HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Field Test & Inspection Report 2018-07-17Carlson Testing, Inc. Bend Oflice Geotechnical Ofrice Eugene Ofiice Salem Office Tigard Office (s41) 330-9r55 (s03) 60r-8250 (541) 34s-0289 (s03) sE9-r2s2 (503) 684-3460 Daily Report of Reinforced Concrete FRANZ BAKERY . JACK COPHER Project:FRANZ BAIGRY EXPANSION 466ys5s. 2000 NUGGET wAy SPRINGFIELD OR CTI Job #: Jurisdiction: CTI representative &iBeuA8q oBoA 951 was on site this date (Iu1. 17 2 018 Permit LAND & DRAINAGE ALTERATION I 11 - 1? - 0 0 0116 - PW DFS #(s)PO Number:1011710 0 917 0lJC 3. Work included: E 4. Inspection was'IBC' SCOPE OF INSPECTION 1. Checked in with superintendent o, client representative. I{smq JUSTrN Company DORMAN CONSTRUCTION 2. Type ofwork: I Concrete Reinforcing InspectionSampling tr Continuous Periodic Yes No N/A Description ofstructure inspected [to include grid lines, elevations (floors) and drawing details]: CONCRETE l. Mix Design approved? [ ves E No ! Nle 2. Monitored loads arriving atjob site for corect: Mix#2435N87F09 Slump Air sEE NOTES 3. Type ofsamples made?4XSCONCRETECYLTNDERS Number of sets Samples per set 5. Work performed: I ln the field ! At precast shop REINFORCING 4. Inspected placing and consolidation ofapprox cubic yards of concrete. Location ofconcrete placement lto include grid lines, €l€vations (floors) and drawing detailsl: SEE REINFORCING DESCRIPTION Ater samples are tested, results will follow on break r€port. REPORT SI]MMARY l. Work inspected was: I Completed ! Inprogress 2. Completed work inspected was in compliance with I Approved plans and specificatioDs I Shop drawings RI.I tr Submittal ! Nre Document #(s) 3. Noncompliance item(s) were noted this date, details on following page(s). ! Ves No N/A Design change SEE NOTES Dated: sEE NorES NO REINFORCEMENT. CONCRETE FOR CURB AND GUTTER 4. Noncompliance item(s) were reinspected this date, details ON SOUTH BOUND SIDE OF NUGGETT WAY BETWEEN NORTH on following page(s)Yes No tr AND SOEIH ACCES Conform ! Remain in progress Report(s) findings were discussed and left with .,USTIN of DORMAN coNsrRucrroN Based on the Code, approval is required from the Building Official before the SPECIAL INSPECTED items noted above can be covered. Carlson Testing has no authority to direct work ofconractors or subcontractors. ! See additional report page(s). E Distribute attachments. Page .L of 1. Reviewed previous inspection reports?x 2. Forms clear ofdcbris?x 3. Type, grade, size, quantity, spacing and condition conform?x x 4. Verified forms will nominally result in hardened concrete ofthe required cross-sectional dimensions. x5. Verified location ofreinforcing steel, pipes, conduits and sleeves with respect to minimum concrete cover. x6. Verified type and location ofsplices, length of contact laps, and min. diameter ofbends. 7. Verified support & anchorage of reinforcing steel in the forms.x 8. Verified structural embedments in the forms with regard to fabrication, quality and O?e.x x 9. Verified structrual embedments in the forms with regard to weld inspection, quantity, and permits issued. 10. Verified cast in place anchors. IIII TIIIII IIIIII TI N/A 2 Client: E7707424 . SPRlNGFTELD to perform Special Inspection for: SEE NOTES Project:FRANZ BAKERY EXPANSION For: o7 / 1,'7 /2otg Notes: SLUMP: 3. TO 5" (3X') t AIR: 3.5t TO 5.st (4.5?) DOCT]MENT# (S) : DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES DRAWINGS DATED 01,/08,/2018. In some cases more than one box may be checked for a given item on the fiont page. Our reports pertain to the material tested,/inspected only. Information contained herein is not to be reproduced, except in fi without prior authorization fiom this office. Under all circumstances, the information contained in this report is provided subject to all terms and conditions of CTI's General Conditions in effect at the time this report is prepared. No party other than those to whom CTI has distributed this report shall be entitled to use or rely upon the information contained in this document. If there are any further questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Respectfu lly submitted, CARLSON TESTING, INC. Christian McDonald Project Manager RO/GK Reviewed By: Christian Mcdonald Review Date: 07 /1812018 ]ACK. COPHER@USBAKERY. COMFRANZ BAKERY . .]ACK COPHER CfTY OF SPRINGFIEID BUILD]NG DEPARTI,IENT THE AUSTIN COMPANY - GREG CI.AMP DAVID EVAI\IS & ASSOCIATES - STEVEN HARRISON x FRANZ BAXERY - KIM ARNOLD Page 2 of L TOI 89970 IIWY 99N. EUGENE OR kIM. ARNOLD@USBAKERY. COr,i Daily Report of Reinforced Concrete cTI Job #: E170r.424. GREG . CLAI'PGTH EAUSTIN . COM SDH@DEAINC . COII Carlson Testing, Inc. Bend Olfice Geotechnical Oflice Eugene Office Salem OI[ce Tiserd Office (s{l) (s03) (s.l l )(s03) (503) 330-9155 601-8250 31s-0289 589-1252 68{-.1{60 REPORT OF ,1 X B CONCRETE ']YLINDRICAL TESTSPECIMENS Test Methods:as,aM c1Q / c112 /C1 64 /Cl38 /(]31 /C143/C2i1 /C1211 Date Molded: AB / A3 / 2a7B Date Received: AA/A4/2ALB Job Number:E-t f 0t 4 4. Permit#: LAND & DRAINAGE ALTERATION 811-17-000116-pW Client: FRANZ BAKERY _ JACK COPHER Proj ect: PRANZ BAKERY EXPANS ION Address:2000 NUGGET wAY SPRINGFIELD OR Jurisdiction: s PRTNGET ELD Contractor: Subcontractor: Concrete Supp Cast By: lier. KNIFE RIVER (EUGENE ) Truck #: 41807 Weather: CLEAR Cylinders were cast for the following locations: Load #: -Ticket#: B0027BB1 Test Time: 11:30 AM Air Temp. at Sampling Time: : o SOUTH ENTRY APRON AT iiEST MOST PANEL Total Concrete Placement Location: SOUTH ENTRY ADA SIDEWALK NORTH SECTION, APRON EAST PANEL, WESTERN MOST APRON PANFT, Strength Requirement: 3500 psi fc@ 28 Days Slump: Mix Number: 45N87009 Concrete Temp: I'i 4. C0""h Air:. 