HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Field Test & Inspection Report 2018-10-18Earth fngineers, lnc. 4660 Main Street, Suite 100-'lA r Springfield o OR 97478 Phone: 54'l-393-6340 o Fax: 541-393-6385 www.earth-engineers.com DAILY FIELD INSPECTION REPORT Pa 1of 1 Client: Willamalane Parks & Recreation District Permit No.: City of Springfield 81 1-18- 00't607-sTR Date: October 18, 2018 Project: lsland Park Site lmprovements Address:200 W. B Street, Springfield, Orcgon 97 477 EEI Report No : 18-190-8 General Contraclor:Weather: Sunny Items lnspected: CMU Wall a New lnspection tr Re-lnspection Type of lnspection E At Completion t ln Progress ! ContinuoLrs tr Periodic Arrived: 11 :25 a.m.Detailed Inspection Notes Departed: 1l:45 a.m As requested by our client, Earth Engineers, lnc. representative Pete Furlong was on site this date to perform Level B Quality Assurance inspection on masonry construction in the following locations: New Bathroom 8" CMU block walls from 4' to 8' above the top pf monolithic slab. Prior to grouting our representative verified that the following were in compliance: grout spaces, grade, type and size of reinforcement, placement of reinforcement and construction of mortar joints. Our representative performed continuous inspection during the placement and mechanical consolidation of grout in the same location as reference above. Approximately 4.50 yds3 of Knife Rivers approved mix design 247KG3R000 was deposited into the CMU block wall using a line pump. All cells were grouted solid. To the best of our knowledge, the work inspected on this date by EEI was in conformance with City of Springfield approved project plans, and applicable provisions of the lBC, T[/S 402, ACI 530, and ASCE 5. Reoort Diskibution (e-mail onlv): Simon Daws - Willamalane Parks & Recreation District -nd willamalane.or Robert castile - City of Springfield - rcastile@sorinqfield-or.qov Report Reviewed By: Ray AliPertiField staff Name (Print): Pete Furlong ACI#00083536 Copy ol Handwritten Repod Left on Sitei Nolh/,'-qField Staff Signature Our observations do not relieve the contractorfrom performing in accordance with their contracl and approved permit documents Subcontraclor: --- farth Engineers, lnc 4660 Main Street, Suite 100 r $p1i69fi61d o OR 97478 Phone: 541-393-6340 o Fax: 541-393-6385 www. earth-en g ineers. com October 23, 2018 Willamalane Park and Recreation District 250 South 32nd Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 Attention: Simon Daws, RLA Subject:Special lnspection and Testing Final Summary Letter Willamalane Park and Recreation District lsland Park Site lmprovements 200 West B Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 EEI Report No.'18-190-9 Dear Mr. Daws Earth Engineers, lnc. (EEl) is pleased to report that our special inspection and testing services have been completed for the lsland Park Site lmprovements project. The following special inspection and testing services were performed between October 9, 2018 and October 18, 2018 and submitted in our daily field reports 18-190-1 through 18-190-8: Reinforcing Steel Concrete Masonry It is our professional opinion that the items listed above meet the requirements described in the City of Springfield approved plans and the applicable provisions of the IBC. lf you have any questions concerning this letter or need additional services, please contact Ray Aliperti at 541.393 6340. Raymond V. Aliperti Branch Manager Report Distribution (e-mail only) Simon Daws - Willamalane Parks and Recreation District - simond@willamalane.orq Robert Castile - City of Springfield - rcastile@sp rinofield-or.oov (P): 541.736 4049 Email: S im o nd @willa m a lan e. o rq Sincerely, Earth Engineers, lnc. R^o+ V.e**l Earth Enginccrs, I rx,. 