date: 01-04-19 Project No.: 2187'171 Report No.: E47341 lnspector: M. Meyer/E. Thomas lD No.: 0877905 tcc Continuous lnspection: D Periodic lnspection: E lnap€ction of: Post-lnstalled Anchors Contractor: ChambersConstruction Reviewed By: Performed periodic inspections during the installation of approximately two hundred and fifty-four (254, 112' x 4 112", six (6) 112" \ 7", eighty-eisht (88) 5/8" x 7' and twelve (12) 112" x 10'verlical Hilti KBTZ wedge anchors securing storage rack support leg base plates lt'rlo (2) 112" anchors per plate / four (4) 5/8" anchors per cantilever rack leg) to the floor slab in the phase 2, 3 & 4 merchandasing areas. Site visits were made on December 28 & 31 and January 2,3 & 4. Prior to installation, the predrilled holes were cleaned with a vacuum. Verified minimum embedment depth of 3 112", and installation lorque of 40 ft.Ibs. for 1l2' anchors and 90 ft./lbs. for 5/8" anchors using a calibrated torque wrench. FEI represenlatives will continue to monitor anchor installation on a periodic basis as work progresses from west side of store to east side. To the best of our knowledge, lhe work in-progress was in accordance with Seismic Engineering plans dated 08-1$18, RMI Specification - revision 1.1.2 dated 12-09-11 (Shims) and applicable workmanship provisions of the LB.C., except if noted above. /h.*r1*- Michael L. M#r Technical Managet c: Chambers Construction - Mel Tayor (email) Chambers Construction - Tim Cabble (email) Chambers Construction Sl (email) Robertson Sherwood Architects - Lana Sadler (email) Mortier-Ang Engineers - Royal Mortier (email) City of Springfield - Robert Castile (email) Thisreoortand/orenctosedtestdetalstheconfidentialprope(yollhect.ent.towhomttisaddressedandpenainstolhespecif|c#;"JJ;;;;;;;;i;""rriiJ. n" *"r,, i"i"irar,o'n i|nra'ineo rrerein shal not be reproduced .n psrt or lulr and/or anv part'''- - ltt"t".iU.1,"A"sed without FEI Tesling & lnspection lnc's writleh authorizalion 750 Nw CornefiAveflue Corvallis . Oregon sz3Oo ptrone lsat; zSz-aOss 29540 B Airport Road Eweoe, O€gorls7 4o2 phone (541) 6843849 MLM:St 945 Cdumbla Sreet NE, Suite 1A Salern, ofegpn 97301 Phone (971) 2730672