HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2018-12-190rrc0d Web Address: www.springfield-or.9ov Building Permit Commercial Structural Permit Number: 81 I -18-002644-STR IVR Number: 81 1070179103 City of Springfield Development and Publac Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 s41-126-3753 Email Address: permitcenter@spnngfield-or.gov SPRINGFIELD & Permit lssued: December 19, 2018 Category of Construction: Commercial Type oIWork: Tenant lmprovement Submitted Job Value: $90,000.00 Description of Work: Tenant infill to shell space- Window showroom and warehouse Worksite address 913 INTERNATIONAL WAY Springfreld, OR 97477 Parcel 1703153000700 Owner: Address: MCKENZIE-GATEWAY BUSINESS PARK LLC PO BOX 529 EUGENE. OR 97440 Business name MEILI CONSTRUCTION CO - Primary License CCB License number 63771 Phone 541485-1417 lnspection 1999 Final Building 1999 Final Building 1260 Framing 1460 lnsulation 1 540 Gypsum Board/Lath/Drywall 1600 Ceiling Grid 8999 Final Fire lnspection group Struct Com Struct Com Strucl Com Struct Com Struct Com Struct Com Fire lnspection status Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Various inspeclions are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project. Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermits.oregon.gov Schedule by phone call 1-888-299-282'l use IVR number: 811070'179103 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting lnspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store Permits must be posted in clear view on the worksite. Permits expire if work is not started within 180 Days of issuance or if work is suspended ,or 180 Days or longer depending on the issuing agency's policy. All provisions of laws and ordinances goveming this type o, work will bo complied with whether specilied herein or not. Ganting ot a permit does not presume to givo authority to violate or cancel lhe provisions of any other state or local law regulating constrr;ction or the peatormance of construction. ATTENTION - CALL EEFORE YOU OIG: Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules are sel forth in OAR 952-001{010 through OAR 952-001{090. You may obtain copies of the rules by calling the Center at (877) 5684001 ordial 811. All persons or entitios pedorming work under this permit are required to be licensed unless exempted by ORS 701.010 (StrucluraUirechanical), ORS 479.5,O (Eleclrical), and ORS 693.0'10-020 (Plumbing). Printed on: 1219/18 Page 1 ol2 std_Buitdingpemit_pr TYPE OF WORK JOB SITE INFORMATION LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORIIATION .PENDING IiISPECTIONS Permit Number: 81 I -1 8-0026,14-STR Page 2 ol 2 Fee Descripuon Technology Fee Plan Review - Minor, City SDC: Reimbursement - Transportation SDC SDC: Total Transportation Administration Fee SDC: Total Sewer Administration Fee SDC: Reimbursement Cost - Local Wastewater SDC: Improvement Cost - Local Wastewater SDC: Total MWMC Administration Fee - Local SDC: Improvement - Transportation SDC SDC; Reimbursement Cost - MWMC Regional Wastewater SDC SDC: Improvement Cost - MWIYC Regional wastewater SDC SDC: Compliance Cost - MWMC Regional Wastewater SDC SDC: Administrative Fee - MWMC Regional Wastewater SDC Structural building permit fee Structural plan review fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Bldg (12olo of applicable fees) 1 658.33 658.48 135. B9 1820.94 896.94 t23.3 12511.35 184.86 2239.2 31.99 10 Qua ntity Fee Amount $79.82 $137.00 $658.33 $658.48 $ 135.89 $1,820.94 $896.94 $123.30 $12,511.35 $184.86 $2,239.20 $31.99 $ 10.00 $884.46 $57 4.90 $106.14 $21,053.60Total Feesl Printed on: 12l19/18 std_BuildingPermit_pr PERMIT FEES SPRINGfIELD OREGOII www.springfield-or.gov Worksite address: 9'13 INTERNATIONAL WAY, Springfield, OR 97477 Parcel: 1703'153000700 Transaction Receipt 811-18-002644-STR Receipt Number: 468913 Receipt Oate: 12/19/18 Development and Publlc Works 225 Flfth Street Sprlnqfreld, OR 97477 54r-7 26-37 53 permltcenter@springfield-or. gov Transaction date 12t19t18 12t19t18 12t15t18 12t19t18 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 ,820.94 896.94 658.33 12,511.35 '184.86 2,239.20 31.99 '10.00 135.89 Ea Ea Automatic Amounl Amounl Amount Amount Amount Amount Amounl Amount Amount Fees Paid $ 1 06.14 $2,239.20 $31.99 $10.00 $135.89 DeEcription Structural building permit fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Bldg (12% of applicable fees) Plan Review - Minor, City Technology Fee SDCr Reimbursement Cost - Local Wastewaler SDC: lmprovemenl Cost - Local Wastewater SDCr Reimbursement - Transportation SDC SDC: lmprovement - Transportation SDC SDCi Reimbursement Cost - MVVMC Regional Wastewater SDC SOC: lmprovement Cost - MW\,C Regional Waslewater SDC SDC: Compliance Cost - MWMC Regional Wastewater SDC Fee amount $884.46 12t19t',|8 821-00000-21 s004-0000 433-00000-448025-881 0 433-00000426607-8810 61 1 -00000-426604 8800 $106.14 $2,239.20 $31.99 $10.00 12t'19t18 12t19t',18 12t19t18 't2119t18 121',|9t',|8 '12t19118 121'19118 1 00-00000-425002-1 039 'l 00-00000-425605-0000 611-00000-448024€800 $137.00 $79.82 $1,820.94 $137.00 $79.82 $1,820.94 61 1 -00000-448025-8800 434-00000{48026-8800 434-00000-448027€800 433-00000{48024-8810 $896.94 $658.33 $'12,51 1.35 $184.86 $896.94 $658.33 $ 12,51 '1 .35 $184.86 Printed 12l19/18 10:13 am SDC: Total Sewer Administration Fee Page 1 ol2 7'1 9-00000-426604,8800 $'1s5.89 FIN_Transaclion Receipt_pr tb City of Springfield Unitg 1.00 Ea Accounl code 224-00000{25602-1030 Paid amount $884.46 12t19t18 SDC: Administrative Fee - MWMC Regional Wastewater SDC T.ansaction Receipt 81 118.0026/t4.STR Receipt number: 468913 12t19t18 Transaction dale 12t19t18 UnitE 658.48 Amount Account code 71 9-00000-426604-8800 Fee amount $658.48 Paid amounl $658.48 Fees Paid Desc.iplion SDC: Total Transportation Administration Fee 123.30 Amount SDC Total MWMC Administration Fee - Local 71 9-00000-426604-8800 $'r 23.30 $123.30 Payment lvlethod: Check number: '111005305 Payer: mckenzie gateway business park Payment Amount:$20,478.70 Cashier: Katrina Anderson Receipt Total:$20,418.70 Pnnted: 1219/1E 10:l3 am Page 2 o12 FIN_Transaclion Receipt_pr Crry on SPRTNGFTELD. oREGoN Structural Permit Application B,ffi J P.-225 Frnh Srreer . Springfield, OR 97477 . PH(54 r )?26-3751 r FAX{ 511 )726-368 9 This permit is issued under OAR 918-460-0030. Permits expire if work is not started within 180 days ofissu suspended for 180 days. ce or if work is ( C DEPARTMENT USE ONLY i/7-zt,q'/Permit no oate: 11 / J7 7 ! FEE SCHEDULE l. Valuatio[ information (a) Job dcscriplion: TtsNANf lNftU- occupancv y9 ftvqgqgusE (rn\fiaacl 6l-,lauit^El Construction tlpc: )$ Square feet: 4, qOb Cost per square foot Other informalion Type of Heat: Energy Path: ! neu, tsutt",ution D aailtion - (b) Foundation-only permit? ! ves E[lo $ lotMo'I otal raluation 2. Building fees (a) Permit lee (use valuation table)S (b) lnvestigative fce (equal to [2a])$ S (c) Reinspection ($ per hour) (number ofhours x fee pcr hour) $(d) Enter l2olo surcharge (.12 x [2a+2b+2c]) (e) Subtotal offecs abovc (2a through 2d)s 3. PIan reyiew fees (a) Plan review (65%0 x permit fee [2a])$(t>q9 (b) Fire and life safety (65% x permit fee [2a])I S(c) Sublotal of f€es above (la and 3b)l ,1. Iliscellaneous fees ra) Seismic fee. lo'o (.01 r permit fee l2alt S (b) Tech Ge, 5olo (.05 x permit fee[2a]+PR fee [3c])S JOT-{1, fees and surcharges (2e+3c+da+b)t/7s LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL This project has final land-use approval Signature: This project has DEQ appmval Signature:I)ate Zoning approval verified: E Yes E No Propeny is within flood plain: E Yes E No CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION E Residential n Go\cnrment X Comnrcrcial JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION Job sirc address: 913 lnternational Way cil\: SPrinofield sralei oR 71p 97 477 suhdivision Lot no Referencc ru*ror 17031530 700 PROPERTY OWNER ,,-u,,,'", McKenzie-Gateway Business Park LLC Address, PO Box 529 Cilr': Euqene strr",OR z-tY:97440 v Il-mail autho{#g this fiplicarionr's agenlBuilding Owner or Sign hrrc: being made on residenlial or farm properly o\ured by imnlediate f'amrly, and is exempt from liccnsing requirements under ORS 701.010 E Th,s i CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION tlusinc\s name l\,4eili Construction Co Address: '10 Van Buren St cily: Eugene Stalc:OR zr':97 4o2 Phone Far E-mail CCB license no.: 6377'1 Print name Signature ttotV \de"cUfrnacroR lNFo{MAioN CCB I-icrnse #Phone \umbcr Elcctrical New Way Electric 5 1088 Plumbing KAL Plumbing 207125 ffiit.