4660 l\/ain Street, Suite 100 . Springfield r OR 97478 Phone: 541-393-6340 o Fax: 541-393-6385 www.ea rth-en gineers.com DAILY FIELD INSPECTION REPORT P e 1of 1 client: Willamalane Parks & Recreation District Perm,t No : City of Springfield 81 '1-'18- 001607-sTR Date: October 9, 2018 Prolect: lsland Park Site lmprovements Address: 200 W. B Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 EEI Report No.: 18-190-1 Subcontractor: ---Weather: Partly Cloudy ltems tnspected: Reinforcing Steel, Concrete Formwork,I New lnspection tr Re-lnspection Type of lnspection r At Completion tr ln P.ogress tr Conlinuous r Periodic Arrived: 12:30 p.m.Detailed lnspection Notes Departed: 1:30 p.m As requested by our client, Earth Engineers, lnc. (EEl) representative Ray Aliperti was on site this date to perform periodic visual inspection on reinforcing steel and concrete formwork for the new restroom monolithic slab on grade. Note: the subgrade under the footings and slab was covered with plastic visqueen and the surface was relatively clean and free of wrinkles. EEI representative was informed by the general contractor that the concrete placement will be on October 1 0, 2018 at 8:30 a.m. To the best of our knowledge, the work in inspected by EEI on this date and described herein was in accordance with the City of Springfield approved project plans. Report Distribution (e lILaiLsnly) Simon Daws - Willamalane Parks & Recreation District - simond@willamalane.orq Robert Castile - City of Springfie ld - rcastile@sprinqfield-or.oov Fietd Staff Name (Prinl): Ray Aliperti ICC #10'17075 Reporl Revieu,ed Byr RaY AliPerti Field Slaff Signature Name (Signature) R^ol V+61 Copy of Handwritten Report Lefl on Site: YeS Our inspections do not relieve the conkaclor from performing in accordance with their contracl and approved permit documents I The reinforcing steel was inspected for grade, size, lap, placement and clearances where applicable. The reinforcing steel was secured against displacement using annealed tie wire and supported off the ground for proper clearance using 3' concrete dobie blocks. The reinforcing steel was clean and free of oil and rust. The reinforcing steel and concrete formwork was placed in accordance with detail 1/A5.2 (monolithic slab option) of the approved plans. General Contractor: Earth Engineers, ln.. 4660 Main Street, Suite 100 o Springfield o OR 97478 Phone: 541-393-6340 . Fax: 541-393-6385 www.earth-engineers. com P el of 1 crientr Willamalane Parks & Recreation District Permir No.: City of Springfield 81 'l -'18- 001607-sTR Date: October 1 0. 2018 Project: lsland Park Site lmprovements ,qooress: 200 W. B Street, Sprinqfield, Oregon 97 477 EEI Report No.: 1 8-190-2 General Conlractor: ---Subcontraclor ---wealher: Overcast I New lnspection - Re-lnspectionItems lnspected: Reinforced Concrete Type of lnspections ! Atoompletion I ln Progress ! Continuous r Periodic Arrived: 8:10 a.m. Detailed lnspection Notes Departed:10:00 a.m. As requested by our client, Earth Engineers, lnc. (EEl) representative Pete Furlong responded to the site on this date to perform periodic visual inspection during the concrete placement for the new bathroom at lsland Park. Our represenlative performed continuous inspection during the placement of concrete in the above referenced location. Approximately 18 yds3 of Knife Rivers approved mix design no.2435P27CV0 (3,500 psi, '112' aggregate, with slag) was deposited by line pump and mechanically consolidated throughout its placement depth. Concrete trucks were inspected for mix