3/ 4" 5.5t Max Agg: Admix/Amt: !iRDA64 (3?6 OZ.), ArR 142 OZ.) AND RECOVER (300 OZ-) EUGENE CubicYards: SEE REMARKS Low '12 Average fc @ 28 days Set No. Test @Days Test Da te lirtal Load Avg Diameter Area t.rnitPSI Type Of Fracture cap Tyoe Tested Bv '3 aB/a6/2A78 55885 4.00 72 .56 4450 2 PAD 60 aB/aB/2A78 63450 4.00 72 .56 5050 3 PAD 60 MN 0B/|a/2AtB 637 65 4.00 72-56 5080 PAD 60 ME 28 a8/37/2A18 84875 4.00 72 .56 61 6A PAD 60 I,.1t 28 a8/37/2A18 84070 4.00 72 .56 6 694 3 PAD 60 ME 2B 0B/31/2078 B 1155 4.00 L2 .56 6164 PAD 60 6640 Please see reyerse side for additional information. R. ORCHARD Registerf{sp[s1; 00005314 LabLocation: I I f Dist.ibut" attachments. Job Number: EIl A7424 . Register Number: 0 0 0 0 5:l 14 Project: F'RANZ BAKERY EXPANS ToN < I in.125 nrnrl Date Molded: AB / A3 / 2a7B Type 3 Colurnnar vertical cracking through both ends. no well-formedcones Type 1 Reasonable well-formed cones on both ends- less than I in- [25 mm]of cracking through caps Type 4 D iagonal ftacture with no crackirg through endsi tap with hammer to distinguish from Type I *+* Departure from ASTM C3 [ standard Remarks: CUBIC YARDS: 10.75 OE 21.50 CC: Type 2 well-Formedconeonone end.ve icalcmcksrunning through caps, no weil-defined cone on other end Type 5 Side lractures at top or boftom (occurcommonly with unbonded caps) Type 6 Similarto Type 5 but end of cylinder is pointed FRANZ BAKERY _ JACK COPHER CITY OE SPRINGEIELD BUILDING DEPARTMENT THE AUSTTN COMPANY - CREC CLAMP DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES STEVEN TARRISON x FRANT BAKFRY _ XTM ARNOT,D IA'K,'OPHFROI]SRAKFRY,'OM GR EG . CLATi POTHEAUSTIN - Coi,l SDH@DEAINC . 'O{ KIM, ARNOLDOUSBAKERY. COI' Project Manager christian McDona ld Reviewed By: Project Manager an 09/a1 /2a18 Our reports pertain to the material tested./inspected only. lnfomation contained herein is not to be reproduced, except in full, without prior authorization from this office. Under all circumstances. the information contained in this report is provided subject to all terms and conditions of CTI's General Conditions in effect at the time this report is prepared- No party other than those to whom CTI has distributed this report shall be entitlcd to use or rely upon the information contained in this document. 89970 HWY 99N, EUGENE OR ffit [l Carlson Testing, Inc. Bcnd office()eolechnical Office liugene Officc Salem OfIice'l igard Offic€ (s{l) (s03)(s{l) (s0J) (s0r) .t30-9155 601-8250 3,t5-0289 589-r 252 68,1-t{60 REPORT OF 4XB CONCRETE CYL]NDR]CAL TESTSPECIMENS Test Mcthods:A.srM c39 /c7'121C--A61/ CL3B 1C3L/e1L31C237 /C1237 Date Molded: CB / 01 / 20\8 Date Received:a8/02/2A7a Permit#: LAND & DRAINAGE ALTERATION 811-17-000116-Pw Job Number:8L1Q7424_ Client: FRANZ BAKERY - JACK COPHER l'roject: ERANZ BAKERY EXPANS ION Address:2000 NUGGET !{AY SPRINGFIELD OR Jurisdiction: s PF.TNGET ELD Contractor: Subcontractor: Concrete Supp Cast By:R. ORCHARD IieT. K-NIEE RIVER (EUGENE ) Jmsk fl; 41804 Load #: 2 Weather: CLEAR Test Time: 1 : 50 PM Cylinders were cast for the folbwing locations: SCUTH ENTRANCE APRON AT NORTHEAST SECT]ON Total Concrete Placement Location: SOUTH ENTRANCE APRON Strength Requirement: l)00 psi fc@ 28 l)ays Slump: Mix Number: 4 aNEl '1i 9 Concrete Temp: 83 Ticket#: 8aa21a23 Air Temp. at Sampling Time: 7 o 4.00"Y" Air: 3/4"Max Agg: Admix/Amt: WRDA64 (376 oz.), AIR \48 oz.) AND RECoVER (300 oz.) Register Number:c0005311 Lab Location: Average fc @ 2B days CubicYards: SEE REMARKS Curing: High 87 * * * Low 1 Set No. Test @ Days Test Date Total Load Avg Diameter Area UnitPSI Type Of Fracture cap TtPe Tested Bv I aB/a6/2A18 54580 4.00 L2 .56 4350 2 PAD 60 CM '1 aB/aB/2AtB 62264 4.00 12.56 4964 a"PAD 60 T:I.' 2t3 aB/29/2078 4.01 72.62 5780 l PAD 50 :l 08/29/2078 13'724 4.01 72.62 5840 3 PAD 60 28 76550 4.01 72.62 6070 3 PAD 60 s900 Please see reverse side ftrr additional information. 12e55 I o8/2s/2or8l I I !oirtribut" attachments. Job Number: EI701,424. Register Number: 00005311 Project: ERANZ BAKERY EXPANSION < I in. [25 mm] Date Molded: AB / al i 2cre 'r)'pc I Reasonablc lvcll-fbrmcd concs on bolh cnds, lcss than I in. [25 mm] of crackingthrough caps 'fype 4 D iagonal fracture with no cracking through eflds; tap with hammer to distinguish from Type I *** Departure t'rom ASTM C3l standard Remarks: CUBIC YARDS: 21.50 OF 21.50 CC: Type 2 Well-Formedconeonone end, vertical cracks running through caps, no well-defi ned cone on othcrcnd Type 3 Columnarveiical cmcking thrcugh both ends, no well-fomcdconcs Type 6 Similarto Type 5 but end of cylinder is pointed Type 5 Side lractures al top or bottom (occurcommonly $ith unbonded caps) FRANZ BAKERY . JACK COPHER CITY OF SPR]NGFIELD BUTLDING DEPARTMENT THE AUSTIN COMPANY - GPEG CLA,I.1P DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES . STEVEN TARRISON x ERANZ BAKERY _ KIM ARNOID ]ACK, COPHER"AUSBAKERY. COM GREG. 'LA" PGIHEAUSTIN . C(N 5DH@OEAINC. COi,! KIM. ARNOLD@I]SBAKERY. COfi Project Manager: chrrstian McDonal d Reviewed By: Pr.oject Manaqer o^ a9/a4/2a18 Our reports pertain to the material tested/inspected only. Inlbrmation contained herein is not to be reproduced, except in l'ull,*ithout prior authorir.ation from this office. Under all circumstances, the infbrmation contained in this report is provided subject to all terms and conditions of CTI'S Gencral Conditions in effect at the time this report is preparcd. No parE- other than those to \\'hom CTI has distributed this report shall be entitled to usc or rely upon the information contained in this document. 89970 HWY 99N. EUCENE OR ffi t. Carlson Testing, Inc. Bend Ollice Geotechnical Oflice Eugene OfEce Salem Office Tigard Office (541) 330-9lss (s03) 601-8250 (s41) 34s-0289 (s03) s89-12s2 (s03) 6E4-3460 REPORT OF 4 X 8 CONCRETE CY],INDRICA], AsrM c3 9 /c17 2 /cr064 /ct3e / cal / ca43 /c23t / cr23aTest Methods: Date Molded:08/ot/2otg Date Received:aa/02/20)-a Job Number. E17 0L424 Permit #:I,AND & DRAINAGE ALTERATION 8 1 1 - 17 - O O O 1 16 - PW Client:FRANZ BAKERY - JACK COPHER Project:FRANZ BAKERY EXPANSION Address:2OOO NUGGET WAY SPRINGFIEI,D OR Jurisdiction:SPRINGFlELD Contractor: Subcontractor Cast By:R. ORCHARD Concrete Supplier:IO{IFE RIVER (EUGENE) Truck #:41804 Weather:CI,EAR Strength Requirement:3500 Mix Number:4SNE?009 Load #: 1:50 PM psi flc @ 28 Days Slump: Concrete Temp: --!!