HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Field Test & Inspection Report 2018-06-21Carlson Testing, Inc. Bend Ollice Geotechnical Office Eugene Ofiice Salem Oflice Tigard Ollice (541) 330-91s5 (s03) 601-82s0 (541) 34s-02E9 (s03) 589-1252 (s03) 684-3460 REPORT OF 4 X 8 CONCRETE CYL]NDRICAI TEST SPECIMENS ASTtn C39 /Ca72 / Ca054 /C738 /C3t / CL43 c231/ Cr23tTest Methods: Date Molded:o6 /20 / 2atB Job Number ._ EL1-01424 . Permit #:811-17-002209-STR Client:FRANZ BAKERY - JACK COPHER Project:FRANZ BAKERY EXPANSION Address:200 O NUGGET WAY SPRINGFIELD OR Jurisdiction:SPRINGFIELD Contractor: Subcontr Cast By:T . DI]NAWAY Concrete Supplier:KNIFE RIVER ( EUGENE ) 240344396 Load #: 1 Ticket#:80025907 Weather:ST]NNY Test Time:8:45 AM Air Temp. at Sampling Time: ----.65- Cylinders were cast for the following locations: 15tr TRENCI{ DRAIN RUNNING EAST AND WEST ON SOT]IIH SIDE OF BUILDING APPROXIMATELY5' EAST OF RETAINING WAIL. Strength Requirement:4000 psi fc @ 28 Days Slump: 66 3.00n oh Airz 2 -4+ Max Agg:Mix Number:2445N87009 Concrete Temp: ('70 02. )Admix,/Amt:AIR (5 OZ.) AND WRDA64 20F2 Register Number:00005259 Lab Location:EUGENE Average fc @ 28 days Cubic Yards: Curing: High 72 Low -----El- Set No. Test @ Davs Test Date Total Load Avg. Diameter Area Unit PSI Type Of Fracture Cap Tvoe Tested Bv 1 ).2 .56 5 510 PAD 60 ME06/27 / 201-8 70435 4.00 3 2a o'7/tB/20L8 449'7 5 4.00 L2 .55 3 PAD 50 ME 2A 07 / L8 / 2ote 81535 4.00 !2.56 2 PAD 50 ME ME2A01 / a8 / 2078 85375 4.00 L2 .56 3 PAD 50 I Distribute attachments. Please see reverse side for additional information. Date Received: 06 / 21/ 2A18 Truck #: Total Concrete Placement Location: 15fr TRENCH DRAIN RUNNING EAST AND WEST ON SOUTH SIDE OF BUILDING. I 67'7 0 6490 6800 6590 < 1 in. [25 mm] Type I Reasonable well-formed cones on both ends, less than 1 ifl. [25 mm] of cracking through caps Tlpe 4 Diagonal fiacture with no cracking through ends; tap with hanrmer to distinguish from Tlpe I T7pe2 Well-Formed cone on one end, vertical cracks rururing through caps, no well-defined cone on other snd Date Molded: 06 /20 / 20t8 Type 3 Colurrnar vsrtical cracking through both ends, no well-formed cones Type 6 Similar to Type 5 but :nd ofcylinder is pointed J Tlpe 5 Side fractures at top or boftom (occur comrnonly with unbonded caps) TO: Project Manager christian McDonald FRANZ BAKERY - .TACK COPIIER CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DEPARTMEN] ?HE AUSTIN COMPANY GREG CI.AMP DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES - STEVEN TIARRISON x FRANZ BAKERY KIM ARNOLD ]ACK . COPH ER@USBAKE RY . COi,! GREG . CLA ,I POTHEAUSTI N . Coltt SDHGDEAINC . COi4 KIM . ARNOLD@USBAK E RY . COM Our reports pertain to th€ material tested,/inspected only. Information contained herein is not to be reproduced, except in full, without prior authorization from this oflice. Under all circumstances, the informalion contained in this report is provided subject to all terms and conditions of CTI's General Conditiom in effect at the time this report is prepared. No party other than those to whom CTI has distributed this report shall be entitled to use or rely upon the information contained in this document. 89970 IIWY 99N. EUGENE OR ffilIr JobNumber:EL1OL424. RegisterNumber: 00o0s2s9 Project: FRANZ BAKERY EXPANSIoN Remarks: Reviewed By: P."r =:! y1139:I o" o'1 / L8 / 2u-B Carlson Testing, Inc. BeDd Otffce Geotechnical Office Eugene Oflice Srlem omce Tigrrd Office (541) 330-9rss (s03) 601-E2s0 (s41) 34s-0289 (503) 589-1252 (503) 684-3460 REPORT OF 4 X 8 CONCRETE CYLINDRICAL TEST SPECIMENS ASn,r c3 9 / Cl- 7 2 / Ct O 6 4 / Ct} I / Ca 1 / C)- 43 / C23 I / C!23 tTest Methods: Date Molded:a6/Le/2078 Date Received:a6/t9/2oa,Job Number : E1707424. Permit #:811- 17- 002209-STR Client:FRANZ BAKERY . ..]ACK COPHER Proj ect:FRANZ BAKERY EXPANSION Address:2OOO NUGGET WAY SPR FIELD OR Jurisdiction:SPRINGFIELD Contractor: Subcontractor Concrete Supplier:IOIIFE RIVER (EUGENE ) Truck #:41805 Load #: Weather:C],EAR Test Time:7:45 AI4 Cylinders were cast for the following locations: BI,OWER BUII,DING EXTENSION SLAB ON GRADE AT A TO B FROM 1TO 3 Total Concrete Placement Location: BLOWER BUILDING EXTENSION SLAB ON GRADE AT A TO B FROM 1 TO 3 Strength Requirement:4000 Cast By:R. ORCHARD Ticke#:8002581 Air Temp. at Sampling Time: 57 Mix Number:2 4 F4NE5AO O psi fc @ 28 Days Concrete Temp: Slump: '12 3.75'%o Air:L.4\ Max Agg: Admix,/Amt:WRDA6 4 (2s0 02. )Cubic Yards:70F L4 Register Number:00005258 Lab Location:EUGENE Average fc @ 2B days Curing: High 87 *** Low -l!--lji- Set No. Test @ Days Test Date Total Load Arg. Diameter Area Unit PSI Type Of Fracture cap Tvoe Tested BY II ,7 06/2s/2018 52055 4.OO t2 .56 414 0 3 PAD 50 ME 28 0'7/L5/201-8 4.00 1-2 .56 62'7 0 3 ME 28 o7 /a6 / 20L8 77035 4.00 L2 .56 513 0 3 PAD 60 ME o7/16/2ot1 '7 417 A 4.00 L2 -56 6224 3 PAD 50 ME 621-O IIII IIIIIII IIIIIIII Distribute attachments. Please see reverse side for additional information. 1 '74750 PAD 60 tr Job Number: EL10L424. Register Number. 00005258 Project: rnnNz BAKERY EXPANSToN < I in. [25 mm] Date Molded: 05 / \8 / 2078 Type 1 Reasonable well-formed cones on both etrds, less than I in. [25 mm] of cmcking thrcugh caps **r Departure from ASTM C3l standard Remarks: TOi Proiect Managep chrj-stian McDonald Type 2 Well-Formed cone on one end. venical cracks runnirg through caps, no well-defined cone on other end Tlpe 3 Colurnnar vertical cmcking tbrough both ends, no well-formed cones T}?e 5 Side fractures at top or bottom (occur commonly with unbonded caps) Type 6 Similar to Trpe 5 but-nd ofcylinder is pointed I FRANZ BAKERY - JACK COPHER CITY OF SPR]NGFIELD BUILDING DEPARTMENI THE AUSTIN COMPANY - GREG CI.AMP DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES - STE!'EN IiARRISON x FI{ANZ BAKERY - KIM ARNOLD ]ACK,COPHER@USBAKERY.COM GREG. CLAI,TPOTHEAUSIIN. COI,I SDHODEAINC. COr4 KIr,{ . ARNOLD@U SBAK ERY . COr,,t Reviewed By: Project Manager on 0'7/ta/2otg Our reports pertain to the material tested/inspected only. lnformation contained herein is not to be reproduced, except in full, without prior authorization from this office. Under all circumstances, the information contained in this report is provided subject to all terms and conditions of CTI's General Conditions in effect at the time this report is prepared. No party other than those to whom CTI has distributed this report shall be entitled to use or rely upon the information contained in this document. 89970 IIWY 99N, EUGENE OR $fi [, IXr'r - T)?e 4 Diagonal fiacture with no cracking though ends; tap with harruner to distinguish fiom Type I ffil Y) Carlson Testing, Inc. B€trd Office Geotechdcal Ofiice Eugene Office Salem Office Tigard Ofiice (s4l) 330-9r5s (s03) 601-82s0 (s4r) 34s-0289 (s03) s89-r2s2 (s03) 684-3460 R.EPORT OF 4 X 8 CONCRETE CYLINDRICAI-TEST SPECIMENS Asart ca9 /ca'|2 /cL064 c138 c31 cL43 / c231/ c1-237Test Methods: Date Molded:o6/aB / 2ote Job Number. E470L424. 811-17-002209-STR Client:FRANZ BAKERY - ,fACK COPHER Project:FRANZ BAKERY EXPANSION Address:2OOO NUGGET WAY SPR NGFIELD OR Jurisdiction:SPRINGFlELD Contractor: Subcontractor R. ORCHARD Concrete Supplier:KNIFE RIVER (EUGENE ) Load #: Weather:Test Time:5:30 Al'1 Cylinders were cast for the following locations: BLOWER BUILDING EXTENSION SLAB ON GRADE AT C TO D FROM 1TO 2 Total Concrete Placement Locrtion: BLOWER BUILDING EXTENSION SI,AB ON GRADE AT C TO D FROM 1TO 2 Strength Requirement:4000 Truck #:4L 4l9 Mix Number:2445NE7009 psi fc @ 28 Days Concrete Temp: Ticket#:80025815 Air Temp. at Sampling Time: ----52 3 .00,%o Air: -!