design, batch time, slump, air entrainment and temperature. For more detailed information on concrete placed on this date please reference our concrete strength test report 18-'190-3. To the best of our knowledge, the work inspected by EEI on this date and described herein was in accordance with the City of Springfield approved project plans, approved mix design, and the applicable provisions of the lBC. Robert Castile - City of Springfield - rcastile@sprinqfield-or.qov Reporl Reviewed By: RaY AliPerti Copy of Handwritten Reporl Left on Site: No^,., / ,/"h /"-ryField Staff Signature Our inspections do not relieve the contractor from perfoming in accordance with their contract and approved permit documenls DAILY FIELD INSPECTION REPORT Note: reinforcing steel for the above referenced project was inspected on October 9, 2018 (reference our report 18- 1 90-1). Our representative also cast one set of four (4" x 8') concrete test cylinders from a sample obtained from the 1"t concrete truck load. Our sample had a measured slump of 5" and percent of air was 5%. The test cylinders were stored on site in a cooler with temperature-conditioned water for initial curing in accordance with ASTM C31. The test cylinders will be transported to our facility on October 11, 2018 and placed in a concrete curing tank (lime and water solution) for final curing. The cylinders are scheduled to be tested for compressive strength in accordance with ASTM C39 at (1) 7-day and (3) 28-days. For more detailed information on concrete placed on this date please reference our concrete strength report 1 8-190-3 Distribution (electronic distribution onlv): Simon Daws - Willamalane Parks & Recreation District - 9!O9!!@!yl!le!04!e!e.9lq Field Staff Name (Print): Pete Furlong ACI #00083536 Earth Engineers, lnc. I Specimens made by EEI rep. ! Specimens made by others: Report Reviewed By (print name): Raymond V. Aliperti R,rO V@P 4660 Main Street, Suite 100 . Springfield o OR 97478 Phone: 541-393-6340 o Fax: 541-393-6385 www.earth-engineers.com COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH REPORT OF GROUT TEST SPECIMENS Distribution List (via email) Simon Daws - Willamalane Parks & Recreation District - simond@willamalane.oro Robert Castile - City of Springfield - rcastile@sprinqfield-or.oov Client: Wllamalane Parks & Recreation District Permit No.: City of Springfield 81 1-18- 001607-sTR Date: November 28, 2018 Project: lsland Park Site lmprovements Address: 200 W. B Street, Springfield, Oreqon 97477 EEl Report No.: 18-190-6 Genera Contractor:Subcontractor: ---Weather: Sunny Field Data ASTM C1019 Placement Location: Bathroom sampling Location: Southwest corner Date Cast: 10/15/'18 Casl ayr Pete Furlong Supplier: Knife River Delivery Tickel #: 80029826 Truck #: 41809 Load # (oD: 1 of 1 Yardage # 1of: 4.50 of 4.50 Mix t'tumber: 247HG3R000 Batch Time: 1 :32 p.m Sample Time: 2:30 p. m Batched Cement (lbs.): 2,942 lvleasured Slump (in.): 8 Batched Water (gal.): 105 Added al jobsite (gal): -- Measured Air Content (%): ---Batched Fine Aggregate (lbs.): 7,860 Material Temperature @ Sampling ("F):71 Batched Course Aggregate (lbs.): 5,020 Air Temp @ Sampling ('F): 72 Admixtures: WRDA64 (148 oz.) Description of Test Specimen Curing: ASTM C1019 Field Curing Temp eD - High: 78 tow 44 Date and Time Placed in on Site Curing Tank: 10/17l18at5:11p.m Laboratory Data ASTM c10'19/c511 Test Age (davs) Test Date Total Load (lbs.) Sample Dimensions (in.) Cross Section Area (sq. in.) Compressive Strength, fg (psi) Unbonded Cap Type (durometer) Fracture Type Test By 4104 7 10t22t18 40,330 3.36 x 3.34 3,590 70 2 PF 4'105 11t12t18 56,962 3.35 x 3.36 11 .30 