HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Field Test & Inspection Report 2018-12-11FEI Page 1 of 1 Daily Field ReportItsfl tE e lltsPtfil01t.,.;;;;.;;";;-;;- Geciedr*d & Corsfudirn S€rvbes Client:Mr. Matt Knights Project: Dorman Conslruction 303 S. 5'h St. SpringJield, Otegon 97 477 Townehomes on srh Building 6 248 R Street Springfield, Oregon Date: 12-11-18 Project No.: 2187042 Report No.: E-47246lnspeclor: M. Meyer lD No.: 0877905 tcc Continuous lnspection: tr Periodic lnspection: d lnspection of: Titen Screw Anchors Contractor: DormanConslruction Weather: BP No.: Light Rain 81 1-18-001485-STR Pertormed inspection during the installation of ninety-three (93) 112' x 5" vertical Simpson Titen screw anchors securing shear wall sill plates to the floor slab on lines 2 thru 9 at !48" on center. Prior to installation, verified minimum embedment depth of 2 3/4". Anchors were installed with 3" x 3" plate washers and were tightened to snug- tight condition wilh a 112" drive Milwaukee electric impact gun. Site visits were made on November 29 and Decembe|I 1. Derrick Knights (Oorman Construction) was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed. To the best of our knowledge, the work inspected was in accordance with Pioneer Engine€ring email dated 10-30-18 and applicable workmanship provisions of the l.B.C., excepl if noted above. Reviewed By lh.r.flr"-- Michael L. Mer6r Technical Manager c: City of Springfield - Robert Castile (email) MLM:st This reporl and/or enclosed tesl data is lhe confidential property of lhe client to whom it is addressod and peMins to the specificprocess and/or material evaluated As such, informalion conleined herein shatl nol be reproduced in parl or fu and/or any pan thereof be disclosed wilhout FEI Testang & Inspection, tnc ,s \rrillen authodzaton 750 l,IW Corneil A\€nue . Coffallis, Oregon 97330 . phooe (S41) 757-4690 29540 B Airporl Road . Eugene, Oegon 97402 . phone (54j ) 684-3S49 945 Cdumtia SEeet NE, Suite 14 Salern, Oegon 97301 . ptfl:F- (971\273fi12 Eafln Ingineers. lnc 4660 Main Street, Suite 100-1A r Springfield o OR 97478 Phone: 541.393-6340 r Fax: 541.393.6385 www.earth-engineers.com August 8, 2017 CMC Development, LLC Attn: Roy Gray PO Box 1 17 Walterville, Oregon 97489 Troy Hull, P.E., G.E. Principal Geotechnical Engineer Attachment: Geotebhnical lnvestigation Report Distribution (electronic copy only): Addressee Phone: 541.9'15.8587 E-mail: javankg@uno.com Subject:Geotechnical Investigation and lnfiltration Testing Report Proposed CMC Development 1975, 1981, 1987, 1993 and 1995 5h Street Tax Lots 4600,460'1, 4700,4800,4900 and 5000 Springfield, Lane County, Orcgon 97477 EEI Report No. '17-136-1 Dear ltilr. Gray: Earth Engineers, lnc. (EEl) is pleased to transmit our attached Geotechnical lnvestigation and lnfiltration Testing Report for the above referenced project. This report includes the results of our field investigation, an evaluation of geotechnical factors that may influence the proposed construction, geotechnical recommendations, and the results of our infiltration testing for the building and general site development. We appreciate the opportunity to perform this geotechnical study and look forward to continued participation during the design and construction phases of this project. lf you have any questions pertaining to this report, or if we may be of further service, please contact our office at 541.393.6340. Sincerely, Earth Engineers, lnc. 172^r"."^ Greg Thibeaux, E.l. Geotechnical Engineering Associate Rick Satre - rick@schirmers atre.com Crf)""l) Page No. 1.0 PROJECT INFORMATION 1. 1 Project Authorization ................ 1.2 Project and Site Description..... '1.3 Purpose and Scope of Services 2,0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 2.1 Mapped Geology and Soils..... 2.2 Subsurface Materiais............... 2.3 Groundwater lnformation.... .... 2.4 Seismicity.... 2.5 lnfiltration Test l\,4ethod and Results 1 1 1 5 5 r, 8 0 3.1 3.2 J-J 3.5 3.6 .13 IJ 14 .15 .17 Geotechnical Discussion ......... General Site Preparation......... Structural Fill ........................... Foundation Recommendations Floor Slab Recommendations . Pavement Recommendations .....18 4,0 GONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS 4.1 Drainage and Groundwater Considerations... 