HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2018-12-26SPRINGFIELD th City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 54L-7 26-37 53OREGON Residential Structural Permit Number: 81 1 -1 8-002627-STR IVR Number: 81 108407 4464 Web Address: www.springfield-or. gov Emai Address: permitcenter@springfield-or.9ov Permit lssued: December 26, 2018 Pro.iect: Garden Residence ryPE OF WORK Category of Construction: Single Family Dwelling Type of Worki Addition Submitted Job Value: $4,000.00 Description of Work: Addition of a 4kWDC Solar Photovoltaic array to the existing roof structure using the Oregon prescraptive path method. JOB SITE INFORMATION Worksite address 1860 F ST Springfield, OR 97477 Parcel 1703362115800 Owner: Address ROUANNA B GARDEN TRUST 1860 F ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION Business name ADVANCED ENERGY SYSTEMS LLC License ccB License number '160523 Phone 541-683-23/5 SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project. Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermits.oregon.gov Schedule by phone call 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number: 81108407 4464 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting lnspection App, search "epermitting' in the app store PERMIT FEES Fee Description Technology Fee Structural building permit fee Structural plan review fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Bldg Quantity (12olo of applicable fees) Total Fees: Fee Amount $to.21 $724.44 $80. B9 $ 14.9 3 $23 0.53 Permits must be posted in clear view on the worksite, Permits expirc if work is not started within 180 Oays of issuance or iI work is suspended lor 180 Days or longer depending on the issuing agency's policy. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. Glanting ol a permlt does not presume lo give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulaling construction or the performance of construction. ATTENTION - CALL BEFORE YOU DIG: Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules ate set forth in OAR 952-001-0010 through OAR 952-001-0090. You may obtain copies of the rules by calling the Center at (877) 568{001 or dial 8'11. All peEons or entities performing work under this permit are requircd to be licensed unless exempted by ORS 701.0't0 (Struclural/Mechanical), ORS 479.540 (Electrical), and ORS 693.010{20 (Plumbing). Pn^bd an: 12126/1A page 1 of 1 std Buitdingpermtt_pr Building Permit SPRINGFIELD 0t OREGON www.springlleld-or.gov Worksite address: '1860 F ST, Springfield, OR 97477 Parcel:'1 7033621 15800 Transaction Receipt 81 1-18-002627-STR Receipt Number: 468955 Receipt Date: 12126118 Development and Public works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-7 26-37 53 permitcenter@springfleld-or. gov City of Springfield Fees Paid Transaction date 12t26t18 12t26t18 12t26t18 Units 1.00 Ea 1.00 Ea 1.00 Ea Account code 224-00000425602-1030 224-00000-42s602- 1 030 821-00000-215004-0000 12t26t18 1.00 Automatic Fee amount $124.44 $80.89 $ 14.93 $10.27 Paid amount $124.44 $80.89 $14.93 $10.27 Oescrlption Structural building permit fee Structural plan review fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Bldg (12% of applicable fees) Technology Fee 1 00-00000-425605-0000 Payment N.,lethod Credit card authorization: 06377G Payer: Ken Denouden Payment Amount $230.s3 Paid through ePermitting website Receipt Total:$230.53 Pt nted: 12t26t18 7 22 