-2*-3/4'Max Agg: 1 Slump: .12 Admix/Amt:[^1RDA6 4 (280 02. ) AND ArR (21 02. ) Register Number:0000 Lab Location:EUGENE Average fc @ 28 days Cubic Yards:80F8 Curing: High 87 *** Low -15--Iil Set No. Test @ Davs Test Date Total Load A* g. Diameter Area Unit PSI Type Of Fracture cap Tvoe Tested Bv I ,7 06/2s/2018 55s35 4.00 L2 .56 5220 3 PAD 60 ME o'7/16/20a8 7 6605 4.00 L2 .56 610 0 3 PAD 60 ME 01 / t6 / 2Oa8 't 4820 4.00 L2 .56 5960 3 PAD 60 ME 2S o'7/16/20L8 '77490 4.00 72 .56 517 0 3 PAD 60 ME Distribute attachments. Please see reverse side for additional information. DateReceived: a6/a9/2ote Permit #: Cast Bv: CLEAR 5080 F IF tr Job Number: 8L1Ot424. Register Number: 000os2s7 Project: FRANZ BAKERY ExPANsloN < I in. [25 mm] T}?e I Reasonable well-fomed cones on both ends. less than I in. [25 mm] of cracking through caps TWe 4 Diagoral fracture with no cracking tluough ends; tap with hafimer to distinguish from Tlpe 1 *** Departure from ASTM C31 standard Remarks: TO: Tlpe 2 Well-Formed cone on one end, vertical cracks running through caps, no well-defined cone on other end Type 3 Columnar vertical cracking through both e[ds, no we ll-formed cones T}?e 6 Similar to Type 5 but :nd ofcylinder is pointed J TWe 5 Side Aactures at top or bottom (occur cornmonly with unbonded caps) FRANZ BAXERY - TACK COPHER CITY OF SPRINGFIB',D BUILDING DEPARTMENT THE AUSTIN COMPANY . GREG CI.AMP DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES _ STE'!'EN HARRISON x FRANZ BAKERY - KIM ARNO,,D GR EG . CLAMP@TH EAUsTIN . COl4 SOHGO EAI NC . COi,I ]ACK. COPHER@Us8AKERY. COI.I KIM. ARNOLDGUSBAKERY. COI'I Proiect Manager christian McDonald Reviewed By: Project Manager on o'7/r8/2u-a Our reports pertain to the material tested/inspected only. Information contained herein is not to be reproduced, except in full, without prior authorization liom this oflice. Under all circumstances, the information contained in this report is provided subject to all terms and conditions of CTI's General Conditions in effect at the time this repon is prepared. No party other than those to whom CTI has distributed this report shall be entitled to use or rely upon the information contained in this document. 89970 TIWY 99N, EUGENE OR ffil Vr\rI r Date Molded: 06 / ta / 20aa Carlson Testing, Inc. Betrd Office Geotechnicrl OIIice Eugene Ofrice Salem Ofiice Tigard Office (s4r) 330-9rss (s03) 60r-82s0 (s41) 34s4289 (s03) s89-1252 (s03) 684-3460 TEST SPECIMENS Test Methods: Date Molded: AsrM c1019 / c109 /c!064 / ct43 06/l.4/2ota permit #: 811-17-002209-sTR CIiENt: FRANZ BAKERY - JACK COPHER Proj ect: FRANZ BAKERY EXPANSION AddTCSS:2OOO NUGGET WAY SPRINGFIELD OR Contractor: Jurisdiction: SPRINGFIELD Subcontractor:DORMAN CONSTRUCTION Cast By:R . ORC}ARD Grout Supplier: X Truck#: N/A Load #: N/A Tickef#: N/A Air Temp, at Sampling Time: 71WeatheT: PARTLY CLOUDY Test Time: 2:00 PM Grout samples cast at the following location: BLOWER BUILDING EXTENSION COLUMN BASE WEST SIDE Total Grout Placement Location: BLOWER BUILDING EXTENSION COLUMN BASES AT LOADING BAY DOOR JAMBS Strength Requirement: 6000 psifg@ ze Days Slump:8-10i Mix Number: N/A Grout Temp: 72 Cement Type: rr Max Agg:N/A Admi/Amt: SAND Cubic Yards: 2 Register Number: 0005256 Average fg @ 28 days Set No. Test @ Davs Date Recrd Test Date Total l-oad Area Unit PSI Cap Tvoe Tested Bv 28 06/1-5/20L8 o'7/1-2/20L8 457L0 4.00 11640 ME06/\-s/2ote 07/12/2ore 46565 4.00 11490 III I Distribute attachments Please see reverse side for additional information, RFPORT OF 2x2x2 GRoIlrr Job Number: 817 47424 . Lab Location. EUGENE 11430 Job Number: El101424. Register Number; O0o5256 Project: FRT\NZ BAKERY ExPANsroN Asterisked (*) average unit PSI test results did not meet listed acceptance criteria. Remarks: ]ACK. COPHER@USBAKERY. COI! Date Molded: 06 / L4 / 2o1a TO: FRANZ BAKERY . JACK COPHER CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DEPARTMENT THE AUSTIN COMPANY GREG CI,AMP DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES STEVEN I{ARRISON x FRANZ BAKERY - (IM ARNOLD GREG, C LAM P@TH EAUSTIN . COI'I SDH@OEAINC.COiI (IM. ARNOLD@UsBAXERY. COI'I Project Managep christj-an McDonald Reviewed By: Project Manager oD o7/18/2018 Our reports pertain to the material tested/inspected only. lnformation contained herein is not to be reproduced, except in full, without pdor authorization from this office. Under all circumstanc€s, the information contained in this repon is provided subject to all terms and conditions of CTI's General Conditions in effect at the time this report is prepar€d. No party other than those to whom CTI has distributed this report shall be entitled to use or rely upon the information contained in this document. 89970 HWY 99N. EUGENE OR Carlson Testing, Inc. Bend Offce Ceotechnical Ofiice Eugene Of,ice Srlem Ofnce Tigard OfEce (s4r) 330-9rs5 (s03) 601-8250 (s41) 345{289 (s03) s89-12s2 (s03) 684-3460 REPORT Opt 2x2x2 GROUT TEST SPECIMENS Test Methods: Date Molded: ASTM c1019/c109 / cL064 / cL43 06/1,4/2078 Job Number: Et707424. fIi61f1 FRANZ BAKERY . JACK COPHER Proj66f; FRANZ BAKERY EXPANSION AddTESS:2OOO NUGGET WAY SPRINGFIEIJD OR Contractor: Jurisdiction: SPRINGFIELD Subcontractor:DOR],,IAN CONSTRUCTION Cast By:R . ORCIARD Grout Supplier:X Truck #: N/A Load#t N/A Ticket#: N/A Air Temp. at Sampling Time: 1!Test Time: 2:00 pM Grout samples cast at the following location: BLOWER BUILDING EXTENSION COLUMN BASE WEST SIDE Total Grout Placement Location; BLOWER BUILDING EXTENSION COLI]MN BASES AT LOADING BAY DOOR JAMBS 8-10'Strength Requirement: Mix Numher: N/A 6000 psi fg @ 2e Days Slump: Grout Temp: _lf_ Cement Type: rr Max Agg : N/A Admix/Amt: s?wD Register Number:0005256 Lab Location: Average fg @ 28 days Set No. T€st /a Davs Date Rec'd Total Load Area Unit PSI cap Tvoe Tested Bv Test Date 1 3 ME06/ts/2018 05/t1 / 2ot8 33525 4.00 8380 3 06/Ls/20a8 06/L7/20L8 35250 4.00 8810 ME 3 06/a5/20a8 3461-0 4.00 8650 ME '1 06 / )-5 / 201-8 o6/2t/20L8 41530 4.00 10380 ME '7 06/2t/2OaB 4A'7 45 4.00 1019 0 ME05/75/2oa9 ME'7 06 /'t-s / 20as o6 / 21/ 2ole 39800 4.00 9950 28 05/a5/2078 01 / 1-2 / 2078 45580 4.00 t-1400 ME Ll49A I E Distribute attachments.Please see reverse side for additional information. Permit #: 811-17-002209-STR Weather: PARTLY CLOIJDY Cubic Yards: _l_ EUGENE 06/t'7/20a8 i = Asterisked (*) average unit PSI test results did not meet listed acceptance criteria. Remarks ]ACX.COPHER@UsBAKERY.COM Date Molded: 06 / \4 / 20],8 FRANZ BAKERY - .JACK COPHER CfTY OF SPRINGFIEID BUILDTNG DEPARII.IENT THE AUSTIN COMPANY . GREG CI,AMP DAVID EV]\NS & ASSOC]ATES - STEVEN HARRISON x FRANZ BAKERY - Kf}I ARNOLD GREG.CLA PGTHEAUSIIN . COii SDH@DEAINC.Cfi KIM . ARNO LDGU SBAK ERY . CON.I Project Manager christian McDonald Reviewed By: Project Manager o\ 07/L8/2olg Our reports pertain to the material tested/inspected only. Information aontained herein is not to be reproduced, except in full, without prior authorization from this offrce. Under all circumstances, the information contained in this report is provided subject to all terms and conditions of CTI's General Conditions in effect at th€ time this report is prepared. No party other than those to whom CTI has distributed this report shall be entitled to use or rely upon the information contained in this document. 899?0 HWY 99N. EUGENE OR Job Number: E,t'loa424. Register Numbel; 00o5256 Project: FRANZ BAKERY EXPANSToN Berd Office Geotechtrical Office Eugene Olfice S&Iem Office Tigard Ofrice (s4r) 330-9rss (s03) 60r-82s0 (s4r) 34s-02r9 (s03) sE9-1?s2 (503) 684-3460 Daily Report of Structural Steel Client: IRANZ BAKERY - JAcK COPHER Project; !'... 