-??w It,o Last editcd 5-5-2017 BJoncs I)aIc: '. ILO Fax:vnone:Qf | fla) uff Transaction Receipt 811-18402644-STR Receipt Number:468561 Receipt Dale: l'1l9/18 Cny ol Spinglield OeveloPment and PublE Works 225 F'fth Strer spr ngfe d, oR 97477 541 725 3753 perm tcenter@sp. nqfe d or qovwww sp.mgfleld-or go! Wo(sde address 913 INTERNATTONAL WAY. Spnngrietd OR 97477 Parce 1703153000700 Fees Paid '1'1tgt1E 100 Ea Siruciural plan review fee 224-0oooo425il2-1ofi s574 90 5574 90 Credii c€rd aulhorizanon @1103 Payer Joeseph Moore @ GMA Arch $574 90 Cashler:Chns C8rpenler 557r 90 FIN_Trani.cl/onRece'pt_p, City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 SPRINGFIELD Planning Division Information Sheet for Building Permits Commercial/Ind ustria l/ Multi-Fa m ily Residential The Planning Divislon requires the following information for q[ building permit submittals on properties zoned Medium Density Residential, High Density Residential, Commercial, or Industrial, including new construction, expansions, and changes of use. New construction. expansions, and changes of use to any building, parking, or development area in these zoning districts requires either Minimum Development Standards-MDS review (SDC 5.15-100) or Site Plan Review (SDC 5.17-100) by the Planning Division. Overlay District Development review (SDC 3.3-100) may also be required, depending on the site. NOTE: It is prudent to make sure your use is permitted in the applicable zoning dlstrict. Building Permit, Police or other permit approvals or inspections are not Planning approval. €n licant Name:A Phon e:?+t 40frtot Company: McKenzie- Gateway Business Park LLC Fax: Address: PO Box 529, Eugene OR 97440 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17031530 TAx LoT No(s). 700 Property Addressi 913 lnternational Way, Springfield Or' 97477 Description of the proposed work to be completed under this building permit: Tenant infill at existing building. Work includes demolition, framing, finishes, plumbing, electrical, and mechanical. Has this development proposa! been reviewed by the Planning Division through an application process (i,e, MDS or Site Plan Review)? If yes, Case #: If no, is this a change in use?x Eves Eno Prior Approved Use: Warehouse Commercial Proposed Use: Warehouse Commercial + Business Yes E No Does the use necessitate the use of any chemicals or substances that are hazardous or Zonin TOTZ: o ooo re Yesuire Material Safe t on site?and Data Sheets MSDS to be ke No The proposed project requires submittal and approval of the following Planning applicationprior to building permit approvals DWP Overlay District Development ! Statement Letter Regarding DWP ExemptionMDS E UOS Land Use Compatibility Statement Site Plan Review Other: Reviewed by:Date: Required Proiect Information ( Appl ica nt: com plete th i s section ) Required Property Information (City Intake Staff: complete this section) Overlav(s): SPRII'GFIELE'City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Campus Industrial Zoning District Use Pre-Certification Pro e Address:4k/ Buildin Gross Floor Area:uare feet h New Construction: !Add ition/ Expa nsion: I Change of Use: licaA L tl^tDl ne:? Com an Fax: Add ress:n CrC 1 I ica nt's Re 0A lPho ne: Ian Fax:Com Address:&(*{ IProOwn er:Ph o ne: Fax: Add ress: ASSESSO R'S MAP NO:TAX LOT NO s Development Type (Applicant: complete this sedion) E.t1 k Square F€etSize of Property:Acres I Additional Information & Signatures: Please fill in the required information and sign and o D o o o n aoo rin t es.our name and date in the a aTOriate box on the followin r/ /zq/isDate:Revie b kk)Zon in Ove rla Location: Ci Limits UGB D t5trict:, )a/District s ?z-2 .? 272/u.? z_ 5f.7/! b 4 /z>s z-/ Reason for Denial (if applicable): S, ,/Decision: Approved !{ Denied Direct rSi n atu Date:tt/zs /rx Required Property fnformation (City Intake Staff: complete this section) Revised 1 dk lofB ComDanv: Project InformaUon (Appliant: compleb this sedion) ElEl I I trt-futcIPr'4l-, t/st /t, "//au <z Reguired Projr-.61 Information (App lica nt: com plete th is sectio n ) Arilt{\cn Lotndoal\ NOTE: If the proposed use or expansion is not on the use ists ln SDC 3.2-415 and ls not a light industrial manufacturing use, explarn how the proposed use rs similar to a use on these lists tfu:hrs ap U-rJ Ov, 0 Pro osal: Pro osed number of full-time or full-time e u iva lent em lo ees at oc u an Warehousing may only occur as a secondary use. In order to have a secondary user there must be a primary use. If a warehousing use is proposed, specify the proposed Proposed Use Description of number of fuuse: Prima fr'rh rftsfoolxu'''"wtL1';' nt employees for bot Warehouse Use: ac fillin the primary use and the warehouse ? ll-time e tv Use:-1/ Operational Performance Standards The following questions are based on the Operational Per'rorrnance Standards sDecifled in SDC 3.2- 425. Please res ond to all uestions. An additional ermits re uired must be subm itted 1. Are all ro osed manufacturin rations entirel enciosed within a buildin N )d2. Will the TO osed use meet all a licable on-site desi n sta ndards s ecrfled in SDC 3.2-445? 3. Is the stora e of raw materiais and or finished rod ucts entirei within enclosed bu ildin s? a. is truck arkin within enclosed build in S? 7. Will the ro osed use rod uce air I lutio n ? CS is a Lane Re ional Air Pollution Authori or other ermit needed? N 8. Will the rC osed use involve iire and or ex losive haza rds? lare externai to the buildin M9. Does the ro osed use adCress 11. Will the proposed use produce hazardous waste? If yes, only that waste which is permitted ln accordance with oAR 340-102-0010 to 0065 or any applicable Federal regulation will be permitted. 