an Page I ol 1 FIN_TransaclionReceipl_pr Structural Permit Application This project has final land-use approval Signature:I)rr. This project has DEQ approval Signature:Datc Zoning approval verified: I Yes E No Properq is $ithin flood plain: E Yes E tlo CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION 6 Residential ! Govcmment E Commercial JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION Job site address: 1860 F Street cny: SPringlleld state: oR LrP.97477 Subdivision l.ot no. Relerence Taxlot 1703362115800 PROPERTY OWNER pu-.. Rouanna B. Garden Trust A.tdrcss. 1860 F Street ,.. S0nnoIeld( ln:stut", oR ny97477 p1ron". No Phone Fa-)i E_mail. clubsg00@gmail.com Building Owner or O*ner's agert authorizing this application Sign here: E This installation is being made on residential or farm properll- o$red by me or a member ofmy immediate family, and is exempt liom licensing requirements under ORS 701.010. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION Advanced Enerqv Systems LLUuusrnes\ Damei Add.ess, 65 Uentennral Loop su[e A ciry: Eugene State: OR zrP,9l4u1 Pho'":541- bdl 2345 Fax.541_ ooJ 2040 E-mail Permits@aesrenew.com CCB licensc no.: 160523 print name: Kenneth Denouden signature: K€I)I)eth A Denouden 0Eitallyriqned byKenn.th A D€nouden Dare: 2013.12.20 o9r5:01 {3m SUB-CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ('CB Licensr #l'honc Nunlber El€ctricelAdvanced Energy Systems LLC 160523 Plumbins NA \lcchaDiral NA KaI225 Fifih Streer. Springfield, OR 97477. PII(541)726 1751. FAX(541)726-3689 This permit is issued under OAR 918-460-0030. Permits expire if work is not started withitr 180 days ofissuance or if work is suspended for 180 days. FEE SCHEOULE 1, Valuation informatiotr (a) Job description: 4kW Solar PV Roof lvlounted Occupaacy Construction type Square feet Othe. inlbrmation llnerg)'Path: ! nc'u Ealteration n adclition (b) Foundation-only permit? [ Yes 6i No $ 4,000 2. Building fees (a) Permit fee (use valuation table)S (b) Investigativc fee (equalto [2a])S (c) Reinspection ($ per hour) (number ofhours x fee per hour)S (d) Enter l27o surcharge (.12 x l2a+2b+2c1)S (e) Subtotal offees abov€ (2a through 2d):\ 3, Plan review fees (a) Plan rcview (6570 x permit fee [2a])S (b) Fire and life safety (659'0 x permit fee [2a]):s (c) Subtotal offors aborc (3a and 3b):\ 4, Nliscellaneous fees (a) Seismic fee, I % (.01 x permit lee [2a])S S IOTAL fees and surcharges (2c+3c+4a+b):sZh.6j DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Permit no.: lg-,ttzt-zl-61{L- Date: I L L+ li Last edited 5-5-2017 BJones Crry op SpnrnGFlpr-o. oREGoN LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL Cosl per square foot: 'l'] pc ofHrat: Total yaluation: (b) Tech fee, 5% (.05 x permit fee[2a]+PR fee [3c]) Namc ,--'*' E 3a*a i oa!;6c3!ige-g o;90_ ouJa\):>ZatLt<.tF az> lrtt"l (32+8) 2,, SUNII,IODO STANDOFFS, WITH FLASHING FOR COI\,lP. ROOF AND HARDWARE, BLACK (32+8) SUNMODO 4', I-FEET, WITH HARDWARE, BLACK (8)SUNMODo RA|LS @ 1o',4',, BLACK (4) SUNMODO z" SPLTCE BARS, WITH HAROWARE, BLACK (8+2) SUNMoDO END CLA|\,1PS, FOR 40mm [,4ODULES, BLACK (20)suNMoDo [/tD. clAlltPS, BLACK (4+1)WEEB 6.7.1 RAII tUGS ASSY, SITE OVERVIEW x'"t)' lz'-tI TRUSSES AT 2'0.C. (WP.)PV M0DULES (ryP.) t\ .1 2 STANDoFF STANCHT0NS @ 4',[4AX. SPACTNG (TYP.)I *,; RACKING OVERVIEW SCALE 3/B' : 1' Pf, ofos€D t{\€RlER rocrioll ). I RACKING PARTS LIST (+EXTRA) tI RACKING ATTACHIUENT DETAIL