- ) AND RECOVER (3OO OZ.) Ticket#:8002'7A23 Air Temp. at Sampling Time: ----f-9- 2 Cylinders were cast for the following locations: SOUTH ENTRANCE APRON AT NORTHEAST SECTION Total Concrete Placem€nt Location: SOUTH ENTRANCE APRON 4.00,o/o Air':, 3/4" s.5t Max Agg: Admix,/Amt:WRDA54 (375 02.), ArR (48 02. Register Number:00005311 Lab Location:EUGENE Average fc @ 28 days Cubic Yards: SEE REMARKS Curing: High 87 *** Low UnitPSI Tlpe Of Fracture cap Tvpe Tested Bv Set No, Test @ Davs Test Date Total Load Avg. Diameter Area L2 .56 4350 2 PAD 50 CM15o8/06/20a8 54580 4.00 3 PAD 50708/08/20r8 52260 4.00 L2 .56 4960 t2.62 5780 3 PAD 6028o8/29/207e 4.01 73720 4.01 L2.62 3 PAD 60o8/29/2018 ME4.01-12.62 60?0 3 PAD 602ao8/2e/2ol-e 76550 5900 IIIIII I IIII Distribute attachments. Please see reverse side for additional information. TEST SPECIMENS Test Time: ME ME ME5840 tr Job Number: El'701424. Register Number: 0000s311 Project: FRANZ BAKERY ExPANsroN < I in. [25 mm] T}?e I Reasonable well-formed cones on both ends, less than I in. [25 mm] of cracking through caps Type 2 Well-Formed cone on one end, vertical cracks running through caps, no well-defined cone on other end J Tlpe 5 Side fractues at top or boftom (occur corn nonly with unbonded caps) Date Molded: oa / ot / 20aa Tlpe 3 Columnar vertical cracking through both ends, no well-formerl cones Tlpe 6 Similar to Type 5 but :nd ofcylinder is pointed Tlpe 4 Diagotral fracture with no cracking through ends; tap with hammer to distioguish liom Type I *** Departure fiom ASTM C3 I standard Remarks: CIIBIC YARDS: 21.50 OF 21.50 TO ]ACK. COPHER@USBAKERY. COMFRANZ BAKERY - JACK COPi{ER CITY OF SPRINGFIEI.D BUILDTNG DEPARTI'IENT THE AUSTIN COMPANY - GREG CLA}'P DAVID EVAI{S & ASSOCIATES - STEVEN HARRISON x FRANZ BAKERY - KIM ARNOI,D GR EG . CLA}IP@TH EAUSTIN . COi,I SDHGOEAINC . COi,I XIM.ARNOLD@USBAKERY.COI' Proiect Managep christian McDonaf d Reviewed By: Project Manager on 09/04/201-8 Our reports pertain to the material tested./inspected only. lnformation contained hereil is not to be reproduced, except in full, without prior authorization ftom this office. Under all circumstances, the information contained in this report is provided subject to all terms and conditions of CTI's General Conditions in effect ar the time this report is prepared. No party other than those to whom CTI has distributed this report shall be entitled to use or rely upon the information contained in this document. 89970 HWY 99N. EUGENE OR ffil[( Carlson Testing, fnc. Bend Office GeotechDicsl Office Eugene OIIice Salem Office Tigard Ofiice (541) 330-9lss (s03) 50r-82s0 (54r) 345-0289 (503) 589-1252 (s03) 6E4-3460 REPORT OF 4 X 8 CONCRETE CYLINDRICAL TEST SPECIMENS Test Methods:A9TM ca9 / cLi2 / cto,4 / ct3a / c31/ ct43/ c23L / Ca23L Date Received:oB/02/2oag Job Number.E '7 1424 Permit #:LAND & DRAINAGE AI,TERATION 8 11 . 17 . O O 0116 - PW Client:FRANZ BAKERY . JACK COPHER Proj ect:FRANZ BAKERY EXPANSION Address:2OOO NUGGET WAY SPRINGFIELD OR .lurisdiction:SPRINGFIELD Contraclor: Subcontractor Cast By:R. ORCHARD Concrete Supplier:KNIFE RIVER (EUGENE) 41805 1Load #:Ticket#:I2 0115 51 CLEAR Test Time:11 :10 AM Air Temp. at Sampling Time: ----!!- Cylinders were cast for the following locations: GI]ITER AT SOUTH ENTRANCE APRON AT MIDPOINT Totrl Concrete Placement Location: GIITTER AT SOUTH ENTRANCE APRON AT MIDPOINT AND SOUTHERN MOST S IDEWAI,K SECTION Strength Requirement:3500 Mix Number:45NE70 09 psi flc@ 28 Days Slump: Concrete Temp: -9.L- 7o Air: --L-9.3--3/4" 8.s0, Max Agg: Admix,/Amt:WRDA64 (372 OZ.), ArR (29 OZ-) AND RECOVE& (300 OZ.) Register Number:00005310 Lab Location:EUGENE Average fc @ 28 days Cubic Yards: EEE-BEUABKS Curing: High 87 *** Low --lf- Set No. Test @Davs Test Date Total Load Avg. Diameter Area Unit PSI Type Of Fracture Cap Tvoe Tested Bv I 5 08/05/2078 54 510 4.00 L2 .56 514 0 2 PAD 60 CM '7 o8/08/20t8 4.00 72 .56 5620 3 PAD 50 ME 2A os /29 / 2078 4.01 3.2 .62 6680 4 PA.D 5 O ME 2A os/29/2OtS L2.62 '7t70 3 PAD 60 ME 28 o8/29/2018 85030 4.01 L2.62 6't 40 3 PAD 60 ME 5860Distribute attachments. Please see reverse side for additional information. Date Molded: A8 / 07 / 2At8 Truck #: Weather: 70530 84 315 90465 i-Ftr Job Number: Et'7Or424. Register Numb€r: 0000s310 Project: FRaNz BAKERY ExPANsroN < I in. [25 mm] TWe I Reasonable well-formed cones on both ends. less than I in. [25 mm] of cracking through caps TWe 4 Diagotral fracture with no cracking through ends; tap with hammer to distinguish liom Tlpe 1 *++ Departure from ASTM C3l standard Remarks: CUBIC YARDS ; 10.75 OF 21.50 Tlpe 2 Well-Formed cone on one end, vertical cracks running through caps, no well-defined cone on other end J TWe 5 Side fractures at top or boftom (occur commonly with unbonded caps) Date Molded: oB / Oa/201,8 Type 3 Columnar vertical cracking through both ends, no well-formed cones Tlpe 6 Similar to TWe 5 but :nd of cylinder is pointed FRANZ BAKERY . ..'ACK COPI{ER CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DEPARTMENT THE AUSTIN COMPANY - GREG CI-IMP DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES - STE!'EN I{ARRISON x FRANZ BAKERY KTM ARNO'-D ]ACK. COPHER@USBAKERY. COI'I TO: GR EG . CLAi,!POTH EAU STIN . COM sOH@DEAI NC . COiI KIM.ARNOLD@USBAKERY. COM Project Manager christian McDonald Reviewed By: Project Manager on 09/04/2018 OuI reports pertain to the material rested,/inspected only. Information contained herein is not to be reproduced, except in fu[, without prior authorization from this office. Under all circumstances, the information contained in this report is provided subject to all terms and conditions of CTI's General Conditions in effect at the time this report is prepared. No party other than those to whom CTI has distributed this report shall be entitled to use or rely upon the information contained in this document. 