14. Will the TO osed use rod uce vibration? will it be in accordance with SDC 4.6-125 a^d 3.2-445?7If no 4. Does the proposed use primarily serve the public?d 5. Does the proposed use regularly invoive the movement of heavy equipment on or ofF the site?d rohibited use listed in SDC 3.2-415?6. Is the TC osed use a ranted from the Fire lvlarshall?roval beenhas asa. If 10. Will the proposed yes, the proPosed Overlay District. use utilize hazardous materials that may impact ground use must comply with SDC 3.3-200, Drinking Water Protection (DWP) water qua lity? If '4 w12. will the proposed use produce noise generated by any machinery or equipment? I levels in decibels external to the buildin must be ln accordance with OAR 340-035-0035 f yes, noise d13. Will the proposed use produce radiation? If yes, uses that involve radiation shall comply with the requlations in OAR 333-100-0001 throu qh 0080 and any applicable Federal regulations.W can it be detected at an line?es roa. If Revised 12,10.08ddk 2of8 LJ !l! tr nltrlrl7 tr r--'r iLI lt zi L_.t T tr Sig natu res I The gned acknowled ges that the information jn this appiication ls correc and accurate Applicant: Date: Signat Print if the applicant s not the owner, the owner hereby granG Dermission for the apolicant to act ln his/her behalf Date:r) Signa I Pia,w Ar^,vW Print Revised 12.10.08.ddk 3 of 8 Owneri I I Campus Industrial (CI) Zoning District Use Pre-Certification Process The purpose of the use pre-certjfica tion process is so that the Development Services Director ca n determine that proposed new construction, additions, expansions, or changes of use are permitted uses in the CI zoning district. The pre-ce rtification process presumes that a Slte Plan Review or Site Plan Modification application will be required for the proposed development. The pre-certification process must be comp leted prior to submittal of a Site Plan Review or Site Plan Modification application since in the CI district, no land use application may be submitted untii the Development Services Director approves the proposed use. The intent ofthe use pre-certification process is not to specifically deny a use but rather to ensure compliance with applicable local/ state, and Federal regulations. Compiiance with the Operational Performance Standards will be a continuing obligation of the approved use. Failure to comply with the Operational Performa nce Standards will be a violation of the Springfield Development Code and/or Chapter 5 of the Municipal Code. 1. Applicant Submits a CI Use Pre-Certif ication Application Form to the Development Services Department . Planning Division staff screen the submittal at the front counter to determine whether all required items have been submitted. . Applications missing required items will not be accepted for submittal. 2. City Staff Review the Application and Issue a Decision . The City mails the applicant and any party of standing a copy of the declsion, whrch is effective on the day it is mailed. . Staff considers the permitted uses specified in SDC 3.2-415 and the Operational Performance Standards specified in SDC 3.2-425 in making a decision. The pre- certification form will be kept on file in the Development Services Department to be used for continued compliance with SDC 3.2-4tS and 3.2-425. . If the use ls not approved, the applicant may submit a written request asking the Director to determine if the proposed use is similar to a permitted use. . If the Director cannot make a determination that the proposed use is similar to a permitted use, the applicant may apply for a Formal Interpretation in conformance with SDC 5.11-100. Revised 4of8 3.2-415 Scheduie of Campus lndustrial Use Cateqories SITE PLAN REVIEW SHALL BE REQUIRED unless exempted elsewhere in this Code The following uses are permitted in the districts as indicated, subject to the provjsions, additionai restrictions and exceptions specified in this Code. Uses not specrficaily listed may be approved as specified in Section 5.11- 100. Use Uses Cl District Advertisinq. marketinq, and public relations P Agncuiturai cuitivation s permitted as an intenm use on undeveloped land. provided that spraying, dust, odors, and other side effects of the use do not interfere with the operation of permitted uses ilt !!E lQl tQ!q!!9t (7)P Blu rinlin and hc Business Parks Call centers that orocess predominantly lnbound teleohone calls P P P Certain Wireless Teiecommu ntcalions S stems Facllities as s eciiled in Section 4.3-145 Com uter facilities man ernent senr'ices Com uter tems Cesi servtces Co orate head uarters.icnal reao uarters. and administrative offices 4 P/D electronic mrnerce includin maii order houses Educational facilities in business parks including, but not imited to, orofessional, Yocational anc business scnools ob irarnin and vocational rehabilitation services Gra hic art services Hi hlm ct Public Facrlities '10 Internet blishi and broadc€sti Laboratories. inclucii medical dental and x-r ' Larqe- and medium-scaie research and deveiopment complexes (6) P P P P P D P P- P Dara rocesst and retated services P Light industrial manufactunng involving the secondary processing of previously prepared materiais into com nents or r}]e assembl OT COM onents nto finished Mana ement consulti anc ublic relations offices Media productions, including, but not limited to: TV and radio broadcasting studios as weil r as cable and other ram distribution and motion cture roduction N roflt or anization office Prntin and ublisnin Professional membersh and union offices Sateilite teiecommunications Software deveio rnent inciudes services and technical su rt center and ublishin Wired or wireless telecommunrcaticns canier offlces c Uses ATM's; banks. savin s and loans. and credit unions Barber nail and tanni sho S Bike aths and esfian trails Build marntenance services care facilities that meet Children's Services Division csD uiations Eating and drinking establishments inciuding, but not Iimited to: delicatessens, restaurants, and cotfee/es resso sho lndustriai and onai UI ment and su stcres Parki lots and n strucfures Product showrooms, limited to wholesale sales P P P P ? P P P P P P P P D P D P P P Low impact public utility facilities P Outdoor recreation uses and pedestrian amenities including, but not limited to facilities hat are provided in association with a primary use within the same development area:P Pedestrian lazas and similar ublic P Revised 12.10.08.ddk 5of8 Primarv Uses 0) lntemet and web site and web search portal (jncludes services and technical support center) producls (1) Maii distribution facilities (5) Retaii whoiesale anc seryice uses: Swrmmin cois.a rounds, tennrs and other courts Transit stations and sto s exc,usive of terminals or transtt stora e areas Centrai maii room Conference rooms for tenant use Em lo es and dini Icoms i lndoor recreation areas including, but not limited to game and craft rooms and exercise and dance studios Warehousa I I Heavy industiai uses that involve the primary manufacturing of iarge volumes of raw materiais into refined matenals including, but not iimited to processing from fees to lumber, wood products or paper; liom ores to primary metals: and animal or fsh processing in cki lants An use that cannot meet the o ticnar erformance standards ed in Secrion 3.2425 Any rerail uses. unless perrnitted as a lqcqldary use as sDecified in Seglon 3-?