t 'I t I I r66:.F Sr hl ."I I I I I I1 l-- a t LG NsON'z @ Mechanica[ Properties Etectrical Propenies (STC *) Cells LG335N1C,A5 LG M imum Power (Pmar)335 Celtlype Mono(.ystalline / N type MPP voltag€ (Vnpp)341 161 7x 161 7mm/6 inches MPP Current (lmpp)983 l2 (MultiWne Busbar)Open Cir.uit voltage (Vo.)4t 0 oimensiors (t xwx H)Shon CnEuit Cur€nt (lsc) 6638N40 x I 57 rn.h 6000Pa 5400Pa MdiDum System voltage 1,000 lSkq Ma{mum S€ries Fuse Rating :i t\r:4 %)0-+3 lP68 with 3 Eypass Diodes r 9c (st.ndard T.n cndr onl r.d rM r,00o wmr, Ahb .ft T.mp€,atu4 15 .c A[, r s 'Ix .rn.phte potrr deur E m6urcd .nd d.t€mh.d t, tG Eh.tonEs at tt ..L rid aberue d'!fui .my .r 2oow/nr in rhr6 b l mow/m2 6 .2 o*l000mmx2€a Hrgh Transmission Tempered Glass Electrical Properties (NOCT*) Certifications and Warranty rG335N1C-A5 rEc 6t 2r 5. tEC 61730-1/-2 247 uL I703 lEC6l70l (Salt mist corosron test) IEC 62716 (Ammon a coroslontest) MPP voltage (vmpp) 78i Oeen Cncuit Voltaqe (Vo.)342 tso 900l 5hort Circ!it Current (lsc)844 31 5 Module Fire Performan.e (UsA)Type l r Nocr (No- irL op..,r is c.[ rmp.arurc) kl.d] e acowm, amhieft r.mp.Erur 20 rc * rd e..d 1 mA Fire Rating (CANADA)Class C (ULC / ORD C1703) Output Warranty of Pmax Dimensions (mm/in)ir)r(y.ar e8x, ?)rjt6lnlrr 0 55tr uruJd<nd.h6 3)2src 34ax Temperature Characteristics NOCT 45:r3"C -037%rc -a 27%rc 0 03 Y"/'c Characteristic Curves I t t fli l I i I lI IE I product spec,6cations are sublect to chanqe without noti@No.th Aherica Sol& Business Ieafr lOOO Sylva Ac, E.914@d Clfrs, iU 07632@lc co.ta.! 19 solr@Lg..om Copy.grr O 20 1 7 LG Electon6 All rigtits l*tu d 01t01t2011 . wdtr fo. a Bd6 Life EIH*EHF.*i ETffi 6x10 1049 Modul. Eff,chn(y 196 Op€r.tiq Temp€rature -40 - +90 Maramun Power (Pmu) .rr-'! 'l [,].tT-- l \ i[L=o "ti:"T- ;-- ---_-l it ,16, t---:--\ i -T+i+ l+ J + + a t +I I I rt I I \ lnnovation for a Better Life @lc Life's Good About LG Ele.troni.s 60 cell LGN eON2 @ LGI new module, LG NeONo 2, ado pts Cello technotogy. Cello technology replaces 3 busbars with l2 thin wires to enhance power output and reliabiliry LG NeoNo 2 demonstrates LG! efforts to ancrease customer! values beyond efficiency- lt features enhanced warrdnty, durability, performance under real environment, and aesthetic desiqn suitable for roofs. hrert€k High Power Output Comparedwith previous models, the LG NeoNo 2 has been designed to signi6aantly enhanae its output effciency, thereby making it efficient even in limited space Outstanding Durabitity With rts newly rernforced frame design, LG has ext€nded the warranty ofthe LG NeONo 2 foran additional 2 years. Additionally, LG NeONo 2 can €ndure a front load up to 6000 Pa, and a rear load up ro 5400 Pa Double-Sided Cel[ Structure Th€ rear of the cell used in LG NeONo 2 will contribute to generation,just like tie fronq the lght beam rcflected from the rear of the module is reabsorbed to geneGte a great anrount of addtional power C€a F9 ffi fllilj ifr#n$ri,t:r',i,ii,r$;:.,ffifi' ffiffi ffi# mDre outpul-tlcp.the previous LG NeONc 2 modules ffiffi ffil'ifi AestherictoOf l€NeoNo 2 has b;en designed with aestheti cs in mind; tli.lner wires thatappear allblackat a distance. Tle produ(J'rriy Fetp increase the value of - - - -a Eropertyrithts modem design - _Eptter Pe{g5gnance on a Sunny Day LGNeoNo2raiv+:rforr.s b€t ter on sunny days thanks - - tb.,rts improved temperatur€.oeffi.rency. @untnes in rhe followi.g 2 yea6, thereafer ln 201 