HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 2018-08-29crry oR snruNcrrnr,u, oREGoN Plumbing Perrnit Application RTMENT USE ONLYffi f\1I rrJ riftr Srr.ei . sprinSficia. OR 9747, . PH(l4 t)726-l?53 . t^x(14 r)716.3689 'l'his permit is issued u$dcr OAR 918-780-0060. l'ermits are issued onll to the person or coDtractor doiog the'$ork. Permits e)ipire if rvork is not st!rled n ilbin 180 da),s of issuanc€ or il rvorl is suspsoded for 180 dE) LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL FE SCHEDULE Toralcost CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION Joh site address s Zoning app.olal veriicd? [ l'es f] Xn Sanitation approval \,erified? ! l'es E ln Ztp:97477 Reference: DESCRIPTION OF WORK New 18 Unit Multi-Family housing building PROPERTY OWNER Name: Fifth Street P LLC Addrcss:2065 W 16lh Wa Ciry: Eugene Rcsidcntial firr $riDklcis Lnch Ilxlur. iUisccllanc(,u! lces lrrigation sysren618ackflo\ }ip,i5 Specialti irxlures Rci speclion (no- oj hrs. r lie ler hr.l , Each addi!i0nil in3pecrio :(l.r Mediral Enter \?lue of insrallarion cqnipmcni ! _ Enrer fee ba-red on inshllali and €quipnrcnl vallte DEPARTMENT USE (-A ) Enrcr subroral of abovs fces (i\linimum Permir Fec t99 (Bt lnv6tigali!e fee {equa}t^l) 6C14s s s pho,re 541-953-7332 Slare: oR iFax Ltp:97477 E-mlil: 61;ksaaaaaaltt uestofllce.oel This installalion is beint made on residenrial or farD propeq' o\Bed bl nle or a membe. ofm) ilnmediale famill'. and is exempr fiom licensing requiremenrs under OAR 918'695-0020 CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION Busircss namc: C j .+.aaress, J7 70 K"t 4tz s103.00 s 103 s?4.00 s24 S S 5 Cin: S PhoDer 541206 7611 i Srare:OR APt 97477> | r Farl ry^ve. Ste AlF.-mail CCB licensc no.:167015 1 BcD ri"" Plunbing licerrse no-1Lr-.l J:P Print namc 4 --'.,] (C) [,fltcr l:% snrchnrgc ( l] ,: i^tRl) s t j(D)Technolo8l Irce (590 otlAl, 5 [] Residential B Govenrment u| Conlnlercial Srate: ORCt1': sptld I balhroom/l kirchcn (n?clrderi.rrr, l0A.feet ol \.aleftavet lih*. hosc ber'. ic. noka. de,lloar b\.pon,tdrans atrt nin-droq poctages) Description Qn,Cosl \, s506.002 barhroomsrl kitchcn 3 balhrcomsrl krtchcn s595_00 i) r s S MaDufaclured dwel iab cr suppi) Comlnercial, indrstrisl,s d (l\rellingr olber thon one- or F-ach addilionali:irchen (over I) Laclr addirioDal bailuoom I s128.00 s128.00 s99.0r0 to:.000 squrrc fccr s158,0n2,011) to 3.600 souare fect s236 0!3,60) ro ?,2s0 square fcel s315.00i.201 aquare fest and grealer s9s.00 s99.00 s sror.oo 1 s 103 I szl.oo i s on lLo*:::::,, r1g li." EacI lixrure. appu(cnaoce piDi,)g 1 s?4.00 s24 !s2{.00 1S9.00 ss9.00(no ofI hrs. r f€c p:r hr., s99.00 s s Sipnatule L2sl ediEi 7'i,'l(!lShr'n.s TOTAL fees.nd sur.harfcs (A th.orgh D) I Taxlot.:rrlrzezrosor I Datc: I 1s323.00 I Minrruum l:c lSrgnature:L ._ lrzti sft.oo s SC)LY 1 Siorm $,ater rercnlion/detention facilit]'