89970 }IWY 99N, EUGENE OR ffillAt! Carlson Testing, Inc. Bend OfEce Geotechnical Ofiice Eugene Olfic€ Salem Olfice Ofrice (s4r) 330-915s (s03) 601-E250 (54r) 3410289 (503) 589-12s2 (503) 684-3460 REPORT OF 4X8 CONCRETE CYLINDRICAL TEST SPECIMENS Test Methods:ASTM c39lc1?2,/c1 64 /ct39 /caL / c1,43 /c23r /cr23t Date Molded:08/03 / 2Oae Date Received: roN 811- 17 - 0 o8/04/201-8 Job Number . EL7 47424 . I,AND & DRAINAGE AI-TE 0 0115 - PW Client:FRANZ BAKERY JACK PHER Proj ect:FRANZ BAKERY EXPANSION Address:2OOO NUGGET WAY SPRINGFIELD OR Jurisdiction:SPRINGFIELD CoDtractor: Subcontractor Cast Bv:R. ORCTTARD Concrete Supplier: Truck #:4laa'7 Load #:1 Ticket#:80027881 CLEAR Test Time:11:30 AM Air Temp. at Sampling Time: ----I!- Cylinders were cast for the following locations: SOUTH ENTRY APRON AT WEST MOST PANEL Total Concrete Placement Locationl SOUTH ENTRY ADA SIDEWALK NORTH SECTION, APRON EAST PANEL, WESTERN MOST APRON PANEL Strength Requirement:3500 Mix Number:45NE?009 psi fc @ ze Days Concrete Temp; Slump:4.00. '7'7 Max Agg: %o Air: 3/q" 5. sB Admix/Amt:WRDAS 4 (375 0Z-). ArP. 142 0Z-) AND RECOVER (300 02.) Register Number:00005314 Lab Location:EUGENE Average fc @ 28 days Cubic Yards: .9EE-BEUABKS Curing: High 93 *** Low -J2- Set No. Test @ Davs Test Date Total Load Avg. Diameter Area Unit PSI Type Of Fracture cap Tvoe Tested Bv I 3 08/06/2oL8 55885 4.00 t2 .56 4450 2 PAD 50 CM 5 oe/oB/2orB 53450 4.00 a2 .56 5050 3 PAD 50 ,7 o8/t0/2078 63',7 65 4.00 L2 .56 5080 2 PAD 60 ME 28 o8 / 31/ 2)te 84875 4.00 t2 .55 6'7 60 3 PAD 60 ME 28 o8 /37 / 2OLe 84070 4.00 L2 .56 6690 3 PAD 50 ME 28 os/37/2o1-B 8115 5 4.00 t2 .56 3 PAD 50 ME 6640Distribute aft achments. Please see reverse side for additional information. Permit #: KNIFE RIVER (EUGENE) Weather: 6460i Job Number: E170t424. Register Number: 0000s314 Project: FRANZ BAKERY ExPANsroN < I in. [25 mm] Tlpe 4 Diagotral fi'acture with no cracking though ends; tap with hammer to distinguish from T,?e I *** Departure from ASTM C31 standard Remarks: CUBIC YARDS: 10.75 OF 21.50 TO: Project Manager chr:lstian McDonald Type 2 Well-Formed cone on one end, vcrtical cracks running through caps, no well-defined cone on other end Type 5 Side liactures at top or bottom (occur commonly with unbonded caps) Date Molded: 08 / 03 / 2018 Type 3 Columnar venical cracking through both ends, no well-fomed cones Type 6 Similar to T)?e 5 but 3nd ofcylinder is pointed FRANZ BAKERY - JACK COPHER CITY OF SPRTNGFIELD BUII,DING DEPARTMENT THE AUSTIN COMPANY - GREG CLAMP DAVTD EVANS & ASSOCIATES . STEVEN TIARRISON x FtrIANZ BAKERY - K]M ARNOLD ]ACK. COPHER@U58AKERY. COi,! GREG. CLAMP@THEAUSTIN. COM SOH@DEAINC, COM KIM. ARNOLD@USBAKERY. COiI,1 Reviewed By: Project Manager on 09/o'7/2oaa Our repofis pertain to th€ material tested/inspected only. Information contained herein is not to bc reproduced, except in fuIl, without prior authorization fiom this oflce. Under all circumstances, the information contained in this report is provided subject to all terms and conditions of CTI's General Conditions in effect at the time this report is prepared. No party other than those to whom CTI has distributed this report shall be entitled to use or rely upon the information contained in this document. ffil 89970 HWY 99N. EUGENE OR [( Type I Reasomble well-formed cones on both ends, less than I in. [25 mm] of cracking thrcugh caps ffirl I Carlson Testing, fnc. Bend Ofnce Geotechnical Office Eugene OIIice Salem OfliceTig.rd Oflice (s4l) 330-9lss (s03) 60r-E2s0 (s41) 34s-0289 (s03) s89-r2s2 (s03) 684-3460 REPORT OF 4 X 8 CONCRETE CYLINDRICAI TEST SPECIMENS Test Methods:ASTM cL'7 2 cl0 54 c31 c143 c23L/ Cr23a Date Molded: O7 / 2s / 2078 Job Number, E7'7 0L424 Permit #:I,AND & DRAINAGE AITERAT ION 81 t-1-7 -000116 - PW Client:FRANZ BAKERY . JACK COPI{ER Project:FRANZ BAKERY EXPAN IONS Address:2OOO NUGGET WAY SPRINGFIELD OR Jurisdiction:SPRINGFIELD Contractor: Subcontractor Cast By:T. DT]NAWAY Truck #:2403474L9 Weath€r:C],EAR Test Time:5:07 AM Total Concrete Plecement Location : COMMERCIAI DRIVEWAY APRON CURB RETURN FOR NORTH ENTRANCE Strength Requirement:3500 Ticket#:I2 0115 04 Air Temp. at Sampling Time: ----51- Load #:3/4 Mix Number:4 sNE70 0 9 psi fc @ 28 Days Concrete Temp: Slump:5.0 71-Max Agg: Vo Air: 3/4" 4.08 Admix/Amt:WRDA64 (372 OZ.) AND ArR (29 oz-)Cubic Yards: l!J5-!I-3 2 Register Number:00005298 Lab Location:EUGENE Average fc @ 28 days Curing: High 85 *** Low -15--jji- Type Of Fracture cap Tvoe Tested Bv Set No. Test @Davs Test Date Total Load Avg. Diameter Area Unit PSI L2 .56 5260 3 PAD 50 RTI5o7/30/20L8 660',7 5 4.00 RT,7 08/or/2oLa 68290 4.00 L2 .56 5440 3 PAD 60 RT28oa/22/2oae 86195 4.00 12 .55 5860 2 PAD 60 PAD 50 RT2Ao8/22/20].8 85895 4.00 t2 .56 5840 2 RT2Ao8/22/20L8 89150 4.00 t2 .56 710 0 3 PAD 60 5930 IIIIII II I III II Please see reverse side for additional information, Date Received: o'7 / 26 / 2Ol8 Concrete Supplier: KNrFE RrvER (EUGENE) Cylinders were cast for the following locations: COWERCIAI DRIVEWAY APRON CURB RETURN AT THE NORTH END tr Distribute attachments. Job Number: E!