5,040 70 2 PF 4106 28 11t12t18 57,1 69 336x334 11 .20 5,100 70 3 PF 4107 28 11t12t18 55,489 3.31 x 3.34 1'1.00 5,040 70 2 PF Averaqe 28-day fq 5,060 Set # (oD: '1 of 1 Mix Oesign Slrength, fg (psi): 3,500 Specified Structural Strength, fg (psi): 2,500 comments: Sample size 3"x3"x6" grout prisms '!I I Test results comply with project specifications. fl Test results do not comply with project specifications. Report Reviewed By (signature): Lab #I 't1.22 Earth Engineers, I n.. 4660 Main Street, Suite 100 o $p1i6gfisld o OR 97478 Phone: 541-393-6340 . Fax: 541-393-6385 www. earlh -en g i neers.com COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH REPORT OF CONCRETE CYLINDRICAL TEST SPECIMENS (')1-Cone(bothends),2-Cone(oneend)andverticalcracks(otherend),3-Columnarverticalcracks,4-DiagonalftactureM//no cracks through ends, 5 -- Side fraclures at top or boltom, 6 - Top fractures lRef: Schematic of TypicalFrccture Patterns,Fig. 2 in ASTM C3S) I Test results comply with project specifications. fl Test results do not comply with project specifications Report Reviewed By (print name): Raymond V. AlipertiRd v di) ctient: Willamalane Parks & Recreation District Permit tlo: City of Springfield 8 1 1-18-001607- STR Report Date: November 28,2018 Project: lsland Park Site lmprovements Address:200 W. B Street, Springfield, Oregon 97 477 Report No.: '18-190-3 General Contraclor: ---Subcontraclorl Weather: Overcast Field Data ASTM C1721C31 Placement Locaton: New bathroom monolithic pad and footings Sampling Localion: Northwest corner of building pad Date Placed: 10/10/18 Cubic Yards (of): 6.00 of 18.00 l\,4ix No.: 2435P27CV0 Batch Time: 8:24 a.m sample Time: 9:16 a.m Batched cement (lbs.): 2,698 + Slag 686 lveasured Slump (in.) AST[.4 C143: 5 S ump Cone LD No.i 005 Tamping Rod l.D. No.: 006 Batched Cold Water (gal.): 102 Added at jobsite (gal) Liteasured AirContent (%) ASTM C173|ASTMC231: 5 LD. No Balched Fine Aggregale (bs.): 9,460 Malerial Temperature at Sampling ("F) ASTM C1064: 66 l.0.No.:002 Balched Course Aggregate (lbs.): 9,470 AirTemperature atSampling ('F) ASTM Cl0641 47 t.D.No.:002 Admixtures: VMAR3 (70 oz.), WRDA64 (172 oz.), AIR (11 oz.\ [.4allet l.D. No.: 004 Test Cylinder Tamping Rod l.D. No.: 009 Description ofCuring Method ASTM C31: r - Standard Curing (initial/final methods)i Tesl cylinders were stored on-site in a cooler with temperature-conditioned water for initial curing. The nexl day the cylinders were transported to ourfacility, stripped from their plastic molds, labeled with their ID No. and lhen stored in a concrete curing tank (water/lime solution) for fnalcuring. Date and Time Removed From Molds: '10/1 1/18 at 8:45 a.m Curing Temperature (oF) ASTIVI C31: High-73 Low-67 t_D.No.:002 comments: Sample Size 4"x8" Laboratory Data ASTM C39/C51 1/Cl 231 EEI Lab NO, Test Age (days) Maximum Load (lbs.) Average Diameter (in.) Cross SectionalArea (sq. in.) Compressive Strength, fc (10 psi) Unbonded Cap Type (durometer) Fracture Type (*) Test By (initials) 4 099 7 10117118 37,780 4.01 12.62 2,990 70 4 PF 4100 11t07118 6 5,681 4.00 '1 2.56 5,230 70 3 RA 4101 28 11107118 66,02s 4.0 0 12.56 5,260 70 3 RA 4102 28 't 1t07 t'18 64,212 12.56 5,110 70 2 RA Average f'c at 28 days = 5,200 Set# (o0: 1 of 1 N.,tix Design Strength (psi): 3,500 Specifed Sttuctural Slrength (psi)r 3,000 l Report Reviewed By (signature): Report Distribution (email onlv): Simon Daws - Willamalane Parks & Recreation District simond@willamalane.org Robert Castile - City of Springfeld - rcastile@spnngfield or.gov Test Dale 4.00 lce"l SI!, fq!9!S lqupptier: Knife River lpeltye rtsk"!!".t 80029672 lrruct< tlo.:41814 lload No. (o0: '1 of 3