4? BAIG8Y ExP4llsLqN Address: 2000 NUGGET WAY SPRTNGFfELD OR CTI representative c. MCDoNAJ.D oBoA 1003 u.as o11 site this date Auq. 23, 2018 pemit 811- 17 - 002209 -STR DFs #(s)P0Number: 101171009170IJC Company: AUSTIN COMPaNY 2. Iuspection was "IBC' ! Continuous H Periodic 3 . Work performed Ia the field ! et tab siropx 4. If shop irsp€ction do they have fabricalion and QC procedures? [ ves f] *o I va INSPECTION WELDER INI'OR,TIATION Location of steel inspection fto include grid thes, elevations (floors) and dmwing detailsl: 3/4. puDDr,E wEr,Ds FcR 1X,, 20 GATJGE METATT DECK TO WIDE FIANGE AI{D C}IANNEI rOR AITNINGS AT EAST AND SOI]IH SIDES OF BAKERY EXPN]iSION. PLINCHLOCK VCS2 FOR 20 GAUGE DECX SIDE I,AP SEAI!]S IOR AWNINGS AT EAST AI{D SOUIi,I SIDES OF BAKERY EXPANSION, PROCESS: SMAW IITTTTER METAL: 86022 VerifrCd dre conu'aaols Welding Procedure Specificatioos arc ilt conformance with AWS rcquirements. x 2. Verified the essential variables outlined in lle WeldinE Prmedure SDecifi catioos were employid during cxecurion ofrhe wo*.x 3. Verifi€d the weldabilily ofrcinforcing steel other than ASTM A706.x Yes NoN.'A REFERENCE: RFr #10 DATAD Ol/L6/L8 DETArJ,8/5515 REvrsroN E DATED 02101/18 A-\D 3,/s00d REvrsloN c REPORT SUMMARY l. work hspected was: [l Compteted [-l In progress 2. Completed work iaspected was itr compliance with I Approved plans and specifications n Shop drali.ings E] xut I Desrgn change Document #(s) sEE i,ocATION 3. Noncompliance item(s) were noted tlis date, details on foUowing page(s). I Yes n ^o El N/A 4. Noncompliance item(s) rvere reinspected this date, details Yes No N/A on following page(s)Yes nno E]ve Conform ! Remain in progress Report(s) findings were discussed and left with PETER Of AUSTfN COMPANY Based on the code, approval is rEquir€d from ihe Building officisl before the SPECIAL INSPECTED itenr.s noted above can ttc covered. CarlsoD Testing has no authoriry to direct work of contractors or subcoatractoN. Page 1 of 2 Submittal Dated: N/A Welders Name: Cenification #: x1. Reviewed previous iospection reports? x2. Verified steel materials are in compliance by reviewing random samples of the mill test repolts, steel lD markings or otha documentatioa. x3. Verifiql weld filler materials cooform. x4. Checked steel m€mbers to see they were fabdcated Bnd erecled in accordance vrith the worknanship and tolerances lequircd. xS.ehecIElwaldod strrds and sructuml conrections werc installed as reqrlted. x6. Vedfied high strength bolts and fasteners conform. 7. Veiffil the quality of welds producetl by welders, welding opemron, and tackers conform. x8. Verified steel 6iame joint details for bracirrg, stiffenirg, mernber locations, and application ofjoint details at each connectioo are in compliance by random sampling, IIIIII I See additional report page(s). n Distribute attacfutre[rs, Carlson Testing, Inc. to perform Special Inspectiou for: CTI Job #: .lurisdiction: SpRTNGFIELD Ea"lot42a . SCOPE OE INSPECTION l Checked in rvith superintendert, client or shop rep. f.lsltl€ PE1LR QATED 01/08,/18. x ! Daily Report of Structural Steel cTI Job #: E).-t0L424 . Project: FNz EA{ERY EXPANSIoN Notes: Respectfirlly submitted, CARLSON TESTING, Christian McDonald Project Manager c14/cx In some cases more than one box may be checked for a given item on the front page. Our reports pertain to the material tested/inspected only. tnfonnation contaiaed herein is not to be ieproduced, except i:r fi without prior authorization fiom this ofEce, Under all circumstances, the information contained in this report is provided subject to all terms and conditions ofCTIs General Conditions in effoct at the tim€ this r€port is prepared. No party other than those to whom CTI has distributed this report shall be eotitled to trse or rcly upon the information contained in this document. Ifthere are any further questions regarding this matter, please do not hcsilate to contact this office. ]AC( , COPH ERGUS AAX ERY. COi4 f,.or: 08 /23 /201,8 CC:!.AANZ BAI(ERY - ;TACI( COPHER CITY OF SSRINGEfELD BUIIJDING DEPAR'IMENT TI{E AUSTIN COMPANY - GREG C],AUP DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES . STEVEN }IARRISON x FRANz BATGRY - KfM ARNOI' GREG. CLAiPGIHEAUSTIN. COi,t S GDeAIiIC. CCl,l 89970 }I\YY 99N. EUGENE OR KII.I, ARNOLOGUSsAKERY. CON Page of -_L Carlson Testing, Inc. BeDd OIfice (541) 330-9155 GeotechDical Olllc€ (503) 601-6250 Eugene OIIice (541) 345{289 Salem OIIlce (503) 5E9-1252 Tigard Ofrice (503) 6E+3,160 October I 8, 201 8 Et70t424.CTr FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT PROJECT: ADDRESS: DATE: PURPOSE: BY: Franz Bakery Expansion 2000 Nugget Way, Sprhgfield, OR Ocrober 17,2018 Epoxy Show-up/Cancel David Smith As requested by Monty with Carothers & Sons, Carlson Testirg represedative David Smith was on site to observe epoxy all-thread install; however, holes needed to be cleaned. Will re-schedule for a latEr date. Note: This report p€rtains to the ar€a observed ody. Information contained herein is not to be reproduced, except in firll, without prior authorization from this office. Respectfu lly submitted, CARLSON TESTING, INC. Chris McDonald Project Manager DS/gk CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DEPARTMENT CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES _ ROBERT CASTILE FRANZ BAKERY _ JACK COPHER FRANZ BAK.ERY _ KIM ARNOLD THE AUSTIN COMPANY _ BRTAN PACIORKOWSKI THE AUSTIN COMPANY - GREG CLAMP TIIE AUSTIN COMPANY _ DAN GUESMAN T'HE AUSTIN COMPANY * OMAR SI{EIKH TTIE AUSTIN COMPANY PETER MCBRIDE DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES - STEVEN TIARzuSON EMAIL EMAIL EMAIL EMAIL EMAIL EMAIL EMAIL EMAiL EMAIL h?ii7rs:rioxY-sHow-iptJANCE! Carlson Testing, Inc. Bcnd Offire Geotechnical Oflice Eugene Office Salem 0ffice Tigard Office (s4r) 330-9155 (s03) 601-8250 (s41) 34s-0289 (s03) 589-t252 (503) 68,t-3460 Daily Report of Proprietary Anchors Client: Address:2r.li_rLr ]uGGEr i,iAy siRrrrcI-F,I.D oi Jurisdiction:S:P,Il.:: Ell C I I rcpresentative was on site this dale Oct. 18 2 018 to perfom Special lnspection for pcrmit 811- 1? 002209 SrR DFS #(s)PO Number:10117 10 0 917 01JC DWAYNE Company Location of propdctar) anchors inspected [to include g d lines, elevations (floors) and drawing detailsl: OBSERVED AND INSPECTED THE INSTALLAT]ON OF (48 CAROTHERS & SONS 2. Inspection rvas "IBC" !Continuous tr Periodic PROPRIETARYANCHORS L Rcviovcd prcrious inspcction rcports'l I 2. Reviewed evaluation rcport?x Verified following items meet manul'acture/s published installation instructions. Evaluation report number & date: ICC ESR 3814 RE]SSUED O1l2017 OE 160) 1" X 23'" HIITI HAS E 87 A]-T, THREAD AticEoRS .p,: 24" altBtDtlENT ECR l2) 15',6" S]LO Brlis AND (4) 12' SILO B]NS US]NG HI],TI RE 5OO V3 EPOXY AND ]NSTALLED PER AUSTIN COMPANY DP-AWINGS DATED 10105/2018 SHEET 3 OF 3, ICC ESR 3814 AND }LANUEACTURER'S INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS No REPORT SUMMARY l. work inspected ruur, I Completed ! ln prog."rt 2. Completed work inspected rvas in compliance uith [ ,tpproved plans and specifications ! Shop drawings RFI ! Design change Submittal NiA Document #(s)AUST]N WT NGS Dated: l-01-0512-0l& 3. Noncompliance item(s) were noted this date. details on fbllou,ing page(s)Yes f Nra date, detailsI Nra 4. Noncompliance item(s) u,ere reirspected this on follorving pagc(s)Yes No Conform ! Remain in progress Report(s) lindings rvere discussed and left rvith Di,AYNF of CAROTHERS & SONS Name of product being installed H]LT] RE 5OO V3 3. Verified minimum embedment depth of the anchors.x 4.Verified installation of the anchors x 5. Verified anchor diameter X 6. Verified steel grade X 7. Verified hole diameter X 8. Verified type of drill bit used ti 9. Verified hole cleanins melhod.X x 11. Verified edge distance I 12. Verified spacing x 13. Verified installation torque I Balch Number llo-8-8- -a8 / 2A19Expiration Date Based on the Code. approval is required lrom the Building Official belote the SPECIAL INSPECTED items noted above can be covered. Carlson Testing has no authority to direct work of