-2115 c P 2 P o P P P N N N Prohibited Uses A of a Permitted P Use ne industrial/commercial warenousing, uniess permitted as a secondary use as N n Section 3.2-410 f,/ini-warehouse sto faciiiiies (2) There is no use list for this category of uses. Proposed light industrial manufacturing uses shall comply with the operational performance standards specified in Section 3.2425 in order for to be considered a permitted use. Large- and medium-scale light industial manufacturing uses may stand alone. Small-scale light industrial manufacturing uses shall be located wilhin a business park. No more than 40 percenl of the gross acres of a CI District shall be developed as business parks. Business parks shall be 5 acres or more in size. Unless specified in Section 3.2-435, business parks may contain permitted small- and medium-scaie light industrial manufacturing uses as well as any permitted primary or secondary uses. l/ultiple story buildings are encouraged; offlce/commercial uses may be iocated above industrial uses. Development standards for business parks shall be as specified in Sections 3.2445 and 3.2450. The following commerciai and office uses are permitted wilhin a business park. Corporate headquarters, regional headquarters, and administrative offices may be permitted as part of a large-scale light-manufacturing use or located within a business park. Corporate and regional headquarters may also stand alone. The acreage comprising stand alone corporate or regional headquarters site shall be applied to the 40 percent gross acre standard for business parks specified in Note (2), above- Corporate and rcgional headquarters shall have at least 20 or more employees at the time of occupancy. The acreage comprising a stand alone mail distribution site shall be applied to the 40 percent gross acre standard for business parks as specified in Note: (2), above- Large- and medium-scale research and development complexes may stand alone. Stand alone large- and medium- scale research and development complexes are considered an industrial component of the Cl District. Small-scale research and deveiopment complexes shall be located within a business park. Agricultural cultivatjon are permitted as an interim use on undeveloped land, provided that spraying, dust, odors, and other side effects of the use do not lnterfere with the operation of permitted uses in the CI District. Secondary uses.(a) ln no case shail a secondary use stand alone or be permitted in the absence of a primary use.(b) Retail, wholesale and service uses, either alone or in mmbination, shall not exceed 20 percent of the gross froor area of a building. These uses shall exclude any drive-through facility and shall not primarily serve he public. Except for ATMS, each use is limited to 2,500 square feet of gross floor area.(c) Child care facilities may exceed the 2,500 square foot standard in order to comply with size requirements specifed in ORS 6674. Warehousing is permitted only as a secondary use in the following circumstances:(a) For the storage and regional wholesale distribution of products manufactured in he Cl Distict; N (1) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (e) Drive-throuqh facilities NI ivledical and dental practitioner offices N Motor freiqht terminals I N l/ovinq and storace facilities N Truck and auto repair and paintinq facilities N Truck and car washes N Gas stations N lvlotels N Revised 12.10.08.ddk 5of3 (b) For producs used in testjng, design, technical training or experimental product research and development in he Cl Dislncti anC/or(c) ln conjunction with permitted offics-commercial uses in the Cl Distict.(d) The secondary use starus of warehousing is typic€lly determined by a ,square footage standard which is less ihan 50 percent of the gross floor area of the primary use. ln the Cl District, the number of employees at the ,ime of occupancy may aiso be used to determine secondary use standards status. ln this case, he primary use shall have 20 or more employees and the warehousing use shall have fewer employees than the primary use. lf the employee standard is met, the warehousing use may have more square footage than the primary use. (10) lf approved in a Conceptual Development Plan, or a Master Plan for the subject Cl site, or included ln an adopted Pubiic Facilities Plan. high impact public facilities are subject only to Site PIan Review approval. The operational performance standards listed below apply to all uses permitted within the Cl District. For permitted light industrial manufacturing uses, compliance with these operational performance standards shall be the determining factor. ln all other cases, the use Iists in Section 3.2-415 are the determining factor. A. All manufacturing operations shall be entirely enclosed within a building; EXCEPTION: The Director may allow an outdoor utility yard to store tanks containing gases and/or fluids that are essential to the operation of the permitted use lhat cannot otherwise be contained in an enclosed building for fire and life safety reasons, as determined by the Fire lvlarshall. The utility yard shall be screened from pubiic view by a masonry or decorative concrete wall at least 8 feet in height that is an extension of the building, complements the fagade of the building and meets the setback .equirements specified in Section 3.2420. All applicable on-site design standards specified in Section 3.2-445 shall be met; Office and commercial uses shall not primarily serve the public; The movement of heavy equipment on or off the site shall not be permitted. EXCEPTION: Truck delivenes and shrpments are permitted; Proposed uses on the prohibited use list specified in Section 3.2-415 shall not be permitted; and Proposed uses shall also comply with the additional operational perfomance standards listed below. The intent is not to specifically deny a use, but ensure compliance with applicable local, State, and Federal regulations. Compliance with these operational performance standards are the continuing obligation of the property owner. Failure to comply with these operational performance standards shall be a violation of this Code and/or Chapter 5 of the Springfield tutunicipal Code, 1997. B c D E F. G. 1 Air pollution. Air pollution includes, but is not limited to, emission of smoke, dust, fumes, vapors. odors, and gases. Air pollution shall not be discemable at the property line by a human observer relying on a person's senses without the aid of a device. The applicant shall obtain and maintain all applicable licenses and permits from the appropriate local, State, and Federal agencies. Revised 12.10.08.ddk 7of8 3.2-425 Cl Oistrict - Operational Performance Standards The storage of raw materials and/orfinished products shall occur entirely within enclosed buildings. The parking of trucks necessary for the operation of the facility shall also occur within enclosed buildings, unless permitted as specifled in Sections 4.6-125 and 3.2445C.; EXCEPTION: Water vapor or other benign plumes from processes or pollution control equipment shall not be considered air pollution. 2 3 Fire and explosive hazards. All activities involving the use, storage and/or disposal of flammable or explosive materials shall comply with the Uniform Fire Code as most recently adopted by the City. Glare resulting from exterior lighting, excluding low-intensity pedestrian-level Iighting, shall be controlled by deflecting iight away from abutting uses and from public rights- of-way as specified in Section 4.5-1 00. b Glare resulting from an industrial operatjon including welding or laser cutting shall not be visible from the outside of the building. Groundwater Protection. Proposed development utilizing hazardous materials that may impact groundwater quality shall be as specfied in Section 3.3-200. Hazardous Waste. Proposed development shall not utilize or produce hazardous waste unless permitted as specified in Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 340-102-0010 through 340-102-0065 or any applicable Federal regulation. Noise. These standards apply to noise generated by any machinery or equipment on the development site. The maximum permrtted noise levels in decibels across loUparcel lines and district boundaries