4.2 Excavations. 5.0 REPORT LIMITATIONS APPENDICES: Appendix A - Test Pit Logs Appendix B - Soil Classification Legend Appendix C - Historical Water Well Log Reports ..20 ..20 20 21 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 2 oJ 21 i:l l{ Hnyden aridge w.ry o5t Project Site _ __-tI + atvd F:r g ;t r,i fr. r+ ,i!rl:i ES, .+ Figure 1: Site Vicinity firlap (source: l\llap Quest) Proposed CMC Development EEI Report No. '17-136-1 Earth Engineers, lnc. August 8, 2017 H.ryden 8ri9e Fd ? 4 6- .: Page 4 ol 21 test pits (TP-1 through TP-8) using a subcontracted Ford 555E rubber tire backhoe, equipped with a 24-inch wide, toothed bucket. The approximate locations of the test pits are shown on the Test Pit Location Plan, Figure 3 below. This report presents the following recommendations based on our subsurface investigation and the results of our field and laboratory testing: . A discussion of subsurface conditions encountered including pertinent soil and rock properties and groundwater conditions.. Geotechnical related recommendations for foundation design including allowable bearing capacity, depth of footing embedment, minimum footing dimensions and estimated settlements. . 2014 Oregon Structural Specialty Code seismic design criteria.. Recommendations for foundation subgrade preparation and the overall suitability of the in-situ soils and in-place materials for use as structural fill.. lmported fill requirements, including gradation and compaction.. Wet and dry weather construction recommendations. . Subsurface drainage requirements.. Groundwaterconsiderations. . Discussions on geotechnical issues that may impact the project.. Pavement section thickness recommendations based on an assumed CBR value and assumed traffic loading conditions.. Results of our infiltration tests. Proposed CMC Development EEI Report No. 17-136-1 Earth Engineers, lnc. August 8,2017 As requested on June 26, 2017 , we performed four infiltration tests (lT- l through IT-4) as part of our scope of services. The tests were performed as outlined in the City of Springfleld's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures l\ilanual Section 4.16.3 C.1 (EPA Falling Head Percolation Test Procedure). The depth of the infiltration testing was determined by the project Civil Engineer. lT-1 and lT-2 were performed at approximately five feet below the ground surface (bgs), and IT-3 and lT 4 were performed at approximately two feet bgs. We performed a washed gradation on a sample collected at each of the infiltration test locations in order to classifi/ the soil. Upon completion, the subsurface explorations were loosely backfllled with the excavated soils, to approximately existing grade. Page 6 of 21 gravelly silt loam, from 17 inches to 23 inches - gravelly clay loam, from 23 inches to 41 inches - very gravelly clay loam, and 41 inches to 60 inches extremely gravelly sandy loam. 2.2 Subsurface Materials As mentioned above, the subsurface conditions at the site were explored with 8 exploratory test pits (TP-1 through TP-8). The approximate locations of the test pits are shown on the test pit location plan, Figure 3 below. Note that the latitude and longitude of each exploration location is noted on the test pit logs. The terminal depths of the explorations ranged from 4 to 9 feet bgs. Disturbed "grab" soil samples were obtained in the test pits. Each sample was marked and identified by date sampled, project name, project number, test pit number, and sample depth. The samples were transported to our laboratory for visual identification and laboratory testing and samples not altered by laboratory testing will be retained for 90 days from the date of this report. Select soil samples were tested in the laboratory to determine material properties for our evaluation. Laboratory testing was accomplished in general accordance with ASTI\/ procedures. The testing performed included moisture content tests (ASTM D2216), the amount of material in the soils finer than the #200 sieve (ASTM D1140), and an Atterberg Limits test (Da318). The test results have been included