contractors or subcontractors. Page 1 of 2 FRANZ BAKERY _ JACK COPHER Project: EP-ANZ BAKERY EXPANSION CTlJob#: E71A7424. R. ORCHARD OBOA 961 SCOPE OF INSPECTION l. Checked in with superintendent or client representative. Namc: YesNoN/A 10. Verilled adhesive application. I See additional report page(s). I Oi.t.ibut" attachments. Daily Report of Proprietary Anchors CTI Job #: ..11t)1421. Project: ERANZ BAKERY EXPANSToN For: ta / ta /2a -E Notes: In some cases more than one box may be checked for a given item on the front page. Ourreports pertainto the material tested/inspected only. lnformation contained herein is not to be reproduced, except in full, withoutprior authorization from this offrce. Underall circumstances, the information containedinthis reportisprovided subjectto alltems andconditions ofCTl's General Conditions in effect atthetimethis reportis prepared. No party other than those to whom CTI has distributed this report shall be entitled to use or rely upon the information contained in this document. lfthere are any fufiherquestions regardingthis matter, please do not hesitate to contactthis office. Respectfu lly submitted, CARLSONTESTING,]NC Christian McDonald Project Manager RO/GK CC: Revierved By: Clristian Mcdonald Revierv Date: I 0/25/2018 ]ACK, COPHER.AUSBAKERY. COMFRANZ BAKERY JACK COPHER CITY OE SPRINGEIELD BU]LDING DEPARTMENT TIIE AUSTIN COMPANY - GREG CLAMP DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES _ STEVEN HA!R]SON X ERANZ BAKERY - KlM ARNOLD GREG. CLA'!P@THEAUSTIN. COI,i SDH@DEAINC.COI4 Page 2 of 2 89970 HWY 99N, EUGENE OR KIM. ARNOLD-AUSBAKERY. COM Carlson Testing, Inc. Bend Office G€otechnical Ofiice Eugetre Office Salem Omce Tigsrd Office (54r) 330-9rss (s03) 601-8250 (541) 345-0289 (s03) s89-1252 (503) 684-3450 Daily Report of Proprietary Anchors CIiENt: FRANZ BAXERY - ']ACK COPHER Proj€ct:FRANZ BAKERY EXPANSION CTI Job #:El7 01424 . 2OOO NUGGET WAY SPRINGFIELD OR R. ORCHARD OBOA 951 Jurisdiction:SPRINGFIELD CTI representatiy€ was on site this date Oct. 18, 2 018 to perform Special Inspection for: Permit 811-17-002209-STR DFS #(s)PO Number:10117 10 0917 01JC 2. Inspection was "IBC' E Continuous SCOPE OF INSPECTION l. Checked in with superintendent or client representative. Name' DWAYNE CAROTHERS & SONS Location ofproprietary anchon inspected [to include grid lines, elevations (floors) and drawing detailsl: OBSERVED AND INSPECTED THE INSTAI,I,ATION OF (48 oF 160) ln X 23yr r]aLTt HAS-E B7 AIL THREAD ANCHORS AT 20' EMBEDMENT FOR (2) 15'6' SILO BINS AND (4) 12' SILO BINS USING HILTI RE 5OO V3 EPOXY AND INSTAILED PER AUSTTN COMPANY DRAWINGS DATED 10/05,/2018 SHEET 3 oF 3, rcc EsR 3814 AND MANUFACTURER' S INSTAII,ATT ON REOUIREMENTS. Document #(s)AUSTIN DRAWINGS Dated 10 05 20la 3. Noncompliance item(s) were noted this date, details on following pag{s). tr Yes No I Nra 4. Noncompliance item(s) were reinspected this date, details on following page(s)Yes ENo INra Conform ! Remain in progress Report(s) findings were discussed and left with DWAYNE X Periodic Yes NoN/A PROPRIETARY ANCTIORS Verified following items meet manufacturer's published installation instructions. Evaluation report number & date ICC ESR 3814 REISSUED 01 2017 REPORT SUMM,ARY l. work inspected was: I Completed ! In progress 2. Completed work inspected was in compliance with I Approved plans and specifications ! Shop drawings ! nn I Design change Submittal tr N/A x1. Reviewed previous inspection reports? x2. Reviewed evaluation report? IIII 3. Verified minimum embedment depth ofthe anchors.X 4.Verified inslallation of the anchors x x5. Verified anchor diameter X x7. Verified hole diameter x8. Verified type of drill bit used 9. Verified hole cleaning method.x 10. Verified adhesive application.x I l. Verified edge distance x 12. Verified spacing.x x13. Verified instaltation torque. IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIr of CAROTHERS & SONS Batch Number Expiration Date 13924247 oa /20L9 Based on the Code, approval is required from the Building Oflicial before the SPECIAL INSPECTED items noled aboye can be covered. Carlson Testing has no authority to direct work of contractors or subcontractors. E See additional report page(s). E Distribule attachments. page L of 2 Address: Company: 6. Verified steel grade. Name ofproduct being instalted HrLTr RE s00 v3 Daily Report of Proprietary Anchors CTI Job #: E17oa424. For: 1,o /\8 / 20L8 In some cases more than one box may be checked for a given item on the fiont page. Our reports pertain to the material tested/inspected only. Information contained herein is not to be reproduced, except in fi without prior authorization from this of{ice. Under all circumstances, the information contained in this report is provided subject to all terms and conditions of CTI's General Conditions in effect at the time this report is prepared. No party other than those to whom CTI has distributed this report shall be entitled to use or rely upon the information contained in this document. Ifthere are any further questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Respectfu lly submitted, CARLSON TESTING, INC Christian McDonald Project Manager Ro/GK Reviewed By: Christian Mcdonald Review Date: 10125/2018 JACK.COPHER@USBAKERY.COMFRANZ BAKERY - .]ACK COPHER CTTY OF SPRINGFIETJD BUIITDING DEPARTMENT THE AUSTIN COMPA.IIS - GREG CI,All4P DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES - STEVEN T]ARRISON x FRANZ BAKERY - KIM ARNOLD GREG . C LAT'I P@TH EAUSTI N . COI',I SDH@DEAINC.COM Page Lof 2 TO: 89970 HWY 99N. EUGENE OR KrM.aRNoLD@USBAKERY,coM Project: _FNZM9' Notes: g) THE AUST'N COMPANY The Austin Company 64'10 Oak Canyon, Suite 150 lrvine , Califomia 92618 Phono: (949) 451-S000 Frx: (949) 451-9011 RFI#043 Prolec{ 17424D0 - FrarE Bakory 2@0 Nugget Way Sprlngf eld, Oregon 97403 Phone: 503{1S7252 UDC RFI#10 Canopy decking TO:OleO Boguslavsky (fhe Austin Corhpany . IRV) Omar Sheikh (fhe Austin Compeny - lRV) FRO :: Nbk Comereski (Utrc Co.poratlorl 1(Xl N. Ki€emer Place Anahsim, Calitornia 92806 STATUg: Cloasd DUE DAIE: 01hgnn17 cosT cooE: SCHEDULE I PACT: No SPEC SECTIO : 053'lO0 - Steel Deckins REFERETTCE: DATE INITIATED LOCATION: 01t12DO18 Building E)qransion SUB JOB: COSTIMPACn No DRAlVll{G }iUiaBER: keyrlbtes 1/S121 LII{KEO DRAIYI GS:ll' ' RECEIVED FROtlr Nick Comereskl (UOC CoIpor.Uon) coPtESTO: Nicl Corn€reski {UDC Corpo,-atlorr), Peter McBride (fhe Austin Company - lRu The canopy ded( calls for Verco PL&36 20{ Ioot deck, I ru-s d€ck rEquires e punlock tool. This tool makes holes an tho dsckrE. CoNilering this is outside coiredng a truct dock b th€rE another de{k we could use thal do6 not puncb holes in ths deckhg? 