shall be as specified in OAR 340-035-0035, Noise Control Standards for lndustry and Commerce. Radiation. There are various sources of radiation, including, but not limited to ionizing radiation, electromagnetic radiation. and radiation from sonic, ultrasonic, or infrasonic waves. Uses that involve radiation shail comply with the regulations in OAR 333-100-0001 through 333-100-0080 and any applicabie Federal regulation. Vibration. No use, other than a temporary construction operation, shall be operated in a manner that causes ground vibration that can be measured at the property line. Ground- transmitted vibration shall be measured with a seismograph or a complement of instruments capable of recording vibration displacement, partrcie velocity, or acceleration and frequency simultaneously in three mutually perpendicular directions. a 8 Revised 12.10.08.ddk 3of8 Glare. EXCEPTION: Excluded from these noise standards are background traffic on State highways and public streets and occasional sounds generated by temporary construction activities, truck deliveries, waming devices, or other similar temporary situations. 4. E 6. 7. Generated by COMcheck-Web Software Envelope Compliance Certificate Section 1: Project lnformation Energy Cod€: 2014 Oregon Energy Efficiency Specialty Codo Project Title: Ronewal by Andersen Project Type: Alteration Envelope Compliance Method: Prescriptive Construction Site: Owner/Agent:Designer/Contractor: Building Location (for w6ath6r data) Climate Zone: Springfeld, Oregon 4a Bulldlno Use: Ar€a Type lOffice : Nonresidential Floor Area Section 2: Envelope Assemblies and Requirements Checklist Envelope PASSES Envelope Assemblies: R-Valus Proposed Max. Allowed Ext. Wall: StB€l-Framed, 24in. o.c., lBldg. Use 1 - Office] Door: Wood, Swlnging, [Bldg. Us€ 1 - Ofiice] Ooor Wood, Swinglng, lBldg. Use 1 - Otrc6] Door Wood, Swinging, [BIdg. Uss 1 - Office] Ext. Wall: Solid Concrste, 8in. Thickness,Nomal D6nsity , Furing: Metal, lBldg. Us€ 1 - Offrcel 13.0 7.5 0.0 11.4 0.060 0.700 0.700 0.700 0.071 0.064 0.700 0.700 0.700 0.150 ln the following rcquirements, blank checkboxas ldonw requircments that the applicant has nol acknowledged as being net. Choakma*s idontity oquirements that the applicant acknovledges are met ot excopted hom compliance. 'Plans rcfercnce page/sedion' idenlifres whero in tha plans/specs the requirement can be verified as being satislied. Fenestratlon Product Rating: O 1. U-faclors of fenostration pDducts (windows, doors and skylights) ar€ d€termlned in accordance with NFRC 100 byan acc.redlted, indep6nd6nt laboratory, and labeled and cBrtified by the manufaclur€r or ara detsrmlnqd using the commerDial siz€ category valuos listed in Chapter 15 olth6 2009 ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals, Table No.4 and shall includ€ the €ffccts ofthe window fram6. The temporary label afixed to the feneshatjon products must not b€ removod prior to inspection. Exception(s): D Sit€-built fenestration products shall have a sjngle c6rlifcat6 spgcifying glazing type, special coatings. spacers, gas fills, c€nt€r-of{lass and overall U-factor, and center-of{lass SHGC for ev6ry type of sitg built glass us€d. Th€se cortificat$ shall be maintained on the iobsite and made avail to the inspector Plans reference page/section E 2. Solar heat gain co€ffici€nt (SHGC) of glazod fenestration products (windows, glaz6d doors and skylights) shall be dsterminod in accordanc€ with NFRC 200 by an accreditod, independent laboratory, and labeled ahd certified by th6 manufactursr or be determined using th6 Solar Heat Gain Cosffici€nts (SHGC) in Chapt€r 15 of the 2009 ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamsntals, Table No.10. Th6 ov€rallvaluss must considor type of frame material and op€rator for the SHGC at nomat lncid€nce. Exception(s): E Site-built fenestraion products shall have a single certificate spedfylng glazlng type, special coatings, spacerc, gas fills, c€ntor-of{lass and ov€rall U-factor, and center-of{lass SHGC for ev6ry typo of site built glass used. Those certificates shall be Plans reference page/sectioo maintained on the lobsate and Projecl Title: Renewal by Andersen Data filename: ff'labl€ to the inspector Reporl dal€: 11/08/18 PagB 1 ol 7 Po6t-Alteratlon Assembly Cavlty Cont. U.Factor SHGC U.Factor SHGC Air Leakage, lnsulation, and Component Cedification: E 3. Sealing ofthe building envelope. Openings and pen8trations in the building envelope are sealed wath caulking materials or closed with gasketing systems compatible lvith the construction materials and loc€tion. Joints and seams are sealed in the same manner or taped or covered wilh a moisture vapor-pemeabls wGpping material. Sealing materials spanning joints botwgen construclion materials allow for expansion and contraction ofthe materials . Plans refsrsnce pag6/ssction: 2/a. wnoo* ana ooor assemblies. r/ are delerminod in accordance The air leakage ofwindow and sliding or swinging door assemblies that are part of ths building envelope with pAMA"/WDN,IAJCSA 10'1/1.S.2A440, or NFRC 400 by an accredit€d, indepsndent laboratory, and labeled and certified by the manufacturer. Exception(s): fl Site-constructed windows and doors that aro weatherstdpped or sealed in accordance wlth S€olion 502.4.3 Plans reference paqe/saction D 5. Curtain wall, storefront glazing and commercial entranc€ doors. Curtain wall, stor€front glazing and commercial-glazed swlnging entrance doors and revolving doors are tested forair leakago in accordance with ASTM E 283. For curtain walls and storefront glazing, the maximum air leakago rat6 is 0.3 cubic foot per minuto per square foot of fenestration arsa. For commercial glazsd swinging sntrance doors and revolving doors, the maximum air leakage rate is 1.00 cfm/fl2 of door area. Exception(s): E Requlrement Is not applicable Plans reference page/soction Building thermal env€lop€ insulation. An R-value identification mark is applied (by manufaduror)to each piec€ of insulation 12 inches or greator ih width. Alt€rnately, the insulation Install€rs hav€ prcvided a signed, dated and posted certification listing the typs, manufaclurer and R-value of insulation installed. Refer to c.d6 seclion for blown or sprayed insul8tion installation/settling depths and markor requirom6nts. lnsulation mark installation. lnsulating matedals are installed such that the manufacturer's R-value mark is readily obsoNable upon inspection. lnsulation product rating. The thermal r€sistanc€ (R-value) of insulation has been determined in accordance wilh th€ U.S, FTC R-value rule. lnstallation. All materlal, systems and equipment are installed in accordanc6 with the manufacturo/s installation instruc'tions and the lntemational Building Code. E 10. Outdoor air intakes and exhaust openings. Stair and el€vator shafr vents and othsr outdoor air intakos and gxhaust openings integral to tho building onvslope shall bs equipped with not less than a Class I motorized, leakag€-rated dampgr with a maximum leakage rate of 4 cfm por squaro foot at 1.0 inch water gaug6 when tgsted in accordance with AMCA 500D. Stair and shafr vent dampers shall be capable of b6ing automatically closed during normal building op€ration and intorlocked to op€n as required by fr6 and smoke detection systems. Exception(s): D Requirement is not apdicabl kt, dt; .flfiPlans rBference page/sectio E 11. Loading dock wsatherseals. are parked in the doorway. Excaption(s): T fl Requiremenl is not applicable Cargo doors and loading