on the Test Pit Logs in Appendix A. The soils encountered at TP-1 through TP-8 beneath the site surface may be divided into 3 general strata, as described below (see Photo 3 below). Topsoil (TP-1 through TP-8): The upper layer at TP-1 through TP-8 appeared to be dark brown, dry to moist, topsoil. The layer was approximately 8 inches thick, and based on observed digging effort, the topsoil was medium stiff to stiff, at the exploration locations. Lean Clay (CL) (TP-1 through TP-8): The layer beneath the topsoil in TP-1 through TP-8, classified in accordance with ASTM D2487 Standard Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (USCS), as dry to moist, brown, Lean Clay (CL). The thickness of the layer varied from approximately 1 to 5 feet at the exploration locations. Based on observed Proposed CMC Development EEI Report No. 17-'136-1 Earth Engineers, lnc. August 8, 2017 Note that part of the south side of the site, in the area of the existing abandoned house (as shown on Figure 3 below) was too difficult to access on the date of our site investigation due to the presence of dense Laurel bushes and Blackberry briars and the abandoned house. EEI recommends that we perform at least '1 additional test pit in this area. ldeally, for cost savings, the additional test pit should be performed during demolition of the abandoned house or at the start of earthwork construction. FEI Page I of 1 Geoecfr,cal&Corsuctixrservis Field Density Test Results - ASTM D 6938rfsIilttr ilttPtfftoil,,:6-Elni!l a (-rt(Io t Eiu Client: Mr. Matt Knights Dorman Construclion 303 S. 5r" St. Springfield, Otegon 97 477 Townehomes on Srn Building 6 248 R Street Springfield, Oregon Project Date: Project No.: Report No.: B.P. No.: 09-26-18 2187042 E-46829 MOISTURE/DENSITY DATA: AASHTO T99 - Maximum Dry Density of 126.6 pcf, at 10.7% moisture furnished by contractor tor 3/4"-0 crushed gravel (RBM - north pit). Tests performed in fill material for building pad. Remarks: Oerrick Knights (Dorman) and Jason (McKenzie Excavating) were advised of test results Reviewed By: fi./fu"a,--- Michael L. Md#r Technical Manager City of Springfield - Robert Castile (email) MLM:Sc .ontriEd tEr.in sh.llmt bc r.p.oduccd in p.n ottult.ndor Dy P3n dEBof bc .lir.los.d $ilhorl FEI T.sIinS & lntFclion. lnc -s *'ilt.n .ulbo.irrri 750 f{w CornellAvenue Corvallis, oregpn 97330 phone (541)757-4698 29310 B Airport Road EugerE, Oregon 97402 phor€ (541) 6&13849 945 Cdumtia Steet NE, Suite 14 Salem, oregpo 97301 ' ilwrF-(971\273{672 Test No. Approximate Location Approx. Elev. W€t Density (pc0 Percent Moisture Dry Density (pc0 Percent Compaction Compaction Requirement 'l 2 4 Near center of NW quadrant Near center of NE quadrant Near center of east half Near center of west half FG FG 11.0' BFG 11 .O' BFG 1 33.7 138.4 122.2 124.3 5.5 5.6 5.4 4.7 126.7 131.1 115.9 118.8 100+ 100+ 92 94 95 95 95 o( c: Page 1 of 'l ItSlil0 6 lll,ffCnnil,,tc-ktii.ll r (6n6rir 9ni.6 Geo€clnicd & Corstudh Servi:es Field Density Test Results - ASTM D 6938 FEI Client:Mr. Matt Knights Dorman Construction 303 S. sii' St. Springfreld, Oregon 97 47 7 Project: Townehomes on sth Building 6 248 R Skeet Springfield, Oregon Date: Project No.: Roport No.: B.P. No.: 09-28-18 2187042 846851 MOISTURE/DENSITY DATA: AASHTO T99 - Maximum Dry Density of 126.6 pcf, al 10.7o/a moisture furnished by contractor for 3/4"-0 crushed gravel (RBM - north pi0. Tests performed at finished grade of fill for building pad. Remarks: McKenzie Excavating was advised of test results Reviewed By: /t* Michael L Technical Manager City of Springfield - Robert Castile (email) MLM:st cot riad lEcir rh.ll rcl b. llprodk d in p.n of tull.d's any p.n JErofb. di$br.j widut rEl r;dq & tnsD..tioo. tnc ! urnco eurtroizarm Test No. Approximate Location Wct Density (pcO Percent Moisture Dry Density (pc0 Percenl Compaclion Compaction Requirement 1 2 Near center of east half Near center of west half FG FG 't40.7 144.7 7.9 8.5 130.4 133.3 100+ 'r00+ 95 750 l{w Comell Avenue . CoMaIis, Oregon 97330 . pfnne (541) 7574698 - 29540 B Airport Road . Er.Eene, oregon 97402 . phone (S4i ) 6e4-3S49 945 Cdurntia Steet NE, Suite 1A Satern, oregm Sl3(]t . gw.F- lg,l,tyZtZmlZ c: Approx. Elev.