9fficfal Besponse: Omar Sheildr (fh€ Austin Comparv - lRV) rBspoftletl on Tuesday, January 16th, 2O1A al &21AM PST The Punchlok too| (V$2 side-lap conn€c{ion) creales 6 conneclion contained within tho sid+lap. The sheared and oiset deck material is at the side-.16p- The sidelap connec'tion per Keynote 'l on 5121 shall be maintainod. it is acceptable to substthJte the HILTI X€DNK22 (36/4 pattem) VSC2 @ 24' o.c. dec* hsteoing.wilh a 36/4 wekl patb.n (l/2' efective diameter arc spot welds). TouctFup paint shall b€ applled to th6 wcld locatiorrs- See 3,15006 for additiooal inlo,maliro. Attachm6nls: Question from Nick Comereski (UDC Corporation) al02:2'l PM on 01112/2018 The Austin Company OATE Page I of 1 COPIES TO Printed On: 08/222018 03:55 PM BY Carlson Testing, Inc. Rcnd Oflice Ceotcchnical OIIice llugene OIfice Selem OmceI igard Ollice (sdr) (s03) (s4l )(s03) (s03) 330-9t 55 60r-8250 315-0289 5E9-1252 68{-3{60 Test Methods: ASTM C1019,/ C 10 9/C10 64 TEST SPECIMENS Date Molded: a] /2," /2atB Permit #: B 11- 17 002209-STR Job Number: 81141424. CIient: ERANZ BAKERY _ JACK COPHER Pro.ject: ERANZ BAKERY EXPANSION dddlsss;2000 NUGGET wAY SPRINGFIELD OR Contractor: JuTisdiction: SPRINGEIELD Subcontractor: GroutSupplier: Truck #: N,/A Cast By:R. ORCHARD JOB MIX l,6nd f; N/A Test Time: 1:20 PM Ticket#: N/A Air Temp. at Sampling Time: B 4Weather: PARTIALLY CLOUDY Grout samples cast at the following Iocation: Total Grout Placement Location: SHAFEER M]XERS AT,/OR BETWEEN H TO H.3 AT 5.4 TO 6.8 APPROXIMATELY N/TStrength Requirement: Mix Number: N/A Admix/Amt: r"-/A psi fg @ 2B Days Grout Temp: 71 Slump: Cement Type: N/A Max Agg 16000 ; N/A fufuiglxlds; N,/A Register Number:000s299 LabLocation: EUGENE Set No. Test @ Davs D ate Rec'd Test I)ate Total Load Area Unit PSI cap Trpe Tes te d BY 28 0'7 / 28 /201,8 08 /24 / 2Ar8 12455 4.00 18010 2A 0'/ / 28 / 2A18 08/24/2A78 'tL445 4.00 17860 I{E 711 90Average fg @ 2B days Distribute attachments Please see rcvcrse side for additional information. REPORTOF 2x2x2 GRour Job Number: 81,'701424 - Register Number; 0005299 Project: FITANZ BAKERY EXPANSToN Date Molded: a] / 21 / 2A1B CC FRANZ BAXERY _ JACK COPHER CITY OE SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DEPARTMENT THE AUSTIN COMPANY - GREG CLAMP DAVID EVANS & ASSOC]ATES - STEVEN TARRISON x ERANZ BAKERY KIM ARNOLD ]ACK. COPHER@USBAKERY. COM KIM. ARNOLDGUSBA(ERY. C0l,l GR EG . CIAI PGTNEAUSTIN . Col,I SDH@DEAINC. CO,I Proiect Manager christian McDona ld Reviewed By: Pr.oject Manager cn 0a/28/2a78 Our repofis pertain to the matcrial tested/inspected only. Information contained herein is not to be reproduced, except in full, without prior authorization from this office. Under all circumstanccs, the information contained in this report is provided subject to all tems and conditions oi CTt's General Conditions in elfect at the time this report is prepared. No party other than those to whom Cl'l has distributed this report shall be entitled to use or rcly upon the information contained in this document- II997O I IWY 99N EIJGENE (Nt Asterisked (*) average unit PSI test results did notmeet listed acceptance criteria. Remarks: CONCRETE SUPPL]ER: CHOCKEAST GRAY Carlson Testing, Inc. Bend Office Geotechnical Officc Eugene 0ffice Sal€m Oflic€ Ti rd Office (s1r )(s03) (s4l) (s0J) (s03) 330-9155 601-8250 3,{5-0289 5E9-1252 6E{-.1{60 REPORT OF 2Y2X,2 GROUT Test Methods: ASTM C1019/C10 9 /C10 64 TEST SPECIMENS Date Molded: a] /21 /2a78 Permit #: B 11- 17 002209-STR Job Number: EI'l47424 . Client: FRANZ BAKERY - JACK COPHER Proj6gf1 FRANZ BAKERY EXPANS ION Address:2000 NUGGET WAY SPRINGEIELD oR JuTisdiction: SPRINGEIELD Contractor: Subcontractor: GroutSupplier: Truck #: N/A Cast By:R. ORCHARD lsafl f; N,/A Ticket#: N/A Air Temp. at Sampling Time: 8 4Weather: PARTIALLY CLOUDY Test Time: 1:20 PM Grout samples cast at the following location: SHAFFER MIXERS Total Grout Placement Location: SHAFFER MIXERS ATIOR BETWEEN H TO H.3 AT 5.4 TO 6.8 APPROXIMATELY N,/ TStrength Requirement: [fia ]\um[gv; N,/A Admix/Amt: u/a psi fg @ 26 Days Grout Temp: -l Slump: Cement Type: N,/A Max Agg 16000 ; N/A fufiglsvfl5; N/A Register Number:cac5299 Lab Location: EUGENE Average flg @ 28 days Set No. Test @ Days Date Rec'd Test Date Total l,oad Area Unit PSI cap Tyoe Tested Bv I f a] / 28 / 2A18 a'7 / 30 / 2018 69685 4 - 00 7'1420 3 01 /28 /2A18 a't / 3a / 2a78 69605 4 - 00 17400 RT :l a'7 / 28 / 2AtB 01 / 30 / 2A7B 699'7 5 4.00 11 494 R1' I a1 / 28 / 2A1B 0B/a3/2A18 I4525 4.00 17630 RT I a] / 28 / 201,8 aB/a3/2A18 'l222 0 4.00 18060 1 a'7 / 28 / 2018 aB/a3/2078 70105 4.00 17530 28 o1 / 28 / 2A7B aB /24 / 2018 70040 4 - 00 17 510 :'14 1'/ 1 9A RT I ! Oistribute attachments. Please see reverse side for additional information. Asterisked (+) average unit PSI test results did not meet Iisted acceptance criteria. Remarks: CONCRETE SUPPL]ER: CHOCKEAST GRAY ]ACK.COPHER@USBAKERY.COM Date Molded: i;/:)'t /2llE CC ERANZ BAKERY JACK COPHER CITY OE SPRINGEIELD BUI]-DING DEPARTMENT THE AUSTIN COMPANY - GREG C]-AMP DAV]D EVANS & ASSOC]ATES STEVEN HARR]SON x ERANZ BAKERY KIM ARNOLD GREG.CLAIIP@THEAUSTIN. COM 5DH@DEAINC. COIV KIM.ARNOLD@USBAKERY. Cfi Project Manager: chr:rstaan McDonaLd Reviewed Bv: Project Manager an aB/28/2a18 Our reports pertain to the material tested/inspected only. Infomation contained herein is not to be reproduced, exccpt in full, without prior authorization from this office. Under all circumslances. the infonnation contained in this report is provided subject to ali terms and conditions of CTI's Gencral Conditions in effect at the time this repofi is prepared. No party other than those to whom CTI has distibuted this report shall be entitled to use or rely upon the infomation contained irl this document. 89970 HWY 99N, EUGENE OR JobNumber:8L1A1424. RegisterNumber: 0005299 Project: FRANZ BAKERY EXPANS roN Carlson Testing, Inc. Bend OIIice Geotechnical OIlice Eugene Ofrice Salem OIfice Tigard Ofnce (541) 330-9lss (s03) 601-8250(s4r) 34s-0289 (503) 5E9-r252 (s03) 6E4-3460 REPORTOF 2x2x2 GRoUT Test Methods: AsrM cl019 /c109 / ca064 TEST SPECIMENS Date Molded: 0'] / 2'] / 2ot9 permit #: 811-17-002209-STR flignf; FRANZ BAKERY - \TACK COPHER Projssf; FRANZ BAKERY EXPANSION Address:2000 NUGGET WAy SPRTNGFIELD OR Contractor: Subcontractor:Cast Bv:R. ORCHARD Grout Supplis1; JOB MIX Truck#: N/A Load #: N/A Ticke#: N/A Air Temp. at Sampling Time: 84Weather: PARTIAILY CLOIIDY TestTime: 1:20 PM Grout samples cast at the following location: SHAFFER MIXERS Strength Requirement: Mix Number: N/A 16000 psifg@ 2e Days Slump:N/T Grout Temp: _ll_ Cement Type: N/A Max Agg: N/A Register Number:0005299 Average flg @ 28 days Set No. Test @ Davs Date Recrd Test Date Total Load Area Unit PSI C"p Tvoe Tested Bv 2A o'i / 28 / 20i-B 08/24/20t8 72055 4.00 18 010 ME 28 o't/28/2oLa oB/24/2oag 71-4 45 4.00 1'7 a6a ME L7'7 9 0 E Distribute attachments.Please see reverse side for additional information, Job Number: E1-7 0t424 . Jurisdiction: SPRINGFIELD Total Grout Placement Location: SHAFFER MIXERS ATloR BETWEEN H To H.3 AT 5.4 To 6.8 APPRoXIMATELY. AdmiVAmt: N/a Cubic Yards: N/A Lab Locstion: EUGENE Job Number: Ea7Oa424. R"gister Number: 000qrgg Project! FRANZ BAKERY EXPANSToN Asterisked (+) average unit PSI test results did not meet listed acceptance criteria. Remarks: CONCRETE SUPPLIER I CHOCKFAST GRAY IACK. COPHER@U5BAKERY. COl,,l Date Moldedr o'7 / 2'7 / 2078 TO: Proiect Manager christian McDonald FRANZ BAKERY - JACK COPHER CITY OF SPRTNGFIELD BUILDING DEPARTI4ENT THE AUSTIN COMPANY . GREG CI.AMP DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES - STEVEN TIARRISON x FRANZ BAKERY KlM ARNOLD GREG. CLAIPGTHEAUSTIN , COII SDH@OEAINC . COi,! KrM . aRNo LD@u sBAK ERY . coi.t Reviewed By: Project Manager on 08/2a/2018 Our reports pertain to the material test€d,/inspected only. Information contained herein is not to be reproduced, except in full, without prior authorizalion from this office. Under all circumstances, the information contained in this report is provided subject to all terms and conditions of CTI's General Conditions in ellect at the time this report is prepaxed. No party other than those to whom CTI has distributed this report shall be entitled to use or rely upon the information contained in this document. It997O IIWY 99N ET]CFNE OR Carlson Testing, Inc. Bend OIfice Geotechnical OIfice Eugene OIIice Salem Ofrice Tigard Office (s41) 330-9rss (503) 60r-82s0 (s4r) 34s-0289 (s03) s89-r2s2 (503) 684-3460 REPORT OF 2x2x2 GRoUT Test Methods: ASTM c1019 / cl- a9 / c7o64 TEST SPECIMENS Date Molded: 07 /27 /20L9 Permit #: 811 1?