3, LG NeON! (prwiolsly known .5 rvlono x, NeoN) won "lnteGolar Awardl which poEd LG is the le.der of inrvation in the indunr t _--l \ SUNNY PORTAL MONITORING EIMT W 3#10 THWN.2 & 1I1O GND EXISTING IT,IETER MAIN SERVICE AT HOUSE 2OOA 120t24AV #10 Solar PV Wire (TYP)DC Disconnect 6OOVDC,3OA Emergency Power Oullet 2,000W N,4ax EXISTING WIRE IL IRSB.2S.US.1 #6 GND (Typ.) SMA RAPID SHUTDOWN BOX BELDEN 28335A.5C. 16AWG, 6OOV OR EQUIV RSC.1X-US.1 SMA RAPID SWITCH (LOCATE AT BUILOING EXTERIOR) SMA S83.O-1SP 240V lnverter NFSIRING #1- 12 MODULES @ lntegral DC Disconnecl Switch T SYSTEII CNARACTER]STICS 7U 5. S. 96 lo Garden Residence 4.02 kW System 1860 F Strcct Sp ngfield. OR 97477 KENNETH A DENOUDEN 5253S Ez Mount L Foot for Shin$le Roofs * Patent Peading .ii; r )L.h :- s ":il':..''.L. * ^.i1. Ez Mount Standoff for Shingle Roofs afso available! 1915 E sth St., Ste. C Vancouver. WA 98661*l Phone: 36G33$3037 www.sunmodo.com I Ez Roof Mount Engineered and Designed for easy installation. ' .i _ Serrated L Foot allows for rail mounting on either side. versatile aluminum base for multiple conf i gurations. Flashing designed to redirect water flow' I Ez Mount L-Foot Kit brsuinercaoors Kit# K10068-001 All kits come complete with the following parts: &1 - Al Shoe Panl A2O06m01 1- Lag Bolt 55 5/16 x 4 Pan,81501 02 1-E2LFoot Parlr A2006/IOOl F" O' 1- - Wfi 3/a - LG x 3/4" 1-Flange Nut 3/8"1 - FLasftiF€f 1- Hex Cap Partt 420066001-- . Part A2oosaiol o tr 1915 E 5th St., ste. C Vancouver, WA 98661 Phone;36G3313o37 www.sunmodo.com "hlso.availtible:Taller L Feet ;"Bhack aM Brdwff Kits Over sized flashing our roof mounting system is water tight and durable for any composite/shake roof! \,\l t r$ I::! r,-' /) a r'.-*l -e1I ,)i! { SMA WORI.D'S FIRST SECURE POWER SUPPTY E I Mulfi ple independeni MPPIS occommodote hundredsol stinging po5'ibilities {,I c TI Volue-Added lmprovements . wodd's ln$ Securc Power supply now offe6 up to 2,000 W . Full srid monosemenl <opobilities ens!re o ur liry<omplont soluuon Reduced Lobor Unmotched Flexibility . SMA'3 propdel,ory OpliToc'H clobol Peo[ technology miligoles Ne lnstdlldlidn ksislonr wilh dn6ci occoss vio 3m6dphons minimizes lims in ihe ft6ld lnl,sgrcted disco^necl simplifi 6, equipment sto.ling ond sp€edt SUNNY BOY 3.0-us / 3.8-us / 5.0-us / 6.0-us / 7.o-us / 7.;-us Reduce cosls ocross your entire residentio busincss model The residentiol PV morket is chonging ropidly, ond we underslond thot your bottom line motlers more lhon ever. Thol's why we've designed o superior residentiol solulion ihot will help you decreose cosls throughout oll stoges of your business operoiions. The Sunny Boy 3.0-US /3.8-US/5.O-US/6.O US/7.O-US/7.7-US ioin the SMA lineup of field,proven solor technology bocked by the world's #1 service leom, olong with o weolth of improvements. Simple design, improved stocking ond ordering, volue driven soles supporl ond streomlined instollotion ore iust some of the woys thol SMA is working to help your business operote more efficiently. SUNNY OY 3.0-us/ 3.8-us/ s.o-us/ 6.0-us / 7.o-us / 7.7-us ./ ( sPs I II -ll a im Trouble-Free Servitiog . Twcpqrt enclosur: concepl -ollows-f cr simple,l:p_edi::d -se icing- . Enhonced AFCl technology ,educes foke t pping whie-liprov.