-t01424. Register Number: o0oos2ea Project: FRANZ BAKERY EXPANSIoN < 1 in. [25 mm] Dat€ Molded: 07 / 2. / 2ote TWe 3 Columnar vertical cracking through both ends, no well-formed cones TWe 1 Reasonabl€ well-formed cones on both etrds, less than I in. [25 mm] of cracking through caps Type 4 Diagonal fracrure with no cracking through ends; tap with hamrner to distinguish from Tlpe I **+ Departure from ASTM C3 1 standard Remarks: TO: Project Manager christian McDonald Type 2 Well-Formed cone on one end, vertical cracks running tkough caps, no well-defined cone on other end ./ Type 5 Side fractures at top or bottom (occur cornmonly with unbonded caps) Type 6 Similar to T)?e 5 but :nd of cylinder is pointed FRANZ BAKERY - ,]ACK COPHER CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DEPARTMBMT THE AUST]N COMPANY - GREG CLAMP DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES - STE!'EN IiARRISON x FRANZ BAKERY - KTM ARNOID ]ACK. COPHER@USBAKERY. CO}I GR EG . CLAIIPOTH EAUSIIN . COI4 5OH@DEAINC. COl,i K IM . ARNOLD@USBAK ERY . COM Reviewed By: Project Manager on 08/23/2oLB Our reports penain to the material tested/inspected only. Information contained her€in is not to be reproduced, except in full, without prior authorization from this olIce. Under all circumstances, the information contained in this repon is provided subject to all terms and conditions of CTI's General Conditions in effect at the time this report is prcparea. No party other than those to whom CTI has distributed this report shall be entitled to use or rely upon the information contained in this document. 89970 IIV!ry 99N, EUGENE OR ffitFtiJJr' Carlson Testing, Inc. Bend OIfice Geotechnicd Ofrice Eugene Office Sslem OIIice Tigrrd Olfice (541) 330-9lss (503) 60r-82s0 (s4r) 345-0289 (503) 589-1252 (s03) 684-3460 REPORT OF 4 X 8 CONCRETE CYLINDRICAI TEST SPECIMENS Test Methods:AsrM c3 9 / c122 /ci-o64/c!3a/cal/ct43/c23L/ca23l Job Num E7? 0L424 Permit #:I,AND & DRAINAGE A]-TERAI'ION 811 - 17 - OOO115 - PW Client:FRANZ BAKERY - .fACK COPHER Project:FRANZ BAKERY EXPANSION Address:2OOO NUGGET WAY SPRINGFIELD OR Jurisdiction:SPRINGFIELD Contractor: Subcontractor Cast By:R. ORCIIARD Concrete Supplier:KNIFE RIVER ( EUGENE ) Truck #:41BA'7 Load #: Test Time:11:30 AM psi fc @ 28 DaYs SlumP: Concrete Temp: --2J- Ticke#: 80 0278 81 Air Temp. at Sampling Time: 7 o 6.sZStrength Requirement: Mix Number:45NE7009 1 Weather:CLEAR Cylinders were cast for the following locations: SOUTH ENTRY APRON AT WEST MOST PANEL Total Concrete Placement Location: SOI'TH ENTRY ADA SIDEWA],K NORTH SECTION, APRON EAST PANEL, WESTERN MOST APRON PANEL 3500 4.00.Yo Airz 3/4"Max Agg: Admix/Amt:WRDA54 (376 0Z-\, AAP. 142 0Z-) AND RECOVER (3OO OZ.) Register Number:00005314 Lab Location:EUGENE Average fc @ 28 days cubic Yards: sEE REMARKS Curing: High 93 *** Low '72 Cap Tvoe Tested By Total Load Avg. Diameter Area Unit PSI Type Of Fracture Set No. Test @D"Ys Test Date 2 CM558854.00 L2 .56 4450I3o8/06/2018 L2 .56 5050 3 ME508/08/201-8 5080 2 PAD 50 ME'7 o8/L0/2078 63',7 65 4.00 12 .56 2a o8/37/20L8 oe/3r/20L8 08/3a/20]-8 IIIIII I III IIT IIII Distribute attachments. Please see reverse side for additional information. Date Molded: 0e / a3 / 2ot8 Date Received: 08 / A4 / 2oLe PAD 60 53450 PAD 60 tr Job Number: E)-'7 0L424. Register Number: 00005314 Project: FFGNZ BAKERY EXPANSIoN Type t Reasonable well-formed cones on both ends, less than I in. [25 mm] of cracking through caps TSpe 4 Diagonal tracture with no cracking through ends; tap with harnrner to distinguish from Typc I *** Departure from ASTM C3l standard Remarks: CUBIC YARDS: 10.75 OF 21.50 Tlpe 2 Well-Formed cone on one end, vertical cracks running through caps, no well-defined cone otr other end Date Molded: a8 / 03 / 2ot8 Tlpe 6 Similar to TWe 5 but itrd ofcylinder is poirred ./ TWe 5 Side fractures at top or boftom (occur commonly with unbonded caps) TO: FRANZ BAXERY ' .]ACK COPHER CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DEPARTMENI THE AUSTIN COIIPANY . GRTG CI,AT'{P DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES - STEIEN HARRISON x FR'ANZ BAKERY . KIM ARNOIJD JACK.COPHER@USBAKERY.COM I(IM. ARNOLDGUSBAK€RY. COI,4 GREG. CLAI,IPGTHEAUSTIN. COi,t SDHODEAINC - COl,l Reviewed By: Project Manager on 08/!4/2078 Our reports pertain to the material tested/inspect€d only. Information contained herein is not to be reproduced, except in full, without prior authorization fiom this oflice. Under all circumstances, the information contained in this report is provided subject to all terms and conditions of CTI's General Conditions in €ffect at the time this report is prepared. No party other than those to whom CTI has distributed this report shall be entitled to use or rely upon the information contained in this document. 899?0 HWY 99N. EUGENE OR ffilrr < I in. [25 mm] Tlpe 3 Columnar vertical cracking through both ends, no well-formed cones Project Manager: christian McDonald Carlson Testing, Inc. Bend Office Geotechricel Olfice Eugene OIffce Salem OInce Tieird OIfice (54r) 330-9rs5 (s03) 601-82s0(s4r) 34s-0289 (503) s89-1252 (503) 684-3460 REPORT OF 4 X 8 CONCRETE CYI,INDRICA],TEST SPECIMENS Test Methods:As'rM ca9 / ca'|2 / cta64 /ca39 / c3a/ ct43 / c23a/ ca23r Date Molded:os/01 / 20a8 Date Received:os/02/2078 Job Number. EL? 07424 . Permit #:LAND & DRAINAGE AITERATION 8 1 1 - 17 - O O 0116 - PW Address:2OOO NUGGET WAY SPRINGFIELD OR Jurisdiction:SPRINGFIELD Contractor: Subcontractor Cast Bv:R. ORCIIARD Concrete Supplier:IOJIFE RIVER ( EUGENE ) Weather:C],EAR Truck #:418 04 Load #:2 Test Time:1:50 PM psi fc @ J.9- Days Concrete T€mp: Ticket#:40027423 Air Temp. at Sampling Time: 70 Yo Airl.s.5?r Cylinders were cast for the following locations: SOUTH ENTRANCE APRON AT NORTHEAST SECTION Total Concrete Placement Location: SOUTH ENTRANCE APRON Strength Requirement:3500 4.00, Mix Number:45NE7009 Slump: Admix,tAmt:WRDA54 (3?5 OZ.). ArR Ge aZ.) AND RECOVER (300 OZ.) Register Number:00005311 Lab Location:ETIGENE Average fc @ 28 days 83 Max Agg:3J4" Cubic Yards: sEE REMARKS Curing:IIigh Low B7 '73 Area Unit PSI Type Of Fracture cap Trree Tested Bv Set No. Test @ Davs Test Date Total Load Avg. Diameter 2 CM15oe/06/201s 54580 4.00 12 .55 4350 ME08/0e/20t8 62260 4.00 L2 .56 3 PAD 60 2A oe /2e /2018 2a o8/29/2OtS 2B 0e/29/20!S IIIIII IIIIIII Distribute attachments Please see reverse side for additional information. Client: LRANZ BAKERY - JACK COPHER Project: FRANZ BAKERY EXPANSIoN PAD 50 't 4960 ttt I =tr Job Number: 8L7QL424. Register Number: 0000s311 Project: rnaUZ BAKERY EXPANSToN < I in. [25 rnrn] Type I Reasonable well-formed cones on both ends. less than I in. [25 mm] of cracking through caps Tne 4 Diagonal fracture with no cracking