-002209-sTR Job Number: EL7 0L424 . CIiENt: FRANZ BAKERY ' ,]ACK COPHER Address:2000 NUGGET WAY SPRTNGFIELD OR Contractor: Subcontractor:Cast Bv:R. ORCHARD Grout Suppli€r: JoB Mrx Truck#: N/A Load #: N/A Ticket#: N/A Air Temp. at Sampling Time: 84 psi fg @ 28 Days Slump: '"/' Grout Temp: 71 Cement Type: N/A Max Agg:N/A Cubic Yards: N/A Lab Location:EUGENE Average fg @ 28 days Weather: PARTIALLY CLOUDY Test Time: 1:20 PM Grout samples cast at the following location: ST{AFFER MIXERS Total Grout Placement Location: S}aFFER MIXERS AT/oR BETWEEN H To H.3 AT 5.4 To 5.8 APPRoXIMATELY. Strength Requirement: Mix Number: N/A Admix,/Amt: u/a 15000 Register Number:0005299 Set No. Test @ Davs Date Rec'd Test Date Total Load Area Unit PSI cap Tvoe Tested Bv I 3 07/28/20L8 o'7 /30 / 2Oa8 69645 4.00 L'7 420 RT 3 o'7 / 28 / 2018 o'7 /30 / 2078 59505 4.00 t'7 440 3 0'7/25/20].e o7/30/20L8 699'15 4.00 77 490 '1 0'7/2A/20]-8 o8/03/2018 I4525 4.00 L'7 630 '1 o7/28/2o1e o8/03/20a8 18060 RT 'l 07/28/201e o8/03/201-8 70105 4.00 17530 2B 0'7/2A/2078 o8/24/20L8 ?0040 4.00 17 51- 0 ME 1-7'7 9 0 tr Distribute attachments.Please see reverse side for additional information. Project: FRANZ BAKERY EXPANSIoN Jurisdiction: SPRINGFIELD RT RT '72220 4.00 Jot Number: Er1oL424. Register Number: 0005299 Project: nnanz BAKERY ExPANsloN Asterisked (*) average unit PSI test results did not meet listed acceptance criteria. Date Molded: 0'7 / 2'7 / 2ore Remarks: CONCRETE SUPPLIER: TO: CHOCKFAST GRAY ] ACK . COPH ER@USBAKERY . COMFRANZ BAI(ERY - JACK COPHER CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUI],DTNG DEPARTMENT THE AUSTIN COMPANY - GREG CI.AMP DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES - STE!'EN HARRISON x FRANZ BAKERY KIM ARNOLD GREG . CLAI',IP@TH EAU STIN , COI{ SDH@OEAINC. COM KIM . ARNOLD@USBAKE RY . COM Project Manager christian McDonald Reviewed By: Project Manager ol 08/28/2u-B Our reports pefiain to the material tested/inspected only. Information contained herein is not to be reproduced, except in full, without prior authorization from this o{fice. Under all circumstances, the information contained in this report is provided subject to all terms and conditions of CTI's General Conditions in effect at the time this report is prepared. No party other than those to whom CTI has distributed this report shall be entitled to use or rely upon the information contained in this document. 89970 HWY 99N. EUGENE OR Carlson Testing, Inc. Bend Office Geotcchnical OIfice Eugene OfIicc Salem Office Tisard Ollice (s{l) (s03)(s{l) (501) (s03) 130-9155 60t-8250 3{5-0289 589-1252 68,1-3,160 RIPORT OF , X,)X. ,PO Test Methods: ASTM C1019/C109 / CIA64 / C743 TEST SPECIM ENS Date Molded: A1 /7't /2a78 Job Number: EL1A1424. Permit #: B 11- 17 - 0 022 0 9 - STR Client: FRANZ BAKERY ' JACK COPHER P roject: FRANZ BAKERY EXPANS ION Address:2000 NUGGET wAY SPRINGFIELD oR JuTisdiction: SPR I NGEIELD Contractor: Subcontractor: GroutSupplier: Truck#: N/A Cast By:R. ORCHARD Weather: PARTIALLY CLOUDY Test Time: 1 : 00 PM Grout samples cast at the following location: EERMENTATION ROOM EQUTPMENT TRACK TROUGH AT SOUTHEAST Total Grout Placement Location: FER},IENTATION ROOM EQUIPMENT TRACK TROUGH Ticket#: N,/A Air Temp. at Sampling Time: 8 4 l63d f ; N,zA 8-10"Strength Requirement: l\{i1 }\um[s1; N,/A Admix,/Amt: n/e PSi fg @ 28 Days Grout Temp: 7 3 Slump: C€ment Type: r r Max Agg : SAND f u[i6fa1ds; N,/A Register Number:Lab Location: EUGENE Set No. Test @) Days Date Rec'd Test Date Total Load Area Unit PSI Cap Tvne Tes te d BY 28 a1 / 7B / 2A7B 0B/14/2018 38975 4 - 00 9'144 1,1E 28 a'7/1,8/2A18 aB/),4/2A78 39330 4 - 00 9830 l,1E Average fg @ 28 days 0005290 DAYTON SUPER]OR I I I I I I ! Oi.t.ibut. attachments. Please see reverse side for additional information. Job Number: E1?O1424 - Register Number; 0005290 Project: FRANZ BAKERY EXPANS IoN Asterisked (+) average unit PSI test results did not meet listed acceptance criteria. Remarks: ]ACK. COPHERI.AUSBAKERY. COiI Date Molded: a1 /71 /2aLB CC FRANZ BAKERY _ JACK COPHER CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUIIDING DEPARTMENT THE AUSTIN COMPANY . GREG CLAI,IP DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES _ STEVEN HARRISON x ERANZ BAKERY _ KIM ARNOLD GREG. CLAI'IP@THEAUSTIN. Col'I SDH@DEAIN C . CCI,I KIM. ARNOLDGI]SBAKERY, Cd! Proiect Manager christian McDonal 'l Reviewed By: Project Manager on 08/15,/2C18 Our reports pertain to the material tcsted/inspectcd only. Infbrmation contained herein is not to be reproduced. except in full. lvithout prior authorization from this office. Undcr all circlrmstances. thc information contained in this report is provided subject to all terms and conditions ol'CIl's General Conditions in cffecl at the time this report is prepared. No part) other than those to whom C'l'l has distributed this report shall be entitled to use or rely upon the infbrmation contained in this document. 89970 HWY 99N, EUGENE OR Carlson Testing, Inc. Bend Office Geotechnical OIfic€ Eugene oflice Salem Omce Tigrrd OIfice (s.l l )(s03) (s.ll )(s03) (s03) 330-9r55 601-ri250lt5 0289 589-t 252 68.1-l{60 REPORT OF 2x2x2 cRour Test Methods: ASrM C1019 /C 10 9 / CtA64 / c743 TEST SPECIMENS Date Molded: A1 / 71 / 2a18 Permit #: B 11- 17 -0 0 2 2 0 9- STR Job Number: E7147424 - Client: FRANZ BAKERY - JACK COPHER Project: FRANZ BAKERY EXPANS ION {fldygss;2000 NUGGET WAY SPRINGFIELD OR Contractor: Jurisdiction: SPRINGETELD Subcontractor:ICN Cast Bv:R. ORCHARD GroutSupplier: DAYTON SUPERI OR Truck #: N/A lssd ff; N /4. Weather: PARTIALLY CLOUDY Test Time: 1:00 PM Grout samples cast at the following location: TERMENTATION ROOM EQUIPMENT TRACK TROUGH AT SOUTI]EAST Total Grout Placement Location: EERMENTATION ROOM EQUIPMENT TRACK TROUGH Ticket#: N,/A Air Temp. at Sampling Time: Ba B-10"Strength Requirement: Mix Number: N/A psi fg @ 28 l)ays Grout Temp: ,'3 Slump: Cement Type: rr Max Agg Admix/Amt: N/A Register Number:0005290 Lab Location: iUGENE Average fg @ 2B days 4000 : SAND CubicYards: N,/A Set No. Test @ Days Date Rcc'd Test D ate Total [,oad Area tln it PSI cap Tvoe Tested BY 1 a'7 / 1,8 / 2018 a] / 20 / 2A1B 2813s 4.00 718 0 RT 3 a] /tB / 2A7B a] /20 / 2ArB 294'14 4.00 1 3'7 A R1' a'/ / LB / 2A1B a'7 /20 /2AtB 29 314 7330 RT 01 /r8 /2A\8 a] /24/2A18 32975 4.00 8234 01 / 18 / 2At8 01 /24 / 2A18 34'7 4A 4.00 3690 01 / 78 /2A!8 o'7 /24/2A18 3 4)-24 4.00 8530 2'A o'7 /L8 /2018 aB/r4/2A18 4C450 4.00 1 0110 l"t a I)istribute atlachments.Please see reyerse side for additional information. MEI 4.00 I I gego Job Number: L7141424. Register Number; 0C05290 Project: ERANZ BAKERY EXPANS roN Date Molded: a1 / 7't / 2078 CC:FRANZ BAKERY ' JACK COPHER CITY OF SPR]NGEIELD BUILDING DEPARTMENT THE AUSTIN COMPANY _ GREG CLAI,IP DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES - STEVEN I]ARRISON x FRANZ BAKERY _ K]M ARNOLD G REG . 'LAJV PGTH EALJ 5TI N . COfi SDHGDEAINC. COO KIM. ARNOLD@USBAKERY. COTI Proiect Manager Chr:istian McDona ld Reviewed By: Pr:oject Manager at a8/I5/2a78 Our reports pertain to the material tested/inspected o[ly. lnformation contained hcrein is not to be reproduced. cxccpt in l'ull,without prior authorization from this office. Undcr all circumstanccs. thc information contained in this repot is provided subject to all terms and conditions of CTI's General Conditions in efl'ect at the time this repod is preparcd. No party other than those to \\,hom CTI has distributed this report shall be entitled lo usc or rely upon the information contained in this document. 