^re sensiriviVin rcolocs _ _ www.SMA Americo.com lnput (DCl Mox. usoble DC power Rored MPPvolroge ronge MPm opercling volloge rcnge Min. DC voltosg / slorlvotoqe Mox. operoring inputcurenr per MPPT Mox. shortcncuir curent plr MPPI Number ol MPmrocker/ sr.ins per MPPTlrccker Ourput (AC) Mox. AC opporent power Nomiiolvollos./odiusrobl6 Output phoses / lin6 conneclions CEC efliciency DC .eveBe polo,iry p,orechon Ground Iou t honitorino/ Gid moiitorino AC shod.ncuirprcleclion Alhole snnliw 65idElcu@nr mnito.ing unit (RCMU) A.c fo! tctcuir i.torupter lAtcl) Proteclion clo$ / overyolioge .otegory Dimoisiois (w,/ H / D)in om (in) Pockosins DimensionslW/ H / D)in mm (in) Op€ronn9 lemp€roture ronge Noir. ehission {h/picol) lnremol powd .onsumphon or nigft SecuG Power Supply Disploy (2 x l6 chorocteG) lnt ilocer: E+6'n6l / WI-AN Senror module / txtemolwLqN onte.no wanon\.lo / 15 / 20'/eo.' Ceriilicores ond opprovols a Srondo.d leotucs o Oprionol feotu,es -Notovoiloble _ _: -:Typed.ng"*m - -----A(*s.ie3 sunny Boy 3.GUs 203V 3loo w 3100 w t55 r80 v sunny Boy 5.GU5 203 V 5150w 5t50w 220 a8A\ Sunny Boy 3.8-US 3450 W 4000 W 600 v t95 480V 100 - 550 v too \ / 125y t0 A t8A 2/l 3/\ 3000w 3000 vA 2O8 V /. 1A3 - 229 v 3000 w 3000 vA 24Ov / . 2t]. - 261v 5000 w 5000 vA 2O8V / . t83 - 229 Y 5000 w 5000 vA 24OY / . 2tt - 261v 3330 W 3800 W 3330 VA 3800 VA 2A8\ /. 24O v /.t83 229V 2)t - 264v 60Hz/50Hz 16.0 A 16.0 A l't/2 535 x 730x 198 (21.I x 28.5 x2.8) 600x 800 x 300 {23.6x31.5 x 11.8) 26 ks l57lb) 30 ks 166lb) 25'.C ---+60"C 3e dBJA) <5W Trcnsformerle5s Convecion .:T 1,1.5 A l25A 24.O A 24.A A 97.2 % 96% 97-6% 96_5% 97-2% 96_5 % 97.5 % 96_5% 97.2% 96.5% 97.5 % 97% ./o/a UtI7al,UiI998,UL16998,|EEEl54Z,FCCPo l5 lcloss A & B), CAN/CSA V22.2 lOZ.l I Doto or nominol condiions NOTE: US invedeB ship wih groy lidt. SB3.O.]SP.U!40 S83 8 I5P,U5-40 SB5 GISP.U!4o I i,"ir,:,."r.t1,.""..2 .0M SIINNY BOY6 O-ISP-US r'O : '.- v-M oulpur p*r / td.d pM. I I l= +-= 5unny Boy 6.GUs 5400w 62AAW 220 480V Sunny Boy 7.7-US 6900 w 7950W 270 AAAV Sunny Boy 7.GUS F Arc louh cncuii inle,upier (AFCI) P@tection clo$ / ovepo ioge cotegory Dimensions (w/ H / D) h mm (in) Pockosins Dimensions (W/ H / Dlin mm (in) Weighr Operoting temperoture ronge Noise emission {typico ) lniernol power consum prion ot nighi Disploy (2 ! l6 chorocto6) lnierroces: Efierner / WLAN Sensor module / ExlernolWLAN onienno wai.nr/:10 / \s / 2ayeats Ce ilicores ond opprovok . Stondord feotures o Oplio no I feoru res 6900w 7200v.t 600 v 245 4AO V too - 550 v lOOY / 125V t0 A t8A 3/1 6660W 7000 W 6660 VA 7000 VA 2A8 y /. 24a\ /. 183 229y 2lt 264y 60Hz/50Hz 32.04' 29-2 A l 1/2 535 x 230 x 198 (21.1 x 28.5 x 7.8) 600 x 800 x 300 (23 6 x3r.5 x r 8) 26 k9 (52 b) 30 ks (66 b) 25'C...+60'C l.pul lDcl Mox lsoble DC power Roied MPP Vo ioge ronge MPPT ope,oting vol,oge @.ge Min. DC vo togel stortvohoge Mox operoring inpuicurent per MPPT Mox. 5hod ci.cu ii cu(enr per MPPT Number of MPPI tocker/ srrins per MPPT trocker oulPur {acl Max. AC opporeni power Nomlio vo tose / odiustoble Ourput phoses / lihe connections Erliciency CEC efffciency DC reveue polority proie.iio. Gro!nd fou i moiiioring / Grid moniroring AC shod ctcuil protection Allpo e *nsitivo residuo curenr moniloring unil (RCMU) 5200 w 5200 vA 2A8v / . 143 -229Y 6000 w 6000 vA 24OV / . 211 -264Y 2O8!/ / . 183 229 Y 7680 W 2680 vA 24OV / . 