through ends; tap with hammer to distinguish from Type I *** Departure ftom ASTM C3l standard Remarks: CUBIC YARDS: 21.50 OF 21.50 TO: Tlpe 2 Well-Formed cone on one end, vertical cracks running through caps, no well-defined cooe on other end ./ Typ€ 5 Side liactues at top or bottom (occur cornmonly with unbond€d caps) Date Molded: 0e / a7 / 2otg T}?e 3 Columnar venical cracking through both ends, no well-formed cones Tlpe 6 Simitar to T}?e 5 but end of cylinder is pointed FRANZ BAKERY . JACK COPHER CTTT OF SPRINGFIE],D BUILDING DEPT\RTMENT THE AUSTIN COMPANY . GREG CI,AMP DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES - STEVEN HARRISON x FAANZ BAKERY - KIM ARNOLD ]ACK. COPHER@USEAKERY. COT KIM.ARNOLD@USBAKERY.Cfi GREG. CLAMPATHEAIISTIN. COM SDH@DEAINC , COI'I ProjectManager chrrstian McDonaLd Reviewed By: Project Manager on o8/1-4/2ola Our reports pertain to the material tested/inspected only. Information contained herein is not to be reproduced, except in full, without prior authorization from this office. Under all circumstances, the information contained in this report is provided subject to all terms and conditions of CTI's General Conditions in effect at the time this report is prepared. No party other than those to whom CTI has distributed this report shall be entitled to use or rely upon the information contained in this document. 89970 HWY 99N- EUGENE OR r tx F ffi Carlson Testing, Inc. Bend Ofnce Geotechnical Office Eugene Office Srl€m Office Tisrrd Oflice (s41) 330-e1ss (503) 601-82s0 (s41) 34s-0289 (503) 589-12s2 (503) 684-3460 REPORT OF 4 X 8 CONCRETE CYLINDRICAI TEST SPECIMENS ASTM ca9 / c772 /c1-o64 / C]3a / c3L / ct43 / c237 /Ct231- Date Received:a8/02/201-8 Job Number , El? 01424 . Permit #:I,AND & DRAINAGE AI,TERATION 811-17-000116.PW Client:FRANZ BAKERY - .fACK COPHER Project:FRANZ BAKERY EXPANSION Address:2T'OO NUGGET WAY SPRINGFIELD OR Jurisdiction:SPRlNGFlELD Contractor: Subcontractor Cast By:R. ORCHARD Concrete Supplier:IoIIFE RIVER ( EUGENE ) Truck #:41805 psi fc @ 28 Days Slump: Concrete Temp: --Ei- Ticket#: I2 0115 51 Air Temp. at Sampling Time: ----.6-9- Load #:1 Weather:CI,EAR 11:10 AM Cylinders were cast for the following locations: GIITTER AT SOUTH ENTRANCE APRON AT MIDPOINT Strength Requirement:3500 Mix Number:45NE7009 I .50 oh Lir: 3/4"Max Agg: Admix/Amt:WRDA6 4 (372 OZ.), ArR (29 OZ.) AND RECOVER (300 OZ.) 00005310 Lab Location:EUGENE Average fc @ 28 days Cubic Yards: SEE REMARKS Curing: High 8? *** Low -13- Set No. Test @ Davs Test Date Total Load Avg. Diameter Area Unit PSI Type Of Fracture cap Tvoe Tested Bv I 5 oe/06/20L8 64 510 4.00 L2 .56 514 0 2 PAD 60 CM 1 0e/08/20L8 70530 4.00 L2 -56 5520 3 PAD 50 ME 28 oe/29/20L8 2A o8/29/2018 o8/29/20L8 IIIII IIIIIIII IIII Distribute attachments. Please see reverse side for additional information. Test Methods: Date Molded: Os / 0L / 201-8 Test Time: Total Concrete Placement Locrtion: GIITTER AT SOUTH ENTRANCE APRON AT MIDPOINT AND SOUTHERN MOST SIDEWAIJK SECTION Register Number: tttlll tr Job Number: E'a101424. Register Number; 00005310 Project: FRntz BAKERY EXPANSIoN < I in. [25 mm] Type I Reasonable well-formed cones on both ends, less than I in. [25 mm] of cracking through caps T$e 4 Diagonal fracture with no cracking tbrough ends; tap with hammer to distinguish from T)?e I +++ Departure fiom ASTM C3l standard Remarks: CUBIC YARDS : 10.75 OF 21.50 Type 2 Well-Formed cone on one end, vertical cracks running tlrough caps, no well-defined cone orl other end I Type 5 Side iiacturcs at top or bottom (occur commonly with unbonded caps) Date Molded: o8 / or/ 2018 Type 6 Simitar to Tlpe 5 but :nd ofcylinder is pointed TO: FRANZ BAXERY - .fACK COPHER CITY OF SPRINGFTELD BUII,DING DEPARTMEIIT THE AUSTIN COMPANY - GREG ClAMP DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES - STEVEN HARRTSON x FRANZ BAXERY - KIM ARNO],D ]ACK.COPHER@USBAKERY.CO KrM.aRNoLD@USBAKERY.cott GREG.CLAMP@THEAUSTTN.co SDHGDEAINC . COI'I Proiect Managel christian McDonald Reviewed By: Project Manager o^ 08/L4/2018 Our reports pertain to the material tested,/inspected only. Information contained herein is not to be reproduced, except il full, without prior authorization from this office. Under all circumstances, the information contained in this report is provided subject to all terms and conditions of CTI's General Conditions in effect at the time this report is prepared. No party other than those to whom CTI has distribut€d this report shall be entitled to use or rely upon the information contained in this document. 89970 HWY 99N, EUGENE OR 5fiEn Type 3 Columnar venical cracking thrcugh both ends, rlo well-formed cones Carlson Testing, Inc. Betrd Ofiice Gcotechnical Omce Eugene Office Salem Ofnce Tigard OIfice (s4l) 330-9rss (s03) 60r-82s0 (s4r) 3454289 (s03) s89-12s2 (s03) 684-3460 REPORT OF 4 X 8 CONCRETE CYLINDRICA],TEST SPECIMENS Test Methods:ASTM C3 9 /C1 2/cao64 C13B c317 c14 3 / c23t/ c]-23L Date Molded:o7 /a2 / 2A].8 Date Received:o7/13/201"9 Job Number. EL7 07424 . Permit #:LAI\D & DRAINAGE AITERATT 811ON -17-00 0 116 - PW Client:FRANZ BAKERY . JACK COPHER Project:FRANZ BAKERY EXPANSION Address:2OOO NUGGET WAY SPRINGFIELD OR Jurisdiction:SPRINGFIELD Contraclor: Subcontractor Cast By:R. ORCHARD Concrete Supplier:KNIFE RIVER (EUGENE) 474t9 Ticket#:800273301Load #: Test Time:4:15 AM Cylinders were cast for the following locations: NORTHWEST CORNER OF SOUTH LOADING DOCK CONCRETE PAVING Total Concrete Placement Location: SOIITH IJOADING DOCK CONCRETE PAVING Strength Requirement: -----4!!!