dock doors are equipped with weather seals to restricl infiltration when v€hicles lumina installed in the building lhermal envelope are sealed to limit air leakage betwoen conditioned luminaires are lc-rat6d and label€d ss meeting ASTM E 283. All recssssd luminaires areJ12 Plans reforenco page/sectjon Recessed lighting. Rec€ssed and unconditioned spaces. All recess€d seaied with a gask€t or caulk between the houslng and interior wall or ceiling covering Exception(s): E Requirement is not applicabl€.. h/&Plans refer€nce page/section tr l3.Vostibulos. Doors that s€parate condi space from the exterior are protected with an enclosed vostibuls, with all doors of the . Vestjbules are designed so interior and €xlerior doors to not operate simultaneouslyvostibule equipped wifl self-dosing devic€s Exceptial(s): E Doors not intended to be used as a building €ntrance door, such as doors to mochanical or elecfical oquipment rooms. E Doors opohing direcdy from a sleeping unlt or dwslling unit. D Doors that open directly ffom a spac6 less than 3000 sq. fr. in area. O Revolving doors. El Doors used primarily to facilitate vehlcular movomont or materiai handling and adjacent personnel doors. Project Tltle: Rsnewal by Andersen Data filoname: Report dat6: 11/08V18 Page 2 of 7 y/iururc^.n ,, not applicabre. Plans reference page/section E 14.'Othe/ components have supporting docum€ntation for proposed U+aclors Exce)lpn!): 4{ Reguirement is not applicable. Plans reference pago/section Section 3: Compliance Statement Compliance Statemenl: The proposed envelope alteration project r6pr6sonted in this docurn€nl is consistent with ths building plans, specifications and other calculations submitted with thls p€rmit applicatlon. Th€ propos€d envelopo alteration projgct has been deslgn€d to rneet the 2014 Oregon Energy Efficiency Specialty Cods requirements in COMcheck-rvet and to comply with the mandatory requiromentE in the Requirements Checklist. I.NR Name - Title qh,,tn r!4Atrz({s *kilb Proiect Title: Renowal by Andersen Data filename:Report datei 11/08/18 Pag€ 3 of 7 Generated by CoMcfiec k-Web Software lnterior Lighting Certificate Section 1: Project lnformation Energy Cod6: 2014 Oregon Energy Efficloncy Specialty Code Project Title: Renewal by Andersen Project Type: Alteration Envelope Compliance Method: Prescriptive Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Section 2: lnterior Lighting and Power Calculation A Area Cat6gory Compliance Designer/Contractor: B Floor Alea (ft2) c Allowsd Watts / fr2 D Allowed Watts(Bxc) Common Space Types:Conference/Me€ting/Mullipurpose (Ceiling Height !0 ft .) Common Space Types:Offics - Enclosed (Ceiling Height l0 i.) Common Space TypesrRestrooms (Coiling Height 10 ft.) Common Space Typ€s:Atdum - Firsl Three Floors (Ceiling Height 20 ft.) Common Spac€ Types:Actjve Storage (Ceiling Height '10 fi.) 214 26s 100 476 218 190 1.11 0.82 0.6 0.63 0.41 238 262 82 286 137 Common Space Types:Corrldor/Transition (Ceiling Height 10 ft.) (a) Allowed watts p€r sq. ft. adjust€d for ceiling height. Section 3: lnterior Lighting Fixture Schedule A FlxturolD : Doscrlption / Lamp / Wattage Por Lamp / Ballast TotalAllowod Wafts = 1083 BCDLamps/ # of Fixturg Flxturo Flxlures Watt. E(cxo) Common Spaco Types: Conf€rence/Meetlng/Mlltipurpose (2'14 8q,ft,) LEDr LED Linear 33W: Common Space Typ€s: Office - Enclosod (265 sq.fi.) LED: LED Linear 33W: Common Space Types: Restrooms ('100 sq.fr.) LED: LEO A Lamp 25W: Common Spac€ Typ€s: Atrium - Flrst Throe Floors (476 sq.ft.) Track Lighting: Wattage bas€d on low-voltage lransform€r capacity Common Space Types: Activo Storage (218 sq.fr.) LED: LED Linear 33W: Common space Types: co.ridor/Transilion (190 sq.ft.) LEO: LED Linear 33W: LED: LED A 50 50 30 2 4 0 30 2 0 3 2 100 200 60 0 30 8 150 90 60 162 Total Proposod Watts = 676 Section 4: Requirements Checklist tn the toltowing rcquiements, blank checkboxes idenlify Bqui@ments that the apdicant has not acknowledged as being met. Checkma*s identify ftquirements that the applicant acknowlodges arc met ot excepted from .ompliance. 'Plahs bfercnco page/seclion' identities where in lhe plans/specs the rcquircment can be vedfred as belng satis,red. trl'ghtlng Wattage: 2(t . lotat p.po".d watts must be l6ss than or equal lo total allowed watts., AIIowed Wattese: 1083 Proposod Wattage. 676 Report dat6: 11108,118 Page 4 ol 7 Projecl Title: Ren€wal by Ahdersen Dala filename: Complies:YES ,Irl6ndatory Req ;4 2 Exit signs. lntem /' Prens rereren.i uirements: ally illuminated Bxit signs shall not exc€ed 5 watts per side page/section Oaylight zone control. Alldaylight zon€s are provided ',vith individual controls that controlthe lights independent ofg€neral area lighting in the nondaylight zone. ln all individual dayllght zon6s largerthan 350 sq.f,., automatic daylight controls is provided. Automatlc daylight s€nsing controls reduca th6 light output ofthe controlled luminalros at loast 50 percgnt, and provide an automatic OFF control, whilo maintaining a uniform lovel of illumination. Contiguous daylight zones adjacent to vertical fenestration may be controlled by a single controlling device provided that they do not include zones faclng moro than two adjaceot cardinal orientations (i.e., north, e8st, south, w6st). Daylighl zones under skylights shall b€ controlled separalely tom daylight zon6s adjac6nt to v€rtical fonestration. Exception(s): E Retail spaces adjacent to vsffcal glazing (retail spac€s under overhead glazing are not exempt). E Display, exhibition and specialty lighting D HID lamps 150 watts or l€ss. fl Spaces roquired to have occu tr3 - Plans r6f6r6nce page/section: Dancv seosors.Nt&. / g;/ Egress tighting/ periods lhat tht Excopton(s): Plans referenc€ {eu ahs"t^rqr, / controldevice s - uloff l(rhting control has b€en provided for every 2,000 square feet of lit f,oor area andlnterior lighting controls. At least one localsh each area enclosed by walls or floor.to-ceiling partitions. The r6quir6d controls are located within thg area served by the controls or are a remote switch that identifies the lights served and indicat€s their status. Excoption(s): E Llghfng systems serving argas designat6d as security or emergency areas that must be continuously light€d.g Lighting in public areas such as @ncourses, stairways or conidors that are elements ofthe m6ans of egress witlt switches that aro accossible only to aulhoriz€d personn€|. g Lighting for war€houses, parking garages or spaces using less than 0.5 watta per square foot. fl Lighting for contiguous, single-tenant retall spaces. Plans roference page/section E 5. Sleeping unit controls. Master switch at to hotel/motel guest room Egress illumination is lsd by a combination of listed emergenry relay and occupancy senso.s to shut off during e building spaco served by the means of egress is unoccupied E Building exits as defined in Section 1002 of the Oregon Structural Specialty Code Plans ref erence page/sectionIAdditional controls. Each ar6a that is requirGd lo hav€ a manual control shall have additional contDls that meet the requirements of Sections 505.2.2.1 and 505.2.2,2. reterencs page/seclion 8. Light reductlon controls. Each spac6 requirsd to have a manual control also allows for r€duclng tho connectod lightlng load by at l6a8t 50 psrcsnt by either 1) controlling (dimmlng or multiievel switching) all luminalresi or 2) dual stiiitcfiing of altemate rows ofluminalrss, altemate luminaires, or altemate lamps; or 3)switciing the middlG lamp