211 - 264v 25.0 A 25.0 A 32.0 A 32.4 A 97_2% 96.5% 97.6% 97% 97.1% 96.5% 97.5% 97% 97.1 % 96.5 % 97.5 % 97% 36 d8(A)45 dB(a) ut 1741, uL 1998, uL 16998, |EEE1547, FCC Porr l5 {Clo55 A & 8), CAN/CSA V22.2 I07. i.l - Norovoilobb Doio or nominol coidliions NOTE: US iivedeu ship wirh groy lids. s86.0 tsPU940 SBT.GrSPU!4o SB77-t:l1LS40 SAME NAME, NEW GAME The Sunny Boy 3.O-US through 7.7-US ore once ogoin roising the bor by offering improved performonce, enhonced feotures, ond most importontly, on economicol opprooch to residentiol solor. Your business model is o volue choin. The new Sunny Boy-US series con help you stoy compefifive in on increosingly price sensitiye residentiol morkel by driving down cosls ocross oll of your business operotions. ( t TEMPO ROUGH FEEDEB SERVICE LOW UNDE OTHER FINAL BUILDI rr{sPEcTtoN LINE 1.888-29* : #I INVER]ER DA EIVED it B o. oc UPAN GROUP @ ,eed ihe completion of customer proposols ond moximize the efficiency of your design :m wilh the Sunny Boy-US series, wh;ch provides o new level of flexibility in syslem ,sign by offering: Hundreds of stringing configurotions ond multiple independent MPPTs SMA's proprietory OptiTrocT" Globol Peok shode mitigoiion technology Diverse opplicoiion options including on- ond off'grid compotibility A wonts to enoble your soles teom by orming them wilh on obundonce of feoture/ )nefil support. Show your cuslomers ihe volue ol ihe Sunny Boy-US series by utilizing: Secure Power Supply, now with 2,000 W of opportunily power in the eveni of o grid outoge, os on increosed volue-odd or upsellopportuniiy , SMAt 35 yeor history ond slotus os the #1 globol inverier monufociurer instills homeowners with peoce of mind ond the long term security they demond from o PV inveslmenl , An economicol solution [or shode mitigotion ond the chollenges of complex roofs Ensure thof your bock office business operotions run smoothly ond succinctly while mitigoting potentiol errors. The Sunny Boy-US series con help ochieve cost sovings in these oreos by providing: > An integroted DC disconnect thol simplifies equipment stocking ond ollows for o single inverter port number > All communicotions integroted;nlo the inverter, eliminoting the need to order odditionol equipment Expedite your operotions in the field by toking odvontoge o[ the new Sunny Boy's instoller friendly feoture set including: ) Direct occess vio smortphone ond utilizolion ol SMA's lnsiollotion Assisioni, which minimizes time/lobor spenl in the f;eld ond speeds the poth to commissioning , lmproved commurl icolion-no need to instoll odditionol equipment ; lnlegroted DC disconnect thoi simplifies onsite logistics ond eliminotes lhe need to instoll o seporote disconnect unit, speeding overoll instolloiion time foctors thoi contribute to lifetime PV ownership cost, thot's why ies wos designed for moximum reliobil;ty ond bockstopped by on fering. Benefit from: r's two port enclosure concept lhoi seporoies the connection unit i, which ollows for simple e:pedited servicing n in the PV industry, os recognized by IMS reseorch, with rg on instolled bose of more ihon 40 GW tt : OG€UPANCY tOAD W\ UN sTcRt€5 LEGAL AD o RIPT!ON =::l :5 t.a :to: f! 1i ;: AJ :i a: \"{ I CONSTRUCTION THE CONTENTS HERE ON HAI'E BEEN REYIEWID, WITH eirunertoNs LlorED oN THE PLANs oR BY ATTACHMENT' tn,clcEs on ITTERATIoNS MADE ro rHE APPRo*D ,riiwi*ci on ,*oJECr AmER rHE DArE BELow stlALL BE EIPNOVSO SV THE BUILDING OFFICIAL' C.ITYOF RINGFI LD OREGON BEVIEWED FOfr cnDE nnMPLLANCE AP OVED DATE UE.DRIVEN SALES ENABTEMENT I -t li IMPROVED STOCKING AND ORDERING 4rr Sst e ozLz:7-gTYL-Le T1c-reAL - \q -oozJ'2"-a - eL-sc) I t + STREAMLINED INSTALI.ATION AND COMMISSIONING