- psi fc@ 28 Days Air Temp. at Sampling Time: ---59- Truck #: Weather: Mix Number:4 5NE70 0 9 Concrete Temp:Max Agg: Slump: 75 4.75r oh Airt 3/+" 3.7? Admix/Amt:WRDA6 4 (375 OZ.) AND ArR 129 OZ.)cubic Yards: 10. ?5 OF 43 Lab Location: EUGENE Curing: High 86Register Number:00005280 Low lf-Si- Average flc @ 28 days Set No. Test @ Davs Test Date Total Load Avg. Diameter Area Unit PSI Type Of Fractur€ Cap Tvpe Tested By I 7 01 / a9 / 2Ot8 54535 12 .56 4350 3 PAD 60 ME 2A 08/oe/2oas '7 4600 4.00 12 .56 5940 3 PAD 60 ME 28 08/09/20L8 72650 4.00 12 .56 5780 3 PAD 50 ME 2B o8/09/2OLS 78385 4.00 72 .56 6240 3 PAD 60 ME s990Distributc attachments. Please see reverse side for additional information. CLEAR 4.00 Job Number: E\70),424. Register Number; 00005280 Project: FRer'tz BAKERY EXPANSToN < I in. [25 mm] Tlpe 1 Reasonable well-formed cones on both snds, less than I in. [25 mm] of cracking through caps TWe 4 Diagonal Factule with no cracking through ends; tap with hammer to distinguish from Type I *** Departure fiom ASTM C3l standard Remarks: TO: TWe 2 Well-Formed cone otr one end, vertical cracks running through caps, no well-defined cone on other end Date Molded: 0'1 / 12 / 2OA8 Tlpe 3 Columnar vertical cracking through both e[ds, no well-formed cooes Tlpe 6 Similar to T)?e 5 bu1 --nd ofcylinder is pointed t T}?e 5 Side fractures at top or bottom (occur commonly with unbonded caps) FRANZ BAKERY - .]ACK COPHER CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DEPARTMENT THE AUSTIN COMPANY . GREG CI,AI''P DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES - STEVEN HARRISON x FRANZ BAKERY - KIM ARNOLD ]ACK. COPHER@USBAKERY. COM GREG. CLAI'P@THEAUSTIN. COi,t SoH@DEATNC. Corrr KIM.ARNOLD@USBAKERY.COM Project Manager christian McDonald Reviewed By: Project Manager on 08/L4/2oLa Our reports pertain to the material tested/inspected only. Information contained herein is not to be reproduced, except in full, without prior authorization from this office. Under all circumstances, the information contained in this report is proyided subject to all terms and conditions of CTI's General Conditions in effect at the time this report is prepared. No party other than those to whom CTI has distributed this rsport shall be entitled to use or rely upon the information contained in this document. 89970 IIWY 99N, EUGENE OR ,fllR I ru Carlson Testing, Inc. Bend Office Geotechnical Oflice Eugene Office Salem Office Tigard Oflice (sJr) 330-91ss (s03) 601-82s0(s{1) 31s-0289(s03) 589-r 2s2 (so3) 68{-3{60 REPORT OF 4X8 CONCRETE CYLINDRICAL TESTSPECIMENS Test Methods:ASAM C?q/C1'1) / C1.,64 / .-11Q / .'11 /C14.\ /c2i1 /c1)11 Date Molded: a] / 11 / 20L8 Date Received:01 / 78 / 2AI8 Job Number:E7l47424 - permit#: LAND & DRATNAGE ALTERATTON 811-17-000116-pW Client: EITANZ BAKERY - JACK COPHER Project: EF-CNZ BAKERY EXPANS ION dflflas55;2000 NUGGET WAY SPRINGFIELD OR Jurisdiction: S PRTNG.l ELD Contractor: Subc()ntractor: C0ncrete Supp Cast By: f1n6|1 fl; 40690 Load #: 1 Ticket#: Baa2142t Weather: CLEAR Test Time: 9:45 Al,1 Air Temp. at Sampling Time: 7 4 Cylinders were cast for the following locations: SOUTH END OE NUGGET I.]AY, SOUTH BOUND LANE, CURB AND GUTTER. Total Concrete Placement Location: SOUTH BOUND LANE OE NUGGET WAY, CURB AND GUTTER BET!,iEEN NORTH AND SOUTH ACCESS. R. ORCHARD IieT. KN]FE RIVER (EUGENE ) Strength Requirement: 3s00 psi fc@ 28 Days Slump: Mix Number: 2 4 35NE7 F0 9 Concrete Temp: l5 3.50"%o Air: 4. s? 3/ 4"Max Agg: Admix/Amt: WRDA54 (204 OZ.) AND AIR (19 OZ.) Register Number:00005288 Lab Location:EUGENE Average fc @ 28 days Cubic Yards: SEE REMARKaj Curing: High Lon' 65 Set No. T€st @ Davs Test Date Total Load Avg Diameter Area tlnitPSI Type Of Fracture Cap Tvne T es ted Bv I 1 01 /24 /2078 43300 4 .00 12 .56 3450 3 PAD 60 28 a8 /L4 /2A78 61944 4.00 4930 3 PAD 60 28 aB / ),4 /2A18 6'7265 4.00 72 .56 5360 4 2A a8 /t4 /2478 6641A 4.00 5294 PAD 60 ME 5190 Please see reverse side for additional information. MEI MEv.56 | PAD 60 ME L2 .56 I I I I I ! Dist ibute atlachments. Job Number: EL'741424. Register Number: 0000s288 PToJect: FRANZ BAKERY EXPANS TON < I in. [25 mm] T)pe I Reasonable u el l-lbnned cones on hoth ends less than I in. [25 mm]ot cmckingthrough caps Type 4 Diagonal fracture with no cmcking through endsi tap with hammerto distinguish from Type I *** Departure from ASTM C31 standard Remarks: CUBIC YAF.DS: 17.75 OF 17.75 CC Tvpe 2 Well-Formedconeonone end, vertical cracks running through caps, no $ell-defi ned cone on other end Type 3 Columnarvefi ical cracking through both ends, no well-formedcones Type 6 Similar to Type 5 but end ofcylinder is pointed 'llpc 5 Side fractures at top or bottom (occu.commonly with unbonded caps) ERANZ BAI(ERY - JACK COPHER CITY OE SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DEPARTMENT THE AUSTIN COMPANY - GREG CLAMP DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES _ STEVEN }IARRISON x FRANZ BAKERY - KIM ARNOI,D ]ACK. COPHERGUSBAKERY. CO]!! KIM.ARNOLD@USBAKERY, COIII Project Manager: chrlstian McDonaLd Reviewed By: Project Manager an 08/15/2078 Our reports pertain to the mate al tested/inspected only. Information contained herein is not to be reproduced, except in fUll. without prior authorization from this office- Under all circumstances. the information contained in this report is provided subject to all tems and conditions of CTI'S General Conditions in effect at the time this report is prepared. No part-v other than those to whom CTI has distributed this report shall be entitled to use or rely upon the information contained in this document. 89970 HWY 99N- EUCENE OR Lfi Date Molded: a t/ L1 /2a78 GREG.CLAI\4PGTHEAUSTIN.COM SDH@DEAlN C . CCI,' il Carlson Testing, Inc. Bend Office(;eotechnical Office [,]ugene Office Salem OIfice'l'isard Offic€ (s{r )(s03) (s.r r )(s03) (s03) .130-915s 60t-8250 3,15-0289 589-12s2 684-3,160 REPORT OF 4X6 CONCRETE CYLINDRICAL TESTSPECIMENS Test Methods:AsrM c39 / C1,'7 2fa1A64 / C1,38 /C31lCr43 /C23t1e!23L Date Molded: 0't / 1 .1 / 2a7B Date Rece ived: Permit #: LAND & DRAINAGE ALTERATION 811-1?