luminaires independentiy of otherlamps; or 4) switching 6ach luminalre or each lamp. Excepion(s): f) Only on6luminahe in space. fI An occupant-sensing device controls the area. E Th6 area is a conidor, storeroom, restroom, public lobby or sle€plng unit. E Eleclricaland mechanical room. E Areas that uso less than 0.6 Wattrsq.i. page/section than 2,000 square feet aro equipped with an automalic conkol devics to shut off lighting in those areas. This automatichallfunclion on either: 1) a scheduled basis, using time-ofday, with an independent program schedul€ thal conkols the int€rior lightlng in aroas that do not exc€ed 10,000 squar€ fe6t and ar6 not morB than one floor; or 2) an occupant s€nsor that shall tum lighting off withln 30 minutes of an occupant l€aving a spac6; or 3) a signalfrom anohsr controlor alarm system that indicates the ar6ais unoccupied. Exception(s): Project Title: Renewal by Andersen Data flename: Report date: 11/08/18 Page 5 of 7 Plans refer€nce page/section: D Sleeping units, patisnl care arcas; and spaces wh6re automatic shutoff would endanger safety or security Plans reforenc€ page/sectioh y'10.Occuoancv sensors in rooms that includo daylight zone6 ar€ required to have Manual oN ac{ivatjoo fr, &, f s referonce page/section tionalcontrols. An occupant sensor contrcld€vice that automatically turns lighting off within 30 minutes of alloccupants loaving a ce or a locally activated switch that automat,cally tums lighting off within 30 minutes of being activated is installed in all storage and supply rooms up to 1000 square feet. Plans reference page/section E't3.Occupantovenide.Aulomaticlightingshutoffop€ratingonatimeofdayscheduledbasisincorporotosanovenideswitchingdevic€I that: 1) is readily accossible, 2) is located so that a person uslng the device can s€e the lights or thg area controlled by that switch, or so that the aroa b6ing lit ls annunciated, 3) is manually operated, 4) allows the lighting to remain on ior no morc than 2 hours when an ovorride is initiated, and 5) controls an area not exc€edlng 2,000 square feet, Exceplion(s): O ln malls and arcades, auditoriums, singl6-t6nant rstail spac€s, lnd ustrial tacllities snd arenas, whe.e captive-key ovenide is utilized, ovenlde time is p€rmitted to oxceed 2 hours. E ln malls and arcadss, audltoriums, single-tenant r€tail spsces, ind ustrlal tacilities and aronas, lhe area conkollod shall not excoed 20,000 squar€ feet. Plans reference page/secuon Holiday scheduling. Automatjc lighting shutoff op€rating on a time-ofiay schedul€d basis has an automatic holiday scheduling feature that tums off all loads for at least 24 holrs, then resumes the normally scheduled operation Exception(8): E Retail stores and associated malls, restaurants. grocary stores, plac€s of religious worship, th€aters and exterior lighting zonss E Singlo zone glec'tronic time control devices 6nd self-contained wall box presot lighting controls. Plans reference page/section E 15. Exterior lighting controls. Lighting not designated for dusk-toiawn operation shall be controlled by either a combination of a - photosensor ahd a time switch, or an astronomical time switch. Lighting designated fordusk-todawn operation shall be controlled by an astronomical tlme switch or Plans lefer€nce page/section 6.Tandem wiring. Tho following lumina one, three or odd-numbered lamp configurations within the same area shall b€ tand€m wirodi 1. Fluorescenl luminalres equipped with , that are rec€ss-mounted within 10 leet center-to-center of 6ach other. 2. Fluoresc€nt luminaires equipped with one, three or any odd-numbered lamp configuration, that are pendant- or surfac€-mounted within 1 foot edge- to-edge of €ach other. Exception(s): fl Wher6 electronic high-frequ€ncy ballqsts are used. E Luminaires on emergenry circuits. O Luminaires with ho available pair in the samo arca. Plans reference page/section D 17. N,tedlcal task lighting or arvhi of the nonexempt lighling. story display lighting claimed to be exempt frcm compiianc€ has a @ntrol devic€ indop€ndont of the control Plans refer€nce page/soction Projoct Title: Renswal by Andorsen Data frlenamo: R€pofi date: 11/08/18 Pag€ 6 of 7 Plans aeference page/section: ;( 11.An o""up"nt rensor controldevice is installed that automatically tums lighting oft within 30 minutes of alloccupants leavlng a space. ' Exceplion(s): E Chssrooms and lecture hatls. E Conferonc€, meeting and trajning rooms. D Employee lunch and break.ooms. fl Rooms used fordocument copying and pdnting. E Offico spaces up to 300 square feet. E Rest ooms. ff Dressing, fitting and lockqr rooms. ll 18.Each dwelling unit in a building is Plans reference page/section: Section 5: Gompliance Statement Compliance Stalementi The p.oposed lighting design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifcations and other calculalions submittod wilh this permlt applic€tion. The propos€d lighting system has been dosigned to me€t the 2014 Orogon Energy Efiiciency Specialty Cod€ roquirements in COMchock-Wob and to comply with the mandatory requar€ments in the Requiremenls Ch€cklist. 11t09118 Name - Titl6 re Date lnterior Lighting PASSES Ptoject Tille: R€newal by Andersen Dala ,il€namei Repon dal€] 11108118 Page 7 of 7 Katherine Marple-GMA Arch itects SPRI]\.GFIELD Deferred Submittal - A reement Oregon Structural Specialty Code Section 106.3 allows a permit applicant to defer certain submittals if approved by the Building Official. This form is a deferred submittal agreement for the lollou ing project: I)ate:Project Name:Renewal bv Andersen Proiect Address:91i lnternatin al Wav Permit Number: Phase:o Excavation & Crading I Site Utilities o Foundation Only s Completion Ll Shell XTenant lmprovement Phone: 541.344 9157 Fax: Address: 860 W Park StrpFt, Sl'ite 300, Et'genp OR 97401 Guidelines: l. &llg.yg!: Each deferred submittal shall bear the approval ofthe design professional in responsible oharge. Notation shall be included that the deferred submittal documents have been reviewed and have been found to be in general conformanoe to the design ofthe building. 2. !ig!: Page 2 ofthis form is a list ofdeferred submittals. The design professional in responsible charge must check which submittals are requested to be deferred and indicate an anticipated submittal date. 3. [999: Minimum $100.00 (2 hour) for each defened submittal. 4. IiggISgS: Every anempt will be made to provide timely reviews of5-10 business days per deferred submittal. 