89970 HWY 99N, EUGENE OR Asterisked (*) average unit PSI test results did not meet listed acceptance criteria. Remarks: JACK.COPHERGUSBAKERY. COM Carlson Testing, Inc. Betrd Offce Geotechdcal Olfice Eugene Office Salem OfEce Tig&rd Office (54r) 330-91ss (s03) 60r-E250 (541) 345-0289 (s03) s89-12s2 (s03) 684-3460 RFPORTOF 2x2x2 GRoUT Test Methods: ASTM c1019 / cr a9 / cto64 TEST SPECIMENS Date Molded: o7 / 23 / 20L8 permit #: 811- 17 - 0 022 09 -sTR (lis1f; FRANZ BAKERY - .]ACK COPHER AddTESS:2OOO NUGGET WAY SPRINGFIELD OR Contractor: .Iurisdiction: SPRINGFIELD Subcontractor:DORMAN CONSTRUCTION Cast By:C. MCDONALD Grout Supplier . DAYTON SUPERIOR Truck#: N/A Load #: N/A Ticket#: N/A Air Temp. at Sampling Time: 76Weather: INsIDE Test Time: 11 :4 7 AM Grout samples cast at the following location: SOIITH END OF FERMENTATION TRACK AT GRID],INES H.3 TO H.7 AT 5.9. Total Grout Placement Location: FERMENTAT]ON TRACK AT GRID],INES H.3 TO H.7 AT 5.9. Strength Requirement:4000 psifg@_lDays Slump:N/T Mix Numher: SEE REMARKS Admix/Amt: N/A Cubic Yards: N/A Register Number:0045294 Lab Location. EUGENE Averagefg@ 28 days Set No. Test @ Davs Date Rec'd Test Date Total Load Area Unit PSI cap Tvpe Tested By 28 0'7 / 24 / 2018 oe/20/201-B 44'7 55 4.01 1115 0 RT 2a o'7 / 24 / 201-B 08/zo/zo1-B 45120 4 .0!11250 L72'7 0 I IIIII Job Number: E170L424 . Project: FRANZ BAKERY EXPANS IoN Grout Temp: _ll Cement Type: N/A Max Agg: N/e RT[-T---L f----r---- E Distribute attachments. Please see reverse side for additional information. JobNumber: EL'7 0L424 - Register Numbel; 0005294 Project: FRANZ BAKERY ExPANsloN Asterisked (+) average unit PSI test results did not meet listed acceptance criteria. Remarks: MIX NUMBER: DAYTON SUPERIOR SURE GRIP HIGH PERFORMANCE GROUT ]ACK. COPHERGUSBAKERY. COM Date Molded: 07 / 23 /20L8 TO: FRANZ BAKERY - JACK COPHER CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DEPARTMENT THE AUSTIN COMPANY - GREG CLAMP DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIA?ES . STEIIEN IIARRISON x FRANZ BAKXRY - KfM ARNOLD GREG. CLAMP@THEAUSTIN . COl,4 SDH@DEAINC.COM KII',! . ARNOLD@US BAK ERY. COi4 Proiect Managep christlan McDonald Reviewed By: Project Manager orL o8/2L/2018 Our reports pertain to the material tested,/inspected only. lnformatiol contained herein is not to be reproduced, except in firll, without prior authorization from this office. Under al1 circumstances, the information contained in this report is provided subject to all terms and conditions of CTI's General Conditions in effect at the time this report is prepared. No party other than those to whom CTI has distributed this report shall be entitled to use or rely upon the information contained in this document. 89970 HWY 99N. F]TJGENE OR Carlson Testing, Inc. Bend OIfice Geotechnicrl OIIice Eugene Oflice Salem Office Tigard Office (s4l) 330-9rss (s03) 601-8250(s4l) 34s-0289 (s03) s89-12s2 (s03) 684-3460 REPORT OF 2x2x2 GRour Test Methods: ASTM C1O 19,/ C109 / Cla 64 TEST SPECIMENS Date Molded: a') / 23 / 2oaB permit #: 811-1?-002209-STR CIiENt: FRANZ BAKERY - JACK COPHER AddTCSS:2OOO NUGGET I4AY SPRTNGFIELD OR Contractor: Jurisdiction: SPRINGFIELD Subcontractor:DORMAN CONSTRUCTION Cast Bv:C. MCDONAI,D Grout Supplier . DAYTON SUPERIOR Truck #: N/A Load #: N/A Ticke#: N/A Weather: INSIDE Test Time: 11:47 AM Air Temp. at Sampling Time: 16 Grout samples cast at the following location: SOI]:IH END OF FERMENTATION TRACK AT GRIDLINES H.3 TO H.7 AT 5.9. Total Grout Placement Location: FERMENTATION TRACK AT GRIDLINES H.3 TO H.7 AT 5.9. Strength Requirement:4000 psifg@ 2e Days Slump: N/r Mix Number: sEE REMARKS Grout Temp: __!l Cement Type: N/A Max Agg : N/A Admix/Amt: ll/a Cubic Yards: N/A Register Number:oo05294 Lab Location:EUGENE Average fg @ 28 days Test @ Davs Area Unit PSI Cap Tvoe Tested Bv Set No. Date Rec'd Test Date Total Load MEI3o7/24/20L8 o7/26/20L8 33935 4.00 s480 3 07/24/207e o7/26/20L8 33915 4.00 8480 ME 4.00 8480 ME3o7 / 24 / 2o'J-S o7/26/20t8 33920 '1 01 / 24 / 2ote o7 /30 / 2Ot8 3891s 4.00 9730 RT RT'1 0'7/24/201A 01/30 / 2OtS 37940 4.00 9490 RT'7 o7/24/20L8 oi/30/2oi-B 40105 4.00 10030 2A o7/24/2078 o8/20/2018 456'7 0 4.01 113 90 Lr2'7 a I tr Distribute attachments.Please see reverse side for additional information. Job Number E1701424. Project: FRANZ BAKERY ExPANsloN Job Number: Ea'7Oa424. Register Number: 000s294 Project: FRANZ BAKERY EXPANSIoN Asterisked (*) average unit PSI test results did not meet listed acceptance criteria Remarks: MIX NUMBER: DAYTON SUPERIOR SURE GRIP HIGH PERFORMANCE GROUT ]ACK. COPHER@USBAKERY.COM Date Molded: o7 / 23 /2ore TO: FRANZ BAXERY .]ACK COPI{ER CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DEPARTMENT THE AUSTTN COMPANY GREG CI,AMP DAVTD EVANS & ASSOCIATES - STEIGN HARRISON x FRANZ BA{ERY - KIM ARNOI.D GREG.CLAMP@THEAUSTIN.Cfi SDHGDEAINC.COM KIM. ARNOLD@U5BA(ERY, Coiit Proiect Manager christian McDonald Reviewed By: Praject Manager orr 08/2)-/2018 Our reports pertain to the material tested/inspected only. Information contained herein is not to be reproduced, except in full, without prior authorization from this oflice. Under all circumstances, the information contained in this report is provided subject to all terms and conditions of CTI's General Conditions in eflect at the time this report is prepared. No party other than those to whom CTI has distributed this report shall be entitled to use or rely upon the information contained in this document. 89970 I{WY 99N. EUGENE OR Carlson Testing, fnc. Bend Ornce Geotechnicil Oflice Eugene Ofrice Salem Ollice Tigard OItrce (54r) 330-9155 (s03) 601-82s0(s4r) 34s-0289 (503) 589-12s2 (s03) 6E4-3460 REPORT Oli 2x2x2 GRoUT TEST SPECIMENS Test Methods: Date Molded: ASTM c1 019,/c1 09 / c1o 64 / cr43 01 /a7 / 2018 Permit #: 811-17-002209-STR Job Number: E77 07424 . f,IigNt; FRANZ BAKERY . JACK COPHER Projssf; FRANZ BAKERY EXPANSION AddTESS:2OOO NUGGET WAY SPRINGFIEI,D OR Contractor: Jurisdiction: SPRINGFIELD Subcontractor:DORMAN CONSTRUCTION Cast By:R. ORCHARD Grout Supplie1; DAYTON SUPERIOR Truck#: N/A Load #: N/A Weather: PARTIALLY CLOTIDY Test Time: 1:00 PM Grout samples cast at the following location: FERMENTATION ROOM EQUIPMENT TRACK TROUGH AT SOUTHEAST Total Grout Placement Location: FERMENTATION ROOM EQUIPMENT TRACK TROUGH Strength Requirement: Mix Number: N/A 4000 psiflg@ 28 Days Slump: Grout Temp: _l!_ Cement Type: r r Max Agg. SAND Admix,/Amt: N/A Register Number:0005290 Lab Location:EUGENE Average fg @ 28 days Ticket#: N/A Air Temp. at Sampling Time: B4 8-10n Set No, Test @Davs Date Rec'd Total Load Area Unit PSI cap Tvoe Tested Bv Test Date 2a 07/].8/2018 08/a4/20L8 38975 4.00 9',7 40 ME 2A 0'7 /18 / 2Oa8 08/14/20a8 39330 4.00 9S30 9890 IIIIIIIIII I Cubic Yards: N/a t tt = E Dist bute attachments. Please see reverse side for additional information. Job Number: EL7oL424. Register Number: 000s290 Project: FRANZ BAKERY ExPANsroN Asterisked (*) average unit PSI test results did not meet listed acceptance criteria Remarks JACK. COPHER@USBAKERY. COI4 Date Molded: a'7 / 1'7 / 2ot8 TO I'RANZ BAKERY - ,fACK COPHER CITY OF SPRINGFIEI,D BUILDING DEPARTMENT THE AUSTIN COMPANY . GREG CI,AMP DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES - STEVEN IIARRISON x FRANZ BAKERY - KIM ARNOLD GREG. CLAI{PGTHEAUSTIN. COI'I SDHODEAINC.COiI KIM . ARNOLD@U5 BAK ERY . CON.I Project Manager christian McDonald Reviewed By: Project Manager on a8/L5/20a8 Our reports pertain to the matedal tested/inspected only. Information contained herein is not to be reproduced, except in full, without prior authorization from this office. Under all circumstances, the information contained in this report is provided subject to all terms and conditions of CTI's General Conditions in effect at the time this report is prepared. No party other than those to whom CTI has distributed this report shall be entitled to use or rely upon the information contained in this document. 