-000116-Pw Job Number: Client: ERANZ BAKERY _ JACK COPHER Proj Reg ect: FRANZ BAKERY EXPANS ION Address:2000 NUGGET wAY SPRINGEIELD OR JuTisdiction: SPRINGEIELD Contractor: Subcontractor: Concrete Supp Cast Bv:R. ORCHARD IieT. KNIFE RIVER (EUGENE ) Truck#: 40690 Load #: 1 \{sxf[s1; CLEAR Test Time: 9 r 45 AM Cylinders were cast for the following locations: SOUTH END OF NUGGET WAY, SOUTH BOUND LANE, CURB AND GUTTER. Strength Requirement: Ticket#: 8oa2'7 421, Air Temp. at Sampling 'I'ime: I i Total Concrete Placement Location: SOUTH BOUND LANE OF NUGGET WAY, CURB AND GUTTER BETWEEN NORTH AND SOUTH ACCESS. Mix Number: 24 35NElE09 psi fc@ 28 Days SlumP: Concrete Temp: 75 3500 3.50"o/" Air:. 4.5? Admix/Amt: WRDA64 (204 oz.) AND AIR (19 oz.) ister Number: 00005288 LabLocation:EUGENE CubicYards: SEE REMARKS Curing: High 92 *++ Low 66 Average fc @ 28 days Set No. Test @ Days Test Date Total Load Avg Diameter Unit PSI 1 1'pe Of Fractu re cap Type Tested Br' '7 01 / 24 / 2078 43300 4.00 L2 .56 3450 3 PAD 60 0B/1,4/2018 4.00 12 .56 4930 l PAD 60 2B 0B/74/201,8 61265 4.00 t2-56 s360 I PAD 60 28 oB/L4/2078 664'14 4.00 L2 .56 529 0 PAD 60 519 0Distribute attachments Please see reverse side for additional information. Max Agg: I 4" Area ME ME6L940 | ," I I III ME Job Number: El7A1424. Register Number: 00005288 Project: ERANZ BAKERY EXPANS ToN < I in. [25 rnm] Tvw 2 Well-Formedconeonone end, vertical cmcks running tkough caps, no well-defined cone on otherend Date Molded: a1 /t] /2-a78 Type 3 Columnar vertical cmcking through both ends, no well-formed cones lyp.6 Similar to Type 5 but eIId ofcylinder is pointed Type I Reasonable well-formed cones on both ends- less than I in. [25 mm] of cmckingthroughcaps Type 4 Diagonal fracture \1 ith no cracking through endsi tap with harnmer to distinguish from lype I Type 5 Side ftactures at top or bottom (occur commonly with unbonded caps) it* Departure from ASTM C3l standard Remarks: CUBIC YARDS: 1"1 .'75 AF L't.'t5 CC:]ACK, COPHERIOUSBAKERY, COMEBANZ BAKERY JACK COPHER CITY OE SPRINGEIELD BUILDING DEPARTMENT THE AUST]N COMPANY - GREG CLAMP DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES STSVEN HARRISON x ERANZ BAKERY - KIM ARNOLD GREG . CIAT! POTHEAUSTIN . COI,,I SDHGOEAINC . CO,I KIM, ARNoLDGUSBAKERY. c(N Project Manager: christian McDona 1d Reviewed By: Project Manager ot\ aa/75/2a18 Our reports pertain to the material tested/inspected only. lnformation contained hcrein is not to be reproduced, except in full. without prior authorization from this office. Undcr all circumstances, the information contained in this report is provided subject to all terms and conditions of CTI's General Conditions in efl'ect at the time this repofl is prcpared. No party othcr than those to whom CTI has distributed this report shall be entitled to use or rely upon the information contained in this document. 89970 HWY 99N EIJGENE OR Carlson Testing, Inc. Be[d Office G€otech cal Ofrice Eugene Office S.lem Offce Tigard Ofnce (54r) 330-91ss (s03) 601-8250 (541) 34s-0289 (503) 589-1252 (503) 684-3460 REPORT OF 4 X 8 CONCRETE CYI,INDRICA],TEST SPECIMENS Test Methods:ASTM c3 9 / c1z2 /ci-o64/c!3a/c31 ca43 / c23t / cr23l Date Molded:oi / t'l / 2Ot8 Date Received:o7/a8/20t8 Job Number. E17 0L424 . Permit #:LAND & DRAINAGE ALTERATION 811.17-000 116 -PW Client:FRANZ BAKERY . .fACK COPHER Project:FRAN Z BAKERY EXPANSION Address:2OOO NUGGET WAY SPRINGFIELD OR Subcontractor Jurisdiction:SPRINGF]ELD Contractor: Cast By:R. ORCHARD Ticket#:80027 421 Weather:CLEAR T€st Time:9:45 AM Air Temp. at Sampling Time: ----4- Cylinders were crst for the following locations: SOUTH END OF NUGGET WAY, SOUTH BOUND I,ANE, CI'RB AND GUTTER. Total Concrete Placement Location: SOUTH BOUND I,ANE OF NUGGET WAY, CURB AND GT]IITER BETWEEN NORTH AND SOUTH ACCESS Truck #:40590 Los.d #:1 Admix/Amt:tlRDAS4 (204 Oz.) AND AIR (19 OZ.) Register Number:00005288 Lab Location:EUGENE Average fc @ 28 days Cubic Yards: EEE-BEUABKS Curing: High 92 **t' l,ow 66 Set No. Test @ Davs Test Date Total Load Avg. Diameter Area Unit PSI Type Of Fractur€ Cap Tvoe Tested Bv I '/o7/24/20L8 43300 L2 .56 3450 3 PAD 60 oa/74/2ota 6194 0 t2 .56 3 PAD 60 ME o8/1-4/201e 67265 4.00 t2 .56 5360 PAD 60 ME o8/14/201e 654't O 4.00 L2 .56 5290 3 PAD 60 ME 519 0Distribute attachments. Please see reverse side for additional information. Concrete Suoolier: I(l{IFE RIVER (EUGENE) Strength Requirement: ----35!-9- psi flc@ 28 p"r. Slump: 3.s0" o/o Ai 4.s"< Mix Number:2-@El!-Q-9- Concrete Temp: ..E MaxAgg: 3/4" 4.00 ME 4.00 4930 2A 4 tr Job Number: E1'70L424. Register Number: 0000s28I Project: FRANZ BAKERY EXPANSIoN < I in. [25 mm] Type 2 Well-Formed cone on one end, vertical cracks ruuing through caps, no well-d€fined cone on other end Date Molded: 0'1 / !'7 / 2AaB Type 3 Columnar vertical cracking through both ends, no well-formed cones TWe I Reasotrable well-fomed cones on both ends, Iess than I in. [25 mm] of cracking through caps Type 4 Diagonal fracture with no cracking through ends; tap with hammer to distinguish trom Type 1 *** Departure from ASTM C31 standard Remarks: CIIBIC YARDS: L'7.'75 OF 11 .75 TOI ./ Tlpe 5 Side fiactures ar top or boftom (occur commonly with unbonded caps) Tlpe 6 Similar to Type 5 but :nd of cylinder is pointed FRJANZ BAKERY - JACK COPHER CITY OF SPRINGFIEIJD BUILDING DEPARTfiENI THE AUSTIN COMPANY GREG CI.AMP DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES - STEVEN TIARRISON x FtrIANZ BAKERY - KIM ARNOLD J ACK . COPH ER@US BAKERY . COi,! CREG. CLAMP@THEAUSTIN. COit SDHGDEAINC. COltl KIM. aRNoLD@u5BAKERy. cor,,! Project Manager christian McDonald Reviewed By: Project Manager on 08/ts/2ota Our reports p€rtain to the material tested./inspected only. Information contained herein is not to be reproduced, except in full, withoul prior authorization from this o{Ice. Under all circumstances, the information contained in this report is provided subject to all terms and conditions of CTI's General Conditions in €ffect at the time this report is prepared. No party other than those to whom CTI has distributed this report shall be entitled to use or rely upon the information contained in this document. 899?0 HWY 99N. EUGENE OR [fi [,, n [I ru