5. Work without a Permit: Work that is constructed without having been reviewed and approved by both the design professional in responsible charge and the City ofSpringfield Building Official is considered as work performed without a permit. Any person or firm performing work prior to approval shall be subject to the penalties ofSection 108.2.1 ofthe State ofOregon Structural Specialty Code. Acknowledgements: McKenzie-Gateway Business Park LLC Owner Name (Printed) Comfort Flow General Contractor Firm Name (Printed)S S re e Design Professional in Responsible Charge(P nted) Design Building OIIicial Name (Printed)Building Official Signature sible Charge Signature City of Springfield Community Services Division 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477 Telephone: 541-726-37 53 Fax: 541-726-3676 Design Professional in Responsible Charge: Joseph Moore License number: Email: jmoore@gma-arch.com .lnqcnh SPFIINGFIELE City of Springfield Deferred Submittal Ag reement Date: Deferred ltem 0ate 1. Acoustical ceiling suspension system 2. Auxiliary power systems 3. AMrings 4. Bleachers 5. Carports 6. Curtain wall syslems 7. Eleclrical call syslem 8. Emergency call system 9. Exit lllumination 10. Fire alarm system 11. Fire sprinkler 12. Fire stopping 13. Glass guardrails 14. Glazing syslems 15. HVAC systemX '16. lntercom system 17. lrrigation system 18. Melalguardrails and handrails IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Oelerred ltem Date 19. Plumbing system 20. Post-lensioned concrete slructural members or panels 21. Pre-cast concrele structural members or panels 22. Prefabricated slair units to include sleel, aluminum, or pre-casl concrele 23. Prefabricated wall panel 24. Ore-stressed concrete structural members or panels 25. Raised floor systems 26. Shelving systems and sleel storage racks 27. Signs 28. Skylights 29. Smoke and heat vents 30. Specialty retaining walls 31. Stone veneer 32 Teraa colta veneer 33. Wooden, sleel, or composit floor or roof trusses 34. Works of art 35 36 I EggE Minimum $100.00 (2 hr) each for the above listed Deferred Submittals Project Name: Renewal bv Andersen Project Address. 913 lnternational Way permit Number:_ Phase: tr Excavation and Grading E Foundation only tr Completion s Site Utilities o Shell X Tenant lmprovement Design Professional in Responsible Charge: Joseph Moore Items which may be deferred include, bul are not Iimited to the following: Fire Protection and Life Safety Systems Deferred ltem Dat6 20. Aboveground Outsade Fuel Tanks 21. Aboveground Fuel Tanks and Piping 22. Aboveground FuelTank and Day Tank 23. Fuel Dispensing Station 24. LPG, Aboveground lnstallations 25. CryogeniGs, Exterior lnstallation 26. Silane Gas 27. Ozone System 28. HPi/ Semiconductor Workslaiion 29. Gas Cabinets/Exhausted Enclosures a 30. Hazardous Material lnventory Statement o 31. Special Hazard Detection and Suppression 32 [Iedical Gases 33. VESDA System 34. Emergency Lighting Fire Protection and Life Safety Systems fees are based on 3% of the total valualion ofthe work to be performed for the system upto lhe system's conlract value of $50,000.00. An additional $3.00 will be charged for each addilional $1,000.00 invalueor portion thereof. The minihum charge shall be no less than $120.00 Additional staff time for work performed in excess of 2 hours will be charged an additional $15-00 for every 15 minutes of review time or portion thereof. Work without a Pemlt: Work that is constructed without having been reviewed and approved by both the design professional in responsible charge and the Building Officialwill be considered as work performed without a permit. Any person or lirm performing work prior to approval shall be subject to the penalties of Section 108.2.'l of the Slale of Oregon Skuctural Specialty Code. Deferrad ltem Date o 1. CO2 System 2. Emergency and Slandby Power 3 Fire Alarm and Detection Systems 4 Fire Pumps 5. Gas Leak and Chemical Leak Detection 6. Halon Syslems 7. Kilchen Hood Suppression Syslem 8. Portable Extinguishers 9 Private Fire Service i,4ains 10. Private Water Tank Syslems 11. Fire Sprinkler Systems 13, 13R & 13D (more than 20 heads) 12. Fire Sprinkler Systems 13, 13R & 13D (less than 20 heads) $60/hr 13 Standpipe and Hose Cabinets 14 Water [/ist Syslem 15. High-piled Storage 16. Clean Agent Syslems 17. Clean Agent Systems 18 Painl Booths I 19. underground Fuel Tanks I ll t = CITY OF SPRINGFIT]I-D SYSTtrI\IS DEVf,I,OP]\IDNT CIIARCf, WORKSHf,ET JOUR\AL OR JOB NU}IBER NAITIE OR CONIPANY: LOCATION: MAP & TAX LOT NT,\TBER: DEVf,LOPMf,NT 'TYPf,: s l8-261{-srR MCK-ENZIE.CATEWAY BUSINESS PARK LLC 913 INTERNATIONAI- WAY 1703153000700 5. ADNIINISTRATIVE Ff, ES: BASE CHARCE (SUBTOTAL ABOVE) WARFIJOUST COMMI RCIAL BUSINI SS r 8.3s3.61 50h STORM DRAINAGE ADMINISTRATION FEE SEWER ADMINISTRATION FEE TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION FEE LOCAL MWMC ADMINISTRATION FEE MWMC MWMC ITE: ITE: 'r.906.00 ll0 4,906.00 130 LOl SIZE DE (S.F )OP ARE TOTAL IMPERVIOUS SURFACE EXISTINC DEVELOPED AREA (S-F-) ll0 130 IMPER\4OUS SQ. FT REIMBURSEMENT COST VIOUS SQ. FT X S 0.294 PER SF $0.00 IMPROVEMEN'f COST: ERVIOUS SQ. [T $ SF= S 0.424 PER SF 0-7r8 $0.00 Cost TOT-\L STOIL\I DIL\I\ACI SDC: S-,INITARY wf,R-I (see rcverse sidc) REIMBURSEMENT COST: NUMBER OF DFU'S IMPROVEMENT COST: NUMBER OF DFU'S lt $ I65,54 PER DFU lt $ EI,54 PER DFU s 247.0E IME4 TOI'AL LOC,\L \Y-,ISTE\Y,\TER SDC:s 2,717.8E wm AREA TCSF x TRIP RATE \ COST PER ADT x NEW TRIP FACTOR REIMBURSEMENT COST: 4.91 x 6.96 X $ 19,28 PERTRIP I NTF NTF $658.33 IMPROVLMENl' COST: 191 696 X $ 366,4I PER TRIP i $12,511.35 S'T1NG: RTIMBURSEMENT COST: 0.00 6.96 X $ 19,28 PERTRIP l N'TF $0.00 IMPROVEMENT COST: 0.00 x 6.96 x $ 366.,11 PER TRIP I N I'I.'$0.00 s 385.69 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION REIMBURSEMENT SDC TOTAL TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT SDC $658 33 $t2,51 L3i TOTAL TR" NSPORT-4.TION SDC:$tl r69.68 $r3 169 68 s2.239.20 $3t.99 $10 00 $ 2,466.05 $2,466.05 $l E,1.86 $2,239.20 $3r.99 REIMBURSEMENT COST: NUMBER OF FEU'S 0.00 IMPROVEMENT COST, - NUMBER OF FEU'S 0.00 COMPLIANCE COST: NUMBER OF FEU'S 0.00 $0.00 s0.00 $37.68 $.156.42 $6 52 x \ l' SUBI'OTAL ADD ITEMS I 2,3,&4 MWMC CREDIT IF APPLICABLE (SEE REVERSE) REIMBURSEMENT COST IMPROVEMENT COST: COMPLIANCE COST ]S IINC TOT,\L \IWNIC SDC: PERFEU PER FEU PER FEU $37,68 PER FEU $456,42 PER FEU $6.52 PER FEU NUMBER OF FEU'S 4.91 NUMBER OF FEU'S 4.91 NUMBER OF FEU'S 4.91 TOTAL MWMC REIMBURSEMENT FEE TOTAL MWMC IMPROVEMENT FEE TOTAL MWMC COMPLIANCE FEE MWMC ADMINI STRATIVE FEE E@-@ -@ s9 r7.68 0.00 r35.89 6i8..18 r23.30 $ t9-271.29 S 12t3/20t8 TOT-{I, SDC CH-{RGI.]S E x I so.oo I st,szo.s+ | $o.oo $184.86 $ t8,353.6r DRAINAGE FIXTURE t]NIT (DFU) CALCULATION TABLE NUMBER OF NEW FIXIURES x UNIT EQUIVALENT = DRAINACE FIXTURT TINITS TE: FOR REMODELS, CALCULATE ONLY THE NET ADDITIONAL FIXTURES FIXTURES NEW OLD UNTT E VALENT DRAINAGE FIXTURE IJNITSIT]XTT.]RI] TYPIJ BATHTUB DRINKINC FOUNTAIN FLOOR DRAIN, FLOOR SINK INTERCEP'TORS FOR GRIASE/OIUSOLIDS/ETC. INTERCEPTORS FOR SAND/AUTO WASH/ETC. LAT]NDRY TUB CLOTHES WASHE&MOP SINK CLoTHES WASHER - 3 OR MORE (EA) MOBILE HOME PARK TRAP ( 1 PER TRAILER) RECEPTOR FOR REFRIGERATOR/WATER STATION/ETC, RECEPTOR FOR COMMERCIAL SINK,/ DISHWASHER./ETC SHOWER" SINGLE STALL SHOWER, GANG (NUMBER OF HEADS) SINK: COMMERCIAL, RESIDENTLC.L KTTCHEN SINK: COMMERCIAL BAR SINK: WASH BASINiDOUBLE LAVATORY SINK: SNGLE TAVATORY/RESIDENTLq.L BAR URINAI, STALI"/WALL TOILET, PTJBLIC INSTALLATION TOILET, PRIVATE INSTALLATION MTSCELLANEOUS: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l 0 0 2 3 I 3 3 6 2 3 6 t2 I 3 2 2 3 2 2 t 5 6 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NUMBER OF EDU'Si a discharge equivalent to a sinSle fan]]ly O DFU set at 167 per day CREDIT CALCTJLATION TABLE: BASED ON ASSESSED VAILIE IF IMPROVEMENTS OCCURRED AFTERANNEXATION DATE IN TABLE, CALCULATE CREDITS SEPARATELY YEAR ANNEXTD RATE PER $I,OOO ASSESSED VATUE $1.45 s1.25 $1.09 $0.92 s0.72 $0.48 $0.28 $0.09 $0.05 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 \$0.00 $0.00 YEAR ANNEXED RATE PER $I,OOO ASSESSED VALUE $s.29 $5.19 $5.12 $4.98 $4.80 $4.63 $4.40 $4.07 $3.67 ,.3.22 $2.73 $2.25 $ 1.80 1992 r993 1994 r995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 200.r 1979 1980 t98 t 1982 1983 t98,t 1985 1986 1987 r988 1989 1990 1991 or before CREDIT FOR PARCEL OR LAND ONLY IF APPLICABLE IMPRO\TMENT (IF AFTER ANNEXATION DATE) CREDIT TOTAL | $o.oo #REF I I 6 TOTAL DRAINAGE FIXTURE IJNITS: E