899?0 HWY 99N, EUGENE OR Carlson Testing, Inc. Betrd Office Geotechnical Office Eugene Office Salem Office Tieard Office (541) 330-91ss (s03) 60r-8250 (s41) 34s-0289 (503) 589-1252 (s03) 684-3460 RFPORTOF 2X2X2 GRO(rr TEST SPECIMENS Test Methods: Date Molded: AsrM c1019/c109 / c1,064 / cr43 01/77 /20L8 permit #: 811-17- 002209-STR Job Number: 877 0L424 . (lisaf; FRANZ BAKERY - ,]ACK CoPHER AddTESS:2OOO NUGGET WAY SPRINGFIEIJD OR Contractor: Subcontractor: Grout Supplier: Truck#: N/A DORMAN CONSTRUCTION Cast By: DAYTON SI]PERTOR Load #: N/A Ticket#: N/A Weather: PARTIAf,LY CLOITDY Test Time: 1:00 PM Air Temp. at Sampling Time: 84 Total Grout Placement Location: FERMENTATION ROOM EQUIPMENT TRACK TROUGH Strength Requirement: Mix Number: N/A 4000 psifg@ 28 Days Slr-p, 8-10" Grout Temp: 73 Cement Type: rr Max Agg:SAND Cubic Yards: N/AAdmir/Amt: N/a Register Number:Lab Location:EUGENE Average fg @ 28 days Set No. Test @Davs Date Rec'd Test Date Total Load Area Unit PSI Cap Tvoe Tested BY I 3 o'i /)-B/2u-B o7/20/201s 2A'7 35 4.00 718 0 3 o'7/ta/20L8 o7 /20 /2oa*29470 4.00 7374 3 0'7/r8/2078 o7/20/201-8 29370 4.00 7330 RT ME'7 o7/78/2078 o7/24/207s 4.00 s23A 7 a'7/L8/201e oi/24/2ols 34'.7 40 4.00 8690 ME ME7o'7 / Le / 20L8 o7 / 24 / 2Oa8 34L20 4.00 853 0 28 0'1 /18 /20]-8 oe/)-4 /2078 40450 4.00 10110 ME 9890 IIIIII E Distribute attachments.Please see reverse side for additional information. Project: FRANZ BAKERY EXPANSIoN Jurisdiction: SPRINGFIELD R. ORCHARD Grout samples cast at the following location: FERMENTATION ROOM EQUIPMENT TRACK TROUGH AT SOTITHEAST 000s290 32975 Job Number: EL]Ot424. Register Number: 000s2e0 Project: FRANZ BAKERY ExPANsroN Asterisked (+) average unit PSI test results did not meet listed acceptance criteria Remarks: ]ACK. COPHER@USBAKERY. COII.I Date Molded: o7 / L7 / 2oLa TO Project Manager christian McDonald FRANZ BAXERY - JACK COPI]ER Clfi OF SPRTNGFIELD BUILDING DEPARTMENT THE AUSTIN COMPANY - GREG CI,AMP DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES - STEVEN I{ARRISON x FRANZ BAKERY - KIM ARNOLD GR EG . CL'JIP@TH EAUSTIN . CO.I SDH@DEAINC.COiI KIM. ARNOLDGUSAAKERY. COM Reviewed By: Project Manager on oa/L5/2oLa Our reports pertain to the material tested,/inspected only. Information contained herein is not to be reproduced, except in fuIl, without prior authorization from this office. Under all circumstances, the information contained in this report is provided subject to all terms and conditions of CTI's General Conditions in effect at the time this report is prepared. No party other than those to whom CTI has distributed this report shall be entitled to use or rely upon the information contained in this document. 89970 HWY 99N. EUGENE OR Carlson Testing, Inc. Bend OIIice Geotcchni.al C)ffice Eugene OIficc Salem OfIicel igard OIfice (s]l) 330-9155 (503) 60r -E250(slr ) 3,t5-0289 (s03) s89-12s2 (s03) 68,1-3,160 RXPORT OF 2Y.2/.2 GROJT Test Methods: ASTM C1019,/C109lC10 64 TEST SPT.]CIMENS Date Molded: a] /23/2AtB Job Number: 8I1A7424. Permit #: 811- 17 - 0 022 0 9 -SrR CIiENt: FRANZ BAKERY _ JACK COPHER Proj ect: ERANZ BAKERY EXPANS ION {fld1g55;2000 NUGGET WAY SPRINGEIELD OR Contractor: JuTisdiction: S PRINGF I ELD Subcontractor: GroutSupplier: Truck #: N/A Cast Bv: DAYTON SUPERI OR 1,63d $; N,rA Ticket#: N/A Air Temp. at Sampling Time: 7 6Weather: rNs,la Test Time: 11:47 AM Grout samples cast at the following location: SOUTH END OE FERI4ENTATION TRACK AT GRIDLINES H.3 TO H.7 AT 5.9. Total Grout Placement Location: EERMENTAT]ON TRACK AT GRIDLINES H.3 TO H.7 AT 5.9 N/TStrength Requirement:4000 Nlil ft[um[s1; SEE REIIARKS Admbtu/Amt: \/A psi fg @ 28 Days Grout Temp: B 4 Slump: Cement Type: N,/A Max Agg; N/A Cubic Yards: N/A Register Number: 0005294 Lab Location: Average fg @ 28 days EUGENE Set No. Test @ Days Date Rec'd Test Date Total Load Area Unit PSI Cap Tvpe Tested Bv J a'7 /24 /2A18 01 /26/2A18 3393s 4 .00 8480 a] /24/2A"8 0'/ /26/2A18 33915 4.00 B4BO ME a] /24 /2Ar8 o1 / 26 / 2A78 33924 4.00 8480 YE a1 / 24 / 2078 o'7/3A/2018 38915 4.00 9730 RT ,.1 a] / 24 / 2078 a'7 / 3A / 2078 31944 4.00 949A RT 1 a'7 / 24 / 2A1B a] / 3A / 20].8 40105 4.00 10030 RT 0'7 /24 /2A18 aa/20/2a78 RT 17214 Distribute attachments Pleasc see reverse side for additional information. l 3 I 45era I o.o, | ,rrro I Job Number: El]Al424. Register Number: 0005294 Project: FP.ANZ BAKERY EXPANS I oN Asterisked (+) average unit PSI test results did not meet listed acceptance criteria. Remarks: MIX NUMBER: DAYTON SUPERIOR SURE GRIP HIGH PEREORMANCE GROUT CC:]ACK, COPHEROUSAAKERY. COMERANZ BAXERY _ JACK COPI]ER CITY OE SPRINGFIELD BUILD]NG DEPARTMENT THE AUSTIN COMPANY CREC CLAI'IP DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES _ STEVEN HARRISON x EBANZ BAKERY - KIM ARNOLD Date Molded: at / 23 / 2018 GR EG - CLAII P(aTH FAI]STTN , 'OI,,! SDH@OEAINC, C0ii4 KIM, ARNOLDISUSAAKERY. COIY Project Manager: christian McDonaf d Reviewed By: Project Manager ao a8/2L/2A18 Our reports pertain to the material tested,/inspected only. Information contained herein is not to be reproduced, except in full, without prior authorizatiol from this oIllce. Under all circumstances, the information contained in this rcport is provided subject to all tems and conditions of CTI'S General Conditions in effect at the time this report is prepared. No party other than those to lvhom CTI has distributed this report shall be entitlcd to use or rel)' upon the information contained in this document. 89970 HWY 99N I]IJGENE OI{ Carlson Testing, Inc. Bend Omce(lcotechnical (Xfice FlugeDe Office Sxlem OIfice Tigard Ollicc (sll )(s03) (s,ll )(503) (s03) Jl0-91s5 601-8250 3,15-0289 5E9-1252 684-3460 REPORT Opt 2x2x2 GRour Test Methods: ASrM C1019/C10 9/C10 64 TEST SPECIMENS Date Molded: a] /23/2a78 Job Number: 81.141424 Permit #: B 11- 17 - 0 02 2 0 9 -STR Client: FRANZ BAKERY - JACK COPHER Proj Reg ect: ERANZ BAKERY EXPANSION Address:2000 NUGGET WAY SPRINGFIEL) OR Contractor: JuTiSdiction: S PRINGE IELD GroutSupp DORMAN 'ONSTR']'Cast By:C. MCDONALD ligy; DAYTON SUPERIOR Truck #: N,/A lsad fl; N/A Test Time: 11:47 AI"l Grout samples cast at the following location: SOUTH END OE FERMENTATION TRACK AT GRIDLINES H.3 TO H.7 AT 5.9. Ticket#: N/A Air Temp. at Sampling Time: i 6 N,/ TStrength liequirement:1000 [,[ia ]\um[91; SEE REIIARKS AdmirAmt: N-/A psi fg@ 28 Days Grout Temp: I4 Slump: Cement Typ€: N,/A Max Agg; N,/A CubicYards: N/A ister Number: 0005291 la[ [,6sxfi6a; EUGENE Set No. Test @Days Date Rec'd Test Date Total Load Area Unit PSI Cap Tvne Tes ted Bv 28 a] / 24 / 2At8 08/2a/201,8 44755 4.01 1116 0 RT 28 a'7 /24 /20i8 oB /2A /2078 45L24 4.01 RT Average fg @ 28 days Distribute atlachments.Please see reverse side for additional information. Subc0ntrllctor: Weather: INS IDE Total Grout Placement Locatiotr: EER]"IENTATION TRACK AT GRIDLINES H.3 TO H.7 AT 5.9. I I I 772't A Job Number: E1'101424. Register Number: 0005294 Project: FRANZ BAKERY EXPANSIoN Asterisked (*) average unit PSI test results did not meet listed acceptance criteria. Remarks: MIX NUMBER: DAYTON SUPERIOR SURE GRIP HIGH PERFORMANCE GROUT CC ]ACK. COPHER@USBAKERY. COT.'EAANZ BAKERY - JACK COPHER CITY OE SPR]NGFIELD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TIIE AUSTIN COMPANY - GREG CLAMP DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES - STEVEN HARRISON x ERANZ BAKERY - K]M ARNO]-D Date Molded: A'7 / 23 / 2A1B GREG . CLAI4 PGTH EAU STI N . CON,I sDH@DEAINC. CCI'I KIM. ARNOLO.AUSBAKERY. Colil Project Manager christian McDona r 'l Reviewed By: Project Manager on 0B/2f/2018 Our reports pertain to the mate al testcd-/inspected only. Inlormation contained hcrein is not to be reproduced, cxcept in full.without prior authorization from this office. Under all circumstances, the infomation contained in this report is provided subject to all terms and conditions of CTI'S General Conditions in effect at the time this report is prepared. No party other than those to whom CTI has distributed this report shall be entitled to use or rely upon the intbrmation containcd in this document. 89970IIfiry 99N. EUGENE OR